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Transceiver, Microcontroller and Antenna IN ONE

Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01


addLINK must be understood as a SMD radio connector.

Treat it as a simple connector (room, location , peak and place

process, cost...)

Work with it as if it is a wireless connector

Low cost because it is mass production oriented

No certification, very few engineering required

No bad interference with Host because it is very narrow located in

one tested and certified module,

High baud rate

Low power consumption

High sensitivity

Full integrated RF transceiver module, “plug & play”

Very good operating temperature range

addLINK Versions

addLINK radio part (antenna switch and LNA included)

addLINK radio part + µC (with Eeprom)

addLINK radio part + µC (with Eeprom) + DAC

Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

Technical Characteristics Summary

Radio part

Power supply 3 to 5 volts +/- 10%

Power consumption Stand-by current<15 µA
Tx=13 mA typical for 3V supply voltage
Tx=16 mA typical for 5V supply voltage
Rx=16 mA typical for 3V supply voltage
Rx=24 mA typical for 5V supply voltage
RF power 0 to 7 dBm
RF chipset TDA 5250+antenna switch+LNA
Antenna Integrated, but external is also possible
Standard ETSI 300-220 and ETSI 300-683 ( CE approved )
Frequency 869.7 to 870 MHz
Occupied bandwidth 100 %
RF sensitivity typical -102 dBm at 10-4 BER
Saturation Two modules communicate at -10 dBm with LNA
Antenna loss about -10 dB
Modulation FSK
Baud rate Up to 15 kbits /s expected
Channels number 1 at 869.85 MHz with an isolation of 36 dB at
+/- 150KHz

Numeric Part
µ Controler (if used) 8 bits, 8 Kbytes, Flash 1KBytes Ram,
512 bytes internal Eeprom.
Internal ADC with 10 bits resolution.
Power On Reset & Brown Out Detect,
Low Power Mode with internal Clock.

I/O Input 4 digital & 2 Analog (internal ADC) 10 bits resolution

I/O Output 4 digital & 2 Analog (if DAC used) 8 bits resolution

Serial Link Complete Full Duplex UART, RS232 with TTL level.
1200 up to 38400 bauds.

Optional external chip DAC with 2 output and 8 bits resolution

Consumption Normal Mode : 3,5 mA typical for 3V supply voltage,

Normal Mode : 8 mA typical for 5V supply voltage,
Stand-By with internal wake-up < 250 µA
Stand-By with external wake-up < 10 µA

Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

Software specifications
Hayes Mode For radio and serial configuration,
Compatible with others Adcon Modems,
All registers are saved in Eeprom.
Transmission Mode

Transparent Mode Null-Modem emulation,

Point to Point or Multi Point Link,
Serial Link include Handshaking protocol only if
serial baudrate faster than radio baud rate.

Secured Mode Encapsulation of radio data frame,

Point to Point ONLY,
Serial link include Handshaking protocol.

Addressed Secured Mode Encapsulation of radio data frame,

Serial protocol include delivery address,
Multipoint Link (user manage collision),
Serial Link include Handshaking protocol.

Input/Output Mode Logic : 4 Inputs or Outputs,

Analog : 2 Inputs (10 bits) and 2 Outputs (8 bits),
2 possibilities :
Remote-controlled Input / Output,
Input / Output Remote copying.

Temperature Range
Operating T° -10°C to +55°C full specification characteristics
-20°C to +85°C functional range with performances

Storage T° -40°C to +85°C

Relative Humidity 20% to 95% RH in operating mode (without

condensation) & 0% to 95% in storage

Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

Mechanical features

Dimension Board dimensions : 21 x 38 mm rectangular.

Antenna + PCB thickness : 5 mm maxi according to
antenna geometry for minimum losses.
Overall height: depending on metal cover
(2mm expected).

Metal cover To limit EMI coupling, the board will be shielded on

the component side.
Cover height = 2mm.

Components SMD on 1 face : radio + optional microcontroller.

Solder By reflow. (solder T°C to be defined with ADCON).

Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

addLINK radio part

Solder dot brace


CMS zone Cut out on host


Side 1 Antenna pins list : 1 32

1- RF antenna AddLink radio board

2- GND
3- GND 38 x 21 mm
4- GND
Side1 Side 3
5- GND
6- GND
7- GND
8-GND 8 25

Side 3 :
Side 2 :
25- Radio Switching
9- GND 26- Reset_TDA
10- GND 27- NC
11- GND 28- NC
12- GND
9 Side 2 24 29- NC
13- GND 30- NC
14- Vcc 31- NC
15- GND 32- NC
16- GND
17- Bus_Data
18- Bus_Clock
19- PwDD
20- NC Titre : addLINK mounted on host
22- LNA_On
23- NC Date : 19/11/2001
24- Antenna Switching REV : D
FILE : Mount_addLINK_D.AXD


Pin Function
Function Interface Signal Function addLINK
J27-J32 NC - Not Connected
J26 Reset_TDA I Chip TDA5250 Reset
J25 Radio Data I/O Radio Data
J24 Antenna Switching I Emission/Reception .
J23 NC - Not Connected
J22 LNA_On I LNA control
J20-J21 NC - Not Connected
J19 PwDD I Chip TDA5250 Powed Down
J18 Bus Clock I Clock Chip TDA5250
J17 Bus Data I/O Data I2C Chip TDA5250
J1 Antenna O Antenna connexion
J14 VCC - Power supply Radio part 3 to 5 volts.
J15-J16 GND - Ground

Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

addLINK : Radio and Numeric Parts

Solder dot brace


CMS zone Cut out on host


Side 1 Antenna pins list : 1 32

1- RF antenna AddLink radio board

2- GND
3- GND 38 x 21 mm
4- GND
Side1 Side 3
5- GND
6- GND
7- GND
8-GND 8 25

Side 3 :
Side 2 :
25- MISO_Prog/RTS
9- GND 26- MOSI_Prog/CTS
10- GND 27- Reset
11- GND 28- RxD
12- GND
9 Side 2 24 29- TxD
13- GND 30- Standby
14- Vcc 31- SA1
15- GND 32- SA2
16- GND
17- ESL4/Data_SPI
18- ESL3/Clock_SPI
20- ESL1/Status_TxRx Titre : addLINK mounted on host
22- EA1
23- Vdd Date : 19/11/2001
24- Clock_Prog/Ack_Tx REV : D
FILE : Mount_addLINK_D.AXD

Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

Patte Function Interface Sens Signal Function addLINK
Bus addLINK
J32 SA2 O Analog Output N°2 if DAC used
J31 SA1 O Analog Output N°1 if DAC used
J30 StandBy I StandBy addLINK.
J29 TxD O TxD UART -
J28 RxD I RxD UART -
J27 Reset I µC. Reset
J26 CTS / MOSI_Prog I/O Clear To Send

J25 RTS / MISO_Prog I/O Request To Send

J24 Ack_Tx / Clock_Prog O Transmission Ok

If Programmation Flash µC : Clock in Input.
J22 EA1 I Analog Input N°1.
J21 EA2 I Analog Input N°2.
J20 ESL1 / Status Tx/Rx I/O Logic Input/ Output N°1.
Status serial link Emission or reception
J19 ESL2 / CS_SPI I/O Logic Input/ Output N°2
bus SPI "ChipSelect" if DAC used.
J18 ESL3 / Clock_SPI I/O Logic Input/ Output N°3.
bus SPI "Clock" if DAC used
J17 ESL4 / Data_SPI I/O Logic Input/ Output N°4.
bus SPI "Data" if DAC used
J1 Antenna O Antenna connexion
J23 VDD - Power supply Numeric part 3 to 5 volts.
J14 VCC - Power supply Radio part 3 to 5 volts.
J15-J16 GND - Ground

Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

LAYOUT: 21mm X 38mm


Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01




3.8 < H < 4 MM FOR ANTENNA LOSS < - 6DBI


Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

For additional information please contact:

For Northern
Northern Europe:

Mr. George Escamilla,

Tel.: +31 20 4204200;
Fax: +31 20 4209652

For France:

Mr. Damien Damianacos

Tel.: +33 1 39675600
Fax: +33 1 39675601

For all other countries:

Mr. Alessandro Morra

Tel.: +43 2243 382800
Fax: +43 2243 382806


Copyright Adcon Telemetry AG 10/12/01

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