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22 02 23 Montgomery Assoc

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♦F 24, 2022

Montgomery Baptists will prioritize the gospel above all by doing the following:
Meet human need while planting gospel seed;
Evangelize the River Region while planting and replanting churches;
Discover, develop, and deploy disciples of Christ to be missionaries across the street and around the world

Calling Out the Called

Then I heard the voice of the Lord asking: Who will I
send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send me.
Isaiah 6:8 CSB
Teddye Gandy, bivocational pastor of Pike Road
Baptist Church (PRBC), gave his life to Christ at thirty
years of age. With a degree in electronics engineering
technology, he began working with General Motors,
now Aptiv, thirty-eight years ago. He and his wife,
Juanda, have been married for thirty-seven years, and
they have two children, Tiara and Teddye J, who have
blessed them with three grandchildren and a fourth on
Pastor Teddye Gandy the way. Teddye’s wife and children were how God
Pike Road Baptist Church
chose to draw him into a deeper relationship and
unbeknownst to him, a journey toward pastoral
ministry. His first biblical lessons were from listening to cassettes. Teddye
realized that to understand the Christian life better and its eternal impact; he
needed to understand better what it meant; he needed to lead his family better
and teach his children. While living in Atlanta, he became a leader in his
church, serving as an elder. In addition, he served another church as a minister.
Juanda and he became involved in Bible Study Fellowship and continued that
path as they transitioned to Alabama.
Teddye and Juanda joined PRBC eleven years ago and a year later, the existing
pastor resigned. As an elder, Teddye served on the pastor search committee.
This position exposed him to the work of Montgomery Baptist Association and
Samford University’s MTI program that offers academic training and degrees
for ministry. This training developed him theologically. As a liaison between
the church and MBA and with the support of John Fleming, Teddye began
leading PRBC through revitalization. Several years later, Neal Hughes
encouraged him to start a new search for a pastor.
As a result of Teddye’s love for God, the church, his relationship with his
fellow members, and leadership from the previous seven years, the church
asked Teddye to serve as pastor. This request and his training through MTI
affirmed God’s calling on his life. Teddye stated that “it was a journey that God
was all over.” With the mantle of carrying the weight of the office, Teddye
says that he has matured spiritually, intellectually, and in character (sacrifice,
service, and suffering) much faster than the first thirty years of his ministry. He
has learned to lead through change, to be flexible, and capable of being strength
amid a storm (such as the pandemic). The church has remained stable since
Covid made an impact and has finished last year in its best financial position.
“This is a testimony to God’s faithfulness.”
Throughout Teddye’s pastoral ministry at the church, God has shown Himself
over the last three years. The first was becoming host to the first autonomous,
self-supporting, Southern Baptist Chinese Church in Alabama. Pastor Dawson
and his family began using the parsonage, which stood empty for over ten
years. The two congregations have built and continue to develop a thriving
relationship. They honor Christ together through communion, enjoy monthly
fellowships, recently established quarterly unity services, and will host a joint
Vacation Bible School this summer. God has also sent Dwayne and Melissa
Hughes, retired IMB missionaries to China, who speak fluent Chinese and offer
leadership, experience, and knowledge that helps bridge the American and
Chinese congregations.
Teddye asks for prayer for his pastoral ministry and the congregation as he
leads them to fulfill the great commission as they go make disciples. As a
bivocational pastor to a small community church, he asks for other churches to
share in their leadership resources. Teddye stated that a non-denominational
church had reached out to PRBC and offered their resources; the church came
and joyfully served. The autonomy of the SBC church is its greatest strength,
but it also tends to be its greatest weakness. Quoting Oswald Chambers,
Teddye stated that “an unguarded strength is a double weakness.” Teddye also
suggests that churches establish, support, and collaborate in joint ministries,
(e.g., joining together in outreach programs throughout neighborhoods).
For questions or to discuss further with Teddye, he can be reached via email at
pastorteddye@gmail.com or by phone at 334-272-7690. The church can be
visited at 4790 Pike Road, Pike Road, Alabama.
Montgomery Baptist Association • PO Box 3319 • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 • www.mgmbaptists.org
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.
♦F 24, 2022

Montgomery Baptists will Proclaim the “Gospel Above All” by:

Meeting Human Need While Planting Gospel Seed; Revitalizing, Planting & Replanting Churches; Calling Out the Called

Montgomery Baptist Association • PO Box 3319 • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 • www.mgmbaptists.org
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.

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