0587 Bgcse Literature in English
0587 Bgcse Literature in English
0587 Bgcse Literature in English
Section Page
Foreword I
Ack~iowledgeme~~ts i1
1. Introduction 1
2. Aims 2
3. Assessment Objectives 3
4. Scheme of Assessment 4
5. Content 6
6. Coursework 8
7. Grade Descriptions 9
P.T. Ranlatsui
Permanent Secretan.
Minist? of Education
The Examinations, Research and Testing Division is greatly indebted to all the
underinentioned for their painstaking effort and contribution towards the developmelit and
production of the Senior Secondary School Literature in English Assessment Syllabus.
As part of the Senior Secondary Education Programme, this Literature in English Assessment
is designed to assess candidates who have completed a two-year course based on the Senior
Secondary Literature in English Teaching Syllabus.
This syllabus aims to assess positive achievement at all levels of ability and candidates will be
assessed in ways that encourage them to show what they know, understand, and which
provide opportunities to articulate their insights, perceptions and responses.
The syllabus will be assessed by two papers, details of which are given in Sections 4 and 6
By the end of the two year Literature in English course candidates should:
4. evaluate, judge and form opinions about other people based on what characters say,
do, and think;
5, apply knowledge acquired from literary works to real-life situations and problems
6. examine closeiy pel-sonal relationships and the interaction of literaly characters in order
to gain personal insight;
8. have developed concepts of moral and ethical behaviour for overall personal
developme~~tand growth;
9. have developed study skills by accessing and interpreting information from different
texts and niedia sources;
10. have acquired problem-solving, critical thinking , inquiry and nterpersonal skills
thl.ougli tkte study of literature to adapt and survive in a changillg society;
11. be prepared for their personal, social and economic future through their interaction
with literary texts;
As far as possible, the Aims will be reflected in the Assessment Objectives, however, some
Aims cannot readily be assessed.
Based on the texts chosen for study, candidates should be able to demonstrate competence and
proficiency in the following areas:
1.2 provide details of settings and summaries of plots, themes and characters.
1.5 select details relevant to tasks set and use quotations appropriately
2. Critical Interpretation
2.4 analyse texts studied beyond literal meaning,
f -<
The syllabus is assessed through two components, Paper I , a written paper and Paper 2,
Paper 1
Writ ten Paper nuratio11 : 2 hours 30 riiinutes Weighting: 80%
There are four sections Candidates are required to answer one question from each section.
They should answer at least one coritext-based question, one text-based question and one
essay question The fourth question can be any of these types
Section A: Drama (30 marks)
There will be one context question, one text-based question and one essay question for each
play set
Sectior~B : Novel (30 marks)
There will be one context question, one text-based question and one essay question for each
set of novel.
Section C : Short Stories ( 20 marks)
There will be one text-based cluestion and two essay questio~lsfor each set of stories .
Section D : Poetry ( 20 liiarks )
There will be one text-based question and two essay questions covering the prescribed set of
Paper 2: Coursework Weighting :20%
The coursework will consist of a project, based on those skills which are not readily
assessed through the timed, written paper and which are best assessed in the centre, over a
period of tin~e.The project report will be marked in the centre against Marking Criteria
given in the coursework booklet.
Assessment Grid
The followi~lggrid summarizes the coil~lectioilbetween the Assessment Objectives and the
The framework for the body of literature to be studied is set out below. There are four
sections; A, B, C, D
Section A: DRAMA
Section B: NOVEL
A novel is to be studied
Select one prescribed set of stories from any one of three anthologies.
Sectiou D: POETRY
Select one prescribed set of poems. The selection should feature different
poetic genres , for example lyric, sonnet, ballad, and both pre-20"' century and
tnodern poets, from Africa and other countries.
C'ai~didatesshould select one text from each of the four sections, covering drama, prose (novel
and short-stoqr) and poetry. All sections should feature writers from Botswana, or elsewhere
in Africa, and othel- continents. Candidates will be assessed on all four sections Thus, it is
expected that. over a two-year period, they will have studied four texts.
In making their choices candidates must include one pre- 20Ihcentury work. A candidate
choosing the pre-20'" century play in Section A should not select the pre-20thcentury novel in
Section B. Similarly, a candidate choosing the pre-20'"century novel in Section B should not
select the pre-20"'century play in Section A. That i s , no candidate may select both the pre-
20Ihcentury play and the pre-20"' centu~ynovel.
This component will be introduced as soon as exemplar material and training are available
Grade descriptions are provided to give a general indication of the standards of achievement
expected of candidates for the award of particular grades. The grades awarded will depend
upon the extent to which the candidate has met the Assessment Objectives.
Grade A
Candidates should:
Grade C
Candidates should:
Grade F
Candidates should: