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Connexx Installer Command-Line Options

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Connexx Installer – Command-Line

General topics........................................................................................................................................1
Installation breakdown.......................................................................................................................1
Access Rights......................................................................................................................................2
Installation logs..................................................................................................................................2
Complete installation vs. single package installation.........................................................................2
Complete Installation.............................................................................................................................2
Database Migration............................................................................................................................3
Installation properties............................................................................................................................4

The standard UI based installation of Connexx is started by double clicking ”Install.exe” in the main
folder of the installation disk set. One can also execute the very same “Install.exe” on the command
line. The resulting installation is called “interactive installation”. It is possible to adjust installation
properties of the Connexx interactive installation using the command line. There are also ways to
install without interaction of the user, which is called “unattended installation”. Furthermore, for
automated deployment, it is also possible to suppress all dialogs, which is known as “silent
installation”. This document will describe the details if you want to customize your installation of

General topics
Installation breakdown

Connexx Installer – Command-Line options

In the top level folder of the disk set you find the bootstrapper application (BA) “Install.exe”. It
contains the user interface and starts installation of further packages. Programmer folder contains a
MSI which install all the programmer’s ( HiPro, Noah, Noahlink etc) and this package in mandatory.
The main fitting application’s MSI are located in the folder “Fitting”, it’s also a mandatory package.
Client database Import Export as well as System information applications are contained inside
“SupportTools” folder. These are not required to run the fitting software but usually belong to a
complete installation. In the “UpdateManager” folder you can find an application to online update
our software. If use of this update feature is not appropriate in your environment, you can skip it.

Access Rights
For installation, you need to have administrative rights on the client machine. If you install using a
standard user account, elevation will be requested. To run the installed applications afterwards, only
standard user rights are required. Please note that the installed files will exhibit special access rights.
E. g., write access is only granted to the application in the “SAT\Configs” folder to prevent
vulnerabilities. If you encounter difficulties in installing our software in your environment due to
special policies, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Installation logs
You will be able to find installation log files of all packages as well at the bootstrapper in the systems
“%Temp%” folder. To support our hotline in case of trouble, we also keep a history of these files in
the “%ProgramData%\SAT\InstLogs” folder.

Complete installation vs. single package installation

Our software consists of several MSI files. If you don’t want to think about it any further, we
recommend to just do the complete installation using our bootstrapper application “Install.exe”
which is located in the top level folder of the master disk set. However, you can also just install the
single MSI yourself. In this case, you have to take care of some things yourself which are otherwise
handled by the bootstrapper(Not Recommended away):

1.) The prerequisites (below) have to be on the system to be able to install the MSI.
2.) Minimally, you have to first install “Programmer.msi” and then “SigniaConnexx.msi”, for
other brands the name will be “BrandConnexx.msi” where Brand MSI file is located in the
Fitting folder (For Hicoss “Programmer.msi”, “Hicoss.msi” and the database MSI
“HicossBrandDatabase.msi” are required). Order is important here.
3.) In case of an update installation (i.e. already an older Connexx 7/8 application installed), you
have to take care if the MSI you want to deploy represent a major or a minor upgrade to the
already installed components. The resulting command line options differ in this case. This
decision can differ from one package to the other.

Complete Installation
Due to the fact that our bootstrapper is based on Windows Installer XML (WiX), you can also use “-“
as a prefix to the commands instead of “/”. Some WiX standard command line options are
additionally understood. For the Connexx specific properties that can be set on the command line,
please refer to Table 3. The order of the arguments is not important.

Unattended. Splash and progress dialog will be Install.exe /passive

shown. Installation finishes without further user

Unrestricted 2
Connexx Installer – Command-Line options

Unattended. Splash and progress dialog will be Install.exe /passive SHOWFINALDIALOG=1
shown. User has to confirm final success dialog.
Silent. Without any dialog and interaction. Install.exe /silent
Passing further properties to the installation. Install.exe <PROPERTY>=<value>
In case you want to provide a string (e. g. path into Install.exe /silent INSTALLDIR=”C:\My
file system) it should be enclosed in quotation Special Folder”
Remove Connexx from the system Install.exe /uninstall
Repair Connexx Install.exe /repair
Table 1 Bootstrapper options

Database Migration
 Database Migration Tool is integrated with the setup, which runs, after the installation is
completed, if there are any old client data records exist.
 Database Migration Tool will only run with Full UI mode and passive mode of the setup, it
will be skipped in the silent installation mode.
 If silent installation is chosen, then the database migration has to be triggered manually by
launching Connexx UI and clicking the green color icon on the top right corner.

 Connexx 8.4 or higher versions are supported only from Windows 7 sp1 or later operating
system, Installation on older operating system is not supported.
 Connexx 8.4 or higher versions depends on some software packages to be installed on your
system. If you install using Install.exe from the top level master disk set folder, then
everything is taken care of automatically. But if you decide to only install certain MSI due to
your deployment requirements, then you have to ensure the following prerequisite exist or
are being installed on your system:
1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
2. Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015

Please find the installation file for above prerequisite in the top level master disk set folder

Bitness OS Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 Full

32 / 64 All NDP462-KB3151800-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe

Bitness OS VC++ Redistributables for Visual Studio 2015

32 / 64 All vc_redist.x86.exe

Table 2 Prerequisites dependencies

Unrestricted 3
Connexx Installer – Command-Line options

Installation properties
Table 4 shows the parameters that can be set using properties. The “MSI” column shows which MSI packages are able to accept these command line parameters.
“BrandConnexx.msi” must be replaced by the Brandname MSI file which is located in the Fitting folder, with the exception for MEDATA as the MSI name is

Description Property Allowed values Default Understood by

Country where the COUNTRY Valid 2-character country code (see For first installation, BrandConnexx.MSI
software is to be http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes/iso- operating system’s UpdateManager.MSI
used. This has an 3166-1_decoding_table.htm). country is used. If SupportTools.MSI
effect to the Additionally XW for “International wireless” and XN for already set in asstnt.ini
available hearing “International non-wireless” may be used. [Market] Country, input
instruments. Available values are brand/manufacturer dependent. is ignored.
Connexx default UI UILANGUAGE Available values are contained in the database MSI in en-US BrandConnexx.MSI
language SHSVariant table. UpdateManager.MSI
Target path (“base INSTALLDIR Valid path into the file system. %ProgramFiles%\SAT or Programmer.MSI
folder”) for all SHS %ProgramFiles(x86)%\ BrandConnexx.MSI
software SAT; If already set in UpdateManager.MSI
%ProgramData%\SAT\ SupportTools.MSI
app.ini [Gen7]
InstallBase, input is
Start menu folder STARTMENUFOLDERNAME String with execption of some special characters like „*“. „Signia Fitting“; If Programmer.MSI
name already set in app.ini BrandConnexx.MSI
[Gen7]StartMenuFolder, UpdateManager.MSI
input is ignored. SupportTools.MSI
Data collection DATACOLLECTIONENABLED 1 (enabled), 0 (disabled) 1 BrandConnexx.MSI

Unrestricted 4
Connexx Installer – Command-Line options

Description Property Allowed values Default Understood by

ConnexxLink CXXLINKSELECTED 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 BrandConnexx.MSI
selected as
HIPRO selected as HIPROSELECTED 1 (yes), 0 (no) 1 BrandConnexx.MSI
NoahLink selected NOAHLINKSELECTED 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 BrandConnexx.MSI
as programming
ConnexxAir CXXAIRSELECTED 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 BrandConnexx.MSI
selected as
Noahlink Wireless NOAHLINKWIRELESSSELECTE 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 BrandConnexx.MSI
selected as D
Use ConnexxLink CXXLINKFIRMWARE35 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 BrandConnexx.MSI
with firmware
version 3.5?
Do not install NOACTIONONSHORTCUT 1 (yes) Null BrandConnexx.MSI
Connexx shortcut
(Connexx will then
only be launched
inside the NOAH)
Do not install / NOACTIONONCLIENTDB 1 (yes) Null BrandConnexx.MSI
update ClientDB SupportTools.MSI
(Connexx will then
only use the NOAH

Unrestricted 5
Connexx Installer – Command-Line options

Description Property Allowed values Default Understood by

Allow old SMARTRELAYBOOST1 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 BrandConnexx.MSI
hardware (revision
1) to pair with
devices that need
boost mode
Shall success SHOWFINALDIALOG 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 Install.exe only
dialog be
Shall Update NOUPDATEMANAGER 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 Install.exe only
Manager be
In detection dialog READOUTAFTERDETECT 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 BrandConnexx.msi
“read out Install.exe
instrument” is set
as default
Enables/ Disables TeleCareEnabled 1 (enabled), 0 (disabled) 1 BrandConnexx.msi
Telecare in Install.exe
Allows Connexx to OnlineDataSheetsEnabled 1 (enabled), 0 (disabled) 1 BrandConnexx.msi
download Install.exe
Datasheets for
Hearing aids from
a WSAUD Server

Unrestricted 6
Connexx Installer – Command-Line options

Description Property Allowed values Default Understood by

Allows user to ACCEPTAGREEMENTS 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 Install.exe
agreements during
silent or passive
installation. To run
the installation
user has to accept
by passing the
value as 1.

Unrestricted 7
Connexx Installer – Command-Line options

Description Property Allowed values Default Understood by

Allows user to IGNOREUNCRITICALERRORS 1 (yes), 0 (no) 0 Install.exe only
continue the
installation in case
of following

1. Diskspace
is not
5GB is not
needed. If
and 3 GB
disk space
is fine)

2. Resolution
is too low.

3. Operating

Note: This
parameter is
included to help

Unrestricted 8
Connexx Installer – Command-Line options

Description Property Allowed values Default Understood by

hotline team to
install the
setup easily with
known system

Enables/ Disables DIGITALASSISTANTWEBACCESS 1 (enabled), 0 (disabled) 1 BrandConnexx.msi

ENABLED Install.exe
WebAccess in
Table 3 Installation properties that can be changed

Unrestricted 9

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