Gravity Retaining Wall
Gravity Retaining Wall
Gravity Retaining Wall
9 Backfill Concrete
8 Retaining
4 Foundation Soil
0 5 10 15 20 25
Distance (m)
Figure 1 Profile used for gravity retaining wall simulation
used (i.e., Spencer, Morgenstern-Price) as the solution is insensitive to the location of the axis. Note that
all seven of the fully specified slip surfaces start and end outside the geometry of the profile. The slip
surfaces have different projection angles behind the retaining wall, but coalesce to a single failure plane
under the wall itself.
Figure 2 Location of the fully specified slip surfaces and the axis of rotation
By defining a series of fully specified slip surfaces that pass beneath the gravity retaining wall, an
undercutting failure mechanism can be analyzed and the actual strength of the wall (i.e., c’ and ’) does
not need to be quantified. The gravity retaining wall can be modeled as a no-strength soil model with an
appropriate unit weight that ensures that the weight of the wall is included in the analysis. The strength
parameters of the concrete will not come into the factor of safety calculation, and therefore do not need to
be quantified.
The material properties used in this analysis are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Material properties used for the fully specified slip surface example
Figure 3 Factor of safety and location of the critical slip surface when the concrete wall is
modeled with Mohr Colomb
It is important to note that while the optimized slip surface presented for this particular simulation appears
to be reasonable, it is possible that the optimized slip surface might have been significantly different in
shape than the original fully specified critical slip surface. For example, since the gravity retaining wall is
modeled with a no strength model, it is possible that during the optimization procedure, a trial slip surface
may cut through the gravity retaining wall resulting in a lower factor of safety. Since the purpose of this
analysis was specifically to study a mode of failure that undercut the wall, this would have to be
interpreted and dismissed as an invalid solution.
Perhaps a better option is to model the gravity retaining wall as a material with a high cohesion and
frictional angle. This will ensure that any trial slip surface cutting into the gravity retaining wall during
the optimization process will result in a higher factor of safety. In other words, our primary objectives can
be guaranteed even when the critical slip surface is optimized. In this analysis, the retaining wall is
modeled with a Mohr-Coulomb soil model with cohesion = 500 kPa and a frictional angles of 45 degrees.
Figure 6 Factor of safety and location of the critical slip surface when the concrete wall is
modeled with a high strength material