Fall 2021 - CS602 - 2
Fall 2021 - CS602 - 2
Fall 2021 - CS602 - 2
02 Total Marks: 20
Semester: Fall 2021
Due Date: 3rd January
CS602: Computer Graphics 2022
The objective of this assignment is to;
Learn and practice basic concepts of c2D transformation with drawing
shapes using Dev-C++. (You can download Dev-C++ setup from LMS)
Learn to draw shapes and patterns by using graphics library functions
and transform them.
You have to do the following steps first in order to perform the task.
1. Install Dev-C++ from your LMS.
2. Read out the file “Add graphics in Dev cpp” thoroughly and follow the
instructions in the file properly provided to you on your LMS.
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting
1. You should consult the recommended books, Handouts and video lectures
to clarify your concepts.
2. You can take any help from your provided labs.
3. It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
The assignment is submitted after due date.
The assignment is copied from Internet or from any other student.
The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
You are required to submit your solution through LMS in zip format containing
following files.
Your Project in zipped form containing both .cpp and .exe file.
The word document (.doc/docx) or any other file format containing code
will not be considered.
If the code files are missing in zip folder, your assignment will be awarded
as zero.
Note: No assignment will be accepted after the due date through email in any
case (load shedding, server down, internet malfunctioning etc.).
It is recommended to upload solution file at least two days before its closing
Write your Student ID on the top of Windows BGI as performed in previous assignment.
Draw any shape like Rectangle, Pentagon, or Hexagon by giving the X-axis and Y-axis
coordinates and label it as Original Shape.
Then perform the following three transformations and draw shapes accordingly (every shape
should be labeled according to the transformation procedure:
1. Sheared Shape along X_Axis
2. Scaled Shape
3. Translated Shape