A 4 Inches
A 4 Inches
A 4 Inches
Ans. A Ans. A
Ans. D Ans. D
A. 40.46 N Ans. C
B. 44.12 N
C. 35.66 N Calculate the power of electric motor
D. 38.48 N for a drilling machine to drill a hole
15 mm diameter in cast iron workpiece
Ans. B at 450 rpm and 0.2 mm feed. The
specific power is 0.03 kW and
A steel bar 24 in. in length is to efficiency of motor is 80%.
withstand a tensile impact load caused
by a weight of 100 lb having a A. 0.6 kW
velocity on impact of 140 fpm. Find B. 0.9 kW
the stress in the bar if the diameter C. 0.7 kW
is 1 ½ in and the modulus of D. 0.4 kW
Elasticity (E) is 30x106 psi.
Ans. A
Ans. S=12,000 psi
A double square thread screw is used
The cylinder head of a 10in x 18in. to raise a load of 20,000 lb at a
freon compressor is attached by 10 velocity of 3 fpm. Outside diameter of
stud bolts made of SAE grade 5. The thread and pitch are 2 7/8 in. and 1
in. respectively. Collar friction remove gates, fins and risers from
coefficient is 0.12, thread friction castings?
coefficient is 0.10. Mean diameter of
collar 5 in. Determine the power A. Snagging
required to drive the screw. B. Honing
C. Lapping
A. 3.45 hp D. Snugging
B. 4.29 hp
C. 4.65 hp Ans. A
D. 5.02 hp
Which of the following is a single
Ans. B measure that combines the external
dynamic load of an application with a
Two 2 ¾ in sellers standard square gear drive’s reliability and operating
thread screws are used to raise and life?
lower a hydraulic gate weighing 60
tons. A 570 rpm electric motor A. Ratio factor
operates the screws. The coefficients B. Service factor
of collar and thread friction are 0.03 C. Reliability factor
and 0.14 respectively. The mean D. Life factor
diameter of the collar 4in. if the
Ans. C
gate rises at the rate of 2fpm,
determine the size of the motor What is the term used to described the
required to lift the gate if the distance from a point on one gear to
mechanical efficiency is 85% for the the corresponding point measures along
speed reducing equipment. the base circle.
A. 20 hp A. Diametral Pitch
B. 30 hp B. Circular Pitch
C. 34 hp C. Normal Pitch
D. 24 hp D. Chordal pitch
Ans. C Ans. C
Ans: B
Ans: D
17. In the LRT II project steel 21. A steel rod 75 inches long tested
railroad rails of 10 meters long are with a load of 3000 lb is suspended
to be installed. If lowest temperature from the other end. If the rod
considered is 20 deg. C and a maximum stretches 0.025 inches, find the
modulus of elasticity of the steel.
temperature of 36 deg C is designed
a. 36×10 6 psi
for, and the modulus of elasticity of
b. 11.5×10 6 psi
steel to be 207,000 Mpa, determine the
c. 30×10 6psi
clearance between the clearance
between rails such that adjoining rail d. 27×10 6 psi
will just touch at maximum design
Ans: A
22. Considered is 20 deg C and a
a. 2.34
maximum temperature of 30 deg C is
b. 3.32
designed for, and the modulus of
c. 3.41
elasticity of steel to be 207,000 Mpa, c. section modulus
determine the clearance between rails d. modulus of resilience
such that adjoining rail will just
touch at maximum design temperature. Ans: A
a. 2.34
b. 2.32 28. In bolts design, proof strength
c. 3.41 corresponds approximately how many
d. 1.86 percent of the 0.2 percent offset
yield strength?
Ans: D a. 85%
b. 95%
23. What pressure is required to punch c. 90%
a hole 3 in. diameter through a ¼ in. d. 45%
steel plate?
a. 45 tons Ans: C
b. 20 tons
c. 30 tons 29. What type of brass that is usually
d. 40 tons used to form tubing or piping to carry
hot water in such application of
Ans: A radiators or condenser?
a. Red brass
24. In practice and theory as well, b. Commercial brass
what is the allowed permissible c. Yellow brass
misalignment in cylindrical and d. Cartridge brass
tapered roller bearings?
a. 0.005 rad Ans: A
b. 0.006 rad
c. 0.001 rad 30. It is in widespread use for the
d. 0.003 rad numbering system for cast iron by ASTM
(American Society for Testing and
Ans: C Material), then this system is based
on which of the following?
25. In practice and theory as well, a. Bearing Strength
the misalignment of spherical bearings b. Compressive Strength
should not exceed how many radians? c. Axial Strength
a. 0.0087 rad d. Tensile Strength
b. 0.0065 rad
c. 0.0041 rad Ans: D
d. 0.0043 rad
Ans: A
26. What term is used to describe a 31. It casting, brass, bronze, steel,
maximum load that a bolt can withstand gray iron and aluminum are most often
without acquiring a permanent set? used materials. What is the minimum
a. Live load wall thickness for of the
b. Dead load aforementioned materials used in
c. Proof load casting?
d. Ultimate load a. 5mm
b. 10mm
Ans: C c. 7 mm
d. 3 mm
27. In bolts design, the quotient of
the proof load and the tensile-stress Ans: A
area is called
a. proof strength 32. A rectangular key was used in a
b. yield strength pulley connected to a line shaft with
a power of 8 kw at a speed pf 1200 Ans. A
rpm. If the shearing stress of the
shaft and key are 30 N/mm^2. 37. A compression ring is to be used
Respectively. What is the diameter of at the junction of a conical head and
the shaft? shell. Determine the required area of
the compression ring if the pressure
a. 22.2 mm is 50 psi and the stress is 13750 psi.
b. 21.7 mm Assume efficiency of the joint is 80%.
c. 25.8 mm
d. 30.2 mm a. 00715 d^2
b. 0.00482 d^2
Ans.A c. 0.00712 d^2
d. 0.00682 d^2
33. A line shaft with a power of 150
KW at a speed of 1200 rpm, had a Ans. A
rectangular key used in its pulley
connection. Consider the shearing of
stress of the shaft to be 40 N/mm^2 38. A cylindrical vessel measuring
and the key to be 200 N/mm^2, (2ft x 5 ft) holds a gas at 3,000 psi.
determine the shaft diameter. Using stainless OQT 12000, determine
the thickness of the plate with a
a.66.62 mm design factor of 1.4 yield. A assume
b.53.31 mm efficiency of welded joint as 85%.
d.44.94 mm a. 0.549 in
b. 0.455 in
Ans. B c. 1.2 in
d. 0.3 in
35. A cylinder having an internal
diameter of 20 in and an external Ans. A
diameter of 36 in is subjected to an
internal pressure of 10,000 psi and an 39. Which of the following is
external pressure of 2,500 psi. considered to be the lightest of all
Determine the hoop stress at the inner commercial metals and is used in
surface of the cylinder. aircraft industry?
Ans. C Ans. B
60. An ammonia compressor is driven by 63. Determine the diameter of the stud
a 20kW motor. The compressor and the bolt that are required to fasten down
motor RPM are 380 and 1750, the cylinder head of a 203 mm x 304 mm
respectively. The small sheave has a gas engine. There are ten bolts on the
pitch diameter of 152.4 mm. If the block. The explosion pressure is 31
bolt to be used is standard C-120 kg/sq.cm and studs are made of
(L=122.9in.). Determine the center ordinary bolts material SAE 1020. How
distance between sheaves deep should the bolt be drilled?
A. 709 mm A. 38.1 mm
B. 865 mm B. 40.2 mm
C. 806 mm C. 37.3 mm
D. 686 mm D. 35.5 mm
Ans. C Ans. A
61. A safety valve spring having 9 and 64. A single square thread power screw
½ coils has the ends squared and is to raise a load of 70 kN. The screw
ground. The outside diameter of the has a major diameter of 36 mm and a
coil is 115 mm and the wire is 13 mm. pitch of 6 mm. The coefficient of
It has a free length of 203 mm. thread friction and collar friction
Determine the length of the wire to are 0.13 and 0.10 respectively. If the
which this spring must be initially collar mean diameter is 90 mm and the
compressed to hold a boiler pressure screw turns at 60rpm, find the
of 1.38 MPa on the seat of 32 mm combined efficiency of screw and
diameter. Modulus of rigidity is taken collar.
as G=80GN/m². A. 13.438%
A. 172 B. 15.530%
B. 179 C. 14.526%
C. 192 D. 12.526%
D. 158 Ans. D
Ans. A
65. Find the horsepower required to 68. A cast iron flywheel is rotated at
drive a power screw lifting a load of a speed of 1200 rpm and having a mean
4000 lbs. A 2 and ½ inches double rim radius of 1 foot. If the weight of
square thread with two threads/in is the rim is 30 lbs. What is the
to be used. The friction radius of the centrifugal force? Use factor C=41.
collar is 2 inches and the
coefficients of friction are 0.1 for A. 14,800 lbs
the threads and 0.15 for the collar. B. 70,000 lbs
The velocity of the nut is 10 ft/min. C. 14 860 lbs
D. 14,760 lbs
A. 5.382 HP
B. 4.395 HP Ans. D
C. 3.683 HP
69. The maximum-strain theory which
D. 6.472 HP
apples only in elastic range of
Ans. B stresses are also known as _______
Ans. C Ans. A
83. What lubrication is usually used 88. What do you call the phenomenon
when bearings are operating at extreme occurring when two touching surfaces
temperatures? have a high contact pressure and when
these surfaces have minute relative
A. Hydrodynamic lubrication motion?
B. Solid-film lubrication
C. Hydrostatic lubrication A. Prestressing
D. Liquid-film lubrication B. Friction
C. Fretting
Ans. B D. Carving
Ans. C A. 15
B. 12
91. What is the term applied to the C. 21
reciprocal of the velocity ratio? D. 17
A. Train value Ans. D
B. Modular value
C. Ratio factor
D. None of these
What is the minimum number of teeth on
Ans. A a smaller sprocket for low speed?
Ans. C
In a pressure vessel, the ratio of axial force of 450 Newton is applied
minimum strength of joint to the and the shaft turns at 1200 rpm, find
strength of solid joint is known as the horsepower capacity, assume a
coefficient of friction of 0.27.
A. Efficiency a. 39.566 hp
B. Performance factor b. 40.482 hp
c. 37.456 hp
C. Joint efficiency
d. 35. 659 hp
D. Relative strength
Ans: A
Ans. D
An engine of a motor vehicle with a
When tested in compression, ductile wheel diameter of 712 mm develops 50
material usually exhibit________ kW at 2,000 rpm. the combined
characteristics up to the yield efficiency of the differential and
strength as they do when tested in tranmission is 75% with an overall
tension. speed reduction of 25 is to 1.
Determine the speed reduction of
a. the same travel of the vehicle in km/hr.
b. less than a. 10.74
c. more than b. 11.69
d. approximately the same c. 12.58
d. 13.80
ans. D
Ans: A
In pure torsion, the maximum stress is
at the center of the An engine of a motor vehicle with a
a. peripheral sides wheel diameter of 712 mm develops 50
b. long sides kW at 2,000 rpm. the combined
c. medium sides efficiency of the differential and
d. short sides transmission is 75% with an overall
ans: B speed reduction of 25 is to 1.
determine the speed reduction of
The ability of a material to absorb travel of the vehicle in km/hr.
energy within is proportional limit is a. 10.74
known as b. 11.69
a. resilience c. 12.58
b. endurance d. 13.80
c. toughness
d. spring action Ans. A
a. 68 kg Ans: B
b. 97 kg The breaking strength of oak-tanned
c. 90 kg beltings varies from 3 to more than:
d. 92 kg a. 5 ksi
b. 7 ksi
Ans: B c. 6 ksi
It is found that the shearing machine d. 9 ksi
requires 205 joules of energy to shear
a specific gauge of sheet metal. The Ans: C
mean diameter of the flywheel is to be Based on experience, what is the most
76.2 cm. the normal operating speed is economical design belt speed?
200rpm and slow down to 180 rpm during a. 6000 to 7500 fpm
shearing process. The rim width is b. 3500 to 4700 fpm
30.48 cm and the weight of cast iron c. 3000 to 5000 fpm
is 7,196.6 kg/m^3, find the thickness d. 5000 to 1000 fpm
of the rim, assuming that the hub and
arm account for 10% of the rim weight Ans: A
concentrated on the mean diameter. The tension in the belt due to
a. 0.583 cm centrifugal force increasing rapidly
b. 0.587 cm above about
c. 0.672 cm a. 1500 fpm
d. 0.480 cm b. 3500 fpm
c. 3000 fpm
Ans: B d. 2500 fpm
Which of the following cannot be a
Poisson’s ratio of material? Ans: D
a. 0.35 What is the recommendation speed for
b. 0.20 leather belt?
c. 0.57 a. 6000 to 7000 fpm
d. 0.12 b. 7000 to 8000 fpm
c. 5000 to 6000 fpm
Ans: C d. 4500 to 5600 fpm
Type of roller bearing in which the
balls are assembled by the eccentric Ans: B
displacement of the inner ring. What is the recommended speed for
a. Shallow groove ball bearing fabric belts?
b. Self-alignning ball bearing a. 4000 to 5000 fpm
c. Fillinf-shot ball bearing b. 2000 to 3000 fpm
d. Deep-groove ball bearing c. 3000 to 4000 fpm
d. 2000 and more fpm
Ans: D
Which of the following is not a type Ans: A
of ball bearing? A tubular shaft, having an inner
a. Shallow groove ball bearing diameter of 30 mm and an outer
b. Self-aligning ball bearing diameter of 42 mm, is to be used to
c. Filling-slot ball bearing transmit 90 kW of power, determine the
d. Deep-groove ball bearing frequency of rotation of the shaft so
that the shear stress cannot exceed 50
Ans: A Mpa.
Which of the following is the a. 26.6 Hz
approximate density of the leather b. 20.6 Hz
belt? c. 97.5 Hz
a. 0.025 lb/in^3 d. 66.5 Hz
Ans: A Ans. C
Two circular shaft, one hollow and one
solid, are made of the same material A pulley is keyed to a 2 and 1/2
and have diameter as follows: hollow inches diameter shaft by a 7/16 in x 3
shaft inside diameter is one-half of in flat key. The shaft rotates at 50
the external diameter. The external rpm. The allowable compressive stress
diameter is equal to the diameter of for the key, hub and shaft are 66 ksi.
the solid shaft. What is the ratio of 59 ksi and 72 ksi, repectively.
the twisting moment of the hollow Determine the maximum torque the
shaft to that of the solid shaft? pulley can safety deliver.
a. ¼
b. ½ a. 48398.4 in-lb
c. 9/16 b. 54140.6 in-lb
d. 15/16 c. 51562.5 in-lb
d. 67495.2 in-lb
Ans: D
Determine the thickness of hollow Ans. A
shaft having an outside diameter of
100 mm if it is subjected to a maximum Which of the following is the
torque of 5,403.58 N-m without statement of how the total moment is
exceeding a shearing stress of 60 Mpa derived from a number of forces acting
or a twist of 0.5 degree per meter simultaneously at a point?
length of shaft G=83,000 Mpa
a. 15 mm a. Goodman’s theorem
b. 86 mm b. Varignon’s theorem
c. 16.8 mm c. Soderberg’s theorem
d. 14.2 mm d. Cataligno’s theorem
Ans: A Ans. B
A hollow shaft with outside diameter It is the measure of the material’s
of 14 cm, and wall thickness of 0.8 ability to yield and absorb highly
cm, transmits 200 kW at 500 rpm. What localized and rapidly applied
must be the angular deflection of the stresses.
shaft it the length in 5 meters? The
material of the shaft is C4140 steel. a. Hardness
b. Toughness
a. 21.41 rad c. Stiffness
b. 21.71 rad d. Resilience
c. 36.80 rad
d. 17.37 rad Ans. B
Ans. B Ans. A
What do you call the mixture of the A Warwick screw is used to tighten a
solid ingredients with no solubility? guy rope. It has right-hand thread of
10 mm pitch at the top and a left-hand
a. Binary alloy thread of 5 mm pitch at the bottom,
b. Miscible alloy and the effective radius of the toggle
c. Bitectic material bar is 336 mm. Find the velocity.
d. Eutectic alloy
Ans. D
Which of the following terms applied a. 220.6
to an interrupted quenching process b. 130.5
resulting in an austenite to banite c. 140.8
transition? d. 210.5
a. Austempering Ans. C
b. Austenitizing
c. Martempering A 4 inches diameter shaft is driven at
d. Martenitizing 3600 rpm by a 400 Hp motor. The shaft
drives a 48 inches diameter chain
Ans. A
sprocket having an output efficiency
Which of the following processes where of 85%. The output force of the
the material will become progressively driving sprocket and the output of the
stronger, harder and more brittle driven sprocket are:
until eventually fails?
A. 200 lb and 250 hp
a. Hot working B. 261.6 lb and 300 hp
b. Cold Working C. 291.66 lb and 340 hp
c. Tempering D. None of the above
d. Normalizing
Ans. C
Ans. B
A certain farm equipment which
requires 2200 Newton mater torque at
…. to engage the clutch?
500 RPM has a diesel engine to
a. 600 lbs operates at 1500 RPM as its prime
b. 715 lbs mover. A No. 60 roller chain with a
c. 625 lbs total length of 60 pitches and a small
d. 800 lbs sprocket with 23 teeth are to be used
with an operating temperature to
remain constant at 45 degree C. What is the inside diameter of the
Determine the no. of teeth of the driven gear?
larger sprocket.
A. 62
A. 70 B. 70
B. 69 C. 74
C. 68 D. 81
D. 69
Ans. C
Ans. D
In a standard bevel gear, the pinion
A sleeve bearing has an outside rotates at 150 rpm, its number of
diameter of 1.5 in and a length of 2 teeth is 14 while the gear has 42
in, the wall thickness is 3/16 in. The teeth, what is the pitch angle of the
bearing is subjected to a radial load pinion?
of 450 lb. Find the bearing pressure.
A. 18.4 degrees
A. 100 psi B. 20 degrees
B. 150 psi C. 14.5 degrees
C. 200 psi D. 20.5 degrees
D. 250 psi
Ans. A.
Ans. C
Ans. C
Shearing the sheet into two or more psi. What is the percentage savings in
pieces weight.
A. 40.46 N Ans. C
B. 44.12 N
C. 35.66 N Calculate the power of electric motor
D. 38.48 N for a drilling machine to drill a hole
15 mm diameter in cast iron workpiece
Ans. B at 450 rpm and 0.2 mm feed. The
specific power is 0.03 kW and
A steel bar 24 in. in length is to efficiency of motor is 80%.
withstand a tensile impact load caused
by a weight of 100 lb having a A. 0.6 kW
velocity on impact of 140 fpm. Find B. 0.9 kW
the stress in the bar if the diameter C. 0.7 kW
is 1 ½ in and the modulus of D. 0.4 kW
Elasticity (E) is 30x106 psi.
Ans. A
Ans. S=12,000 psi
A double square thread screw is used
The cylinder head of a 10in x 18in. to raise a load of 20,000 lb at a
freon compressor is attached by 10 velocity of 3 fpm. Outside diameter of
stud bolts made of SAE grade 5. The thread and pitch are 2 7/8 in. and 1
cylinder pressure is 300 psi. What is in. respectively. Collar friction
the approximate tightening torque coefficient is 0.12, thread friction
should be used to induce a tightening coefficient is 0.10. Mean diameter of
stress (St) of 0.90 times the proof collar 5 in. Determine the power
stress if the diameter of the bolt is required to drive the screw.
5/8 in and coefficient of collar
A. 3.45 hp
friction c = 0.2?
B. 4.29 hp
Ans. T = 2161 in-lb C. 4.65 hp
D. 5.02 hp
Calculate the power consumed during
cutting of a low carbon steel bar 40 Ans. B
mm diameter if cutting force is 150 kg
Two 2 ¾ in sellers standard square
at 200 rpm.
thread screws are used to raise and
E. 0.46 hp lower a hydraulic gate weighing 60
F. 0.66 hp tons. A 570 rpm electric motor
G. 0.75 hp operates the screws. The coefficients
H. 0.83 hp of collar and thread friction are 0.03
and 0.14 respectively. The mean
Ans. D diameter of the collar 4in. if the
gate rises at the rate of 2fpm,
A broach is used to cut a key way 8mm
determine the size of the motor
wide, 5mmm deep in a boss 64mm long.
required to lift the gate if the
Determine the cutting length of broach
mechanical efficiency is 85% for the
if the rise per tooth is 0.0875mm and
speed reducing equipment.
the number of finishing teeth is 13.
A. 20 hp
B. 30 hp C. Normal Pitch
C. 34 hp D. Chordal pitch
D. 24 hp
Ans. C
Ans. C
Which of the following is the best
A crate weighing 4,000 lb is moving at method used for increasing a spring’s
a speed of 4ft/s. It is brought to fatigue life?
rest by two compression spring in
stopping the crate, the springs are to A. Sprickling
be compressed 8 in. If the spring B. Shot peening
index is 6 and the allowable stress is C. Stress relieving
52,000 psi, determine the maximum load D. Shot relieving
on each springs.
Ans. B
A. 1491 lbs
What is the term applied to parallel
B. 2037 lbs
forces equal in magnitude but opposite
C. 1675 lbs
D. 2453 lbs
A. Concurrent forces
Ans. A
B. Non-concurrent forces
What describes very rough grinding C. Couple
such as that performed in foundries to D. Equillibrant
remove gates, fins and risers from
Ans. C
It is one of the rigid members /
A. Snagging
bodies joined together to form a
B. Honing
kinematic chain.
C. Lapping
D. Snugging A. Coplanar
B. Link
Ans. A
E. Frame
Which of the following is a single F. Machine
measure that combines the external
Ans. B
dynamic load of an application with a
gear drive’s reliability and operating The kinematics chain in which one link
life? is considered fixed for the purpose of
analysis but motion is possible in
E. Ratio factor
other links.
F. Service factor
G. Reliability factor A. Belting
H. Life factor B. Mechanism
C. Frame
Ans. C
D. Sprocket Chain
What is the term used to described the
Ans. C
distance from a point on one gear to
the corresponding point measures along What describes very rough grinding,
the base circle. such as that performed in foundries to
remove gates, fins and risers from
A. Diametral Pitch
B. Circular Pitch
A. Snagging
B. Honing
C. Lapping
D. Snugging
Ans. A
a. 2.0 kN
b. 1.0 kN
c. 3.0 kN
d. 4.0 kN
Ans. A