Jovan To Check and Monitor His Progress
Jovan To Check and Monitor His Progress
Jovan To Check and Monitor His Progress
Jovan was given a module by his teacher for him to catch up with the lessons he
The module includes a series of objective type test items after each lesson for Jovan to
check and monitor his progress as he moves to the next lesson. What of assessment is
being applied by the teacher?
A. Assessment of learning C. Assessment for and as learning
B. Assessment for learning D. Assessment as learning
42. Lilybeth is graduating high school student. She took the National Career Assessment
Examination and finds out that she would most likely succeed in the field of engineering.
As an assessment tool, what role did NCAE serve?
A. Placement C. Summative
B. Formative D. Diagnostic
43. A learning outcome in grade 12 research subject, reads "At the end of the lesson, the
students will be exposed to various research designs. Is this a good target for
A. Yes, the action is observable C. No, the action is not done by the
B. Yes, the action can be measured students
D. No, the action is not attainable
44. A student obtained a score of 85 in a mathematics multiple-choice test. What does
this mean?
A. He has a rating of 85 C. He answered 85% of the items
B. He answered 85 items in the test correctly
correctly D. His performance is 15% better than
the group
45. Which statement is true regarding the opinions in alternate- response type of test?
A. Opinions has no place in such type of test
B. If used, should be attributed to a credible source within the statement
C. It is fair for the teacher to use his or her own opinions in constructing true-false
D. Opinions should be stated in terms of facts
46. Among the portfolios below, which enables the teacher to determine students'
mastery of the curriculum objectives?
A. Showcase portfolio C. Evaluation portfolio
B. Assessment portfolio D. Process portfolio
47. Teacher Victor is teaching how to compute the volume of a pyramid. He checks
whether his students understand what he is teaching. What type of assessment did
teacher Victor administer?
A. Diagnostic Assessment C. Placement Assessment
B. Formative Assessment D. Summative Assessment
48. Looking at a scatter plot of the scores of students in English and Mathematics, teacher
Rosie observed
that the data are spread evenly in all directions without discernable pattern. This means
A. There is a high positive correlation between two variables
B. There is a low negative correlation between the two variables
C. There is a high negative correlation between the two variables
D. There is no or very weak correlation between the two variables
49. For grades 1 to 10, what is the percentage weight given to performance tasks in the
learning areas under languages?
A. 50% C. 60%
B. 40% D. 30%
50. Berna is a grade 3 student who, at the end of the last grading period, did not meet
expectations in three learning areas. Under the DepEd guidelines on assessment, what
will happen to Berna?
A. Promoted to the next grade
B. Must pass remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark before being
C. Retained in the same grade level
D. Promoted to the next grade level with back subjects
51. According to Republic Act 10175 or otherwise known as "Cybercrime Prevention Act of
2012," the following are forms of cybercrime, except:
A. Illegal logging C. cybersex
B. identity theft D. illegal access
52. He is being called as the ' Father of computer" for inventing the analytical engine.
A. Charles Babbage C. Tim Berners-Lee
B. Blaise Pascal D. Mark Zuckerberg
53. Microsoft company is popular when it comes to software manufacturing. Who founded
A. Steve Jobs C. Mark Zuckerberg
B. Tim Berners-Lee D. Bill Gates
54. It is set of rules about the behavior acceptable on the internet.
A. Code of ethics C. Law of Internet
B. Netiquette D. R.A 10844