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Related Literarure and Related Study

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In this part includes the related literature and study that collected by the researcher. The

related literature gives a better information basis to how the study be done. This chapter will

show the local and foreign literature and study.

Related Literature


According to Lee E. Isaacson and Duane Brown, in their book entitled Career Information

Counselling and Development, a career is created by choosing or didn’t choose that create

uniqueness in every individual. It will be an option to select a better or suitable for the profession.

And also in the book of Employment and Career Opportunities after graduation, one of the most

important is the use of proper skills and employing a job is a skill because it will determine the

from their college years (Lucañas).

In the study of (PACATANG, 2016) The Bachelor of Science in Criminology or Criminal

Justice is a four-year degree program intended for individuals who wish to have a career in the

fields of law enforcement, security administration, crime detection, and prevention of

correctional administration. Prospective criminologists face strong competition in the job market.

As a result, entry-level job applicants need practical experience in addition to a degree. A

criminologist's work is varied and intellectually stimulating, but it also has several disadvantages

According to (TERESA, 2018) the criminology program was implemented by the Bureau

of Higher Education within the future member of Integrated National Police or The Philippine

National Police to trained and educate to application of criminalistics approach and crime

solution which mainly contributed in modern crime laboratory and technology. The criminology

is advantage to employment in terms of Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Jail

Management and Penology (BJMP) and also in Bureau of Fire Protection which is the

criminology is in demand.

The criminology graduates will take a Board Examination need to passed for Criminology

Licensure Examination for their license to practice the profession as a criminologist in the

Philippines. The Board of Criminology of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is

mandated under the Republic Act No. 6506 (Manwong)

(Roufa, 2019) The Criminologist Duties and Responsibilities, the core job of criminologist is

to examine the crime and find a better way solution for preventing the criminal behaviour and

reduce recidivism. They gather the statistic and defining the strategies and pattern. And also they

conducting research in the office or in the field. The job of a criminologist often includes:

Devising strategies to help reduce crime, Compiling statistical data, Working with law

enforcement and corrections personnel, Studying criminal behaviour, Conducting research

interviews, Formulating policy recommendations, and Writing research papers and articles.

Institution/Higher Education

Likewise, (Corpuz, 2020) the mission of tertiary education o institution is to produce

efficient and quality graduates for labor market. In measures the potential and institution success

to deliver fit to work students (Latif & Bahroom, 2010). The Higher education gives the offer of

longitudinal systematic data on profession and employment. The student will be oriented and

experience the essence of the job that related on their skill (Millington, 2008).

Moreover, (Tutor, Aniceto, & Miraflor, 2019) the enrolment in higher education was

arising but in the global estimate that the average rate of return schooling did not change since

1960s (Psacharopoulos and Patrinos, 2018) and in the Philippines, the higher education rate is

33% while the population of 15-30 years old who are least college graduates are unemployed in

2018. Hence, while the country par with the middle-income countries from college participation
rates, even the educated youth suffered from the low employment. Unemployment brings misery

to poverty to the people. (de Dios and Dinglasan, 2014)

In the study (lalican, 2007) the aim of the study is to assess its curriculum and discuss the

relevance of productivity with the present time.

The (REPUBLIC ACT No. 7722, 1994) as the Higher Education Act, (Sec. 8) the CHED

will be the one who identify the needs, support, and development of potential excellence of the

program to promote the quality education of higher education. As well as, the Accrediting of

Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines Inc. (AACCUP) (2015) that provides the

consideration to look during the accreditation to witness the curriculum, organization, research,

extension and the most important is the student services to develop the mechanism and

conducting the evaluation of the institutions (Corpus, 1987).


Based on study of (kebedom, 2010) the to know the level of employment and

unemployment of the graduates for the relevance and competent for the employer perception. The

aim of the study is to demonstrate the success of education and training of the graduates and

employers, to know how the first job obtained by the graduates, if it is related from the field of

the study or given in educational program to be basis for future activities. The result of the study

is to improve learning process that can be improved based on input given by the graduates.

(OFFICE, 2018)The importance of skills and the implications of labour underutilization for

economic and social development were emphasized by the international community in the 2030

Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN, 2015). the International Labour Organization (ILO)

has always played a lead role in promoting full and productive employment as an important

pathway to sustainable development. This concept was embodied in the ILO Declaration of

Philadelphia (ILO, 1944)

In The study of (Rowe, 2018) the conception of employability is confused outcome of

employment nor securing the job after the graduation to earn a better or higher salary (Burke et al.,

2016; Zegwaard & McCurdy, 2014). Internationally, the Higher Education Institution (HEIs) has a

role for employability and graduate employment, as evidenced by the rise of university graduate

employment destinations as an important proxy measure of the value of a university education

(Burke, Scurry, Blenkinsopp, & Graley, 2016). And last several universities in New Zealand,

Australia, and UK was practicing the work-integrated to enhance the graduate in employment

prospect. The perspective of university should produce employable or work ready graduates

(Holmes, 2013).

To be employed in PNP, BJMP or BFP there are qualification of applicant the requires to

follow or possese which is under the administrative control of the National Police Commission

(NAPOLCOM) because of the stringent provisions under Title IV-B (Qualifications Upgrading),

Section 14, of the Republic Act (8551), which amended section 30 of Republic Act 6975. The

general qualifications for appointment specify possession of minimum qualification which

include citizenship, physical test, formal baccalaureate degree, and eligibility set by the

commission; have never been dishonourably discharged from military employment; never been

convicted of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude, as well as age, height and weight

requirements. All these may also contribute as factors which may hinder a criminologist from

becoming members of law enforcement agencies.

Tracer Study

According to M. Shaw (2010), graduate tracer studies provide important information that

will help educational institutions assess the attainment of its vision, mission and goals. An Online

Tool for Graduate Tracer Studies it is a web application that also allows the users to create

custom tracer surveys applicable to their own contexts. With the iterative systems development as

the chosen research framework, feedback gathered from the pre-tests and the prototyping

generated relevant contributions to the development of the graduate tracer tool.

(Phethehile Noko & Ngulube, 2013) tracer study established in NUST for the record and

achieve management of skill that they obtain during university give the requirement in job


According to (Gines, 2014) the information of the tracer study from the graduate is needed

to know what happen to the graduates from academics. The Faculty Development Program (FDP)

was based on careful analysis evaluation towards the building of the strong foundation of

education to ensure the quality of education. Therefore, to qualify as a faculty member must be

have a master’s degree (ched.gov.ph).

According to (BATES & HAYES, 2017), the university was focused on the employability

of students after they graduate from their course. The practicum of the students is one of the ways

to enhance the employability of the criminology students throughout the degree program by using

a range of strategies. The method used in the study was based on the student lifecycle approach

embedded to the employability framework which the students enhance the employability within

the program of the university into the workforce. The student’s degree program developed the

understanding and skills in employability.

Related Study

A study by S N Zembere and M.P.M. Chinyama of the University of Malawi, explain the

result of the study, who graduated between 1987 and 1195. The study aims to analyze the

changes to the career patter of the graduates in order to provide the evaluation of the current

program of the Institution. The significance of the study is to get the evaluation process of the

graduates as well as the institution. (GICANA, SAPUL, & PENETRANTE, 2006)

In the Study of Crizjale Ahmad, this study aimed to trace the Criminology graduates of

Notre Dame of Tacurong College from 2005 – 2012. The result of the study most of the

graduates passed the Criminology Licensure Exam. The graduates took criminology for

immediate work. In terms of reason for the unemployment, it may be family concerned or they
not finding the job. In terms of skill most of the graduates learned technical skills. And the

graduates suggested the improvement of facilities and high technology facilities.

Likewise, based on the study of (Maita & Eusebio, 2018) Cagayan State University as an

institution of higher learning. It was established through Presidential Decree 1436 later amended

by Republic Act 8292 by the integration of all publicly supported higher institutions in Cagayan.

The university is composed of eight (8) campuses. Specifically, it determined the profile of the

graduates, first job after graduation, manner of finding the job, reasons for staying on the job, job

searching period, and personal skills relevant to their present job. Findings of the study reveal

that most of them are employed in the government sector, employed in their field of

specialization and most of them are on a permanent status. The personal skills possessed by the

respondents were found relevant in their present job

According to (Ruiz, Pioquinto, & Amparado, 2014) The study determined the employment

status of the Criminology graduates of UCLM, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines. The

respondents of this study were the criminology graduates of UCLM from 2007-2012. The study

revealed that most of the respondents were employed, holding a regular or permanent position.

There are graduates who are working in private sectors. Some were employed less than a year

after graduating and most of their jobs are relevant to the program. For those unemployed,

graduates claimed that they had health reasons or family concerns. They tried to join the law

enforcement but failed. On employability skills, majority are efficient on disassembling and

assembling firearms and knowledgeable on collecting, preservation and handling of evidence.

Graduates were weak in formulating questions in relation to investigation. On interpersonal

skills, most said that they are flexible and can adapt successfully to changing situations and


(Chinayo & Detran, 2008)The main objective of this study is to look into the number of

criminology graduates from 2001 to 2006 who were employed in the different law enforcement

agencies, both in public and private, and in related and unrelated employment. Only 38.47% of
the alumni were successfully traced and 92.58% of this is employed. Most are employed at the

Philippine National Police and a small percentage is in different law enforcement agencies such

as the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, the Bureau of Fire Protection, the Armed Forces

of the Philippines and security agencies. The academe turns out to be one of the promising

employment locations of the criminology graduates. They are employed instructors or deans of

criminology schools. The results also reveal that there is a significant difference in the

employability of criminology board and non-board passers.

(Maratas E. N., 2020) Many higher institutions in the Philippines provide training to a variety

of clients and these institutions were involved in the developing human resources through long

and short-term programs. This study was conducted to trace the criminology graduates of Jose

Rizal Memorial State University Main Campus, Dapitan City from SY 2010-2011 to 2013-2014.

Only few admitted that they pursued further studies after taking their baccalaureate degree. And

some of the reasons that they pursued further studies mostly agreed that it is because of their

promotions and professional development. More than one-half of the graduates are unemployed

or laid off during the interview and most of them have not taken and passed the licensure exam.

Some of the reasons, why they are not employed is that they did not look for a job after

graduation. A number of them worked as security guards and part-time employees in some

business establishments. However, majority of them are very satisfied and satisfied with their

present job.


The information gathered by the researcher help to realizes that not all of the students were

immediately hired after the graduation there some behind the reason why graduates no job. There

are qualification to be considered and posses by the applicant. And the researcher wants to

conduct this research due to the curiosity of where are the graduates of Laguna State Polytechnic

University – Lopez Satellite Campus.

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