Edu 201 Lesson Plan Final
Edu 201 Lesson Plan Final
Edu 201 Lesson Plan Final
Standard Addressed: INTASC, Principle 5: Motivation and Management. The teacher uses
understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment
that encourage positive and social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Principle 7: Instructional Planning Skills. The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of
▪ Objective/Motivation: The student will learn the skills and knowledge to be able to effectively
become a professional teacher, will understand the importance of observations in the classroom
and how they will help you become an effective teacher, gain knowledge of how to run a
classroom using simulations and experiences, learn the importance of a professional portfolio,
learn the importance of obtaining teacher support and the value of teacher leaders, mentors, peer
▪ Materials Needed:
▪ Procedures:
1. Teacher will introduce the lesson by reading the book: Today I Will Fly by Mo Willems1.
2. Teacher will engage the class asking what they feel are important things that can make
3. Teacher will build upon the discussion by introducing concepts taught in Chapter 13 in a
Power Point slide show. The teacher will share these concepts that will be put on the overhead
b. How Can You Gain Practical Experience for Becoming a Teacher?; Classroom
d. How Can You Obtain Support as a Teacher; The Benefits of Having a Mentor;
What Leadership Opportunities Will You Have Beyone the Classroom?; Teacher
4. Teacher will tie in the book and the lessons we can take from little Piggie and begin to
Article approving reading books online:
6. Have students write a short summary of what they have learned and what their
7. Discuss how they feel about becoming a teacher and if their expectations are
realistic. Encourage teachers that they must have the confidence and believe that they can
achieve and succeed just like Piggie knew she could fly, hadn’t quite figured out how, but knew
she could. Encourage them to seek support and believe in themselves in order to be successful.
Students will be armed with the knowledge of how to begin their journey to begin their career as
a teacher.
1. 5 points = The student demonstrates knowledge of the certain subchapters in the lesson
2. 5 points = The student can identify and write a short summary of what the necessary