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Lesson Plan Culture Grams

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 Lesson Plan: Culturegrams Lesson/Activity

 Grade Level Appropriateness: Grades 3-5

 Technology Content Standard Addressed: 3.B.12.2 Use digital tools to organize and compare

information with main ideas and supporting documentation.

 Other Content Standard Addressed: Curriculum Engine, Clark County School District, K-5

Library Standards (2021-22): Foundational Standard 4 - CURATE: Make meaning for oneself and

others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.

THINK: The learner acts on an information need as evidenced by the ability to:

Determine the need to gather information.

Identify possible sources of information.

Make critical choices about information sources to use.

▪ Objective: The student will learn the skills and knowledge to be able to compile online data for

the purposes of comparing and contrasting the data collected. Students will also gain knowledge

of other countries and their specific demographics and how it correlates to their own specific

environment. Students will research specific data about the population, average completed years

of education, unemployment rate and life expectancy of certain countries in the world. Students

will then share their data with the class or their specific group.
▪ Materials Needed:

1. Student: Internet accessible Chromebook or desktop computer.

2. Teacher: Computer connected to overheard projector to demonstrate the steps necessary

to access the database. Paper and pen to be able to make note of the student’s achievement in

order to grade them according to the rubric below.

▪ Suggest Group Size: Whole class initially. Activity is more fun if each students pick their own

country, therefore, this activity can be done broken up into groups of 3-5 students. If the students

choose to work as a group, it offers the opportunity to collaborate with other students in order to

compare and contrast their data. This will promote team building and friendships.

▪ Procedures:

1. On your Chromebook or desktop computer enter into the web browser:


Using the following login info: Username: Nevada Password: silver

2. Click on the section titled World Edition

3. Click on the category at the top titled Graphs and Tables

4. Click on the Comparison Graphs section on the right hand column

5. You will choose for them the 3 countries and 3 statistical categories that they are going to

compare. In the first category on the left hand side they will select the countries of Afghanistan,

Ethiopia, Ireland and North Korea. In the second category on the right they will select

Population, Unemployment Rate, Mean years of schooling (average number of completed years

of schooling), and Total Life Expectancy.

6. Click Create Comparison Graph

7. Analyze and discuss graphs. Encourage students to find correlations between the total

population, the number of years of schooling and the unemployment rate; and the years of

schooling and life expectancy. Discuss and explain that there are many variations for comparison

that they can explore. Use prompts like: “How do you think the years of schooling in Ireland

correlates to the percentage of unemployment?”; “How does the average years of schooling in

Afghanistan correlate to the low life expectancy?” and; “Think about our country of the United

States. How do you think our statistics compare to the ones we’ve learned about the other

8. Walk around and observe students creating, discussing and comparing graphs and data.

Record and keep track of student participation and successes. Direct students to go back to the

“Create Comparison Graph” section and have them choose the United States of America.

Discuss the data and the similarities and differences to other countries. If time permits, have

them chose different countries and categories to compare and contrast. Students can work and

discuss as a whole class or they can break into small groups of 3-5 students. Suggest students

group together in a manner which accommodates the students with IEP’s (has an Individualized

Educational Program), are ELL (English Language Learner), or that has any other special need.

Ask and engage students individually or in groups about their data and what their thoughts are on

what they have learned.

9. Students will not turn in a paper for this assignment. Assessment will be based on

participation and discussion.

▪ Assessment: Activity will be worth 20 points total as follows:

1. 5 points = The student demonstrates knowledge of use of technology by efficiently

logging in and navigating the technological device with little or no assistance from the teacher.

2. 5 points = The student demonstrates respectful use of technology and properly uses their

device for the intended purpose of this lesson.

3. 5 points = The student participates individually and/or in a group, stays on task, and

continues to remain engaged in the activity.

4. 5 points = The student demonstrates a willingness to collaborate with other students and

share their data in a constructive manner that teaches and engages other students.

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