Electrolytic Concentration of Aqueous Solutions of Nitric Acid. I. Henry Jermain Maude Creighton
Electrolytic Concentration of Aqueous Solutions of Nitric Acid. I. Henry Jermain Maude Creighton
Electrolytic Concentration of Aqueous Solutions of Nitric Acid. I. Henry Jermain Maude Creighton
Department of Chemistry, Swarthmore College.
Member of the Institute.
THE nitric acid produced in the arc processes for the fixation
of atmospheric nitrogen 1 usually has a concentration of 33 to 35
per cent. A dilute acid is also produced in its f o r m a t i o n by the
oxidation of ammonia, 2 while in the ordinary method of manu-
facture f r o m Chili saltpetre a dilute acid (3 80 B~. or less) is
obtained f r o m the final towers Or tourilles of the condensing
system. On account of the m a n y uses for concentrated nitric
acid, the problem of concentrating its dilute aqueous solutions is
an important one and one which has received much attention.
As is well known, dilute aqueous solutions of nitric acid can only
be concentrated to about 68 per cent. H N O 3 by distillation at
atmospheric pressure, due to the f o r m a t i o n of a m i x t u r e of
m a x i m u m boiling point ; and by distillation with concentrated snl-
phuric acid aqueous solutions containing 68 per cent. nitric acid
( m i x t u r e of m a x i m u m boiling point) can be concentrated to over
9 ° per cent. a Attempts have been made to concentrate dilute
nitric acid electrolytically, 4 but, as Molinari points out, ~ these
have not yielded practical results.
W h e n an aqueous solution of nitric acid is electrolyzed between
platinum electrodes, the NO:cions and the H - i o n s migrate, respec-
tively, to the anode and the cathode and are there discharged, the
resulting NO~-radicals reacting with the water of the solution in
accordance with the equation:
2NO3 ~- H20 = 2HNOa + O.
This oxygen and the hydrogen set free at the cathode escape from
the electrolyte in the proportions in which they are present in
water. The net result of electrolysis is, therefore, the decomposi-
tion of some of the water and a consequent increase in the con-
centration of the nitric acid which remains in the solution. If,
however, the dilute nitric acid is electrolyzed in a cell which is
divided into an anodic and cathodic section by means of a porous
diaphragm and F faradays of electricity are passed through the
electrolyte, the following changes occur: At the cathode F gram-
ions of hydrogen discharge and escape from the solution, but, since
the transport number of the NO3-ion in nitric acid is c a . o.I 5, this
loss is partially compensated by migration into the cathodic sec-
tion of o.85 F gram-ions of hydrogen from the anodic section of
the cell. At the same time o.I 5 F gram-ions of NO3 pass from
the cathodic to the anodic section. There occurs, therefore, during
the passage of the current, a loss of o.15 F grarn-molecules of
nitric acid in the cathodic section. At the anode F gram-ions of
NO3 discharge. The nitrate radicals which result do not leave
the solution, but react with the water to form F gram-ions of
hydrogen, F gram-ions of NO3 and o. 5 F gram-atoms of oxygen,
the latter escaping from the electrolyte. Since the anodic section
gains F gram-ions of hydrogen through the NOa-ion discharge
and o.15 F gram-ions of NO 3 by migration from the cathodic
section, and loses o.85 F gram-ions of hydrogen by migration to
the cathodic section, there results a gain of o. 15 F gram-molecules
of nitric acid in the anolyte. Thus, the concentration of the acid
in the anolyte is increased at the expense of that in the catholyte,
the gain in the former being equal to the loss in the latter.
Some of the hydrogen set free in the nascent state at the
cathode reduces part of the nitric acid in the vicinity of the elec-
trode, say through the stages :
HNO8 ~ NO, • HNO, • NO - - • It2N.OH ~ NH3.
The nature of the reduction product formed depends on the tern-
perature, current-density, concentration of the acid and the mate-
rial of the cathode. As early as 1839 Sch6nbein 6 observed that
nitric acid was reduced at the cathode when the acid was concen-
trated, and that current-density played a r61e, while later Brester 7
~Pogg. Ann., 47, 563 (1839).
*Archiv. de Gen~ve (N. S.), 28, 6o (1866).
Concentration of HN0~ in
Time Current- Potential Quantity of Energy
strength difference electricity Consumed
Hours consumed Ano!yte Catholyte
Amperes Volts Amp. -hrs. Kw. -hrs.
% %
o 3.4 0 0 71.4
4 3.4 28 0.0952 73.5
8 3-4 56 o.I9O4 76.7
12 3-4 84 0.2856 77.2
21" 3.4 147 o.499~ 8o.6
25 3.4 I75 0.5950 83.0
29 3.4 203 0.6902 84.5
29 3.0 203 0.6902 84.5
35~ 3.0 239 o.7982
46 3.0 305 0.9962 9o.1
46 4.0 305 o.9962 9o.1
48 4..5 321 1.o642
49 5.5 329 1.1o42
5o 6.0 337 1.1502
51 6.5 345 1.2002
*a5o cc. catholy~e removed and 25o cc. 71.4% HNO~ added to cathode section.
~2oo cc. catholyte removed and ~oo cc. 7 ~.4% HNOs added to cathodic.section•
the volume of anolyte was 975 cc. (I385 grams) and the volume
of catholyte was 55 ° cc. (780 grams). In this experiment 345
ampere-hours of current were passed through the cell and the
concentration of the anolyte raised from 71.4 to 92.2 per cent.
H N O 3 (d~o° = 1.4987). The weight of the anolyte at the end
of the experiment was I 2 I o grams. That this weight was not
greater was due to losses by evaporation, to the removal during
the experiment of I5O cc. for titration, and probably to loss by
diffusion into the cathodic section. In another experiment an
attempt was made to increase further the concentration of the
92.2 per cent. acid obtained in the preceding experiment. Three
hundred grams of the 92.2 per cent. acid were placed in the anodic
section and 285 grams of 71.4 per cent. acid were placed in the
cathodic section of a small concentrating cell. As it was desired
to obtain as pure an acid as possible, the nitrous gases formed in
the cathodic section were not led into the anolyte and t h e tem-
perature of the electrolyte was not allowed to rise above 8 ° C.
The acid was electrolyzed for seven hours, during which time 48
ampere-hours of current were passed through the cell and 0.300
kw.-hr, of energy consumed. At the conclusion of electrolysis
there were 35 ° grams of anolyte containing 99.65 per cent. H N O 3
(d 's°-1.5193)
4 o- On being removed from the cell at the con-
clusion of electrolysis this acid was almost colorless; but after
standing for twenty-four hours in a room at ordinary temperature
it became lemon yellow in color.
In each of the foregoing experiments the porous cylinder
underwent considerable disintegration and could not be used for
a second experiment. This difficulty can probably be overcome,
however, by using an aluminum cylinder, since it has been found
that a cylinder of this material undergoes but little change in
weight on being immersed in 7° per cent. nitric acid for six weeks.
In order to determine to what extent " spent a c i d " (i.e., a
mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids diluted and partially deprived
of the former acid by use in nitrating organic substances, e.g.,
glycerine) could be concentrated electrolytically, a spent acid con-
taining 70.03 per cent. H2SO4, IO.O6 per cent. H N O 3 and I9.9 I
per cent. H 2 0 was electrolyzed, the gases evolved in the cathodic
section of the electrolysis cell being led into the anolyte immediately
below the anode. Four hundred and fifty-five grams of the spent
acid were placed in the anodic section of the cell and 37 ° grams in
the cathodic section. T h e acid was electrolyzed for ten hours with
a current of eight amperes, the mean potential difference being
6.75 volts. At the conclusion of electrolysis the weight of anolyte
was 440 grams. T h e anolyte was analyzed and found to contain
74.4 p e r cent. H 2 S O , , 21.32 per cent. H N O a and 4.28 per
cent. H,_,O.