Zinc Electrowinning & Zinc Cathodes
Zinc Electrowinning & Zinc Cathodes
Zinc Electrowinning & Zinc Cathodes
Only the high-hydrogen overvoltage on zinc permits the deposition of zinc at the cathode since
thermodynamics favor decomposition of water and evolution of hydrogen.
The literature written on zinc electrolysis is voluminous; however, the complexity of the
problem warrants further research.
Pure aluminum cathodes have been used since the inception of the zinc
electrowinning process. However, the problem of deposited zinc sticking to the aluminum
cathode has plagued the industry for many years; it causes metal losses and discourages
automation. It is agreed generally that sticking is caused by fluoride ions in solution that attack
and etch the aluminum cathode. Subsequent intergrowth of the zinc deposit into the pits and
crevices results in mechanical interlocking, making stripping of the zinc deposit difficult, if not
Kelly found that both Cl- and F- contributed to sticking, with Cl- favoring greater sheet
adherence and F- favoring spot adherence. There was no correlation between surface
roughness and adherence. However, smaller aluminum crystals in the cathode surface favored
stronger adherence.
Klimenko concluded that electrolytic deposition of zinc leads to a mechanical bond between
zinc and aluminum crystals. The strength of the bond is determined by the state of corrosion of
aluminum (degree of elimination of the surface film) and the microstructure of the adhering
zinc. The corrosion state of aluminum was also found to be a direct function of the
concentration of F- in the solution and the amount of time it is in contact with the uncovered
The work of Kammel and Saadat showed that Cl- and F- in the electrolyte, as well as higher
temperatures, increase intensity of retention; however, using zinc cathodes for zinc
electrowinning will solve this problem. Using zinc cathodes eliminates the necessity for
stripping the zinc deposit from the aluminum cathode and enables the recovery of zinc by
electrolysis of ZnSO4 solutions prepared from domestic concentrates and wastes containing
fluorides. At the end of electrolysis, the all-zinc cathode is removed and melted in the furnace
for casting.
Several investigators have attempted to use zinc cathodes for electrowinning zinc but had
limited success because of solution-level corrosion that allowed the zinc cathode to drop off
into the cell after a period of time.
Many procedures have been developed to eliminate or modify the effects solution-level
Ware, Blake, and Higbie investigated the conditions necessary for making thick
electrodeposits of zinc on zinc starting sheets to eliminate the stripping costs and reduce
melting losses. They were able to produce zinc on zinc cathodes and avoid solution-level
corrosion by rigorous purification of cell-feed solutions and by using specially designed
cathodes. In fact, the cathode was suspended completely below the level of the solution by a
shank that was large enough in cross-sectional area to withstand solution-level attack.
Ralston has shown that solution-level corrosion can be successfully prevented by applying a
protective coating at the solution level or by progressively lowering the level of the electrolyte
in the cell.
All of the methods described have proved to be impractical, expensive, and commercially
During the course of this investigation, the reason for solution-level corrosion was determined,
and a practical, inexpensive, and effective method was devised to prevent it. Solving the
problem of solution-level corrosion of the zinc cathode cleared the way for demonstrating that
zinc cathodes can be used for electrowinning zinc from solutions containing fluoride ion.
Experimental Procedure
All electrolyses were performed with constant current using a 40-volt, 50-amp direct current
power supply.
Glass 0.8-, 1-, 5-, and 10-liter cells were used initially with a plastic top of sufficient thickness
to hold and space the electrodes and to reduce the amount of solution evaporation. Later,
plastic cells were substituted for the glass cells when working with solutions containing fluoride
ion. The plastic top had a 0.08-cm-wide slot cut so that the cathode could be slid in from one
edge and be centered in the cell. Precisely 3.8 cm on each side of the cathode and parallel to
it, two openings were cut to the appropriate width for inserting the anodes. Figure 1 depicts the
0.8-liter glass cell and its individual components. The temperature of the 0.8-, 1-, and 5-liter
cells was controlled at 35° to 40° C by using a hot plate with thermistor control. However, with
the 10-liter cell, it was necessary to cool the cell slightly to maintain the electrolyte temperature
in the 35° to 40° C range. Cooling was accomplished by wrapping the cell with a copper coil
and passing water through the coil.
Table 1 shows the cell size and dimensions of anodes and cathodes used.
The Bureau of Mines developed the PbO2-coated titanium anodes that were used in these
experiments. All cathodes were made from purchased 1100 alloy aluminum sheet or zinc
sheet from 99.9 pct pure zinc stock that was warm-rolled at 250° C on an 8-inch wide
laboratory rolling mill.
The platinum anodes were bolted to an elliptical shaped, pure (99,99 pct) aluminum ring that
held them 7.6 cm apart and parallel to each other (fig. 1). Similarly, the PbO2-coated titanium
anodes were welded to a titanium ring for use in the 0.8-, 1-, and 5-liter cells. A banana plug
was mounted in the center of one end of the ring for the electrical connection, and the end of
the plug was wrapped tightly with Teflon tape to prevent accidental contamination of the
solution by corrosion products from the brass on the plug inadvertently getting into the cell.
The aluminum and zinc cathodes used in the 0.8-, 1-, and 5-liter cells were cut T-shaped (fig.
1C). When the cathodes were inserted into the slot in the plastic top, the arms of the T were
bent in opposite directions to hold them in place. A banana plug was attached to one arm of
the T for the electrical connection, and the end of the plug was wrapped in Teflon tape.
The anodes and cathodes used in the 10-liter cell were bolted to a 0.6- by 2.5-cm aluminum
bus bar that stretched across the top of the cell; banana plugs were again used for the
electrical connections.
Teflon strips, 0.3 cm thick by 0.6 cm wide with a 0.08-cm slot in the center, were placed on the
edges and at the bottom of the aluminum cathodes to minimize current concentration and the
resulting dendritic growth in these areas.
The cathodes were sanded with 600-grit emery paper, to remove the rolled-surface, then
washed with distilled water and blotted dry before being placed in the cell. Anodes also were
washed with distilled water and dried before using.
Electrolyte Preparation
Neutral zinc sulfate solution was prepared by dissolving stoichiometric amounts of lead-free
photoconductive zinc oxide or zinc calcine in reagent-grade sulfuric acid and distilled water.
The solution then was purified by the standard commercial practice of oxidation with MnO2 to
precipitate ferric hydroxide (iron purification), followed by two successive treatments with zinc
dust (copper -cadmium purification). Purified neutral solution, concentrated H2SO4, and
distilled water were mixed to give a cell solution with a nominal concentration of 65 g/l Zn++
and 200 g/l free acid.
The zinc dust used for purification in the initial experiments was purchased from a commercial
chemical supplier. Later, the particle size of the dust was found to have an important bearing
on the degree of purification obtained, therefore, coarse- and fine-mesh dust were obtained
from a zinc electrowinning plant. (Table 2 gives the screen analyses of these dusts.)
Zinc concentrates containing 58 pct Zn -30 pct S, and 0.5 pct F- as CaF3 were obtained from
Illinois for the final phase of this work. Standard commercial practice is to roast in fluid-bed
roasters at 930° to 950° C, and the sulfur content is usually reduced to less than 1 pct. A great
deal of difficulty was experienced in roasting the sample because a fluid-bed furnace was
unavailable. Eventually the material was roasted using a fire-clay crucible in a pot furnace a
1,200° C for approximately 24 hours. An air lance was placed near the bottom of the crucible
to aid in oxidation and sulfur removal. The sulfur content of the charge was lowered to -2 pct.
Unfortunately, the fluoride concentration was reduced to 0.02 pct owing to the high
temperature and long roasting time required to remove the sulfur.
The calcined material was leached with H2SO4, purified by oxidation, and treated with zinc
dust. The presence of deleterious amounts of impurities remaining in the electrolyte after
purification resulted in a modification of the purification procedure. The method finally adopted
for purifying the neutral zinc sulfate solution with zinc dust was as follows:
The clean, dry cell was filled with a solution containing 65 g/l Zn++ and 200 g/l H2SO4, and
the temperature was allowed to stabilize between 35° and 40° C. A magnetic stirrer was
activated to spin a Teflon-covered magnet for stirring the solution.
The cathode, with the Teflon edge strips in place, was inserted into the slot in the plastic top
and slid into the center. The anodes then were placed through the slots on both sides of the
cathode, and the entire assembly was flushed with distilled H2O and blotted dry. Leads from
the power supply were attached, the electrodes were placed into the cell, and the power
supply was turned to the desired current setting immediately.
As soon as the power was on, plastic tubing from a peristaltic pump was fitted into a small hole
in the plastic top in back of one of the anodes, and neutral solution was pumped from a
reservoir into the bottom of the cell. Simultaneously, and at the same rate, cell solution was
pumped out at the top of the cell. Constant zinc ion and sulfuric acid concentrations were
maintained in the electrolytic cell by varying the pumping rate.
After completing electrolysis, the cathode was removed as rapidly as possible and flushed with
distilled water. A handheld dryer was used to rapidly dry the cathode to prevent discoloration
or staining. Once the deposit was completely dry, it was stripped from the aluminum by flexing.
With some deposits that were strongly adherent, a knife or razor blade was inserted under one
edge to pry them loose.
An aliquot portion of electrolyte was pipetted periodically and titrated against 1N NaOH, using
a methyl orange indicator to determine the H2O04 concentration.
The amount of zinc in the neutral zinc sulfate solution was determined by the following
1. Mix a 0.5-ml aliquot of the neutral solution with 100 ml of distilled H2O.
2. Add 5 ml of pH 10 buffer solution. (For the cell solutions containing less zinc, it
was necessary to raise the pH to -6 with 1N NaOH prior to adding the buffer solution.)
3. Titrate with 0.1M EDTA solution, using Eriochrome Black T indicator to a blue end
point. (The concentration of zinc in the solution then was calculated in the usual manner; for
example, ml1·N1 = ml2·N2.)
Current efficiency was calculated by comparing the actual weight of the zinc deposit with the
theoretical weight. Selected deposits were examined on the scanning electron microscope
(SEM) and the electron microprobe, and photographs were taken of typical structures.
Several tests were made with pure platinum anodes and an aluminum cathode to determine
the quality of purified solutions prepared from reagent-grade ZnO and H2SO4 and to
familiarize personnel with procedures used for zinc electrowinning. Good deposits were
obtained with -92-pct current efficiency at 8 amp/dm² and 35° C from a solution containing 65
g/l Zn++ and 200 g/l H2SO4. Deposit morphology was excellent, although some pitting began
to occur after 6 hours.
In an attempt to eliminate the pitting, small amounts of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) were added
to the electrolyte prior to electrolysis. Adding Na2SiO3 resulted in a marked improvement in
the morphology of the zinc deposit, but an excess tended to reduce current efficiency. For
example, 100 mg/l of Na2SiO3 reduced the current efficiency from a nominal 90 pct to less
than 10 pct. The optimum amount of Na2SiO3 to eliminate most of the pitting, without a
reduction in current efficiency, was found to be 25 to 35 mg/l (fig. 2).
The mesh size of the zinc dust used for copper-cadmium purification was also found to have
an effect on pitting of the zinc deposit. A very fine dust (96.5 pct minus 325 mesh) had been
used for both purifications. At least one domestic smelter uses a coarse-mesh zinc dust for the
first purification, in which copper sulfate and arsenic trioxide are added, and a fine-mesh dust
for the final purification. It had been suspected that the rapid dissolution of the fine dust
resulted in incomplete purification. Evidently, the coarse dust dissolves more slowly when
added to the impure zinc sulfate solution and is, therefore, more effective.
Using coarse- and fine-mesh dusts (table 1) from a smelter to purify the solution, a pit-free
deposit was obtained at 8 amp/dm² for 24 hours. However, a second deposit made in the
same electrolyte was badly pitted. Additions of Na2SiO3 did little to eliminate this pitting.
The one difference between our electrolytic procedure and the usual commercial practice
appeared to be related to the rate of solution flow through the cell. In a commercial cell, there
are several complete solution changes per 24-hour period, whereas in our 1-liter cell, the
solution flow was adjusted to maintain the zinc ion concentration constant and less than one
complete solution change occurred in 24 hours. This suggested that there was an impurity
buildup in the cell. To test this theory, the cell size was
reduced to 0.8-liter. Since the current density and cathode size remained constant, the smaller
cell volume allowed a faster rate of solution change, which negated impurity buildup.
Consequently, the second and third successive 24-hour deposits were found to be as good as
the first. The current efficiency for all deposits was >93 pct, and the morphology was excellent.
Electrolysis of the purified solution prepared from the material roasted in a pot furnace failed to
produce a deposit. The zinc went back into the solution faster than it would plate-out on the
aluminum cathode. Analysis of the solution revealed the presence of cobalt and nickel in the
range of 3 to 4 ppm. Commercial plant experience suggests that the cobalt concentration
should not exceed 0.05 ppm; if this limit is met, the nickel concentration also will not exceed
0.05 ppm.
Additional zinc dust purification, using our normal procedure of holding 15 min at 90° C after
adding zinc dust but before filtration, only decreased the concentration of cobalt and nickel to
the 1- to 2-ppm range. The laboratory purification procedure was based on filtering the solution
as rapidly as possible after adding the zinc dust, to avoid the tendency for impurities already
cemented-out to redissolve.
When holding times were increased during the purification process, zinc deposits were
produced repeatedly on both aluminum and zinc cathodes with good current efficiencies (-94
pct). Using the purification method described in the Experimental Procedure section under
Electrolyte Preparation, the cobalt and nickel concentrations in the electrolyte were reduced
below the target value of 0.05 ppm.
Although excellent deposits were obtained in 12-hour runs with current efficiencies exceeding
90 pct, the deposits began to redissolve after approximately 18 hours of electrolysis. Some
current efficiencies were less than 50 pct. Since the cobalt and nickel concentrations had been
reduced to very low levels, other reasons for re-solution were examined.
The accepted explanation for re-solution is that impurities are responsible. Low-overvoltage
impurities, such as Cu, As, Sb, Ge, and Te, depositing with the zinc on the cathode would
have a twofold effect; they would tend to lower the hydrogen overvoltage for zinc deposition
and at the same time induce corrosion of the zinc through the action of local cells.
It was noted that usually zinc would deposit on the edges and bottom of the cathode at the
areas of high current density and then the remaining V-shaped area would fill in. Re-solution
usually occurred in reverse to deposition.
It first appeared as a black crescent-shaped area at the top of the cathode; sometimes it
appeared mainly at the edges, depending on the nature of the impurity involved. As re-solution
progressed, it was accompanied by evolution of hydrogen, which increased in inverse
proportion to the amount of zinc deposited until no zinc remained on the aluminum cathode
and only hydrogen was evolved.
Samples were taken from the top of a deposit after re-solution had started and from the center
of the same deposit outside the re-solution area. The samples were examined on the SEM.
(Fig. 3 includes micrographs of the representative structure.)
Note that the structure of the deposit
from the area where no solution took place is composed of many basal planes with (002)
orientation, but there are no basal planes visible in the re-solution area at the top of the
cathode. In addition to the difference in morphology, the surface of the deposit in the re-
solution area contained small foreign particles of approximately 2 to 4 µm scattered
The SEM nondispersive X-ray analysis system was utilized to identify the foreign particles
seen on the zinc surface in the re-solution area at the top of the cathode. An X-ray spectrum
was obtained on the base metal (zinc) and also on the small, white, -3.5-µm saltlike particle
that can be seen in the center of fig. 3B. Three extraneous peaks were identified (left to right in
fig. 4) as Al, Pt, and Cl. This analysis was the first direct evidence that platinum was present
on the zinc deposit, although there was a great deal of indirect evidence to support this view,
for example, very minor weight losses for the anode after long periods of time.
Previously, the microprobe had been used in an attempt to detect platinum, but without
success. On the strength of the foregoing results, the same specimen was examined on the
microprobe, and, again, no platinum was detected. The detector then was set for platinum and
moved slowly over the surface. Platinum was found to be present in finely divided form
throughout the re-solution area.
The presence of chlorine also was confirmed; therefore, it can be assumed that the platinum
might have reached the cathode as a platinum-chlorine compound. Also, chlorine might have
contributed to the dissolution of the platinum anodes. Aluminum was not found during the
microprobe examination; it appeared that the presence of aluminum in the X-ray spectrum was
due to scatter from the specimen holder, a problem that had been encountered on other
In light of the above evidence, the platinum anodes were replaced with PbO2-coated titanium
anodes and the re-solution problem was eliminated. The platinum anodes had been used in
the preliminary work assuming that their stability would eliminate one of the variables during
determination of the operating parameters for the cell.
Fluoride Concentration
Results of chemical analyses had indicated that most of the fluoride had been removed from
the concentrates owing to the excessive temperature required for the crucible roast. It was
necessary to add fluoride to the electrolyte to cause the zinc to stick to the aluminum cathode.
Successive additions of F- (as 50-pct HF solution) in increments of 0.055 g/l were made to the
zinc sulfate solution to determine the maximum tolerable fluoride level that would not impede
stripping the zinc from the aluminum cathode. The zinc deposit became increasingly more
difficult to strip as the amount of fluoride ions increased, and stripping was impossible when
the fluoride level reached 0.55 g/l F.
The work to show that zinc cathodes could replace aluminum to win zinc from solutions
containing fluorides was initiated in a 5-liter cell using the same solutions, temperature, and
current density as employed for the aluminum cathodes except 0.55 g/l F- was added to the
electrolyte. Zinc was successfully deposited on rolled-zinc cathodes at -92 pct current
efficiency. The deposits were of fair quality, but they contained some pitting.
Solution-Level Corrosion
Corrosion of the zinc starting sheet at the
solution level was quite evident as anticipated. Deposits of zinc on zinc were made for 24
hours without separation of the cathode at the solution line, but dissolution was severe enough
that it is doubtful whether electrolysis could have been continued much longer than 24 hours.
Close observation of the cell during electrowinning revealed that the phenomenon of solution-
level corrosion was due to oxidation of the zinc at the solution line by oxygen from the anode.
The problem was solved inexpensively by placing noncorroding strips between the cathode
and the anode, which extended below the solution level (fig. 5) to act as a barrier to oxygen
transport from the anode. The strips could be placed as a permanent fixture on top of the cell
and should never require removal or replacing.
Figure 6 shows two zinc deposits made on zinc cathode starting sheets with -92 pct current
efficiency. The zinc deposit on the left, made with oxygen barriers in place during electrolysis,
shows no deterioration of the zinc starting sheet at the solution line. The zinc deposit on the
right, made without the oxygen barriers, shows several holes at the solution line resulting from
severe solution-level attack of the zinc starting sheet.
Tests were made in a 10-liter cell to obtain results directly translatable to commercial cell
To bypass the roasting problems and facilitate completing the test, neutral purified solution
was obtained from an electrolytic zinc plant in Sauget, 111., and fluoride was added to
simulate the fluoride- containing zinc concentrates. This material already contained cobalt and
nickel and was similar to solutions derived from the concentrates except for the lack of fluoride.
Final tests were made using a 10-liter plastic cell and aluminum and zinc cathodes with an
effective working area of approximately 15 by 18 cm per side. Cell solution was prepared, as
before, by mixing neutral purified solution, reagent-grade H2SO4, and distilled H2O.
Approximately 8 mg/l of flake glue was added to the electrolyte to smooth the deposit.
Zinc was successfully deposited on aluminum and zinc cathodes from solutions containing
enough fluoride (0.55 gpl F-) to cause sticking of the zinc deposit to the aluminum cathode.
Solution concentration, current density, temperature, etc., were the same as for the small-
scale test in the 0.8- and 1-liter cells.
Current efficiencies were low, 82 to 86 pct, but normal for an electrolyte with impurities such as
cobalt and nickel in solution. Morphologies of all deposits were excellent (figs. 7-8).
In fig. 7, the deposit on the left was on an aluminum cathode with no fluoride in solution. No
difficulty was experienced with stripping this deposit. The deposit on the right was from a
solution containing ~0.5 g/1 F-. Part of the deposit has been torn from the aluminum cathode
indicating the effect of fluoride on strippability.
Figure 8 shows a deposit made in the same solution and under the same conditions as the
deposit on the right in fig. 7; a zinc cathode was used along with oxygen barriers to eliminate
solution-level corrosion.
A simple and inexpensive method was invented for eliminating solution-level corrosion of
electrolytic zinc deposits. This invention enabled the development of a procedure for using zinc
cathodes for zinc electrowinning,which, in turn, permits the electrowinning of zinc from
solutions containing fluoride ion.
Over the years, the electrolytic zinc industry has been plagued with the problem of zinc
sticking to aluminum cathodes, causing not only a loss of deposited zinc but, in some cases, a
loss of the aluminum cathodes as well. Using zinc cathodes would not only eliminate sticking
but also would enable processing of concentrates containing fluorides, encourage automation,
and eliminate the edge strips now used to facilitate the stripping of zinc deposits from
aluminum starting sheets.
The Bureau of Mines developed a procedure that enables substitution of zinc cathodes for the
aluminum cathodes normally used in commercial zinc electrowinning. Using zinc cathodes
eliminates the necessity for stripping and makes it possible to electrowin zinc from solutions
derived from material containing excessive amounts of soluble fluorides; for example, zinc
concentrates obtained as a byproduct of fluorspar mining in Kentucky and Illinois. To
demonstrate the viability of using zinc cathodes, fluoride-containing zinc concentrate was
roasted, leached, and purified according to current commercial practice. Electrolysis was
carried out in 0.8-, 1-, 5-, and 10-liter cells at 35° to 40° C with a cathode-current density of 8
amp/dm² in a solution containing 65 g/l Zn++ and 200 g/l H2SO4 using PbO2 anodes. Zinc
deposits were produced on zinc cathodes with good morphology and excellent current
efficiency (90 to 94 pct) in solutions containing enough fluoride (-0.5 g/l, F-) to cause sticking of
zinc to aluminum cathodes. The approach described has failed previously because of severe
solution-level corrosion of the zinc cathodes. The present investigation found that the use of a
simple mechanical barrier to prevent oxygen migration from the anode was sufficient to
prevent solution-level corrosion of the zinc cathode starting sheet.