(1994) - Shen - Development of An Aluminiumhea Water Battery For Subsea Applications
(1994) - Shen - Development of An Aluminiumhea Water Battery For Subsea Applications
(1994) - Shen - Development of An Aluminiumhea Water Battery For Subsea Applications
C. Kuo
Marine Technology Centre, lJniversi@ of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 OLZ (UK)
(Received April 7, 1993; in revised form July 3, 1993; accepted July 5, 1993)
There are two modes of operation for an aluminiumbater battery: use of hydrogen-evolving
or oxygen-reduction cathodes. In the first case, the current density is -10 mA cm-’ at
0.5 V. This leads to significant increase of pH and deposition of Ca/Mg(OH)z at the
cathode, leading to sharp decrease in battery performance. On the other hand, in the
oxygen-reduction mode, the current density is -0.1 mA cm-* at 1.4 V, because of the
low concentration of O2 in sea-water. Long-term tests of an Al/water battery using Teflon-
bonded Co,O,/C oxygen reduction cathodes in Brightlingsea Harbour, Essex, over a test
period of 70 days have shown that the performance of this battery is stable and that
it is possible to increase its performance by means of multi-cathodes on either side of
the anode. A conceptual design shows that such a battery has an energy density of
1008 Wh kg-’ over an operating period of one year, significantly higher than all the
conventional primary batteries considered for use in sub-sea environments.
The growing interest in sub-sea production and exploration of oil and gas wells
has created the need to develop long-life and high energy density batteries. Primary
lithium batteries have the highest energy density (up to 500 Wh kg-‘) [l], but if these
batteries are used for sub-sea applications, there is a need to put them inside pressure
vessels, reducing their energy density and increasing the operating lost. On the other
hand, primary batteries based on the use of metal alloy anodes and oxygen-reduction
or hydrogen-evolution cathode should be able to satisfy the above requirements [2-53.
Sea-water is used as the electrolyte and dissolved oxygen or water is used as the
oxidant. Therefore, the only consumable item is the metal anode since dissolved oxygen
and water are supplied by sea-water. Moreover, since sea-water is used as the electrolyte,
the battery does not require vessel containment.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 5
Time, hours
Fig. 2. The performance of a Teflon-bonded Co,O,/C and a Pt/C (Pt =0.4 mg cm-*) cathode
operating at-O.1 rnA cm-' in artificial sea-water.
i= O.lm&q.cm
-I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 1.2 1.4 6
Distance, cm
Fig. 3. The effect of anode/cathode gap on the battery voltage in 3% NaCl solution at 14 “C.
Battery development
For long-term operations in sub-sea environments, Al/water batteries using oxygen-
reduction cathode should overcome the following problems:
(i) Prevention of marine growth and the formation of hydroxide or calcareous
layers at the electrodes.
(ii) Minimum increase in IR losses due to the dissolution of the anode.
The effect of anode/cathode gap on battery performance operating with oxygen-
reduction cathode (mode 2) is given in Fig. 3. There is no significant change in
performance by varying the anode/cathode gap from 0.4 to 1.2 cm. In addition, when
the design is based on an anode with a cathode on either side, the results suggest
that even 20 cm thick anode could be used without any worries about the increase
in IR losses with time. Since the resistivity of sea-water is typically 25 a cm [13], the
IR loss is only 25 mV for a 10 cm gap under the operating current density of
0.1 n~4 cm-‘.
(iii) Minimising of the self-discharge of anode. All active anode materials will
react with water thus reducing faradaic efficiency. Therefore, it is important to reduce
the amount of anode surface exposed to the sea-water to a minimum.
Sea trials of the third test rig using Teflon-bonded Co304/C cathodes
The third test rig was commissioned and two sets of batteries were tested. These
batteries were made with Teflon-bonded Co,O,/C cathodes. The results shown in
Fig. 5 are obtained from a set of batteries with the anode/cathode gap of 0.5 cm.
Figure 6 shows the results of another set of batteries which had a gap of 2 cm between
the anode and the cathode. There was hardly any difference in output between the
two sets of batteries up to 50 days, again confirming that at lower current densities,
the effect of IR losses due to the distance between two electrodes are low enough
to be of insignificant consequence. Postmortem examination of the first set of batteries
after 100 days revealed that the electrodes were covered with the whitish brown
deposits, indicating the inclusion of mud particles with the hydroxide precipitates. The
high coverage of the electrode surface by the deposits results in the decrease of the
battery performance. On the other hand, though there was some precipitate on the
0.5 -
0.4 BV
0 2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 16 20
Time, days
Fig. 4. The changes in battery voltage and current with time. Test site: floating pontoon, Teflon-
bonded Pt/C cathode. AV, BV and CV are the voltages of batteries A, B and C, respectively,
and Ai, Bi and Ci are the currents.
0.5 -
... . .
:%/ 0.4 BV
> cv
gb 1.2’ 0.3 $ -
9 *x. ..- z Ai
li. -*. __*..
2 1’ ._.._‘._. ..?q I
E Bi
r: 0.8*---- Q “.#G . 0.2 6
I. --*
-_._.__ ‘.r< _A -Ci
0.4. 0.1
04 7
0 20 40 60 80 IO 0”
Time, days
Fig. 5. The changes in battery voltage and current with time. Test site: floating pontoon, Teflon-
bonded Co304/C cathode, anode/cathode gap: 0.5 cm. AV, BV and CV are the voltages of
batteries A, B and C, respectively, and Ai, Bi and Ci are the currents.
surface of the electrodes in the second set of batteries after a test period of 70 days,
it was far less serious than the first set of batteries, suggesting that the greater
separation between the anode and the cathode enables the hydroxide precipitates to
flow away from the batteries more readily.
The reason for choosing special Al alloy from Alcan International Ltd. for most
of this work is because of their lower self-discharge rate, compared with the Mg alloys
1141. However, it may be better to consider the use of Mg alloys as anodes in the
light of the results of the sea trials. The fact that we are getting Al(OH),/mud deposits
0.4- 0.1
-I 20 40 60 60 108
Time, days
Fig. 6. The changes in battery voltage and current with time. Test site: floating pontoon, Teflon-
bonded Co,04/C cathode, anode/cathode gap: 2 cm. AV, BV and CV are the voltages of batteries
A, B and C, respectively, and Ai, Bi and Ci are the currents.
on the electrodes in sea trials is not surprising since the solubility product, Ksp, of
Al( is 1.3 X lo- 33. However, the solubility product of Mg(OH), is only 1.8 X lO_“.
In other words, the anodic reaction product of Mg hs significantly more soluble that
that of Al(OH)3 and will therefore be less likely to form precipitates on the electrode
Teflon-bonded Co,O,/C oxygen-reduction cathodes have proved to be almost as
active as Pt/C catalysts (Fig. 2) at low current densities. Moreover, test up to 120
days in sea trials have shown that they are not poisoned and that there is no growth
of marine life on the surface. This could be due to two reasons: (i) the presence of
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) on the electrode surface, making it difficult for the
marine life to attach onto the surface, and (ii) increase in pH of the solution at the
surface of the electrode due to oxygen reduction. High pH solution is not a suitable
media for the growth of marine life.
The energy density for such a corrosion battery is higher than that of best primary
lithium battery. One method of improving the current output from such batteries is
using many parallel cathodes on each side of the anode. It is known that the current
output is limited by the oxygen reduction on the cathode. However, the current can
be increased by increasing the cathode area. Since the cathodes are porous, there is
adequate electrolyte pathway between each cathode layer. The use of such multi-
cathode battery will significantly increase the current output but without causing
significant changes in the pH at the cathode surface, thus avoiding the precipitation
of Ca/Mg(OH)z. Moreover, the higher power output from each battery will greatly
decrease the parasitic loss from the self-discharge of the anode, since the total exposed
area of the anode remains the same. Figure 7 shows the performance of a 1 cm2 Al
alloy anode/5cathode battery. The battery output was 0.5 mA cm-* for anode and
the performance is the same as the one with the current density at 0.1 mA cm-*.
In the conceptual design of a 25 W multi-cathode Al/water battery, it is assumed
that the operating current density is 0.2 mA cm-’ for each cathode and the operating
voltage is 1.3 V. By using - 1 mz Al anode and 5 X 1 mz cathode on either side of
the anode, the amount of Al alloy used in 1 year is:
W = (ItN)IF (4)
new solution
IJHI*( “)*_ q
& 1.2
z6 0.6 _
01, IO 20 30 40 60 60 70 0
Time, hours
Fig. 7. Voltage vs. time curve of an Al/5 cathode battery in 3% NaCl solution (0.5 mA cm-‘).
Financial support provided by the Offshore Supplies Office of the DTI and the
Petroleum Science and Technology Institute is gratefully acknowledged. The authors
would also like to thank the Harbour Master, Brightlingsea Harbour for providing the
facilities for the sea trials.
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