Lect 2
Lect 2
Lect 2
Attraction to complexity
Tolerance of Ambiguity
Have a broad interest
Drive to Achieve
Love to work
Risk Taker
Barriers To Creativity
Excessive Focus on Extrinsic Motivation
Limit set by Peers
Competition in a win-Loss situation
Control of decision making
Control of information
Blindly follow rules
Constantly being practical
Fearing looking Foolish
Fearing mistake and failure
Innovation is the ability to apply creative solutions to those problems
and opportunities to enhance or to enrich people’s lives.
Innovation is closely tied to creativity i.e. putting creative ideas into action is an
innovation, whose consequences should be positive.
A process of intention change made to create value by meeting
Process: Innovation is a process
Intentional: The process carried out on purpose.
Change :It results more kind of change
Value: The whole point of change is to create value in out economy, Society or
individual lives.
Opportunity & Advantage: At the same time , they also create value by exploiting
the opportunities they have at hand.
Better and smarter way of doing
New technology.
New product line or segment.
A new method of production.
An improvement in the existing product
Invention: Describe as the creation of a new product , service
or process. Something that has not been tried before.
Extension: The expansion of existing product, service or
process. This would mean that entrepreneur takes an existing
idea and applies it differently.
Duplication: Copying (Replicating ) an existing product,
service or process and then adding the entrepreneurs own
creative touch in order to improve it.
Synthesis : A combination of more than one existing product or
service into a new product or service. This means that several
ideas are combined in to new product.
Analytical Planning- Carefully indentify the product and
service features, design as well as the resources that will be
Resource Organization- Obtaining the required resources ,
material, technology, human or capital resources.
Implementation- Applying the resources in order to
accomplish the plans.
Commercial Application- The provision of value to customers,
reward employees and satisfy the stakeholders.
Mental resilience
Intellectual humility
Continuous reflection
Sensitivity towards uncertainties
Implementing learning and idea adaptation
Comparison Chart
Creativity is an act of creating new ideas, Innovation is the introduction of something new
imaginations and possibilities. and effective into the market
Harvard’s Ted Levitt says that creativity is thinking new things, and innovation
is doing new things