Sania C. Charlery Hospitality Studies Department Entrepreneurship Assignment
Sania C. Charlery Hospitality Studies Department Entrepreneurship Assignment
Sania C. Charlery Hospitality Studies Department Entrepreneurship Assignment
Innovation is the successful development of competitive advantage and as such, it is the key to entrepreneurship. In addition, both innovation and entrepreneurship demand creativity.Innovation involves creating value by bringing together resources that are hard to come by. It applies to small businesses, existing businesses and a range of other types of entrepreneurial ventures such as non-profit ventures. It also applies to you as an individual. The entrepreneurs are the dreamers, who take hands on responsibility for creating innovation. It is the presence of innovation that distinguishes the entrepreneur from others. Innovation is defined as adding something new to an existing product or process. The key words are adding and existing. The product or process has already been created from scratch and has worked reasonably well. When it is changed so that it works better or fulfils a different need, then there is innovation on what already exists. Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas. All innovation begins with creative ideas. Creativity is the starting point for innovation. Innovation, must therefore, increase competitiveness through efforts aimed at the rejuvenation, renewal, and redefinition of organizations, their markets or industries, if business are to be deemed entrepreneurial. Drucker in (1985) argued that innovation is the tool of entrepreneurship. The Elements Of Innovation Fiona Fitzpatrick identified the following elements of innovation: 1. Challenge This begs the question: What we are trying to change or accomplish? Here the entrepreneurs source out a problem in society and try to figure out how they can change or improve on it. They are driven to succeed and will not rest until they have accomplished their task. 2. Customer focus This is defined as creating value for your customers. Entrepreneurs ensure that all their hard work does not go to waste. So they try to create products which has significant value. One which wont disappoint their customers and at the same time discredit their name. 3. Creativity An entrepreneurs creativity is essential to him/her. This is their way of generating and sharing ideas in-order to help differentiate him/her as an entrepreneur from the rest. This creative streak also helps them generate ideas on how to improve on products, software, ideas etc. : Classic examples of technological innovation are the internet, the digital camera and cell phones, the Nintendo Wii and technologies like Apples' iTunes and iPhone, instagram to name just a few. While technological advances were required to enable the success of these examples, it was the unique changes to the venture models that made them successful and will keep on making them successful.
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