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Programming in C

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Programming in c++ (BCS-031)


Q. Explain features of structured programming paradigm in brief. Also list its advantages and disadvantages
with respect to Object Oriented Paradigm. 6

Q. Why did people change over from structured programming to object-oriented programming ? Explain it
in brief with the help of an example. 6

Q. What is message passing? Explain how message passing is used in C++ programming with an ex. 10

Q. Write short note on the following : (b) Message Passing 5

Q. What is object - oriented programming paradigm ? Explain advantages of object - oriented programming
paradigm over structured programming paradigm. 6

Q. Explain the basic characteristics of object oriented programming (OOP). Also explain any three
advantages of OOP over procedural programming languages. 6

Q. Explain the basic characteristics of object oriented languages. How is object oriented programming
language better than structured programming language. 8

Q. Explain object oriented concepts. How is object oriented language different from structured programming
language ? 8


Q. What is data type ? List any four built in data types and their size in C++. Also explain need of derived
data type in C++ programming. 6

Q. What is data type ? Draw hierarchy of data 5 types in C++.

Q. What is an operator ? List the various types of operators used in C++. 8

Q. What is meant by comparison and logical operators ? How are they different from the arithmetic and
assignment operators, explain with the help of an example. 8

Q. What is looping in C++ ? What are the advantages of using loops in C++ ? Also list the various looping
options available in C++. 6

Q. Explain the use of continue statement in C++, with example. 5

Q. Write C++ program to find factorial of a given number using copy constructor. 8
Q. What is encapsulation ? Explain how it is different from information hiding with the help of an example
program to manage Books issue and return in a Library. 8

Q. Write short note on the following : (a) Encapsulation 5

Q. What is access control specifier ? Explain the need of different access control specifiers with example. 5

Q. What are access control specifiers ? Explain difference between private and public access control
specifiers. 5

Q. Explain the difference between private, protected and public access specifier with respect to class and its
object. Write a program in this support. 10

Q. What is an object ? Explain how objects in C++ are created and destroyed, with the help of program to
create Bank-Account Class, having data members name, account number, balance and member function
display balance.

Q. What is friend function ? Explain its advantage with the help of an example. 5

Q. What are friend functions ? Explain two merits and two demerits of using friend functions with the help
of an example. 8

Q. What is friend function ? Explain its concept with the help of a suitable example. 3

Q. What do you understand by friend function ? Write a C++ program to find out the sum of n given
numbers using friend function. 10

Q. What is meant by object initialization? What is its need ? Explain with the help of a suitable examples. 6

Q. What is static member ? Explain use of static data member and static member function with the help of
an example program in C++. 10

Q. Write short note on the followings : (d) Class and objects 5

Q What is a structure in C++, and how a 6 structure is different from a class ? Explain with example.

Q. What is an object in C++ ? Explain how an object can be passed as an argument to a function with the
help of an example. 5

Unit 4
Q1. Explain the concept of copy constructor with the help of an example program. 6
Q. What is constructor ? Explain advantage of constructor with the help of an example. 5
Q. What is need of memory management in C++ programming ? Explain in brief about memory
management process in C++. 5

Q. What do you mean by copy constructor ? Explain it with a suitable C++ program.

Q. What do you mean by constructors ? Write the characteristics of constructors. Write a program to
illustrate the use of constructor in C++ programming. 10

Q. Differentiate between default constructor and parameterized constructor with the help of an example. 8

Block 2
Unit 1
Q. List the merits and demerits of single inheritance over multiple inheritance. 5
Q. Write C++ program to implement multilevel inheritance. Provide the necessary comments to clarify the
availability of data members and member functions in different classes. 5

Q. What is inheritance ? Explain different types of inheritance supported by C++. 6

Unit 2
Q. Explain need of operator overloading. Also explain why some operators cannot be overloaded ? Write a
C++ program to overload '+' operator to add two character strings. 10

Q. Q. hat are the needs of operator overloading in the program ? Why can't some operators be overloaded ?
Write C++ program to add two complex numbers using plus (+) operator overloading 10

Q. What is operator overloading ? Briefly explain general rules of operator overloading. 6.

Q. What do you mean by operator-overloading ? List the operators which cannot be overloaded. Write a C+
+ program for unary minus (-) operator overloading. 10

Q. What is function overloading?(U-2) How it is different from function overriding? (U-3) Explain with an
example of each. 10

Q. Write short note on the following : (c) Function Overloading 5

Q. How function calls are matched with overloaded functions in C++ ? Explain with the help of a C++
Program. 10

Q. Write short note on the followings : (c) Operator overloading 5

Unit 3
Q. What is polymorphism? Explain advantage of polymorphism. Also write a C++ program to explain use of
virtual function. 10

Q. What do you mean by polymorphism ? How is run time polymorphism different from compile time
polymorphism ? Give example(s) to support the above differentiation 10

Q. What is a virtual function ? Write a program in C++ to create class Doctor with a virtual function salary.
Derive class Visiting - Doctor and implement function salary in it. 8

Q. What is polymorphism ? Explain any three advantages of polymorphism. 5

Q. Write short note on the followings : (a) Abstract classes 5

Q. Why does abstract class play an important role in object-oriented programming ? Write C++ program of
abstract class which uses the concept of pure virtual function. 10

Q. What is an abstract class ? How do you create an abstract class ? What is the purpose of creating an
abstract class in object oriented programming paradigm ? Explain with the help of an example. 8

Q. Explain the concept of virtual function with the help of an example. 5

Q. What happens if we don't use the virtual function in the inheritance ? Explain the importance of virtual
function in the reference of the above, with the help of an example. 10

Block 3
Unit 1
Q1. What is data stream ? Explain stream hierarchy in C++. 5

Q. What is stream manipulator ? Explain use of setw( ) and setprecision( ) as stream manipulator. 5

Q. Write short note on the followings : (b) Input and output streams 5

Q. Explain how setting of field width and setting of precision may be done in C++. 5

Q. Write short note on the following (d) File pointers and operations. 5

Q. What do you mean by the file stream operations ? Write C++ program to demonstrate the reading from
disk file and writing the result to the disk file. 7
Unit 2
Q1. What is function template ? Write a function template SUM to add two numbers. 6

Q. Explain function template with the help of an example. 6

Q. What is template class ? Explain advantages of template class. Create a template class for Linked - List
data structure. 10

Q. What is container ? List main types of container in C++. Also list some common member functions of
container classes. 10

Q. Write a program in C++ using operator template for the binary numbers to perform a simple arithmetic
operations such as add and subtract. 10

Q. Differentiate class template and function template with the help of an example. 8

Q. Describe all types of containers that are available in C++ with their importance, in detail. 10

Unit 3
Q. What is exception? Explain how exception handling is done in C++ with the help of a program. Also
describe what will happen if an exception is thrown out side of a try block and why ? 10

Q. What is need of exception handling in C++ programming ? Explain with an example how exceptions are
handled in C++. Briefly describe the hierarchy of exception classes in C++ standard library. 10

Q. What is exception handling ? How is it performed in C++ ? Explain with the help of an example. 10

Q. What is exception handling ? What are the keywords used to handle the exception in C++ ? Write a C++
program to handle divide by zero exception. 10

Q. Explain a situation when you will use multiple catch statements in a C++ program for exception
handling. 5

Unit 4

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