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C++ 60 Questions

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Object oriented Programming


Q.1 What are the features of Object Oriented Programming?

Q.2 Distinguish between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming.

Q.3 Define Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and List out the basic concepts of Object Oriented

Q.4 What is the return type of main ()?

Q.5 Define token. What are the tokens used in C++?

Q.6 Define the 2 memory management operators and List out the memory differencing operator.

Q.7 Define manipulators. What are the manipulators used in C++?

Q.8 What are the Merits and Demerits of Object Oriented Methodology.

Q.9 Define manipulators. What are the manipulators used in C++?

Q.10 Explain the features of object oriented programming with example.


Q.1 What are the difference between reference variables and normal variables?

Q.2 Explain about call-by-reference and return by reference.

Q.3 What is function overloading? Explain with an example program.

Q.4 What is friend function? What is the use of using friend functions in c++? Explain

with a Program.

Q.5 What are the advantages of using default arguments? Explain with an example


Q.6 Explain copy constructor and destructor with suitable C++ coding.

Q.7 What is a virtual destructor? Explain the use of it.

Q.8 Define an examiner class. Provide all necessary data and function members to

provide the following: The examiner must access answer sheets of at least one

subject; He may examine answer sheets of multiple subjects; The examiner

represents a college and also a university; Most of the examiners are local and

represent local university; and have more than one constructor including one default

and one with default argument. Provide a meaningful copy constructor

Q.9 Write a program to demonstrate how a static data is accessed by a static member


Q.10 Write a program to get the student details and print the same using pointers to objects

and pointers to members of a class. Create a class student. And use appropriate

functions and

data members.


Q.1 Explain about Unary Operator and Binary Operator Overloading with program.

Q.2 List out the rules for overloading operators with example.

Q.3 How will you overload Unary & Binary operator using member functions?

Q.4 How will you overload Unary and Binary operator using Friend functions?

Q.5 How an overloaded operator can be invoked using member functions?

Q.6 What is meant by casting operator and write the general form of overloaded

casting operator?

What is the Difference between Overriding vs. overloading.

Q.8 For a supermarket, define a bill class. All the bill objects will contain bill number,

name of clerk preparing the bill, each item with quantity and price and total amount

to be paid. Total items in the bill are varying. Define dynamic memory allocation

constructor for bill class such that any number of items from 1 to 50 can be

accommodated in a single bill. There is an array describing each item with a price.

The price is to be picked up from that array. Now overload = operator and provide

reason for the need of such operator.

Q.9 Write a program to create prime number using operator overloading.

Q.10 Write a program to explain inheritance using example.


Q.1 What are the virtual functions? Explain their needs using a suitable example. What

are the rules associated with virtual functions?

Q.2 What are the different forms of inheritance supported in c++? Discuss on the

visibility of base class members in privately and publicly inherited classes.

Q.3 Discuss about Streams and stream classes.

Q.4 Write notes on Formatted and Unformatted Console I/O Operations.

Q.5 Explain about File Pointers and Manipulations with example.

Q.6 Write notes on Formatted and Unformatted Console I/O Operations.

Q.7 Explain about File Pointers and their manipulations with example.

Q.8 What is the differences between Manipulators and ios Functions.

Q.9 Define a student class. Inherit that into MCA Student class and Non MCA Student.

MCA Students inherits into GLSSTudents and Non GLS Students. A function

Show Practical Hours can only be applied to MCA Students. We have a base class

Student pointer to a GLS Student object. Use dynamic_cast ti check that Non MCA

Students do not Show Practical Hours.

Q.10 Write a program to create virtual functions.


Q.1 What is Generic programming? Describe it.

Q.2 What is Template? Explain the types of template as you know.

Q.3 What is Exception? Explain the types of Exception handling technique in C++.

Q.4 What is the difference between Exception & Error? Describe it.

Q.5 What are the container classes? Explain the concept of STL in generic Programming.

Q.6 What is Runtime type casting? Explain it with suitable example.

Q.7 Write a C++ program to handle exception using try () catch () block.
Q.8 What is Namespace? Write a sample C++ program using namespaces.

Q.9 Write a program of function template in C++.

Q.10 Write a program of Class template in C++.

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