QB-C Programming New 2023
QB-C Programming New 2023
QB-C Programming New 2023
(Affiliated to: GGSIP University, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Bar Council of India)
Grade “A” Accredited by NAAC, Accredited by NBA for MCA, Recognized under Section 2(f) by
ISO 9001 : 20015 Certified Institution
Question Bank
BCA - First Semester Subject: C Programming, BCA
PART-A (2-3 Marks)
1. What is the purpose of main( ) function?
2. What do you mean by unary operator? Give one example.
3. What is ternary operator? Give example.
4. What are fundamental data types in C? Explain.
6. What is a function?
7. What is recursion?
8. What is formal arguments and actual arguments?
9. What are the different storage classes in C?
10. Write a note on formatted input & output .
11. Write a note on iterative statements.
12. Write a program to interchange 2 variables without using the third one.
PART-B (5-6Marks)
1. Discuss constants, variables and identifiers in C programming languages.
2. Discuss jumping & branching statements in C.
3. Explain various types of loops in C.
4. What is difference between Call by Value & Call by Reference? Explain with suitable
5. Write a notes on following:
a. While and Do……While loop
b. Global & Local Variables
c. Formatted Input & Output
d. Logical & Relational operators
6. Write a note on basic data types in ‘C’. How can we do implicit and explicit conversion
when it is needed?
7. Write a program to generate following series up to given steps
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, . . . . . . . .
8. Write a program to generate following series up to given steps
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, . . . . . . . .
9. What is difference between “if ……else” and “? :” operator?
10. Explain operators in C with their precedence.
11. Write a program to display the following pattern for given n: if n =4 then
7 8 9 10
12. Write a short note on switch..case structure with example. What are their limitations?
13. WAP to print following series.
1, 4, 27, 256, …….
14. WAP for the following pattern where say row = 4
15. WAP to check a number is prime or not.
16. Where does global, static, local, register variables, free memory and C Program
instructions get stored?
17. What are various storage classes? Illustrate their usage and scope.
18. What are the advantages of the functions? What is an argument? Differentiate between
formal arguments and actual arguments?
19. To find largest of three numbers using functions.