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Calculus DLL Week 2

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GRADES School MINHS - Main Grade Level 11

1 to 12 Teacher Rex R. Lara Learning Area STEM (CALCULUS)

DAILY LESSON Teaching Dates and


A. Content
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of limit and continuity of a function.
B. Performance
The learners shall be able to formulate and solve accurately real-life problems involving continuity of functions.
C. Learning a. Compute the a. Compute the limits a. Compute the a. Evaluate the limits a. Evaluate the
Competencies/Ob limits of exponential of logarithmic limits of involving the limits involving the
jectives functions using the functions using the trigonometric expressions (sin t)/t expressions (1-cos
table of values and table of values and functions using the using table of values. t) /t using table of
graphs. graphs. table of values and b. Write all necessary values.
b. Write all b. Write all necessary graphs. solutions following b. Write all
necessary solutions solutions following b. Write all strictly the correct necessary
following strictly the strictly the correct necessary solutions notation. solutions following
correct notation. notation. following strictly the strictly the correct
correct notation. notation.
Limits of exponential Limits of logarithmic Limits of Limits involving the Limits involving
functions using the functions using the trigonometric expressions (sin t)/t the expressions
table of values and table of values and functions using the using table of values. (1-cos t) /t and
I. CONTENT graphs. graphs. table of values and et −1
using table of
graphs. t

A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional https:// https:// https:// https:// https://
Materials from www.youtube.com/ www.youtube.co www.youtube.co www.youtube.com/ www.youtube.com
Learning watch? m/watch? m/watch? watch?v=fjcjGoSWK- /watch?
Resource (LR) v=tmTGx0zsZmM v=am9raMkaOGY v=fjcjGoSWK-E E v=fjcjGoSWK-E
portal https://
https:// www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com/ /watch?
watch? v=0yiJmth1OAk
v=0yiJmth1OAk https://
https:// www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com/ /watch?
watch? v=CcNmx8XKf5M
v=Dt8UTJL5XDY https://
https:// www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com/ /watch?
watch? v=0yiJmth1OAk
B. Other Learning Laptop, LCD TV Laptop, LCD TV Laptop, LCD TV Laptop, LCD TV Laptop, LCD
Resources TV
A. Reviewing Recall: Tell whether Check the Check the Check the Check the
previous lesson or the given function is assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment.
presenting the exponential or not. Recall: Logarithmic Recall: Recall the 6 Recall: Limits of Recall: Limits of
new lesson 1. f(x) = 2x functions and their trigonometric exponential and trigonometric
2. f(b) = b2 graphs. y = logx functions, radian trigonometric functions of the
3. f(x) = 3x – 5 measure, degree functions.
4. f(z) = 32 – z measure, and the sint
form .
5. f(x) =()1 x
unit circle. t

Evaluate the
following. Make a
table of values.
Given: f(x) = 2x + 2,
where x = -2, -1, 0,
1, 2
1. Establishing a How do you Relate logarithmic How do you find the The 6 six The 6 six
purpose for the describe (in one function from the value of the 6 trigonometric trigonometri
lesson word) the growth of previous lesson trigonometric functions are c functions
bacteria? What is exponential functions given that easier to solve are easier
the limit of their functions. the angles are in terms of to solve in
growth or special? sine and terms of
multiplication? cosine sine and
relationship. cosine
What does the relationship.
statement What does
mean? the
Elaborate the statement
statement by mean?
giving Elaborate
example/s. the
by giving
2. Presenting llustrative examples: Illustrative examples: Illustrative Illustrative examples: Illustrative
examples/instanc Compute the limits Compute the limits of examples: Compute Find the limits of the examples: Find
es of the new of the following the following the limits of the following of the form the limits of the
lesson exponential exponential functions following sint following of the
using table of
functions using table using table of values exponential t

of values and and graphs. Guide: functions using table values 1−cost t
∧e −1
graphs. Guide: log x =+∞ of values and lim sint form t
lim a x =+ ∞
x→ ∞
graphs. Guide: ¿ ¿ Guide: t → 0 =1 t
log t
x→ ∞
x→ 0 x=−∞ ¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ t using table of
lim a =0, sin (cosσ ) lim e −1 values and Guide:
x→−∞ lim t → 0
where a > 1 and 1. 1. σ →0 1 t lim sint
lim a x =0 lim log ( x¿¿ 2¿+2)¿ ¿ cosσ lim 1−cost
x→ ∞
x →∞
sinx−cosx t→0 t
lim ax =+ ∞, 2. lim ⁡ ln
x → 4 (4 −x)¿ 2. limπ tanx t lim e t −1
x→−∞ x→
4 =1
where 0<a<1. lim sin 3 x t
1. lim 1−cost
1. lim 2
x→ ∞ x =0
lim 2 x t
2. x→−∞
lim 1−cosx

() 1. x → 0
3. lim x
x→−∞ 2 t
lim e −1
2. t → 0

3. Discussing new Solving the limits of Solving the limits of a Solving the limits of Solving the limits of a Solving the limits
concepts and an exponential logarithmic function a trigonometric function of the form of a function of the
practicing new function using using another function using sint form
using another
skills #1 another method for method for another method for t 1−cost t
∧e −1
verification. Evaluate verification. Evaluate verification. method for t usin
the limits above. the limits above. Evaluate the limits verification. t
above. g another method
for verification.
4. Discussing new Guided practice. Guided practice. Guided practice. Guided practice. Guided practice.
concepts and Compute the limits Compute the limits of Compute the limits Compute the limits of Compute the limits
practicing new of the following the following of the following the following function of the following
skills #2 exponential function. loagrithmic function. exponential function. sint function of the
of the form .
Given: Given: 1. t
1. lim a →0 (a¿¿2
log 1−cost t

sin (cosσ )
Given: 1. lim 6 +¿
¿+7 )¿¿¿ lim ∧e −1
x→ ∞
σ →0 1 form t
lim ¿ 2. lim ⁡ ln (5+ x)
2. −¿
1 x→∞ cosσ t
x→ 2 4 ¿
sinx−cosx .
2. limπ tanx
5. Developing Board Board Board Board Board
mastery work/Seatwork. Find work/Seatwork. Find work/Seatwork. Find work/Seatwork. work/Seatwork.
(Leads to the limit of the given the limit of the given the limit of the given Compute the limits of Compute the
Formative exponential function. logarithmic function. trigonometric the following function limits of the
Assessment 3) 1. lim 2 e
1. function using table sint following
of the form using
x→ ∞
off values and
lim ⁡ [ln (5+ x)¿−ln ⁡( x +2)]¿ t function of the
x →∞
graph. table of values form
1. lim sin x
lim tan 6 x 1−cost t
Given: x → 0 ∧e −1
x→ π
t u
2. lim tan x sin 2 x t
x→ π
sing table of
values. Please
refer to the
6. Finding practical Allow the Allow the students Allow the students Allow the students to Allow the
applications of students to give to give their own to give their own give their own students to
concepts and their own suggestions on suggestions on the suggestions on the give their own
skills in daily living suggestions on the practical practical application practical application suggestions on
the practical application of the of the lesson aside of the lesson aside the practical
application of the lesson aside from from what being from what being application of
lesson aside what being mentioned already. mentioned already. the lesson
from what being mentioned Follow and feedback Follow and feedback aside from
mentioned already. Follow from the teacher. from the teacher. what being
already. Follow and feedback mentioned
and feedback from the teacher. already. Follow
from the teacher. and feedback
from the
7. Making Summarize the Summarize the Summarize the Summarize the Summarize the
generalizations lesson through lesson through lesson through lesson through lesson through
and abstractions identifying the major identifying the identifying the major identifying the identifying the
about the lesson and important major and and important major and major and
points. important points. points. important points. important points.

8. Evaluating Find the limit of the Find the limit of the Find the limit of the Find the limit of the Find the limit of
learning given function using given function using given function using given function using the given function
table of values. table of values. Write table of values. table of values. Write using table of
Write all necessary all necessary Write all necessary all necessary values. Write all
solutions following solutions following solutions following solutions following necessary
correct notations. correct notations. correct notations. correct notations. solutions following
Given: . Given: Given: lim sin 11 x correct notations.
lim 8 6 x −¿ 23 x ¿ lim ⁡log (2 x +6) lim sinx+ tanx Given: x → 0 Please refer to the
x→−∞ x→∞ 1. x→ 3 π 3x learner’s material
9. Additional Find the limits of the Find the limits of the Find the limits of the Find the limit of the Make a simple
activities for following following logarithmic following given function using journal/diary of
application or exponential function. function. trigonometric table of values. Write what you have
1. x→ 0 lnlim ¿

remediation function using table all necessary learned for the

7 − x+8
1. lim 4 +¿
(2 x−3 ¿¿)¿¿ ¿
x→ ∞ of values and graph. solutions following whole week.
x−5 2. lim log (x+7 ¿¿)¿ ¿ 2
sin (3 x ) correct notations.
2. lim 9 x→ ∞
1. lim
x →5 x →0 x lim tan5 x
Given: x → 0


A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up in
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to

E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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