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Retail Store Special Reports

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Retail Store

Special reports
Guide book


Table of Contents

Retail Store Special Reports Training....................................................................................................................................3

1. CASH REPORTS..............................................................................................................................................................4
Report 2 - Cash Register Record Report............................................................................................................................4
Report 8 - Reason of Return Transaction..........................................................................................................................5
Report 51 - Product Return Transaction Control...............................................................................................................6
Report 127. – Sales report according to Payment type....................................................................................................7
Report 129. «Search Sales/Return Receipt»......................................................................................................................9
Report type.......................................................................................................................................................................9
2. STOCK REPORTS..........................................................................................................................................................13
Report 1 – Detailed Stock Report....................................................................................................................................13
Report 10 – Stock Extract................................................................................................................................................19
Report 21 – Referred Waybills........................................................................................................................................20
Report 22 – Incoming Waybills........................................................................................................................................21
Report 28 – Products Referred to the Store....................................................................................................................22
Report 35 – Products Awaiting Transfer from Store........................................................................................................23
Report 41 – Report of Products Exptected to Display in Reyon......................................................................................24
Report 55 – Action Follow-Up Warehouse/Reyon..........................................................................................................25
Report 63 – Product Label Information...........................................................................................................................27
Report 123 – Prohibited Items........................................................................................................................................30
Report 125 – Koli Kabul Raporu.......................................................................................................................................31
Report 128 – Products Sent From Store..........................................................................................................................32
Report 5003 – Work Orders – Completed, Remaining Quantity, Product Details...........................................................33
Report 1000203 – Depo Sevk Kabul Fark #Pilot#.............................................................................................................34
3. SALES REPORTS........................................................................................................................................................36
Report 3 - Turnover Comparison for 2 dates...................................................................................................................36
Report 18 - Daily Sales Turnover.....................................................................................................................................37
Report 25 – Sales on merch sub group basis...................................................................................................................38
Report 19 - Category based sales/Stock report...............................................................................................................39
Report 6 – Best Seller Report..........................................................................................................................................43
Report 44 – Nonseling products......................................................................................................................................45
Report 13 – Sales traffic hourly.......................................................................................................................................47

Report 37 - Sales traffic hourly based on Sub Group Detailed.........................................................................................48
4. INVENTORY REPORTS..................................................................................................................................................49
Report 14 – Detiled Inventory Result Evaluation on Product Basis.................................................................................49
Report 15 – Inventory result evaluation on Top group basis...........................................................................................51
Report 16 - Inventory result evaluation on Top group and product classification basis..................................................52
Report 17 - Inventory result evaluation on Product code basis.......................................................................................53
Report 81 – Comparative report of the last two inventory.............................................................................................55
5. INTERNATIONAL REPORTS...............................................................................................................................................57
Report 120 - International Pending Sale Report..............................................................................................................57
Report 124 - Box shipment (Waiting for Box Reception)................................................................................................58
Report 133 - Reception Scanning Time...........................................................................................................................58
EXCEL PIVOT TABLES...........................................................................................................................................................60
How you can create Pivot table?.....................................................................................................................................60

Retail Store Special Reports Training

Description: This guide book is created in order to help you to learn about most common Retail Store Special Reports.
This document is divided into few sections and each of them represents one of the Special reports part.

Goal: Main goal is to provide you explanations and relevant information about Retail Store Reports.

Outcomes: At the end of this guide book/training participants should:

 Improve their knowledge about RS Reports
 Improve their skills of RS usage
 Understand better why RS Reports are important and how they can use report`s data in everyday work in the


As we mentioned before, this training will help you to learn, understand and implement knowledge about Retail Store
reports in everyday work.

So, how the training is created, what is the structure?

We will have a few parts/modules:
1. Cash Reports
2. Stock Reports
3. Sales Reports
4. Inventory Reports
5. International Reports

You can go through these modules linearly or not, just make sure you learn all of them.

During these modules you will have some tasks to complete and questions to think about in order to understand better
and practice gained knowledge on real situations from the store.

At the end of this manual you can find short explanation on Excel Pivot Tables which are very useful and important tool
for analyzing Excel tables.

Before we start the first module, let's look at the Retail Store program, it's features and how it can be used.
As you probably already know, Retail Store program is our important tool, which helps us to manage stock and products
in the stores. It basically covers all operations which are done with the products in our stores. Program consists of stock
management, warehouse transactions, financial data, cash point transaction, etc.
This training is focused on Special Reports – part of Retail Store program which helps us to get all relevant reports and
data on the basis of which you can follow, monitor store processes and also to plan future steps.


In this section there are different reports, but on daily basis we are using only some
of them. in the following module we will describe reports that we use on daily basis
and explain why they are important:

 Report 2 Cash Register Record Report – Comparison between 2 dates

 Report 8 Reason of Return Transactions
 Report 51 Product Return Transaction Control
 Report 127 Sales Report According to Payment type
 Report 129 Search Sales/Return Receipt


Report 2 - Cash Register Record Report

Before opening, we should define criteria.

After criteria is set we will get Excel report, like below:

As we can see from the picture above, this report gives us following data:
 Cash Register number; Net total amount, Net total amount whitout VAT, Discount amount, Sales quantity,
Return quantity, Net sales quantity, GrossAmount...

*This report can be really useful if we want to get detailed info to daily sales/returns amount or compare 2 day`s data,
but we but by this report we are not getting detailed info on payment type, transaction duration…
*This report is mainly used to check sales in system for a specific date, in order to compare it to the sales in Z reports on
cash statement to calculate sales in system you take sum of gross amount minus sum of product discount amount

We can use data from this report for different purposes:

 For example, if we want to calculate % of returns on Cashpoint 2, for specific date.

o In order to calculate % of returns, we need information on sales quantity and return amount. Here is
important to make difference between Sales Quantity and Net Sales Quantity options. So, what is the
difference between these two options? Net sales quantity is a smaller number and do not include
number of returns. For calculation of returns % we need Sales Quantity because this number includes
number of returns on specific dates.

OK, for calculation of % returns we need – return quantity devided by sales quantity and multiple by 100, in order to get
% value.

How else can we use this report?

 We can use it when we do return control - we can check the number of items sold and the returns that are
registered for each cash point on a specific date.
 The data from this report can be used to gain insight into the work of each cash point/cashier - to monitor
performance, and to make it easier to compare between cash, date ...

So, if we need certain information regarding the work of cash point, we can use this report.

TASK - Calculate the amount of NET sales on cash point #3 & # 2 for the last week. Compare results.


Report 8 - Reason of Return Transaction

Report #8 will give us an information on reasons for return transactions.

At first, we have to enter dates for which we want to get information on Reasons of return Transaction. When we enter
dates, we will get report as it is shown on the picture below.
What can we use data from this report?
 We can check and analize all returns made on specific/selected date,
 We can see quantity /total amount of returned products,
 We can see reasons for return

There are 4 main types of reasons for return

 Money refund with receipt;
 Product change with receipt;
 Money refund without receipt;
 Product change without receipt

So, what for this info could be useful for us?

 We can understand/get an information on how many were returned as a money refund - which could indicate
customer`s dissatisfaction with products.
 You, as a manager should check money refund transactions and without receipt transactions more thorough , as
this transactions are risky.

TASK - What was the most represented reason of returns made for last month period?

Report 51 - Product Return Transaction Control

Like in previous reports, at first we should select date.

Pressing OK button, this report will be opened in excel, so we can filter and sort data according to our needs.

 Report gives us information about products which were returned, like it’s color, size, barcode, stock on the
 Report gives us information about Refunded price (column V), First Installment Price (W) and Return / System
Price Difference % (Y)

This report is used for:

 Defining the details about products which were returned during defined period of time
 For controlling return processes accuracy – which cash point had which products on specific/selected day.
 Also, using this report we can get inormation for which products we had price change during return process –
the last column.


 Use data from this report and make a report on price differences after return process for cash point 2 in your
store for yesterday.
 Use data from this report and make a list of product which were returned for yesterday.

Report 127. – Sales report according to Payment type

After we set criteria, we will get Excel file like the one below:

So, how can we use data from this report?

 First important info, which we haven`t seen yet is Transaction type. It provides us with information if it's sale
transaction or return transaction.
o sales are marked by 142 PENSI
o returns are marked with 40 PERAKENDE SATIS IADE.
 We can also see cash point number and cashier number; transaction time and receipt number.
 Besides all this info we can see how transaction was maid – by cash, credit card or voucher.

As in this report we can see the Casher Number for each transaction, we can define who was the person, who made this
transaction on Cash point.
One might need this report to check which transaction has been flipped (validated for example by card on system when
in reality it was paid by cash), These situations happen sometimes as a result of inattention from cashiers and managers
need to correct them before closing cash point.

 Use data from this report and make a report on how many transactions each Cashier made, and which
type of payment was the most represented.

Report 129. «Search Sales/Return Receipt»

At first, we should set some criteria:

 Transaction type: Do we want data about sales, returns or both of them
 Report type: The way of sorting information - by products or transactions
o Report type can be received both Satis Detay (Sales based) and Ürün Detay (Product based).

 Date: Time Period - choosing the beginning date and time and the ending date and time

Report type

 Let`s sort by products first- Ürün Detay (Product based).

We will get excel file, as it shown below:

 So, here we can see that this report is showing us Cashpoint, receipt number, transaction type (142 PENSI/40
PERAKENDE) the same as Report 127.
 But, unlike 127 report, where we can see type of payment, here in 129 report product based, we can see which
products (barcode, special code, brand, product name and price) were sold/returned. Also, we can see for
which of these products we used Product Discount Ratio.

So, for example this report gives us information:

 on which cash point which product was returned or sold
 We can see if product was customer return.
 Using last column “Discount Ratio” we can find out the % of discount made for specific products at cash points.
o We can easily find out the quantity of products, sold with 10% Store Staff Discount and any other
discount, which were made on Cash Point manually.

 Use data from this report and make a report on how many sales transactions were made on BG section, on
Cashpoint 2.
 Using data from this report make a comparison on sales quantity between merch groups and cashpoints.
 Using data from this report create a report on Sales Quantity and Product Discount Ratio in relation to march
groups for the last 30 days.

 Let`s sort by sales - Satis Detay (Sales based):

After we sort by Satis Detay (Sales based)/ choose Satis Detay (Sort by sales), we get excel file, as it shown below.

If you chosee sales based criteria, each transaction can be seen by payment type. The main difference between this
report an the previous one is that unlike the previous report you will not be able to see the product details of
transactions, like in previous example.

What`s new here?

 Transaction time (sec) – transaction time in seconds is new data, which we couldn`t see from previous reports.
On the basis of this informtion we can monitor and track transaction duration, average transaction duration and
perfomance of cashiers.

 New review of Payment Type
o Nakit - cash
o Kredi karti – credit card
o Bank Check
 On the picture below, we can see one more payment type – Bank Check.
 Bank Check + Nakit/Kredit Karti – mixed payment type.

Which data is the same as in report #127?

 Cash point number, date, time, transaction type, product quantity, total sales, total discount and payment type.

 Make a report on average sales transaction time for all Cash Points (take into consideration product quintity)
 Make a report on average return transaction time for all Cash Points (take into consideration product quintity)
 Make a report on most common payment type in the last month.


In this section we are going to explain most common Stock Reports:

 1. Detailed Stock Report

 10. Stock Extract
 21. Referred Waybills
 22. Incoming Waybills
 28. Products Referred to the Store
 35. Products Awaiting Transfer from Store
 41. Report of Products Expected to Display in Rayon
 42. List of Products Whose Transfer was Closed
 55. Action Follow-Up Warehouse / Rayon
 63. Product Label Information
 123. Prohibited Items
 125. Koli Kabul Raporu
 128. Products Sent from Store
 5003. Work Orders – Completed, Remaining Quantity, Product Detail
 1000203. Depo Sevk Kabul Fark #Pilot#

Report 1 – Detailed Stock Report

This is one of the most used Retail Store Special Reports. Generally, this is the main Stock Report than can show us in
detail all the available current amount of stock in the store.

Criteria to be filled in order to extract Report:

1. Store number, will automatically appear on the screen
2. Stock Date, should be chosen with the current date. If you choose current date, the report will show current
available stock in Reyon and Depo.
If you open the report with older date, the report will show you total beginning stock of the choosen date and
separation Rayon Depo will not appear, only total stock info will be available.

3. Line Info (not mandatory to select, they can be filtered from the excel table)
4. Season Info should be selected only if you need info related only to the specific season product in the stock,
otherwise, it shouldn`t be selected.
5. Top Group Information (not mandatory to select, they can be filtered from the excel table)
6. Age Group Information (not mandatory to select, they can be filtered from the excel table)
Note: To get the report with the full available amount of stock in the store, it is preferable to only choose the current
date, to delete the data in row “Season” and to click “Ok”.

We`ve selected today`s date and below you can see Detiled stock report:

We can see quantity of products located in Warehouse and Rayon, as well as Total stock amount.

In table below we selcted the same day for the previous year, and you can see that Warehouse and Rayon info in not
available, just Total Stock.

This feature (choosing previous dates as a ctireria) can be very useful when we want to compare 2 different dates,
especially for LFL comparison.

For example, from the table below we can see LFL differences for one of the stores:

Sales LFL Stock
Quantity Stock
Quantity Sales WK22
Store Merch WK22 WK22 LY
Last Year Quantity This Year
Code Store Name Group This Year
RS01 BLG MERCATOR MALL BG 4.357 4.587 -5% 16473 17918
RS01 BLG MERCATOR MALL BU 3.388 3.985 -15%
RS01 BLG MERCATOR MALL CK 3.236 4.500 -28%
RS01 BLG MERCATOR MALL CU 2.771 3.210 -14%
RS01 BLG MERCATOR MALL EV 635 900 -29%
RS01 BLG MERCATOR MALL Total 14.387 17.182 -16%

In order to understand why sales quantity is less this year, one of the things we should check is stock quantity for both
years. Comaparison between last year`s and this year`s stock can give us wider picture of LFL results – because if we
have less stock this year it can be one of main reasons for decrease of LFL – it's not always the reason, but important
information to consider.
From the Report 1 we found Total stock amount for BG section, as you can see in table above.

Besides stock comparison, in order to realize why you have decrease of LFL, you can compare prices as well.

For example, we want to compare BGN average prices:

This year:

We filtered BG merch group and
BGN sub group, and got info on
average installment price for this
sub group, which was 941,33 RSD
(Serbian dinars)

Last year:
The same things we filtered in last years`s 1
Report and got average price of 667,23 RSD
(Serbian dinars), which is 41% lower than this

Therefore, while doing an LFL analysis, it's also

important to compare installment price.

We can do the similar thing using Pivot table, like on the picture below:

For more information on Pivot Tables, please go to page 57.

We`ve maid Excel Pivot table for each Excel table Report 1 (this year`s and last year`s), and than we copied them on the
same Exel sheet.
Criteria for rows was set as – Sub Merch Group and for values - Average of Installment. From the table we are able to
see average installment price for all Sub Merch groups for last and this year, and compare them.

One more example how we can use data from Report 1 is for analyzing stock according to Merch/Byer groups, sizes...
This process is very importont in Store`s everyday life, especially for preparing Product feedbback on weekly/monthly

In order to get all relevan info in simplier way, we will use Pivot Table.

As you can see, we set criteria as above.
From this kind of report we can see how many products of relevant Sub Merch group we have in Total Stock and adding
formula we can calculate procentage.

For example, our occupancy for BGXE is 110% for the store from the report, but if we see an info from Pivot Table, there
is small percentage of bottom group products is very small. This info can be really important for us when we are
preparing Product Feedback. 110% occupancy level for BGXE can trick us to think that our BGXE is quite fine and that we
don`t have to check anything else. But, as you can see, we would need bottoms for this store. This we can do for all Sub
Merch Groups.

One more example how we can use Pivot above is to get info on sizes:
We set Size as a Row criteria besides Buyer group and filtered BUN Sub Merch Group. On
the picture we can see sizes for Chino.

This is one more example how we can create Pivot from Report 1
Excel. On the basis of this table we can see relation between
Warehouse and Rayon stock. Here we can add Sub Merch Group as
well as a new criteria in Pivot.

We can say that main functions of the report are:

- You can see detailed information with price, special code, amount (in Depo/Reyon), etc., for each product;
- You can check the total amount of products in a certain destination (Depo/Reyon/Reserve), for a certain
Merch/Merch-Sub Group, Line, Buyer Group, etc.;
- You can check if a product is in Reyon or Depo;
- You can check the certain location of the product, when it is in Depo;
- You can check all the missing in Reyon sizes (filter column Reyon and choose only 0, then filter column Depo and
click all numbers except 0);
- You can use the data to calculate current capacity fullness rate

- You can easily define all the products with minus status on the system and take prevantive actions;
- Report 1 can also be used to look for the barcode of a non-barcoded product.

 Calculate the Reyon capacity fullness/ ocupancy rate for BGXE in your store.
 Using Pivot Table, analyze how many top and bottoms you have on BGXE according to Buyer groups. Express
amount of percentages as well.

Report 10 – Stock Extract

This report shows all the details regarding the product movement from the moment of it’s shipment (entering) to the
store and stock system, till the moment of going out(exit) from the store and stock system. We also call this report
“History of the product”

With the help of this report we can control acceptance, cash point register, transfer processes and take preventive
actions for the minus status products on the system.


You need to choose one of the criterias from barcode (1) or special code(2)

If you enter a barcode, you will see information only for the certain barcode of the product.

If you enter a Special Code, you will see information about the movement of all products from the model.

If you want to add multiple products you can put comma (,) between the barcodes or special codes.

In the column “Input”, you can see the movements of the products comming from a certain “Sender” to your store.
They can be can be from: shimpent acceptance, stock correction movements, customer returns, intercity transfers,
inventory counting results, staff uniforms, etc.

In the column “Exit”, you can see the movements of the products from your store to a certain receiver.
They can be sold products, stock correction movement, intercity transfer, transfer to return warehouse, staff uniforms,
defected products expedtion, invenory counting results, etc.

Column “Transaction” shows the type of the transation, by which the product entered our exit the system.

For example: if it is sold you will see “142--PESIN SAT.FISI”, if it is customer return you will see “40--PERAKENDE SATIS
IADE”, if it is comming FROM or SENT TO another warehouse or store you will see the type of movement (DepoSevk
OtoSevk), etc.
Column “Opposed Warehouse” shows the warehouse/store from which is comming or to which is sent the product/s.
Column “Date” shows the date on which the certain movement happened.

Show the product movement of 2 minus products (with a minus status on the system)

Report 21 – Referred Waybills

Report #21 shows us the list of boxes which are sent from the store and to which destination they had been sent. Using
that report you can control the frequency and quantity of transfers, return’s, defective products shipments, sent from
your store.

The only thing you need is to select the date or the period you want to check.

 The report shows all the expeditions sent to other warehouses (such as DC, CD, DD, other stores etc.) for a
certain data/period.
 In this report, if the expedition is an actual movement ; all the TTN , confirmity column will be filled.If the
movement is a virtual movement (stock correction) the TTN and confirmity columns will be empty
 We can also check which boxes are closed on system but are still in store vs the ones that have been sent, by checking box
reconciliation date; If it is blank, then the box is still in the store, otherwise it has been sent


Find the quantity of products, sent to ID warehouse in the period 1-31 of March 2018.


Report 22 – Incoming Waybills

Report #22 “Incoming Waybills” shows us all the expeditions sent from other warehouses (such as DC, CD, DD, other
stores, etc.) to our store.

The only thing you need is to select the

date/period you want to check. The
„Warehouse“ option is not necessary to be
filled, as you can filter the data from the
extracted report.

In this report, if the expedition is an actual movement ; all the TTN, confirmity column will be filled. If the movement
is a virtual movement the TTN and confirmity columns will be empty.

Benefits of the report: We can check all delivered products for certain periods in the past and thus we can plan better
our future deliveries.

TASK: Find the amount of products delivered from CD to the store for the whole last week

Report 28 – Products Referred to the Store

This report shows us the list of the PRODUCTS, which are sent to the store and from which warehouse or store they had
been sent. Using that report we can analyze our shipments on product level.

To open the necessary data, you need to:

1- Choose the date/period you want to check information about.

2- Delete the “Season” criteria, in order to generate data for all the stock.
3- Click OK.

You will see columns “Sender” and “Receiver Store”, which are the key columns here. The report shows detailed
information product by product (special code, color, merch group, merch-sub group, quantity, etc.).

TASK: Find the amount of BG LCW Vision products came with the last shipment from CD warehouse.

Report 35 – Products Awaiting Transfer from Store

When you click to open the report, the excell table of report will be generated automaticaly without entering any

This report shows the list of products which are waiting to be transferred to another store or warehouse. The column
‘Date’ is the date of the trasnfer assignment. There is also column called “Last Update Date”, which is preferable to
check, because these are the latest changes on the transfer requests.

Other important colums are the column “Reciever” (the warehouse to which we need to send the requested products),
“Merch Group” and “Merch-Sub Group” columns, the column “Quantity” and the column “Requested Amount”.

Function of the Report:

Detailed return and transfer order information is given with this report.

Note: The weekly transfer requests and returns orders can be monitored every Tuesday evening or Wednesday

Benefits of the report: By using this report, you may see how many products came in the last shipment for a certain
brand(sub-group). For example LCW Vision. The report helps you to plan better the stock display.

It would be useful to mention that the transferrable column is the one that shows the remaining quantity of a product
that must be scanned

TASK: Find the ammount of products, from the latest trasnfer request to ID warehouse.

Report 41 – Report of Products Exptected to Display in Reyon

This report is showing us the products that are available in the warehouse but missing in the Reyon.

To open the report, you may choose in advance

the certain Top Group or Age Group, which you
are interested in.

Of course, you may leave all the criteria fields

empty and directly click OK. The report will
automatically generate all the products, which are
available in the stockroom, but missing in the sales

The report is showing the amount of the products in Depo, the location they’ve been stored and all other necessary
product information (special code, color, size, etc.)

Note: Differently from the algorithm (5003 report), this report can show us all available sizes in the Warehouse
regardless deadlines. Report 5003 shows us available sizes at the moment when product is sold. If we receive
more product in the meanwhile (for example tomorrow), report 5003 won`t inform us about that, but report 41 will.

TASK: Find all the BU products that are available in Stockroom, but missing in the sales area.

Report 55 – Action Follow-Up Warehouse/Reyon

Report 55 is showing the movement of the products within the store (from Depo to Reyon and from Reyon do Depo).

The reports helps us to control the amount of products in sales and stockroom.

To generate correctly the report, first we need to enter the necessary criteria:

Column “Gonderen AltDepo” is the “Sender” option and column “To Sub_Warehouse” is option “Receiver”.

You need to choose the certain date/period you are interested in and then, you should select the way of product
movement – from Depo to Reyon or from Reyon to Depo:

And then, click OK:

The report is very useful to track the amount of products moving from one destination to another / from Depo to Rayon
or vise versa.

We can track how much time does it take to scan a certain number of products and thus to plan more effectively the
daily workflow.

We can check separately the number of products for each brand or sub-brand by filtering “Top Group” and “Merch Sub
Group” columns.

TASK: Find the number of CK4 products returned from sales area to stockroom for the whole last week.

Report 63 – Product Label Information

This report is showing us the separation of the store stock on Discounted and Non-Discounted products.

To open it properly it is preferable to delete the “Season” row data and not to change the rows “Type” and “Quality”.

From row “Ust Grup” you may choose in advance the Top Group you are interested in, but you can also filter it later
from the excel table. Click OK.

You will see all necessary details for each product in the store.

The most essential columns here are column “Label Type” where you may find 3 options:

 BEYAZ (white label discount products),

 KIRMIZI (red label discounted products) and
 YOK (non-discounted products).

This is the column from which you can separate the stock on discounted and non-discounted items and you can plan
better the stock display and stock positioning as a whole in the sales area. Thus, you can also check if there are
discounted items in the warehouse, which could be displayed in the sales area.

Column “Rate” is showing the exact number of discount percentage for the relevant product. For example: you can filter
only the products with 50% or more discount rate and position them on a separate unit in the Reyon.

Column “Assignment Date” shows the date on which the relevant product was
discounted. For example, in this column you can filter specific discount date, as it is
shown on the picture.

Using Report 63 we can find out how many discounted products we have and what % of total stock are discounted

For example, we want to find out % of discounted products.

 First, we should select all 3 options at column Label Type - because we want to get info on total stock. In our
case – 53148 products / total stock.

 When we get that info, we should select only discounted products – option KIRMIZI and get info on total stock of
discounted. 21137 products – KIRMIZI label type.
 Now, we have to calculate percentage of discounted products - it`s 40% of total stock.

Or, if we want to find out how many products were discounted more than 50%

 First, we need info on how many discounted products we have – in our case it`s 21237

 We will need info on how many products are discounted

more than 50% - we should select all numbers in column
Rate – from 50% till the end. In our case it`s 1528 products
and it`s 7.2 % of all discounted products in our store.

We can do the same thing on the basis of Merch/Sub

Merch groups.

* Report 63 is also useful in giving us the stock by option (color of a special code) and not by barcode, so we can know the total stock
quantity of an option in all its sizes more easily than in report 1


 Find the amount of BG products with 40% or more discount rate in Sales Area.
 Find out what is percentage of BG discounted products.
 Find out percentage of BG discounted products in range from 20 to 50%

Report 123 – Prohibited Items

This report is showing the products that are forbidden to be sold in the stores.

When you click to open it, the list of products is generated automatically:

You may check if your store has on stock some of these products by checking columns “Stockroom”, “Sales Area” or

Report 125 – Koli Kabul Raporu

Report 125 is giving us information about the accepted/not accepted boxes from the shipments.

To open it you may enter different criteria such as: LCW Pursuit Number, Date, Box Barcode, etc.

Note: It is preferable to choose the date/period you want to control. All other criteria can be filtered from the excel

From the table you may choose the date of the shipment or the shipment number. From column “Koli Kabul Statu” you
may check the status of acceptance of the certain shipment. (Approved/Not Approved).

From column “Kabul Statu” you may check the status of acceptance of the certain box. (Approved/Not Approved).

Usually this report is used for double check from the Stockroom Clerks, in order to be sure they didn’t miss to accept a
box or there is a mismatch in the box acceptance status.

TASK: Check if there are unaccepted boxes from the last two shipments to the store.

Report 128 – Products Sent From Store

This report is showing all the products sent from the store to other stores or warehouses (physically and/or virtually

To open the report, you need to fill the following criteria:

Firstly, you should choose the certain date or period you want to check from row “Date”.

You should delete the data in row “Season”, in order to get information for all products.

Then, click OK:

You may see column “Sender” and “Receiver”, which are the main columns in this report.

You may see the quantity of each sent product and also you may see the current stock left in the store from these
products in the columns “Warehouse”, “Reyon”, “Total Stock” or “Rezerve”.

This report can help us track the expeditions we prepare and thus to help us control our stock more efficiently.

TASK: Find the number of products sent to other stores in the period 1-30 of April 2018.

Report 5003 – Work Orders – Completed, Remaining Quantity, Product Details

Report 5003 is showing us the missing sizes in Reyon, which are available in the warehouse and should be displayed in
Reyon within 48 hours.

Criteria to fill before open:

You need to choose the period/date, which you want to check. What you can also do is to choose from “Status” row, the
status of the product (1 means “Open”-should be found and scanned; 2-means “Closed”, already found and scanned)

Click OK:

The report is showing all the essential information of the products (special code, size, color, etc.). The report is showing
the right placement of the products in the column “Location”.

Report 1000203 – Depo Sevk Kabul Fark #Pilot#

This report is designed for the users to control the discrepancies in detail for every reception. Users can reach the report
from Special Reports/ Stock Report menu. The report’s format is given below;
This report can be seen as a consolidated form of all receptions’ discrepancy reports. Though it may include virtual
movements as well, it should be controlled knowing that only the actual movements’ discrepancies are subjected to
execution of automatic stock correction operations.

For getting this report, we need to choose Report tab → Special Reports → Stock reports → 1000203-Depo Kabul

To generate it you need to select the date/period you want to control from the row “Reception Date” and from the row
“Sender” you may select a certain sender warehouse or store. It is not obligatory to select a Sender here, because you
can filter the “Sender” column later from the excel table.

In the report following information can be found: Expedition ID, Sender warehouse and receiver warehouse, Reception
ID, Reception date, Barcode of the product and quantity of discrepancies.

This report just lists the discrepancies, to control the automatic movements which are generated referring to
these discrepancies user needs to check the report named as “Stock Correction Report” located on Temaportal.


Sales reports are the most important ones in terms of managing store sales correctly,
using store area effectively and directing sales staff in the right way.

We will inform you about how these reports can be reached and interpreted in order
to manage information from the report effectively.

At the end of this part, you will be able to take actions about how to interpret sales
reports consciously. 

When sales reports is selected under «Special Reports» tab, the report list on the screen will appear. As we have
mentioned previously, we do not use all the reports on daily basis. In this section, we will choose commonly used
reports and inform you about how to read them and take action accordingly:

Report 3 - Turnover Comparison for 2 dates Report 19 - Category based sales/Stock report
Report 6 – Best Seller Report Report 25 - Sales on merch sub group basis
Report 13 - Sales traffic hourly Report 37 - Sales traffic hourly Sub Group
Report 18 – Daily sales turnover Report 44 – Worst seller

Report 3 - Turnover Comparison for 2 dates

As the criteria we need to specify 2 dates, to compare them or 2 periods (1 and 2). After criteria entered, click OK.

So, what information we can get from this report?

We can see net quantity 1 (for date 1) and net quantity 2 (for date 2), unit price (1 and 2), Net total and Net without
VAT (for date 1 and 2).

The most useful part of this report are columns N, O and P – from these colums we can see the differences
(comparasion) between these 2 days in %. For example, from the picture above, from column N we can see -54,4%
change in ammount – this indicates that sales amount of 2nd date is less than 1st date and the % of the difference is -

From columns O and P we can see similar data related to %change in quantity and %Change in Price.

Being «–» or «+» of the difference and growth percentages allows us to know the reason of that difference between
periods and take action according to that.

Most frequently this report is used to compare the sales of 2 merch month or 2 merch weeks.

For example, from the report above, you can see that date 2 in comparison with date 1 had minus ammount % You as a
manager should get insight and realize reasons for these differences. What could you check in order to realize what

Report 18 - Daily Sales Turnover

After setting date or date range, we will get the report shown below.

This report gives detailed information regarding sales on one date or given period.

We can use this report for defining the net sale, sale quantity, return amount and quantity, basket size, number of
receipts, quantity of receipts with 1 product and their %.

Why info on quantity of receipts with 1 product and their % is important for stores?


 Calculate basket size for yesterday, for your store. Think about which data from the report you should use for
basket size. Would you use sales quantity or net sales quantity?
 Compare the amount (%) of receipts with 1 item for the last 2 month. To see the dinamics.

Report 25 – Sales on merch sub group basis

Like for all previous reports, we should set criteria at the


We set date range for previous week.

This report is very useful for managing and following sales based on merch groups.

When you look at the picture above, you can see that data from this table are similar to data from Report 18.

Here, in 25 Report we have sales for all merch groups, which is not available in the Report 18.

Report gives us info on %Amount and %Quantity for all Merch groups – for selected range of sales period. For example,
from the picture above we can see that BGA Merch group makes 0.76% of total sales for selected period (in this case, for
the period of last week).

Here, we can filter/select the biggest value in the %Amount column, so we can get information which Merch group has
the biggest % of total sales.
In the report we can also see Basket size amount and Basket size quantity, but differentiated for merch groups – which is
not relevant data for Store`s general Basket Size – available in Report 18, in a way that differentiated basket size
according to Merch groups can`t show us general Basket Size picture of the whole store. It just tells us how many
products from the same Merch group was on the same receipt.


Using data from Report 25 analyze sales for BG merch and sub merch groups for previous month.

- Comment on data you receive,

- define sub merch group which brings the most money, and which one brings the biggest sales (quantity),
- define largest % amount of total sales for BG

Report 19 - Category based sales/Stock report

Report 19 is one of our favourite reports, as its simple,

but has a lot of useful sales and stock data.

At the window on left, you should set report criteria

depending to yours needs. As you can see you can
choose Byer Group, Classification, Date(s) and criteria
about Product Group like: line, season, top group...

This report can be very useful for Stock Cover

calculation and analysis, so we desided to set last
week period.
So, what can we see from this report: merch group, sub merch group, buyer group, classification, stock quantity, sales
quantity. Regarding stock quantity – report shows stock quantity of the date when report is created.

Using Pivot table in this report we can better analyze sales and stock data for our stores.

Let`s try:

On the picture above you can see Pivot table and selected criteria.

As you can see on the picture on the left, we calculated Stock

Cover (you can see formula on the top of the picture) and
applied it to all top/Sub mearch groups.

On the top ot this picture is selected DENIM Bayer group, and we can see Stock Cover for BG and BU Sub mearch

On the picture below is just shown different position of Sub mearch group and Buyer group.

We selected here for Mearch group – BUN, and for Buyer

group Chino and Denim.

As we mentioned before, Pivot tables are very powerful tools in Excel, because they are so easy to use, clear and simple.
Pivot summarizes data from another table, and is made by applying an operation such as sorting, averaging, or summing
to data in the first table.

In our example we got Excel table from the Report 19, and on the basis of that we created our Pivot – where we applied
formula for Stock Cover. For all filters in the Pivot our formula is applied and we can just filter data that we need,
whitout any formulas. Isn`t it great!

You as a section/store manager can easily track and analyze Stock Cover for all our Sub Merch/Buyer groups and on the
basis of that plan future steps and actions in stock management.

Here is one more example how we can use data from Report 19 in order to analyze stock and sales in our store:

As you can see, we created Pivot table, filtered BG merch

group, and got info on sum of stock quantity and sum of
sales quantity for BG sub merch groups.

In this example we wanted to analyze % of stock and

sales for the BG sub-merch categories, so we added
manually new columns – marked with 1, 2 and 3 on the
picture on the left.

1. Share of BG stock – in our example formula is

B4/$B$27, or sum of stock quantity for each sub
merch group divided with total stock quantity for BG
top group and set format cell on percentage. This data gives us clear info on percentage of particuar sub-merch
group within BG top group.
2. Share of BG Sales – sum of sales quantity for each sub merch group divided with sum of sales for BG top group, in
our example – C4/$C$27 and set format cell on percentage. This data gives us clear info on percentage of sales of
particuar sub-merch group within sales of BG top group
3. Stock cover – sum of stock quantity divided with sum of sales quantity.

When we get all these data we should analyze it. If we have big differences between columns marked with 1 and 2
(share of BG stock and share of BG sales) we should analyze it more carefully.

For example, on the picture above we can see orange highlighted data – 4.
These are examples where % of stock is less than % of sales. On the picture above it`s case for BGE and BGXE sub merch
groups. This data indicates that we probably are „losing sales” on these sub merch groups because we don`t have
enough stock, and sales are high and that we have to think about it and find some solution to increase capacity.
 Additional step here could be calculating and analyzing Stock Cover. We can see that BGE stock cover is 3.4 and
this is additional info that we are selling fast this sub merch group and probably are losing sales because we
don’t have enough stock according to customer`s demands (cover less than 4, probably means not enough
options, sizes, colors…)
 One more additional step here is checking capacity and occupancy for sub merch groups, because before any
final decisions we should check occupancy and if there are some occupancy issues.

We added 2 more columns manually – Share of
capacity and occupancy.
For example, here, on the picture we can see that
BGE occupancy is 100% and occupancy is OK in
this case.

As a store manager, what can you do in this situation on BGE sub merch group?

You should follow/monitor this situation for some time period and if this practice is repeated we should make some plan
for improvement – how we can expand BGE section at the expense of some other BG sub merch or other Merch group.


Using data from report 19 create Pivot Table and analyze Stock Cover for BG Sub Merch groups and Buyer groups.
Analyze the data and create some action plan for products which have less than 3.5 stock cover.

Report 6 – Best Seller Report

This report gives us info on Best Seller products in our store.

When we open this report, the defoulted criteria from the picture
is set. 40 is relted to number of best seller products that will

We can use this criteria, or delete it, or add sometig elese from
the folowing – it depends on what info do we need.

For example we can set:

 Particular line of products

 Brand
 Special code
 Season
 Top group
 ...

So, for example, if we need info on 10 best seller products from all sesons, instead od numer 40 and seson 7y we will
type 10 and delete season.

The another important criteria is the date range – marked with A
on the picture. You should set date range for which you want to see
best seller products.

B is related to number of products, in this case 10.

This is how reports looks like:

As you can see, from the report you can get information on classification, line, mearch groups, special code, sales price,
total sale, net sale, stock miktar, last receiving date.

So, if we want to filter this report from largest sales price, we can do it as following:

We can do the same thing and set filter for largest total/net sale.

On the picture above you can see marked part, from which we can find out that best seller product – BGN we don`t have
on stock anymore. That means we have a best seller product which we do not have any in the store stock.

What should you do in this case?

We can use also Pivot table and add some criteria which could be useful for analyzing best sellers:


Using data from this report, find 20 best seller products, sold last month in your store. Analyze best sellers by merch
groups and how many best-selling products you have on stock.

Report 44 – Nonseling products

In the opened window we can enter the criteria that we need:

If you don`t want to get report only for 7y season, you should
delete this criteria.

For date range select tehe range for which you want to get

On the picture above you can see list of non seling products.

In the shown report you can see the detailed information like: product properties, net sales amount, rayon and depo
stock, total stock, dates of 1st and last expedition and sales.

It is very important to pay attention to the:

 Stock quantity (Toplam Stock) - The products with 0 stock shouldn’t be taken into consideration. If stock quantity
is more than 0, should check these products and find out why they are not selling.
 When analyzing this report pay attention on last expedition date and last sales date:
o if a product has just shipped to your store, this products also will apper on this report.

 You can also use this report for your daily sample counting to ensure these products are in the sales area.

On the picture below we`ve sorted last expedition date from oldest to latest, and we checked total stock for listed

On the basis of this report we can get information about non seling products in our store.

Think about what would be our nex step, after we realize from the report which products are nonseling products?

What should store manager/section manager do with this info?


1. Use the data from report and find out 10 worst seling products in your store in previous 2 months period.
2. Check out when was first and last expedition and first and last sales
3. Chech out where are these products in the store – rayon, depo?
4. If they are in rayon check out how they are displayed, from which season are they... and try to realize why they
are nonseling products.

Report 13 – Sales traffic hourly

For this report we should enter specific date for which we want to see traffic hourly sales.

Below you can see how report looks like:

We can see hours - from 09 to 21, Sales

amount, Sales quantity and return Quantity.
For example, 09 means sales from 09 to 10
o`clock ; 10 means sales range from 10 to 11
o`clock etc. This is very important info to
remember when you want to find out sales
amount/quantity for specific time range.

If we want to analyze sales by hour, when we

had most sales, least sales etc. we can use this

On the picture below we filtered largest sales quantity amount and we can see during which hours we sold the most.

TASK – Use Report 13 and find out when was busy time (when you had most sales quantity) in the store yesterday.

Report 37 - Sales traffic hourly based on Sub Group Detailed

Same as for previous report, we should set date.

As you can see, here is available info on sales/returns on hourly basis for sub merch groups.


On the basis of Report 37 find out during which hours your store has best sales for BG and BU groups.

 How you can use this data for organizing store`s day?
 Why this info can be useful for managers?


What is inventory?

How often we conduct Inventory in the store?

Why do we need inventory reports? How the data from the reports can help us?

 Reliability of the inventory can be tested.

 Products can be identified, which were missing or extra.
 The reason for missing pieces and the amounts can be identified by checking reports.
 The reason for extra pieces and the amount can be identified by checking reports.

There are different reports in this section, but we will focus on a few, most common:
 Report 14 – Detailed Inventory result Evaluation on Product Basis.
 Report 15 – Inventory result evaluation on Top group basis
 Report 16 - Inventory result evaluation on Top group and product classification basis
 Report 17 - Inventory result evaluation on Product code basis
 Report 81 – Comparative report of the last two inventory

Report 14 – Detiled Inventory Result Evaluation on Product Basis

First of all we should choose one of the (mostly the latest) Inventory dates listed (relevent for the current store).
 You can see every detail about products Top Group, Merch Sub Group, Special Code, Barcode, Color, size, name,
Product Classification
 The important point is in the report, column N shows Counted stock, column O shows system stock. Column P
shows difference between counted and system. Column Q shows difference in amount. So, here you can see
inventory results – difference in quantity and also difference amount.

Imagine that you are manager and want to you want to understand were are your biggest differencied for the previous.
How can you do that?

 First you can filter column – difference quantity and leave largest + and – numbers, so you can perceive the
biggest differences. On the basis of that, you can get data on specific products that are mismatching.

On the picture below we filtered difference quantity from largest to smallest:

 Also, you can filter difference amount from largest to smallest and vice versa, to choose largest differences, as it
is shown below:

These data can help you to realize what happen on inventory and where you can find missing products.

 Use the data from this report and make action plan on Store`s layout – mark all sections in accordance with
difference quantity.

Report 15 – Inventory result evaluation on Top group basis

Function of the Report:

 We can identify Merch group which has the most missing and extra piece. Missing and plusses products quantity
or amount can be seen based on the merch groups.
 Column E shows Counted stock, column F shows system stock. Column G shows difference between counted
stock and system in quantity. Column H shows difference in money. You can see total result of the inventory.
 Which top group has missing or over amounts and in accordance with the necessity of taking action can be
decided via this report

Report 16 - Inventory result evaluation on Top group and product classification basis

For example, we filtered BU top group and classification description as below:

So, this report gives us gives us an ability to analyze inventory differences by merch groups – in this way we are able to
identify which merch group has most discrepancies and take required actions.

From the picture above we can see that there is amount difference -47 for KEY ORME T-SHIRT K.KOL or key knitted t-
shirts with short sleeves.

Imagine you are a BU Section manager. How can you use the info about 47 missing pieces of t-shirts?

Report 17 - Inventory result evaluation on Product code basis

Next report that we are going to explain is Report 17.

When you set criteria, Excel file will appear:

From the presented report we can see that it is simmilar to Report 14 and 16 as well. So, what is specific for this report?

Report 14 is more detiled – it covers detailed data for specific products (it`s color, size, product name…)
As we previosly mentioned report 14 and 15, we can say that Report 17 is more detiled than report 16 and less than
report 14.

So, how this report can be beneficial, how we can use it?

For example, in previous report – 16, we saw that key knitted t-shirts with short sleeves classification had -47 pieces on
previous inventory, but in that report we couldn`t see which are these products – what`s their sub mearch group, special
code, product name...
Using 17 report, we can get these details.

Let`s see now – differences between Report 16, 17 and 14. using one example.

Report 16:

 In the Report 16 we can get some general data about discrepances in classifications – in which product groups
we have differences. As we saw in previous part – we realized that KEY ORME T-SHIRT K.KOL classification has –
47 pieces, and that`s some geeneral info.

Report 17:

 In the report 17 we can go deeper and get more detailes on the products – what is their sub mearch group,
season, special code.
 we filtered in Report 17 in Product Classification column - KEY ORME T-SHIRT K.KOL (key knitted t-shirts with
short sleeves) and now we are able to see some specific products under this classification.

Report 14:

 In the report 14 we can find more specified detailes about these products – barcode, color code, color, size...
 We filtered here Product Classification column - KEY ORME T-SHIRT K.KOL and we got info on more detiles about
products which were identified in report 17. For example, below you can see detailed products from report 14
which were under one special code in report 17.

Report 17

Report 14


 Use the data from the inventory reports and identify which merch and sub mearch group have biggest minuses.
 Create an action plan for next inventory – in order to prevent losses and discrepancies.
o While preparing an action plan take into consideration reasons of losses and minuses
o Sections where you have the most minuses
o And some actions that could be useful for preventing future losses.

Report 81 – Comparative report of the last two inventory

Function of the Report:

 The performance between the first and second counting can be compared and the total counting performance
can be identified via this report.The evaluation of developing areas or weak areas can be decided.
 The report shows us the date of previous counting and counting-stock amount. The difference between the
counting and stock will be created via your report.

This comparison shows you the development of the store or ıt shows ıf there is a mistake from the previous counting.

Total difference 0 – filter column P and set 0 as a value.

From the picture below we can see biggest total differences

Total difference from smallest to largest – filter Total difference values whitout 0.
Here we can see differences for each barcode and also to have insight which of barcodes below were in both


In this section we are going to explain most common International reports:

 Report 120 – International Pending Sale Report
 Report 124 - Box shipment (Waiting for Box Reception)
 Report 133 - Reception Scanning Time

Report 120 - International Pending Sale Report

The Green Sign shows dates that have no pending sales or returns amount
The Red Sign shows dates that have pending sales and returns

 Functions of the report:

When cash statement is not done on Retailstore, d and f columns seem empty. After the entry, if there is minus value on
g and h columns, it means there might be sales unseen on the system or mistake/mistakes might be done on cash
statement. It should be controlled and corrected.

*This report is not relevant for AX system.

Report 124 - Box shipment (Waiting for Box Reception)

After clicking on report`s number, Excel doc will appear:

The report coming to screen shows the boxes sent to the stores.
Functions of the report:
 The shipments on this list are those products should be accepted by store. All the shipments on this table should
be controlled and accepted; or announced if it do not reach the store.
 Report 124 obtain to us control the boxes that are waiting for reception . We should control daily Report 124
and follow the boxes which are on the list.

Report 133 - Reception Scanning Time

With this report you can reach the efficiency of the reception. You can reach the report with the detail of the total
quantity in a reception, box reception date and the warehouse reception approve time. 

You can see all of the movements made from other warehouses to your store. (For ex. PKD, ID, CD, DC, MR, DD, other
stores etc.)
 Reception Date gives you the detail of confirming the boxes or saving the document time.
 Approve Date gives you the detail of the approve time at the warehouse reception menu.
 Scanning time gives you the detail for the time, between the first and last scan for the products in the reception
 Reception Quantity gives you the total product amount in the reception.

Use data from this report to find average scanning time per product for the last reception.


This part of guide is about Excel Pivot Tables. Here you can find short explanation what are Pivot Tables and how you can
create them.

Excel Pivot tables are so powerful tools in Excel, because they are so easy to use, clear and simple. Pivot summarizes
data from another table and is made by applying an operation such as sorting, averaging, or summing to data in the first
table. They will save you a lot of time by allowing you to quickly summarize large amounts of data into a meaningful

How you can create Pivot table?

First you need regular Excel report. We will use Report 1 and make Pivot for Report 1.

You need to open Excel file, in our case Excel Report 1:

1. Select a cell in table data

2. Click Insert option
3. Choose Pivot Table feature

4. Select a table of range (It will automatically

5. Choose where you want the Pivot report to be
placed (New Worksheet).

6. Pivot table place
7. Pivot table Fields – these are collumns
from the Excel report 1 (Merch groups,
Sub Merch groups....)
8. Pivot table areas – Filters, Coulms, Rows
and Values of Pivot Excel Table.

9. Filters we choose – merch and

sub merch groups
10. Rows we choose – Byer groups
11. Rows we choose – Size
12. Values we choose – Total stock

As you can see, we created Pivot Excel Table, which can help us to analyse sizes according to merch/byer groups.

You can choose criteria you need and get all releven info in more clear and simple way.

This is only one example of Pivot Table structure, you can create with any criteria (Fields, Areas) you need.


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