1. Erikson labeled children who are two years of age as “terrible two” because _______.
a. they are inquisitive b. they are playful c. they are sickly d. they are assertive
2. Essay questions are used in an achievement test when ________.
a. most material sampled is factorial information c. originality is a factor in the response
2. After a lesson on the atom, the students were asked to work on a physical model of the atom to
determine learning. Which of the M.I. is being enhanced?
a. linguistic b. interpersonal c. mathematical d. kinesthetical
3. To solve moral ambiguity among us Filipinos, we must _________.
a. excuse ourselves whenever we do wrong c. be aware and responsible about the problem
b. blame and responsible about the problem d. be comfortable with the present state affairs
4. Teacher A avoids giving out- of -context drills. Instead he makes use of real-world problems for his
students to solve. Doing so makes Teacher A ________ in approach.
a. Inquiry-based b. Constructivist c. Reflective d. Developmentally
5. In the 4A’s of facilitating learning, the first thing that a teacher should do is:
a. Abstraction b. Analysis c. Activity d. Application
6. In 4A’s approach to facilitating learning, the students learn best to relate ideas to real life through
_______. a. Abstraction b. Analysis c. Activity d. Application
7. Which test measure is basic to select and connect ideas?
a. Multiple choice b. Essay c. Mapping d. Outlining
8. Which test a subjective and less reliable for scoring and grading?
a. Completion b. Essay c. True or false d. Matching type
9. Teacher Dada wants to test student’s acquisition of declarative knowledge. Which test is appropriate?
a. Performance test b. Submission of a report c. Short answer test d. Essay
10. A seating arrangement that is used for a small group?
a. Traditional b. Horseshoe c. Circular d. Rectangular
11. Teacher Lea would like to cover a wide variety of objectives in the quarterly examinations in her
English lesson on subject verb agreement. Which of the following type of test the most appropriate?
True or false b. Essay c. Multiple choice d. Matching type
12. Among the types of assessment below, which does not belong to the concept-group?
a. Multiple choice b. Matching type c. True or false d. Completion test
13. Which type of test measures student’s thinking, organizing and written communication skills?
a. Completion b. Essay c. True or false d. Matching type
14. What is the highest career stage of a teacher in the PPST?
a. Distinguished b. Proficient c. Highly proficient d. Most proficient
15. senior high school student in private schools are given
a. Scholarship b. Low tuition fee c. Voucher d. Discount in tuition fee
16. Who authored the three -tiered model of learning inactive, iconic, and symbolic and emphasized
that we adequate foundation of the concrete?
a. Jerome Bruner b. Jean Piaget c. Erik Erikson d. Lev Vygotsky
17. What is PQF?
a. A framework for qualifications of professionals in the Philippines
b. A framework of levels of the Philippine Education System
c. A framework for all courses in tertiary
d. A framework for job qualifications to determine Salary
18. The teacher as facilitator adds vigor, light and life in the classroom
a. Composure b. Uniform c. Presence d. Reticence
19. The meaning of AQRF?
a. ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework c. ASEAN Quality Reference Framework
b. Asian Qualifications Reference framework d. Asian Quality Reference Framework
20. On transferring learning, how will you classify the presentation of invited social researcher discussing
the effect of social media?
a. Utilization-related b. Learner-related c. Inquiry0related d. Concept-related
21. Rina is afraid of exams. Her teacher usually gives an exam every Friday. Now, Rina is afraid of Friday
even though it is not certain whether or not her teacher will give an exam on the day. Which theory
illustrate Rina’s behavior?
a. Constructivist Theory b. Classical Conditioning c. Operant Conditioning d. Connectionism Theory
22. Which standardized test us used to measure performance is complete grade levels?
a. Aptitude test b. Achievement test c. Intelligence test d. Remedial test
23. According to Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory. Spatial intelligence learners are
inclined/disposal to.
a. One’s own strength, goals and desires c.. Colors, shapes
b. Body language, moods, voice, feelings d. Touch, movement physical self
24. A child treats his friend highly aggressive. The reason behind this attitude in his past experience with
his father who is also highly aggressive. This is demonstrated on what theory?
a. Cognitive developmental theory c. Social cognitive theory
b. Operant conditioning d. Classical conditioning
25. The school conducted a general student election for Supreme Student Council. The election is
patterned after the COMELEC system. The school is using what kind of technique?
a. Symposium b. Panel discussion c. dramatization d. Stimulation
26. The speaker shows COMPOSURE in a big audience. The capitalized word means:
a. Nervousness b. Calmness c. Posture d. Courage
27. What is “frustration control” in reading strategies of the teacher to student?
a. Student’s frustration of not being able to read c. Don’t like to read
b. Remove the stress d. Failure to read
28. As a head teacher, what task will you give to a beginning teacher.
a. Demo subjects b. Light subjects c. Subject “pegs” d. Subject overload
29. Natural and Physical Science is more important than humanities
a. Empiricism b. Naturalism c. Progressivism d. Essentialism
30. Focused on 3 r’s
a. Essentialism b. Existentialism c. Progressivism d. Empiricism