Anna's Behavior (Operant)
Anna's Behavior (Operant)
Anna's Behavior (Operant)
worker), identify how Ana's behaviour has been, or is being, influenced by operant
conditioning and social learning theory. In what specific ways are these learning principles
influencing Ana's behaviour? Your answer should be supported with evidence from the
Ana's conduct has been affected by learning and accordingly has become sensitive and
aggressive. Ana's behavior has been influenced by her surrounding environment as she has
learned most of her behaviors from the people in her immediate surrounding environment.
Social learning
Social learning theory is made up of personal factors, behavioral factors, and environmental
factors. All three factors interact with each other to influence how an individual behaves
Classical conditioning
Forming associations among stimuli. Ana reacts to the smell of the rehab center as it is a
Operant conditioning
Under this conditioning, learning is a result of the consequences of the individual’s behavior.
• Ana demonstrates desired behavior therefore Kat rewards her with chocolate (Positive
• Positive punishment is expressed when is yelled at and hit by Kat when she is naughty, but as
• Negative punishment is expressed when Chris takes away Ana’s doll for her not
Balleine, 2019).
Identify two factors from the case-specific resources that may be contributing to Kat's
memory difficulties
The expanded emotional attachment of Ana is a problem for Kat since she can't leave Ana
without causing an aggravation which brings about Kat being behind schedule for work or
incapable to go to desired meetings (Buultjens M. and Buultjens, 2016). This is expressed in the
story that she was late because of Ana not getting inside the vehicle to go to the meeting. Ana's
conduct additionally adds pressure towards Kat. Compelling her to discipline Ana prevent an
escalation of the situation in which the assistant is making a divide between both Chris and Kat
Bouton, M. E., & Balleine, B. W. (2019). Prediction and control of operant behavior: What you
see is not all there is. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 19(2), 202–212.
Buultjens, M., & Buultjens, P. (Eds.). (2016). Individual Determinants of Health and Human
Eriksson, M., van Riper, C. J., Leitschuh, B., Bentley Brymer, A., Rawluk, A., Raymond, C. M.,
& Kenter, J. O. (2019). Social learning as a link between the individual and the