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Name: Sarita Khatri

Student ID: 53485

Assessment 1

1) In Part 1 – Preliminary of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the

principles of health and safety protection are established. How can you
access these principles and explain the importance of consultation
between employers and employee?

OHS principles can be accessed through books, newspaper, OHS website


The consultation between employer and employee is importance because it

helps to be informative atmosphere at work regarding identification and
assessment of risk at workplace which in return facilitates to control a risk.

2) The Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out requirements for
employers to consult employees, ‘as far as reasonably practicable’ about
hazards and risks.

a) Describe in your own words 4 duties an employer has to consult with

employees when dealing with workplace risks

The four duties upon which the employer has to consult with employees when
dealing with workplace risks are:

i. Consultation regarding risk control measures: Employer need to

consult about the risk controlling measure to employee like could be
assurance of safe equipment, buildings, machines, compensation
procedure which could in terms of mishaps at workplace etc. All the
information should be briefly provided so as employee can be informed
about how to resolve health and safety issue.
ii. Sharing information regarding risk identification procedures: Risk
are always present at a workplace as a result it is a duty of employer to
consult with employee to share the information regarding mechanism of
identifying the potential risk at work as well as technique to assess the
iii. Training related information: Planning of training information as well
as schedule of a training should be circulated among the employee so as
they can be aware about the WHS/OHS policies, its technique of
minimizing the risk and hazards at a workplace. Thus training helps to
aware them so as can quickly react to the situation and risk can be
iv. Placement of opportunity for opinion of other: It is a duty of employer
to address the information as well listen the feedbacks provided by the
employee. Their information should be taken into consideration which
can help in dealing with workplace risks by assuring solution to a health
and safety issue.

b) What internal documents, policies and procedures should be in place in

the workplace to support consultation, identification and control of
hazards? Describe in your own words 3 examples of these documents

Internal document to control hazards: The tools which can be used to control
the hazard at work could be Equipment and machinery operating manuals which
will provide a guideline regarding operation procedure so as malfunction can be
minimized, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provided by chemical manufacturers so
as preventive measures can be taken, self-inspection reports and inspection
reports from insurance carriers, government agencies, and consultants.

Internal document to identify hazards: Hazard can be assessed by using the

documents prepared by using tools like the hazard matrix, The Hazard Risk
Assessment Instrument (HRAI). We can also conduct hazard (or risk) surveys;
reviewing product information, e.g. safety data sheets, operating manuals;
researching publicly available data on hazards  

Internal document to support Consultation: Existing safety and health

programs schemes as be discussed as as input from workers can also be seen in
a consultation. Various surveys or minutes from safety and health committee
meetings can be collected to know their expectation as well as results of job
hazard analyses or job safety analyses can also be used for consultation.

Policy and Procedures that should be in the workplace to support consultation,

identification and control of hazards are:

i. Identification of risk which could cause potential hazards

ii. Assessing risk
iii. Controlling risk
iv. Reviewing risk control measures
Policy that should be in the workplace to support consultation, identification
and control of hazards are:
i. Consultation statements
ii. WHS committee as well as work group formulation related policy, HSRs
election policy
iii. Safety observation policy
iv. Induction and project planning process related policy
v. WHS property inspection policy
vi. SLM training and development policy

3) List four necessary records that share and exchange workplace health
and safety information relevant to hazard identification, risk assessment
and risk control.
The four necessary records that share and exchange workplace health and safety
information relevant to hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control

 Health and safety policies and procedures.

 Standard operating procedures.
 Organizational code of conduct.
 Training and induction records.
4) List four informal processes where employers and employees can share
and exchange workplace health and safety information relevant to
hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control to authorized

The four informal processes where employers and employees can share and
exchange workplace health and safety information relevant to hazard
identification, risk assessment and risk control to authorized personnel.

 Conducting meeting on a regular basis on updating the monitored and

assessed information
 Send an email/newsletter regarding any queries
 Share case studies and incident reports which help workers really
understand the danger and consequences of workplace injuries by
showing them real-life case studies and putting real people behind the
 Routine safety checks so as to make it part of the supervisor’s role to
undertake routine safety checks, ensuring all workers are wearing
correct PPE and using equipment safety.
5) a) A HSR has the power to request the review of a risk control (multiple
1) When a near miss or incident occurs
2) Following the inspection of a work area
3) If plant, substances or systems of work change
4) All of the above
All of the above

b) Apart from the HSR in your DWG, who else can provide your work
group information about health and safety? List 5 individuals and/or
Other people who can provide the information regarding health and safety other
than HSR are:
 Health and safety officers
 Managers and supervisor
 PCBUs and their officers
 Other person nominated by the organizations
6) If there is an immediate threat to health and safety in the work place it
may be reasonable that:

b) A HSR consults with management and that unsafe work should cease.

c) An inspector issues a prohibition notice.

a) Briefly explain in your own words the tern ‘notifiable incident’,
according to WHS legislation

A notifiable incident is the one that involves any events that needs to be
informed/notified to others, generally to the people working in the area where
the incident happened. It involves notifying the incident to the immediate
supervisors, in charge and all the other employees. Notifiable incident involves
the events that needs quick attention such as demise of people, a serious injury
and serious illness and a dangerous event.

b) What types of incident must be notified to the regulator according to

WHS laws (list five types of incidents)?

The types of incidents to be notifies to a regulatory body are:

 Death of a person
 Immediate hospital treatment as an in patient
 A person needing immediate medical treatment for:
 Amputation (any body parts)
 Serious eye injury
 Serious head injury
 Electric Shock
 Loos of bodily Function
 Serious laceration
 Medical Treatment within hours of being exposed to harmful substance
 Any other injury to person or other consequences prescribed by the
8) List and define 6 main workplace hazards found in the workplace today.

The workplace hazards found in workplace today are as follows:

a) Safety Hazards: Safety hazards are more focused on the employees who
work with machineries or work in construction sites. These are more
likely to affect machine and construction workers. This includes falls
from large buildings, slips while working, trips and falls while working
with heavy machinery which are also very dangerous. There are many
cases where workers lose their life by falling from buildings, working
with heavy machineries etc.
b) Biological hazards: These are very dangerous hazards and it includes the
exposure of extremely dangerous substances and diseases. These includes
the risks associated with being involved with animals, people, infectious
plants etc. Employees who work in bio labs, hospital, hospital
laboratories and unexplored and dangerous outdoor spaces are at high risk
of biological hazards.

c) Physical hazards: Physical hazards affect mostly those people who work
in extremely hard weather condition or harmful environments. This
involves workers who are exposed to long term or continuous loud noise
(eg. Workers in airports, heavy machineries etc), sun rays (farmers) and
dangerous ultra violet rays (workers in X-ray labs) are the ones at risks.

d) Ergonomic hazards: These hazards generally affect the individuals who

put heavy energy and pressure on their body to complete their work
obligations. They are generally categorized as manual workers. Their
work requires lifting heavy loads, or sitting at a place for a long period, or
doing same work for 6-10 hours a day. These hazards are not quite
noticeable in short run and are difficult to identify but affect the body
overtime. A staff who doesn’t have a good bodily posture while doing
any desk job or while lifting loads don’t do it properly, it may cause
serious injury and result in ergonomic hazard.

e) Chemical hazards: Chemical hazards troubles the people who are

exposed to various chemicals generally exposed from laboratories or big
manufacturing houses, workers in cleaning factories, engineers and
employees in field based roles etc. These hazards are very dangerous to
people who are exposed to the chemical in their day to day life as their
job. These workers are exposed to dangerous solvents, gases in everyday
life. Exposure to chemicals can lead to serious allergies, injuries, skin
irritation, breathing problem etc. Example: The Chernobyl incident of
Soviet Union.

f) Workload hazards: Workload hazards involves issues that causes stress

or strain to the workers. Theses stressors/issues involves workload,
violence or aggression as well. These hazards are experienced in any
kinds of work, however sometimes a single worker may find it difficult to
raise the issues that are bothering them. Organization and top level
managers can provide a favorable environment so that employees can
better express and communicate with tem and these kind of hazard, i.e.
Workload hazard may be minimized.

9) According to organizational policies and procedures, name an internal

cooperative forum usedby employers and employees to work together on
health and safety issues at all levels.

This forum provides an opportunity for all parties within a workplace to

become involved in the development, review and communication of OHS
standards, rules and procedures and the selection and management of
suitable hazard/risk assessment and control methods, etc.These forums are
also useful to assist with monitoring health and safety performance and
formally addressing WHS issues that have been raised.

A Health and Safety Committee (HSC) is a forum that helps in consultation on

work health and safety issues between employer and employees. This
committee helps a PCBU and Worker representative (HSR in general) to meet
up regularly and develop policies and procedures that are beneficial for
everyone in the organization.

10) Locate relevant guidance material from the relevant WHS regulator.
(a) In your own words explain what a HSR is (100 words minimum).

HSR stands for Health and Safety Representative. HSR is a person who is
responsible for gathering the information about what the health and safety
issues exists for various workgroups in the organization. A HSR is a person
working in an organization who tries to solve the issues other employees are
dealing with, try to minimize the friction in the organization and try to ensure a
safe working environment for all the employees in the workplace. A HSR is a
person who knows almost all the other in the workplace and these employees
can reply on HSR to talk about the issues they are facing in the workplace. An
efficiently working HSR indirectly helps to build confidence of the employees
by providing safe and healthy working environment.

(b)Describe 10 functions and roles of a Health and Safety Committee.

The functions and roles of Health and Safety Committee (HSC) are as
 Cooperation: HSC Facilitates cooperation in developing and carrying
out various measures to enhance and improve the safety of workers
 Develop standards: HSC helps develop health and safety standards,
rules and procedures that will be followed or abide with the
organizational policies and procedures
 Other function: Other function agreed by the PCBU and members of
Health and safety Committee.
 Formulation: HSC helps in formulating procedures, for the issue of
resolution of conflict or other problems.
 Conducting Meeting: HSC also conducts meeting in order to discuss
ideas, problems to make the work environment better.
 Assisting Function: Assisting in the development and execution of
safe working procedures
 Analyzing Reports: HSC helps in analyzing various reports submitted
by employees or HSRs, reports of Hazards and risks, work-related
incidents and statistics to make reports to management
 Recommending necessary control and corrective measures where the
discrepancies arises.

 Review the health and safety monitoring reports

 Review the reports submitted by HSR

(c) In your own words explain what a DWG is, and factors that enable the
sharing information about hazards, risks and risk control (100 words

First of all, DWG stands for Designated Work Group(s). They are an important
part of Health and Safety Representation in the workplace or organization.
DWG(s) is a group of employees that perform similar jobs or have similar
health and safety concerns. The factor that enables sharing the information
about hazards, risks and risk control is the proper and efficient participation of
employees. Without employee’s participation no risks or hazards can be
minimized. The hazard identification techniques that includes (HAZOPS,
Checklists, Historical incident reports, Task analysis, FMECA AND FMEA
model, brain Storming, Fault Tree), Risk Assessment Model that comprises of
various steps and procedures to be followed to carefully assess risks, Hazard
registers helps to generate knowledge and information about hazards, risks and
risk control techniques, When all the information are circulated to employees
via HSRs, DWGs it does helps in minimizing and risk controls.

11) List 3 factors that influence what is ‘reasonably practicable’ in

relation to ‘consultation’.

The 3 factors that influence what is ‘reasonably practicable’ in relation to

‘consultation’ are as follows:

 the likelihood of hazard or risk orrurring

 the degree of harm from hazard or risk
 knowledge about ways of eliminating or minimizing the risks
12) List 5 examples of where employers must consult with employees on
workplace health and Safety matters.

Employers must consult with employees on workplace health and safety matters

 Assessing risk and identifying hazards from the works to be carried out.
 Making decisions about eliminating or minimizing risks.
 Making changes in facilities for the welfare of workers.
 Initiating changes that may affect safety of workers.
 Making decision about consulting procedure, solving safety issues,
monitoring health of workers and condition of workplace, providing
information and training for workers.
13) a. Define these 5 important concepts (100 to 150 words for each dot
1) Hazard: Simply, Hazard can be defined as a danger or risk. Likewise, when
we talk about hazard in relation to occupational health and safety it means a
potential source of harm that may have adverse effect on health of a person
working in an organization. Hazard at workplace can also mean damage to
property and harm to workplace environment as well. Such as noise, loud noise
generating machinery, hazardous chemicals, heights, electricity, inappropriate
behaviour in the workplace etc. The effect of harzard can be acute or severe
depending on the level of carelessness and exposure. Thus, it is very importanat
in an organization to identify hazard and take appropriate remedial actions to
control or eliminate them such as methods like brainstorming, reporting and
recording hazards, and checklist analysis can be used.

2) Risk: Simply, risk means any sort of danger. Likewise, when we talk about
risk in relation to occupational health and safety, risk can be defined as the
likelihood that a person may be harmed or suffers adverse health effects if
exposed to a hazard. It has negative effect and also may also apply to situations
with property or equipment loss, or harmful effects on the environment.
Therefore, risks should be eliminated as soon as possible and if elimination is
not possible then necessary steps should be taken to minimize those risks. The
risk factor that may have effect on people’s health can be biological, chemical,
physical, personal, psychological etc.

3) Harm: Harm simply means physical injury, especially that which is

deliberately inflicted. Harm included all harmful conducts such as activities that
causes physical harm, psychological harm, self-harm, sexual assult,
discrimination, institutional harm, financial harm, activities that may have
adverse effect on lives of people as well as damage to property and working
environment. Harm can happen anywhere at any time and anyone can cause
such harms. So it is very much necessary to identify such potential harms so
that it can be stopped before happening. Also, harm sometiomes can be
deliberate and sometimes can happen unintentionally. There is a new concept
that has been prevailing in the business world called ‘Zero harm concept’ which
should be applicable in each and every workplace.

4) Risk control: Risk control is also known as hazard control which is a step in
hazard management process which is way to reduce an identified risk. In other
words, risk control is the set of methods that are used by business to evaluate
potential loss, risk, and hazard and take action to reduce or eliminate such
threats. Risk control methods include five steps to solve the problem which are
elimination (highest level of control), substitution, Isolation and engineering
control, Administrative control and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (final
level/least reliable). These are the hierarchy of controls. These control measure
helps reduce potential exposure to hazard or risk.

5) Risk factor: Risk factor is a determinant or variable associated with an

increased risk. There are many risk factors in the workplace that may have or
create problem in occupation health and safety.It is very much important to
account a variety of such risk factors when conducting assessments of the
workplace. Such factors will increase the level of risk to personnel and others in
the workplace. According to organizational procedure, standard and Workplace
Health and Safety laws, risk factors that should be taken into consideration
include the organisational and management environment, Physical environment,
Equipment, Procedures, People and human error and Duration and frequency.

b) According to organizational policies and procedures, describe 2 hazard

identification methods that can be used to assess and record risks and
provide information to assist personnel during a risk assessment process.
Then list 4 risk control checking methods (50to100 words each).

According to organizational policies and procedures, the two hazard

identification methods that can be uses to assess and record risks and provide
information to assist personnel during a risk assessment process are as

 Incident data: This method will involve reviewing data regarding

incidents that have already occurred within your workplace. Such data
may be obtained from incident reports and other relevant forms of
 Safe work method statements: These statements may outline the
workplace activities that employees are expected to carry out and the
hazards associated with such activities. Appropriate hazard control
procedures should also be detailed.

The 4 risk control checking methods are as follows:

 Accountability for health and safety: It is very importanat to provide

accountability for health and safety to ensure that risk control measures
are entact. Managers and supervisors should be provided with the
authority and resources to implement and maintain control measures
effectively. Accountability should be clearly allocated to ensure
procedures are followed and maintained.
 Up-to-date training and competency: Most control measures depend on
workers and supervisors having the appropriate competencies to do the
job safely. Training must be provided to maintain competencies and to
ensure new workers are capable of working safely. What this does is it
helps to fulfill the goal that the workplace is trying to achieve through
risk control.
 Up-to-date hazard information: Information about hazards, such as
plant and substances, may be updated by manufacturers and suppliers and
should be checked to make sure controls are still relevant. New
technology may provide more effective solutions than were previously
available. Changes to operating conditions or the way activities are
carried out may also mean that control measures need to be updated.
 Regular review and consultation: Control measures are much more
effective where there is regular review of work procedures and when
there is consultation with your workers and their representatives. If
maintenance processes reveal new hazards, or existing hazards that are
not being addressed, you will need to perform a review of your control

14) a. Identify and explain six methods used to access and control risk?

Risk assessment is done when there is uncertainty regarding how hazard and
injury/ illness could be. Various methods can be used to access risk like:

i. Risk Matrix: It clearly helps in defining the level of risk by identifying

the categories of probability of occurrence or likelihood against the
category of consequence severity. It helps to increase a vision of risks
available at a workplace and helps to assist in management and control by
taking an informed decision. Risks are categorized ranging from low to
high and likelihood ranging from very likely to very unlikely to occur. It
acts as a guidance material to access and control risk in a workplace.
Levels of risk may be categorized as low, medium, or high. On the basis
of risk level and likelihood of occurrence, the control measures are taken
ii. Checklist Analysis (CLA): Checklist analysis is a method that is used to
identify and manage a risk in a workplace. The checklist consists of
items, steps, or tasks which is analyzed against criteria to determine if the
procedure is completely correct. Checklist is developed by using a
historical information or knowledge. It helps in a consideration of a
variety of potential threats and hazards which may be faced in a business
operation. We need to consider a variety of potential threats and hazards
which may be encountered during the course of your business operations
so as risk can be controlled through systematic analysis.
iii. Hazard and operability study (HAZOP): A hazard and operability
study is a structured and systematic examination of a complex planned or
operational process in order to identify and evaluate problems that may
represent risk to the workers. It is a systematic way of identifying
possible hazards in a work process. It investigates how the system or plan
deviates from the design intent and create risk from personnel and
equipment and operational problems. It helps to identify possible risk
cause and helps to establish a potential consequences and impact which
will help to establish level of risk to safeguard workplace.
iv. Event tree: Event tree helps to identify various sequences of events, both
failure and a success rate that can lead to a accidents in a work space. It
involves in identifying initiation events which might crate a scenario of
cause to expose work space to a hazards. It might include the use of
equipment which are not safe to use or operate or it could the use of an
equipment with a lack of knowledge and skills of a staff. It is a strong
tools which helps in planning that allows for the identification and the
avoidance of a hazardous atmosphere at a work place.
v. 'What if' analysis: 'What if' analysis is used to compare different
scenario and their potential outcomes based upon an assumption. The
purpose of what if analysis is to determine the effect of those outcomes in
a model which will help with the risk assessment. It helps in
brainstorming to determine what can go wrong in a certain situation so as
we can make a judgment regarding the likelihood and consequences it
might cause. It helps to prepare mind to tackle with a solutions in case
such problem arises. It will be necessary to consider the work case
scenario in relations to any event that could occur.
vi. Failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA): It is one of the proactive
method for evaluating a process to identify where and how it might fail
and to assess the relevant impacts of different failure in order to identify
the relevant part of the process that are most in the need of change. It
reviews various component subsystems as possible to identify potential
failure mode in work along with its cause and effect. It analyzes potential
failure and effect that might occur at workspace, determines severity it
could cause, gauge likelihood of occurrence of the hazards and detects the
failure it might create.
b) The method is no more than a way of thinking through a problem and
acting. Appropriate systems and procedures are needed to support the
method and ensure good health and safety outcomes and compliance. List
and describe two supporting policies and three Supporting procedures
The three supporting procedure to support the method to ensure good health
and safety outcomes and compliance are:
i. Statement of company WHS/OHS policy which company aims for
health and safety
ii. Responsibility assignment and making them held accountable for health
and safety.
iii. Making a proper arrangement for health and safety at workplace by
taking a control measures.
The two supporting policies to ensure good health and safety outcomes and
compliance are:
i. Culture and safety policy: Management should clearly define the role
and what activities to be carried out to ensure safety. The supervisor are
required to follow the role through proper planning and regular analysis.
ii. Training related policy: Workers should be properly communicated as
well as trained to be compliance with the WHS Act of an organization
so as safety can be assured.
15) a. Identify 5 recognized WHS stakeholders that can contribute to
WHS in your workplace.

The recognized WHS stakeholders that can contribute to WHS in your

workplace are as follows:

 Shareholders
 Unions and employes representative
 Supervisors
 OHS committee
 Managers, clients and employees
(c) The workers actually doing the tasks are often the most knowledgeable
resources when it comes to hazard identification and control. Explain
how an organization can develop and implement policies and
procedures to involve these workers in the consultation process and
harness this knowledge encouraging greater participation from the
shop floor? (150words plus).
The workers actually doing the tasks are often the most knoeledgeable
resources when it comes to hazard identification and control. The workers
also have the duty for their own safety and safety of ptheros in the
workplace. Workers are the main source for identifying hazards as they are
the one getting affected when a hazard occurs. Therefore, workers should
also be motivated to involve in the consultation process. The organization
can develop and implement policies and procedures to involve these
workers in the consultation process and harness this knowledge
encouraging greater participation from the shop floor in the following
 The organization should make available time, resources and training
necessary for consultation and participation.
 The management should provide more relevant information about the
occupational health and safety management system in a timely manner.
 Another measure that should be taken is to identify, remove or
minimize deterrents to paticipation such as language, literacy
difficulties and policies that discourage worker participation.

16) Explain ‘Hierarchy of Control’ and how it is applied to prevent cause

and harm.

The hierarch of control is the series of steps that is taken to minimize and
control the risks occurrences in the workplace. The hierarchy of control is a step
by step process that aims to eliminate risks and ranks risks control from the
highest level of protection and reliability through lowest level reliable
protection. The Elements of Hierarchy of Control are:


Engineering Control



Fig 1: Hierarchy of Control

1. Elimination (Highest level of Control): The most effective measures is

to eliminate the hazards completely and the risks associated with it. The
best way one can eliminate hazard is preventing it to introduce itself in
the first place. To prevent a cause harm relationship, let us take an
example. To prevent the death or accidents from heights, ask all the
workers to work in the ground floor, to prevent fire accident don’t use
flammable substance or don’t even introduce fire to a place as a 1 st
measure. Eliminating hazards can also be cheaper for an organization,
more practical.

2. Substitution: The next level in the hierarch is Substitution, which means

the process of removing a risk by replacing it with other risks that is less
severe than the already existing risks. It is the level down approach to
elimination and is less preferred to it. An example of substitution can be
replacing a heavy sounding metallic drill to a drill that makes less noise
comparatively, replacing a toxic chemical with less toxic chemical. It is
necessary to assess the risk of substituted version as well to understand
the risks associated with it.

3. Isolation and Engineering Control (Level Three): The level three of

Hierarch of control pyramid is Isolation. Isolation is performed by
placing a kind of barrier between employees working in the organization
in order to provide protection. The key differences between this level and
elimination is elimination doesn’t even let the risk arise whereas isolation
is a measure taken after being introduced with the risk. If the barrier falls,
the risk might be severe in the workplace.

4. Administrative Control (Level four): The next level is level four in

control hierarchy. These are the measures that are taken by the
administration/management and executed with the help of chain of
command with the sole purpose of minimizing and controlling the risk
occurrence. The measures can include providing training to the risk
targeted groups or arranging work schedules to limit the exposure to the
risks in hazardous environment. As an example this might include the
setting schedules of working of farmer by management in early morning
and evenings to reduce the damage caused by UV rays.

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (Final level/Least Reliable):

This is the final level in hierarchy of risk and hazard control. This level is
likely accepted and used anytime even when other level of risks control
are applied with the purpose of controlling the risk but not mitigating it. It
falls at the bottom of hierarchy and does not eliminate the risk but is only
a control measure to be safe or at least be protected from it. For example,
wearing gloves, masks in the hospitals, sanitizing etc.
These are the various elements of Hierarch =y of control and measures
for prevention from cause and effect are illustrated through examples in
the points itself.
17) From the following three workplace documents, identify which is a
hazard register, which is a risk register, and which is a risk control plan.

This above given document is a Risk Control Plan

This above given document is a Hazard Register.

This above given document is a Risk Register.

18) Study ‘Managing risks of hazardous chemicals in the work place’

Code of practice.Using the Question 18 worksheet, match Cause and
Effect, some answers have been provided for you, complete the rest.

Cause 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Effect K O G P A C J S H I E

Cause 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Effect T D R M Q F L U N B V

Assessment 2

Table 1 Workplace consultation and risk management policies and


WHS Policies and Content relevant to identifying and assessing hazards

Procedures and risks
OHS Policy Policy sets out purpose of policy, relevant laws and
consequences of not implementing.
Committed to compliance with relevant laws, measures
safety performance, delegates roles, duties,
Implements WHS risk management processes, through
incident investigation, risk control and reporting.
Monitors and reviews safety performance.
Consultation Policy This policy helps in establishing a line of communication
where employee are involved in consultation regarding
issues affecting their health and safety at work and take
account their matter which helps in identifying and
accessing possible hazards and risk at work space.
Consultation is done with workers when changing
process, equipment, work method are introduced at
workplace that my affect health and safety at work
Training Policy This policy helps to set guideline to the employee by
reflecting the organization's value and culture, visions
and a training procedures. It aims for awareness for
improving the capacity, capability, and performance of
staff, leading to safe and health oriented behavior. It is
more of a concerned with acquisition of knowledge,
skills, and competency so as risk can be access properly.
Emergency Policy Emergency related policy helps to aware about
emergency protocols, ensures consistency with recently
updated guidance on emergency preparedness and
response and reflect on the approach. It helps to act with
urgency, speed, and agility during emergency. It involves
saving life, providing protection, delivering assistance
and promote solution with delivering emergency

Table 2 WHS roles and responsibilities

Team Members Roles/Responsibility

BUSINESS  Implementing the WHS procedures
OWNER/DIRECTOR  Observing all legal WHS requirements Ensuring
that all works are conducted in a manner without
risk to workers’ WHS Planning to do all work
safely • participating in the planning and design
stages of trade activities
 Identifying WHS training required for an
 Ensuring workers undertake identified WHS
 Communicating and consulting with workers
 Investigating hazard reports and ensuring that
corrective actions are undertaken
Assisting in rehabilitation and return to work
 Ensuring that appropriate resources and
processes are available to ensure WHS
 Ensuring that a system is in place that enables
workers to receive and respond in a timely
manner to information regarding incidents,
hazards and risks.
MANAGER/ Making decisions about WHS that may affect
SUPERVISOR OR work activities and/or others Ensuring legal WHS
LEADING HAND requirements are met in the workplace
 Actioning safety reports and carrying out
workplace inspections
 Facilitating the preparation of SWMS (including
those for trades)
 Ensuring safe work practices at all times
Conducting site inductions, toolbox talks and
daily team briefings
 Participating in accident or incident
 Leading by example and promoting WHS at
every opportunity
 Supervising and ensuring compliance with safe
work procedures.
WORKER  Conducting their allocated tasks in a safe
manner and in accordance with their training
and experience
 Giving due consideration to the safety of all
 Co-operating in matters of WHS
 Leaving their work site in a safe condition
Complying with the SWMS and is encouraged
to participate in the development of all SWMS
for high risk construction work
 Complying with the site safety rules (including
those set down by the principal contractor) in
the site induction

Summary prepared for the ToolBox Talk

Prepare a ToolBox Talk, provide workers with information and a brief

plan that includes hazard identification and risk assessment activities for
their review and possible future participation, detail of how a risk
assessment will be implemented and evaluated. Ensure you refer to your
information in Tables 1 and 2.

Various policies has been implemented by XYZ Food Manufacturer like OHS
policy, consultation policy, training policy, and emergency policy. OHS policy
will help to assess the risk by measuring safety performance, delegation of
roles, duties, and responsibility to a workgroup so as risk can be managed
through risk control and reporting. Consultation policy will help to identify the
safety issue at workplace and proper analysis will be done by accomplishing
employee issues through meetings.

Employee will be trained time and often as per the workplace requirement
regarding chemical usage etc. or before joining the work area. Such adaption
will help in quick response and precaution measures by adapting to training
policy. Emergency policy has been taken into implementation so as emergency
protocol will be adapted with urgency to save life and promote solution.

Such policy adaption will be implemented by assigning roles and responsibility

accordingly. Business owner/director will be accountable for implementing
OHS policy and will also involve in evaluation of WHS.

Similarly, manager and supervisor will be responsible for implementing

consultation policy by communicating and interacting with workers. They will
be implementing WHS policy by ensuring safe work practice as well as
addressing and identifying training need. Emergency policy will be
implemented by supervisor whenever the mishaps happens. Workers will be
responsible for conducting their task with safety and complying with safety

Hazard Register

Hazard Identification
For the participation to identify hazard in any workplace, following measures
can be applied:

 We can examine the past incidents and accidents that have occurred, and
check whether the incidents can occur again.
 Employees can be asked about the safety issues in the workplace because
they are the one involved in day to day activities. Survey, short and
timely interviews, questionnaires can help employees better know about
the queries of management about hazards.
 Work areas should be examined and inspected in timely basis, and
identified hazards should be documented.
 Safety Precautions should be reviewed and updated timely, especially of
heavy equipment and machineries.
 Give a floor to creative thinkers to discuss on “what could be hazardous
in this place?” and brainstorm.
 Use of Hazard Matrix to identify the hazards
Making of Hazard Register.

Workplace Type: Manufacturing Industry

Ref. Identified Potential Documents Why Hazard Consulted Outcomes

no Hazards Harm reviewed identification with
was done?
1. Chemical Can Hazard Done after Kitchen No one has been
hazards cause Matrix HSR recomme employees injured as of now,
allergies ndation and HSR but if the wires
to staff are not managed
members someone can be
fatally injured
The wired must
be managed right
2. Physical Can Staff After there Employee Staffs should
Hazards: destroy Memos, recommendati s, Health know about
Fire whole Reports of on of staff and safety ethanol, the
Incident premises HSR, Old members who Reps, substance should
caused by XYZ incident were worried Designate be kept safe in
ethanol restaurant reports of pugnant d well ventilated
exposure references taste of workgrou area, and
ethanol in the ps container should
cooking area not be until
3. Chemical Effect on Medical Recommende Designate Use of forklifts
Hazards: lungs, reports of d by Health d while carrying
Severe nausea, injured and Safety Employee loads, try
affect in vomiting, employees Committee Groups, working on the
the health skin and other same floor if
of staff peeling, workers of heavy stuffs
members unconsci the needs moving
who are o organizati
exposed Usness, on

4. Physical Loss of Employees HSRs and Employee Compulsion of

hazards: Eyesight concerns, HSC s and employees to
Eye Injury meeting recommendati doctors wear PPE kits
due to minutes, on consultati while working in
exposure Staff on about the kitchen, while
of ethanol Memos, the effects using sanitizers
sanitizer hospital and etc.
in the eye doctors
Risk Assessment

Place of Risk Assessment: Cooking Area in Restaurant

Risk Assessment Method: Fault Tree

Fault Tree is a top-down deductive analysis method of an undesired state.

Making of Fault Tree of Cooking Area of A restaurant of a Fire Accident


Fault in Alarm
of Kitchen
Gas/Stove system

Ethanol old/new
Untrained Slow alarm
Distraction Alcohol stove and
Staffs after the fire
Exposure Cylinders

Chemical unable to use lack of fire Untrained staff to

inappropriate and find fighting use the old as well
ly handled extinguishers capabilities as new stove

Fig. Fault Tree

Consultation with the Stakeholders

Any hazards that occurs in the organization or might occur has to be consulted
with the respective stakeholders.

After Risk Assessment of the restaurant following information was revealed and
consulted with the stakeholders,

In the case of a restaurant, specifically in the food cooking area, i.e. kitchen was
exposed with ethanol alcohol that led to a fire accident. Ethanol Alcohol is a
highly flammable liquid, and its exposure in the kitchen area where the works
are related to fire every time, the chemical caught on fire. The kitchen area is to
be sanitized and kept clean, customers shouldn’t be served with the food cooked
in an unclean kitchen. This is why sanitization is required. This is when ethanol
mixed with alcohol comes into play. A sanitizer consists of 70% of alcohol and
also consists of ethanol as another chemical.
The PCBU has equipped with organization with PPE as well as the fire
extinguishers in case of similar incidents. The employees weren’t trained to use
the extinguishers properly and also found it difficult to find it in the first placed.
It revealed that the employees and staff members were in need of training
programs for incidents, the equipment’s should be replaced and easily
accessible in all the cases. The alarm system of the restaurant was also slow.
The system could also be worked upon. There must be regular check up in the
restaurant so that similar mishaps won’t again happen in the place.

The staff members were reluctant in wearing PPE in the kitchen, it can also lead
to hazardous situations like allergies, eye infection from the chemicals etc. They
must strictly abide by the standard rules, regulations and procedures. The
investors might be reluctant to invest the money again since the restaurant
caught in fire. New proposition and better than earlier one can be presented with
them so they think it is a good idea to invest again.

From the consultation, I think there must be meeting between PCBU, investors,
workers so that they can talk about the incident, talk about the issues that are
bothering all the parties, the rules, regulations aren’t abided properly so it can
be prepared by keeping the employees on board while preparing those rules.

A further risk assessment might be required because the ethanol alcohol used in
the sanitizer is not only the factor that can cause such incidents in the cooking
area. Various other factors like, gas stoves, ventilation, untrained staffs for
advanced equipment’s, understaffed restaurants and other different things can
cause fire incidents. These all other factors must be examined thoroughly with
the help of experts and ways to mitigate them should be found out.

Plus, an organization doesn’t always face chemical hazard, they may also face
with ergonomic, physical, workload and various other hazards. These should
also be studied and taken care of in order to minimize the risks in the future.
Risk Control Plan

Company and Address:XYZ Food Inspection date: 29th oct,2021

Manufacturer Work Areas the plan covers: Health and
Date of Plan: 20th oct, 2021 safety
Who was consulted: Senior manager Prepared by: HSR
Signed by senior Manager/date: 21st oct, Signed by HSR/date: 23rd oct, 2021

Identified Proposed solution Agreed Action Due/ Person Status Date Revi
Issues Dates Respo / comp ew
nsible comm leted date
Severe  According to WHS  Elimination 1/11/ Worker The 30/11 1/12/
injury was regulation section 44 Control:Chang 2021 s, prepar /2021 2021
caused as workers are e work Emplo ation
worker responsible to wear practices to yers for the
was not PPE, so the workers avoid skin and action
wearing should be provided contact HSR to be
PPE. with enough  Administrative taken
information and Control: select are
training for the and use going
propoer use, storage appropriate on.
and maintenance of PPE to control
PPE. exposure.
 Observeingworkers
after the task is
complete to ensure
that the PPE they
have used is stored
and maintained

Eye Injury  Plumbed eye wash  PPE:Regular 1/12/ HSR The 30/12 1/1/2
due to stations and safety assessment of 2021 and rules /2021 022
exposure showers should be PPE to check HSC and
of ethanol installed. for any signs of meetin
sanitizer  Training should be wear and tear gs are
in the eye provided to workers condu
so that they can take  Administrative cted
necessary steps when Control:Superv with
an incident occurs. ision and consul
training of tation
personnel in with
the use of PPE memb
and other ers

Chemical  Specific type of PPE  Administrative 1/11/ Manag The 15/11 20/1
hazards: should be use to be control: 2021 ement worke /2021 1/20
allergies save from exposure. Worker and rs 21
to staff  keep the hazardous surveys to be HSR have
members chemicals within any undertaken to been
and health control temperature obtain inform
problems range where information ed
can occur necessary about matters about
due to such muscular the
high usage aches and pains incom
of ethanol that can signal ing
in kitchen potential trainin
surface hazards. g
cleaning  Subtistution progra
control: mme
Substitute less to be
volatile and condu
hazardous cted.

Consultation with the Stakeholders: Any hazards, risk that occurs in the
organization or might occur has to be consulted with the respective
stakeholders.Also to prevent such hazards, risk controls plan are made which is
very much necessary to be consulted with stakeholders for review and selection
of appropriate action. In the case of a restaurant, specifically in the food
cooking area, i.e. kitchen was exposed with ethanol alcohol that led to a fire
accident. Ethanol Alcohol is a highly flammable liquid, and its exposure in the
kitchen area where the works are related to fire every time, the chemical caught
on fire. The kitchen area is to be sanitized and kept clean, customers shouldn’t
be served with the food cooked in an unclean kitchen. This is why sanitization
is required. This is when ethanol mixed with alcohol comes into play. A
sanitizer consists of 70% of alcohol and also consists of ethanol as another
chemical. The staff members were reluctant in wearing PPE in the kitchen, it
can also lead to hazardous situations like allergies, eye infection from the
chemicals etc. All the issues were consulted with PCBU, officers, workers,
management,HSC,HSR and other people.From the consultation, it was very
much easy to decide which action is suitable so that all the issues can be
eliminated or reduced.

Letter to HSC Chairperson

Date: 23rd october, 2021

The Chairman,
Health Safety Committee,
XYZ Food Manufaturer,
Victoria, Australia

Dear sir/mam,
This letter is to provide all the information that was known during the risk
assessment, hazard identification and risk control plan that was conducted to solve the issues that
our company was facing. The following mentioned information are the new learnt source of
information that was found useful in solving the issues.
I. Relevant Workplace records, policies and procedures we accessed
WHS Policies and Content relevant to identifying and assessing hazards and risks
OHS Policy Policy sets out purpose of policy, relevant laws and consequences of not
Committed to compliance with relevant laws, measures safety
performance, delegates roles, duties, responsibilities
Implements WHS risk management processes, through incident
investigation, risk control and reporting. Monitors and reviews safety
Consultation Policy This policy helps in establishing a line of communication where
employee are involved in consultation regarding issues affecting their
health and safety at work and take account their matter which helps in
identifying and accessing possible hazards and risk at work space.
Consultation is done with workers when changing process, equipment,
work method are introduced at workplace that my affect health and safety
at work
Training Policy This policy helps to set guideline to the employee by reflecting the
organization's value and culture, visions and a training procedures. It aims
for awareness for improving the capacity, capability, and performance of
staff, leading to safe and health oriented behavior. It is more of a
concerned with acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competency so as
risk can be access properly.
Emergency Policy Emergency related policy helps to aware about emergency protocols,
ensures consistency with recently updated guidance on emergency
preparedness and response and reflect on the approach. It helps to act with
urgency, speed, and agility during emergency. It involves saving life,
providing protection, delivering assistance and promote solution with
delivering emergency operations.

II. Responsibilities of Duty Holders

Team Members Roles/Responsibility
BUSINESS  Implementing the WHS procedures
 Observing all legal WHS requirements Ensuring that all works
are conducted in a manner without risk to workers’ WHS
Planning to do all work safely • participating in the planning and
design stages of trade activities
 Identifying WHS training required for an activity
 Ensuring workers undertake identified WHS training
 Communicating and consulting with workers
 Investigating hazard reports and ensuring that corrective actions
are undertaken
Assisting in rehabilitation and return to work initiatives
 Ensuring that appropriate resources and processes are available
to ensure WHS
 Ensuring that a system is in place that enables workers to
receive and respond in a timely manner to information regarding
incidents, hazards and risks.
MANAGER/SUPERVISOR Making decisions about WHS that may affect work activities
OR LEADING HAND and/or others Ensuring legal WHS requirements are met in the
 Actioning safety reports and carrying out workplace inspections
 Facilitating the preparation of SWMS (including those for
 Ensuring safe work practices at all times Conducting site
inductions, toolbox talks and daily team briefings
 Participating in accident or incident investigations
 Leading by example and promoting WHS at every opportunity
 Supervising and ensuring compliance with safe work
WORKER  Conducting their allocated tasks in a safe manner and in
accordance with their training and experience
 Giving due consideration to the safety of all others
 Co-operating in matters of WHS
 Leaving their work site in a safe condition Complying with the
SWMS and is encouraged to participate in the development of
all SWMS for high risk construction work
 Complying with the site safety rules (including those set down
by the principal contractor) in the site induction
III. The External Source Accessed
 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
 Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2017
 Victorian Compliance Code
 The Australian/New Zealand/ISO Standard on Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009)
IV. Communication provided to affected workgroup
The following steps were taken to communicate with the affected work group in the
 At first all the necessary steps were taken to ensure that the affected work group were able to
get medical facilities as soon as possible.
 We contacted their family members to show our concern for their well being.
 We acted kindly and showed the companys loyalty to strengthen theirs.
 We assured them that no such things will again occur in the coming future.
V. SWOT Analysis
 Focus on workplace safety  High cost of personal training
 Complied with WHS laws services.
 Risk and hazard, untrained workers
 Zero risk or injury workplace  Severe injury due to lack of training
 Training to workers  Chemical hazard

VI. Action plan and steps involved to monitor and review risk control plan
Action plan Steps to review and Reviewed by
 Change work practices to avoid skin contact  Accountability for health Empployee
 Select and use appropriate PPE to control and safety
exposure.  Up-to-date training and
 Worker surveys to be undertaken to obtain competency HSR AND
information about matters such muscular  Up-to-date hazard
aches and pains that can signal potential information
hazards.  Regular review and committee
 Substitute less volatile and hazardous consultation
 Regular assessment of PPE to check for any
signs of wear and tear
 Supervision and training of personnel in the
use of PPE and other controls
 Installation Plumbed eye wash stations and
safety showers.

Thank you,
Yours Sincerely,
Sarita Khatri

 https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au
 www.dmp.wa.gov.au
 https://www.ohsrep.org.au/notifiable_incidents
 https://staysafeapp.com/blog/2019/08/08/6-types-of-workplace-hazard/
 https://www.worksafe.act.gov.au/health-and-safety-portal/managing-
 https://www.safework.sa.gov.au/workers/consultation-and-representation/
 www.hsa.ie
 https://www.investopedia.com
 https://conserve.com.au/risk-control-measures-in-workplace
 https://careinfoscotland.scot/topics/your-rights/adult-support-and-
 https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/52737/form-

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