Eam Ref PL-900
Eam Ref PL-900
Eam Ref PL-900
Microsoft Power
Platform Fundamentals
Craig Zacker
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Introduction ix
Organization of this book ix
Preparing for the exam ix
Microsoft certifications x
Quick access to online references x
Errata, updates, & book support xi
Stay in touch xi
Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Thought experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
iv Contents
Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Thought experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
vi Contents
Index 253
Contents vii
T he Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Fundamentals certification is the initial entry point
into a hierarchy of Microsoft Power Platform certifications. The PL-900: Microsoft Power
Platform Fundamentals exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of the components and capa-
bilities of the four Microsoft Power Platform products: Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate,
and Power Virtual Agents, without delving deeply into specific programming and administra-
tion procedures.
With the Power Platform Fundamentals certification in place, candidates can then move
on to the Microsoft Certified: Power Platform App Maker Associate certification (Exam PL-100:
Microsoft Power Platform App Maker) and the Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Associate
certification (Exam DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI). These two are special-
ist certifications covering more advanced areas of the Power Apps and Power BI products,
This book covers all the skills measured by the PL-900 exam, with each of the main areas
covered in a separate chapter. Each chapter is broken down into individual skill sections, which
cover all the suggested topics for each skill. It is recommended that you access trial versions
of the Power Platform tools as you work your way through this book. Nothing can replace
actual hands-on experience, and Microsoft provides fully functional evaluation platforms of
Power Platform tools, all the components of which are accessible in the cloud and require
no hardware other than a computer with internet access. Microsoft also provides a wealth of
documentation for all the Power Platform tools at docs.microsoft.com. With these tools, as well
as some time and dedication, you can prepare yourself for the PL-900 exam and the first step
toward your certification path.
Microsoft certifications
Microsoft certifications distinguish you by proving your command of a broad set of skills and
experience with current Microsoft products and technologies. The exams and corresponding
certifications are developed to validate your mastery of critical competencies as you design
and develop, or implement and support, solutions with Microsoft products and technologies
both on-premises and in the cloud. Certification brings a variety of benefits to the individual
and to employers and organizations.
For information about Microsoft certifications, including a full list of available certifications,
go to http://www.microsoft.com/learn.
x Introduction
Stay in touch
Let’s keep the conversation going! We’re on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MicrosoftPress.
Introduction xi
Using entities
When a developer creates a database instance in Common Data Service, it consists of a stan-
dard set of entities, with each entity having a standard set of fields. An entity is the Common
Data Service equivalent of a table in other database management systems. A default Common
Data Service instance has a base set of standard entities, as shown in Figure 2-2, any of which
the developer can select and populate with data from an outside source.
In addition to the standard entities created with every Common Data Service instance,
developers can create custom entities to suit the requirements of specific business applications,
assuming that none of the standard entities are suitable. It is possible to rename a standard
entity if that makes it more suitable to the application that will use it.
Creating a custom entity is simply a matter of clicking the +New entity button on the Enti-
ties screen in the Power Apps portal to open the dialog box shown in Figure 2-3, and supplying
a name for the entity. After expanding the More settings header, the developer can specify the
entity type and the ownership option. After the developer has created the new entity in the
Power Apps portal, they can create custom fields within it.
Aside from the Standard entity type, the developer can also choose the Activity entity type,
which is an entity that can manage tasks for which it is possible to create a calendar entry, such
as appointments, phone calls, faxes, and emails.
The other option for the Standard entity type is its ownership, which has the following
■■ User or team—Actions that developers can perform on this entity’s records are con-
trolled at the user level. User or team ownership is the only possible option for Activity
■■ Organization—Access to the data stored in the entity is controlled at the organization
Apart from standard and custom entities, Common Data Service also supports two other
types of entities: complex entities and restricted entities. Complex entities include real-time
workflows, plug-ins, or other types of server-side business logic. Restricted entities typically
contain configuration data for specific products. Both of these entity types are typically not
used by Power Apps citizen developers and have licensing requirements that go beyond the
Power Apps/Power Automate Plan 1 license needed for standard and custom entities. For
complex entities, users must have a Power Apps/Power Automate Plan 2 license. For restricted
entities, users must have a license for the specific Dynamics 365 product that uses the entity,
such as Dynamics 365 Sales or Customer Service.
Using fields
Fields are the attributes within an entity that contain specific types of data. If an entity is the
equivalent of a table, then a field is the equivalent of a column in the table, which contains a
particular data point for each record, represented by a row in the table. For example, every
entity has an Address field by default, which is configured with a data type called Multiline
Text, indicating that every value for that field can consist of one or more lines of plain text.
Other fields might have data types such as Whole Number, Date and Time, or Phone.
Just as a standard set of entities exists in every database instance, a standard set of fields
exists in every entity, as shown in Figure 2-4. Depending on the entity, there can be just a few
standard fields or over a hundred.
Understanding relationships
Depending on the nature of the app a developer is creating and the data that it will use, it
might be a good idea to create multiple entities to hold different types of data, rather than
store many different data types in a single entity.
For example, in the case of an order entry app, the developer might need to maintain a list
of incoming invoices and a list of the products ordered on each invoice. The database for this
app would therefore need—at minimum—records for the invoices and records for the prod-
ucts ordered. There would presumably also need to be records for customer information and
records for an inventory of products. Storing all of this information in a single entity (or table)
would be complicated at best.
To better organize the data for the app, it would therefore be preferable to create multiple
entities and establish relationships between them. If the developer creates separate entities for
the invoices and the products ordered, there could be said to be a one-to-many (also called a
parent/child or 1:N) relationship between the two entities. The invoice entity would be the one
(or the parent), and the products entity could contain as many product records (or children) as
are needed for each invoice.
In the same way, the invoice entity can have a many-to-one (N:1) relationship to an entity
containing customer information. Each customer can have many invoices, but each invoice
is associated with only one customer. This type of entity relationship appears as a field type
called a lookup field.
Common Data Service also supports many-to-many (or N:N) relationships between entities,
in which many records in one entity are associated with many records in another entity, in what
are known as peer relationships.
As mentioned earlier, the standard entities provided by Common Data Service are sufficient
for the needs of most developers and their apps, and the relationships between the entities are
already in place. Selecting any entity in the Power Apps portal and selecting the Relationships
tab displays the existing relationships and their types, as shown in Figure 2-6.
From this screen, it is also possible for developers to create new relationships by clicking
the +Add relationship button and choosing Many-to-one, One-to-many, or Many-to-many, to
open a dialog box like the one shown in Figure 2-7.
FIGURE 2-7 The One-to-many dialog box in the Power Apps portal
FIGURE 2-9 The New solution dialog box in the Power Apps portal
When users run a business process flow, they see an interface like that shown in Figure 2-12,
in which the flow leads them through its stages, providing text boxes and drop-down lists in
which they can supply the necessary data. The developer can configure the flow to not permit
users to proceed to the next stage until they have completed the present one. This ensures that
all the required elements of the business process are completed.
FIGURE 2-13 A New business rule canvas in the Power Apps portal
The most common functions of business rules are to simplify the process of supplying
data for users and verify the accuracy of the data that users supply. To that end, developers
can create rules that set values for fields, clear the values from fields, and validate the data
entered into fields. In model-driven apps (only), business rules can also show, hide, enable,
and disable fields. For example, when users are required to supply their annual income in
a field, a rule can enable additional fields for verification if the income exceeds a specified
Microsoft maintains and continually updates documents defining the Common Data Model
on their GitHub repository at https://github.com/Microsoft/CDM.
Many of Microsoft’s applications and services store their information in databases that
conform to the CDM standard, including the Common Data Service, as used in Dynam-
ics 365 and Power Platform; dataflows in Power BI and Power Apps; Graph data connect in
Office 365; and Azure Synapse. All these applications and services use CDM as their native
metadata structure and can freely share the data they store in CDM-based storage tech-
nologies. Many other software developers and vendors use the CDM format as the basis for
their products as well.
100% stacked charts, 96 Text Recognition, 88–89
alerts, Power BI, 8–9
ALM (application lifecycle management), 68
B combo, 99
funnel, 97
Back-End cluster, 35–36, 37 gauge, 103
bar and column charts, 95–98 KPI, 102
bots. See also chatbots line, 98
actions, 237–238 pie, 100
entities, 235–237 scatter, 101
flow interaction, 238 stacked, 95–96
topics, 233–234 waterfall, 97–98
building chatbots, 229, 230
canvas apps, 161 calling an action, 242–243
connecting to data using connectors, 163–167 creating, 22–23, 238–239
data sources, 161–163 creating a topic, 240–242
starting with a blank app, 163–165 monitoring
starting with a data source, 165–166 performance, 248–249
starting with a template, 167 usage, 247–248
dashboards, 135 publishing, 232–233, 244–246
flows, 212–224 testing, 243–244
model-driven apps, 180–181 topics, 233–234
Business Card Reader model, 84–85 citizen developers, 1, 23, 29, 147
business process flows, 19, 68–70, 194 creating chatbots, 22–23
business rules, 70–71 Power Virtual Agents, 230
conditions, 70 classic workspaces, creating, 115–116
business value, of AI Builder, 83–84 cloud computing
Common Data Service, 57–58
Power BI service, 3
combining, data sources, 168
C Power BI Desktop, 118–120
combo charts, 99H
calling an action, 242–243
Common Data Service, 2, 15–16, 30, 57–58, 152, 182
canvas apps, 13, 148, 150, 154
business rules, 70–71
building, 161
conditions, 70
connecting to data using connectors, 163–167
entities, 15, 59–60
data sources, 161–163
Activity, 60
starting with a blank app, 163–165
complex, 62
starting with a data source, 165–166
custom, 60–61
starting with a template, 167
fields, 62–64
creating, 148–149
ownership, 60
screens, 148–150
relationships, 64–65
sharing, 150
fields, 62–64 inserting, actions, 221–222
Filter array action, 223 instant flows, 18, 193, 204
filters, 104, 105–106 Join action, 223
Filters pane, Power BI, 106–107
flow templates, 192, 195–200
flows, 16, 17. See also connectors
actions, 198 K
dragging and dropping, 222 key influencers, 103
inserting, 221–222 Key Phrase Extraction model, 87–87
approvals, 211–212 KPIs (key performance indicators), 102
automated, 18, 192
and bots, 238
building, 212–224
Language Detection model, 87–88 Parse JSON action, 223–224
licenses, 44 PCF (Power Apps Component Framework), 156–158
connector, 78–79 people, representing with entities, 73–74
Power BI, 7 permissions, connector, 202–204
line charts, 98 pie charts, 100
live pages, creating, 138 places, representing with entities, 73–74
looping flows, 207–208 polling triggers, 22, 76
portal apps, 13, 152–153, 173
customizations, 176–178
M templates, 173–176
themes, 179–180
managed solutions, 66 user authentication, 179
managing portals, 153
apps, 42 Power Apps, 13–15, 147. See also canvas apps;
users, 42–44 model-driven apps
many-to-many relationships, 64 actions, 76–78
many-to-one relationships, 64 App Designer interface, 151
Microsoft 365, and Power Platform canvas apps, 148–150, 154
business solutions, 29–30 component libraries, 155–156
Microsoft Azure, and Power Platform consumption of AI Builder data, 90–91
business solutions, 30 controls, 168
Microsoft Teams, Power Platform business data sources, combining, 168
solutions, 27–29 formulas, 158–159
model-driven apps, 13, 150–152 configuring controls with, 160
adding entities to app navigation, 181–183 licenses, 78
building, 180–181 managing apps, 42
components, 182 model-driven apps, 150–152
forms, 185–186 PCF (Power Apps Component Framework), 156–158
publishing and sharing, 187–188 portal apps, 152–153, 173
using with Common Data Service, 59 Power Automate interoperation, 21–22
views, 186–187 reusable components, 154
modifying security, 38–40
actions, 220–221 Power Apps Studio, equation bar, 170–171
flows, 218–219 Power Automate, 16, 30. See also connectors; flows
triggers, 220–221 actions, 76–78
monitoring chatbots approvals, 211–212
performance, 248–249 connectors, 21, 201
usage, 247–248 function-based, 201
permissions, 202–204
tabular, 201
consumption of AI Builder data, 90–91
N-O data operation actions
Compose, 222
navigation pane, Power BI, 109
Create CSV table, 222–223
one-to-many relationships, 64
Create HTML table, 223
Filter array, 223
Join, 223
UI flows, 19, 194
unmanaged solutions, 66
use cases
for custom connectors, 79–83