The Impact of Technology On High School Mathematics Curriculum
The Impact of Technology On High School Mathematics Curriculum
The Impact of Technology On High School Mathematics Curriculum
1 (2012), 21-34
The infusion of technology into school mathematics has intensified in the last two
decades. This article discusses the effects of this infusion on the mathematics
curriculum. After a review of the different roles technology plays in mathematics
and the diversity of the tools and their functions in teaching and learning
mathematics, an epistemological perspective is offered to understand how
technology could affect our cognition and perception while doing mathematics. With
this background, specific examples are offered for the ways in which our curricular
goals are re-prioritized in algebra and geometry. The paper is concluded with a
discussion of teachers’ proficiency as a factor to promote effective use of technology
in the high school mathematics curriculum based on Beaudin &Bowers’ (1997)
PURIA model.
1. Introduction
Man has been using technology in mathematics for thousands of years, starting with own
fingers and stones for counters. He then progressed to using the stones in an Abacus, which
is still used for complex arithmetic computations by some in Japan (and perhaps in other
countries). The Slide rule was invented in the 17th century, and is credited as the tool of
computation used for the Apollo moon missions in the 1950’s and 60’s (Oughtred Society,
2011). Various mathematicians, using the slide rule and other tools) then laboriously did
millions of calculations to formulate logarithmic and trigonometric tables for all to use.
However, these fell into disuse in the mid-1970’s, when the first hand held scientific
calculators were used by students. Nowadays, graphing calculators are common in many
mathematics classrooms in western countries. Most graphing calculators also include a
cable for data transfer from probes to calculators or from calculators to computers.
Since the calculator and computer have become household items in the last two decades,
the number and types of electronic tools for mathematics classrooms have. These tools of
technology typically serve to do and learn mathematics. However, some are primarily used
to teach mathematics, while others are for publishing mathematics content (Usiskin, 2011).
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Technological tools used in doing and learning mathematics abound. The most
common examples are dynamic geometry systems (e.g., Jackiw, 2001; Hohenwarter, 2002),
computer algebra systems (e.g., Maplesoft, 2005), graphing calculators (e.g., Texas
Instruments, 2001), spreadsheets, electronic virtual manipulatives (e.g., National Library of
Virtual Manipulatives, 2001), internet applets (e.g., Shodor, 1994), and special micro-
worlds (e.g., SimCalc, 2003).
Special tools to facilitate teaching mathematics include interactive whiteboards, and
tablet computers. Other examples of technology that help in teaching are machine scorable
tests, e-mail facilities to message parents and students, and instant student response systems
(SRS) (e.g., Turningpoint, 2012) for formative assessment.
These tools typically help to push further our ability or alleviate our human limitations
for information processing in computations and visualization. They also help to graph
mathematical functions, simulate complicated mathematical processes and manipulate
mathematical symbols accurately and efficiently. In general, we can now do numerical
computations much faster, visualize mathematical relationships more easily, even perform
symbolic manipulations more accurately - sometimes all at the same time.
Astronomers can see further by using a telescope, but they still have to interpret what
they see to understand astronomical phenomena. Similarly, students can compute and
visualize mathematical relationships using technology more quickly, and more of their
mental resources are freed to ask new questions, interpret mathematical information and
solve more difficult mathematical problems.
So exactly what role does technology play in the natural evolution of school
mathematics curriculum? What skills are still critical? What skills have become less
important? In the remainder of this paper, we will attempt to answer these questions by
using insights from pertinent literature. By providing a review of different roles technology
play in teaching and learning mathematics in high schools, this article will be of interest to
teachers, curriculum planners and researchers in Turkey and abroad.
certain rules into a2 + 2ab + b2. We can also ‘convert’ this symbolic register or signifier
into its diagrammatic signifier.
The symbolic expressions (or representations) favors analytical reasoning, the pictorial
(diagrammatic) representation cognitively supports gestaltist (holistic) reasoning, and
verbal representations support sequential reasoning (Hollebrands, Laborde & Sträβer,
2008). Mathematicians use various signifiers not only to communicate a mathematical
object, but also to process it in problem solving and while doing mathematics. Multiple
signifiers of a mathematical object bridge the difference between a geometric figure and its
drawing. A figure is an idealized shape, where as a drawing is an imperfect representation
of the figure. Certain types of signifiers with the associated rules of operation on them
come together to make broad settings, which we call an arithmetical setting, or algebraic
setting (see Figure 2 and 3), or geometric setting (see Figure 4). A mathematical object
may be primarily situated within a setting, e.g., a circle being in a geometric setting, but it
may have signifiers in a different setting as well (e.g., algebraic, x2 + y2 = r).
To illustrate problem solving within and between settings, lets consider the problem
(NCTM, 2005) illustrated in Figure 5.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Dynamic geometry systems (DGS) has brought much ease and power to represent
geometric objects on the computer screen. DGS can also automatically measure features of
figures such as length and area, while the user is dynamically changing its size and position
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on the screen (Hollebrands, Laborde and Sträβer, 2008). This can let students to
experiment and come up with conjectures of their own. They can then attempt to prove
these conjectures on their own.
One example of this is related to a student’s investigation on the well-known
Pythogeras’ theorem (Martinez-Cruz, McAlister, and Gannon, 2004). A student was
captivated with a geometric pattern he observed while working on Pythogeras’ triple in
Geometers’ Sketchpad (GSP) (Jackiw, 2001). The student combined the corners of
adjacent squares to make three new triangles and measured and compared their areas.
These triangles are shown yellow in Figure 10b.
It is easy to see that (ABC), is congruent to the triangle in the middle due to the SAS
rule. (We will leave it to the reader to explain why the remaining two triangles have the
same area.) After explaining his observation through proof, the student could be
encouraged to generalize it to any triangle in the middle (Jackiw, 2001). That is, would the
same realationship hold for a triangle in the middle when it is not a right angled triangle?
The Impact of Technology on High School Mathematics Curriculum 31
After a quick contruction as in Figure 11, the student can empirically observes that the
relationship holds for any triangle (HIG) in the middle.
Beaudin and Bowers (1997) designed their “modes of use” for CAS, Zbiek and Hollebrands
(2008) expanded it to include other software programs.
The PURIA model incorporates the steps of Play, Use, Recommend, Incorporate and
Assess. The user needs to spend as much time as needed at each stage, with assistance
where necessary, before moving onto the next stage. A brief description of each stage is
given in Table 2 below.
Table 2. The PURIA model of development of teachers’ proficiency with technology
(Beaudin and Bowers, 1997 and extended by Zbiek and Hollebrands, 2008)
PURIA mode Activity in each mode Nature of activity
Play User plays with the technology No clear mathematical purpose in
playing with the software.
In this model, the teacher progresses in the use of the technology package, until he or
she is confident enough to go on to the next level. Levels can overlap and are negotiated at
different speeds, depending on the capability of the user. However, most time is spent in the
Play to Recommend modes. If a mode is skipped, the teacher may not develop far enough to
allow students the freedom to explore for themselves, as he/she will be fearful of not being
able to assist students or solve problems at the students’ level.
The Impact of Technology on High School Mathematics Curriculum 33
During the modes of Use, Recommend, Incorporate and Assess, support in the form of a
technical assistant, demonstrations, workshops and manuals guide the teacher and iron out
any problems encountered. If technical assistance is available, teachers persevere longer
and thus progress further. Without support, they may not even reach the incorporate mode.
The role of the teacher with technology and the questioning style of the teacher are
influenced by the teachers’ confidence of technology use (Zbiek and Hollebrands, 2008).
As teachers gain confidence in the use of software, they change their questioning styles to
incorporate higher order questions and allow students to play, explore, experiment, reason
in mathematically valuable ways and thus enhance their learning experiences.
With much evidence that the teacher’s attitude to technology influences students’
attitude, it is important that the teacher himself or herself has a positive learning experience
with technology. Thus a positive experience with technology, and especially in the first two
PURIA modes are important if the teacher is to become a facilitator of “construction of
deep learning” (Zbiek and Hollebrands, 2008).
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Utrecht, The Netherlands: State University of Utrecht.
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Heid, M.K. & Blume, G.W. (2008). Technology and the development of algebraic
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