Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Cover Letter
℅ Cathy Pyle
South Haven Public Schools
554 Green St.
South Haven, MI 49090
This letter is to express my interest in bringing my years of expertise in curriculum experience and technology integration
to the rest of the district. In these times of rapid development, I know I can add to the depth and breadth of classroom
technology/usage within your district.
As new and emerging technologies transform the landscape of education, the possibilities for learning and discovery grow
exponentially. Today’s classrooms are increasingly faced with technologically savvy students, and teachers must utilize
21st-century knowledge, strategies, and skills that create an effective and motivational learning environment.
My goals as a teacher have always fallen in line with the standards of the International Society for Technology in
Education as well as my content standards. Leveraging technology to help students become proficient consumers and
producers of knowledge should be a district goal and teachers are on the ‘front lines’. As our world becomes more
globally interdependent it is imperative that our learners are prepared to thrive in that society and become agents of
change. There will always be a new platform or app in our student’s futures and it is important that they are able to apply
their knowledge to these new technologies and become proficient.
Throughout my fourteen years as a teacher, I have had the privilege to support my fellow teachers through professional
development, as well as one-on-one, and my focus has not wavered.
● Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student
learning and creativity
● Promote and model digital etiquette and responsibility
● Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles and abilities.
● Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use
information resources to support research and learning
● Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities
and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing
their own progress
Along with coaching my fellow teachers on technology usage, I have earned a Master’s degree in Technology Integration
K-12 as well as a Master’s degree in Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction. I feel that these two degrees complement
each other and give me insight into how technology can support a curriculum and enhance instruction. I look forward to
meeting with you and discussing your district vision.
Best regards,