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Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing

Gaurav Kumar, IT-I, 0802713022

Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Abstract- The Cloud Computing model appeared after the Grid is the basic computing model on which the cloud
evolution of parallel computing, distributed computing and computing depends moreover the character of cloud
grid computing. This concept of computing comes from computing is in the virtualization, distribution and
grid, public computing and SaaS. It is a new method that
dynamic extendibility. Virtualization is the main
shares public framework and the basic principle of cloud
character and most software and hardware have provided
computing is based on the cloud of resource pool and
virtualization. This paper introduces the principles and support to virtualization. We can virtualize many IT
merits of the cloud computing. The merits include resources such as software, hardware, operating system
reduction in user level cost and no need of user’s high level and storage, and manage them in the cloud.
equipment. Hence due to cloud computing users can enjoy Distributional means the physically distributed
the service even he knows nothing about the technology and computational nodes. Dynamic expendability refers to
the professional knowledge in this field. the dynamic extension of virtualization level. But there
are also some threats and risk associated with cloud
Keywords- Cloud Computing; SaaS; PaaS; Iaas; computing like issue of data privacy, server failure,
virtualization server downtime, etc. and the merits include reduction in
user cost and maintenance.
The cloud computing is one kind of emerging computing WHAT IS CLOUD COMPUTING
model. It is an extend of changing with the need , that is A. Backgroud
to say the manufacturer provide relevant hardware, Currently there is no standard definition or specification
software and service according to the need that users put of cloud computing. It may take some time to define the
forward. In actual, cloud computing is an extend of grid key characteristics of Cloud Computing based on
computing, distributed computing and parallel practices in the field. Cloud Computing involves a set of
computing[1]. It provide secure, quick, convenient data key technologies to address resource sharing based on
business requirements. Based on our practices in the
storage and net computing services centered by internet.
areas of service provisioning and solution design, there
The factors that impel the occurring and development of are two key enabling technologies could play very
cloud computing include the development of grid important roles in this revolutionary phase: virtualization
computing, the appearance of high quality technology in technology and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).
storage and data transportation, and the appearance of The virtualization technology handles how images of the
web2.0, especially the development of virtualization[2]. operating systems, middleware, and applications are pro-
created and allocated to the right physical machines or a
Cloud computing concept depends on the resource pool
slice of a server stack. The images could be moved
called as “The cloud”. “The cloud” is virtual around and put into production environment on demand.
computation model that maintain and manage itself. The On the other hand, virtualization technology can also
cloud computing will concentrate all the computation help reuse licenses of operating systems, middleware, or
resources and can be managed automatically through the software applications, once a subscriber releases his/her
software without intervene. This make users not to worry service from the Cloud Computing platform.
about doing the awful things like storing data and killing The SOA is the evolution of a system or software
architecture for addressing componentization, reusability
virus, this kind of task can be done by professional. Each
extensibility, and flexibility. In order to construct
participant in the computation constitutes a “node”, but scalable Cloud Computing platforms, we need to
the entire computation is composed one by thousand of leverage SOA to build reusable components, standard-
nodes called as grid. based interfaces, and extensible solution architectures.
Creating a so-called Cloud Computing platform is easy
as long as it can enable sharing of at least one of the compared with general network service, cloud
resources. However, building a unified, scalable and computing is easy to extend, and has an simple
reusable Cloud Computing architecture to support management style. Cloud is not only simply collect the
sharing of all types of resources still faces challenges in computer resource, but also provides a management
the areas of technology breakthrough and best industry mechanism and can provides services for millions of
practices. users simultaneously. Nowadays, virtualization is
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, entering every field of data center[7]. It has become
ondemand network access to a shared pool of useful tool and improved service capacity. When the
configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, storage and computing capacity of the server cluster are
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be surplus, we need not purchase servers, all we need to to
rapidly provisioned and released with minimal is to add a virtual machine running on the server. If the
management effort or service provider interaction [3]. cluster is large enough, the request of adding server will
have marginal effect, and then we can save the money
that should be used in purchasing new servers. At the
same time, cloud computing provides powerful supports
for SAAS(software as a service)[8]. It integrates all the
companies that provide similar services in the internet in
order that users can compare and select service
providers. Cloud computing provides dependable and
secure data storage center, provides immense possibility
for internet application, provides infinite space for
storing and managing data, provides powerful computing
capacity for users to complete all kinds of application.
Future computer may only be used for connecting
internet to implement services based on cloud
computing. Users will change their habit of using
computer totally, from services centered by desktop to
Cloud Computing Overview services centered by Web.

C. Cloud Computing Style

Though people have different views on the cloud
B. Cloud Computing Principle computing, they have already reached an agreement on
It provides computing resources in the pool for users the basic style on it. Its style is as follows:
through internet. Integrated cloud computing is a whole 1)SAAS(Software as a service)
dynamic computing system. It provides a mandatory This kind of cloud computing transfer programs to
millions of users through browser. In the user’s views,
application program environment[4]. It can deploy,
this can save some cost on servers and software. In the
allocate or reallocate computing resource dynamically provider’s views, they only need to maintain one
and monitor the usage of resources at all times. program, this can also save cost. Salesforce.com is so far
Generally speaking cloud computing has a distributed the most famous company that provides this kind of
foundation establishment, and monitor the distributed service. SAAS is commonly used in human resource
system, to achieve the purpose of efficient use of the management system and ERP(Enterprise Resource
system[5]. Cloud computing collects all the computing Planning). Goole Apps and Zoho Office is also
providing this kind of service.
resources and manages them automatically through 2) Utility Computing
software. In the process of data analysis, it integrates the Recently Amazon.com, Sun, IBM and other companies
history data and present data to make the collected that provide storage services and virtual services are
information more accurate and provide more intelligent appearing. Cloud computing is creating virtual data
service for users and enterprises[6]. The users need not center for IT industry to make it can provide service for
care how to buy servers, softwares, solutions and so on. the whole net through collecting memory, IO equipment,
storage and computing power to a virtual resource pool.
Users can buy the computing resource through internet
3) Network service
according to their own needs. Net service has a close relation with SAAS. The
Cloud computing does not depend on special data center, service providers can help programmers develop
but we can look it as the inevitable product of grid applications based on internet instead of providing single
computing and efficiency computing. However,
machine procedure through providing API(Application
Programming Interface).
4) PAAS( Platform as a service)
Platform as a service, another SAAS, this kind of cloud The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the basic
computing providing development environment as a principles behind the cloud computing environment and
service. You can use the middleman’s equipment to what is the cloud computing. This paper discusses the
develop your own program and transfer it to the users various computing style in cloud computing and the
through internet and servers. advantages of cloud computing. As the cloud computing
5) MSP (management service provider) announced a low-cost super-computing services to
This is one of the ancient applications of cloud
provide the possibility, while there are a large number of
computing. This application mostly serves the IT
industry instead of end users. It is often used in mail manufacturers behind, there is no doubt that cloud
virus scanning and program monitoring. computing has a bright future.
6) Commercial service platform
The commercial service platform is the mixture of REFERENCES
SAAS and MSP(Mixed signal Processor), this kind of [1] Shuai Zhang, cloud computing research and development trend,
computing provides a platform for the interaction DOI 10.1109/ICFN .2010.58
between users and service provider. For instance, the [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/cloud_ computing
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7) Integrating internet [5] (U.S.) Nicholas. Carr, fresh Yan Yu, "IT is no longer important: the
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[6] Ya-Qin Zhang, the future of computing in the "cloud - Client", The
CLOUD COMPUTING ADVANTAGES Economic Observer reported, http://www.sina.com.cn, 2008 Nian 07
1. Cloud computing do not need high quality equipment Yue 12 Ri 14:30
for user, and it is easy to use. [7] Wang Haopeng (Air Force Aviation University of Computer
2. Cloud computing provides dependable and secure data Teaching, Jilin, Changchun 130022, China); Liu strong (Air Force Air
storage center. You don’t worry the problems such as University, Research Department, Jilin, Changchun 130022, China),
data loss or virus [8] virtualization technology in the application of cloud computing,
3. Cloud computing can realize data sharing between TP313.A ,1009-3044 (2008 ) 25-1554-01,2008 Year 25
different equipments. [8]Inventory: cloud computing in 2009 top ten trends forecast,
http://www.waibao.com.cn/news_detail_27508.html, December 31,
4. Cloud provides nearly infinite possibility for users to 2008
use internet.

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