Physics: Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Physics: Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Physics: Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Q.1. For a plane electromagnetic wave, propagating along the z-axis, write the two (possible)
pairs of expressions for its oscillating electric and magnetic fields. How are the peak values of
these (oscillating) fields related to each other?
Q.2. Identify the part of electromagnetic spectrum used in (i) radar and (ii) eye surgery. Write
their frequency range.
(i) The electric field of an electromagnetic wave in free space is given by
where t and x are in seconds and metres respectively. Find the wavelength.
(ii) Name the electromagnetic radiations used for (a) water purification and (b) eye surgery
Q.3. Identify the electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths vary as:
(a) 10–12 m < l < 10–8 m
(b) 10–3 m < l < 10–1 m
Write one use for each.
Q.4. (a) Arrange the following electromagnetic waves in the descending order of their
(i) Microwaves
(ii) Infra-red rays
(iii) Ultra-violet-radiation
(iv) Gamma rays
(b) Write one use each of any two of them.
Q.5. Name the types of em radiations which
(i) are used in destroying cancer cells,
(ii) cause tanning of the skin and
(iii) maintain the earth’s warmth.
Write briefly a method of producing any one of these waves.
Q.6. (a) Why is it necessary in microwave ovens to select the frequency of microwaves to
match the resonant frequency of water molecules?
(b) Write two important uses of infrared waves.
Q.7. (a) How are em waves produced by oscillating charges?
(b) Draw a sketch of linearly polarized em waves propagating in the Z-direction. Indicate the
directions of the oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
Q.8. (a) Optical and radio telescopes are built on the ground but X-ray astronomy is possible
only from satellites orbiting the earth. Why?
(b) The small ozone layer on top of the stratosphere is crucial for human survival. Why?
Q.9. Suppose that the electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum is
Q.12. Case Study Question:
Microwave oven:
The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation contains a part known as microwaves. These waves
have frequency and energy smaller than visible light and wavelength larger than it. What is the
principle of a microwave oven and how does it work? Our objective is to cook food or warm it
up. All food items such as fruit, vegetables, meat, cereals, etc., contain water as a constituent.
Now, what does it mean when we say that a certain object has become warmer? When the
temperature of a body rises, the energy of the random motion of atoms and molecules increases
and the molecules travel or vibrate or rotate with higher energies. The frequency of rotation of
water molecules is about 2.45 gigahertz (GHz). If water receives microwaves of this frequency,
its molecules absorb this radiation, which is equivalent to heating up water. These molecules
share this energy with neighbouring food molecules, heating up the food.
(i) As compared to visible light microwave has frequency and energy:
(A) more than visible light.
(B) less than visible light.
(C) equal to visible light.
(D) Frequency is less but energy is more.
(ii) When the temperature of a body rises:
(A) the energy of the random motion of atoms and molecules increases.
(B) the energy of the random motion of atoms and molecules decreases.
(C) the energy of the random motion of atoms and molecules remains same.
(D) the random motion of atoms and molecules becomes streamlined.
(iii) The frequency of rotation of water molecules is about:
(A) 2.45 MHz. (B) 2.45 kHz. (C) 2.45 GHz. (D) 2.45 THz.
(iv) Why should one use porcelain vessels and nonmetal containers in a microwave oven?
(A) Because it will get too much hot.
(B) Because it may crack due to high frequency.
(C) Because it will prevent the food items to become hot.
(D) Because of the danger of getting a shock from accumulated electric charges.
(v) In the microwave oven,
(A) energy is directly delivered to water molecules which is shared by the entire food.
(B) the vessel gets heated first, and then the food grains inside.
(C) the vessel gets heated first and then the water molecules collect heat from the body of
the vessel.
(D) energy is directly delivered to the food grains.