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Prof Ed 1

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Which of the following does not describe inclusive education?

A. It attempts to reach out to all learners regardless of disabilities and status in society.
B. It provides education for all learners except those that are unreachable in the far-flung areas.
C. It opens opportunities for all children with special needs the right and equal access to
D. It involves changes and modification in content, approaches, structures and strategies, with
common vision that covers all children.

Which public policy supports the inclusive education in the Philippines?

1 point

A. 1987 Philippine Constitution

B. P.D. 603 - The Child and Youth Welfare Code
C. RA 7277
D. All of these

Which is exemplified by RA 7277?

1 point

A. Philippine Constitution
B. Special Education Act
C. Inclusive education
D. Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

What does Magna Carta for disabled mean?

1 point

A. to give special treatment for disabled persons in school

B. to provide free tuition, lunch and aids for all disabled persons
C. to recognize disabled persons as strong and with good moral character
D. to facilitate integration of disabled persons into the mainstream of society

What does 1987 Philippine Constitution Article II, Section 17 provide?

1 point

A. equal rights to education

B. give priority to education
C. Inclusive education
D. Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

46. Which legal basis identifies the ten groups of children with special needs?
1 point

A. 1987 Philippine Constitution

B. Special education Act of 1987
C. RA 7277 Sec. 12
D. Special Education Act of 2007

Billy was the captain of the varsity football team. Two months into the school year, he
and his buddies got into a bad car accident, and he was paralyzed from the waist
down. When he returned to school a couple of months later, he had fallen behind in
his schoolwork. To make matters worse, the bathroom stalls at his school are not
wheelchair accessible, and his Trigonometry class is on the second floor of a wing
with no elevators. What law(s), if any, has the school violated?
1 point

A. No Child Left Behind Act

B. Americans with Disabilities Act
C. Batas Pambansa Bilang 344
D. Articles 356 of Commonwealth Act No. 3203

Billy, from the previous question, wants to remain involved in team sports. Does the
school have to his wishes?
1 point

A. They must advise him to stop for the meantime his involvement in team sports.
B. They must find something he can do for the team, even if it just team manager.
have to let him on the team unless he is as qualified to play as his non-disabled peers.
D. He has to be allowed to try out for the teams in which he is interested, but they do not

In creating inclusive culture, how will the stakeholders be involved?

1 point

A. Stakeholders build key people.

B. Stakeholders identify the barriers.
C. Stakeholders eradicate the barriers.
D. Stakeholders set parameter for inclusion.

How can the government build key people in creating inclusive culture?
1 point

A. Conduct teacher training, call for continuing research and forming of policies.
B. Make the development of children with special needs be the responsibility of all.
C. Identify and remove obstacles that have to do with transforming prevailing attitudes.
D. Reorganize structure in education and implement programs that highlight the needs of the

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

1 point

A. Actual resistance to implement inclusive practices.

B. Physical barriers that can literally affect one’s mobility.
C. Curriculum that allows room for individual differences.
D. Too much focus on performance-based standards.
What is the difference between mainstream and inclusion?
1 point

A. Mainstream shares more similarities with inclusion than special education.

B. Mainstream uses strengths-based and needs-based curriculum while in inclusion learner may
have access to both general education curriculum and individualized curriculum.
C. In inclusion all services happen inside the general education room while in mainstream the
learner receives services in both the general education classroom and outside through the use of
resource rooms.
D. In inclusion the assessment and evaluation tool is norm-referenced while in mainstream is
mostly strengths-based and standard-based.

The vision and goal of special education is to acknowledge children with special needs
in full mainstream education. Which should be done?
1 point

A. I & II only
B. III & IV only
C. I, II & III
D. I, II, IV

Which should be done in producing inclusive policies?

1 point

A. Involve other sectors, collaborate, recognize shift in roles, and include transition in planning.
B. Identify and remove barriers, build key people, and involve other sectors of society.
C. Include transition in planning, set parameters, and recognize shifts in roles.
D. Collaborate, involve other sectors in society, and remove barriers.

How will you accommodate a student with difficulty in writing?

1 point

A. Allow the student to use spellcheck in taking notes during classes but not on spelling test.
B. A spelling test may require the class to study 20 words. However, a student with special needs
might only have to study 10 of them.
C. A student could be assigned shorter or easier reading assignments, or homework that’s
different from the rest of the class.
D. The music teacher might not require a child to learn how to read music.
How will you modify the classroom instruction for a learner with special education
1 point

A. Allow the student to use spellcheck in taking notes during classes but not on spelling test.
B. A spelling test may require the class to study 20 words. However, a student with special needs
might only have to study 10 of them.
C. A student could be assigned shorter or easier reading assignments, or homework that’s
different from the rest of the class.
D. The music teacher might not require a child to learn how to read music.

Which of the following illustrates that inclusive practices are designed to be

comfortably and efficiently without much effort?
1 point

A. Teach self- regulatory techniques

B. Take advantage of seat arrangements
C. Chunk activities and give more breaks
D. Do team-building exercises regularly

Why do we need to include transition in planning inclusive education?

1 point

A. To ensure that teachers are supporting all types of learners in their classroom appropriately.
B. To guarantee an inclusive program that would cover as many areas as possible.
C. For everyone to be more aware and sensitive of the PWD population.
D. To facilitate the gradual shift to inclusive education.

Which of the following comes first in Universal Design of Learning (UDL)?

1 point

A. Multiple means of engagement

B. Multiple means of representation
C. Multiple means of action and expression
D. A and B

Why do we need to present information and materials in many different ways when
using UDL?
1 point

A. Because in inclusive practices flexibility in providing choices for methods and pacing are
B. Because inclusive practices are designed to promote social interaction and communication for
C. Because individual differences and various context are respected in inclusive practices.
D. A and C

Why do we need to use differentiated instruction?

1 point

A. Because all learners are unique and have varying interests, talents, strengths and needs.
B. To ensure that learners are engaged in respectful tasks and provide diverse means of
C. To provide the learners the opportunities to learn and demonstrate their understanding in
many ways.
D. all of the above

Which of the choices above show accommodation?

1 point

A. I and II
B. III and IV
C. I and III
D. II and IV

Which of the choices show modification?

1 point

A. I and II
B. III and IV
C. I and III
D. II and IV

How is instruction differentiated? Provide tasks and materials:

1 point

D. I, II, III, IV, V

How is the classroom managed during differentiated learning?

1 point

A. I, II,

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