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303-204 PDF
• Enabling WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) Understanding your GPS Receiver
will usually improve the accuracy of your unit’s There are six buttons on your eTrex Legend (Figure 1).
area calculations. However, if you have difficulty in These buttons are:
maintaining contact with the WAAS satellite (#35
in our area) because of tree cover or other terrain 1. The Power Button
obstacles, you may be better off disabling WAAS. 2. The Page Button
To enable/disable WAAS, go to: “Main Menu” > 3. The Zoom-in Button
“Setup” > “System” > “WAAS.” 4. The Zoom-out Button
5. The Find Button
• Wait for accuracy after you turn on your Legend. 6. The Click Stick
Before marking waypoints or laying tracks, give
your receiver time (usually just a minute or two) to
“settle down” and make full contact with the avail-
able satellites. When the accuracy reading on the
“Satellite” page becomes relatively steady – usually
at 20 to 25 feet (6 to 8 meters) or so – then you are
ready to put it to work. If WAAS is enabled, wait
until reception from a satellite with an ID-number
higher than 32 is acquired (denotes a WAAS sat-
ellite) to provide differential correction – small Ds
will show up on several satellite strength bars. You
should then get accuracy readings of about 10 feet
(3 meters) in the open with a clear view of the south-
ern sky.
Figure 1.
• The Legend allows measurements to be displayed in
your choice of units. Go to: “Main Menu” > “Setup” 1. The power button is the button that turns your GPS
> “Units” > “Distance/Speed” to initially select from receiver on and off. This button will also turn on the
Nautical, Statute, Metric, and Yards. If you wish to backlight (so that you can use the receiver at night).
change from one measurement system to another, Note that using the backlight will consume your bat-
the Legend automatically and instantly handles the teries faster!!!
conversions. Options include: square feet, square
yards, square meters, acres, hectares, square kilo- 2. The page button is used to scroll through vari-
meters, square miles, and square nautical miles. ous pages (i.e. screens) on the GPS receiver. There
are five different pages that you can cycle through support your natural resource educational programs and
by pressing this button (Figure 2). These different application needs. After you become comfortable with
pages are the: the basic GPS capabilities that are listed in this hand-
book, you may want to refer to your owner’s manual to
a. Satellite Page learn even more about your GPS receiver.
b. Map Page
c. Navigation Page
d. Trip Computer Page Getting started
e. Main Menu Page Turn on your GPS receiver by pressing and holding the
power button. You should then press the Page button
until the “Satellite” page appears (Figure 4).
Figure 2.
6. You can also change the marker symbol associated with
Application 1: Marking the waypoint by selecting the marker (with the click
and Saving Waypoints stick) and scrolling through the different options.
Waypoints enable you to mark and record your current
location as a waypoint. A waypoint is a “virtual” loca- 7. Use the click-stick to scroll down to the <OK> but-
tion marker. Once a waypoint is established and saved, ton, and click <OK> to save the waypoint.
you can easily navigate back to the waypoint using the
GPS receiver. This can be helpful to locate research
plots in a large field, identify and relocate potential pol-
Application 2: Finding
lution sources, or to identify and mark specific areas (Navigating to) a Waypoint
within a field that have been impacted by blight or dis- Your GPS receiver can serve as an “automatic pilot” to
ease (that you may want to return to at a later date). It navigate you back to a previously defined waypoint. To
is also possible to upload waypoints to a desktop com- navigate back to a previously defined waypoint, follow
puter (using GIS Utility or a similar software program) these steps.
or to a handheld PDA.
1. Press the “Find” button on the left side of the GPS
receiver (bottom left hand button).
To mark and save your
current location as a waypoint: 2. On the “Find” menu, select
1. Make sure that the GPS receiver is ready to navigate, “Waypoints” using the click-
by going to the “Satellite” page and looking at the stick (Figure 7).
status window (it should read “ready to navigate”).
3. Use the click-stick to select the
2. Walk to the point where you want to record a way- desired waypoint from the list
point (e.g., a location in a field experiencing drain- (waypoints are typically listed
age problem). alphabetically by name). Figure 7.
3. Press down and hold the click- 4. Select the “GoTo” option to create a direct line of
stick until the “Waypoint” page travel to the waypoint.
appears (see Figure 5).
The arro w in the center of the compass serves as the
4. This GPS receiver automatically bearing pointer, which directs you to the destination
assigns three-digit numbers to waypoint (in this example, the destination waypoint is
waypoints (in this example it ReaPlot1 [research plot #1]). The “Navigation” page
assigned 001 as the waypoint also informs you that you are 0.72 miles from the way-
name). You can customize the point. At your current speed, you will reach the way-
name of the waypoint. To change point in approximately 30 minutes (Figure 8).
the name of the waypoint, use
the click-stick to scroll down Figure 5.
and highlight the waypoint name
field (in Figure 5, the name
field is 001). Select the name
field by pushing down on the
Application 3: Finding (Navigating Application 4: Estimating
to) a Waypoint that Was Area Measurements
Defined by Someone Else Estimating area measurements in a field or forest is a
necessary task for many application areas, including
You may need to navigate to a waypoint that was
agriculture, business planning, and natural resource
defined by someone else. This person may have used a
management. This GPS receiver has the capability to
different GPS receiver (or even model) and may there-
estimate area measurements, even of curved and irreg-
fore provide you with coordinate information. (Or, you
ularly shaped polygons. The following procedure will
may have obtained coordinate information off of a Geo-
not only generate area measurements, but will also pro-
graphic Information System [GIS], an online mapping
vide perimeter measurements as well.
application such as GoogleEarth, or a hard copy map).
There are two techniques for estimating area measure-
Obviously, your GPS receiver cannot navigate you to
ments. These techniques include:
a coordinate pair (i.e. lat./long., UTM, etc.) if the coor-
dinates are not stored on your GPS receiver as a way- • The Track Log Method
point. However, you can create a waypoint by manually
entering coordinate information (i.e. lat/long., UTM, • The Route Method
etc.) into the GPS receiver.
While the Track Log Method is used most often, both
To create a waypoint by manually entering its coordi- of these techniques are easy to learn, and are described
nates, follow these steps: in this section.
1. Press in and hold the click-stick to access the “Mark
Waypoint” page. Estimating Area Measurements:
The Track Log Method (Option 1)
2. Using the click-stick, highlight and select the “Loca-
tion Field” on the “Mark Waypoint” page. As you travel the perimeter of an area, the eTrex Leg-
end records track points and uses the resulting GPS
3. Enter the new coordinates using track log to internally calculate the size of the enclosed
the numerical keyboard on the tract. This method works well when you can reasonably
screen. Highlight and press <OK> transport the receiver directly along the boundary of the
when finished (see Figure 9). tract (if swamps, lakes, cliffs, gorges, or grizzly bears
get in your way, you may need to use the Route Method
Important Tip: In the United States, Figure 9. as an alternative). A recent software update increased
the first (latitudinal) coordinate will the active track log to 10,000 points.
always have an “N” prefix (as we are north of the equa-
tor). The second (longitudinal) coordinate will always On small and irregularly shaped tracts of land, you
have a “W” as a prefix (as we are west of the prime might want to increase the track log interval – the fre-
meridian). In addition, the first digit after the “W” quency at which track points are recorded. Otherwise,
should be entered as a “zero” (see Figure 9). It is very you will lose accuracy when the receiver occasionally
important to identify and select these prefixes when “cuts corners” as you travel the boundary. Use the Page
manually entering waypoints on your GPS! button to go to “Main Menu” > “Tracks” > “Option
Menu” button at the top > “Setup Track Log.” You have
4. Once the waypoint coordinates have been manually choices here. The default setting is Record Method:
entered and saved, you can then use the “GoTo” or Auto (a combination of distance and time) and Interval:
“Find” function (see previous page) to navigate to Normal. If you choose to keep the Auto setting, you can
that waypoint. set the interval to More Often or Most Often to increase
the frequency of track points. Instead of Auto, you can
These procedures could also be used in a geo-caching choose to record by Distance or Time, each with its own
exercise with a 4-H or scouting group. For more infor- interval choices.
mation on geo-caching, refer to: www.geocaching.com
or simply enter “geo-caching” as a keyword in your
favorite Internet search engine.
Follow these steps to estimate area measurements: 10. If the calculated solution is of value to you, name
and “Save” the track. However, before you hit save,
1. Generally, you should clear the current active track log you should record the data elsewhere. Once a track
just before you begin laying tracks. Go to: “Main Menu” log is saved, the total number of track points is con-
> “Tracks” > “Clear.” (If you wish to save the previous densed (to max. of 750) and less precision is dis-
track log, first select “Save,” then clear the log.) played (fractions are rounded to one decimal point).
The eTrex Legend allows a maximum of ten saved
2. Make sure that the GPS receiver tracks.
is ready to navigate, by going to
the “Satellite” page and looking 11. Don’t despair if heavy tree cover causes you to
at the status window. occasionally lose contact with the satellites as you
track. The Legend will “connect the dots” and link
3. When you have confirmed that your recorded track points in an attempt to estimate
the GPS receiver is ready to be the enclosed area. View the saved track screen to
used, push the Page button until decide whether or not the integrity of the track was
you reach the “Main Menu” maintained.
page (Figure 10).
12. To view all of your saved tracks, go to “Main Menu”
4. Use the click-stick to scroll Figure 10. > “Tracks.”
down and highlight the “Acces-
sories” option.
Estimating Area Measurements: The
5. Press the click-stick straight
Route Method (Option 2)
down to select the “Accessories”
option. The “Accessories” page For area calculation purposes, a route is a sequential set
will appear (Figure 11). Use the of perimeter waypoints linked together to describe the
click-stick to highlight and select boundary of a tract of land. The route method of area
the “Area Calc.” option. calculation has some definite advantages. You don’t
need to travel along the entire border of the tract, as
6. The “Area Calculation” page long as you can mark the major corners and turns of the
should open (see Figure 12). boundary line. For very large tracts and for areas with
Figure 11. severe terrain restrictions, this may be the only practi-
7. You may need to reset the Area cal GPS technique in the field. The route method also
Calculation. This is done by allows you to perform estimated acreage comparisons
highlighting the “Options” selec- of several tracts while in the field.
tion and selecting “Reset.”
Accuracy of the route method depends largely on your
8. Press “Start” and begin walking ability to locate and mark all the key twists and turns
around the perimeter of the field, that enclose the tract. It works best on rectangular areas
parking lot, forest plot, etc. that with straight-line boundaries. Irregularly bordered,
you want to calculate an area oddly shaped tracts are more difficult to work with,
calculation. The screen displays requiring a much larger number of waypoints to accu-
your progress. Zoom in or out as rately describe the tract.
appropriate to view your tracks. Figure 12.
To set up a route for area calculation, first mark and
9. Just before you return to your starting point, click save the key perimeter waypoints that you will need.
on “Stop.” Your receiver will automatically com- Go to “Main Menu” > “Routes.” Click on “New” and
plete the loop with a straight shot from your current then on the highlighted blank to insert the first way-
position to your starting point. Both perimeter dis- point. Continue adding sequential waypoints until the
tance and enclosed area values will be displayed route is complete.
in appropriate units. To change area units, high-
light and click on the unit abbreviation to bring up a You are not required to re-enter the starting point again
selectable list of choices (square feet, square yards, as the ending point. The GPS receiver will automatically
square meters, hectares, square miles, etc.). close the loop for you when calculating route area.
To view the resulting area calculation, highlight and
click on “Option Menu” and select “Route Area.” You
Application 5: The Trip
can display the solution in whatever units you select. Computer Page
The “Trip Computer” page can also be used to esti-
The route is automatically assigned a name consisting mate perimeter or distance measurements, but not area.
of the first and last waypoint. You can highlight this However, the functions associated with the “Trip Com-
name and change it as you wish. puter” page are something that you should be familiar
with. To estimate perimeter or distance using the “Trip
By using the Route Method to calculate area, a series
Computer” page, follow these steps.
of waypoints are identified (Figure 13) at corners, at
turns, and other definition points along the area to be 1. Make sure that the GPS receiver is ready to navigate
measured. by going to the “Satellite” page and checking the
status window.
Press the click-stick, and a menu will appear. From e. Your Trip Odometer is now
the menu items, select “Yards.” This will enable set to zero and is ready for
you to view the perimeter measurements in yards use! Press the <Page> but-
(measurements in feet is not an option). You are ton and navigate to the “Trip
now ready to use the GPS receiver to calculate the Computer” page (Figure 20).
perimeter of an area.
6. Now that your Trip Odometer is
3. When you have confirmed that set to zero, begin walking around
the GPS receiver is ready to be the field (parking lot, or any fea-
used, and after you have con- ture). Notice that the odometer
figured the unit to measure the changes as you walk. When you
perimeter in yards (as opposed complete walking around the Figure 20.
to miles) push the Page button field, you will need to make note
until you reach the “Trip Com- of the Trip Odometer reading.
puter” page (Figure 18).