Field Experiences of Gas Turbines Vibrations-A Review and Case Studies
Field Experiences of Gas Turbines Vibrations-A Review and Case Studies
Field Experiences of Gas Turbines Vibrations-A Review and Case Studies
13 1,936
1 author:
M. Salman Leong
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
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Numerical investigation on axial and radial blade rubbing on multi stage rotor system View project
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Blade failures represent the highest percentage of failures in gas turbines. This
paper presents some typical examples of blade related failures. A literature review
of common types of blade faults and research on detection methods are presented.
Some methods are however less feasible under practical operating conditions in the
plant. Three case studies of gas turbines vibrations are presented.
The first case reports on stator blades and labyrinth glands rubs resulting in
recurring shaft seizure during the coast down after load removal. Comparison of
vibration spectrum undertaken a day before failure with prior data showed increase
in specific blade passing frequencies (BPF) with increased side bands at intervals
of the synchronous rpm. These increases were from 13 to 28 times above
standard deviations of baseline datum. The stator blades rub was suspected to
originate from a distorted casing. Another case relates experiences of a cracked
shaft which resulted in severe rubbing during a run up. The unit experienced steady
increase in vibration levels on the compressor non-drive end bearing several
months prior to the incident. A full rub occurred as the unit passed through the
second critical, with further development of a thermal bent shaft aggravating the
problem with instantaneous severe vibration excursion. An approximate 200o phase
shift was also noted. A 100mm longitudinal crack on the shaft was found together
with signs of severe rubs on the compressor blades. The third case involved time
varying vibrations where vibration amplitudes and phase angles increased over a
time period which dropped off after each time period; and repeated in regular
cycles. This was due to oil leaks carbonization at the glands resulting in a rub.
The paper concludes with a brief discussion on issues relating to relatively poor
detection of blade faults in the plant.
Key words: Blade failures, rub, cracks, cracked shaft, gas turbines.
1. Introduction
Vibration failures in gas turbines can be rather catastrophic with serious economic
consequences. The turbines operate under relatively high vibratory and thermal cyclic
stresses, especially when used in situations requiring daily start-stops (hot and cold starts)
which are typical in peak load applications in power generation for example. The industry
has seen its fair share of dramatic failures in vibration and other mechanical related failures
in gas turbines.
This paper presents a review of common failures in gas turbines, with several case
studies of vibration related failures in gas turbines based on the experience of the author in
*Received XX Xxx, 200X (No. XX-XXXX) the power generation industry.
[DOI: 00.0000/ABCDE.2006.000000]
APVC2007 APVC2007, Sapporo, Japan
Fig. 1: Photos of damaged turbine blades (left), and missing blade (source Barnard)
Less dramatic but more frequent failures are cracks and looseness in the intermediate
packing piece and blade roots which holds the blades to the shaft. Photos in Fig. 3 shows
a gas turbine with 21 stages axial flow compressor section on a single, composite welded
shaft. All the blades in the compressor stator and rotor were made of high-tensile, ferritic
chrome steel; and manufactured partly by milling and partly by precision forging. They are
fitted into radial grooves machined in the shaft and compressor casing, and separated from
one another by intermediate pieces. The rotor blades of the first ten rows were fitted directly
in the shaft by specially shaped roots, while the remaining blades were rooted in
intermediate pieces. There had been frequent experiences of cracks at the roots. These
cracks would cause the intermediate pieces and the blades to become loose, and potentially
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detach from the rotor and consequently causing foreign object damage (FOD) to other
components downstream.
While failures in blades are on its own are already an issue of grave concern, the
consequential damages could be more catastrophic. Photo (a) given in Figure 4 shows a
fire started in a transformer that was hit by a blade that went through a wall which then hit
the transformer. The photo (b) shows a completely damaged compressor section (as a
result of damaged turbine blades for the same machine cited in Fig. 1).
APVC2007 APVC2007, Sapporo, Japan
frequencies on assembly; wear and erosion can reduce resonant frequency margins over time.
Either of these conditions can result in high-cycle fatigue damage.
In principle, blade faults diagnosis can be undertaken from measurements and
monitoring of gas turbine operating parameters such as the pressure, vibration, strain and
stress, and acoustic signals in an attempt to obtain information to assess the blades’
condition. This is however easier said than done under practical operating situations in the
Common blade faults could be broadly classified into the following categories: rubbing,
cracking and foreign object damage (FOD) or lost part, blade deformation (twisting,
creeping, corrosion and erosion), blade fouling and rotating stall, blade fatigue failure, and
blade root attachment problems (root crack and loose blade). A review of each of such faults
and diagnostic methods proposed in the literature is presented.
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could be deduced from casing measurements without intrusive measurements in the inner
working sections. Meher-Homji (1995c) commented that a considerable amount of
experimental work still needs to be done to correlate blade problems with the vibration
signatures, but there is little doubt that useful information does exist in the vibration
signatures as demonstrated from the case studies presented below.
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(a) Axial direction: 2mths before seizure (b) Axial direction: 1 day before seizure
(c) Vertical direction: 2mths before seizure (d) Vertical direction: 1 day before seizure
Fig. 5: Acceleration spectrum as measured on bearing 2 months and 1 day before shaft
The extremely high BPF of rotor rows 11-21 and stator rows 15-20 implied that the
clearance between the rotor with stator and casing on these rows had been reduced. This
was consistent with published works of Kubiak (2001) that reported that if the BPF
had increased significantly in the vibration spectrum, blade rubbing could probably be
present. The multiple harmonics noticed around 3400 Hz to 3600 Hz (which is not the
BPF) in the vibration spectrums provided further evidence of rubbing. The rubbing between
the rotor and stationary components could generate excessive localized heat and potentially
causing the rotor to bow. A bowed rotor could further increase the rubbing. This therefore
explained why the rotor seized up. On the next day, with cooling the bowed rotor in all
likelihood straighten which made it possible for the rotor to turn - only to be brought back
to service with obvious consequences of a repeat shaft seizure that obviously confirmed the
vibration assessment.
APVC2007 APVC2007, Sapporo, Japan
Amplitute, Gs
Freq 3050
1 Freq 3850
part of compressor casing showed 0.4
traces of rub marks at the tip of the 0.2
(Row 15-21)
blades. This finding was in good
agreement with the assessment that Date
the higher BPF seen on the vibration Fig. 6 Trending of selected BPFs
spectrum was due to the rubbing in
gas turbine. Further inspections
confirmed more severe and underlying faults on labyrinth glands. The labyrinth glands
immediately after the last row of compressor blades experienced a severe rubbing against
the rotor shaft. The rubbing was approximately 3 mm in depth which could have reduced
the efficiency of the gas turbine due to the pressure leakage in the compressor.
Root cause analysis of the rubbing in the unit suggested that rotor eccentricity was the
likely reason of the rub. Radial blade rubs are a more common type of blade tip rubbing
caused by excessive differential expansion of the rotor and casing components during
transient event (shut down, emergency trip, start up). Neither of these anticipated conditions
was found after the inspection. There was a suggestion by the OEM that the root cause
could be due to the compressor casing distortion. Casing distortion in turn could be due to
the non-uniform insulation on the compressor casing. Major correction works on the unit
was carried out to improve the insulation on the compressor casing. The unit was put into
service again although the root cause of the rubbing was not conclusively identified.
Velocity (mm/s Pk)
Brg No.1
Brg No.2
6 Brg No.3
Brg No.4
Brg No.5
Fig. 7: Overall levels for gas turbine with (subsequent detected) cracked shaft
Fig. 7 shows trends of the x1 synchronous component for bearing casings in vertical
direction over a month time span. Bearing No. 1 (compressor non-drive end), No. 3
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(turbine drive end) showed marked increase over the latter two weeks period. Vibration
levels in the four months period prior to this were less than 1 mm/s for bearings No. 1 and
3, and 3.3 mm/s for bearing No. 5 (generator non-drive end). The alarm limit was 12mm/s
and a trip level at 25mm/s (0-Pk). A vibration investigation was initiated a month later.
The synchronous amplitude and phase angle plots against rpm are shown in Fig. 8.
The vibration spectra during the run up past the first critical speed and as the unit
approached the second critical speed were dominated by the synchronous x1 RPM
component. Vibration amplitudes increased substantially as the second critical of 2280
rpm was approached. At this stage, high harmonics of x2, x3 and x4 rpm were noted.
This suggested a rotor rub at the second critical due to excessive amplification as the unit
approached this critical. After passing the second critical, vibration levels dropped with less
prominent harmonic components.
This suggested the rub being relieved at this point in time. As the unit approached full
speed no load (FSNL) conditions at 3000rpm vibration levels were below trip levels. While
settling at full speed (with marginal over speed) an instantaneous increase of vibration
levels most severe at the outboard (non-drive end) compressor bearing with peak velocity
levels of up to 194 mm/s occurred. This was accompanied by a phase shift of approximately
200o. A manual trip was in progress (due to an apparent time delay in the automatic
multiplexed protection system used on the unit).
Velocity mm/s
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Phase (degree)
~200o phase shift
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
APVC2007 APVC2007, Sapporo, Japan
(a) During run up at 2826 rpm (b) At FSNL 3008 rpm with rubs
Fig. 8:
A subsequent run up investigation of the gas turbine was initiated by the plant with the
generator uncoupled to isolate any fault from the generator. This run-up re-confirmed
higher response in the vertical directions than the horizontal, with highest response at the
compressor bearing. The unit was removed for an inspection where a 100mm longitudinal
crack was found in the compressor section, together with signs of severe rubs on the
compressor blades. This resulted in a downtime of more than 8 months awaiting a
replacement shaft at a time when there was almost no spare capacity in the national grid.
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resolved with rectifications of the oil gland and restoration of proper pressurization.
Time varying
vibrations over ~30 to
(1) Baines, N., Modern Vibration Analysis in Condition Monitoring; Noise and Vibration
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(2) Barnard, I., Engineering Asset Management: An Insurance Perspective; 1st World
Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Australia, July 2006.
(3) Beebe, R., Condition Monitoring of Steam Turbines by Performance Analysis; 52nd
Conference of the Machinery Failure Prevention Society, Virginia Beach, 1998.
(4) Bernstein, H.L., Allen, J.M., Analysis of Cracked Gas Turbine Blades, Journal of
Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 114, April 1992, pp.293- 300.
(5) Dorfman, L.S., Miroslav, T., Torsional Monitoring of Turbine-Generators for Incipient
Failure Detection; Sixth EPRI Steam Turbine/Generator Workshop. August 17-20, 1999.
St. Louis, Missouri.
(6) Fisher, C., Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring Systems - an Integrated Approach; IEEE
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