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Physical Education and Health Quarter 1 - Module 2: Exercise For Fitness: Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) Principles

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Senior High School


Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Frequency Intensity Time Type
(FITT) Principles
H.O.P.E. 1– GRADE 11
Quarter 1 – Module 2: EXERCISE FOR FITNESS: Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT)

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Authors: Heide E. Pura Rechil D. Fajardo Joy E. Placides

Editors: Ma. Jesusa P. Ebio Renato B. Gallenito
Snowy Charlote P. Verde Arnel David E. Duka
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Senior High School


Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Frequency Intensity Time Type
(FITT) Principle
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Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

2 Frequency Intensity Time
Type (FITT) Principle

Improving fitness is an important goal for achieving optimum health. If

carefully planned, performed, monitored, and evaluated, positive health-related
outcomes will be achieved and that reduces their risks to acquiring health

To maximize the results of a physical fitness program there is a need to be

acquainted with the Principles of Physical Activity and appropriate modification of
the FITT- Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

The Principles of Physical Activity

Overload Principle. This is the most basic principle that indicates doing
“more than normal” for improvement to happen. In order for the skeletal muscles to
get stronger, additional load must be added and greater load exerted than what was
used to.
Principle of Progression. It is a gradual increase in exerting effort or load that
is done not too slowly, nor too rapidly. This principle aids safe and effective results.
Principle of Specificity. This suggests that overloading must specifically train
a desired body part for it to improve. For example, cardiovascular fitness may only
improve flexibility to a small degree, and so jogging and running will not be a part
of the exercise program for developing flexibility. Instead, select exercises with
emphasis on stretching out the muscles and joints. Use the appropriate type of
exercise that directly improves your target muscles.
Principle of Reversibility. Development of muscles will take place if regular
movement and execution is done, and if activity ceases, it will be reversed. This
shows that benefit and changes achieved from overload will last only if training is
continuous. The effect of training is lost if the training is discontinued.

Introductory Message
A module is a type of learning resource that is essentially self-contained,
self- instructional package with learning paced by the student according to his or
her individual needs and ability (Ali, et.al,2010). It requires the learners to interact
actively with the instructional materials rather than simply allowing them to read
the materials passively (Dick and Carrey, 1990).

For the facilitator:

This module adheres to the learning competencies of the K-12 Curriculum.

This module helps the learners understand exercise and fitness. This module is a
useful learning material that provides the learning objectives, pretest, lesson
proper, enrichment activities, generalization, application, assessment and
additional activities.

For the learner:

This module is created to give meaningful learning of the Exercise and

Fitness through clear and comprehensive discussions. Through the lesson, you
will learn the frequency, intensity, time, type (FITT) principle.

What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you understand Exercise and Fitness: Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT)
Principle. This module provides discussions and activities that will help you learn
and discover how to set your FITT goals, this module emphasizes the fitness and
physical activity through the FITT principle.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Set Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on training principles
to achieve and/or maintain health related fitness (HRF).
 Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in-and out of school.


What I Know


Directions: Compute Target Heart Rate Range in 4 steps. Fill in the blanks below.

1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate. Age: 15 RHR: 60

MHR = 220 - _______ MHR = 220 – 15
(your age) MHR = 205
MHR = _____________
2. Determine the Heart Rate Reserve.
HRR = MHR - __________ HRR = 205 – 60
(Resting Heart Rate)
(*Please refer to Self-Testing Activities)
HRR = __________ HRR = 145
3. Take 60% and 80% of the HRR
a. 60% x HRR = _____ 60% x 145 = 87
b. 80% x HRR = _____ 80% x 145 = 116
4. Add weach HRR to resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain the Target Heart
Rate (THR) range.
a. 60% HRR 87 + 60 = 147 beats per minute
b. 80% HRR 116 + 60 = 176 beats per minute

Therefore, your Target Heart Rate range is 147 to 176 beats per minute.
(4.a) (4.b)
(When performing physical activities, your heart rate is within the normal
range therefore you have to select moderate-vigorous activities that will make
your heart pump within the THR range of 147 to 176 bpm).

What’s In

Directions: Perform one activity at a time and supply the information by

filling up the table below.

Describe the Walking around Brisk walking for 3-minute jumping

activity based on for 5 minutes 4 minutes jacks
the following:
How are you
How is your
How is your sweat?
How is your talking
Write down your
heart rate during


Which among the three (walking around, brisk walking, 3-minute jump jacks) is

a. Light activity __________________________________________

Reason __________________________________________
b. Moderate activity __________________________________________
Reason __________________________________________
c. Vigorous Activity __________________________________________
Reason __________________________________________

What’s New
The FITT Principle of Physical Activity


The frequency of exercise refers to number of times a physical activity is

done in each week. According to the American College of Sports Medicine
guidelines, it is recommended to exercise 3-5 days per week and for more optimal
results, exercise can be done in most days of the week with a combination of light-
vigorous activity.


The rate at which the activity is performed is called Intensity. It is also

referred to as the magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity or exercise.
It describes how easy or how hard a person has to work in a certain activity, and it
varies from one person to another. The determination of intensity depends on some
individual factors such as exercise experience, relative level of fitness and needs of

The intensity level target may be determined by computing the target heart
rate (THR) range based on the results of an exercise stress test, considering the
resting and exercise heart rate, with 60% to 80% intensity level. (Karvonen’s


Time if the duration or the length of session of a physical activity. It is

inversely related to Intensity since the more intense a work is done, the shorter
time it is performed.


The type of activity is determined by following the principle of progression

and specificity. To attain a higher level of fitness, select the type of physical activity
that challenges the body to accept an increase in work and answers your need.


To help you apply the principles of physical activity, you can use the FITT
Formula. You should choose an activity that will help you meet your goals,
activities that you enjoy and that you will do.

 Frequency refers to how often you do physical activity

 Intensity refers to how hard you perform physical activity
 Time refers to how long you do physical activity
 Type refers to the kind of activity you do to build a specific part of fitness or
gain a specific benefit.
What is It?

Here are some examples of physical activity and exercises that you may
integrate in your own fitness plan. Remember that the intensity of exercise as well
as the type of activity to be done will vary for each person, as it is based on the
fitness level results during self-testing.

Cardio Vascular Fitness

Aerobic Exercise to improve Cardiovascular Endurance

 Walking ● rollerblading
 Jogging ● step aerobics
 Cycling/ biking ● cardio machines (ex. treadmill)
 Hiking ● sports (ex. football, basketball, volleyball)
 Skating

Flexibility Fitness

Muscular Strength and Endurance Fitness


A. Determine your weakest component and strongest component. Refer to your

results obtained during the self-testing activities. Rank them by writing 1-4,
where 1 is the weakest and thus, should be given top priority in making your
fitness plan.

____ Cardiovascular Endurance (3-min step test)

____ Muscular strength and endurance of arm (push-up/flexed)

____ Strength and endurance of abdominal muscles (curl-up)

____ Flexibility of the hamstring muscles (hamstring and hip flexor test

____ Flexibility of the shoulder muscles and joints (zipper test)

B. Following the Fitness Plan design shown below, select activities guided by the
Principles of exercise and the FITT goals.

FITT Goals Frequency Intensity Type Time

Parts of the (Indicate Light, Form of exercise, (Total fitness

Fitness Plan days of the Moderate selected physical plan not less
week) to Vigorous activities than 60


Work-Out (Prioritize the weakest

component based on data
in Activity 4A)

a. Activity/ Exercise
b. Activity/ Exercise
c. Activity/ Exercise
d. Activity/ Exercise
e. Activity/ Exercise

Cool Down

What’s More

Directions: Below are physical activities which help in improving your

Health-Related Fitness. Identify the specific component that each of the activity
helps to improve. Write it in the column provided.

Walking Jogging Lunges

Dynamic stretching Swimming Yoga

Stretching Squats Sit-ups

Body-weight exercise Brisk walking Planks

Cardiovascular Fitness Flexibility Muscular Strength

and Endurance

What I Have Learned
Guide Questions:

Answer the following questions.

1. Why is FITT Principle an important consideration in planning for regular

physical activity?
2. Which of the principles tells us that training should be relevant to the
sports you play?
3. If a performer increases his training from twice a week to three times a
week, which FITT principle is demonstrated?
4. Which FITT principle is being demonstrated by how long you train?
5. Which FITT principle relates to how hard you train?

What I Can Do


Directions: Fill in your data:

Schedule Type of Resting Heart Exercise Recovery

Activity/ Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate
Week 1








Directions: Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of your answer to the following

1. Which illustrates the meaning of progression?

a. Start fast to improve quickly
b. Start easy and go for a long time
c. Change from running to tennis
d. Slowly increasing the amount of exercise
2. This term refers to how often you exercise.
a. Intensity b. Frequency c. Duration d. Specificity
3. This term describes how hard you exercise.
a. Frequency b. Type c. Time d. Intensity
4. The gradual increase in activity overtime.
a. Specificity b. Progression c. Intensity d. Individuality
5. Frequency means…
a. How hard you exercise c. How often you exercise
b. How long you exercise d. How fast you exercise
6. The amount of overload needed depends upon…
a. Sex b. Each individual c. Age d. None of the choices
7. A teenager should have______ of physical activity everyday.
a. 20 minutes b. 30 minutes c. 40 minutes d. 60 minutes
8. Which is an example of moderate physical activity?
a. Golf b. Playing computer games c. Dancing d. Jogging
9. Which is an example of flexibility exercise?
a. Yoga b. Dancing c. Basketball d. Bowling
10.Which of the following does not illustrate sedentary lifestyle?
a. Being inactive c. Surfing the net
b. Watching TV d. Joining zumba dance workout

Additional Activities


Directions: Record the amount of time you spend in doing your daily fitness record
on p. 12 with light, moderate and vigorous activity and calculate your daily total.

Schedule Light Physical Moderate Vigorous Total

Activity Physical Physical
Week 1 (minutes)
Activity Activity

e.g. e.g. e.g. e.g.

10 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes 60 minutes
stretching dancing jogging






Answer Key

What’s In

Describe the Walking Brisk walking for 3-minute jump

activity based on around for 5 4 minutes jacks
the following: minutes
How are you Feels easy Feels somewhat Feels very hard
feeling? hard
How is your No noticeable Breathing Breathing is deep
breathing? changes quickens but not and rapid
out of breath
How is your You don’t Slightly sweating Develop sweat after
sweat? break out 3 minutes
sweat unless
How is your Carry-out Carry-out Difficulty, can’t say
talking ability? conversation conversation but more than a few
or even sing cannot sing words without
stopping of breath
Write down your
heart rate during


a. Light Activity: walking around for 5 minutes

b. Moderate Activity: Brisk Walking for 4 Minutes
c. Vigorous Activity: 3-minute Jump Jacks

What’s More
Cardiovascular Fitness Flexibility Muscular Strength &
Walking Yoga Squats
Swimming Stretching Body-weight exwercise
Jogging Dynamic Stretching Planks
Brisk Walking Lunges Sit-Ups

1. D-slowly increasing the amount of exercise
2. B-frequency
3. D-intensity
4. B-progression
5. C-how often you exercise
6. B- each individual
7. D-60 minutes
8. C-dancing
9. A-yoga
10. D-joining zumba dance workout

1. Use the F.I.T.T. Principle for Effective Workouts, Accessed June 25,

2. Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material, Department of Education,


3. Turpio, Arthur Fernandez. Physical Education (H.O.P.E. 1) Bagong Pook,

Lipa City, Batangas: Scolaire Publising, 2016.

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