Omd551 Bbi Unit4
Omd551 Bbi Unit4
Omd551 Bbi Unit4
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OMD 551
Department : EEE
1 Course Objectives 7
2 Pre Requisites 8
3 Syllabus 9
4 Course outcomes 10
6.1 Lecture Plan
6.2 Activity based learning
6.3 Lecture Notes
Temperature measurement 18
S.No Contents Page
6.4 video link & e-book link
6.5 Part A Q & A
6.6 Part B Questions
6.7 Supportive online Certification courses
6.8 Real time Applications in day to day life
and to Industry
6.9 Content beyond the Syllabus
7 Assessment Schedule 59
2. To understand the different types of electrodes and its placement for various
Course Outcomes Cognitive
To Learn the different bio potential and its
CO 302.1 K2
To get Familiarize the different electrode
CO 302.2 K2
placement for various physiological recording
Students will be able design bio amplifier for
CO 302.3 K2
various physiological recording
Students will understand various technique non
CO 302.4 K2
electrical physiological measurements
To learn the about different bio-chemical
CO 302.5 K2
Understand the different biochemical K2
CO 302.6
5. CO- PO/PSO Mapping
Program Outcomes Specific
Course Level
Outcom of
es CO
K3 K4 K4 K5 K5, A3 A2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A2 K5 K5 K3
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PO-11 PO-12 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
C302.1 K2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
C302.2 K2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
C302.3 K2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 -
C302.4 K2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 -
C302.5 K2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
C302.6 K2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
C302 K2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
Mode of Delivery
Taxonomy level
Proposed Date
No. of Periods
Pertaining CO
Actual Date
Reason for
PPT through
1 1 CO4 K2 Online
K2 PPT through
Respiration rate
2 1 CO4 Online
K2 PPT through
Pulse rate
3 1 CO4 Online
K2 PPT through
Blood pressure Online
4 measurement – 1 CO4
Direct method
PPT through
Blood pressure
K2 Online
5 measurement – 1 CO4
Indirect method
PPT through
Blood flow
6 2 CO4 K2 Online
PPT through
Cardiac output
7 1 CO4 K2 Online
PPT through
Ultrasound blood
K2 Online
8 flow 2 CO4
Total No. of Periods : 10
1. The magnetic blood flow meters are based on the principle of ______________
2. In Transit time ultrasonic blood flow meter, when the blood flow is in the direction
of energy transmission, the transit time is ___________
(a) Short (b) long
3. Among Various types of indicators _______ and ________ are widely used
4. The indicator dilution method helps in the determination of rate of blood flow and
not the _______________
11. The use of Korotkoff sound as the indirect indicator for blood pressure
measurement is known as _________________
(a) Muffling (b) auscultation
12. _________ is the normal value for diastolic pressure
(a) 150mmHg (b) 80mmHg (c) 120mmHg (d) 50 mmHg
Temperature measurement
Respiration rate measurement
Pulse rate measurement
Blood Pressure measurement
Blood flow measurement
Cardiac output measurement
Ultrasound blood flow measurement
4.1 Temperature measurement
Skin temperature is not constant throughout the body. It varies from 30o C
to35o C. Various factors affecting the skin temperature are : fat over capillary area,
skin portion to be exposed to ambient temperature, blood circulation pattern
beneath the skin.
A small, flat thermistor probe is used to measure the skin temperature.
It is a device used to measure skin surface temperature. It is used to locate breast
cancer. It is also used to identify the spots in which blood circulation is occur.
Tidal Volume (TV): The volume of gas inspired or expired during normal quiet
breathing is known as tidal volume.
Residual Volume (RV): The volume of gas remaining in the lungs after a forced
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC): The volume of gas remaining in the lungs
after normal expiration.
Vital Capacity (VC): The greatest volume of gas that can be inspired by voluntary
effort after maximum expiration.
Total Lung Capacity (TLC): The volume of gas in the lungs at the point of
maximal inspiration. TLC=VC+RV.
Lung Compliance: It is the ability of the alveoli and lung tissue to expand on
Lung Elasticity: It is the ability of lung‟s elastic tissues to recoil during expiration.
The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply oxygen and to
remove carbon-dioxide from the tissues. Various techniques used for the
measurement are discussed below.
4.2.1 Displacement method
As respiration takes place the thorax expands and comes back to normal
state. This change in thorax size can be deducted to find respiration rate. A
displacement transducer with strain gauge element is held around the chest by an
elastic band. As thorax size varies there is resistance change in the strain gauge
element. The strain gauge element connected to one arm of wheat stone bridge
gives output signal proportional to rate of respiration. The change in thorax size can
also deducted by having a rubber tube filled with mercury which is tied around the
chest. During inspiration the chest size increases, hence the rubber tube also
increases and thus resistance of mercury varies. This variation in resistance is
measured by sending a constant current through the mercury and sensing the
change in voltage which is proportional to respiration rate.
4.2.2 Thermistor method
By keeping a thermistor using suitable holding device near the nostril the
different of temperature between inspired and expired air is sensed. The resistance
change in synchronism with the respiration to corresponding to temperature
variation is found out. In case, the different in temperature of the outside air and
expired air is small the thermistor can be heated initially and then resistance
variation is measured. The thermistor is placed as a part of a voltage dividing circuit
or a bridge circuit whose unbalance signal is amplified to obtain respiratory activity.
V= Output voltage
I = Current through the chest
R = Chest impedance without respiration
ΔR = Change of chest impedance due to respiration.
Fig 4.1 Impedance Pneumography
In the diagram two infrared sources are available in this setup. The beam
from one infrared source falls on the test cuvette side. The beam from another
infrared source falls on the reference cuvette side. The detector has two identical
portions. These portions are separated by a thin, flexible metal diaphragm.
The detector is filled with a sample of pure CO2. Because of the
absorption of CO2 in the test cuvette, the beam falling on the test side of the
detector is weaker than that falling on the reference side. The gas in reference side
is heated more than that on the test side. So, diaphragm is pushed slightly to the
test side of the detector. This diaphragm forms one plate of a capacitor.
The a.c signal appears across the detector is amplified and recorded using
recorder. The amplified output is integrated and shown in this method. It is used for
continuous monitoring the respiration rate.
4.2.5 Apnoea detectors
Apnoea monitors give audio signal and visual signal when no inspiration
occurs for a particular period of time. Input from the sensor is connected with the
amplifier circuit having high input impedance. The output of the amplifier circuit is
connected with motion and respiration channel blocks.
Motion channel block differentiates motion and the respiration based on
the frequency. The frequency below 1.5Hz is identified as respiration. The frequency
above 1.5 Hz is identified as motion. High frequency signal above the threshold is
sensed by positive detector. The frequency below the threshold is sensed by
negative detector. The output of the motion channel is connected with comparator
circuit. It compares the motion of amplitude and respiration. Based on the output
corresponding lamp will glow.
In the respiration channel, low pass filter is used to remove high
frequency signals. If there is no respiration, then Schmitt trigger circuit gives the
output to switch on the alarm. Apnoea period selector circuit contains low frequency
alarm oscillator, tone oscillator and audio amplifier. Apnoea period selector drives the
alarm circuit. The output of the alarm circuit is connected with the speaker. So,
when there is no respiration for a period of 10 or 20s, then audio signal through the
speaker and visual signal through the flash light is delivered.
4.2.6 Spirometer
When the heart muscle contracts, blood is ejected from the ventricles and
a pulse of pressure is transmitted through the circulatory system. This pressure
pulse when travelling through the vessels causes vessel-wall displacement, which is
measurable at various points of the peripheral circulatory system. This pulse can be
measured at various points and we can sense the pulse by placing the fingertip over
the radial artery in the wrist. The pulse wave travels at 5 to 15 m/s, depending on
the size and rigidity of the arterial walls.
The most commonly used methods to measure pulsatile blood volume
changes is by the photoelectric method. Two methods are common: Reflectance
method and Transmittance method.
LED and photo resistor are used in this method. They are mounted in an
enclosure that fits over the tip of the finger.
Light is produced by the LED and this light is passed through the finger.
For each heart pulse, blood is forced to the extremities and the amount of blood in
the finger is increased. So optical density is changed and light transmitted through
the finger is decreased. This light is received by the photoresistor.
This photoresistor is connected with the part of voltage divider circuit. The
voltage produced by this circuit is directly proportional to the amount of blood flow
in the finger. The output is recorded by using strip chart recorder.
Fig 4.5 Transmittance method Procedure
The cuff is wrapped around the patient‟s upper arm at a point about
midway between the elbow and shoulder.
The stethoscope is placed over an artery distal because brachial artery
comes close to the surface.
The cuff is inflated so that the pressure inside the inflated bladder is
increased to a point greater than the anticipated systolic pressure. This
pressure compresses the artery against the underlying bone. So, blood flow
is stopped in the vessel.
Then the doctor slowly reduces the pressure in the cuff and he watches the
mercury column when the systolic pressure exceeds the cuff pressure. Then
the doctor can hear some crashing, snapping sound through the
stethoscope. This sound is known as Korotkoff sound.
This Korotkoff sound vanishes when the pressure drops below the diastolic
The pressure reading in the mercury column during onset of Korotkoff sound is
noted as systolic pressure. It is usually 120 mm Hg.
The pressure reading in the mercury column at which Korotkoff sound is
disappeared is noted as diastolic pressure. It is usually 80 mm Hg.
Korotkoff sound disappears at some point and this is termed as muffling.
The use of Korotkoff sound as the indirect indicator for blood pressure
measurement is known as auscultation. Working:
Blood is taken from the vessel using the catheter tip probe. Pressure
exerted is transmitted to the pressure transducer. The output of transducer is given
to pressure monitor and the output is displayed in the monitor as electrical signal.
The circulatory system of human helps in the flow of blood throughout the
body. Adequate amount of blood flow should be supplied for the organs to perform
their function. Improper blood supply results in various diseases and diagnosis can
be done easily by measuring the rate of blood flow in the vessel.
The rate of flow of blood in a vessel is given as the volume of blood that
passes through the vessel in a given unit of time. The ancient methods like turbine
flow meter and rotameter are not suitable for measurement as they involve cutting
of blood vessels. Different methods used for flow measurement are explained as
e= induced voltage
H=Strength of the magnetic field
v=velocity of blood flow
d=diameter of the blood vessel.
C=proportionality constant.
Assuming that the incident and scattered radiations are both inclined at θ
to the direction of flow
f2= f1[(C+vcosθ)/C] ---- (4.14)
In this method the measurement is made under the assumption that the
blood is not recirculated. The indicator is injected into the blood flow continuously at
the beginning time, ‟t‟ with a constant infusion rate of „I‟ grams per minute. A
detector measures the concentration of the downstream from the injection point.
Rate of flow (liters per minute) = I (mgs per minute)/Co(mgs per liter). Closed circulation method:
This method states that when a dye or isotope is used as an indicator, the
concentration does not assume a steady-state instead increases in steps whenever
the recirculated indicator again passes the detector. This method is based on the
assumption that the blood is being recirculated.
When a laser beam is directed towards the tissue under study, absorption
and scattering takes place. Radiation scattered in movable structures such as red
cells is shifted in Doppler shift, while radiation in non-moving soft tissue is unshifted
in frequency. A part of the total scattered radiation is brought to fall on the surface
of a photodetector.
In principle light from a low power He-Ne laser is coupled into a quartz
fiber and transmitted to the skin. The light is reflected from both the non-moving
tissues (reference beam) and moving red blood cells (Doppler-shifted beam). The
two beams are received by a plastic fiber and transmitted back to a photodiode
where optical heterodyning takes place. This signal which is proportional to the
Doppler shift frequency is amplified and gives the output flow velocity.
Fig 4.21 Block Diagram of Laser Doppler system
The laser output is coupled into the fiber using a converging lens, which
results in an increased power density at the skin surface and thus enables the
detection of flow in the more deeply seated veins and arteries. The receiving fiber is
coupled to the photodiode through a laser line filter. The light falling on the
photodetector is an optically mixed signal involving a Doppler-shifted signal
scattered from the moving red blood cells with the reference signal reflected from
the non-moving skin surface. The amplifier is constructed using a standard
operational amplifier and the system output is obtained by taking the RMS value of
the total signal and normalizing it for total back scattered light. An audio output of
the signal before RMS conversion is also produce to hear the flow pattern.
This device has light reproducibility and sensitivity. Disadvantages are poor
selectivity, base line instability and restriction in site of measurement.
4.5 Cardiac Output Measurement
Q – Cardiac output in lit/min.
CA– Concentration of oxygen (ml) in arterial blood (outgoing blood).
CV– Concentration of oxygen (ml) in mixed Venus blood (incoming
Fig 4.11 Fick’s method
Video links
Ultrasonic blood flow measurement
Cardiac output
Determination of cardiac output
Temperature Measurement
Pulse Measurement
Respiration Measurement
Blood pressure measurement
E-Book references
1) Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, „Leslie Cromwell‟
2) Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation , „R.S.Khandpur‟
11. PART A Q & A (with K
level & CO)
PART A CO’S Blooms
The Residual Volume (RV) is the volume of gas remaining in the lungs at
the end of maximal expiration. Tidal Volume (TV) is also called as normal
depth volume of breathing or is the volume of gas inspired or expired
during each respiratory cycle.
The red blood cell is used for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The white blood cells are part of the body‟s defence against infections
and foreign substances. The platelets are involved in the clotting of
Stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped from one ventricle of the
heart with each beat.
PART A CO’S Blooms
17. What are the various methods to measure cardiac output? CO4 K1
18. What are the different types of respiration rate measurement? CO4 K1
10. Explain Fick‟s method and impedance change method for cardiac CO4 K2
output measurement.
11. Explain any two methods to measure lung capacity and volume with CO4 K2
neat diagrams.
12. Explain with relevant diagrams the two methods used for blood CO4 K2
pressure measurements.
Systole: The contraction of the heart muscle. The systolic pressure is 120mm of Hg.
Diastole: The relaxation of the heart muscle. The diastolic pressure is 80mm of Hg
The electrical signal picked by the microphone is amplified by the amplifier block.
The amplified output is given to filter block. Here high pass filter used. Its cut off
frequency is 1 KHz.
Here, ECG electrode system and ECG Amplifiers are used for reference for PCG.
So, ECG and PCG outputs are connected to FM tape recorder and output display
Contact microphone: It is directly coupled to the chest walled and provide high
impedance, high sensitivity , low noise, Its light weight is also one of the
advantageous factor.
Figure.2 Relationship between blood pressure and heart sound and ECG waveform
The above figure shows that the relationship between blood pressure , heart
sounds and ECG waveforms. The first heart sound is developed during the
opening of aortic valve and during the closing of mitral valve.
Second heart sound is developed during the closing of aortic valve and during the
opening of mitral valve.
Unit test 2
Model Examination
8. Text Books & Reference Books
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