Unit-4: Web Application and Security Chapter-15 Working With Accessibility Options
Unit-4: Web Application and Security Chapter-15 Working With Accessibility Options
Unit-4: Web Application and Security Chapter-15 Working With Accessibility Options
Working with Accessibility Options
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the most common disabilities for which Windows provides solutions?
Ans:- The most common disabilities for which Windows provides solutions are :
a. Visual Impairment
b. Hearing Impairment
c. Physical/Motor Impairment
d. Learning Disabilities
3. List any five etiquette that a user should follow while chatting.
Ans:- (a) Always introduce yourself by name, if your screen name does not reflect it.
(b) Always ask if the other person has time to chat first.
(c) Always start chat with strong greeting.
(d) Ensure your message is short and precise and to the point.
(e) If you are chatting with a person and he/she is waiting for your response, then do not keep him/her waiting
for a long time.
4. What is WhatsApp used for?
Ans:- WhatsApp is used for sending text and voice messages and making video and audio calls. It is a free
application that can be easily installed on the mobile phones. We can also launch whatsapp web on browser.
Creating and Publishing Blogs
1. Mention three important points that you must keep in mind while writing a blog.
Ans:- Three important points that you must keep in mind while writing a blog:
a. Understand your target audience.
b. Select an engaging topic and give an interesting title to it.
c. Make sure that the blog is well structured.
d. A blog should written in a lucid language.
e. Organise your contents- header, body of the text, and footer in a well formatted structure.
4. Why should you keep a secure password while doing transactions online? List some security measures to be
Ans:- The following points list some of the measures that we can take to protect our password:
a. Use strong password:- Combination alphabets number and special character with upper and lower case.
b. Do not use easy to use passwords.
c. If you decide to use a simple password, add a number or special character to the password either at the
beginning or at the end.
d. Never write your password anywhere so that nobody can misuse it.
e. Do not store password in browser.
Internet Security
2. What is phishing?
Ans:-It is an act of sending an e-mail to a user ; misleading him to believe that it is from a trusted person or
orgnisation. The user is asked to visit a website in which he is supposed to update or validate his personal
details, such as username, password, credit card details etc. In this way the operators of the fake website steal
the person’s identity and commit crime in his name.
3. Mention some important measures that can be taken to prevent slips and falls at workplaces.
Ans:- Following are some of the ways by which one can prevent slips and falls at workplace:
Keep walking surfaces clean and free of clutter
Proper Lightening
Step stools
Manage cords
Check floor condition
Clean up spills immediately
Carry out regular risk assessment
5. What is the primary goal of first aid? What should the training of a first-aid program include?
Ans:- Goals of first aid are:
Keep he victim alive.
Prevent the victim’s condition from worsening.
Keep the victim awake until help arrives.
First aid training includes:
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR skills)
Respiratory emergencies
Wounds causing heavy bleeding
Broken bones
No pulse
Heart Attack
Eye injuries
Heart strokes
Preventing Accidents and Emergencies
1. What are the accidents and emergencies?
Ans:- An accident at a workplace is an event that is an unplanned, unintended and unexpected. It can happen
due to various factors that a person faces at the workplace. Such accidents can cause minor to severe physical
injury or even result in death.
A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that threatens the employees, customers or public. It
disrupts the company’s operation and even sometimes causes physical or environmental damage. The hazards
leading to accidents and emergencies may be natural or manmade.
2. Name any four types of accidents that can occur at the workplace? Explain them in brief.
Ans:- Types of accidents at the workplace:
Slips, Trips and Falls:- Slips and trips can result in falls.
Fire and explosion: - Accidents also happen because of fire or other explosive substances. In such cases,
problems may not only occur from direct contact with fires, but also because of asphyxiation, which is caused
due to the smoke generated from the fires.
Violence:- A person could be subject to violence at the workplace. Tensions can result in physical
confrontations and cause injuries to the people involved.
Electric accident:- Incident of electric shocks or burns fall under this category.
3. What are the types of disaster leading to accidents and emergencies? Give some examples.
Ans:- Some of the hazards occur because of natural incidents. These include the following factors:
Meteorological:- Heavy rains and floods, tornadoes, tsunami, drought etc.
Geological:- Landslides and earthquakes, volcanic eruption etc.
Biological:- Gas leaks, fires etc.
Some manmade disasters include the following:-
Toxic gas releases
Chemical spills
Radiological accidents
Civil disturbances
Workplace violence
4. Mention some preventive measures that can be taken to prevent accidents at the workplace.
Ans:- Prevention of accidents:-
1. Employer must provide workers with protective equipment.
2. Reminding employees to vigilant.
3. Removing clutter and putting it out of the way so that people would not step on it and fall accidently.
4. Good training, clear signage and access to the necessary safety equipment can all be a big help.
5. Regular risk assessments are also important
5. What are some points to take care of while handling an accident at the workplace?
Ans:- Some points to take care of while handling an accident at the workplace are:
Care for the affected employees
Secure the scene and Evacuation
Proper reporting of the accident
Establish a return to work program
Make a commitment to safety
Protecting Health and Safety at Work
1. What are workplace hazards? Why is it important to identify and monitor hazards at the workplace?
Ans:- A hazard is any agent that can cause harm or damage to human life, property or the environment. A
workplace hazard refers to a situation within the workplace that has the potential to cause injury or adverse
health effects for people and damage to the plant or equipment.
It is important that all potential emergency situations, like accidents, injuries and health issues should be
anticipated and identified so as to be prepared with a proper response plan, when and if such incidences
5. What are the benefits of a workplace helping its employees to make wise food choices and active living?
Ans:- When a workplace can help employees to make wise food choices, as part of a workplace health
program, it can influence the person's long-term health and wellness. Together – healthy eating and active
living – combined with a positive outlook can lead to: Reduced risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer.