Notes Ppe 16 17
Notes Ppe 16 17
Notes Ppe 16 17
Basic knowledge of Different types of Power Plants, site selection criteria of each one of them.
Understanding of Thermal Power Plant Operation, turbine governing, different types of high pressure
boilers including supercritical and supercharged boilers, Fluidized bed combustion systems.
Design of chimney in thermal power plants, knowledge of cooling tower operation, numerical on surface
condenser design.
Basic knowledge of Different types of Nuclear power plants including Pressurized water reactor, Boiling
water reactor, gas cooled reactor, liquid metal fast breeder reactor.
A thermal power station is a power plant in which the prime mover is steam driven. Water is heated, turns
into steam and spins a steam turbine which drives an electrical generator. After it passes through the turbine, the
steam is condensed in a condenser and recycled to where it was heated; this is known as a Rankine cycle. The
greatest variation in the designs of thermal power stations is due to the different fuel sources. Some prefer to use
the term energy center because such facilities convert forms of heat energy into electricity. Some thermal power
plants also deliver heat energy for industrial purposes, for district heating, or for desalination of water as well as
delivering electric al power. A large proportion of CO2 is prod used by the worlds fossil fired thermal power
plants; efforts to reduce these outputs are various and widespread.
Coal needs to be stored at various stages of the preparation process, and conveyed around the CPP
facilities. Coal handling is part of the larger field of bulk
Material handling, and is a complex and vital part of the CPP.
Coal delivery equipment is one of the major components of plant cost. The various steps involved in
coal handling are as follows:
1. Coal delivery.
2. Unloading
3. Preparation
4. Transfer
5. Outdoor storage
6. Covered storage
7. Implant handling
8. Weighing and measuring
9. Feeding the coal into furnace
i) Coal delivery
The coal from supply points is delivered by ships or boats to power stations situated near to sea or
river whereas coal is supplied by rail or trucks to the power stations which are situated away from sea or
river. The transportation of coal by trucks is used if the railway facilities are not available.
ii) Unloading
The type of equipment to be used for unloading the coal received at the power station depends on
how coal is received at the power station. If coal delivered by trucks, there is no need of unloading device as
the trucks may dump the coal to the outdoor storage. Coal is easily handled if the lift trucks with scoop are
used. In case the coal is brought by railways wagons, ships or boats, the unloading may be done by car
shakes, rotary car dumpers, cranes, grab buckets and coal accelerators. Rotary car dumpers although costly
are quite efficient for unloading closed wagons.
(iii) Preparation
When the coal delivered is in the form of big lumps and it is not of proper size, the preparation
(sizing) of coal can be achieved by crushers, breakers, sizers, driers and magnetic separators.
After preparation coal is transferred to the dead storage by means of the following systems.
1. Belt conveyors
2. Screw conveyors
3. Bucket elevators
4. Grab bucket elevators
5. Skip hoists
6. Flight conveyor
Belt Conveyor
Figure shows a belt conveyor. It consists of an endless belt moving over a pair of end drums (rollers).
At some distance a supporting roller is provided at the centre. The belt is made up of rubber or canvas. Belt
conveyor is suitable for the transfer of coal over long distances. It is used in medium and large power plants.
The initial cost of system is not high and power consumption is also low. The inclination at which coal can
be successfully elevated by belt conveyor is about 20. Average speed preferred than other types.
2. Screw Conveyor
It consists of an endless helicoid screw fitted to a shaft (figure). The screw while rotating in a trough
transfers the coal from feeding end to the discharge end.
This system is suitable, where coal is to be transferred over shorter distance and space limitations
exist.The initial cost of the consumption is high and there is considerable wear o screw. Rotation of screw
varies between 75-125 r.p.m
3. Bucket elevator
It consists of buckets fixed to a chain (figure). The chain moves over two wheels. The coal is carried
by the bucket from bottom and discharged at the top.
Periodically a power plant may encounter the situation where coal must be stored for sometimes in a
bunker, for instance during a plant shut down. The bunker, fires can occur in dormant pulverized coal from
spontaneous heating within 6 day of loading. This time can be extended to 13 days when a blanket of CO2 is
piped into the top of the bunker. The perfect sealing of the bunker from air leakage can extend the storage
time as two months or more. The coal in the bunker can be stored as long as six months by expelling air from
above the coal with the use of CO2 and then blanketing of all sources of air. A control system used for
storing the pulverized fuel in bunker is shown in figure.
Pulverized Fuel Handling System:
Two methods are in general use to feed the pulverized fuel to the combustion chamber of the power
plant. First is ‘Unit System’ and second is ‘Central or Bin System ‘.
In unit system, each burner of the plant is fired by one or more pulverizers connected to the burners,
while in the central system, the fuel is pulverized in the central plant and then disturbed to each furnace with
the help of high pressure air current. Each type of fuel handling system consists of crushers, magnetic
separators, driers, pulverizing mills, storage bins, conveyors and feeders.
Mechanical means are required for the disposal of ash. The handling equipment should perform the
following functions: 1. Capital investment, operating and maintenance charges of the equipment should be
low. 2. It should be able to handle large quantities of ash. 3. Clinkers, shoot, dust etc. create troubles.The
equipment should be able to handle them smoothly.4. The equipment used should remove the ash from the
furnace, load it to the conveying system to deliver the ash to dumping site or storage and finally it should
have means to dispose of the stored ash. 5. The equipment should be corrosion and wear resistant.
Hydraulic System
In this system, ash from the furnace grate falls into a system of water possessing high velocity and is
carried to the sumps. It is generally used in large power plants. Hydraulic system is of two types, namely,
low pressure hydraulic system used for intermittent ash disposal figure. Figure shows hydraulic system.
Water-Jetting System
Water jetting of ash is shown in figure. In this method a low pressure jet of water coming out of
quenching nozzle is used to cool the ash. The ash falls into trough and is then removed.
Pneumatic System
In this system ash from the boiler furnace outlet falls into a crusher where a lager ash particles are
crushed to small sizes. The ash is then carried by a high velocity air or steam to the point of delivery. Air
leaving the ash separator is passed through filter to remove dust etc. The exhauster handles clean air which
will protect the blades of the exhauster.
Mechanical system
The four main circuits one would come across in any thermal power plant layout are
The cooled water, including makeup from the lake to account for evaporation losses to
the atmosphere, is returned to the condenser. Mechanical Draft Mechanical draft towers uses
fans (one or more) to move large quantities of air through the tower. They are two different
classes : (a) Forced draft cooling towers (b) Induced draft cooling towers The air flow in either
class may be cross flow or counter flow with respect to the falling water. Cross flow indicates
that the airflow is horizontal in the filled portion of the tower while counter flow means the air
flow is in the opposite direction of the falling water. The counter flow tower occupies less floor
5 Department of Mechanical Engineering, ATMECE, Mysuru
space than a cross flow tower but is taller for a given capacity. The principle advantages of the
cross flow tower are the low pressure drop in relation to its capacity and lower fan power
requirement leading to lower energy costs. All mechanical towers must be located so that the
discharge air diffuses freely without recirculation through the tower, and so that air intakes are
not restricted. Cooling towers should be located as near as possible to the refrigeration systems
they serve, but should never be located below them so as to allow the condenser water to drain
out of the system through the tower basin when the system is shut down. Forced Draft The
forced draft tower, has the fan, basin, and piping located within the tower structure. In this
model, the fan is located at the base. There are no louvered exterior walls. Instead, the structural
steel or wood framing is covered with paneling made of aluminum, galvanized steel, or asbestos
cement boards. 69 Steam Power Plant Figure 2.37 : Mechanical Draft During operation, the fan
forces air at a low velocity horizontally through the packing and then vertically against the
downward flow of the water that occurs on either side of the fan. The drift eliminators located at
the top of the tower remove water entrained in the air. Vibration and noise are minimal since the
rotating equipment is built on a solid foundation. The fans handle mostly dry air, greatly
reducing erosion and water condensation problems. Induced Draft The induced draft tower
show in the following picture has one or more fans, located at the top of the tower, that draw air
upwards against the downward flow of water passing around the wooden decking or packing.
Since the airflow is counter to the water flow, the coolest water at the bottom is in contact with
the driest air while the warmest water at the top is in contact with the moist air, resulting in
increased heat transfer rate.
1. Long time required for installation.
2. Transportation and handling of fuels major difficulty.
3. Efficiency of plant is less.
4. Power generation cost is high compared to hydel power plant.
5. Maintenance cost is high.
2.1 Coal and Ash handling
2.2 Generation of steam using forced circulation
3.3 High and supercritical pressures
3.4 A brief account of LaMount
3.5 Benson Boiler
3.6 Velox Boiler
3.7 Schmidt Boiler
3.8 Loeffer Boiler
3.9 Ramson steam generators
The feed water from hot well is supplied to a storage and separating drum (boiler) through the
economizer. Most of the sensible heat is supplied to the feed water passing through the
The feed water from hot well is supplied to a storage and separating drum (boiler)
through the economizer. Most of the sensible heat is supplied to the feed water passing
through the economizer. A pump circulates the water at a rate 8 to 10 times the mass of steam
evaporated. This water is circulated through the evaporator tubes and the part of the vapour is
separated in the separator drum. The large quantity of water circulated (10 times that of
evaporation) prevents the tubes from being overheated.
The centrifugal pump delivers the water to the headers at a pressure of 2.5 bar above
the drum pressure. The distribution headers distribute the water through the nozzle into the
evaporator. The steam separated in the boiler is further passed through the super-heater.
To secure a uniform flow of feed water through each of the parallel boiler circuits a
choke is fitted entrance to each circuit. These boilers have been built to generate 45 to 50 tons
of superheated steam at a pressure of 120 bar and temperature of 500°C.
Important Components
1. Steam separating drum – The feed water from the hot well is stored in the drum. The
steam is separated from water in the drum and the steam is usually collected at the top
of the drum.
2. Circulating pump – Water from the steam separating drum is drawn by a circulating
pump and it circulates water through the evaporator tubes. Pump circulates water at a
rate of 8-10 times the mass of steam evaporated. Forced circulation is necessary to
prevent the overheating of tubes.
3. Distribution header – The distribution header distributes the water through the nozzle
into the evaporator.
4. Radiant evaporator – Water from the drum first enters the radiant evaporator through the
pump and header. The water is heated by the radiation heat from the combustion chamber.
In radiant evaporator, the hot flue gases do not pass over the water tubes.
5. Convective evaporator – The mixture of water and steam coming out from the
radiant evaporator enters the convective evaporator tubes. The hot flue gases passing
over the evaporator tubes transfer a large portion of heat to the water by convection.
Thus, water becomes steam and the steam enters to the steam separating drum.
6. Super heater – The steam from the steam separating drum enters the superheater
tubes where it is superheated by the hot flue gases passing over them. The superheated
steam then enters the steam turbine to develop power.
7. Economizer – The waste hot flue gases pass through the economizer where feed water
is pre-heated. By pre-heating the feed water, the amount of fuel required to convert
water into steam is reduced.
8. Air pre-heater – The hot flue gases then passes through the air pre-heater where the
air required for combustion is pre-heated.
1. La-Mont boilers can generate 45 to 50 tons of superheated steam at a pressure of 120
bar and temperature of 500°C.
2. Drum is of small size.
3. Tendency of scale formation is eliminated due to forced circulation of water.
1. Bubbles are formed on the inside of the water tubes and these bubbles reduce the heat
transfer rate.
2. Initial and operating costs are high.
3. Maintenance costs are very high.
The main difficulty experienced in the La Mont boiler is the formation and attachment of
bubbles on the inner surfaces of the heating tubes. The attached bubbles reduce the heat flow
and steam generation as it offers higher thermal resistance compared to water film. Benson of
siemens- West Germany in 1922 argued that if the boiler pressure was raised to critical
pressure (225 atm.), the steam and water would have the same density and therefore the
danger of bubble formation can be completely removed.
Important Components
1. Economiser – The feed water from the well passes through the economiser where it is
pre-heated by the pre-heat of exhaust hot flue gases.
2. Radiant evaporator – The feed water after circulation through the economiser flows
through the radiant evaporator tubes. Water is heated up by the radiation heat from the
combustion chamber. Here, part of the water is converted to steam directly.
3. Convective evaporator – The mixture of water and steam coming out from the
radiant evaporator enters the convective evaporator tubes. The hot flue gases passing
over the evaporator tubes transfer a large portion of heat to the water by convection.
Thus, water becomes steam in the convective evaporator.
4. Superheater – The steam from the convective evaporator enters the superheater tubes
where it is superheated by the hot flue gases passing over them. The superheated
steam then enters the steam turbine to develop power.
5. Air pre-heater – The hot flue gases then passes through the air pre-heater where the
air required for combustion is pre-heated.
1. As there is no drum, the total weight of Benson boiler is 20% less than other boilers.
This reduces the cost of the boiler.
2. Floor space requirements of Benson boiler are very less.
3. Transportation of Benson boiler parts and its erection is very easy as there are no drums.
4. Natural circulation boilers require expansion joints in pipes but the pipes in Benson
boilers are welded.
1. As the Benson boiler operates at high pressure and temperature, special alloy materials
are required.
2. Maintenance costs are very high.
3. This is more efficient, resulting in slightly less fuel use.
The heat produced is used to heat water flowing through the tube and convert water into
steam. During burning SO2 formed is absorbed by the dolomite and thus prevents its escape
with the exhaust gases. The molten slag is tapped from the top surface of the bed. The bed
temperature is nearly 800-9000C which is ideal for sulphur retention addition of limestone or
dolomite to the bed brings down SO2 emission level to about 15% of that in conventional
firing methods.
Various advantages of FBC system are as follows:
1. FBC system can use any type of low grade fuel including municipal wastes and therefore is a
cheaper method of power generation.
2. It is easier to control the amount of SO2 and NOX, formed during burning. Low emission of SO2
and NOX will help in controlling the undesirable effects of SO2
and NOX. During combustion. SO2 emission is nearly 15% of that in conventional
firing methods.
3. There is a saving of about 10% in operating cost and 15% in the capital cost of the power plant.
4. The size of coal used has pronounced effect on the operation and performance of FBC system.
The particle size preferred is 6 to 13 mm but even 50 mm size coal can also be used in this
The major portion of the coal available in India is of low quality, high ash content and low calorific
value. The traditional grate fuel firing systems have got limitations and are techno-economically unviable to
meet the challenges of future. Fluidized bed combustion has emerged as a viable alternative and has
significant advantages over conventional firing system and offers multiple benefits – compact boiler design,
fuel flexibility, higher combustion efficiency and reduced emission of noxious pollutants such as SOx and
Boilers burning pulverized coal (PC) have bottom furnaces. The large ash particles are
collected under the furnace in a water-filled ash hopper, Fly ash is collected in dust collectors with either an
electrostatic precipitator or a baghouse. A PC boiler generates approximately 80% fly ash and 20% bottom
ash. Ash must be collected and transported from various points of the plants as shown in figure. Pyrites,
which are the rejects from the pulverizers, are disposed of with the bottom ash system. Three major factors
should be considered for ash disposal systems.
1. Plant site
2. Fuel source
3. Environmental regulation
Needs for water and land are important considerations for many ash handling systems. Ash quantities to
be disposed of depend on the king of fuel source. Ash storage and disposal sites are guided by environmental
Mechanical means are required for the disposal of ash. The handling equipment should perform the
following functions: 1. Capital investment, operating and maintenance charges of the equipment should be
low. 2. It should be able to handle large quantities of ash. 3. Clinkers, shoot, dust etc. create troubles.The
equipment should be able to handle them smoothly.4. The equipment used should remove the ash from the
furnace, load it to the conveying system to deliver the ash to dumping site or storage and finally it should
have means to dispose of the stored ash. 5. The equipment should be corrosion and wear resistant.
Hydraulic System
In this system, ash from the furnace grate falls into a system of water possessing high velocity and is
carried to the sumps. It is generally used in large power plants. Hydraulic system is of two types, namely,
low pressure hydraulic system used for intermittent ash disposal figure. Figure shows hydraulic system.
Water-Jetting System
Water jetting of ash is shown in figure. In this method a low pressure jet of water coming out of
quenching nozzle is used to cool the ash. The ash falls into trough and is then removed.
Pneumatic System
In this system ash from the boiler furnace outlet falls into a crusher where a lager ash particles are
crushed to small sizes. The ash is then carried by a high velocity air or steam to the point of delivery. Air
leaving the ash separator is passed through filter to remove dust etc. The exhauster handles clean air which
will protect the blades of the exhauster.
Mechanical system
Discuss the energy resources and energy conversion methods available for the production
of electric power in India.
Determine the efficiency and output of a modern Rankine cycle steam power plant from
given data, including superheat, reheat, regeneration, and irreversibility’s
Calculate the heat rate, fan power consumption, flame temperature and combustion air
requirements of conventional steam generators (boilers).
Select the heat transfer tubes needed for condensers and feed water heaters
3.1 Chimneys
3.2 Accessories for the Steam Generator Cooling Towers And Ponds
3.3 Natural, forced, induced and balanced draft
3.4 Calculations involving height of chimney to produce a given draft.
3.5 Accessories For The Steam Generator such as super-heaters,
3.6 Desuperheater
3.7 Control of super heaters,
3.8 Economizers
3.9 Air Pre-heaters Study of different types of cooling towers and ponds.
Design of chimney in thermal power plants, knowledge of cooling tower operation, numerical on
surface condenser design.
Discussing environmental and safety aspects of power plant operation
The students will be able to perform thermodynamic analysis on various air-breathing engines.
Draught is defined as the difference between absolute gas pressure at any point in a gas flow passage
and the ambient (same elevation) atmospheric pressure. . Draught is achieved by small pressure difference
which causes the flow of air or gas to take place. It is measured in milimetre (mm) or water.
The purpose of draught is as follows:
i) To supply required amount of air to the furnace for the combustion of fuel
The amount of fuel that can be burnt per square root of grate area depends upon the quantity of air
circulated through fuel bed.
Artificial Draught
Mechanical draught
Induced draught
The flue is drawn (sucked) through the system by a fan or steam jet
Forced draught
Natural Draught:
Natural draught system employs a tall chimney as shown in figure. The chimney is a vertical tubular
masonry structure or reinforced concrete. It is constructed for enclosing a column of exhaust gases to
produce the draught. It discharges the gases high enough to prevent air pollution. The draught is produced by
this tall chimney due to temperature difference of hot gases in the chimney and cold external air outside the
Artificial Draught
It has been seen that the draught produced by chimney is affected by the atmospheric conditions. It has no
flexibility, poor efficiency and tall chimney is required. In most of the modern power plants, the draught
used must be independence of atmospheric condition, and it must have greater
flexibility (control) to take the fluctuating loads on the plant.
Today’s large steam power plants requiring 20 thousand tons of steam per hour would be impossible
to run without the aid of draft fans. A chimney of an reasonable height would be incapable of developing
3 m3 to 3 m3 per
enough draft to remove the tremendous volume of air and gases (400 × 10 800 × 10
minutes). The further advantage of fans is to reduce the height of the chimney needed.
The draught required in actual power plant is sufficiently high (300 mm of water) and to meet high
draught requirements, some other system must be used, known as artificial draught. The artificial draught is
produced by a fan and it is known as fan (mechanical) draught. Mechanical draught is preferred for central
power stations.
Forced Draught
In a forced draught system, a blower is installed near the base of the boiler and air is forced to pass
through the furnace, flues, economizer, air-preheater and to the stack.
This draught system is known as positive draught system or forced draught system because the pressure and
air is forced to flow through the system.
The arrangement of the system is shown in figure. A stack or chimney is also in this system as shown in
figure but its function is to discharge gases high in the atmosphere to prevent the contamination. It is not
much significant for producing draught therefore height of the chimney may not be very much
Induced Draught:
In this system, the blower is located near the base of the chimney instead of near the grate. The air is
sucked in the system by reducing the pressure through the system below atmosphere. The induced draught
fan sucks the burned gases from the furnace and the pressure inside the furnace is reduced below
atmosphere and induces the atmospheric air to flow through the furnace. The action of the induced
draught is similar to the action of the chimney. The draught produced is independent of the temperature
of the hot gases therefore the gases may be discharged as cold as possible after recovering as
much heat as possible in air-preheater and economizer.
Balanced Draught:
It is always preferable to use a combination of forced draught and induced draught instead of forced
or induced draught alone. If the forced draught is used alone, then the furnace cannot be opened either for
firing or inspection because the high pressure air inside the furnace will try to blow out suddenly and there
is every chance of blowing out the fire completely and furnace stops.
If the induced draught is used alone, then also furnace cannot be opened either for firing or
inspection because the cold air will try to rush into the furnace as the pressure inside the furnace is below
atmospheric pressure. This reduces the effective draught and dilutes the combustion.
In surface condensers there is no direct contact between the steam and cooling water and the
condensate can be re-used in the boiler. In such a condenser even impure water can be used for cooling
purpose whereas the cooling water must be pure in jet condensers.Although the capital cost and the space
needed is more in surface condensers but it is justified b the saving in running cost and increase in efficiency
of plant achieved by using this condenser.Depending upon the position of condensate extraction pump, flow
of condensate and arrangement of tubes the surface condensers may be classified as follows:
Figure shows a sectional view of down flow condenser. Steam enters at the top and flows downward.
The water flowing through the tubes in one direction lower half comes out in the opposite direction in the
upper half. In this type of condenser, the cooling water and exhaust steam do not come in direct contact with
each other as in case of jet condensers.
This is generally used where large quantities of inferior water are available and better quantity of
feed water to the boiler must be used most economically. The arrangement of the surface condenser is shown
in figure. It consists of cast iron air- tight cylindrical shell closed at each end as shown in figure. A number
of water tubes are fixed in the tube plates which are located between each cover head and shell.
Figure shows a central flow condenser. In this condenser the steam passages are all around the
periphery of the shell. Air is pumped away from the centre of the condenser. The condensate moves radially
towards the centre of the tube next. Some of the exhaust steam which moving towards the centre meets the
under cooled condensate and pre-heats it thus reducing under cooling.
3. Evaporative condenser
In this condenser steam to be condensed in passed through a series of tubes and the cooling water
falls over these tubes in the form of spray. A steam of air flows over the tubes to increase evaporation of
cooling water which further increases the condensation of steam.
These condensers are more preferable where acute shortage of cooling water exists. The arrangement
of the condenser is shown in figure. Water is sprayed through the nozzles over the pipe carrying exhaust
steam and forms a thin film over it. The air is drawn over the surface of the
In the power industry, energy in the form of heat is transformed to energy in the form of electricity.
Unfortunately, t h i s t r a n s f o r m a t i o n i s n o t a c c o m p l i s h e d o n a o n e -to-one ratio.
Although designers continuously seek newer and better ways to improve overall system efficiency,
considerably more units of heat must be input that are realized as equivalent units of electric output.
System equilibrium requires that this excess heat be dissipated ultimately to the atmosphere.
In an increasing number of cases, because of qualitative and quantitative restrictions
regarding the use of natural waterways, plant make use of a closed circuit system typical of
that depicted in figure. As shown, the system’s dependence on the river is limited to the
requirement for a supply of makeup water and, perhaps, as a point of discharge of blow
down. In these cases, the entire heat loads are dissipated by cooling towers, at the variety,
ECONOMIZER The first successful design of economizer was used to increase the
steamraising efficiency of the boilers of stationary steam engines. It was patented by Edward
Green in 1845, and since then has been known as Green's economizer. Function: When the
combustion gases leave the boiler after giving most of their heat to evaporator tubes,
superheated tubes and reheater tubes, they still posses lot of heat, such heat used by this
device to increases the temperature of feed water. Economizers are so named because they
can make use of the enthalpy in fluid streams that are hot, but not hot enough to be used in a
boiler, thereby recovering more useful enthalpy and improving the boiler's efficiency
Determine the efficiency and output of a modern Rankine cycle steam power plant
from given data, including superheat, reheat, regeneration, and irreversibility’s
Calculate the heat rate, fan power consumption, flame temperature and combustion air
requirements of conventional steam generators (boilers).
Select the heat transfer tubes needed for condensers and feed water heaters
Explain the blade shapes, and calculate work output of typical turbine stages.
Calculate the performance of gas turbines with reheat and regeneration, and discuss
the performance of combined cycle power plants
After studying this unit, students should be able to
Understand the concepts of diesel power plant
Understand the types of Engines used for power generation
know the types of fuels used
Describes the main components of diesel and gas turbine power plants.
1) Engine
Engine is the heart of a diesel power plant. Engine is directly connected through a gear box
to the generator. Generally two-stroke engines are used for power generation. Now a day,
advanced super & turbo charged high speed engines are available for power production.
5) Cooling system
This system includes water circulating pumps, cooling towers, water filter etc. Cooling
water is circulated through the engine block to keep the temperature of the engine in the safe
6) Lubricating system
Lubrication system includes the air pumps, oil tanks, filters, coolers and pipe lines.
Lubricant is given to reduce friction of moving parts and reduce the wear and tear of the
engine parts.
7) Starting System
There are three commonly used starting systems, they are;
1) A petrol driven auxiliary engine
2) Use of electric motors.
3) Use of compressed air from an air compressor at a pressure of 20 Kg/cm.
8) Governing system
The function of a governing system is to maintain the speed of the engine constant irrespective
of load on the plant. This is done by varying fuel supply to the engine according to load.
1. Diesel power plants can be quickly installed and commissioned.
2. Quick starting.
3. Requires minimum labor.
4. Plant is smaller, operate at high efficiency and simple compared to steam power
5. It can be located near to load centers.
1. Capacity of plant is low.
2. Fuel, repair and maintenance cost are high.
3. Life of plant is low compared to steam power plant.
4. Lubrication costs are very high.
5. Not guaranteed for operation under continuous overloads.
6. Noise is a serious problem in diesel power plant.
7. Diesel power plant cannot be constructed for large scale.
The oil engines and gas engines are called Internal Combustion Engines. In IC engines fuels
burn inside the engine and the products of combustion form the working fluid that generates
mechanical power. Whereas, in Gas Turbines the combustion occurs in another chamber and
hot working fluid containing thermal energy is admitted in turbine.
Reciprocating oil engines and gas engines are of the same family and have a strong
resemblance in principle of operation and construction.
The engines convert chemical energy in fuel in to mechanical energy.
• A gasoline engine intakes a mixture of gas and air, compresses it and ignites the mixture
witha spark. A diesel engine takes in just air, compresses it and then injects fuel into the
compressed air. The heat of the compressed air lights the fuel spontaneously.
• A gasoline engine compresses at a ratio of 8:1 to 12:1, while a diesel engine compresses at a
ratio of 14:1 to as high as 25:1. The higher compression ratio of the diesel engine leads to
better efficiency.
• Gasoline engines generally use either carburetion, in which the air and fuel is mixed long
before the air enters the cylinder, or port fuel injection, in which the fuel is injected just prior
to the intake stroke (outside the cylinder). Diesel engines use direct fuel injection to the diesel
fuel is injected directly into the cylinder.
Fuel Supply System It consists of storage tank, strainers, fuel transfer pump and all
day fuel tank. The fuel oil is supplied at the plant site by rail or road. The oil is stored in the
storage tank. From the storage tank, oil is pumped to smaller all day tank at daily or short
intervals. From this tank, fuel oil is passed through strainers to remove suspended impurities.
The clean oil is injected into the engine by fuel injection pump. Air Intake System This
system supplies necessary air to the engine for fuel combustion. It consists of pipes for the
supply of fresh air to the engine manifold. Filters are provided to remove dust particles from
air which may act as abrasive in the engine cylinder. Because a diesel engine requires close
tolerances to achieve its compression ratio, and because most diesel engines are either
turbocharged or supercharged, the air entering the engine must be clean, free of debris, and
as cool as possible. Also, to improve a turbocharged or supercharged engine’s efficiency, the
compressed air must be cooled after being compressed. The air intake system is designed to
perform these tasks. Air intake systems are usually one of two types, wet or dry. In a wet
filter intake system, as shown in the Figure 4.1, the air is sucked or bubbled through a
housing that holds a bath of oil such that the dirt in the air is removed by the oil in the filter.
The air then flows through a screen-type material to ensure any entrained oil is removed
from the air. In a dry filter system, paper, cloth, or a metal screen material is used to catch
and trap dirt before it enters the engine. In addition to cleaning the air, the intake system is
usually designed to intake fresh air from as far away from the engine as practicable, usually
just outside of the engine’s building or enclosure. This provides the engine with a supply of
air that has not been heated by the engine’s own waste heat. The reason for ensuring that an
engine's air supply is as cool as possible is that cool air is denser than hot air. This means
that, per unit volume, cool air has more oxygen than hot air. Thus, cool air provides more
oxygen per cylinder charge than less dense, hot air. More oxygen means a more efficient
fuel burn and more power. 121 Diesel Engine Power Plant Figure 4.1 : Air Intake System
After being filtered, the air is routed by the intake system into the engine's intake manifold
or air box. The manifold or air box is the component that directs the fresh air to each of the
engine’s intake valves or ports. If the engine is turbocharged or supercharged, the fresh air
will be compressed with a blower and possibly cooled before entering the intake manifold or
air box. The intake system also serves to reduce the air flow noise. Exhaust System This
system leads the engine exhaust gas outside the building and discharges it into atmosphere.
A silencer is usually incorporated in the system to reduce the noise level. The exhaust
system of a diesel engine performs three functions. First, the exhaust system routes the spent
combustion gasses away from the engine, where they are diluted by the atmosphere. This
keeps the area around the engine habitable. Second, the exhaust system confines and routes
the gases to the turbocharger, if used. Third, the exhaust system allows mufflers to be used
to reduce the engine noise. Cooling System The heat released by the burning of fuel in the
engine cylinder is partially converted into work. The remainder part of the heat passes
through the cylinder wall, piston, rings etc. and may cause damage to system. In order to
keep the temperature of the engine parts within the safe operating limits, cooling is provided.
The cooling system consists of a water source, pump and cooling towers. The pump
circulates water through cylinder and head jacket. The water takes away heat form the
engine and it becomes hot. The hot water is cooled by cooling towers and re circulated for
cooling. Lubricating System The system minimises the wear of rubbing surfaces of the
engine. It comprises of lubricating oil tank, pump, filter and oil cooler. The lubrication oil is
drawn from the lubricating oil tank by the pump and is passed through filter to remove
impurities .The clean lubrication oil is delivered to the points which require lubrication. The
oil coolers incorporated in the system keep the temperature of the oil low. 122 Power Plant
Engineering An internal combustion engine would not run for even a few minutes if the
moving parts were allowed to make metal-to-metal contact. The heat generated due to the
tremendous amounts of friction would melt the metals, leading to the destruction of the
engine. To prevent this, all moving parts ride on a thin film of oil that is pumped between all
the moving parts of the engine. The oil serves two purposes. One purpose is to lubricate the
bearing surfaces. The other purpose is to cool the bearings by absorbing the friction-
generated heat. The flow of oil to the moving parts is accomplished by the engine's internal
lubricating system. Figure 4.2 : Lubricating System Oil is accumulated and stored in the
engine's oil pan where one or more oil pumps take suction and pump the oil through one or
more oil filters as shown in the figure. The filters clean the oil and remove any metal that the
oil has picked up due to wear. The cleaned oil then flows up into the engine's oil galleries. A
pressure relief valve(s) maintains oil pressure in the galleries and returns oil to the oil pan
upon high pressure. The oil galleries distribute the oil to all the bearing surfaces in the
engine. Once the oil has cooled and lubricated the bearing surfaces, it flows out of the
bearing and gravity-flows back into the oil pan. In medium to large diesel engines, the oil is
also cooled before being distributed into the block. This is accomplished by either internal or
external oil cooler. The lubrication system also supplies oil to the engine’s governor. Engine
Starting System This is an arrangement to rotate the engine initially, while starting, until
firing starts and the unit runs with its own power. Small sets are started manually by handles
but for larger units, compressed air is used for starting. In the latter case, air at high pressure
is admitted to a few of the cylinders, making them to act as reciprocating air motors to turn
over the engine shaft. The fuel is admitted to the remaining cylinders which makes the
engine to start under its own power. Starting Circuits Diesel engines have as many different
types of starting circuits as there are types, sizes, and manufacturers of diesel engines.
Commonly, they can be started by air motors, electric motors, hydraulic motors, and
manually. The 123 Diesel Engine Power Plant start circuit can be a simple manual start
pushbutton, or a complex auto-start circuit. But in almost all cases the following events must
occur for the starting engine to start. (a) The start signal is sent to the starting motor. The air,
electric, or hydraulic motor, will engage the engine’s flywheel. (b) The starting motor will
crank the engine. The starting motor will spin the engine at a high enough rpm to allow the
engine’s compression to ignite the fuel and start the engine running. (c) The engine will then
accelerate to idle speed. When the starter motor is overdriven by the running motor it will
disengage the flywheel. Because a diesel engine relies on compression heat to ignite the fuel,
a cold engine can rob enough heat from the gasses that the compressed air falls below the
ignition temperature of the fuel. To help overcome this condition, some engines (usually
small to medium sized engines) have glow plugs. Glow plugs are located in the cylinder
head of the combustion chamber and use electricity to heat up the electrode at the top of the
glow plug. The heat added by the glow plug is sufficient to help ignite the fuel in the cold
engine. Once the engine is running, the glow plugs are turned off and the heat of combustion
is sufficient to heat the block and keep the engine running. Larger engines usually heat the
block and/or have powerful starting motors that are able to spin the engine long enough to
allow the compression heat to fire the engine. Some large engines use air start manifolds that
inject compressed air into the cylinders which rotates the engine during the start sequence.
Know percentages and have understanding for magnitudes of energy and resources
Understand different types of dams, surge tanks and dam safety for smooth running of
power plant
Be able to effectively use Hydro graphs and flow duration curves
Understand the differences between large quantities of fuel and waste vs. minuscule
quantities of each, but with high potential for causing harm or inconvenience
Assignments that demonstrate accomplishment of this outcome
Hydroelectric power plants convert the hydraulic potential energy from water into
electrical energy. Such plants are suitable were water with suitable head are available. The
layout covered in this article is just a simple one and only cover the important parts of
hydroelectric plant.
(2) Spillway
A spillway as the name suggests could be called as a way for spilling of water from dams.
It is used to provide for the release of flood water from a dam. It is used to prevent over toping of
the dams which could result in damage or failure of dams. Spillways could be controlled type or
uncontrolled type. The uncontrolled types start releasing water upon water rising above a
particular level. But in case of the controlled type, regulation of flow is possible.
1. Water the working fluid is natural and available plenty.
2. Life of the plant is very long.
3. Running cost and maintenance are very low.
4. Highly reliable.
5. Running cost is low.
6. Maintenance and operation costs are very less.
7. No fuel transport problem.
8. No ash disposal problem.
1. Initial cost of plant is very high.
2. Power generation depends on quantity of water available which depends on rainfall.
3. Transmission losses are very high.
4. More time is required for erection.
Water energy has been the most widely used form of renewable energy for the
production of electricity. With today’s emphasis on environmental considerations and
conservation of fossil fuels, other renewable resources are being used to em- ploy the
energy sources of the sun and the earth for electricity generation. Some of these
resources that represent a viable alternative to fossil fuels are solar power, wind power,
geothermal, biomass, and tidal power. These resources, especially so- lar power and
wind power, have the capability to produce sustainable energy in- definitely with no
direct emission of pollutant and greenhouse gases. Power plants using these renewable
sources of energy are described in the following sections.
The aspiration for bulk generation of power in the future is nuclear fusion. If
nuclear fusion is harnessed economically, it would provide clean energy from an
abundant source of fuel, namely water.
1. The construction cost of the underground power house is more compared with the over
ground power house:
(a) The excavation of the caverns required for housing the turbine generator units and
equipments (machine hall of Koyna project is $00′ × 120′ × 60′ in dimensions) is very
(b) The costs of access tunnels are considerable.
(c) The separate gallery excavated for the inlet valves adds the extra cost.
(d) The construction of air ducts and bus galleries also adds in total construction costs.
After passing through the tur- bine, the water reenters the river on the downstream
side of the dam. The most significant operating characteristics of hydropower plants
are rapid start-up and loading, long life, and low operating and maintenance costs.
Hydraulic turbines, particularly those operating with a low pressure, operate at low
speed. Their generators are usually salient-type rotor with many poles.
Explain the major types of hydro-power and wind-power turbines and estimate
power generation potential
Discuss the environmental impact of electric power production on air quality, climate
change, water, and land.
Perform the preliminary design of the major components or systems of a
conventional or alternate power plant
Draw a neat sketch of a power house and describe the main features of sub-structure
and superstructure.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of underground power stations compared
with over ground power stations.
What topographical and other conditions decide the setting of turbine either vertical
or horizontal
(a) in case of reaction turbine (b) in case of Pelton wheel ?
What do you understand by open flume setting ? Draw the neat sketches of horizontal
and vertical open flume setting for reaction turbines. When the open flume setting is
more preferable
What are its disadvantages ? Which factors are considered in deciding the setting of
Pelton wheel (a) in horizontal plane (b) in vertical plane. Discuss the advantages of one
overthe other.
7.1 Introduction
A consumer will use electric power only if it is supplied at reasonable rate.
Therefore, power engineers have to find convenient methods to produce electric
power as cheap as possible so that consumers are tempted to use electrical
methods. Before passing on to the subject further, it is desirable that the readers
get themselves acquainted with the following terms much used in the economics
of power generation:
(i) Interest. The cost of use of money is known as interest.
A power station is constructed by investing a huge capital. This money is
generally borrowed from banks or other financial institutions and the supply
company has to pay the annual interest on this amount. Even if company has
spent out of its reserve funds, the interest must be still allowed for, since this
amount could have earned interest if deposited in a bank. Therefore, while
calculating the cost of production of electrical energy, the interest payable on the
capital investment must be in-cluded. The rate of interest depends upon market
position and other factors, and may vary from 4% to 8% per annum.
(ii) Depreciation. The decrease in the value of the power plant equipment and
building due to constant use is known as depreciation.
If the power station equipment were to last for ever, then interest on the
capital investment would have been the only charge to be made. However, in
actual practice, every power station has a useful life ranging from fifty to sixty
years. From the time the power station is installed, its equipment steadily
deteriorates due to wear and tear so that there is a gradual reduction in the value
of the plant. This reduction in the value of plant every year is known as annual
depreciation. Due to depreciation, the plant has to be replaced by the new one
after its useful life. Therefore, suitable amount must be set aside every year so that
by the time the plant retires, the collected amount by way of depreciation equals
the cost of replacement. It becomes obvious that while determining the cost of
production, annual depreciation charges must be included. There are several
methods of finding the annual depreciation charges and are discussed in Art. 4.4.
7.2 Cost of Electrical Energy
The total cost of electrical energy generated can be divided into three parts,
namely ;
Fixed (iii) Running or operating
(i) cost ; (ii) Semi-fixed cost ; cost.
Fixed It is the cost which is independent of maximum demand and
(i) cost. units generated.
The fixed cost is due to the annual cost of central organisation, interest on
capital cost of land and salaries of high officials. The annual expenditure on the
central organisation and salaries of high officials is fixed since it has to be met
whether the plant has high or low maximum demand or it generates less or more
units. Further, the capital investment on the land is fixed and hence the amount of
interest is also fixed.
(ii) Semi-fixed cost. It is the cost which depends upon maximum demand but
is independent of units generated.
The semi-fixed cost is directly proportional to the maximum demand on
power station and is on account of annual interest and depreciation on capital
investment of building and equipment, taxes, salaries of management and clerical
staff. The maximum demand on the power station determines its size and cost of
installation. The greater the maximum demand on a power station, the greater is
its size and cost of installation. Further, the taxes and clerical staff depend upon
the size of the plant and hence upon maximum demand.
(iii) Running cost. It is the cost which depends only upon the number of units
The running cost is on account of annual cost of fuel, lubricating oil,
maintenance, repairs and salaries of operating staff. Since these charges depend
upon the energy output, the running cost is directly proportional to the number of
units generated by the station. In other words, if the power station generates more
units, it will have higher running cost and vice-versa.
7.3 Expressions for Cost of Electrical Energy
The overall annual cost of electrical energy generated by a power station can be
expressed in two forms viz three part form and two part form.
(i) Three part form. In this method, the overall annual cost of electrical
energy generated is divided into three parts viz fixed cost, semi-fixed cost
and running cost i.e.
Total annual cost of
energy = Fixed cost + Semi-fixed cost + Running cost
Constant + Proportional to max. demand +
= Proportional to
kWh generated.
= Rs (a + b kW + c kWh)
wher annual fixed cost independent of maximum
e a = demand and en-
ergy output. It is on account of the costs mentioned
in Art. 4.2.
constant which when multiplied by maximum kW
b = demand on
the station gives the annual semi-fixed cost.
a constant which when multiplied by kWh output
c = per annum
gives the annual running cost.
(ii Two part form. It is sometimes convenient to give the annual cost of
) energy in two part
form. In this case, the annual cost of energy is divided into two parts viz., a
fixed sum per
kW of maximum demand plus a running charge per unit of energy. The
expression for the
annual cost of energy then becomes :
Total annual cost of
energy = Rs. (A kW + B kWh)
wher a constant which when multiplied by maximum
e A = kW demand
on the station gives the annual cost of the first
a constant which when multiplied by the annual
B = kWh gener-
ated gives the annual running cost.
It is interesting to see here that two-part form is a simplification of three-part
form. A little reflection shows that constant “a” of the three part form has been
merged in fixed sum per kW maximum demand (i.e. constant A ) in the two-part
7.4 Methods of Determining Depreciation
There is reduction in the value of the equipment and other property of the plant
every year due to depreciation. Therefore, a suitable amount (known as
depreciation charge) must be set aside annu-ally so that by the time the life span
of the plant is over, the collected amount equals the cost of replacement of the
The following are the commonly used methods for determining the annual depreciation
charge :
(i) Straight line method ;
(ii) Diminishing value method ;
(iii) Sinking fund method.
Straight line method. In this method, a constant depreciation charge is
(i) made every year on
the basis of total depreciation and the useful life of the property. Obviously,
annual depreciation charge will be equal to the total depreciation divided by the
useful life of the property. Thus, if the initial cost of equipment is Rs 1,00,000 and
its scrap value is Rs 10,000 after a useful life of 20 years, then,
Total 1,00,000 −
Annual depreciation depreciation 10,000 = Rs
charge = = 4,500
Useful life 20
In general, the annual depreciation charge on the straight line method may be expressed
as :
or (1 − x)n = S/P
or 1 − x = (S/P)1/n
or x = 1 − (S/P) ...(i)
From exp. (i), the annual depreciation can be easily found. Thus depreciation
to be made for the first year is given by :
Depreciation for the first year = xP
= P[1 − (S/P)1/n]
Similarly, annual depreciation charge for the
years can be calculated.
This method is more rational than the straight line method.
Fig. 4.2 shows the graphical representation of diminishing
value method. The initial value P of the
equipment reduces, through depreciation, to the
scrap value S over the useful life
of the equipment. The depreciation curve follows
the path PA . It is clear from the curve that
depreciation charges are heavy in the early years
but decrease to a low value in the later
years. This method has two drawbacks. Firstly, low depre-
ciation charges are made in the late years when the mainte-
nance and repair charges are quite heavy. Secondly, the de-
preciation charge is independent of the rate of interest which it may
draw during accumulation. Such interest moneys, if
earned, are to be treated as income.
(iii) Sinking fund method. In this method, a fixed depreciation charge is made
every year and interest compounded on it annually. The constant depreciation
charge is such that total of annual instalments plus the interest accumulations
equal to the cost of replacement of equipment after its useful life.
Let P = Initial value of equipment
n = Useful life of equipment in years
S = Scrap value after useful life
Annual rate of interest expressed as a
r = decimal
Cost of
replacement = P−S
Let us suppose that an amount of q is set aside as depreciation charge every
year and interest compounded on it so that an amount of P − S is available after n
years. An amount q at annual interest rate of r will become *q(1 + r)n at the end of
n years.
Now, the amount q deposited at the end of first year will earn compound
interest for n − 1 years and shall become q(1 + r)n − 1 i.e.,
Amount q deposited at the end of first year
becomes = q (1
+ r)n − 1
15,60,00 = 1 − 0·878 =
= 1 − H0 K0·122
Value of equipment after 20 years
= P(1 − x)20
= 15,60,000 (1 − 0·122)20 = Rs 1,15,615
(iii) Sinking fund method
Rate of interest, r = 5% = 0·05
Annual deposit in the sinking fund is
(P − S)
q = r O
M +
r) − P
N(1 1Q
(15,60,000 − 0 ⋅ 05
= 60,000) L O
M 2 P
(1 + 0 05 5 −
N⋅ ) 1Q
= Rs
31,433 ∴ Sinking fund at the end of
20 years
(1 + r)20 − (1 + 0 ⋅ 05)20
1 = −1 = Rs
= q 31,433 10,39,362
r 0 ⋅ 05
Value of plant after 20
years = Rs (15,60,000 − 10,39,362) = Rs 5,20,638
The load factor plays a vital role in determining the cost of energy. Some
important advantages of high load factor are listed below :
(i) Reduces cost per unit generated : A high load factor reduces the overall
cost per unit generated. The higher the load factor, the lower is the
generation cost. It is because higher load factor means that for a given
maximum demand, the number of units generated is more. This reduces
the cost of generation.
(ii) Reduces variable load problems : A high load factor reduces the variable
load problems on the power station. A higher load factor means
comparatively less variations in the load demands at various times. This
avoids the frequent use of regulating devices installed to meet the variable
load on the station.
Example 4.4. A generating station has a maximum demand of 50,000 kW. Calculate the
per unit generated from the following
data :
Capital cost = Rs 95 ×
106 ; Annual load factor = 40%
Annual cost of fuel and oil = Rs 9 Taxes, wages and salaries etc. = Rs 7·5 ×
× 106 ; 106
Interest and depreciation =
Solution :
Max. demand × L.F. × Hours in a
Units generated/annum = year
(50,000) (0·4) × (8760) kWh =
= × 17·52 × 107 kWh
Annual fixed charges
Annual interest and
depreciation = 12% of capital cost
= Rs 0·12 × 95 × 106 = Rs 11·4
× 106
Annual Running
Total annual running
charges = Annual cost of fuel and oil + Taxes, wages etc.
Rs (9106 + 7·5 × 106) = Rs 16·5 ×
= × 106
6 6
Rs (11·410 + 16·5 × 10 ) = Rs
Total annual charges = × 27·9 × 106
27 ⋅ 9 × 106 = Re 0·16 = 16
∴Cost per unit = Rs 17 ⋅ 52 paise
× 10
Example 4.5. A generating station has an installed capacity of 50,000 kW and
delivers 220 × 106 units per annum. If the annual fixed charges are Rs 160 per
kW installed capacity and running charges are 4 paise per kWh, determine the
cost per unit generated.
Annual fixed charges = 160 × Plant capacity
Rs 160
= × 50,000 = Rs 80 × 105
Rs 0·04
Annual running charges = × 220 × 106 = Rs 88 × 105
5 5
Rs (80 10 + 88 × 10 ) = Rs 168 ×
Total annual charges = × 10
16 5 = Re 0·0764 = 7·64
Cost per unit = Rs 8 × 10 paise
22 6
0 × 10
Example 4.6. A generating plant has a maximum capacity of 100 kW and
costs Rs 1,60,000. The annual fixed charges are 12% consisting of 5% intererst,
5% depreciation and 2% taxes. Find the fixed charges per kWh if the load factor
is (i) 100% and (ii) 50%.
Solution :
Maximum demand = 100 kW
C. F.
Installed capacity × =
or Max. demand = 300 × ⋅5 = 250 MW
L. F. 0 ⋅6
300 − 250 = 50
∴ Reserve capacity = MW
Units Max. demand ×
(ii) generated/annum = L.F. × Hours in a year
(250 × 103) ×
= (0·6) × 8760 kWh = 1314 × 106 kWh
Annual interest and
Annual fixed charges = depreciation
= Rs 0·1 × 109 = Rs 108
Annual running= Rs 9 × 107
Rs (108 + 9 × 107) = Rs 19 ×
∴ Total annual charges = 107
19 × 107
1314 ×
∴ Cost per kWh = Rs 10
= Re 0·14 = 14 paise
Example 4.9. The capital cost of a hydro-power station of 50 MW capacity is
Rs 1,000 per kW. The annual depreciation charges are 10% of the capital cost. A
royalty of Re 1 per kW per year and Re 0·01 per kWh generated is to be paid for
using the river water for generation of power. The maximum demand on the
power station is 40 MW and annual load factor is 60%. Annual cost of salaries,
maintenance charges etc. is Rs 7,00,000. If 20% of this expense is also
chargeable as fixed charges, calculate the generation cost in two part form.
Solution :
(40 × 103) × (0·6) × 8760 =
Units generated/annum = 210·24 × 106 kWh
Rs 50 1000 = Rs 50 ×
Capital cost of plant = × 10 × 106
Annual fixed charges
Rs 0·1 50
Depreciation =× × 106 = Rs 5 × 106
Rs 0·2 7,00,000 = Rs 1·4 ×
Salaries, maintenance etc. = × 105
6 5
Rs (5 10 + 1·4 × 10 ) = Rs
Total annual fixed charges = × 51·4 × 105
Cost per kW due to fixed charges +
Cost per kW = Royalty
51⋅ 4 + Re 1 = Rs 128·5 + Re 1 = Rs
= Rs × 105 129·5
× 103
Annual running charges
Rs 0·8 7,00,000 = Rs 5·6 ×
Salaries, maintenance etc. = × 105
Cost/kWh due to running charges +
Cost per kWh = Royalty
5 ⋅ 6 × 105
= 210 ⋅ 24
Rs × 106 + Re 0 ⋅01
= Re 0·0027 + Re 0·01 = Re
0·0127 ∴ Total generation cost in two part form is given
by ;
Rs (129· 5 × kW + 0·0127 × kWh)
Example 4.10. The annual working cost of a power station is represented by
the formula Rs (a + b kW + c kWh) where the various terms have their usual
meaning. Determine the values of a, b and c for a 60 MW station operating at
annual load factor of 50% from the following data :
(i) capital cost of building and equipment is Rs 5 × 106
(ii) the annual cost of fuel, oil, taxation and wages of operating staff is Rs 9,00,000
(iii) the interest and depreciation on building and equipment are 10% per annum
(iv) annual cost of organisation and interest on cost of site etc. is Rs 5,00,000.
= × kWh
Rs (a + b kW + c
Annual operating cost = × × kWh)
where a = annual fixed cost
× kW = annual semi-fixed cost
c annual running
× kWh= cost
Annual fixed cost. The annual fixed cost is due to the annual cost of organisation and
interest on
the cost of site.
a = Rs 5,00,000
Annual semi-fixed cost. This is on account of annual interest and
depreciation on building and equipment.
Annual semi-fixed cost = Rs 0·1 × 5 × 106 = Rs 5,00,000
But annual semi-fixed cost is equal to b × kW where b is the cost per kW of maximum
∴ b × 60 × 103 = 5,00,000
0 = Rs
or b = Rs 8·34
60 × 103
Annual running cost. This is due to the annual cost of fuel, oil, taxation, salaries of
∴ c × kWh generated = Rs 9,00,000
or c × 262·8 × 106 = Rs 9,00,000
= 262 ⋅ 8 × = Re
∴ c Rs 10
Example 4.11. A hydro-electric plant costs Rs 3000 per kW of installed
capacity. The total annual charges consist of 5% as interest ; depreciation at 2%,
operation and maintenance at 2% and insurance, rent etc. 1·5%. Determine a
suitable two-part tariff if the losses in transmission and distribution are 12·5%
and diversity of load is 1·25. Assume that maximum demand on the station is 80%
of the capacity and annual load factor is 40%. What is the overall cost of
generation per kWh?
Solution : Let the installed capacity of the station
be 100 kW. Maximum demand = 100 ×
0·8 = 80 kW
Average demand = 80 × 0·4 = 32 kW
Capital cost of plant = Rs 100 × 3000 = Rs 3 × 105
Annual fixed charges. The annual fixed charges are due to interest (5%) and
Rs × 10 × (5 + 2))100 = Rs
∴ Annual fixed charges = 3 21000
Aggregate of max. 80
demand = × 1·25 = 100 kW
∴Annual fixed charges = Rs 21000)100 = Rs 210 per kW of max. demand
Annual running charges. The annual running charges are due to operation and
(2%) and insurance, rent
(1·5%) etc.
Rs 3 × 105 (2 + 1·5))100 = Rs
Annual running charges = × 10,500
Average demand × Hours in a
Units generated/annum = year
= 32 × 8760 = 2,80,320 kWh
Units reaching the 2,80,320 × 0·875 = 2,45,280
consumer = kWh
∴Annual running charge = Rs = Re 0·043 per kWh
Example 4.12. Compare the annual cost of supplying a factory load having a
maximum de-mand of 1 MW and a load factor of 50% by energy obtained from (i)
a private oil engine generating plant and (ii) public supply.
(i) Private oil engine generating unit :
Capital cost = Rs 12 × 105 ; Cost of repair and maintenance = Rs 0·005 per kWh
Cost of fuel = Rs 1600 per 1000 kg ; Interest and depreciation = 10% per annum
Fuel consumption = 0·3 kg/kWh generated ; Wages = Rs 50,000 per annum
(ii) Public supply company :
Rs 150 per kW of maximum demand plus 15 paise per kWh
Solution :
Units (1000)
generated/annum = × (0·5) × 8760 = 438 × 104 kWh
Private oil engine generating
(i) plant
0·3 × 438
Annual fuel consumption =× 104 = 13·14 × 105 kg
Rs 13·14 105 1600)1000 = Rs
Annual cost of fuel = × × 21,02,400
Annual cost of repair and Rs 0·005 438
maintenance = × × 104 = Rs 21,900
Annual wages = 50,000
Annual interest and 5
depreciation = Rs 0·1 × 12 × 10 = Rs 1,20,000
Rs (21,02,400 + 21,900 + 50,000 +
∴ Total annual charges = 1,20,000)
= Rs 22,94,300
(ii) Public supply
Rs 150
Annual fixed charges = × 1000 = Rs 1,50,000
Annual running Rs 0·15
charges = × 438 × 104 = Rs 6,57,000
Total annual charges = Rs (1,50,000 + 6,57,000) = Rs 8,07,000
∴ Total cost)unit = Rs G
H x
Hydro plant
Rs 3000150 103 = Rs 450
Capital cost = × × × 106
0·07 450 × 10 = Rs 31·5 ×
Annual interest = × 10
31 ⋅ 5 ×106
Fixed cost)unit = Re
Re 0·03
Running cost)unit = (given)
F 31⋅ 5
× 106 I
∴ Total cost)unit = Rs
G +
⋅03J 0 ...(ii)
Hx K
The overall cost per unit of steam plant will be equal to hydro plant if exp. (i) = exp (ii) i.e.,
16 ⋅ 8 × 31 ⋅ 5 ×
10 106
+ 0 ⋅ 06 = + 0 ⋅ 03
x x
31·5 × 106 + 0·03
or 16·8 × 106 + 0·06 x = x
14 ⋅ 7 ×
106 = 490 × 106
∴ x = kWh
0 ⋅ 03
It follows, therefore, that if the units generated per annum are more than 490 ×
106, the hydro
plant will be more
490 × 106 × 100 =
∴ Load factor = (150 × 37·3%
103)× 8760
Therefore, the minimum load factor above which the hydro plant will be economical is 37·3%.
Example 4.15. A particular area can be supplied either by hydro station or steam station. The
following data is available :
Hydro Steam
Capital cost)kW Rs 2100 1200
Running cost)kWh 3·2 paise paise
Interest and depreciation 7·5% 9%
Reserve capacity 33% 25%
(i) At what load factor would the overall cost be the same in
both cases ?
(ii) What would be the cost of
generating 40 × 106 units at this load factor ?
Solution : Let x kW be the maximum demand. Let y be the annual load factor at which cost)unit of
steam and hydro stations is the same.
Units generated)annum = x × y × 8760 = 8760 xy kWh
(i) The installed capacity of steam station will be 1·25x kW (keeping 25% as reserve capacity),
whereas the installed capacity of hydro station would be 1·33x kW (keeping 33% as reserve capacity).
t x = Installed capacity of station B in kW
y = Hours of operation of station B
∴ Installed capacity of station A= (50,000 − x) kW
1 8760 *
xy = 1 × x
Units generated)annum by
station B = x× = 0·0876 x2
22 50,000
× 50,000
Unit generated)annum by station A = 1× 8760 − 0·0876 x2
6 2
= 219 × 10 − 0·0876 x
Annual cost of station B, CB = Rs (50,000 + 50 x + 0·03 × 0·0876 x )
= Rs (50,000 + 50 x + 0·00262 x )
6 2
Annual cost of station A , CA = Rs (75,000 + 80 (50,000 − x) + 0·02 (219 × 10 − 0·0876 x )
Rs (8·455
= × 106 − 80 x − 0·00175 x2)
Total annual operating cost of stations A
∴ and B
C = CA + CB
= Rs (50,000 + 50 x + 0·00262 x2) + (8·455 × 106 − 80 x − 0·00175 x2)
= Rs (85,05,000 − 30 x + 0·00087 x2)
After taking this course the students should be able to
Select the suitability of site for a power plant.
Calculate performance of thermal power plant.
Propose ash handling, coal handling method in a thermal power plant.
Explain working principle of different types of power plant.
Calculate load factor, capacity factor, average load and peak load on a power plant.
Indicate safety aspects of power plants
1. (i) decrease, wear and tear, (ii) fixed, semi-fixed, running cost, (iii) more, (iv)
maximum demand
(v) units generated, (vi) early, (vii) smaller.
2. (i) does not depend upon, (ii) increased, (iii) increased, (iv) running.
1. What is the importance of interest on capital investment in calculating the
cost of electrical energy ?
2. What is the significance of depreciation in the economics of power generation ?
3. Why is fixed cost independent of maximum demand and units generated ?
4. How does high load factor reduce the variable load problems on the power station ?
UNIT - 8
Economic Analysis of power plant
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Terms and Definitions
7.3 Fixed Cost
7.4 Methods of Depreciation
7.4.1 Straight-line Depreciation
7.4.2 Sinking Fund Method
7.4.3 Declining Balance/Reducing Balance
7.4.4 Activity Depreciation
7.5 Operational Cost
7.5.1 Cost of Fuels
7.5.2 Labour Cost
7.5.3 Cost of Maintenance and Repairs
7.5.4 Cost of Stores
7.5.5 Supervision
7.5.6 Taxes
7.6 Economics in Plant Selection
7.7 Factors Affecting Economics of Generation and Distribution of Power
After the studying of this unit, you should be able to
know the costs associated with power generation,
describe the fixed and operational costs,
explain the economics of plant selection, and
Power demand )
Average load
Base load
Time (hours)
Figure 7.2 shows a typical daily load curve for a power station. It may be observed
that the maximum load on power station is 35 kW from 8 AM to 2 PM. This is
plotted in Figure 7.3. Similarly, other loads of the load curve are plotted in
descending order in the same figure. This is called load duration curve
(Figure 7.3).
35 kW
30 kW
3 kW
35 kW
30 kW
Load (kW)
24 kW
18 kW
3 kW
0 6 9 10 12 24
Time (hours)
Sum = N (N
1) 2
D (t) = (N t 1) (B
S) Sum
where, N = Depreciable life,
B = Cost basis,
S = Salvage value, and
D (t) = Depreciation charge for year t.
Taxes and Insurance.
Repairs are necessitated when the plant breaks down or stops due to faults developing in
the mechanism. The repairs may be minor, major or periodic overhauls and are charged
to the depreciation fund of the equipment. This item of cost is higher for thermal plants
than for hydro-plants due to complex nature of principal equipment and auxiliaries in the
7.5.5 Supervisions
In this head the salary of supervising staff is included. A good supervision is reflected in
lesser breakdowns and extended plant life. The supervising staff includes the station
superintendent, chief engineer, chemist, engineers, supervisors, stores incharges,
purchase officer and other establishment. Again, thermal stations, particularly coal fed,
have a greater incidence of this cost than the hydro-electric power stations.
7.5.6 Taxes
The taxes under operating head includes the following :
(a) Income tax
(b) Sales tax
(c) Social security and employee’s security, etc.
In case of steam power plants the choice of steam conditions such as throttle
pressure and temperature, is an important factor affecting operating costs and is,
therefore, very carefully made. As throttle pressure and temperature are raised
the capital cost increases but the cycle efficiency is increased. The advantages of
higher pressures and temperatures is generally not apparent below capacity of
10,000 kW unless fuel cost is very high.
Heat rates may be improved further through reheating and regeneration, but again
the capital cost of additional equipment has to be balanced against gain in
operating cost.
The use of heat reclaiming devices, such as air pre-heaters and economisers, has to
be considered from the point of economy in the consumption of fuel.
Internal Combustion Engine Plants
In this case also the selection of I.C. engines also depends on thermodynamic
considerations. The efficiency of the engine improves with compression ratio but
high pressures necessitate heavier construction of equipment which increases
The choice may also have to be made between four-stroke and two-stroke engines,
the former having higher thermal efficiency and the latter lower weight and cost.
The cost of the gas turbine power plant increases as the simple plant is modified
by inclusion of other equipment such as intercooler, regenerator, re-heater, etc.
but the gain in thermal efficiency and thereby a reduction in operating cost may
justify this additional expense in first cost.
Hydro-electric Power Plant
Advantages of Interconnection
Major advantages of interconnecting various power stations are :
(a) Increased reliability of supply.
(b) Reduction in total installed capacity.
(c) Economic operation.
(d) Operating savings.
(e) Low capital and maintenance costs.
(f) Peak loads of combined system can be carried at a much lower cost
than what is possible with small individual system.
Hydro-electric power station should be run at its maximum load continuously on all
Steam power station should be run in such a way that all its running units are
economically loaded.
Diesel power station should be worked for fluctuating loads or as a stand by.
A higher efficient station, if worked at low utilisation factor, may produce power at high unit cost.
The endeavour should be to load the most efficient and cheapest power producing stations to the
greatest extent possible. Such stations, called “base load stations” carry full load over 24 hours, i.e.
for three shifts of 8 hours.
The stations in the medium range of efficiency are operated only during the two shifts of 8
hours during 16 hours of average load.
The older or less efficient stations are used as peak or standby stations only, and are operated
rarely or for short periods of time.
Presently there is a tendency to use units of large capacities to reduce space costs and to handle larger
loads. However, the maximum economic benefit of large sets occurs only when these are run
continuously at near full load. Running of large sets for long periods at lower than maximum
continuous rating increase cost of unit generated.
Discuss the control methods of major pollutants emitted from fossil-fuel power plants.
Discuss the environmental impact of electric power production on air quality, climate change,
water, and land.
Perform the preliminary design of the major components or systems of a conventional or
alternate power plant
Select the heat transfer tubes needed for condensers and feed water heaters
Explain the blade shapes, and calculate work output of typical turbine stages.
Calculate the performance of gas turbines with reheat and regeneration, and discuss
the performance of combined cycle power plants
Understand the sources of energy and their contributions to the energy and power needs of
the nation and the world.
Understand the special engineering challenges of using each of these sources of energy
efficiently and environmentally effectively.
Understand the energy conversion systems for nuclear power plants, the
advantages/disadvantages (including overall environmental effects) of each type of present
plants, and those of the new Generation IV concepts.
Nuclear power is the use of sustained or controlled nuclear fission to generate heat and
do useful work. Nuclear Electric Plants, Nuclear Ships and Submarines use controlled nuclear
energy to heat water and produce steam, while in space, nuclear energy decays naturally
in a radioisotope thermoelectric generator. Scientists are experimenting with fusion energy for
Future generation, but these experiments do not currently generate useful energy.
Nuclear power provides about 6% of the world's energy and 13–14% of the world's
electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for about 50% of nuclear
generated electricity.
Also, more than 150 naval vessels using nuclear propulsion have been built. Just as
many conventional thermal power stations generate electricity by harnessing the thermal
energy released from burning fossil fuels, nuclear power plants convert the energy released
from the nucleus of an atom, typically via nuclear fission.
Nuclear reactor
1. Nuclear Fuel
Fuel of a nuclear reactor should be fissionable material which can be defined as an
element or isotope whose nuclei can be caused to undergo nuclear fission by nuclear
bombardment and to produce a fission chain reaction. It can be one or all of the following
233 235 239
U ,U and Pu .
234 35
Natural uranium found in earth crust contains three isotopes namely U , U2 and
U and their average percentage is as follows:
U - 99.3%
U - 0.7%
U - Trace
2. Moderator
In the chain reaction the neutrons produced are fast moving neutrons. These fast moving
neutrons are far less effective in causing the fission of U235 and try to escape from the
reactor. To improve the utilization of these neutrons their speed is reduced. It is done by
colliding them with the nuclei of other material which is lighter, does not capture the neutrons
but scatters them. Each such collision causes loss of energy, and the speed of the fast moving
neutrons is reduced. Such material is called Moderator. The slow neutrons (Thermal
Neutrons) so produced are easily captured by the nuclear fuel and the chain reaction proceeds
smoothly. Graphite, heavy water and beryllium are generally used as moderator
3. Control Rods
The Control and operation of a nuclear reactor is quite different from a fossil fuelled (coal or
oil fired) furnace. The energy produced in the reactor due to fission of nuclear fuel during
chain reaction is so much that if it is not controlled properly the entire core and surrounding
structure may melt and radioactive fission products may come out of the reactor thus making
it uninhabitable. This implies that we should have some means to control the power of reactor.
This is done by means of control rods.
Control rods in the cylindrical or sheet form are made of boron or cadmium. These rods
can be moved in and out of the holes in the reactor core assembly. Their insertion absorbs more
neutrons and damps down the reaction and their withdrawal absorbs less neutrons. Thus power of
reaction is controlled by shifting control rods which may be done manually or automatically.
4. Reflector
The neutrons produced during the fission process will be partly absorbed by the fuel
rods, moderator, coolant or structural material etc. Neutrons left unabsorbed will try to leave
the reactor core never to return to it and will be lost. Such losses should be minimized. It is
done by surrounding the reactor core by a material called reflector which will send the
neutrons back into the core. The returned neutrons can then cause more fission and improve
the neutrons economy of' the reactor.
Generally the reflector is made up of graphite and beryllium.
5. Reactor Vessel
It is a. strong walled container housing the cure of the power reactor. It contains
moderator, reflector, thermal shielding and control rods.
6. Biological Shielding
Shielding the radioactive zones in the reactor roan possible radiation hazard is essential
to protect, the operating men from the harmful effects. During fission of nuclear fuel, alpha
particles, beta particles, deadly gamma rays and neutrons are produced. Out of these gamma
rays are of main significance. A protection must be provided against them. Thick layers of
lead or concrete are provided round the reactor for stopping the gamma rays. Thick layers of
metals or plastics are sufficient to stop the alpha and beta particles.
7. Coolant
Coolant flows through and around the reactor core. It is used to transfer the large
amount of heat produced in the reactor due to fission of the nuclear fuel during chain reaction.
The coolant either transfers its heat to another medium or if the coolant used is water it takes up
the heat and gets converted into steam in the reactor which is directly sent to the turbine.
1. Need less space.
2. Fuel consumption is less and hence transportation and storage charges are low.
3. Well suited for large power demands.
4. Less work men required.
1. Capital cost is very high.
2. Radioactive wastes, if not disposed properly have adverse effect on environment.
3. Maintenance cost high.
1- Atmospheric Air
2- Compressed Atmospheric Air
3- Fuel air mixture after compression
4- Exhaust gases.
The heated gases coming out of combustion chamber are then passed to the turbine where
it expands doing mechanical work. Part of the power developed by the turbine is utilized in
driving the compressor and other accessories and remaining is used for power generation.
Since ambient air enters into the compressor and gases coming out of turbine are
exhausted into the atmosphere, the working medium must be replaced continuously. This type
of cycle is known as open cycle gas turbine plant and is mainly used in majority of gas turbine
power plants as it has many inherent advantages.
1. Warm-up time is very less.
2. Low weight and size.
3. Almost any hydrocarbon fuels can be used.
4. Open cycle plants occupy comparatively little space.
6. Very economical when compared to other plants.
7. Independent of separate cooling medium.
1. The part load efficiency of the open cycle plant decreases rapidly as the considerable
percentage of power developed by the turbine is used to drive the compressor.
2. The system is sensitive to the component efficiency; particularly that of compressor.
3. The open cycle plant is sensitive to changes in the atmospheric air temperature, pressure
and humidity.
3. The open-cycle gas turbine plant has high air rate compared to the other cycles.
4. It is essential that the dust should be prevented from entering into the compressor.
5. The deposition of the carbon and ash on the turbine blades is not at all desirable as it also
reduces the efficiency of the turbine.
In closed cycle gas turbine plant, the working fluid (air or any other suitable gas) coming
out from compressor is heated in a heater by an external source at constant pressure.
The high temperature and high-pressure air coming out from the external heater is passed
through the gas turbine. The fluid coming out from the turbine is cooled to its original
temperature in the cooler using external cooling source before passing to the compressor.
The working fluid is continuously used in the system without its change of phase and the
required heat is given to the working fluid in the heat exchanger.
1. The closed cycle plant is not sensitive to changes in the atmospheric air temperature,
pressure and humidity.
2. The closed cycle avoids erosion of the turbine blades due to the contaminated gases and
fouling of compressor blades due to dust.
3. The need for filtration of the incoming air which is a severe problem in open cycle plant is
completely eliminated.
4. Load variation is usually obtained by varying the absolute pressure and mass flow of the
circulating medium, while the pressure ratio, the temperatures and the air velocities remain
almost constant.
5. The density of the working medium can be maintained high by increasing internal pressure
range; therefore, the compressor and turbine are smaller for their rated output. The high density of
the working fluid further increases the heat transfer properties in the heat exchanger.
6. As indirect heating is used in closed cycle plant, the inferior oil or solid fuel can be used in
the furnace and these fuels can be used more economically because these are available in
8. The maintenance cost is low and reliability is high due to longer useful life.
1. The system is dependent on external means as considerable quantity of cooling water
is required in the pre-cooler.
2. Higher internal pressures involve complicated design of all components and high quality
material is required which increases the cost of the plant.
3. The response to the load variations is poor compared to the open-cycle plant.
4. It requires very big heat-exchangers as the heating of workings fluid is done indirectly.
MHD power generation is a new system of electric power generation which is said to
be of high efficiency and low pollution. In advanced countries MHD generator are widely
used but in developing countries li ke India it is still under construction. This construction
work is in progress at Tiruchirapalli in Tamilnadu under joint efforts of BARC (Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre), BHEL, Associated Cement Corporation and Russian technologist s.
As its name implies, magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) is concerned with the flow of
conducting fluid in presence of magnetic and electric field. This fluid may be gas at elevated
temperature or liquid metal like sodium or potassium.
A MHD generator is a device for converting heat energy of fuel directly into electric
energy without a conventional electric generator. The basic difference between conventional
generator and MHD generator is in the nature of conductor.
Principle of MHD Power Generation
If the ordinates of the chronological load curves are arranged in the descending order
of magnitude with the highest ordinates on left, a new type of load curve known as “load
duration curve” is obtained. If any point is taken on this curve then the abscissa of this point
will show the number of hours per year during which the load exceeds the value denoted by
its ordinate.
The lower part of the curve consisting of the loads which are to be supplied for almost
the whole number of hours in a year, represents the “Base Load”, while the upper part,
comprising loads which are required for relatively few hours per year, represents the “Peak
Know percentages and have understanding for magnitudes of energy and resources
Be able to effectively use Rankine Cycle analysis
Understand the differences between large quantities of fuel and waste vs. minuscule
quantities of each, but with high potential for causing harm or inconvenience
Assignments that demonstrate accomplishment of this outcome:
a) Problems assigned from text, with emphasis on the environmental effects
b) Special problems assigned regarding current events in the energy field
Evaluate cycle efficiency and performance of a gas cooled reactor power plant.
Classify different types of coupled vapor cycles and list the advantages of combined
cycles power plant.
List different types of fuels used in power plants and estimate their heating values
Development of academically excellent, culturally vibrant, socially responsible and globally
competent human resources.
To keep pace with advancements in knowledge and make the students competitive
and capable at the global level.
To create an environment for the students to acquire the right physical, intellectual,
emotional and moral foundations and shine as torch bearers of tomorrow's society.
To strive to attain ever-higher benchmarks of educational excellence.
To ensure state of-the- art facility for learning, skill development and research in
mechanical engineering.
PEO 1: Graduates will be able to have successful professional career in the allied
areas and be proficient to perceive higher education.
PEO 2: Graduates will attain the technical ability to understand the need analysis,
design, manufacturing, quality changing and analysis of the product.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge
to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member
or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
PSO 4: To exhibit honesty, integrity, and conduct oneself responsibly, ethically and legally,
holding the safety and welfare of the society paramount.
UNIT - 1
Steam Power Plant:
Different types of fuels used for steam generation, Equipment for burning coal in lump form,
strokers, different types, Oil burners, Advantages and Disadvantages of using pulverised fuel,
Equipment for preparation and burning of pulverised coal, unit system and bin system.
Pulverised fuel furnaces, cyclone furnace. 7 Hours
UNIT - 2
Coal, Ash Handling and Different Types of Boilers :
Coal and Ash handling, Generation of steam using forced circulation, high and supercritical
pressures, A brief account of LaMount, Benson, Velox, Schmidt, Loeffer and Ramson steam
generators. 6 Hours
UNIT - 3
Chimneys, Accessories for the Steam Generator Cooling Towers And Ponds: Natural,
forced, induced and balanced draft, Calculations involving height of chimney to produce a
given draft. Accessories For The Steam Generator such as super-heaters, desuperheater,
control of super heaters, Economisers, Air Pre-heaters Study of different types of cooling
towers and ponds. 6 Hours
UNIT - 4
Diesel Engine and Gas Turbine Power Plant:
Method of starting diesel engines, Cooling and lubrication system for the diesel engine.
Filters, centrifuges, Oil heaters, Intake and exhaust system, Layout of a diesel power
plant.Advantages and disadvantages of the gas turbine plant, Open and closed cycle turbine
plants with the accessories. 7 Hours
UNIT - 5
Hydro-Electric Plants: Storage and pondage, flow duration and mass curves, hydrographs,
Low, medium and high head plants, pumped storage plants, Penstock, water hammer, surge
tanks, gates and valves, power house, general layout. A brief description of some of the
important Hydel Installations in India. 7 Hours
UNIT - 6
Nuclear Power Plant: Principles of release of nuclear energy Fusion and fission reactions.
Nuclear fuels used in the reactors. Multiplication and thermal utilization factors. Elements of
the Nuclear reactor, Moderator, control rod, fuel rods, coolants. Brief description of reactors
of the following types - Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, Sodium graphite
reactor, Homogeneous graphite reactor and gas cooled reactor, Radiation hazards,
Radioactive waste disposal. 7 Hours
UNIT - 7
Choice of site for power station, load estimation, load duration curve, load factor, capacity
factor, use factor, diversity factor, demand factor, Effect of variable load on power plant,
selection of the number and size of units. 6 Hours
UNIT - 8
Economic Analysis of power plant: Cost of energy production, selection of plant and
generating equipment, performance and operating characteristics of power plants, tariffs for
electrical energy. 6 Hours
1. Power Plant Engineering, P.K Nag, 3rd Ed. Tata McGraw Hill2nd ed 2001,
2. Power Plant Engineering. Morse F.T., Van Nstrand.1998
1. Water Power Engg., Edition 3, Barrows, TMH, New Delhi. 1998
2. Plant Engg. Hand Book, Stanier, McGraw Hill. 1998
3. Hydraulic Machines, Jagadish Lal, Metropollitan Co 1996.
4. Principles of Energy Conversion, A.W. Culp Jr., McGraw Hill. 1996
5. Power Plant Technology, M.M. EL-Wakil, McGraw Hill, International. 1994
6. Power Station Engg. Economics, Skrotizke and V opat. 1994
7. Power Plant Engineering, Domakundawar, Dhanpath Rai sons.2003