Report On Summer Training at NSPCL by Aniket Suman
Report On Summer Training at NSPCL by Aniket Suman
Report On Summer Training at NSPCL by Aniket Suman
NSPCL (NTPC-SAIL Power Company Limited) is a joint venture company of NTPC limited and SAIL to
generate power for various steel plants throughout India.NTPC and SAIL joined forces in March 2001 and
took over a captive power plant (consisting of 2*60 MW generators) located at the Durgapur Steel Plant and
another (also 2*60 MW ) at the Rourkela Steel Plant.
NTPC formed another joint venture company with SAIL on in March 2002 in the name of Bhilai Electric
Supply Company Ltd.(BESCL).BESCL took over a captive power plant (comprising 2*30 MW generators)
located at the Bhilai Steel Plant from SAIL.Effective 11 September 2006,BESCL became part of
NSPCL.Since 2006,NSPCL has provided all power required by the Bhilai,Durgapur and Rourkela steel
plants.To meet growing demands,NSPCL commissioned an expansion project at Bhilai comprising two
250MW generators during 2008-2009,and brought the units online in 2009-2010.Additional growth to
generate an additional 1750MW is anticipated at other SAIL facilities.
NTPC Durgapur is located near Waria railway station,5 km from Durgapur city in West Bengal.The power
plant is one of the coal based power plants of Durgapur.
Its objective is to supply power to Durgapur Steel Plant of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) from its
coal based captive power plant-II at Durgapur (West Bengal) 2*60 MW on captive basis.
Chapter 2
A thermal power plant is based on the Rankine Cycle.A plant layout study is an engineering study used to
analyze different physical configurations for an manufacturing plant.It is also known as Facilities Planning
and layout. A thermal power station is one that takes chemical energy and forms heat (thermal) and
then converts that heat into electrical energy. Here, the prime mover is mainly steam driven. Water is
heated, turns into steam and spins a steam turbine which drives an electrical generator. After the steam
passes through the turbine, the steam is condensed in a condenser. This principle is known as Rankine
Chapter 3
A power plant should be located as near the load centre as possible.This reduces the transmission costs and
losses in transmission.
Steam stations need lot of space for installation of equipment and storage of fuel.The cost of land near a load
centre may be very high as compared to that at a remote place.In addition to the fixed cost on the capital
invested in real estate,the taxes on land should be taken into account.
Steam stations need lot of coal every day.The site should be such that coal can be transported easily from
mines to the plant.It has been seen often that the railways are used to deliver coal from coal mines to the coal
yards of the plant.
An ample supply of water must be available for condenser cooling water.Thus,sites adjacent to large bodies
of water are preferable.Alternatively tube wells and cooling towers have to be installed and their cost must
be taken into account.
A steam station produces huge quantity of ash.A site where ash can be disposed off easily will naturally be
The generating stations should be located in different areas of the state so that reliability of supply is good at
all points.
A site near a load centre may be objectionable from the point of view of noise and pollution.(Ref. 1)
Chapter 4
Coal,the most abundant fossil fuel,was formed by the decomposition of vegetation which was buried under
the earth million of years ago.The conversion of vegetation into coal requires ages of time.Coal contains
moisture,carbon,hydrogen,sulphur,nitrogen,oxygen and ash.Semi-bituminuous coal has properties in
between those of bituminous and anthracite coal and is widely used in power plants.Its calorific value is
about 27000kJ/Kg.
The selection of coal for a power plant depends on a number of factors.Some of them are:
It represents the amount of energy in a given mass.Coal with a higher calorific value is,obviously,preferable.
4.1.2 Weatherability:
Sulphur is one of the combustible elements in the coal and produces energy.However its primary combustion
product,sulphur dioxide,is a health hazard.It is difficult and expensive to remove sulphur from the coal or to
remove sulphur dioxide from the combustion products.
The grindability index is inversely proportional to the power required to grind the coal to a certain
fineness.Coal with a high grindability index is preferable.
Ash is an impurity,produces no heat and must be removed from the furnace and disposed off.
Coal must be reduced to small size (approx 20 mm) to promote rapid and complete combustion.(Ref. 1)
Chapter 5
Coals, from colliery, come to the loco wagon by rail and road. From rail wagon, coal is tripped by using
wagon tippler to the coal hopper. The hopper is equipped with the vibrator which places the coal on the
conveyer in a controlled manner. The hopper does not allow the larger sized coals to pass through and they
are needed to be broken manually using a hammer. The conveyer, carrying the coal from hopper, allows it to
fall through a chute (generally telescopic) when dozing operation is done. Then it falls through another
hopper & the 2nd conveyor belt carries the coal to the crusher. The capacity of the belt is 250 tons/hr.
In the crusher the coal is broken into pieces of dimension of about 25mm when the ring hammers suspended
from the suspension bars of the rotors heat the coal on the breaker plate mounted on cage frame in the
crusher body. Ring hammers may be teethed or plain. The teethed ones guide the coal & plain ones break
them.The crusher rotor has 84 no. of ring hammers with equal no of each type. Crushed coal is supplied by
the conveyor belt to 6 bunkers. From bunkers coal is supplied to the coal feeder which controls the amount
of coal supplied to the mill. There are suspension magnets to the separate magnetic material from coal before
feed into mills.
Fig.5.3 Crushed coal
The coal is put in the boiler after pulverization.For this pulverizer is used.A pulverizer is a device for
grinding coal for combustion in a furnace in a power plant.
Ball mill is a pulverizer that consists of a horizontal rotating cylinder, up to three diameters in length,
containing a charge of tumbling or cascading steel balls, pebbles, or rods.Tube mill is a revolving cylinder of
up to five diameters in length used for fine pulverization of ore, rock, and other such materials; the material,
mixed with water, is fed into the chamber from one end, and passes out the other end as slime.
This type consists of two rings separated by a series of large balls. The lower ring rotates, while the upper
ring presses down on the balls via a set of spring and adjuster assemblies. Coal is introduced into the center
or side of the pulverizer (depending on the design) and is ground as the lower ring rotates causing the balls
to orbit between the upper and lower rings. The coal is carried out of the mill by the flow of air moving
through it. The size of the coal particals released from the grinding section of the mill is determined by a
classifer separator. These mills are typically produced by B&W (Babcock and Wilcox).
In unit-4, 5 out of 8 mills are always in service. The purpose of coal mill is to pulverize the coal employing
in 3- heavy rollers in each mill. The pulverized coal is flown away by the primary air & injected in the
furnace. For better combustion pulverized coal is preheated by primary air. Cold primary air is used to
prevent over heating & burning of coal in the mill. In the furnace, first oil is burnt by using a spark plug for
initiation & then coal firing is started & when coal starts burning, oil firing is withdrawn.NTPC Durgapur
has ball ring type pulverizer.
From bunker, the coal comes to the coal feeders to protect the mill (Pulverizer) from large size stones or
metallic impurities.
Conveyor belts are used to carry the coal, first, from wagon tippler to the raw coal yard, then from raw coal
yard to crusher house, and from crash coal yard to the coal bunker. The belts rest over rollers. The rollers are
placed in a “V” shape in forward direction, and flat rollers are used in reverse direction. A Dead weight is
hanged from two pulleys to allow the extension and contraction of the belt.
Chapter 6
The water coming from the station service pump is first passed through a multi stage surface spreader. As a
result of this, the water gets more surface contact with the air and atmosphere and so more air is dissolved
into it.The water is then mixed with Chlorine to kill the harmful bacteria. This mixing process is done with
great care as excess amount of chlorine is harmful for both machines and humans.While water from S.S
pump flows to clarifier bed,chlorine gas is added to water with continuous stream of water which flows
through a pipeline. In the pipeline,there is a nozzle and when water flows through the nozzle, pressure falls
at the outlet of the nozzle.This pressure (or lack of it) is the driving force to carry chlorine from its storage.
After this, Alum is fed into this water. The alum mixes with low density particles to form slag which floats
on the surface of water. First, Alum is mixed with water to prepare a solution in a tank with motor driven
stirrers. Then, this solution is mixed with water flowing through S.S Pump to clarifier. Then the filter is sent
to respective pumps for distribution.After this, the water is taken to clarifier bed where coagulation and
precipitation of suspended particles occur. The water is then sent to Sand filled gravity filters, where it gets
filtrated with the help of filter beds made of sand, gravels etc. The filtrated water is then supplied to different
fields by various pumps for demineralisation.
This Plant is used to remove all the minerals in the form of silicates chlorides and sulphates from the water.
These salts are responsible for the hardness of the water. If they are not removed, then they form scales on
the surface. Maintaining the PH level is also one of the important reasons of demineralization. It is the last
step, through which water passes before reaching the demineralized water tank. The steps are as follows:
It is a closed tank, that has activated carbon within, that absorb residual chlorine and other non volatile gases
present in the water. It has three steps, backwash, rinse and Service.
7.2 Cationic Exchanger:
As the name suggests, it exchanges cation (Ca++ and Mg++ ion) present in the water in the form of their
salts with H+ ions.The exchanger is fed with Resin (R-SO3-H). As Water comes in contact with it,
the hydrogen ion of resin gets replaced with calcium or magnesium ions resulting in free hydrogen
ion, that causes the water to be slightly acidic.
After some period, the resin gets deactivated due to replacement of all the hydrogen atoms. At that
time Sulphuric Acid or Hydrochloric Acid is needed to be added to activate the resin back.
After this, water is sent for service. So Cationic exchanger has four steps, Backwash, Regeneration,
Rinse, and Service.
7.3 Anionic Exchanger:
This exchanger works similarly like a cationic exchanger except that it removes anions like chlorides,
sulphates, silicates etc. The functional group of resin here is OH. Like cationic exchanger, it also has 4
steps, i.e. Backwash, Regeneration, Rinse and Service.
In actual practice, both the cationic and anionic exchangers are not able to completely remove the
cationic and anionic parts, therefore a further processing is needed in the form of a mixed bed which
removes both the cationic and anionic part. This bed contains both type of resins.
In reality, completely 100% pure water is not achievable but however a certain industrial level of purity
and quality is maintained that is Ph of 6.8,zero hardness,silica level 0.01 ppm.
Now the water is stored in a storage tank called Degassed tank,from here it is feed to the boiler for the
further processes.
Chapter 8
Now that pulverized coal is put in boiler furnance.Boiler is an enclosed vessel in which water is heated and
circulated until the water is turned in to steam at the required pressure.
Coal is burned inside the combustion chamber of boiler.The products of combustion are nothing but
gases.These gases which are at high temperature vaporize the water inside the boiler to steam.Some times
this steam is further heated in a superheater as higher the steam pressure and temperature the greater
efficiency the engine will have in converting the heat in steam in to mechanical work. This steam at high
pressure and tempeture is used directly as a heating medium, or as the working fluid in a prime mover to
convert thermal energy to mechanical work, which in turn may be converted to electrical energy. Although
other fluids are sometimes used for these purposes, water is by far the most common because of its economy
and suitable thermodynamic characteristics.
In fire tube boilers hot gases are passed through the tubes and water surrounds these tubes. These are
simple,compact and rugged in construction.Depending on whether the tubes are vertical or horizontal these
are further classified as vertical and horizontal tube boilers.In this since the water volume is more,circulation
will be poor.So they can't meet quickly the changes in steam demand.High pressures of steam are not
possible,maximum pressure that can be attained is about 17.5kg/sq cm.Due to large quantity of water in the
drain it requires more time for steam raising.The steam attained is generally wet,economical for low
pressures.The outut of the boiler is also limited.
In these boilers water is inside the tubes and hot gases are outside the tubes.They consists of drums and
tubes.They may contain any number of drums. Feed water enters the boiler to one drum (here it is drum
below the boiler).This water circulates through the tubes connected external to drums.Hot gases which
surrounds these tubes wil convert the water in tubes in to steam.This steam is passed through tubes and
collected at the top of the drum since it is of light weight.So the drums store steam and water (upper
drum).The entire steam is collected in one drum and it is taken out from there.As the movement of water in
the water tubes is high, so rate of heat transfer also becomes high resulting in greater efficiency.They
produce high pressure , easily accessible and can respond quickly to changes in steam demand.These are
also classified as vertical,horizontal and inclined tube depending on the arrangement of the tubes.These are
of less weight and less liable to explosion.Large heating surfaces can be obtained by use of large number of
tubes.We can attain pressure as high as 125 kg/sq cm and temperatures from 315 to 575 centigrade. (Ref. 2)
NTPC Durgapur has two water tube boilers and total boiler drum length is 11 m.Each of them is situated at
height of 52m from the ground.
Table no.1: Boiler Drum Specifications
Thickness 100mm
The remaining heat of flue gases is utilised by air preheater.It is a device used in steam boilers to transfer
heat from the flue gases to the combustion air before the air enters the furnace. Also known as air heater; air-
heating system. It is not shown in the lay out.But it is kept at a place near by where the air enters in to the
boiler. The purpose of the air preheater is to recover the heat from the flue gas from the boiler to improve
boiler efficiency by burning warm air which increases combustion efficiency, and reducing useful heat lost
from the flue. As a consequence, the gases are also sent to the chimney or stack at a lower temperature,
allowing simplified design of the ducting and stack. It also allows control over the temperature of gases
leaving the stack (to meet emissions regulations, for example).After extracting heat flue gases are passed to
elctrostatic precipitator.NTPC Durgapur has regenerative type of air preheater.
8.3 Economiser :
Flue gases coming out of the boiler carry lot of heat.Function of economiser is to recover some of the heat
from the heat carried away in the flue gases up the chimney and utilize for heating the feed water to the
boiler.It is placed in the passage of flue gases in between the exit from the boiler and the entry to the
chimney.The use of economiser results in saving in coal consumption,increase in steaming rate and high
boiler efficiency but needs extra investment and increase in maintenance costs and floor area required for the
plant.This is used in all modern plants.In this a large number of small diameter thin walled tubes are placed
between two headers.Feed water enters the tube through one header and leaves through the other.The flue
gases flow outside the tubes usually in counter flow.
Fig.8.4 Economiser
8.4 Superheater:
Most of the modern boliers are having superheater and reheater arrangement. Superheater is a component of
a steam-generating unit in which steam,after it has left the boiler drum, is heated above its saturation
temperature. The amount of superheat added to the steam is influenced by the location, arrangement, and
amount of superheater surface installed, as well as the rating of the boiler. The superheater may consist of
one or more stages of tube banks arranged to effectively transfer heat from the products of
combustion.Superheaters are classified as convection , radiant or combination of these.
Fig.8.5 Superheater
It is a device which removes dust or other finely divided particles from flue gases by charging the particles
inductively with an electric field, then attracting them to highly charged collector plates. Also known as
precipitator. The process depends on two steps. In the first step the suspension passes through an electric
discharge (corona discharge) area where ionization of the gas occurs. The ions produced collide with the
suspended particles and confer on them an electric charge. The charged particles drift toward an electrode of
opposite sign and are deposited on the electrode where their electric charge is neutralized. The phenomenon
would be more correctly designated as electrodeposition from the gas phase.
The use of electrostatic precipitators has become common in numerous industrial applications. Among the
advantages of the electrostatic precipitator are its ability to handle large volumes of gas, at elevated
temperatures if necessary, with a reasonably small pressure drop, and the removal of particles in the
micrometer range. Some of the usual applications are: (1) removal of dirt from flue gases in steam plants; (2)
cleaning of air to remove fungi and bacteria in establishments producing antibiotics and other drugs, and in
operating rooms; (3) cleaning of air in ventilation and air conditioning systems; (4) removal of oil mists in
machine shops and acid mists in chemical process plants; (5) cleaning of blast furnace gases; (6) recovery of
valuable materials such as oxides of copper, lead, and tin; and (7) separation of rutile from zirconium sand.
Fig.8.6 ESP
8.6 Condenser :
Steam after rotating steam turbine comes to condenser.Condenser refers here to the shell and tube heat
exchanger (or surface condenser) installed at the outlet of every steam turbine in Thermal power stations of
utility companies generally. These condensers are heat exchangers which convert steam from its gaseous to
its liquid state, also known as phase transition. In so doing, the latent heat of steam is given out inside the
condenser. Where water is in short supply an air cooled condenser is often used. An air cooled condenser is
however significantly more expensive and cannot achieve as low a steam turbine backpressure (and
therefore less efficient) as a surface condenser.
The purpose is to condense the outlet (or exhaust) steam from steam turbine to obtain maximum efficiency
and also to get the condensed steam in the form of pure water, otherwise known as condensate, back to
steam generator or (boiler) as boiler feed water.
The steam turbine itself is a device to convert the heat in steam to mechanical power. The difference
between the heat of steam per unit weight at the inlet to turbine and the heat of steam per unit weight at the
outlet to turbine represents the heat given out (or heat drop) in the steam turbine which is converted to
mechanical power. The heat drop per unit weight of steam is also measured by the word enthalpy drop.
Therefore the more the conversion of heat per pound (or kilogram) of steam to mechanical power in the
turbine, the better is its performance or otherwise known as efficiency. By condensing the exhaust steam of
turbine, the exhaust pressure is brought down below atmospheric pressure from above atmospheric pressure,
increasing the steam pressure drop between inlet and exhaust of steam turbine. This further reduction in
exhaust pressure gives out more heat per unit weight of steam input to the steam turbine, for conversion to
mechanical power. Most of the heat liberated due to condensing, i.e., latent heat of steam, is carried away by
the cooling medium. (water inside tubes in a surface condenser, or droplets in a spray condenser (Heller
system) or air around tubes in an air-cooled condenser).
Condensers are classified as (i) Jet condensers or contact condensers (ii) Surface condensers.
In jet condensers the steam to be condensed mixes with the cooling water and the temperature of the
condensate and the cooling water is same when leaving the condenser; and the condensate can't be recovered
for use as feed water to the boiler; heat transfer is by direct conduction.
In surface condensers there is no direct contact between the steam to be condensed and the circulating
cooling water. There is a wall interposed between them through heat must be convectively transferred.The
temperature of the condensate may be higher than the temperature of the cooling water at outlet and the
condnsate is recovered as feed water to the boiler.Both the cooling water and the condensate are separetely
with drawn.Because of this advantage surface condensers are used in thermal power plants.Final output of
condenser is water at low temperature is passed to high pressure feed water heater,it is heated and again
passed as feed
water to the boiler.Since we are passing water at high temperature as feed water the temperature inside the
boiler does not decrease and boiler efficiency also maintained.
Fig.8.7 Condenser
8.7 Cooling tower:
The condensate (water) formed in the condeser after condensation is initially at high temperature.This hot
water is passed to cooling towers.It is a tower- or building-like device in which atmospheric air (the heat
receiver) circulates in direct or indirect contact with warmer water (the heat source) and the water is thereby
cooled. A cooling tower may serve as the heat sink in a conventional thermodynamic process, such as
refrigeration or steam power generation, and when it is convenient or desirable to make final heat rejection
to atmospheric air. Water, acting as the heat-transfer fluid, gives up heat to atmospheric air, and thus cooled,
is recirculated through the system, affording economical operation of the process.
Two basic types of cooling towers are commonly used.One transfers the heat from warmer water to cooler
air mainly by an evaporation heat-transfer process and is known as the evaporative or wet cooling tower.
Evaporative cooling towers are classified according to the means employed for producing air circulation
through them:atmospheric, natural draft, and mechanical draft. The other transfers the heat from warmer
water to cooler air by a sensible heat-transfer process and is known as the non evaporative or dry cooling
Nonevaporative cooling towers are classified as air-cooled condensers and as air-cooled heat exchangers,
and are further classified by the means used for producing air circulation through them. These two basic
types are sometimes combined, with the two cooling processes generally used in parallel or separately, and
are then known as wet-dry cooling towers.
Evaluation of cooling tower performance is based on cooling of a specified quantity of water through a given
range and to a specified temperature approach to the wet-bulb or dry-bulb temperature for which the tower is
designed. Because exact design conditions are rarely experienced in operation, estimated performance
curves are frequently prepared for a specific installation, and provide a means for comparing the measured
performance with design conditions.
8.8 Turbine:
A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam, and converts it
into rotary motion. Because the turbine generates rotary motion, it is particularly suited to be used to drive
an electrical generator – about 80% of all electricity generation in the world is by use of steam turbines. The
steam turbine is a form of heat engine that derives much of its improvement in thermodynamic efficiency
through the use of multiple stages in the expansion of the steam, which results in a closer approach to the
Non condensing or backpressure turbines are most widely used for process steam applications. The exhaust
pressure is controlled by a regulating valve to suit the needs of the process steam pressure. These are
commonly found at refineries, district heating units, pulp and paper plants, and desalination facilities.
Condensing turbines are most commonly found in electrical power plants. These turbines exhaust steam in a
partially condensed state, typically of a quality near 90%, at a pressure well below atmospheric to a
Reheat turbines are also used almost exclusively in electrical power plants. In a reheat turbine, steam flow
exits from a high pressure section of the turbine and is returned to the boiler where additional superheat is
added. The steam then goes back into an intermediate pressure section of the turbine and continues its
Extracting type turbines are common in all applications. In an extracting type turbine, steam is released from
various stages of the turbine, and used for industrial process needs or sent to boiler feedwater heaters to
improve overall cycle efficiency. Extraction flows may be controlled with a valve, or left uncontrolled.
Induction turbines introduce low pressure steam at an intermediate stage to produce additional power.
To maximize turbine efficiency the steam is expanded, generating work, in a number of stages. These stages
are characterized by how the energy is extracted from them and are known as either impulse or reaction
turbines. Most steam turbines use a mixture of the reaction and impulse designs: each stage behaves as either
one or the other, but the overall turbine uses both. Typically, higher pressure sections are impulse type and
lower pressure stages are reaction type.
An impulse turbine has fixed nozzles that orient the steam flow into high speed jets. These jets contain
significant kinetic energy, which the rotor blades, shaped like buckets, convert into shaft rotation as the
steam jet changes direction.As the steam flows through the nozzle its pressure falls from inlet pressure to the
exit pressure (atmospheric pressure, or more usually, the condenser vacuum). Due to this higher ratio of
expansion of steam in the nozzle the steam leaves the nozzle with a very high velocity. The steam leaving
the moving blades is a large portion of the maximum velocity of the steam when leaving the nozzle. The loss
of energy due to this higher exit velocity is commonly called the "carry over velocity" or "leaving loss"
Fig.8.11 Turbine
In the reaction turbine, the rotor blades themselves are arranged to form convergent nozzles. This type of
turbine makes use of the reaction force produced as the steam accelerates through the nozzles formed by the
rotor. Steam is directed onto the rotor by the fixed vanes of the stator. It leaves the stator as a jet that fills the
entire circumference of the rotor. The steam then changes direction and increases its speed relative to the
speed of the blades. A pressure drop occurs across both the stator and the rotor, with steam accelerating
through the stator and decelerating through the rotor, with no net change in steam velocity across the stage
but with a decrease in both pressure and temperature, reflecting the work performed in the driving of the
When warming up a steam turbine for use, the main steam stop valves (after the boiler) have a bypass line to
allow superheated steam to slowly bypass the valve and proceed to heat up the lines in the system along with
the steam turbine. Also a turning gear is engaged when there is no steam to the turbine to slowly rotate the
turbine to ensure even heating to prevent uneven expansion. After first rotating the turbine by the turning
gear, allowing time for the rotor to assume a straight plane (no bowing), then the turning gear is disengaged .
Problems with turbines are now rare and maintenance requirements are relatively small. Any imbalance of
the rotor can lead to vibration, which in extreme cases can lead to a blade letting go and punching straight
through the casing. It is, however, essential that the turbine be turned with dry steam. If water gets into the
steam and is blasted onto the blades (moisture carryover) rapid impingement and erosion of the blades can
occur, possibly leading to imbalance and catastrophic failure. Also, water entering the blades will likely
result in the destruction of the thrust bearing for the turbine shaft. To prevent this, along with controls and
baffles in the boilers to ensure high quality steam, condensate drains are installed in the steam piping leading
to the turbine.(Ref. 4)
8.9 Alternator:
An alternator is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to alternating current electrical
energy. The A.C Generator or alternator is based upon the principle of electromagnetic induction & consists
a stationary part called Stator & a rotating part called Rotor. The armature windings are placed in the stator.
Field winding is placed in the Rotor & DC supply is given to the field winding. When rotor is rotated, the
lines of magnetic flux (viz magnetic field) cut through the stator windings. This induces an electromagnetic
force (e.m.f) in the stator windings.
f = Frequency in Hz = P n/120
P = Number of poles. For same frequency increase in number of poles decrease the
machine speed & vice versa. Hence low speed hydro turbines have 14 to 20 poles & high speed steam
turbines have generally 2 poles.
There are three basic requirements for the generation of voltage /e.m.f / electricity. These are magnetism,
motion and conductors. When a coil moves relative to a magnetic field, a voltage is produced; generation
systems are based on this concept.
When a conductor cuts through a magnetic field, a current is produced in that conductor. These two concepts
are very closely connected. Keep in mind that it makes no difference if the magnetic field is stationary and
the conductor moves or whether the conductor is stationary and the magnetic field moves. The important
aspect is that there is relative motion/ there must be a relative motion between two windings of the
The simplest generator consists of a loop of wire rotating between two permanent magnet poles. An AC
synchronous generator is significantly more complex than the simple generator of a wire loop rotating
between two permanent magnets. An AC synchronous generator consists of four main components and/or
systems field (rotor),armature (stator),exciter and automatic Voltage Regulator.
Essentially the process of generating voltage goes in the following order. The exciter provides DC current to
the rotor windings. DC current through these wires creates magnetic flux. Magnetic flux generates an AC
voltage in the nearby stator windings when there is relative motion between the two. The regulator then
senses this output and controls the exciter current. In generators, the rotor (the source of the magnetic field)
rotates inside a stationary armature called a stator. One reason for using a stationary armature and a rotating
magnetic field is the difficulty of taking 3-phase current from a rotating armature. The rotor is rotated by a
prime mover. The Turbine has been used as a prime mover for Generators; that is why it is called as TG
(Turbo Generator).
The rotor contains magnetic poles with windings wrapped around them to form coils. These coils are called
field coils or field windings because they create a magnetic field when excited with a DC current. Typically,
the generator field windings contain many turns. A magnetic field radiates out from the rotor as lines of
magnetic flux. As the rotor rotates, so does the magnetic field. When this moving magnetic field comes
across a stator winding, an AC voltage is produced. The magnetic field is strongest at the center of the north
and south poles where the lines of magnetic flux are concentrated. Therefore, the closer a pole is to a stator
winding, the higher the voltage produced in that stator winding. It is important to note voltage is a function
of flux change per time, not only the proximity to the field.
Fig.8.13 An Alternator
Parameter Rating
RPM 3000
Insulation Class F
Rotor voltage 186.6 V
Phase connection Y
Frequency 50 Hz
In a boiler it is essential to supply a controlled amount of air to the furnace for effective combustion of fuel
and to evacuate hot gases formed in the furnace through the various heat transfer area of the boiler. This can
be done by using a chimney or mechanical device such as fans which acts as pump.(Ref. 3)
8.10.1 Natural draught
When the required flow of air and flue gas through a boiler can be obtained by the stack (chimney) alone, the
system is called natural draught. When the gas within the stack is hot, its specific weight will be less than the
cool air outside; therefore the unit pressure at the base of stack resulting from weight of the column of hot
gas within the stack will be less than the column of extreme cool air. The difference in the pressure will
cause a flow of gas through opening in base of stack. Also the chimney is form of nozzle, so the pressure at
top is very small and gases flow from high pressure to low pressure at the top.
Forced draught: – In this system a fan called Forced draught fan is installed at the inlet of the boiler.
This fan forces the atmospheric air through the boiler furnace and pushes out the hot gases from the
furnace through superheater, reheater, economiser and air heater to stacks.
Induced draught: – Here a fan called ID fan is provided at the outlet of boiler, that is, just before the
chimney. This fan sucks hot gases from the furnace through the superheaters, economiser, reheater
and discharges gas into the chimney. This results in the furnace pressure lower than atmosphere and
affects the flow of air from outside to the furnace.
Balanced draught:-In this system both FD fan and ID fan are provided. The FD fan is utilized to
draw control quantity of air from atmosphere and force the same into furnace. The ID fan sucks the
product of combustion from furnace and discharges into chimney. The point where draught is zero is
called balancing point.
The furnace is a dry bottom furnace characterized by a huge amount of fly ash (about 80%) removed
by the suction of Induced Duct fan (I.D Fan) and about 20% bottom ash that falls through furnace
bottom. The exit temperature of gases must be less than ash fusion temperature. Different components of
ash handling plant are ash hopper, scraper conveyor, clinker grinder, Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP),
flushing apparatus, sump, ash slurry pump, ash pond, etc.The various processes that take place in Ash
Handling Plant are:
8.11.1 Removal of Bottom-Ash: The ash collected in bottom hopper is quenched by spraying water
andcontinuously discharging water through impounded scraper conveyor. The ash is then transported to
respective clinker grinder to reduce the lump size.
The crushed ash falls below ash sluice trench and then transported to ash slurry pump by gravity associated
with high pressure water jet.
8.11.2 Removal of fly-Ash: Fly ash collected in each of the E.S.P hopper, economizer hopper, air pre
heater hopper and stack hopper drops continuously toflushing apparatus where water mixes with
ash and the resulting slurry drops into ash sluice trench. The ash slurry is later transported to ash slurry
sump in the same way as bottom ash.
8.11.3 Disposal of Ash Slurry: Three ash slurry pumps have provided for disposal of slurry sump to the
disposal area .Each set comprise two stage of pumping. Two streams of disposal pipe lines of 250dia and
length about 3 km are provided for three slurry pump sets, out of which one pipe line will be stand by.
Chapter 9
Fig.9.1 Switchyard
Current transformer
Lightening arrestor
Earthing switch
Wave traps
Power transformers
Bus reactor
Circuit Breaker
9.1.1 Isolator
9.1.2 CT
To step-down the
high magnitude of
current to a safe value to
protection .
Fig. 9.3 Current Transformer
It provides a simple, inexpensive and yet accurate means of sensing current flow in power conductors.
9.1.3 CVT
The Capacitor Voltage Transformer (CVT) is used for supplying voltage signal to the measuring
instruments and protective relays.
This is also used as coupling capacitor for Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC).
o Primary voltage is applied to a series of capacitors group. The voltage across one of the
capacitor is taken to Aux PT. The secondary of the Aux PT is taken for measurement and
• To discharge the high voltage surges in the power system due to Lightning to the ground.
• Not in circuit in normal operation.
The earthing screen and ground wires can well protect the electrical system against direct lightning strockes
but they fail to provide protection against travelling waves which may reach the terminal apparatus . The
lightning arresters or surge diverters provide protection against such surges.
A lightning arresters or surge diverter is a protective device which conducts the high voltage surges on the
power system to the ground.
It consists of a spark gap in series with a non linear resistor. One end of diverter is connected to the terminal
of the equipment to be protected and the other end is effectively grounded. The length of gap is so set that
normal line voltage is not enough to cause an arc across the gap but a dangerously high voltage will break
down the air insulation and form an arc. The property of non linear resistance is that its resistance decreases
as the voltage (or current) increase and vice-versa.
A lightning arrestor is used for to protect the insulation on system from damaging effect of lighting. When a
lighting surge travels down the power system to the arrestor, the current from surge is diverted to ground and
the system is protected.
Used To ground the Sections required for
maintenance .
9.1.6 Wavetrap
Wave trap is used for protection of the transmission lines and communication & data
transmission between the Substations.
Sends inter-trip signal to the other end CBs so that fault can be isolated at the earliest time.
Device capable of making and breaking an electrical circuit under normal and abnormal conditions.Main
Parts of a Circuit Breaker :-
Fixed Contact
Movable Contact
Oil CB
Air Blast CB
Vacuum CB
Circuit breakers are mechanical devices designed to close or open contact members, thus closing or opening
of an electrical circuit under normal or abnormal conditions.Automatic circuit breakers, which are usually
employed for the protection of electrical circuits, are equipped with a trip coil connected to a relay or other
means, designed to open the breaker automatically under abnormal condition, such as over current. The
automatic circuit breakers perform the following duties:
(d) It makes and brakes the shorts-circuits currents of magnitude upto which it designed.
When a number of lines operating at the same voltage have to be directly connected electrically, bus bars are
used as the common electrical component. Bus bars are copper or aluminium bars ( generally of rectangular
X section ) and operate at constant voltage. The incoming and outgoing lines in a substation are connected to
the bus bars. The most commonly used bus bar arrangements in substations are :
Fig. 9.7 Bus Bars
9.1.9 Relays
It is an electrical device designed to initiate isolation of a part of electrical installation, or to operate an alarm
signal, in the event of an abnormal condition or a fault.
9.1.10 Transformers
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively
coupled electrical conductors. A changing current in the first circuit (the primary) creates a changing
magnetic field; in turn, this magnetic field induces a changing voltage in the second circuit (the secondary).
By adding a load to the secondary circuit, one can make current flow in the transformer, thus transferring
energy from one circuit to the other.
The secondary induced voltage VS, of an ideal transformer, is scaled from the primary VP by a factor equal to
the ratio of the number of turns of wire in their respective windings:
By appropriate selection of the numbers of turns, a transformer thus allows an alternating voltage to be
stepped up by making NS more than NP or stepped down, by making it less.
Transformers are some of the most efficient electrical 'machines', with some large units able to transfer
99.75% of their input power to their output.Transformers come in a range of sizes from a thumbnail-sized
coupling transformer hidden inside a stage microphone to huge units weighing hundreds of tons used to
interconnect portions of national power grids. All operate with the same basic principles, though a variety of
designs exist to perform specialized roles throughout home and industry
Transformers are used to step up and step down the voltage or current in the substations.
Fig.9.8 Generator transformer
Chapter 10
Fig.10 Control panel and monitors
Control room or control unit is for the controlling of equipments like alternator,switchyard its components
and their protection.This unit also helps in identifying type of faults in the system and eradicate it from the
system.It also tells us about the power factor and the ratings as well as the characteristics of an
alternator.The panels of the control unit are always has three push buttons namely accept (A),test (T) and
reset (R).This unit plays a vital role in any plant as after generation,controlling is done by this unit.
The first phase of practical training has proved to be quiet fruitful. It provided an opportunity for encounter
with such huge machines like turbines and generators.
The architecture of the power plant the way various units are linked and the way working of whole plant is
controlled make the student realize that engineering is not just learning the structured description and
working of various machines, but the greater part is of planning proper management.
It also provides an opportunities to learn low technology used at proper place and time can cave a lot of
labour e.g. wagon tippler (CHP).
But there are few factors that require special mention. Training is not carried out into its tree sprit. It is
recommended that there should be some project specially meant for students where presence of authorities
should be ensured. There should be strict monitoring of the performance of students and system of grading
be improved on the basis of work done.
However training has proved to be quite fruitful. It has allowed an opportunity to get an exposure of the
practical implementation to theoretical fundamentals.
1. Generation of electrical energy “B R Gupta” page no. 5 and 83
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