Bachelor of Computer Applications
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Bachelor of Computer Applications
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Computer Application (CA) has been evolving as an important branch of science and
technology in last two decade and it has carved out a space for itself like computer
science and engineering. Computer application spans theory and more application
and it requires thinking both in abstract terms and in concrete terms.The ever-
areas can be solved effectively with computers and its applications, but finding a
solution requires both computer science expertise and knowledge of the particular
Software Engineering.
Universities and other HEIs introduced programmes of computer application.
India, it was initially introduced at the Master (postgraduate) level as MCA and
M.Tech. Later on, engineering programmes such as B.Tech and B.E in Computer
demanding area.
BCA and BCA (Hons) are aimed at undergraduate level training facilitating multiple
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both individually and collaboratively. The proposed framework will help Students
learn programming techniques and the syntax of one or more programming
All students must, therefore, have access to a computer with a modern programming
language installed. The computer science framework does not prescribe a specific
language. The teacher and students will decide which modern programming
languages students will learn. More importantly, students will learn to adapt to
changes in programming languages and learn new languages as they are developed.
The present Curriculum Framework for BCA degrees is intended to facilitate the
students to achieve the following.
To develop the ability to use this knowledge to analyse new situations in the
application domain
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The objectives and outcomes are carefully designed to suit to the above-
mentioned purpose.
To learn skills and tools like mathematics, statistics and electronics to find the
solution, interpret the results and make predictions for the future developments
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By the end of the program the following outcomes will be achieved by the
6. Modern Tool Usage: Identify, select and use a modern scientific and IT tool or
technique for modelling, prediction, data analysis and solving problems in the
area of Computer Science and making them mobile based application software.
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10. Lifelong Learning: Should become an independent learner. So, learn to learn
11. Motivation to take up Higher Studies: Inspiration to continue educations
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Proposed Curricular and Credits Structure under Choice Based Credit System [CBCS] of BCA with Discipline Scheme for the Four Years Computer Application BCA
Undergraduate Honors Programmewith effect from 2021-22
Teaching Duration
Category Course code Title of the Paper hours/week Credit of exams
IA SEE Total L T P (Hrs)
21BCA1L1LK1 Kannada
L-1 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 2
21BCA1L1LFK1 Functional Kannada
21BCA1L2LEN2 English
21BCA1L2LHI2 Hindi
L-2 21BCA1L2LSN2 Sanskrit 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 2
21BCA1L2LTE2 Telugu
21BCA1L2LUR2 Urdu
21BCA1C1L Programming in C 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA1C1P C Programming Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
21BCA1C2L Fundamentals of Computers 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA1C2P Information Technology Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
21BCA1C3LMF Mathematical Foundation*
DSC3 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA1C3LAC Accountancy*
OEC1 21BCA1O1CPL C Programming Concepts 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
SEC1 21BCA1S1FD Digital Fluency 25 25 50 1 0 2 2 2
VBC1 21BCA1V1PE1 Physical Education - Yoga 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
VBC2 21BCA1V2HW Health & Wellness 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
Total Marks 800 26
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Teaching Duration
Category Course code Title of the Paper hours/week Credit of exams
IA SEE Total L T P (Hrs)
21BCA2L3LK2 Kannada
L-3 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 2
21BCA2L3FKL2 Functional Kannada
21BCA2L4EN2 English
21BCA2L4HI2 Hindi
L-4 21BCA2L4SN2 Sanskrit 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 2
21BSC2L4TE2 Telugu
21BCA2L4UR2 Urdu
21BCA2C4L Data Structures using C 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA2C4P Data Structures Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
Object Oriented Concepts using
21BCA2C5L 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
DSC5 Java
21BCA2C5P JAVA Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
DSC6 21BCA2C6L Discrete Mathematics 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
OEC2 21BCA2O2MPL Web Designing 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
AECC1 21BCA2AE1L Environmental Studies 20 30 50 1 0 2 2 2
VBC3 21BCA2V3PE2 Physical Education – Sports 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
VBC4 21BCA2V4NC1 NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G) / Cultural 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
Total Marks 800 Sem Credits 26
Exit option with Certificate in Computer Applications (with the completion of courses I year
1600 52
equivalent to a minimum of 48 credits) Credits
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Teaching Duration
Category Course code Title of the Paper hours/week Credit of exams
IA SEE Total L T P (Hrs)
21BCA3L5LK3 Kannada
L-5 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 2
21BCA3L5LFK3 Functional Kannada
21BCA3L6EN3 English
21BCA3L6HI3 Hindi
L-6 21BCA3L6SN3 Sanskrit 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 2
21BSC3L6TE3 Telugu
21BCA3L6UR3 Urdu
21BCA3C7L Database Management System 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA3C7P DBMS Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
21BCA3C8L C# and .Net Framework 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA3C8P C# and .Net Framework Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
Computer Communication and
DSC9 21BCA3C9L 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
OEC3 21BCA3O3RPL E-Commerce 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
SEC2 21BCA3SE2AI Artificial Intelligence 25 25 50 1 0 2 2 2
VBC5 21BCA3V5PE3 Physical Education – Sports 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
VBC6 21BCA3V6NC2 NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G) / Cultural 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
Total Marks 800 26
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Teaching Duration
Category Course code Title of the Paper hours/week Credit of exams
IA SEE Total L T P (Hrs)
21BCA4L7LK4 Kannada
L-7 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 2
21BCA4L7LFK4 Functional Kannada
21BCA4L8EN4 English
21BCA4L8HI4 Hindi
L-8 21BCA4L8SN4 Sanskrit 40 60 100 4 0 0 3 2
21BSC4L8TE4 Telugu
21BCA4L8UR4 Urdu
21BCA4C10L Python Programming 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA4C10P Python Programming Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
21BCA4C11L Multimedia & Animation 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA4C11P Multimedia & Animation Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
DSC12 21BCA4C12L Operating System Concepts 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
OEC4 21BCA4O4ECL Multimedia & Animation 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
AECC2 21BCA4AE2CIL Constitution of India 20 30 50 1 0 2 2 2
VBC7 21BCA4V7PE4 Physical Education – Sports 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
VBC8 21BCA4V8NC3 NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G) / Cultural 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
Total Marks 800 26
Exit option with Diploma in Computer Applications (with the completion of courses equivalent II year
3200 104
to a minimum of 96 credits) Credits
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Teaching Duration
Category Course code Title of the Paper hours/week Credit of exams
IA SEE Total L T P (Hrs)
21BCA5C13L Internet Technologies 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA5C13P Internet Technology Laboratory 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
Statistical Computing and R
21BCA5C14L 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
DSC14 Programming
21BCA5C14P R Programming Lab 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
DSC15 21BCA5C15L Software Engineering 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA5DE1AL Information Security & Cryptography
DSE1 21BCA5DE1BL Cloud Computing 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA5DE1CL Business Intelligence
21BCA5VC1AL Unix & Shell Programming
VC1 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA5VC1BL Web Content Management
SEC3 21BCA5SE3L Cyber Security 25 25 50 1 0 2 2 2
VBC9 21BCA5V7PE5 Physical Education – Sports 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
VBC10 21BCA5V8NC4 NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G) / Cultural 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
Total Marks 700 23
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Teaching Duration
Category Course code Title of the Paper hours/week Credit of exams
IA SEE Total L T P (Hrs)
21BCA6C16L PHP and MySQL 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA6C16P PHP and MySQL LAB 25 25 50 0 0 3 2 3
DSC17 21BCA6C17L Artificial Intelligence and Applications 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
DSC18 21BCA6C18P Project Work 50 100 150 0 0 10 5 3
INT 21BCA6INT1 Internship 50 - 50 - 2 -
21BCA6DE2AL Fundamentals of Data Science
DSE2 21BCA6DE2BL Mobile Application Development 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA6DE2CL Embedded Systems
21BCA6VC2AL Health Care Technologies
VC2 40 60 100 3 0 0 3 2
21BCA6VC2BL Digital Marketing
SEC4 21BCA6SE4L Professional Communication 25 25 50 1 0 2 2 2
VBC11 21BCA6V7PE6 Physical Education – Sports 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
VBC12 21BCA6V8NC5 NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G) / Cultural 25 - 25 - - 2 1 -
Total Marks 750 25
Total Credits
Exit Option with Bachelor of Computer Applications Degree, BCA Degree (with completion of
4650 for BCA 152
courses equivalent to a minimum of 140 credits)
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Concept Note:
1. CBCS is a mode of learning in higher education which facilitates a student to have some freedom in selecting his/her own
choices, across various disciplines for completing a UG/PG program.
2. A credit is a unit of study of a fixed duration. For the purpose of computation of workload as per UGC norms the following is
mechanism be adopted in the university:
One credit (01) = One Theory Lecture (L) period of one (1) hour.
One credit (01) = One Tutorial (T) period of one (1) hour.
One credit (01) = One practical (P) period of two (2) hours.
3. Course: paper/subject associated with AECC, DSC, DSEC, SEC, VBC, OEC, VC, IC, MIL.
6. Internship is a designated activity that carries some credits involving more than 25 days of working in an organization (either
in same organization or outside) under the guidance of an identified mentor. Internship shall be an integral part of the
7. OEC: For non- Computer Science students. Computer Science students have to opt for OEC from departments other than
their disciplines
Abbreviation Explanations:
Program Coding:
1. Code 21: Year of Implementation
2. Code BCA: BCA Program under the faculty of Applied Science of the University
3. Code 1: First Semester of the Program, (2 to 6 represent higher semesters)
4. Code A: AECC, (C for DSC, S for SEC, V for VBC and O for OEC)
5. Code 1: First “AECC” Course in semester, similarly in remaining semester for such other courses
6. Code LK: Language Kannada, FK for Functional Kannada, similarly Language English, Language Hindi, Language Sanskrit,
&Language Urdu
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Semester I
Year I Course Code: 21BCA1C2L Credits 03
Sem. I Hours 40
Course Title: Fundamentals of Computers
Course Pre- NA
requisites, if
Formative Summative Assessment Marks: 60 Duration of
Assessment ESA: 02 hrs.
Marks: 40
Course At the end of the course the student should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Create an awareness of computers its classification and anatomy
2. Understand Number systems , Computer Languages and the steps
for problem solving
3. Understand the fundamentals of operating systems and basic
4. Understand basic concepts of DBMS and Internet
Unit No. Course Content Hours
Fundamentals of Computers: Introduction to 10
Computers - Computer Definition, Characteristics of
Computers, Evolution and Generations of
Computers, Basic Organisation of a Digital Computer;
Functions & Components of a Computer, Central
Unit I
Processing Unit, Microprocessor, Storage units, Input
and output Devices. How CPU and memory
works.Classification of Digital Computer Systems:
Microcomputers, Minicomputers, Mainframes, Super
Number Systems – different types, conversion from 10
one number system to another; Computer Codes –
BCD, Gray Code, ASCII; Boolean Algebra – Boolean
Operators with Truth Tables; Computer Languages -
Unit II
Machine Level, Assembly Level & High Level
Languages, Translator Programs – Assembler,
Interpreter and Compiler; Planning a Computer
Program – Algorithm and Flowchart with Examples.
Operating System Fundamentals: Operating 10
Systems: Introduction, Functions of an operating
Unit III
System, Classification of Operating Systems, System
programs, Application programs, Utilities, The Unix
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Part B: Software
1. Activities using Word Processor Software
2. Activities using Spreadsheets Software
3. Activities using Presentation Software
4. Activities involving Multimedia Editing (Images, Video,
5. Tasks involving Internet Browsing
6. Flow charts: Installation and using of flowgarithms software
for different arithmetic tasks like sum, average, product,
difference, quotient and remainder of given numbers,
calculate area of Shapes (Square, Rectangle, Circle and
Triangle), arrays and recursion.
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
1. Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver, By Riley DD, Hunt K.A
CRC press, 2014
2. Ferragina P, Luccio F. Computational Thinking: First Algorithms, Then Code.
Web References:
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Year I Course Code: 21BCA1O1CPL Credits 03
Course Title: C programming Concepts
Sem. Hours 40
Course Pre- NA
requisites, if
Formative Summative Assessment Marks: 60 Duration of
Assessment ESA:..32hrs.
Marks: 40
Course At the end of the course the student should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Read, understand and trace the execution of programs written in
C language
2. Apply programming control structures for a given problem to
create C code
3. Understand derived datyes and develop C code using arrays/
4. Understand user defined functions and datatypes to
develop C code
Unit No. Course Content Hours
Introduction to C Programming: Overview of C; 10
History and Features of C; Structure of a C Program
with Examples; Creating and Executing a C Program;
Compilation process in C. C Programming Basic
Concepts: C Character Set; C tokens - keywords,
identifiers, constants, and variables; Data types;
Unit I Declaration & initialization of variables; Symbolic
constants. Input and output with C: Formatted I/O
functions - printfandscanf, control stings and escape
sequences, output specifications with
printffunctions; Unformatted I/O functions to read
and display single character and a string - getchar,
putchar, gets and puts functions C
Operators & Expressions: Arithmetic operators; 10
Relational operators; Logical operators; Assignment
operators; Increment & Decrement operators; Bitwise
operators; Conditional operator; Special operators;
Operator Precedence and Associatively; Evaluation of
Unit II
arithmetic expressions; Type conversion. Control
Structures: Decision making Statements - Simple if,
if_else, nested if_else, else_if ladder, Switch Case,
goto, break &continue statements;Looping
Statements - Entry controlled and exit controlled
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Derived data types in C: Arrays: One Dimensional
arrays - Declaration, Initialization and Memory
representation; Two Dimensional arrays -
Declaration, Initialization and Memory
Unit III representation.Strings: Declaring & Initializing
string variables; String handling functions - strlen,
strcmp, strcpy and strcat; Character handling
functions - toascii, toupper, tolower, isalpha,
User Defined Functions: Need for user defined
functions; Format of C user defined functions;
Components of user defined functions - return type,
Unit IV name, parameter list, function body, return
statement and function call; Categories of user
defined functions - With and without parameters
and return type.
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Semester II
Year I Course Code: 21BCA2C4L Credits 03
Sem. II Hours 40
Course Title:Data Structures using C
Course Pre- Knowledge of Programming
requisites, if
Formative Summative Assessment Marks: 60 Duration of
Assessment ESA: 02 hrs.
Marks: 40
Course At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. Understand the classification of data structures and dynamic
memory allocation
2. Understand the difference between iteration and recursion and
apply recursive definition for problem solving
3. Understand and evaluate the applications of stacks and queues
4. Understand and evaluate the applications of linked
lists and tree
Unit No. Course Content Hours
Introduction to data structures: Definition; Types of 08
data structures - Primitive & Non-primitive, Linear
and Non-linear; Operations on data structures.
Dynamic memory allocation: Static & Dynamic
memory allocation; Memory allocation and de-
Unit I allocation functions - malloc, calloc, realloc and
free.Pointers in C: Understanding pointers -
Declaring and initializing pointers, accessing address
and value of variables using pointers; Pointers and
Arrays; Pointer Arithmetic; Advantages and
disadvantages of using pointers;
Recursion: Definition; Types of recursions; Recursion 10
Technique Examples - GCD, Binomial coefficient nCr,
Towers of Hanoi; Comparison between iterative and
recursive functions.Sorting and Searching: Arrays as
abstract data types, Representation of linear arrays in
Unit II
memory, Traversing linear arrays; Inserting and
deleting elements; Sorting – Selection sort, Bubble
sort, Quick sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort;
Searching - Sequential Search, Binary search; Iterative
and Recursive searching
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Course Pre- NA
requisites, if
Formative Summative Assessment Marks: 60 Duration of
Assessment ESA:..02 hrs.
Marks: 40
Course At the end of the course the student should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Understand the History of Internet and web Designing tools
2. Understand Markup Languages and stylesheet
3. Implement Scripting
4. Appreciate website creation
Unit No. Course Content Hours
Histroy of Internet, The World Wide Web, Web Browser, 10
Web Server, URL, Working of Web, Web Page, Types of
Web Pages, Web Content, Websites, Home Pages,
Unit I Building Website, Website building tools; Web graphics
design, basic tips for graphics design, to web
programming: what is web programming? , web
programming languages.
Introduction to XHTML- Basic Syntax, Standard 10
structure, Basic text markup, Images, Hypertext, Links,
Lists, Tables, Forms-
<form>,<input>,<label>,<select>,<textarea> tags
Unit II and action buttons(submit and reset).CSS-
Introduction, Levels of style sheets, Selector forms,
Property value forms, Font properties, List properties,
Color, Alignment of text, The box model, Background
images, The <span> and <div>tags.
JavaScript: Object orientation and JavaScript; General 10
syntactic characteristics; Primitives, operations, and
expressions; Screen output and keyboard input;
Unit III
Control statements; Object creation and modification;
Arrays; Functions; Constructor; Pattern matching using
regular expressions; Errorsin scripts; Examples.
Introduction to XML, Syntax of XML , XML document 10
structure, Displaying raw XML documents, Displaying
Unit IV
XML documents with CSS,XSLT Stylesheets and
Displaying XML documents with XSLT.
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Curriculum for BCA Program of RCUB as per NEP 2020 w.e.f. 2021-22
Q.No.1. Answer any Six Questions ( Atlest Two question from 2X6=12
Each Unit)
Q.No.2. (Should cover Entire Unit-I ) 4X3=12
Q.No.3. (Should cover Entire Unit-II ) 4X3=12
Q.No.4. (Should cover Entire Unit-III ) 4X3=12
Q.No.5. (Should cover Entire Unit-IV) 4X3=12
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Evaluation Scheme for Internal Assessment:
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