Quantum Healing Codes
Quantum Healing Codes
Quantum Healing Codes
everybody, and have no side effects. Since they are quantum, the intent and the
energy of the person using them has a little bit of effect in how powerful they are
going to be when they are used.
In the hands of someone with a powerful heart energy - which has more to do in your
strength of purpose and your ability to be actively involved in your life's mission
and connect to source than anything else - they will work.
Remember I've been expressing how important it is that your intent to heal with
love was and is your power! Anything you do through love will work and cannot be
done wrong. It's up to the healer what practices he or she requires to heal
themselves and others. I shared with you that I healed my dog, she was having a lot
of stomach issues and a lot of pain in her back hind legs and I used the animal
codes along with my own energy light. She's eating now and she's chasing
lizards. 😇 I use them frequently for headaches and within the hour my headache is
gone every time. Also to add some frequency music with the codes is very effective.
With lower energies they still are effective, but perhaps not as dramatic in their
The space is between the numbers are important - be sure to copy them exactly as
written for them to work.
1. write it on the part of the body, or on a sticker and stick it on the body
anywhere in the aura
3. Pull up anything that has the numbers on it online, on your phone or tablet,
make the number big on the screen, and hold it over the body part or food item you
wish to apply the code with the intent to use it.
it is your practice, skill, desire, intent, and trust that will make the difference
in the healing going from them through you and your aura to help what you desire to
be fixed.
there's also a powerful influence of the energies that are on fire at this time,
they have not been this high since the days of Atlantis and lumeria - think of it
as an energy soup which provides the essential healing energy for these codes to
work, too. The higher the vibration the better these codes are going to work in
every way.
YES! There is no harm in mixing these coats. They can be used as often as desired
to achieve the results you see.
What if the healing codes don't appear to work?
This is energy healing It is like reiki. Reiki always helps and has no side
effects. However healing can take place on deeper levels than what meets the eye.
Illness is a result of an energy imbalance that is very difficult for most people
besides psychic healers to see. When the imbalance is not corrected it manifests in
the physical body. So remember when you are using energy medicine, the healing goes
to both the underlying energy and balances and the physical. Sometimes the physical
heals first. Sometimes the deeper healing takes place. Either way, healing is
happening, and you will have to trust in it.
Perhaps in the times of lemuria and Atlantis they once did. However, today, with
illness, there is a trend towards healing that I call whatever works!- or take the
best and leave the rest. Dr massaro emoto, a wonderful healer, insist that all his
patients continue their standard treatment and his water balancing energy healing
is a layer that goes along with it. This is what I recommend to you - think of
these codes as powerful layers to add to your overall healing. Remember that
medicine, and medical intuitives, are also the ones that give the diagnosis and the
treatment plan. They are familiar with disease and its natural progression. It is
good to have someone with this knowledge to track your progression. It is good to
have someone with this knowledge to track your progress and perhaps see the miracle
of the healing codes directly through their results on your efforts.
And always remember anything you do through and for love you can't do it wrong.
️😇 ❤️😇 ❤️😇 ❤️😇
Table of Contents
Back Pain
Chronic Pain
follow guidelines in disclaimer and use 86 42 789 FIRST before using this code)
14) 13 31 413 for schizophrenia
15) 668 725 8114 98725 688986 621 for acute antipsychotic-induced akithesia and
extrapyramidal symptoms
For Self-Help
Spiritual Toolbox
1) 24 17 158 for hyperopia (farsightedness)
2) 76 14 182 for myopia (nearsightedness)
3) 99 65 491 for poor eyesight and blindness of all causes
4) 29 37 853 for improvement in vision
5) 31 36 407 for amblyopia
Blood Pressure
1) 11 84 744 for the regulation of blood pressure, to use for high or low pressures
2) 88 63 292 for high blood pressure (hypertension)
4) 78 94 825 to improve cardiovascular function
Cardiac Surgery
keeping the access working and open, and tolerating fluid and electrolyte shifts
with each
dialysis session of either kind--hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.
7) 25 19 831 for people who have ostomies to have strength and a positive outlook
8) 25 37 353 for benign prostatic hypertrophy
9) 93 65 897 for polycystic kidney disease
10) 84 93 456 for chronic renal disease
11) 35 47 375 for urinary tract infection (UTI)
12) 27 42 363 for acute glomerulonephritis
13) 14 484 578 96231 for end stage renal disease (ESRD)
14) 55 63 156 for bladder cancer
15) 78 22 938 for kidney cancer
difficult to diagnose
8) 55 56 157 for Morgellons’s disease
9) 91 21 6798 52 69 for paroxysmal extreme pain disorder
1) 03 16 246 for acute cellulitis (to be applied while seeking medical attention)
2) 11 89 876 for bacterial infection
3) 59 892 345 78122 for Clostridium Difficile Colitis
4) 44 34 135 for diabetic ulcer/infection of the feet
5) 16 99 156 for leptospirosis
6) 25 37 661 for MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus)
7) 57 49 525 for antimicrobial effect
8) 45 82 531 for 'pink eye'--conjunctivitis that is severe and recurrent
9) 86 21 516 for Q fever
10) 89 56 997 to hasten the recovery of strep throat with concurrent antibiotic
11) 51 26 501 for mycetoma (including actinomycetes and Eumycetoma)
1) 44 56 789 healing of open wounds (write in the air above the wound)
2) 33 78 133 healing of severe injuries to the abdomen when surgery is not
3) 44 57 678 healing of open fractures when surgery is not immediately available
4) 78 43 149 for sprain
5) 15 01 777 for hemostasis in hemorrhage (while seeking standard medical care)
6) 55 56 888 for hemodynamic shock, both compensated and decompensated, while
seeking standard medical care (the shock may be hemorrhagic, septic, cardiogenic,
neurogenic, anaphylactic, hypovolemic...)
7) 19 19 311 for burns, also sunburn
8) 18 19 811 for first aid for heat stroke thought along with other measures
9) 33 14 993 for sunstroke
10) 38 16 751 to support tolerance to heat as long as there is plenty of rest,
shade, and
adequate hydration; to have less misery in hot weather
11) 56 51 215 for ease in surgical emergencies; that all healing will expedite and
one will
have the most positive experience through the hospital treatment
12) 72 10 361 for a smooth and stable anesthetic course while having an operation
13) 25 36 897 for pain in the location of surgery after everything is healed
14) 31 27 459 for altitude sickness
15) 15 36 896 to ease the effect on the body from being at high elevation/altitude
16) 25 33 577 for when you bump yourself and it hurts--mild blunt trauma
17) 20 51 981 for those who are accident prone
18) 13 81 478 to assist relaxation of stiff muscles
19) 13 87 494 to ease leg cramps
20) 89 912 573 for the discomfort associated with whiplash after unstable
injury and unstable fracture of the neck have been proven to be absent in neck
injury by
CT-scan with fine cuts, MRI, flexion and extension films, and/or X-ray by licensed
orthopedic trauma experts
21) 81 21 596 to increase muscle flexibility and strength
22) 69 25 987 to increase range of motion (ROM)
23) 21 59 687 to increase proprioception and stabilize gait
24) 21 79 721 to decrease phantom pain due to loss of limbs
25) 21 89 233 to relieve prosthetic pain
26) 29 69 589 to increase mobility with a prosthetic limb and make mastery of this
27) 61 62 9821 for hypothermia
1) 13 23 251 to optimize and balance the energy of the base or 'root' chakra (red)
2) 10 010 5856 for chronic root chakra blockage/inability to ground to Gaia
1) 54 28 131 to optimize and balance the energy of the second or 'sacral' chakra
1) 80 03 011 to optimize and balance the energy of the third or 'solar plexus'
1) 77 74 089 to optimize and balance the energy of the fifth or 'throat' chakra
2) 88 26 789 for opening the throat chakra for better communication ability (use
with the permission from your Higher Self and intuitive guide each time it is
is risk of a side effect of energy 'jam' that might need to be released by a Reiki
Master in
the person who uses it without this permission. It is powerful, this code.)
1) 82 88 133 to optimize and balance the energy of the sixth or 'third eye' chakra
1) 10 01 688 to optimize and balance the energy of the seventh or 'crown' chakra
1) 34 50 824 to optimize and balance the energy of the master chakra (all)
1) 56 51 521 to cleanse and balance the chakras--open and heal them. (the whole
1) 10 02 322 to increase the Divine Masculine to optimize the energy balance when
Divine Masculine energy (Yang) is too low (this may be used for both women and
2) 39 00 006 to increase the Divine Feminine to optimize the energy balance when
Divine Feminine energy (Yin) is too low (this may be used for both men and females)
Healing the Meridians
1) 15 52 296 for protection from energetic contamination from the thought forms and
attachments which exist on those you serve as a healer. (It's a shield from
Raphael and it's green.)
1) 88 44 242 for opening the third eye but only if it is permitted in your current
life plan
2) 52 484 965 1023 to enhance clarity and reception of Divine guidance
3) 85 31 901 to invite communication with your Higher Self
4) 55 76 781 for spiritual intuition to grow
1) 88 27 465 for self-healing on the soul. With this code, quantum healing energies
supplied to expedite the soul healing process. What would otherwise take years can
healed in amateur of weeks or months. As with other codes of a spiritual nature, be
to check with your Higher Self or Inner guidance for the appropriateness of its
2) 56 82 966 to undo the damage that has occurred to you over many life experiences
Past Lives
1) 21 42 14314 to recapture the 'spark' that was lost in relationships, but only if
it is for
the Highest Good of all; to 'reconnect'. (please note this is very high energy, and
has two
extra digits at the end of the healing code)
2) 56 12 147 to increase libido in a loving relationship--unless there is a life
written into the life contract--then only after this life lesson is mastered
3) 08 22 517 to experience happily ever after--your personal one, and in couples,
if it is
desired by both who are in the couple
4) 01 22 276 to make love new again
5) 91 00 418 to increase the likelihood of forming a romantic relationship (if it
permitted in the Life Script)
6) 43 11 902 to find the right friend and partner for you
7) 35 26 195 for the woman in a committed relationship whose partner seeks sex
the home, for their suffering to ease and life to turn to joy in a committed
relationship that
is the best fit or match for them. (it is also for the men in committed
relationship who
suffer the same injury from 'their partner who wanders and does not treat them
8) 33 45 10101 for forgiveness
9) 34 61 179 for the love that flows between hearts to be unimpeded and to flow
ways like it does in Heaven
10) 22 70 002 for when you heart has been broken; the angels offer reassurance to
that love will come to you again, perhaps in different relationship, but it will
come to
your soul
11) 42 60 512 to put your life back together once it has fallen apart
1) 111 4823 79777 420 1111 to reveal our identity at the higher levels
2) 71 65 884 for Ground Crew to experience enhanced connection to Source
3) 15 00 201 to awaken all who turn a blind eye to the suffering of humans,
plants and Gaia's delicate ecosystems
4) 44 44 444 to awaken to all things angelic
5) 56 78 321 to easily identify the energy signature of another
6) 65 62 792 for harmony, forgiveness and resolution after conflict with others
7) 21 21 653 to KNOW one's heart's desires, free of conflicting thoughts and energy
8) 45 36 010 for PEACE, Divine Peace, to fill your heart and affect the aura of
around you
9) 22 21 568 to lift resentment and to exchange it with the vibration of peace
10) 77 12 000 for your past to become seamlessly harmonious with your present; to
heal on
all levels everything at once without pain
11) 21 36 521 for acceptance of the hierarchy of Divine Intervention
12) 16 57 922 to experience BLISS
13) 16 57 996 for jubilation
14) 52 60 931 to be carefree
15) 00 53 111 the Bomb of LOVE (to increase the love in your world beyond the
16) 88 88 013 to feel the joy of the ages 24/7
17) 21 85 006 for Reiki Energy to upgrade one level higher than the last class
18) 84 72 167 for self-love and self-worth to increase to optimum healthy levels
19) 20 20228 to tighten the aura against attack, for Divine Assistance and the
protection of
Archangel Michael himself
20) 93 96 557 to advance to Full Consciousness (must be taken in steps. Repeat once
for maximum effect.)
21) 458 874 6996 8528 to focus all energy on Now moment
22) 25 19 876 for the lost and socially isolate to find their way and their purpose
23) 1123 4561 8729 11 11 72654 for absolution from Karmic debt
24) 86 85 931 for generosity of spirit
25) 31 57 825 for one who hesitates and doubts their Divine Nature to accept it
26) 51 34 581 to shine one's light brightly no matter what is going on in their
27) 96 71 115 for willingness to be of service to humankind
28) 15 16 995 for the ability to serve others from the heart with perfect
grace and ease
29) 76 82 630 for the spirit of Healing and teamwork while you are working with a
30) 51 76 481 to open the eyes of those who spiritually sleep (to get the 'sleep'
out of their
eyes and help them see their purpose, their role as Lightworkers)
31) 56 11 752 for the ability to awaken further, to open as full as possible to the
Divine; to
'get over spiritual concerns from the past' quickly and completely
32) 86 12 547 to be filled with appreciation and SEE all miracles for what they are
--a gift
that is from Heaven
33) 13 58 372 for spiritual knowledge to be made freely available for the highest
good. (this
applies both to the individual and to collectives, however one wishes to apply this
Healing Code)
34) 43 33 551 for freedom from the forces of darkness and to obtain spiritual
35) 96 91 771 for strength to hold your vibration high as those who have lower
vibration around you lash out and 'test' you
36) 07 99 720 for inner strength and soothing energy during struggles associated
with inner
37) 12 16 458 for those who experience lack to shift their focus from what is third
1) 996 812 551 for enhanced communication with those who are in Heaven (and
the veil in general)
2) 14 16 990 for the mysteries of the Afterlife and Creation to be made clear
1) 18 26 753 For Twin souls in Heaven who miss their loved ones who are incarnate.
2) 13 421 86 931 10405 ~ To enhance the connection & unity between Twin Flames
3) 12 15 316 'For my heart to be complete I must be with you' --a message to let
Soul Twin feel your love and longing for them; it goes from them to you and back
4) 33 31 156 for your heart to be with your love every day--if they are not
incarnate and
you are (this sends a message to them to be 'close' so you can feel it)
1) 99 61 378 for consolation and comfort to the soul that only Divine Mother can
Advanced Capability
1) 11 111 1111 11111 1111 111 11 circuit upgrade ~ ONLY USE if given permission as
is extremely high energy
1111 742 893 4114 87878 01543 1111 "surprise" code from the Galactics ~ ONLY USE if
given permission as this is extremely high energy
2) 11 67 692 for help in manifesting
3) 25 21 064 to celebrate a miracle which has already been given
4) 79 78 726 for acceptance of one's life lessons
5) 565 482 999 6567 to slow down time
6) 31 12 197 to not be late to an appointment, meeting, or commitment including
while you are on the way to it and delayed by traffic, etc. (you stretch time and
also invite
Divine Assistance, for example THEY are late too!)
7) 42 88 112 to heal timelines (with Divine Assistance and Support)
8) 8 408 7908 1302 45854 622287 11111 8 for a powerful self-attunement
9) 0 2345 7000 13134 42145 789 0 for higher dimensional access
10) 11 747 8991 4253 78796 44410 11 for omnipresence
11) 1111 7777 17171 7777 1111 to activate the New Earth portal
12) 82 494 782 9009 4142 96543 for the ability to shape shift
13) 55555 42894 78625 90094 8888878 11111 10010 77795 for intertwinement
14) 01232 58756 92254 622622784457894012345678977874564
223245789214687811214501438728354378289770 "Spectrum" (note this is a long
15) 5012 4788 9623 458456 53321 for the ability to have remote viewing ability
16) 4554 2123 5678 14114 09234 for telekinesis
17) 696969 1111 888 08080 888 1111 696969 for a Sacral-Heart activation (my
18) 10203 45156 22124 78 87 485 72631 11 21 232457894 for phase through matter
19) 99 62 753 for Love and Happiness to overwhelm the planet
20) 56 57 893 to experience Unconditional Love
1) THE WATER CODES--to balance the masculine and feminine energies, write these two
GMO Neutralization
Environmental Toxins
1) 19 86 451 for lead ingestion and poisoning (usealong with chelation treatment
standard medical care)
52 99 767 for itai-itai/cadmium ingestion and poisoning (use
along with standard therapy in toxic exposure)
59 11 226 for mercury toxicity--(use along with conventional therapy)
Healing the Wounds from ANY Father Figure (Including the Church)
1) Healing the Wounds from ANY Father Figure (Including the Church):
15 73 691
Spiritual Wounds
17 37 562 Mental Wounds
55 65 786 Emotional Wounds
18 57 991 Physical Wounds
80 90 561 Sexual Wounds26 58 347 For consolation andhealing when others who are not
awakened insult you and hurt you for your Light. (Archangel Michael will also cut
the ties between you and the situation to help you heal when you use this code)
12 56 903 to heal DNA
Academic Concerns
1) Academic Concerns:84 629 585 4519 for academic success (if allowed in life
64 211 to be admitted to the school of your choice for your training--or something
Athletic Concerns
Family Concerns
All codes for humans are safe for use in animals. There are only two exceptions--
the two listed in the Disclaimer below. Do not use them on animals. Everything else
is safe and welcome to be
used for animals any time.
For Bees
For Felines
For Canines
(all dogs domestic and those found in Nature such as foxes, coyotes, wolves,
dingoes and similar)
For Equine
(all horses domestic and wild, as well as related creatures such as mules, donkeys,
horses, ponies and similar)
1) 78 98 221 for tetanus (lockjaw) with concurrent vaccination and treatment plan
2) 9125 876 for equine influenza with concurrent vaccination and antibiotics regime
3) 96 25 876 for equine hyper virus, rhinopneumonitis, rhino, viral abortion,
vaccination and treatment plan must go hand-in hand with the use of best management
4) 69 79 891 for West Nile virus with concurrent vaccination and treatment plan
5) 99 66 554 for strangles abscess and wound care with concurrent antibiotics and
treatment plan
6) 32 52 781 for Potomac horse fever with concurrent oxytetracycline treatment
7) 21 79 895 for muscular/skeletal lameness
8) 27 67 599 for navicular disease
9) 98 21 765 for rain rot more severe cases in which the infection has affected
deeper skin
layers --requires your veterinarian to give antibiotic injections
10) 79 52 349 for thrush
11) 22 59 681 for founder Laminitis --have your veterinary diagnose the condition
treatment plan
12) 99 22 579 for colic --requires your veterinary to diagnose the condition and
13) 10 92 598 for azoturia or tying up --requires your veterinary to diagnose the
and treatment plan
1) 99 96 913 for termites (as long as it is not in your life script to experience
XXVI. Disclaimer
The following is from the source document for Chapters 1 to this Disclaimer
Archangel Raphael says this for 86 42 789 and for 16 612 485 97895:
***This code is safe for use in children--there is a safety feature in the
energy--it won't be too much and cannot cause harm. It is a dual-purpose code, one
for mental/behavioral concerns and the other for common childhood illnesses.