21 Frequencies
21 Frequencies
21 Frequencies
Frequency One
Vitality/Life Energy: Warm or Hot Red or Gold Color This frequency enhances the energy of the body and vitalizes the body as a whole. It brings information into cellular structures; streamlines the ow of information in the energetic matrix; and also brings energy and enthusiasm to your thoughts, emotions, or situations. Frequency one is warm or hot and often intense in nature.
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Frequency Two
Nervous System/Communication: Electric Blue Electric blue or blue-white Electrical in nature, in nature, this frequency governs anything having to do with the nervous system and/or the adaptations made because of it. This works through the nervous system and the polarities and dualities of experience. By inverting the frequency, excess energy can be reversed or cancelled out. Inverted, this is useful for insomnia and ADD.
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Frequency Three
Harmonize and Balance: Rose, Pink, Scarlet This frequency feels very enveloping and loving, with a magnetic or emanating quality. It is harmonizing and balancing, and it gives a sense of a rotation of energy of frequency two and together they join in a gure-eight relationship, creating electromagnetism.
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Frequency Four
Bones: Brown, Black, Coffee Grounds This frequency aids in the physical restructuring of muscle, bone, tendons, joints and fascia. It can be applied to aches and pains like a salve, and it is also grounding. The color may manifest as dark and crystalline, like instant coffee granules.
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Frequency Five
Universal Love: Rose, Pink This frequency is a universal love essence, warm and personal like a mothers love. It affects intercellular communication, interacting with all the systems in your body, as well as your activities, thoughts, and feelings.
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Frequency Six
Ancestral Healing/Trauma: Emerald Green Clear with highlights of blue and green also emerald green. This frequency is related to the womb of creation and it works on issues of ancestral healing as well as our own in-utero patterns and experiences. Comforting and soothing, watery and gel-like in appearance, this frequency is useful for dissolving longstanding emotional and mental traumas. It has been used to heal tumors, which are essentially embryonic tissue.
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Frequency Seven
Emotional/Physical: Burnt Orange, Earth Tone This frequency can be thought of as a life-force battery for depleted states. It is both grounding and detoxifying and it affects the relationship between the physical body and the emotions. Useful for endocrine adaptations to emotion and regulation of hormones, and in transforming cellular memory of deep emotion, particularly fear. Related to kidney chi; warming.
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Frequency Eight
Integration: Habits, Soul Evolution: Rainbow Colors Iridescent/mother-of-pearl. Eight represents the integration of the previous seven frequencies. On a personal level, it brings integration to experiences, activities and understanding. Unity, balance and ow are the keywords. This frequency moves long-term habits, personality and emotional structures as they relate to soul evolution.
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Frequency Nine
Spiritual Cleanser, Entities, Curses: Translucent Distinctly different from all other frequencies, frequency nine can be thought of as a spiritual cleanser. It cleans the spiritual essence of the body and defrags the spiritual hard drive. This energy is a fast moving, intense, animated intelligence that clears the body of accumulated energetic interference patterns. It is used for clearing entities, aberrant mental thought forms, curses and interpersonal energetic interactions.
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Frequency Ten
The Comforter, Blanket Love: Translucent Light Red This frequency is the mirror image of frequency ve, representing protective father energy. The warrior aspect of love, it is discriminating and dividing, and its love is like a shield. A powerful yet surprising gentle energy which gives strength and resolve, it permeates the aura, physical body, emotions and mental body.
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Frequency Eleven
Mothering/Nurturing: Woodland Green Mothering and nurturing, like a tropical rain forest, this frequency is the antidote to living in a concrete jungle. It has the energy of a nurturing earth mother. It helps drop blood pressure, regulate heart beat and bring warmth to the body.
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Frequency Twelve
Energy Center Repair, Chakras: Black, Oily This frequency governs the repair of the bodys energy centers, swirling into these vortexes to cleanse the chakras and remove debris from energetic patterns. It often appears as a thick, viscous uid.
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Frequency Thirteen
Genetic Template, DNA: Crystal Quartz Color Crystalline, like quartz Crystalline in color and feel, this frequency is a component of the DNA morphogenetic eld surrounding organisms and species, with the DNA serving as the antennae that patterns information from the eld into physical expressions
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Frequency Fourteen
Physical Cellular, Basement Matrix: Obsidian Black, Moss Green This cooling, soothing frequency is almost homeopathic in its effect, detoxifying the energy eld and changing the vibrations of the physical cellular template. It works on the basement of the cellular matrix, evoking change from the bottom up.
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Frequency Fifteen
Circulation, Endocrine, Cellular Communication: Red, Pink, Vibrant Emerald or Teal This frequency governs the ow of information through hormonal and circulatory and systems, and it rearranges the magnetic, electrical and biochemical strategies of the body. Interfacing with circulation, the endocrine system, and cellular communication, frequency fteen clears the physical circuitry and can be very useful for balancing hormones and the states they produce.
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Frequency Sixteen
Dolphins, Whales, Unconditional Love, Playful It sometimes carries ocean shades of gray, blue, or green. This is the frequency of unconditional love. When it manifests, it often involves the experience of dolphins and whales. This frequency is joyful, playful, non-judgmental, relaxing, calming, and grounding. It is useful for clearing inappropriate emotions and for working with emotional states, including depression and loss. Comforting, loving, and funny, it brings new perspectives and awareness.
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Frequency Seventeen
Physiology: Golden Interlocking Grids This frequency is used in the functional physiology, anatomical and the biochemical processes of the body. It affects systemic processes of the body, and it appears as self-intelligent, sixteen golden interlocking grids.
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Frequency Eighteen
Trance, Kundalini: Red Brown, Dense This frequency can awaken involuntary yoga or Tai Chi types of movements and contortions. It is linked to trance states, the rising of the kundulini, and crown chakra expansion. This prephysical, primordial consciousness induces involuntary motions and recalibrates the physical body. Frequency 18 also interacts with frequency seventeen.
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Frequency Nineteen
Divine Spark, Spirit Gate: Golden Light, Luminescent gold or yellow Nineteen is useful for reigniting the divine spark and accessing soul communion. It brings profound inner rest and stillness, and it allows you to experience deep meditative states without the practice of meditation. It allows you to experience the unied eld, inverts pathological patterns of information and re-establishes divinity within patterns of disease.
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Frequency Twenty
Crystalline Structure, Cleanse: Quartz White Crystalline in nature, this frequency contains quantum states of information. It cleanses chakras, meridians, spaces, and emotions, and it heals the crystal matrices of the body, reconnecting the heart and mind. It can instantly transform the so-called negative vibrations. Programmable, with an independent intelligence, it may also be able to magnify other frequencies.
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Frequency Twenty-One
Shamanic Worlds, Communication with Spirits White Useful in exploring inner space, this frequency can bring instantaneous journeys, including lucid dreaming and travel to shamanic worlds. It is associated with multidimensional layers of consciousness, parallel universes, soul retrieval, and space/time travel. This frequency is helpful for retrieving information from the eld and for communing with spirit entities.
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