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Chapter 5: Revouitionizing Human Life Breakthrough in Science and Technology

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CHAPTER 5: REVOUITIONIZING HUMAN LIFE • Developed around 1800s when people have no

continuous electricity supply, Alessandro Volta

was the first to use zinc and silver discs, which
• As key drivers to modern change, science and produces, sparks to operate devices.
technology significantly impact not only
economies but health systems, industries,
infrastructures and even the educational • This was invented by James Watt around 1763 -
systems. 1775.
• 21st century breakthrough such those • This machine can power factories, trains and
pertaining to biotechnology, information even ships that were used significantly during
communication technology (ICT), nano the Industrial Revolution.
technology have transformed practices and
lives of people across the globe.
• This was invented by an Etienne Lenoir, an
Engineer around 1859.
• German Johannes Gutenberg developed this
• Nikolaus Otto from Germany further enhanced
machine in 1439. This device allows ink made of
this machine around 1876.
linseed oil and soot to be transferred on a piece
of paper which includes images and characters. • This engine can convert mechanical energy for
use in modern.
• This permitted the multiple publications of
books and writings which facilitated the spread TELEGRAPH
of information.
• This is a device developed by Samuel Morse
ELECTRICITY (1791-1872).
• These phenomena drove the developments • It was used to communicate through the Morse
largely for the seventeenth and eighteenth code.
centuries specifically for residential and
• Invented around 1830-1840, this device
industrial use.
revolutionized long distance communication.
• Electricity powered innovations in
• This is a code, which assigned a set of dashes
transportation, communications and computer
and dots to every letter of the English alphabet
to transmit complex messages across telegraph
• These phenomena drove the developments lines.
largely for the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries specifically for residential and
industrial use. • Invented by Alexander Graham Bell around
1876, this device facilitated electronic voice
• Electricity powered innovations in
transportation, communications and computer
technologies. • Bell called the first telephone an 'electrical
speech machine.
• This is a device made of electrochemical cells
and provides electricity to power electrical • This is a means to eliminate diseases and help
devices. in extending human lifespan.
• In 1796, Edward Jenner developed the first NUCLEAR FISSION
vaccine against smallpox.
• This is a process developed by Otto Hahn and
• Louis Pasteur improved the practice of Fritz Stassmann, both Germans.
developing vaccines in 1885.
• This process splits atoms, which consequently
• From his name came the process of produces enormous energy.
• This development brought forth the rise of
• These curbed deaths caused by life-threatening nuclear reactors and atomic bombs.
illnesses and greatly reduced mortality rate.
• This creation laid the foundation of 'Silicon
• Karl Benz in 1885 created. the first practical Valley.
motorcar after developing a gasoline-powered
• These electronic devices were largely made of
two-stroke piston engine in 1873.
silicon and semiconductor devices.
• The manufacturing of this motorized vehicle did
• It was in 1947 that John Bardeen, Walter
not only change how humans travel.
Brattain and William Shockley developed the
• It initiated the concept of an assembly line in first device made out of silicon.
• This invention revolutionized mobility as this
• A satellite is an object launched onto space and
development permitted faster transport from
orbits the earth.
one point to another of not only humans but
also products and services. • The earliest was launched around 1960s into
space from Russia.
• 'Sputnik' was considered the first artificial
• In 1903, the Wright brothers, Wilbur and
satellite that lifted off on October 4, 1957.
Orville, invented the first successful airplane.
• The United States (US) also launched its first
• Travel to great distances has become quick and
artificial satellite 'Explorer' on January 31, 1958.
swift using this 'flying machine'.
These satellite technologies allow instant
• Through this invention, human flight became communication in almost all areas of this
possible and literally shrank the planet as it planet.
allowed covering thousands of miles in matters
of minutes and hours.
•  The Integrated Computer Systems developed
around 1968 and by 1970s, the features of
• A great contribution to the field of medicine these machines greatly expanded human
and wellness, this was discovered by Alexander capabilities.
Fleming in 1928.
• It was in the 1983 that these personal
• The purpose of this drug is to cure bacterial computers were used in office work. Pioneer
diseases, Penicillin came from the fungus companies like Apple, Microsoft and IBM have
penicillium which was later purified and refined the specifications and capacity of these
developed into a very efficient drug against machines.
bacterial infections.
THE INTERNET • Saving time and returning investments through
mass production of goods and services have
• The World Wide Web formed an
become very feasible for most of those who
interconnected network of computers since the
venture in investing resources.
1970s when Fiber Optics which was coined as
early as 1956. • The fast delivery of services has become an
edge for every company that has the resources
• This fiber was made of ultrapure glass that
to mass-produce.
transmits light used for telecommunication.
Consequently around 1989, the World Wide TECHNOLOGY GUARANTEES INCREASED
Web was developed by Tim Berners-Lee PRODUCTIVITY
through the "hypertext markup language"
• Technology had a major impact in the modern
(HTML) for creating Web pages as well as the
workplace as it revolutionized the method by
"Uniform Resource Locator" (URL) to identify
which businesses conduct daily activities.
the location to which the data are stored.
• The automation of tasks resulted in over-all
efficiency in production. Even small and
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are now able
human intelligence in machines. to create a workforce that is more efficient and
innovative with technologies.
• These Als are programmed to think like
• They can also mimic or imitate human actions
and movements. • Business success requires collaboration among
The term Al can be applied to any machine its workforce.
exhibiting traits associated with a human mind
• Utilizing group messaging and team chats
which includes cognitive functions such as
allows greater exchange of ideas among
learning and problem-solving.
• Technology allows the use of greater innovative
venues to bring workers together to collaborate
THE BENEFITS OF TECHNOLOGICAL and find solutions to problems and even create
ADVANCEMENTS new products.
• The use of technology and science in human life TECHNOLOGY SIMPLIFIES BUSINESS OPERATIONS
has significantly impacted the realm of
• Technologies enable businesses to manage
business, education, industry, work and almost
their inflow and outflow in simplified ways.
all areas of living.
• There are software and programs that are
• Let us explore the benefits and advantages
efficient for bookkeeping and auditing
technological advancements in the varied
aspects of life.
• Accounting systems are now automated which
are more precise and instant.
• Technology has created products and services,
which allows competitive advantage for
• Technologies enable more efficient organizing • This is how we refer to the World' at this time
and securing of customer and business files. and this is how information technology has
made a single interdependent system.
• This can be very essential to keeping company
credibility and integrity while enabling easy and • The globalized world began to share
authorized access. homogeneity in the midst of differences in
language, history, culture, economy amongst all
other aspects.
• A global point of view has been set to create an
• Communication is essential in all human tasks
atmosphere of business and at the same time
on a daily basis.
diplomatic ties.
• The exchange of ideas, securing of information
and expression of feelings are facilitated by
instantaneous and real-time communication. • The healthcare industry is greatly benefiting
from the advances in technology entirely meant
for patient care and increasing lifespan.
• Emails and other messaging tools help keep
with significant people demanding immediate • Since most healthcare professionals use hand-
performance us in touch of tasks. held devices to outdated keep real-time patient
data also known as Electronic Health Records
• These communication tools facilitate efficient
(EHRS) to replace outdated paper records.
workflow, instant decision making as well as
delivery of services. • These records are used to check, monitor and
share patient medical record and history.
PLATFORM • All of these patient data are secured in a
centralized area for use in researches on
• Any consumer who wants to avail products and
medical breakthroughs.
services is directed onto website URLs (Uniform
• This rapid development made innovations in
marketing strategies custom-tailored to fit the • The continuous increase in population requires
needs of consumers who are equipped with improved strategies to develop treatment
mobile devices. plans, conduct medical researches, and monitor
health epidemics efficiently meet the increased
demands on the healthcare system.
 The development of a macro-system of
• These developments introduced the use of
interconnected networks through the World
surgical robots assisting humans in the
Wide Web is a result of greater information
operating room.
resources, which are accessible to almost every
netizen around the world. TECHNOLOGY FOR SIMULATION

GLOBALIZATION • 3D printing is considered very helpful in

replicating specific organs, which prepares
surgeons in the actual procedure.
• Surgeons can now work on 3D printed models TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTS SPECIAL EDUCATION
to simulate different operation approaches
• People with disabilities are provided assistive
before conducting actual surgery.
technology (AT) to accomplish school tasks that
TECHNOLOGY FOR EDUCATION are difficult to perform due to their disability.
• Technologies used in the school system help • Advancement in technology like iPads, learning
enrich the learning environment of students. Applications (Apps) helps Children with Autism
(CWA) to communicate efficiently; deaf
• While it aims to improve academic
students can easily express themselves through
performance through resources educational
mobile text messaging; those with visual
technologies also prepares learners to engage
impairment read texts through computer-
in research, design, evaluation and use of
generated voice from their computers.
concepts in varied subjects and courses.
• Technology applied in education encourages
• Technology has changed the human life and
and engages through sights and sounds which
function Technology has its downsides, as
enhances individual learning through
human lives have been technology-infused
through time.
• It has sapped humans of scarce time and
attention due to lack of healthy technology
• Grading applications are available in mobile habits.
devices like those for iPad.
• These grading programs have completely
• The integration of technological resources in
changed the way teachers evaluate test and
business comes with a price. It is expensive and
examinations in varied subjects.
• In addition technology makes business data
• Technology facilitates interactive education insecure, as records are stored in a centralized
through learning applications that students remote database.
• Hackers lurk everywhere in search for ways to
• It opened institutional boundaries, which challenge 'firewalls.
permitted employment abroad through
• This is the case of mo businesses, which fall
education that meets international standards.
prey to online theft. Breaches in security an
• Learning can now happen online through highly probable as hackers are evolving along
Learning Management Systems (LMS) and with technology and security systems are
platforms which promote individual and team outdated.
• Using the Internet, desktops, laptops and
• This imbalance is a result of communication
mobile devices, students can now access virtual
among teams using devices that are deficient of
learning environments. Collaboration among
tone, emotion and empathy Younger
students is possible through interactive
employees have not only lost their ability to • Technology has created products and services,
convers spontaneously. which allows competitive advantage for
• Serious social difficulties and a low social well-
being arise as these young workers have too • Saving time and returning investments through
little time interacting with co-workers in the mass production of goods and services have
same room because of technology-centric work become very feasible for most of those who
culture. venture in investing resources.
TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM • The fast delivery of services has become an
edge for every company that has the resources
• Although educational technologies have
to mass-produce.
contributed much to the creation of meaningful
learning environments, the same have posed The most recent Al development includes ability to
significant problems to users. perceive analyze, process languages, logic, and
• For one, these technologies have created
distraction among learners. • Privacy is a question posed, as privacy is an
essential and basic element included in human
• Smartphones and other mobile devices have
enormously distracted students through
entertainment and social media platforms. • One has the right to have control of
information relevant to one's self. It is,
however, revealed that Artificial Intelligences
• Prolonged use of computers, tablets, and can impinge on this basic human right by
mobile devices result to digital eye strain. Its overriding the digital sphere.
symptoms include blurred vision, dry eyes,
• This is highly possible as we currently have a
migraine or headaches, neck and back pain
digital life. Through Al there is a surveillance of
which can persist in varying degrees.
massive user data, which are targeted for
• Exposure to technological devices can also marketing and advertising groups, amongst
result to sleep problems in different ways others.
because activities related to the use of mobile
• Profiling and searching for specific individuals
devices can highly stimulate brain activity.
is highly possible in the Internet, which offers a
• Deep fake is a piece of media which was
• Scientific researches and advances have posed manipulated to replace one's face with
as a double edged sword involving ethical and another. Deep fakes are highly modified Al
moral dilemmas due to interference with the technologies that can be
natural order of things.
• Used to alter and even create images or digital
• These advancements have posed fundamental photos, videos and even audio recordings.
questions as to whether these can help or pose
• This ability created by artificial intelligence can
a threat to humanity.
fabricate believable texts, images and video
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OR AI materials that can be used as evidence and
thereby implicate innocent entities.
AUTOMATION OF WORK • However, it may improve quality of life in the
face of unknown side effects. This is an
• It true that Al and robotics can result to
unchartered area being explored by scientists,
increase in production Mass production is
which poses a threat to what is natural.
highly probable which can guarantee return of
investments among businesses. • This may be in defiance of the natural order of
life with the intervention in the genetic makeup
• However, it is good workers as such
of living organisms.
productivity means reliance on machines and
longer on human ingenuity. Automation COLONIZING SPACE
replaced human muscle, which eventually
• The exploding population in all countries across
resulted to loss in employment.
the globe, environmental degradation, global
• Likewise, increase production and supply warming, viruses and all other forms of issues
products but evident decrease in human surrounding human life in this planet resulted
income and purchasing power. to the drive to find another haven for
• Physical traits can be changed through this
process, which can create certain color or • Some have thought of moving in another place
remove risk of diseases. This is made through outside of this planet where human can thrive
the cutting of DNA on specific spots to make safely. Mars had been considered as a potential
the changes, add, the trait of the organism. planet, which humans can colonize in the near
future as resources are said to be present in
• This is the treatment involved in therapies to
this body.
help prevent or treat diseases such as in the
case of those with a history of diabetes and • The dilemma is whether survival in the said
even cancer. 2009 genome-editing tool known planet is 100% guaranteed. The resources spent
as CRISPR was developed to make the gene and will be spent on this is immense brings into
editing process easier and cost effective but question the feasibility of this ambitious
highly accurate. innovation.
• This powerful tool allowed scientists to CHAPTER 8: THE AGE OF INFORMATION
perform the process of altering DNA sequences TECHNOLOGY
in a shorter period. A tool described as a 'pair of
molecular scissors which is precise and quick to
edit and modify genes. • Information is a processed data with a
meaning. It is organized and has a useful
• The dilemma with these powerful tools has to
interpretation of data.
do with the controversy as to humanity's right
to behave and play God! This process also • On the other hand technology has to do with
brings out the issue as to the creation of tools, machines, and systems to apply change in
Designer Babies. a human-made environment.
• This has to do with the feasibility of developing • This implies that information technology (IT) is
human babies with edited genes. Such may the transmission of information requiring the
involve the creation of babies that are not only use of systems specifically computers, and
physically stronger but also intellectually telecommunications, for storing, retrieving and
superior. sending information.
• The 21st century is characterized by the USER INTERFACES
application of advancement in information
• User interface has undergone a introduction of
technology, which has become an integral part
touch screen.
of human life.
• The touch screen capability has revolutionized
• The Information Technology Association of
way end users interact with application Touch
America defined Information Technology as
screen enables the user to directly interact with
"the study, design, development, application,
what is displayed and removes any
implementation, support or management of
intermediate hand-held device like the mouse.
computer-based information systems.
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) • In area of data analytics, predictive analytics
and social analytics, it is notable how analytics
• The advancement and application of
is used. Hence, data analytics can be used to
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
support decision-making process as it converts
raw data into meaningful information.
• It evident this that every organization and
• On the other hand, predictive analytics is used
enterprise needs efficient systems carry out
to forecast events based on current and
daily tasks.
historical information while social media
• Computer network that secured and analytics as a tool is for companies to
competently connected is requirement carry understand and accommodate customer needs
out productive operations. and requirements.
CLOUD COMPUTING • The field of information technology has shown
great advancement leading to immense
• Cloud computing provides benefits to its users
changes in the last decade. Hence, from the
such that reduces the IT infrastructure cost of
emerging trend, it is stated that analytics has a
the company; it promotes the concept of
great impact on business to serve their
virtualization which enables server and storage
customers well.
device be used within the organization and
finally, allows the maintenance of software and THE SIGNIFICANT IMPACT OF INFORMATION
hardware a easier as no installation is required. TECHNOLOGY
MOBILE APPLICATION • The past decades have shown the grandiose
revolution in the realm of computing and
• A trend within information technology is the
communications. All indications show that
use of mobile applications which are actually
technology and the use of information
software applications on smart phones,
technology will continue to progress.
androids and the like.
• The increase in the acquisition and of new
• Mobile application or mobile app is a complete
information technologies is brought about by
success since its introduction in the commercial
the declining cost of communications as result
market. Apps are designed to run on
of rapid technological innovations and
smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
increased competitiveness of networks and
• They are also available for download from companies mass producing hand held devices.
selected mobile operating systems.
• Electronic commerce E-commerce is one of the and size of players and the way in which players
most notable developments in the Internet. is a compete on international markets.
new way of conducting business through the
• Digitized goods also known as electric goods or
World Wide Web where buyers and sellers
e-goods include e-books, digital images, music
meet and do business.
files, software, manuals are electronically
THE RISE OF E-COMMERCE stored. These files can cross borders in real
time and consumers can shop 24 hours a day,
• Information technology defies time and space
seven days a week and in the midst of stiff
which directly affects the exertion of effort as
market competition, firms are searching for
reduces travel time and distance. Varied
strategies to be competitive online by
industries have realized that workers may not
improving their online shops' User Interface
necessarily come from single location such as
(UI) as well as User Experience (UX).
working an office-based environment.
• For instance the establishment of BPOS or
Business Process Outsourcing companies, which • Computers and communication technologies
are found the Philippines, India, Cambodia, complement the traditional telephones.
Singapore, Thailand and many other countries
• It is a way to allow individuals to communicate
across the globe. Firms opted to hire their
with one another in ways that do not require
workers and outsource them from other
f2f interaction
countries specifically Asia where salary rate a
lot more affordable. • These technologies utilize communication
infrastructures that are both global and up
• Reseller and white label companies from US,
United Kingdom and Australia hire home-based
or remote web developers as well as digital • Interaction between superiors and
marketing specialists from the Philippines. They subordinates will become stiff because of
work on either a day or night shift to comply control issues raised by the use of
with the schedule of foreign clients. computerized monitoring systems such as the
software Time Doctor which records every
• Notably, firms can now outsource their
worker online, but on the other hand, the use
manufacturing to other nations such as in the
of e-mail will lower the barriers to
case of industrial and economic zones
communications across different status levels,
operating in the Philippines and rely on
resulting in more uninhibited communications
telecommunications to keep production,
between supervisor and subordinates.
distribution and marketing attuned.
• Through these developments in the nature of
• This has demanded an influx of workers with
job brought by information technology working
specific skills.
from home, telecommuting and working
• Thus, technology has even refined division of remote has remarkably reduced everyday
labor and accurate coordination entirely expenses and burnout considering that multiple
through computer networks and jobs are available on flexible schedules.
communication technologies,
• The open and global nature of e-commerce is
• Advancements in information technology have
likely to increase market size and change
brought about the development of CAI or
market structure, in terms of both the number
computer-assisted-instruction. The same will
complement traditional classroom instruction.
• The teacher as the trainer and mentor
motivates, encourages, evaluates and helps in
the learning of students.
• Though there is a need for face to face (127),
the integration of information technology
improves productivity and enriches the learning
experience of students Developing solutions to
the given problems largely operates through
technology utilized in schools through virtual
learning environments, simulations which are
available on the Internet and offers much
• E-mail, drop boxes, learning software, Learning
Management Systems (LMS) and mobile
applications simplify the learning process.
• These educational technologies vastly simplify
collaboration between students and teachers
and even between students themselves who
are engaged in group workloads.
• Text can be combined with audio, images and
videos utilized through real time real time
interactions through Skype, face time, Zoom,
Facebook-Messenger and other platforms.
• The increase in content presented in a digital
form results in easier and cheaper duplication
and distribution of information.
• This is the case of book contents being copy-
pasted and even image properties which can
easily be posted on the Internet.
• These can all be exposed online and be utilized
by any individual for whatever intent they have.
This evidently violates intellectual property
rights which is an issue being raised against the
wide use of information technology. It can
reduce the incentives of creators, writers,
authors, distributors and publishers alike.

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