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The Entrepreneurial Mind

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The Entrepreneurial Mind : The Entreprenurse Some entrepreneurs love the adventure and excitement

of creating something new, and once it is established

they lose interest and move on to something else.
- (from the French word “entreprendre”. Which Other entrepreneurs feel passionately about the
means product they are constructing or the sense of
accomplishment they feel because they know they are
- “to undertake”) helping other people, helping animals or helping the
- Is a person who assumes the responsibility and risk planet.
for discovering or creating unique opportunities to Whatever drives an individual to try to succeed is where
use personal talents, skills and energy, and who his/her passion lies, and that passion is integral to
employs a strategic planning process to transfer entrepreneurial life.
that opportunity into a marketable service or BRAVERY
Entrepreneurs, like everyone else, feel fear. They are
- ASSUMING RISK is a fundamental aspect of fearful that they won’t succeed or fearful a well-
entrepreneurship. conceived idea cannot be executed. They do not,
KEY QUALITIES of an Entrepreneur however, let these fears of failure define them. They are
brave. They learn from failure. They utilize their fear of
ATTITUDE failing to push themselves to work harder and to strive
Your outlook can greatly impact your health, social life, to correct the mistakes that may have caused them to
earning potential, productivity, ability to overcome fail.
obstacles and more. With a positive attitude, excelling
in these various domains of life can become a much Many entrepreneurs need multiple attempts to create a
simpler endeavor—creating enormous benefits that successful company. It is bravery that drives them to
can significantly improve the quality of your life. pursue success.

ATTITUDE in Business

A business attitude reflects feelings, beliefs and values. FLEXIBILITY

The attitude you project in your encounters with people Entrepreneurs experience setbacks. There are hurdles
throughout the business day can determine the degree to overcome on any journey.
of success of those encounters.

CRATIVITY Not everyone handles change or disappointment well.

However, entrepreneurs must possess flexible mindsets
RELATIONSHIP so they can alter a course that seems to be headed
toward failure.

The Right Attitude for Entrepreneurs Flexible entrepreneurs should be aware that they may
have to modify the route toward their established goal,
or even perhaps tweak that established goal, in order to
No entrepreneur succeeds in every business venture. reach it successfully.
Every successful entrepreneur fails at least once, if not  
twice. How entrepreneurs learn from and utilize their
failures, however, is what matters, because in
entrepreneurship, attitude is everything. It is not easy to start from the ground up and become a
successful business owner. Many hours of hard work,
Entrepreneurs should be passionate about their ideas,
frustration, creativity and supervision are poured into a
goals and, of course, their companies. This passion is
new venture. If you are not willing to get up and work
what drives them to do what they do.
hard every day, probably seven days a week, then how
can you expect success? No successful business is
created quickly, easily or without strife.

Entrepreneurs do not work a standard 9-5 day, nor do

they log 40-hour work weeks. They are always working
—establishing new ideas, creating new products,
designing new processes, hiring smart and talented
Entrepreneurs motivate themselves and continually
look forward. 


Entrepreneurs must be able to show others they are

truthful and honest. Regardless of the type of business
they hope to establish, colleagues, vendors, customers
and investors must trust them. There is no way around
this—entrepreneurs must be trusted, and trust must be

The best business idea in the world will likely fail if an

untrustworthy person is at the helm. Suppliers need to
know that payments for goods they have shipped will
arrive on time.

Customers need to know that whatever product or

service they have ordered will be delivered as promised.
Colleagues need to know that they are a valued part of
the company’s success. Investors need to know that the
company has to potential to grow.

Attitude is everything in entrepreneurial life.

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