c rc
rc cc c r
c rc
A major difference between refrigeration and air conditioning is the point
of supply for the gases. Refrigeration systems have gas installed in a
series of tubes. In old refrigerators, this gas was chloro-flouro-carbon, or
CFC, but this has harmful effects on people, so refrigerators not contain
HFC-134a. HFC-134a is the sole gas used as a coolant in refrigeration
systems. Air conditioning systems use built-in chemicals, but also air
from the room or rooms being heated. Gases built into air conditioning
units cool air that circulates through the unit; the unit then redistributes
the cooled air through the room.
Air conditioners have circulation systems designed to project cool air
away from the units while refrigeration units have circulation systems
designed to retain coolant in a confined space. Refrigeration systems
circulate cool liquids and gases through a series of tubes and vents. Cool
air from within a refrigerator is sucked into a compressor that recycles
the gas through the tubes. Air conditioners, while also employing tubes
in the coolant system, have fans for the dispersal of air. Unlike
refrigeration systems, which keep gases contained to a pre-determined
space, air conditioning systems disperse cool air throughout areas of
unknown volume.
Both air conditioning and refrigeration units depend on converting liquid
to gas in the cooling process, but the manner in which they achieve this
is different for each system. Air conditioners use something called an
evaporator to convert a liquid to a gas. An evaporator is a small, narrow
hole designed to change the pressure of a liquid so that it evaporates.
Refrigeration units, on the other hand, cycle HFC into a low-pressure
chamber designed to boil the gas. This boiling causes HFC to vaporize.
Vaporization is the process of converting a liquid to a gas and can be
accomplished one of two ways: boiling or evaporation. Thus air
conditioning units vaporize liquid through evaporation while refrigeration
systems do so through boiling.
1)? crc
r : The main function of this fan is to move air to
and from the room.
3)? : It directs the conditioned air from the circulating
fan to the space to be air conditioned at proper point.
c The main function of the filters is to remove dust, dirt
and other harmful bacteria·s from the air.
rc cc c c
2) !"
3) "
4) #
rc cc
rc cc
s%? cc
? Having the condenser coil in the same air path as the evaporator
coil produces warm, dehumidified air.
? The terms "condenser coil" and "evaporator coil" do not refer to the
behavior of water in the air as it passes over each coil; instead they
refer to the phases of the refrigeration cycle.
? Having the condenser coil in the main air path rather than in a
separate, outdoor air path (as in a regular air conditioner) results
in two consequences³the output air is warm rather than cold, and
the unit is able to be placed anywhere in the environment to be
conditioned, without a need to have the condenser outdoors.
2.? This hot gas runs through a set of coils so it can dissipate its heat, and it
condenses into a liquid.
3.? The Freon liquid runs through an expansion valve, and in the process it
evaporates to become cold, low-pressure refrigerant gas
4.? This cold gas runs through a set of coils that allow the gas to absorb heat
and cool down the air inside the building.
cc c rc cc
rc cc c rcrc
c r
Air is one of the earliest refrigerants and was widely used in World War I
whenever a completely nontoxic material was required. Although air is
free of cost and completely safe, its low coefficient of performance makes
it unable to compete with the modern nontoxic refrigerants.
These refrigerants use ethane and methane as bases, and are the most
important group of refrigerants being used in modern technology. These
are used in a variety of applications, such as reciprocating compression
refrigeration, and rotary compressors.
Ozone (O3) is a gas with molecules made of three atoms of oxygen. This is
different from the oxygen we breathe (O2), which has two atoms of oxygen
and makes up 21% of the Earth's atmosphere. Ozone is found throughout
the Earth's atmosphere in minute quantities (about 0.6 parts per million,
on average). Ozone is found in higher concentrations in pollution, and can
be a health risk.
The ozone depletions process begins when CFCs and other ozone
depleting substances are emitted into the atmosphere. The winds then
mix the troposphere and evenly distribute the gases. CFCs are extremely
stable and do not dissolve in rain. After several years, the ODS molecules
reach the stratosphere, about 10 km above Earth's surface.
Strong UV lights break apart the ODS molecules. CFCs, HCFCs, carbon
tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and other gases release chlorine atoms.
These are the atoms that actually destroy the ozone, not the intact ODS
molecule. It's estimated that one chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000
ozone molecules before it is finally removed from the stratosphere.
If the ozone were to totally deplete then the risk of skin cancer would be
of great danger. The main skin cancers are non-melanoma skin cancers
that are commonly found in the white population. There are two major
forms of non-melanoma skin tumors and they are basal cell carcinoma
(BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). However the incidence of
basal cell carcinoma is generally several times greater than the incidence
of squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinomas account for as
much as 4/5s of all non-melanoma skin cancer deaths (NAS, 1984).
Prolonged sunlight exposure is considered to be the dominant risk factor
for non-melanoma skin tumors.
The most important thing to look for with an air conditioner is the star
rating. You need to work out what size you require for the task and then
choose the most efficient model that will perform the task.
There are three kinds of Energy rating labels for air conditioners. The one
for cooling-only models has a blue band of stars and a blue box for the
energy consumption figure. As the name implies, these air conditioners
only have a cooling mode. The label for reverse-cycle models has two
bands of stars. The blue band shows the efficiency when cooling, and the
red band shows the efficiency when heating. There are also two energy
consumption figures - blue for cooling and red for heating. As the name
implies, the term reverse cycle means that the operation of the air
conditioner can be internally reversed to provide indoor heating or
cooling as required - the principle used for both modes is the same.
The two main types of air conditioners for household use are window-
wall systems and split systems. While both can be equally efficient, split
systems tend to be more efficient for a particular size range as their
components are generally less constrained by size (although this is not
always true). Split systems have the advantage of being quieter indoors
during operation but they are also more expensive.
These estimates depend on the climate and the efficiency of your house
design (orientation, glazing and insulation levels).
The measure of energy service for an air conditioner is the rated cooling
and/or heating capacity of the air conditioner, usually specified in
kilowatts (kW) (some product brochures use BTUs (British Thermal
Units), although this is now unusual and some retailers use compressor
"horsepower", although this has no meaning in terms of the units
capability). These rated values are as declared by the manufacturer and
under the test conditions based on the international standard. The
heating capacity of a reverse cycle air conditioner is the heat that can be
put into a room. Similarly, the cooling capacity is the heat that can be
removed from a room. The cooling capacity is made up of the sensible
component (usually the majority of the capacity) which relates to the
actual temperature reduction (cooling) of the air, plus the latent
component, which is a measure of the dehumidification effect of the
indoor air. ßatent cooling capacity is sometimes expressed as moisture
removal capacity in liters or kg of water per hour (1 kg per hour of
moisture removal is equal to 683 Watts latent capacity).
The original star rating equations for air conditioners were developed in
1987. These were revised (re-graded) in 2000 and again in 2010 to take
account of the substantial improvement in the energy efficiency of
products over this period. Until 2010, all energy labels showed possible
star ratings from a minimum of 1 star to a maximum of 6 stars. In 2010,
the star rating system for refrigerators and air conditioners was
expanded to show up to 10 stars for products that have exceptional
energy efficiency. Products that achieve up to 5 stars continue to use a
normal 5 star energy label.
The star rating for air conditioners is determined from the measured EER
and COP. From 2010, for cooling, 1 star is equal to an EER of 2.75 with
an extra star for an increase in EER of 0.5. For heating, 1 star is also
equal to a COP of 2.75 with an extra star for an increase in COP of 0.5
Importantly, the 2010 star rating system is based on an annual efficiency
calculation which includes any non-operational energy consumption
such as standby and power consumption of crank case heaters (where
rc c rc cc c
A thermodynamic cycle consists of a series of thermodynamic
processes transferring heat and work, while varying pressure,
temperature, and other state variables, eventually returning a system to
its initial state. In the process of going through this cycle, the system
may perform work on its surroundings, thereby acting as a heat engine.
:r3 c
The vapor-compression cycle is used in most household refrigerators as
well as in many large commercial and industrial refrigeration systems.
Figure below provides a schematic diagram of the processes of a typical
vapor-compression cycle
P²h diagram for refrigerant flow in air conditioning system
The different vapor domes for the refrigerant R-22 are been generated by
using the software cool pack are shown below
The evaporator becomes cold and remains cold due to the following two
This is not suitable for industry usage because of the cost associated
with processing such a large quantity of solution, such as the need for
larger equipment.
Heat is added to the solution and part of the solvent is converted into
vapor. Heat is the main tool in evaporation, and the process occurs more
readily at high temperature and low pressures.
Heat is needed to provide enough energy for the molecules of the solvent
to leave the solution and move into the air surrounding the solution.
The need to overcome the surface tension of the solution also requires
energy. The energy requirement of this process is very high because a
phase transition must be caused; the water must go from a liquid to a
When designing evaporators, engineers must quantify the amount of
steam needed for every mass unit of water removed when a concentration
is given.
r :rr
The solution containing the desired product is fed into the evaporator
and passes a heat source. The applied heat converts the water in the
solution into vapor.
The vapor is removed from the rest of the solution and is condensed
while the now concentrated solution is either fed into a second
evaporator or is removed.
The most common medium consists of parallel tubes but others have
plates or coils. The concentrating and separating section removes the
vapor being produced from the solution. The condenser condenses the
separated vapor, then the vacuum or pump provides pressure to increase
34 -* !# is the energy radiated by solids, liquid and gas in
the form of electromagnetic waves, which transfer energy because of their
temperature. This energy transfer heat through a space without heating
the space but is absorbed by objects that it reaches.
Regardless of how the heat reaches the outside surface of the evaporator,
it must pass through the wall of the evaporator to the refrigerant inside
by conduction. Therefore, the capacity of the evaporator (the rate at
which heat passes through the walls) is determined by the same factors
that governing the rate of heat flow by Thermal conduction through any
heat transfer surface
$4? r''!#+-"'#('#
(a)? Bare tube coil evaporator
(b)?Finned tube evaporator
(c)? Plate evaporator
(d)?Shell and tube evaporator
(e)? Shell and coil evaporator
(f)? Tube in tube evaporator
_4? r''!#+-###/-'-*5!+#(!
(a)? Flooded evaporator
(b)?Dry expansion evaporator
s4? r''!#+-!-#(
(a)? Natural convection evaporator
(b)?Forced convection evaporator
4? r''!#+#+'#!#(
(a)? Frosting evaporator
(b)? Non frosting evaporator
(c)? Defrosting evaporator
It consists of bare tubes or coils over which the metal plates or fins are
fastened. The metal fins are constructed of thin sheet of metal having good
thermal conductivity. In this type of evaporators have high contact surface
area and good heat transfer rate. This is also called as extended surface
The tube in tube evaporator consists of one tube inside another tube.
The liquid to be cooled flows through the inner tube while the primary
refrigerant or secondary refrigerant circulates in the space between the
two tubes. The tube in tube evaporator provides high heat transfer rates.
However they require more space than shell and tube evaporators of the
same capacity. These evaporators are used for wine cooling and in
petroleum industry for chilling of oil.
The dry expansion evaporator not really dry at all. They simply used
relatively little refrigerant as compared to flooded evaporator having the
same coil volume. The dry expansion evaporators are usually only one
forth or one third filled with liquid refrigerant. The simple bare tube dry
expansion evaporator. The finned coil expansion evaporator also available.
The rate at which the liquid refrigerant is fed to the evaporator generally
depends upon the rate of vaporization and increases or decreases as the
load on the evaporator increases or decreases. When the liquid refrigerant
passes through the expansion valve, some vapour is formed. The flash gas
causes bubbles can cause dry areas on the interior walls of the coil. The
dry areas reduced the rate of heat transfer. Thus, the evaporator efficiency
decreases as dry areas increases that when the load on the evaporator is
light. If the cooling lad on the evaporator is heavy, the expansion valve
allows the large volume of liquid refrigerant into the coil in order to
accommodate the heavy load.
The natural convection evaporator·s arte used where air velocity low and
minimum hydration of the product is desired. The domestic refrigerator,
water cooler and small freezer have natural convection evaporators. The
evaporator coil should be placed as high as possible in the refrigerant is
because the cold air falls down as it leaves the evaporator. The velocity of
air over the evaporator coil considerably affects the capacity. The velocity
of air depends on the temperature of outside and inside of evaporator. The
circulation of air around the coil depends its size, shape and location.
In this evaporator s, the air is forced over the refrigerant cooled coils and
fins. This done by fan driven by an electric motor. The fins are provided to
increases the heat transfer rate. It is more efficient to compare to natural
convection evaporator because they required less cooling surface and high
evaporator pressure can be used which save considerable power input to
the compressor. These are mainly used for cooling units as well as for
refrigerator cabinets used for store bottled beverage or foods in sealed
This evaporator operates at 0°c temperature. This means that the coil
frosts continually when in use and it must be removed at regular intervals
either manually or automatically for most efficient operation. The frost
which forms on the evaporator comes from the moisture in the air. The coil
or cooling efficiency decreases until the ice and frost is removed. The
evaporators fall under the frosting evaporators.
It operates above the 0°c a all times. Therefore frost does not on the
evaporator. The evaporator builds up a light coat of frost just before the
compressor shuts off. This frost immediately melts on the off cycle. The
advantages of a non frosting evaporator are its operation at a temperature
close to freezing. This maintained a relative humidity from 75 to 85% in
the cabinet.
Plate evaporators have a relatively large surface area. The plates are
usually corrugated and are supported by frame. During evaporation,
steam flows through the channels formed by the free spaces between the
plates. The steam alternately climbs and falls parallel to the concentrated
liquid. The steam follows a co-current, counter-current path in relation
to the liquid. The concentrate and the vapor are both fed into the
separation stage where the vapor is sent to a condenser.
Forward feeding takes place when the product enters the system through
the first effect, which is at the highest temperature. The product is then
partially concentrated as some of the water is transformed into vapor and
carried away. It is then fed into the second effect which is a little lower in
temperature. The second effect uses the heated vapor created in the first
stage as its heating source (hence the saving in energy expenditure).
Fouling also occurs when hard deposits form on the surfaces of the
heating mediums in the evaporators. In foods, proteins and
polysaccharides can create such deposits that reduce the efficiency of
heat transfer.
Foaming can also create a problem since dealing with the excess foam
can be costly in time and efficiency. Antifoam agents are to be used, but
only a few can be used when food is being processed.
Corrosion can also occur when acidic solutions such as citrus juices are
concentrated. The surface damage caused can shorten the long-life of
evaporators. Quality and flavor of food can also suffer during
r r
2)? r c
3)? : c
c r The velocity of refrigerant also
affects the heat transfer capacity of an evaporator. If the velocity of
refrigerant flowing through the evaporator increases, the overall
heat transfer coefficient also increases. But this increased velocity
will cause greater pressure loss in the evaporator. Thus the only
recommended velocities for different refrigerants which give high
heat transfer rates and allowable pressure loss should be used.
4)? c&
:rr c
r The thickness
of the evaporator coil wall also affects the heat transfer capacity of
the evaporator. In general, the thicker the wall, the slower is the
rate of heat transfer. Since the refrigerant in the evaporator coils is
under pressure, therefore the evaporator walls are thick enough to
withstand the effects of that pressure. It may be noted that the
thickness has only a slight effect on total heat transfer capacity
because the evaporators are usually made from highly conductive
5)? r
r r r An important factor affecting the
evaporator capacity is the contact surface available between the
walls of evaporator coil and the medium being cooled. The amount
of contact surface, in turn, depends basically on the physical size
and shape of the evaporator coil.
The psychrometry is that branch of engineering science, which deals with
the study of moist air i.e. dry air mixed with water vapor or humidity. It
also includes the study of behavior of dry air and water vapor under
various sets of conditions.
$%? rc The pure dry air is a mixture of a number of gases such
as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, argon, neon, helium
etc. But the nitrogen and oxygen have the major portion of the
_%? crc It is a mixture of dry air and water vapor. The amount
of water vapor present in air depends upon the absolute pressure
and temperature of the mixture.
s%? rr rc It is a mixture of dry air and water vapor, when
the air has diffused the maximum amount of water vapor into it.
The water vapors usually occur in the form of superheated steam
as an invisible gas.
rrc It is the ratio of actual mass of water
vapor in a unit mass of dry air to the mass of water vapor in the
same mass of dry air when it is saturated at the same temperature.
_%? c
c ccc c The specific
humidity (moisture content) lines are horizontal i.e. parallel to the
abscissa and are also uniformly spaced. Generally, moisture content
range of these lines on psyshrometric chart is from 0 to 30 g / kg of
dry air. The moisture content lines are drawn with the difference of
every 1 g (or 0.001kg) and up to the saturation curve.
å%? r 1r r% c The enthalpy (or total heat) lines
are inclined straight lines and uniformly spaced. These lines are
parallel to the wet bulb temperature lines, and are drawn up to the
saturation curve. Some of these lines coincide with the wet bulb
temperature lines also.
ü%? c
c : c The specific volume lines are obliquely
inclined straight lines and uniformly spaced. These lines are drawn
up to the saturation curve.
c c
The idea behind the development of coolpack is different from the idea
described above. Instead of creating a large, general and comprehensive
simulation program we have chosen to create a collection of small, easy
to use, and numerically robust simulation programs. the typical
simulation program in coolpack deals with only on type of refrigeration
system and has a specific investigation purpose. it therefore only
requires the user inputs/selections necessary to describe operating
conditions etc. and not any inputs for describing the system design or for
specifying the input/output structure associated with the simulation
Since many of the routines for transport properties are only valid for a
more narrow interval than the thermodynamic properties, it is sometimes
necessary to omit (select NO) the calculations of the transport properties.
NOTE: The user MUST specify a single phase state - two phase states
cannot be used as input.
Calculation of the properties of R-22
The model is used for calculating the cooling demand for an air-
conditioned room in a steady state condition. The cooling demand
consists of several individual cooling demands which will be described in
the following.
The heat load from heat transfer through building parts is calculated for
all 4 walls, roof and ceiling individually. The heat transfer is calculated
as follows
Q = k A (T - T_ROOM)
Where Q is the heat transfer in [W], A is the area of the building part
[m ], k is heat transfer coefficient [W/ (m K)], T_ROOM is the
temperature in the room in [°C] and T is the temperature on the hot side
of the building part in [°C].
If you want to include the thermal resistance of the air layer you should
use the following equation for calculating the heat transfer coefficient:
Where m_INNER is the thermal resistance [(m K)/W] of the air layer on
the inside of the wall, m_WAßß is the thermal resistance of the wall and
m_OUT is the insulation property on the outside of the wall.
Typical values of m_INNER and m_OUTER are 0.04 (m K)/W if there is a
good air movement (thin layer) and 0.08 (m K)/W with none or low air
movement (thick layer). The insulation property of the wall can be
calculated as follows
Solar radiation through windows can be specified as heat load per area
[W/m (window area)] and the window area [m ].
Due to opening of doors and leaks in the building parts warm and humid
air flows into the room. This air has to be cooled and maybe also
dehumidified. The flow of air infiltrating the room can be specified either
directly by the flow in [m /h] or indirectly by the Air Change Factor (ACF)
specifying the flow of air as number of times the total room volume is
changed per 24 hours.
d) Auxiliary loads
1) Persons
The heat load from persons working in the room is based on the maximal
number of persons that are in the room at the same time.
2) ßighting
4) other equipment
If other power consuming equipment in placed in the room the heat load
of this equipment has to be estimated. Normally, the heat developed
corresponds to the electrical power consumption of the equipment.
The total cooling demand is the sum of all the individual heat loads
described. The SHR for the evaporator is calculated based on the
humidity of the infiltrating air.
The phase-out of CFCs by the year 1995 and the impending phase-out of
HCFCs in the future have created a need for redesigning new
refrigerators and retrofitting old ones with new refrigerants. This report
describes an extensive experimental and analytical effort aimed at
predicting the performance of evaporators and condensers using
alternative refrigerants. Heat exchanger models are also expressed in a
form where heat exchanger tube diameters and lengths are explicitly
specified to help analyze new configurations.
Two-phase correlations
Both the BoPierre correlation (Pierre, 1956) and a correlation developed
by Chato and Wattelet (Smith et. aI., 1992) have been investigated for
calculating the two-phase heat transfer coefficient. Parameter estimation
models have been developed using both correlations so that the two heat
transfer coefficients could be compared. The BoPierre correlation was
designed for use with higher Reynolds numbers. The Chatol Wattelet
correlation, on the other hand, was developed for use with lower
refrigerant mass flow rates. Domestic refrigeration systems have low
mass flow rates, so it is likely that the Chatol Wattelet correlation will
better suit our purposes.
rcr c
c :rr
c c rcr
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The software was created in the late 1970s and early 1980s to
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c :rr
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? ?
? ?
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