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Rigid Plastic Packaging: Flexible Plastic Packaging of Single Layer or Multilayer (More

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 Obligated entities

1. Producer (P) of plastic packaging

2. Importer (I) of all imported plastic packaging or plastic packaging of
imported products
3. Brand Owners (BO) including online platforms/marketplaces and
supermarkets/retail chains other than those, which are micro and small
enterprises as per the criteria of Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises, Government of India
4. Plastic Waste Processors

 Coverage of EPR

1. Category 1: Rigid Plastic packaging

2. Category 2: Flexible plastic packaging of single layer or multilayer (more
than one layer with different types of plastic), plastic sheets or like and
covers made of plastic sheet, carry bags, plastic sachet or pouches.
3. Category 3: Multi-layered plastic packaging (at least one layer of plastic
and at least one layer of material other than plastic);
4. Category 4: Plastic sheet or like used for packaging as well as carry bags
made of compostable plastics.

 EPR Covers the following:

 Reuse
 Recycling
 Use of recycles plastic content
 End of life disposal

 A committee to be set up to monitor the implementation of EPR and

take measures for removal of difficulties.
Constituents of the said committee:
 Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
 Ministry of MSME
 Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation
 Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals
 Three SPCB’s/PCC’c
 National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
 3 Industry Associations
 Any invitee as decided by the chairperson of the committee
Online Portal
 An online portal will be set up under CPCB for registration and filling of
annual returns by producers, importers and brand owners, plastic waste
processors of plastic packaging waste by March 31, 2022.
 After these guidelines have come into effect, with respect to, entities
starting their business in a particular year and placing their products in
market in that year, they shall have Extended Producer Responsibility
target obligations from the next year.
 The entities registered shall not deal with any entity not registered
through on-line centralized portal developed by Central Pollution
Control Board
 The online system developed by CPCB should also reflect audit of
producers, importers, and brand owners as well as recyclers or other
waste processors of plastic packaging waste
 In case, it is found or determined that any entity registered on the on-
line portal has provided false information or has wilfully concealed
information or there is any irregularity or deviation from the conditions
stipulated while obtaining registration under Extended Producer
Responsibility guidelines, then the registration of such an entity would
be revoked for a one -year period after giving an opportunity to be
heard. The entities whose registration has been revoked shall not be
able to register afresh for the period of revocation.
 In case any entity falls in more than one sub-category then the entity
shall register under each of those sub-categories separately. Further, in
cases, where the entity has units in different states, in a particular sub-
category, then these units shall also be registered separately. However,
only one registration under a subcategory in a state would be needed,
even if, more than one unit are in a state.
 The registration shall be as per Standard Operating Procedure laid down
by Central Pollution Control Board for the purpose, as per these
 While registering, the entities shall have to provide PAN Number, GST
Number, CIN Number of the company and Aadhar Number and PAN
Number of authorized person or representative and any other necessary
information as required.
EPR Targets:
1. Producers:


Use of Recycled plastic content

In cases, where it is not possible to meet the obligation inn respect of recycled
plastic content on account of statutory requirements, the exemption will be
granted by CPCB on case-to-case basis
2. Importers
Eligible Quantity in MT
A = average weight of all plastic packaging material and / or plastic
packaging of imported products (category-wise) imported and sold in
the last two financial years
B = average quantity of pre-consumer plastic packaging in the last two
financial years
C = the annual quantity supplied to the entities in the previous financial
years as under:
Q (in MT) = (A + B) - C

Obligation for Recycling

Obligation for use of recycled plastic content

3. Brand Owner (BO)

EPR Target Eligible Quantity:

A = the average weight of virgin plastic packaging material (category-
wise) purchased and introduced in market in the last two financial years
B = average quantity of pre-consumer plastic packaging in the last two
financial years as under:
Q (in MT) = A + B

Obligation for reuse

Obligation for recycling

Generation of Surplus EPR Certificates:

A Brand Owner who has fulfilled their Extended Producer Responsibility
targets, category-wise, can use the surplus for the following:
 Offsetting previous year shortfall
 Carry forward for use in succeeding year
 Sell it to other Producers, Importers & Brand Owners
Surplus for one category can only be used for off-setting, carry forward and
sale in the same category.

Role of Producers, Importers & Brand Owners

 The Producers, Importers & Brand-Owners shall have to register through
the online centralized portal developed by Central Pollution Control
Board. The certificate of registration shall be issued using the portal.
 Producers, Importers & Brand-Owners shall provide Action Plan
containing information on the Extended Producer Responsibility Target,
category-wise, where applicable, through the online centralized portal
developed by Central Pollution Control Board, along with application for
registration or renewal of registration under Plastic Waste Management
Rules, 2016. The Action Plan shall cover tenure of the Registration as per
the provisions of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. The standard
operating procedure for registration and the action plan pro forma shall
be developed by Central Pollution Control Board as per these guidelines.
 Brand Owner shall provide details of plastic packaging purchased from
Producers and/or Importers. The quantities attributed to each Producer
and Importer shall be deducted from the obligation of Producers and
Importers. The record of purchase including category-wise quantity
purchased, shall be maintained separately by Brand Owner.
 The Producers and Importers will maintain the record of the quantity of
plastic packaging material made available to Brand Owner. The record of
such sale including category-wise quantity sold, will be maintained
separately by Producers and Importers. In case such records are not
maintained, they will have to fulfil the complete Extended Producer
Responsibility obligation. The online platform shall cross-check the
declaration of transactions among Producers, Importers & Brand-
 To develop a separate waste stream for collection of plastic packaging
waste for directly fulfilling Extended Producer Responsibility obligations,
the Producers, Importers & Brand-Owners may operate schemes such as
deposit refund system or buy back or any other model. This will prevent
mixing of plastic packaging waste with solid
 The Producers, Importers & Brand-Owners shall file annual returns on
the plastic packaging waste collected and processed towards fulfilling
obligations under Extended Producer Responsibility with the Central
Pollution Control Board or concerned State Pollution Control Board or
Pollution Control Committee as per pro forma prescribed by Central
Pollution Control Board by the 30th June of the next financial year.
Information on the reuse and/or recycled content used `for packaging
purposes will also be provided. The details of the registered recyclers
from whom the recycled plastic has been procured will also be provided

 Under the new guidelines, SPCBs or PCCs shall submit annual report on
EPR portal with respect to its fulfilment by producers, importers and
brand owners and plastic waste processors in the state/UT to the CPCB

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