Cynthia Level 18
Cynthia Level 18
Cynthia Level 18
Fortitude: +15 (+10 base, +3 Constitution, +3 resistance)
Reflex: +10 (+7 base, +1 Dexterity, +3 resistance)
Will: +22 (+12 base, +9 Wisdom, +3 resistance)
MODIFIERS: +2 racial bonus against Illusion spells or effects; +2 sacred bonus against disease,
poison, and petrification; +4 perfection bonus vs poison and drugs; +2 resistance bonus to
saves against evil;
+2 Sacred bonus against enchantment spells and effects; +2 bonus on knowledge checks for
mundane or magical glyphs, runes, scrolls, symbols, and other writings; +2 sacred bonus on
saving throws against Enchantment spells and effects
IMMUNITIES: Diseases and Poison; Death Spells and magical Death effects
-2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma
Humand (Gnome)
Small: As Small creatures, gnomes gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack
rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4
size bonus on Stealth checks.
Speed: Base land speed is 20 feet.
Low-Light Vision
Defensive Training: Gnomes get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant type.
Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they
cast. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities:
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals (burrowing animals
only). The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level. The DC for these spells is
equal to 10 + the spell's level + the gnome's Charisma modifier.
Hatred: Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the reptilian
and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.
Illusion Resistance: Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
Keen Senses: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Obsessive: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice.
[Profession (scribe)]
Favored Class: Cleric
Darkvision 60 ft.
Energy Resistances: Resistance 10 Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic
Linked Minds (Ex): The target can communicate telepathically with other axiomatic creatures of
its type within 300 feet. If one in the group is not flat-footed, none of them are, and no axiomatic
creature in the group is considered flanked unless they all are.
Smite Chaos (Su): [+4 attack and damage] 1/day---Swift Action (adds Cha bonus to attack rolls
and damage bonus equal to HD against chaotic foes; smite persists until target is dead or the
axiomatic creature rests).
Spell Resistance: [Spell Resistance 23] Gain spell resistance equal to Challenge Rating + 5
CLERIC (Cloistered Cleric)
Hit Die: d8
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Cloistered clerics are proficient with light armor and with the
following weapons: club, heavy mace, light mace, quarterstaff, and sling. They are not proficient
with shields.
Class Skills: The cloistered cleric’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and
Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Aura (Ex): [11 Lawful and Good] A cleric of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly
powerful aura corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see the detect evil spell for details).
Spells: A Cleric casts divine spells which are drawn from the cleric spell list. To cast a spell, a
Cleric must have a Wisdom score of 10 + the spell’s level (Wis 10 for 0-level spells, Wis 11 for
1st-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Cleric's spell is
10 + the spell’s level + the Cleric's Wisdom modifier. Like other spellcasters, a Cleric can cast
only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given
on Table 3–5: The Cleric. In addition, he receives bonus spells for a high Wisdom.
Like other spellcasters, a cleric can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell
level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Cleric. In addition, he
receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score. A cleric also gets one domain
spell of each spell level he can cast, starting at 1st level. When a cleric prepares a spell in a
domain spell slot, it must come from one of his two domains (see Deities, Domains, and Domain
Spells, below).
Clerics meditate or pray for their spells. Each cleric must choose a time at which he must
spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation or supplication to regain his daily allotment of
spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a cleric can prepare spells. A cleric may
prepare and cast any spell on the cleric spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level,
but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation.
Diminished Spellcasting: A cloistered cleric chooses only one domain from her deity’s list of
domains, and her number of non-domain spells per day for each spell level is one less than
normal (for example, a 4th-level cloistered cleric has three cantrips, two 1st-level spells, one
1st-level domain spell, one 2nd-level spell, and one 2nd-level domain spell). If this reduces the
number of spells per day for that level to 0, she gains only the bonus spells she would be
entitled to based on her Wisdom score for that level, plus her domain spell for that level.
Channel Energy (Su): [6/day; 6d6 positive energy; Will save DC 19] Regardless of alignment,
any cleric can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of his faith through her holy (or
unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of
energy channeled and the creatures targeted.
A good cleric (or one who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can
choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. Channeling energy
causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius
centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage
plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so
on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the
damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric’s level + the cleric’s Charisma
modifier. Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point
total—all excess healing is lost. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to
3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of
opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. A cleric must be
able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.
Domains: [Endurance] A cleric’s deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform,
her values, and how others see her. A cleric chooses two domains from among those belonging
to her deity. A cleric can select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if her
alignment matches that domain. If a cleric is not devoted to a particular deity, she still selects
two domains to represent her spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject to GM approval). The
restriction on alignment domains still applies. Each domain grants a number of domain powers,
dependent upon the level of the cleric, as well as a number of bonus spells. A cleric gains one
domain spell slot for each level of cleric spell she can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a cleric
can prepare one of the spells from her two domains in that slot. If a domain spell is not on the
cleric spell list, a cleric can prepare it only in her domain spell slot. Domain spells cannot be
used to cast spells spontaneously. In addition, a cleric gains the listed powers from both of her
domains, if she is of a high enough level. Unless otherwise noted, using a domain power is a
standard action. Cleric domains are listed at the end of this class entry.
Endurance Surge (Sp): [12/day; +5 enhancement bonus; +10 temporary hit points] At 1st-level,
as a standard action, you can touch a creature to give it great vitality. For 1 round, the target
gains an enhancement bonus equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1) to Fortitude saving
throws and checks that rely on Constitution. They also gain twice the bonus as temporary hit
points. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
1 Endure Elements
2 Bear's Endurance
3 Refreshment
4 Sustain
5 Stoneskin
6 Bear's Endurance, Mass
7 Globe of Invulnerability
8 Spell Turning
9 Iron Body
Breadth of Knowledge: [+5 bonus] At 1st level, a cloistered cleric gains a bonus on Knowledge
skill checks equal to half her class level (minimum +1) and can make Knowledge skill checks
Well-Read (Ex): At 2nd level, a cloistered cleric gains a +2 bonus on skill checks, caster level
checks, and saving throws if such rolls pertain to mundane or magical glyphs, runes, scrolls,
symbols, and other writings.
Verbal Instruction (Ex): [3 Allies] At 3rd level, a cloistered cleric can use the aid another action to
assist an ally within 30 feet on a skill or ability check. The ally must be able to hear and
understand the cleric’s instructions. For every three class levels beyond 3rd, the cloistered cleric
can instruct one additional ally. If all allies are not engaged in the same task, using this ability is
a full-round action rather than a standard action.
Scribe Scroll (Su): At 4th level, a cloistered cleric gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
Spontaneous Casting: [Cure spells] A good cleric (or a neutral cleric of a good deity) can
channel stored spell energy into healing spells that the cleric did not prepare ahead of time. The
cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not a domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of
the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name).
An evil cleric (or a neutral cleric of an evil deity), can’t convert prepared spells to cure
spells but can convert them to inflict spells (an inflict spell is one with “inflict” in its name).
A cleric who is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil can convert
spells to either cure spells or inflict spells (player’s choice). Once the player makes this choice, it
cannot be reversed. This choice also determines whether the cleric turns or commands undead
(see below).
Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: [Chaotic and Evil spells prohibited] A cleric can’t cast
spells of an alignment opposed to his own or his deity’s (if he has one). Spells associated with
particular alignments are indicated by the chaos, evil, good, and law descriptors in their spell
Blessing of the Silver Heaven (Su): [CL 18th] A 1st-level celestial mystic gains electricity
resistance 10 and a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against disease, poison, and
petrification. In addition, a magic circle against evil effect always surrounds the mystic, identical
with the spell cast by a cleric whose level equals the celestial mystic's character level.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: [+4 levels of Cleric] At 2nd level, and each level thereafter, a
celestial mystic gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also
gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does
not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved
chance of turning or destroying undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on), except
for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting
class before becoming a celestial mystic, he must decide to which class he adds the new level
for purposes of determining spells per day.
Celestial Spells: Once he reaches 2nd level, a celestial mystic can cast spells as if she were an
archon. Specifically, the mystic can cast any spell described in Chapter 6 of Book of Exalted
Deeds that has a celestial or archon component, as long as she can otherwise cast the spell (it
appears on her spell list, it is of a level of spells that she can cast, and she has a sufficient ability
score to cast spells of that level). She does not gain any other celestial qualities. For instance,
she is not immune to the blast of a trumpet archon.
Blessing of the Golden Heaven (Su): A celestial mystic of 3rd level or higher is immune to death
spells and magical death effects.
Blessing of the Pearly Heaven (Su): [+3 mystic knowledge] A 5th-level celestial mystic retains
his Dexterity bonus to AC regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible
attacker. In addition, a celestial mystic may make a mystical knowledge check and adds half her
level to all Knowledge skill checks and may make such checks untrained.
Blessing of the Crystal Heaven (Su) [Cure 54 HP/day]: An 7th level, a celestial mystic can cure
his own wounds. He can cure up to three times his class level in hit points each day, and he can
spread this healing out among several uses. In addition, he gains immunity to disease and
poison, and a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against Enchantment spells and effects.
Magical Fascination: You suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks when in sight of a
visible magical effect with a duration greater than instantaneous (such as dancing lights,
spiritual weapon, or wall of fire).
Servant of the Heavens: [Exalted] Once per day, while performing an act of good, you may call
upon your archon patron to gain a +1 luck bonus on any one roll or check. [Flaw Bonus]
Extend Spell: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of
concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. An extended spell uses
up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. [1st Level]
Craft Wondrous Item: You can create a wide variety of magic wondrous items. Crafting a
wondrous item takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its price. To create a wondrous item, you must
use up raw materials costing half of its base price. See the magic item creation rules in Magic
Items for more information. You can also mend a broken wondrous item if it is one that you
could make. Doing so costs half the raw materials and half the time it would take to craft that
item. [3rd Level]
Scribe Scroll: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes 2 hours
if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise scribing a scroll takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its
base price. To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing half of this base price. See
the magic item creation rules in Magic Items for more information. [Cleric 4]
Bless Equipment: [5 rounds] As a standard action, you may expend uses of your channel
energy ability to touch a single weapon, suit if armor, or shield and temporarily grant it one
weapon, armor, or shield special ability. To bless a piece of equipment with a particular blessing,
you must expend a number of uses of channel energy equal to the number listed in the table,
and your caster level must be equal to or greater than that listed for the selected blessing.
This blessing lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number of damage dice you are
capable of dealing or healing with your channel energy ability, during which time the item is
treated as though it possessed the selected special ability. If the piece of equipment belongs to
an unwilling creature, that creature may attempt a Will save to prevent the blessing, as if
attempting a saving throw against you channel energy ability (so bonuses from channel
resistance and similar effects apply); if the creature succeeds at its save, the channeled energy
is expended to no effect.
Only magical and masterwork weapons, armor, and shields may be blessed with this
feat. When you bless a masterwork item, you must expend one additional use of your channel
energy ability beyond those normally expended to grant the selected blessing. In addition to the
selected blessing, the masterwork item gains a temporary +1 enhancement bonus for the
blessing's duration.
You can grant a piece of equipment only one blessing at a time. Blessing an item that
has already been blessed by you or another character replaces the preexisting blessing with the
new one and resets the duration.
WEAPON BLESSINGS: Bane (2 uses; CL 3rd); Ghost Touch (2 uses; CL 3rd); Disruption (3
uses; CL 6th); Lifesurge (3 uses; CL 6th); Nullifying (4 uses; CL 9th)
ARMOR/SHIELD BLESSINGS: Deathless (2 uses; armor only; CL 3rd); Stanching (2 uses;
armor only; CL 3rd); Ghost Touch (4 uses; CL 9th); Undead-Controlling (6 uses; CL 13th) [5th
Sacred Vow: [Exalted] You gain a +2 perfection bonus on Diplomacy checks. [7th Level]
Vow of Abstinence: You gain a +4 perfection bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poisons
and drugs (as long as you are subjected to a drug unwillingly). To fulfill your vow, you must not
consume intoxicating, stimulating, depressant, or hallucinogenic substances, including alcohol,
caffeine, and other drugs. If you intentionally break your vow, you immediately and irrevocably
lose the benefit of this feat. You may not take another feat to replace it. If you break your vow as
a result of magical compulsion, or otherwise unintentionally (a drug slipped into your drink, for
example), you lose the benefit of this feat until you perform a suitable penance and receive an
atonement spell. [9th Level]
Create Portal: You can create any portal whose prerequisites you meet. Crafting a portal takes
one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a portal, you must spend 1/25 of its base
price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this base price. See Chapter 2: Magic for
details of portal creation. Some portals incur extra costs in material components or XP as noted
in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the portals base price.
[11th Level]
Portal Master: When you build a portal, you pay only 50% of the normal cost to create the
device. This benefit does not stack with that provided by the Magical Artisan feat. In addition,
you know how to pass through dangerous portals safely. As a standard action, you can attempt
to stabilize a malfunctioning portal temporarily. Make a Spellcraft check and add the check result
to the d% roll for the effect of the malfunctioning portal (see Table 2-2 in Chapter 2 of the
FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting). The portal remains stable for 1 minute, and you
can retry the stabilization as often as you like. [13th Level]
Spell Penetration: Gain a +2 bonus to caster level checks to penetrate spell resistance. [15th
Purify Spell: You can charge your damaging spells with celestial energy that leaves good
creatures unharmed.
Prerequisite: Any good alignment.
Benefit: A spell you modify with this feat gains the good descriptor. Furthermore, if the spell
deals damage, neutral creatures take half damage, or one-quarter with a successful saving
throw (if allowed), while good creatures take no damage at all. Evil outsiders affected by the
spell take extra damage: The spell's damage is increased by one die type (each 1d6 becomes
1d8, each 1d8 becomes 2d6, and so on, using the same progression as weapons increasing in
size). For example, a purified lightning bolt cast by a 7th-level wizard deals 7d6 points of
electricity damage to evil creatures, half damage to neutral creatures, and no damage at all to
good creatures caught in its path. Evil outsiders (except ones immune to electricity) take 7d8
points of damage.
A purified spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. [17th level]
Collector of Stories: When you attempt a trained Knowledge check to identify a creature or to
learn its special powers or vulnerabilities, you gain a +5 competence bonus on the check. [7th
Point it Out: When you make a successful Perception check, you can spend an immediate
action to grant a single ally a free Perception check to see the same thing (with a +2
circumstance bonus) .Your ally must be within 30 feet of you and able to see or hear you to
benefit from this effect . [8th Level]
Conceal Spellcasting: You can cast a spell without revealing that you are doing so. Make a
Sleight of Hand check as part of the action used to cast the spell, opposed by the Perception
checks of onlookers .If you are successful, an observer can’t tell that you’re casting a spell .That
observer cannot make an attack of opportunity against you for casting, nor can it attempt to
counter your spell. [9th Level]
Maximum Ranks: 18
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Artistry (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge
(all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Lore (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)
Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Int),
Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha),
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all types) (Int), Martial Lore (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha),
Psicraft (Int), Ride (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str),
Truespeak (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Psionic Device (Cha)
Craft (bookbinding) [6 ranks]
Fly [9 ranks]
Knowlegde (arcana) [6 ranks]
Knowledge (history) [6 ranks]
Knowledge (nature) [7 ranks]
Knowledge (planes) [10 ranks]
Knowledge (religion) [6 ranks]
Linguistics [6 ranks; Celestial, Chultan, Tashalan, Chondathan, Dwarven,
Perception [5 ranks]
Profession (scribe) [6 ranks]
Sense Motive [6 ranks]
Sleight of Hand [3 ranks]
Spellcraft [7 ranks]
Use Magic Device [10 ranks]
Celestial Mystic
Class Skills: Artistry (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Lore (Int), Spellcraft (Int)
Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disable
Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Iaijutsu
Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all types) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Martial Lore (Int),
Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive
(Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Truespeak (Int), Use
Magic Device (Cha), Use Psionic Device (Cha)
Fly [7 ranks]
Knowledge (arcana) [7 ranks]
Knowledge (nature) [5 ranks]
Knowledge (planes) [7 ranks]
Knowledge (religion) [7 ranks]
Knowledge (Locale) [1 rank]
Spellcraft [11 ranks]
Use Magic Device [6 ranks]
Acrobatics* +1 [0 ranks, +1 Dexterity]
Appraise +4 [0 ranks, +4 Intelligence]
Bluff +4 [0 ranks, +4 Charisma]
Climb* -2 [0 ranks, -2 Strength]
Craft (bookbinding) +13 [6 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class skill]
Craft (any) +4 [0 ranks, +4 Intelligence]
Diplomacy +6 [0 ranks, +4 Charisma, +2 perfection]
Disguise +4 [0 ranks, +4 Charisma]
Escape Artist* +1 [0 ranks, +1 Dexterity]
Fly* +21 [17 ranks, +1 Dexterity, +2 Small]
Handle Animal +4 [0 ranks, +4 Charisma]
Heal +9 [0 ranks, +9 Wisdom]
Intimidate +4 [0 ranks, +4 Charisma]
Knowledge (arcana) +28 [13 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class skill, +5 breadth of
knowledge, +3 mystic knowledge]
Knowledge (history) +21 [6 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class skill, +5 breadth of
knowledge, +3 mystic knowledge]
Knowledge (nature) +27 [12 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class skill, +5 breadth of
knowledge, +3 mystic knowledge]
Knowledge (planes) +32 [17 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class skill, +5 breadth of
knowledge, +3 mystic knowledge]
Knowledge (religion) +28 [13 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class skill, +5 breadth of
knowledge, +3 mystic knowledge]
Knowledge (Local) +16 [1 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class Skill, +5 breadth of knowledge,
+3 mystic knowledge]
Knowledge (any, trained) +13[0 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +2 bonus, +5 breadth of knowledge, +2
mystic knowledge]
Linguistics +13 [6 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class skill]
Perception +16 [5 ranks, +9 Wisdom, +2 racial]
Perform (any) +4 [0 ranks, +4 Charisma]
Profession (scribe) +20 [6 ranks, +9 Wisdom, +3 class skill, +2 racial]
Profession (any) +9 [0 ranks, +9 Wisdom]
Ride* +1 [0 ranks, +1 Dexterity]
Sense Motive +18 [6 ranks, +9 Wisdom, +3 class skill]
Sleight of Hand* +4 [3 ranks, +1 Dexterity]
Spellcraft +25 [18 ranks, +4 Intelligence, +3 class skill]
Stealth* +5 [0 ranks, +1 Dexterity, +4 size]
Survival +9 [0 ranks, +9 Wisdom]
Swim* -2 [0 ranks, -2 Strength]
Use Magic Device +20 [16 ranks, +4 Charisma]
---+9 armor bonus
---Maximum Dexterity Bonus +9
---Armor Check Penalty 0
---Arcane Spell Failure Chance 20%
---Speed 30 ft. (4 squares)
---10 lbs
---Hardness 20
---Hit Points 70
---Special: 1. Treated as Light armor for purposes of movement and other limitations (but not
proficiency); max Dexterity bonus increased 2; armor check penalty decreases 3
2. Max Dexterity bonus increased by 2; armor check penalty decreased by 1
---+2 shield bonus
---Armor Check Penalty 0
---Arcane Spell Failure Chance 5%
---2 1/2 lbs
---Hardness 12
---Hit Points 15
---Special: 1. Can scribe up to a 3rd-level spell onto the shield
---Small size
---Two-Handed Martial melee weapon
---+10/+5 melee attack bonus
---1d4-2 damage
---x2 (Medium)
---Hardness 5
---Hit Points 5
---Object Size: Small
---Special: 1.
---Small size
---One-Handed Simple ranged weapon
---+12 ranged attack bonus
---1d3-2 damage
---x2 critical
---Range Increment 50 ft. (-2 penalty per increment past 50 ft.; maximum 250 ft.)
---Hardness 2
---Hit Points 5
---Special: 1. Move Action to load and requires two-hands
Light Load: Up to 15 lbs [43 lbs]
Medium Load: 16-30 lbs [44-87 lbs]
Heavy Load: 31-45 lbs [88-131 lbs]
Gold: 1,020
Art Objects:
Staff of Radiance (2 lbs) [23,200gp; 18 charges; This silver-tipped willow staff constantly emits
light, as if from a light spell—the radiance is emitted from the staff’s metallic end and flickers as
if with flame. The staff’s wielder can deactivate or activate this glowing light as a Swift Action. In
addition, a staff of radiance allows use of the following spells: Glitterdust (1 charge), Daylight (2
charges), Searing Light (2 charges); CL 8th]
Small +5 Mithral Nimbleness Chain Coat (10 lbs) [40,225gp
Small +1 Caster's Buckler (2 1/2 lbs) [2,155gp; can scribe up to a 3rd-level spell on shield]
Circlet of Rapid Casting [15,000gp; Swift Command; 3 charges a day renews at dawn; works on
spells no longer than a standard action; 1 charge---Cast a single spell of up to 2nd level; 2
charges: Cast a single spell of up to 3rd level; 3 charges: Cast a single spell of up to 4th level]
RINGS (2 slots)
*E* Ring of Regeneration [heal 1 point of damage per level every hour rather than every day.
(This ability cannot be aided by the Heal skill.) Nonlethal damage heals at a rate of 1 point of
damage per level every 5 minutes. If the wearer loses a limb, an organ, or any other body part
while wearing this ring, the ring regenerates it as the spell. In either case, only damage taken
while wearing the ring is regenerated.]
Ring of Protection +4 [32,000gp; +4 deflection bonus to AC/CMD]
*E* Ring of Sustained Life [36,800gp; as ring of counterspells and ring of resumption; counters
Greater Dispel Magic; Immediate Action, can heal 5/round from one attack until that attack's
damage is fully healed]
*E*= Equipped
Muleback Cords [1,000gp; +8 to Strength for purpose of carrying capacity]
Periapt of Wisdom +6 [36,000gp; +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom]
Quick Runner's Shirt of Resistance +3 [10,000gp; +3 resistance bonus to all saving throws;
1/day; Swift Action; can take additional Move Action]
Belt of Battle [12,000gp; +2 competence bonus to initiative; Mental, Swift Action; 3 charges
renewed each dawn 1 charge --- 1 move action; 2 charges --- 1 standard action; 3 charges --- 1
full-round action]
Hewards' Handy Haversack (5 lbs) [2,000gp; Two pouches; one for 2 cubic ft. and 20 lbs max;
other 8 cubic ft. and 80 lbs max; can draw any item as Move Action without AoO]
SMALL (Carrying -- lbs)
Benign Transposition (5 charges)
Boneshatter (6 charges; CL 15th)
Hail of Stone (24 charges; CL 5th) [1,875gp]
Hold Person (29 charges) [2,700gp]
Lightning Bolt (2 charges; CL 7th) [2,835gp]
Empowered Magic Missile (4 charges, CL 9th) [4,860gp]
Empowered Magic Missile (9 charges, CL 9th) [4,860gp]
Empowered Magic Missile (9 charges, CL 9th) [4,860gp]
Mark of Doom (49 charges; CL 14th) [31,500gp]
Silence (12 charges; CL 3rd) [1,260gp]
Silence (20 charges; CL 3rd) [1,890gp]
Scholar's Outfit
Small Masterwork Quarterstaff (2 lbs)
---Wand Chamber x2
Small Masterwork Sling
Belt Pouch (1/2 lb)
Waterskin (1 lb)
Healing Kit (1 lb) [x9 uses; +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks]
Holy Water x3 (4 lbs) [Ranged touch attack; splash weapon; 2d4 acid damage; 1 point splash
within 5 ft.]
***STILL IN CREATION; 0/75 Days complete
Portal from Temple of Iron Martyr to Sanctuary or Karran-Kural [150,000gp; two destinations; all
destinations two-way; keyed to Vindicators; CL 17th; 300,000gp market price]
Alter Fortune: A die made of diamond x8 (1,000gp each)
Constricting Chains: [F] 10gp silver chain
Estanna's Stew: [F] 50gp engraved stewpot
Glory of the Martyr: [F] 50gp platinum rings x6
Impart Mind: 1,000gp diamond dust x2
Phoenix Fire: [F] 40gp phoenix tail feather
Sacred Bond: [F] 100gp gold bracelet
Stoneskin: 250gp worth of diamond dust x2
Tomb of Light: 50gp clear gem x10
City of Cauldron
[Small City]
Spending Limits/Day: 35
Trust Level:
1st-Level: 3
2nd-Level: 2
3rd-Level: 2
4th-Level: 2
5th-Level: 2
6th-Level: 1
7th-Level: 1
8th-Level: 1
9th-level: 1
[F]= Focus
[DF]= Divine Focus
[M]= Material Components
0 Level
Amanuensis Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Candlelight 3E Spells file
Create Water 3.5 Player's Handbook
Cure Minor Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Detect Magic 3.5 Player's Handbook
Detect Poison
3.5 Player's Handbook
Flag 3E Spells file
Fleeting Fame 3E Spells file
Forager's Blessing 3E Spells file
Foraging Charm 3E Spells file
Glittering Razors 3E Spells file
Guidance 3.5 Player's Handbook
Heat Water 3E Spells file
Inflict Minor Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Light 3.5 Player's Handbook
Mending 3.5 Player's Handbook
Mirror 3E Spells file
No Light Book of Vile Darkness
Preserve Organ Book of Vile Darkness
Purify Food&Drink 3.5 Player's Handbook
Read Magic 3.5 Player's Handbook
Resistance 3.5 Player's Handbook
Resize 3E Spells file
Styptic 3E Spells file
Summon Holy Symbol Complete Champion
Virtue 3.5 Player's Handbook
Yell 3E Spells file
Zap Trap 3E Spells file
Detect Fiendish Presence Agents of Evil
Enhanced Diplomacy Taldor: Echoes of Glory
Sotto Voce Faction Guide
Spark Advanced Player's Guide
Vigor Orcs of Golarion
1st Level
Axiomatic Water Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Angry Ache Book of Vile Darkness
Bane 3.5 Player's Handbook
Blade of Blood Player's Handbook II
Bless 3.5 Player's Handbook
Bless Water 3.5 Player's Handbook
Blessed Aim Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Blood Wind Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Burial Blessing Defenders of the Faith
Cause Fear 3.5 Player's Handbook
Cloak of Shade Sandstorm
Cold Fire Spell Compendium (3ESpells file)
Command 3.5 Player's Handbook
Comprehend Languages 3.5 Player's Handbook
Conjure Ice Beast I Frostburn
Conviction Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Cure Light Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Deathwatch 3.5 Player's Handbook
Delay Disease Spell Compendium (Book of Vile Darkness [Suspend
Detect Attitude 3E Spells file
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law 3.5 Player's Handbook
Detect Fire Frostburn
Detect Guilt 3E Spells file
Detect Incarnum Magic of Incarnum
Detect Night Creature 3E Spells file
Detect Taint Heroes of Horror
Detect Undead 3.5 Player's Handbook
Detect Vestige Tome of Magic
Detect Violence 3E Spells file
Detect Weaponry Cityscape
Devastating Smite The Forge of War
Dispel Ward Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Divine Favor 3.5 Player's Handbook
Doom 3.5 Player's Handbook
Drug Resistance Book of Vile Darkness
Ease of Breath Frostburn
Ebon Eyes Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Elf Disguise 3E Spells file
Endure Elements 3.5 Player's Handbook
Entropic Shield 3.5 Player's Handbook
Exorcism Fiendish Codex I
Extract Drug Book of Vile Darkness
Eyes of the Avoral Book of Exalted Deeds
Faith Healing Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Familiarity of Place 3E Spells file
Float 3E Spells file
Fortify Cold Creatures Frostburn
Foundation of Stone Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Glamour Costume 3E Spells file
Glimpse of Fear 3E Spells file
Grave Strike Spell Compendium (Complete Adventurer)
Guiding Light Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Healer's Vision Complete Scoundrel
Healthful Rest Spell Compendium (Complete Adventurer)
Hemorrhage 3E Spells file
Hide from Undead 3.5 Player's Handbook
Ice Gauntlet Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Ice Slick Frostburn
Impede Complete Champion
Incite Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Inflict Light Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Inhibit Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Invest Light Protection Player's Handbook II
Ironguts Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Lantern Light Book of Exalted Deeds
Light of Lunia Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Locate Water Sandstorm
Magic Stone 3.5 Player's Handbook
Magic Weapon 3.5 Player's Handbook
Moon Lust Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Motes of Moonlight 3E Spells file
Necrotic Awareness Libris Mortis
Nimbus of Light Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Obscuring Mist 3.5 Player's Handbook
Omen of Peril Spell Compendium (Races of Destiny)
Peacebond Cityscape
Portal Beacon Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes)
Protection from Chaos/Evil 3.5 Player's Handbook
Protection from Incarnum Magic of Incarnum
Protection from Winged Flyers Shining South
Protective Interposition The Forge of War
Ray of Hope Book of Exalted Deeds
Ray of Resurgence Lost Empires of Faerun
Remove Fear 3.5 Player's Handbook
Resist Planar Alignment Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Resurgence Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Sanctuary 3.5 Player's Handbook
Scholar's Touch Races of Destiny
Sea Legs Shining South
Segojan's Armor 3E Spells file
Sign Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Shield of Faith 3.5 Player's Handbook
Shivering Touch, Lesser Frostburn
Silvered Weapon 3E Spells file
Snowshoes Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Spell Flower Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Spider Hand Book of Vile Darkness
Stalactite Trap 3E Spells file
Stupor Book of Vile Darkness
Summon Monster I 3.5 Player's Handbook
Sun Father's Face 3E Spells file
Talons Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Transference 3E Spells file
Unity Wine Player's Guide to Eberron (pg. 73)
Updraft Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Uthgar's Power Surge (Uthgar) 3E Spells file
Vhaeraun's Nightshield Spell Compendium [Nightshield] (3E Spells file)
Vigor, Lesser Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Vision of Glory Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Vision of Heaven Book of Exalted Deeds
Wings of the Sea Spell Compendiu+m (Savage Species)
Womb of the Earth 3E Spells file
Abadar's (Tyr's) Truthtelling Inner Sea Gods
Abstemiousness (Ilmater) Inner Sea Gods
Abundant Ammunition Ultimate Combat
Advanced Scurvy (Umberlee) Pathfinder #55
Air Bubble Ultimate Combat
Ant Haul Advanced Player's Guide
Aspect of the Nightingale (Sune) Inner Sea Gods
Authenticating Gaze Black Markets
Barbed Chains Horror Adventures
Bleeding Strike Pathfinder AP #77
Blend with Surroundings Dirty Tactics Toolbox
Blessed Fist Advanced Class Guide
Blessing of the Watch (Helm) Inner Sea Gods
Burning Disarm Cheliax
Carrion Compass Undead Slayer's Handbook
Celestial Healing Arcane Anthology
Ceremony Quests and Campaigns
Clarion Call Knights of the Inner Sea
Cloak of Secrets Heroes of the Streets
Compel Hostility Ultimate Combat
Coward's Cowl Agents of Evil
Cultural Adaptation Humans of Golarion/Ultimate Intrigue
Dancing Lantern Advanced Player's Guide
Deadeye's Lore Ultimate Combat
Decompose Corpse Ultimate Magic
Desperate Weapon Ultimate Intrigue
Detect Charm Adventurer's Guide
Detect Demon Demon Hunter's Handbook
Detect the Faithful Ultimate Intrigue
Diagnose Disease Ultimate Magic
Dream Feast (Oneiromancy) Inner Sea Gods
Ears of the City Heroes of the Streets
Egorian Diplomacy Spymaster's Handbook
Embrace Destiny (oracle only) Lost Kingdoms
Enhance Water (Sharess) Inner Sea Gods
Face of the Devourer (Malar) Inner Sea Gods
Fallback Strategy (Helm) Inner Sea Gods
Fairness (Waukeen) Inner Sea Gods
Ferment Inner Sea Temples
Firebelly (Moradin) Inner Sea Gods
Forbid Action Ultimate Magic
Funereal Weapon Inner Sea Temples
Gorum's Armor (Tempus) Inner Sea Guide
Grasping Corpse Horror Adventures
Guardian Armor Armor Master's Handbook
Hairline Fractures (Grumbar) Inner Sea Gods
Haze of Dreams (Sehanine Moonbow) Inner Sea Gods
Hedging Weapons Horror Adventures
Hidden Spring Ultimate Wilderness
Ice Armor (Auril) Inner Sea Gods
Infernal Healing
Inner Sea Guide
Instant Clot Blood the Sea
Instant Portrait Adventurer's Guide
Ironbloom Sprouts (Moradin/Dumathoin?) Pathfinder AP #62
Karmic Blessing Advanced Race Guide
Know the Enemy Ultimate Magic
Kreighton's Perusal Pathfinder Society Primer
Liberating Command Ultimate Combat
Lighten Object (Gond) Inner Sea Gods
Marid's Mastery Advanced Race Guide
Mighty Fist of the Earth Advanced Race Guide
Moment of Greatness Ultimate Combat
Murderous Command Ultimate Magic
Murderous Crow Inner Sea Races
Obscure Poison Ultimate Intrigue
Opportunistic Loyalty Pathfinder AP #115
Peace Bond [Peace Magic] Heroes of the Streets
Peasant Armaments Pathfinder AP #68
Pick Your Poison (Sharindlar) Inner Sea Gods
Pierce Facade Heroes of the High Court
Planar Orientation First World: Realm of the Fey
Poisoned Egg (Talona) Inner Sea Gods
Preserve Inner Sea Temples
Ray of Sickening [as WotC's ray of sickness Ultimate Magic
except it allows a save]
Read Weather (Silvanus) Inner Sea Gods
Recharge Innate Magic Advanced Race Guide
Refine Improvised Weapon Advanced Class Guide
Reinforce Armaments Ultimate Combat
Remove Sickness Ultimate Magic
Resist Starvation Villain Codex
Restore Corpse Ultimate Magic
Rite of Bodily Purity (Meditative) Divine Anthology
Rite of Centered Mind (Meditative) Divine Anthology
Rune Trace Adventurer's Guide
Scarify Inner Sea Temples
Shadow Trap Blood of Shadows
Shield Speech Taldor: Echoes of Glory
Shield the Banner Orcs of Golarion
Speak Local Language Heroes of the Streets
Speechreader's Sight Heroes of the High Court
Spirit Share Inner Sea Temples
Starsight People of the Stars
Stone Shield Advanced Race Guide
Strand of the Tangled Knot Legacy of the First World
Stunning Barrier Advanced Class Guide
Summon Minor Monster Ultimate Magic
Sun Metal Ultimate Combat
Sure Casting Pathfinder Society Primer
Suspend Drowning Blood the Sea
Swallow Your Fear (Tempus) Pathfinder AP #35
Tap Inner Beauty (Sune) Inner Sea Gods
Theft Ward Advanced Race Guide
Touch of Blindness Blood of Shadows
Touch of Bloodletting (Loviatar) Inner Sea Gods
Tracking Mark (Gwaeron Windstrom)Inner Sea Gods
True Appraisal Inner Sea Temples
Unbreakable Heart (Sune) Inner Sea Guide
Unwelcome Halo (Lathander) Inner Sea Gods
Watchful Eye (Helm) Dwarves of Golarion
Waterproof Elemental Master's Handbook
Weapon Against Evil (Torm) Inner Sea Gods
Weaponwand Inner Sea Magic
Winter Feathers Advanced Race Guide
2nd Level
Addiction Book of Vile Darkness
Adept Spirit Magic of Incarnum
Aid 3.5 Player's Handbook
Alicorn Lance 3E Spells file
Align Weapon 3.5 Player's Handbook
Animalistic Power Player's Handbook II
Augment Truefriend (T) Tome of Magic
Augury 3.5 Player's Handbook
Aura against Flame Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Avoid Planar Effects Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Balor Nimbus Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Bear's Endurance 3.5 Player's Handbook
Benediction Complete Champion
Bewildering Substitution Complete Champion
Bewildering Visions Complete Champion
Black Karma Curse Player's Handbook II
Blade Brothers Player's Handbook II
Bloodsnow Frostburn
Body Blades Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Body Ward Complete Champion
Brambles Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Brumal Stiffening Frostburn
Bull's Srength 3.5 Player's Handbook
Calm Emotions 3.5 Player's Handbook
Close Wounds Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Cloud of Knives Player's Handbook II
Conduit of Life Complete Champion
Conjure Ice Beast II Frostburn
Conjure Ice Object Frostburn
Consecrate 3.5 Player's Handbook
Cure Moderate Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Curse of Ill Fortune Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Curse of the Gypsies 3E Spells file
Darkness 3.5 Player's Handbook
Dark Way Spell Compendium (Savage Species [Bridge of Sound])
Deific Vengeance Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Delay Poison 3.5 Player's Handbook
Denounce Fiendish Codex II
Dessicate Sandstorm
Detect Aberration Lords of Madness
Dispel Fog Shining South
Divine Flame Defenders of the Faith
Divine Insight Spell Compendium (Complete Adventurer)
Divine Interdiction Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Divine Presence Complete Champion
Divine Protection Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Divine Zephyr Defenders of the Faith
Durability 3E Spells file
Eagle's Splendor 3.5 Player's Handbook
Ease Pain Book of Exalted Deeds
Elation Book of Exalted Deeds
Energized Shield, Lesser Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Enthrall 3.5 Player's Handbook
Estanna's Stew Book of Exalted Deeds
Execration Complete Champion
Expose the Dead Magic of Eberron
Extend Tentacles Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Festival Feast (Oghma) 3E Spells file
Filter Tome&Blood
Find Traps 3.5 Player's Handbook
Fortify Metal or Stone Secrets of Sarlona
Freedom of Breath Sandstorm
Frost Breath Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Frost Weapon Frostburn
Frostburn, Lesser Frostburn
Fuse Arms Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Gaze Screen Dragons of Faerun
Gentle Repose 3.5 Player's Handbook
Ghost Touch Armor Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Guidance of the Avatar 3E Spells file
Hand of Divinity Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Healing Lorecall Spell Compendium (Complete Adventurer)
Hold Person 3.5 Player's Handbook
Holy Fire The Forge of War
Hydrate Sandstorm
Inflict Moderate Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Inky Cloud Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Insight of Good Fortune Player's Handbook II
Insignia of Alarm Races of Destiny
Interfaith Blessing Complete Champion
Iron Silence Spell Compendium (Complete Adventurer)
Knife Spray Defenders of the Faith
Lastai's Caress Book of Exalted Deeds
Lava Missile Serpent Kingdoms
Light of Faith Complete Champion
Light of Mercuria Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Lighten Load 3E Spells file
Living Undeath Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Local Tremor Races of the Dragon
Locate Touchstone Planar Handbook
Lore of the Gods Complete Champion
Magic Weapon, Legion's Magic of Eberron
Make Whole 3.5 Player's Handbook
Manifestation of the Deity Complete Scoundrel
Mark of Judgement Player's Handbook II
Mark of the Outcast Spell Compendium (Underdark)
Master Cavalier Complete Champion
Master's Touch Player's Handbook II
Memory Jar (Oghma) 3E Spells file
Obscuring Snow Frostburn
Owl's Wisdom 3.5 Player's Handbook
Peaceful Serenity of Io Races of the Dragon
Phade's Fearsome Aspect 3E Spells file
Portal Well Champions of Valor
Protection from Negative Energy Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Protection from Positive Energy Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Quick March Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Razorscales Serpent Kingdoms
Remove Addiction Book of Exalted Deeds
Remove Paralysis 3.5 Player's Handbook
Resist Energy 3.5 Player's Handbook
Resounding Voice Heroes of Battle
Restoration, Lesser 3.5 Player's Handbook
Rigor Mortis Heroes of Horror
Rock Catch Shining South
Sense Weakness Magic of Eberron
Shadow Shroud Drow of the Underdark
Share Talents Player's Handbook II
Shared Healing Magic of Eberron
Shatter 3.5 Player's Handbook
Shield of Torm (Torm) 3E Spells file
Shield Other 3.5 Player's Handbook
Shroud of Undeath Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Silence 3.5 Player's Handbook
Soul Ward Complete Champion
Soulmeld Blessing Magic of Incarnum
Sound Burst 3.5 Player's Handbook
Spawn Screen Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Spell Immunity, Lesser Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Spider Legs Book of Vile Darkness
Spiritual Weapon 3.5 Player's Handbook
Status 3.5 Player's Handbook
Stay the Hand Player's Handbook II
Stone Bones Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Stone Fist Races of Stone
Stonemantle 3E Spells file
Stretch Weapon Player's Handbook II
Substitute Domain Complete Champion
Summon Elysian Thrush Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Summon Monster II 3.5 Player's Handbook
Sunmace 3E Spells file
Suppress Magic Magic of Incarnum
Sun Bolt Shining South
Thin Air Frostburn
Turn Anathema Complete Champion
Tyche's Touch Lost Empires of Faerun
Undead Eyes Shadows of the Last War (pg. 20)
Undetectable Alignment
3.5 Player's Handbook
Unseen Crafter Races of Eberron
Uthgar's Greeting (Uthgar) 3E Spells file
Veil of Shadow Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Venomous Volley 3E Spells file
Whispering Flame Five Nations (pg. 156)
Zone of Truth 3.5 Player's Handbook
Abeyance Pathfinder #82
Aboleth's Lung Advanced Race Guide
Admonishing Ray Taldor: Echoes of Glory
Air Step Advanced Class Guide
Alchemical Tinkering Advanced Race Guide
Ally Across Time Legacy of the First World
Alter Summoned Monster Monster Summoner's Handbook
Amplify Stench Monster Codex
Ancestral Communion Dwarves of Golarion
Ancestral Regression (drow only) Advanced Race Guide
Angelic Aspect, Lesser Champions of Purity
Animate Dead, Lesser Ultimate Magic
Ant Haul, Communal Ultimate Combat
Arrow of Law Ultimate Magic
Beloved of the Forge Heroes of the Streets
Bestow Weapon Proficiency [different from Ultimate Combat
Master's Touch spell]
Bloodbath Horror Adventures
Blood Blaze Advanced Race Guide
Blood of the Martyr Chronicles of the Righteous
Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile Pathfinder #71
Blessing of Courage and Life Advanced Player's Guide
Blessing of Luck and Resolve Advanced Race Guide
Blinding Ray Advanced Race Guide
Blood in the Water Monster Codex
Boiling Blood Ultimate Magic
Bone Fists Magic Tactics Toolbox
Boneshaker Horror Adventures
Book Ward Seeker of Secrets
Brittle Portal (Talos) Inner Sea Gods
Build Trust Ultimate Intrigue
Burst of Radiance Champions of Purity
Calm Spirit Occult Mysteries and Adventures?
Cleromancy Occult Mysteries
Cloud of Seasickness Pathfinder #55
Compassionate Ally Ultimate Magic
Compel Tongue Black Markets
Conditional Favor Ultimate Intrigue
Contact Entity I Horror Adventures
Curse Item Pathfinder #64
Curse Terrain, Lesser Horror Adventures
Dark Whispers Ultimate Intrigue
Deadeye's Arrow (Solonor Thelandira) Inner Sea Gods
Death Candle Advanced Race Guide
Deathwine Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
Defending Bone (Myrkul/Velsharoon)Inner Sea Gods
Delay Pain Ultimate Magic
Detect Magic, Greater Ultimate Intrigue
Detect Relations Quests and Campaigns
Diminish Resistance Monster Hunter's Handbook
Disfiguring Touch Ultimate Magic
Display Aversion Blood of the Night
Disrupt Silence Ultimate Intrigue
Dread Bolt Ultimate Magic
Dress Corpse Ultimate Intrigue
Drunkard's Breath (Sharess) Pathfinder AP #14
Dwarven Veil (Barronar Truesilver) Dwarves of Golarion
Early Judgment (Kelemvor) Inner Sea Gods
Effortless Armor Ultimate Combat
Enchantment Sight Heroes of the High Court
Endure Elements, Communal Ultimate Combat
Enemy's Heart Advanced Race Guide
Fear the Sun Blood of Shadows
Flickering Lights Horror Adventures
Ghostbane Dirge Advanced Player's Guide
Ghost Whip Occult Adventures
Ghoul Hunger (Velsharoon) Inner Sea Gods
Gird Ally Monster Summoner's Handbook
Gozreh's Trident (Umberlee) Inner Sea Gods
Grace Advanced Player's Guide
Groundswell Advanced Race Guide
Hanspur's Flotsam Vessel People of the River
Healing Token Healer's Handbook
Hold Fey First World: Realm of the Fey
Holy Ice Weapon Advanced Class Guide
Imbue with Aura Ultimate Magic
Imbue with Elemental Might (Suli only) Advanced Race Guide
Inheritor's Smite (Torm) Inner Sea Gods
Inner Focus People of the Sands
Instant Armor Advanced Player's Guide
Instant Weapon Melee Tactics Toolbox
Instrument of Agony Ultimate Combat
Intensify Psyche Heroes of the Darklands
Invigorating Poison Dirty Tactics Toolbox
Ironskin Monster Codex
Know Peerage Ultimate Intrigue
Lay of the Land Faiths&Philosophies
Lead Plating Kobolds of Golarion
Life Channel Advanced Race Guide
Life Pact Advanced Class Guide
Light Prison (Lathander) Inner Sea Gods
Locate Portal First World: Realm of the Fey
Magic Boulder Monster Codex
Magic Siege Engine Ultimate Combat
Marching Chant Advanced Class Guide
Martyr's Bargain Inner Sea Magic
Masterwork Transformation Ultimate Magic
Mortal Terror Legacy of the First World
Muffle Sound Advanced Class Guide
Necromantic Burden Undead Slayer's Handbook
Necrostasis Inner Sea Temples
Oracle's Burden (Oracle only) Advanced Player's Guide
Outbreak Villain Codex
Overstimulate Inner Sea Temples
Page-Bound Epiphany Pathfinder Society Primer
Path of Glory Advanced Class Guide
Peacemaker's Parley Dwarves of Golarion
Pilfering Hand Ultimate Combat
Planetarium People of the Stars
Preserve Grace Adventurer's Guide
Protection from Chaos, Communal Ultimate Combat
Protection from Evil, Communal Ultimate Combat
Protection from Good, Communal Ultimate Combat
Protection from Law, Communal Ultimate Combat
Protection from Outsiders Demon Hunter's Handbook
Protective Penumbra? Ultimate Magic
Protection from Spores Pathfinder AP #113
Radiation Ward Heroes of the Darklands
Recentering Drone Champions of Balance
Reinforce Armaments, Communal Ultimate Combat
Restful Cloak Adventurer's Armory 2
Returning Weapon Ultimate Combat
Reveal True Shape Pathfinder AP #19
Revealing Light Monster Hunter's Handbook
Rock Whip Heroes of the Darklands
Rotgut Villain Codex
Rovagug's Fury (Talos) Inner Sea Gods
Rune of Ruin Arcane Anthology
Sacred Space Advanced Race Guide
Savage Maw Advanced Race Guide
Secret Speech (Shar) Inner Sea Gods
Sense Fear Horror Adventures
Sense Madness Horror Adventures
Sentry Skull Advanced Race Guide
Shackle Adventurer's Guide
Shard of Chaos Ultimate Magic
Share Language Advanced Player's Guide
Shared Sacrifice (Asmodeus) Inner Sea Gods
Shield of Fortification Advanced Class Guide
Shield of Shards Armor Master's Handbook
Silent Table Advanced Class Guide
Snow Shape Humans of Golarion
Solidify Earth Monster Hunter's Handbook
Soothing Word Described above
Spear of Purity Ultimate Magic
Spell Gauge (Azuth) Inner Sea Gods
Spindrift Spritz Elemental Master's Handbook
Spiral Descent Inner Sea Temples
Spiritual Squire Armor Master's Handbook
Stabilize Pressure Aquatic Adventures
Staggering Fall Rival Guide
Stalwart Resolve Society Field Guide
Stave Off Corruption Horror Adventures
Stoke the Inner Fire (Surtr) Pathfinder AP #95
Stone Throwing Giant Hunter's Handbook
Storm Sight Adventurer's Guide
Summon Cacoloth Book of the Damned 3
Sun's Disdain
Adventurer Guide
Suppress Charms and Compulsions Adventurer's Guide
Surmount Affliction Ultimate Magic
Sympathetic Wounds (Loviatar) Gods&Magic
Tears to Wine Arcane Anthology
Touch of Mercy Champions of Purity
Track Ship Pirates of the Inner Sea
Transmute Wine to Blood Blood of Night
Twisted Futures Giant Hunter's Handbook
Unholy Ice Weapon Advanced Class Guide
Unliving Rage Advanced Class Guide
Urgathoa's (Myrkul's) Beacon Haunted Heroes
Vexing Miscalculation Inner Sea Gods
Violent Accident Inner Sea Intrigue
Visualization of the Body (Meditative) Divine Anthology
Visualization of the Mind (Meditative)Divine Anthology
Weapon of Awe Advanced Player's Guide
Web Shelter Ultimate Magic
Whispering Lore Advanced Race Guide
3rd Level
Adoration of the Frightful Dragon Magic
Affliction Book of Exalted Deeds
Aid, Mass Spell Compendiu
Air Breathing Spell Compendium (Stormwrack)
Align Weapon, Mass Spell Compendium
Alter Fortune Player's Handbook II
Analyze Touchstone Planar Handbook
Antidragon Aura Spell Compendium (Draconomicon)
Attune Form Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Augment Object Stronghold Builder's Guide
Aura of Cold, Lesser Frostburn
Awaken Sin Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Axiomatic Storm Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Battlemagic Perception Heroes of Battle
Beastmask Defenders of the Faith
Bestow Curse 3.5 Player's Handbook
Binding Snow Frostburn
Blade of Pain and Fear Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Bladebane Unapproachable East
Blessed Sight Book of Exalted Deeds
Blindness/Deafness 3.5 Player's Handbook
Blindsight Spell Compendium (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Bolster Aura Complete Champion
Bolster Damage Reduction 3E Spells file
Bolt of Virtue 3E Spells file
Chain of Eyes Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Channeled Divine Shield Player's Handbook II
Checkmate's Light (Red Knight) Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Circle Dance Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Circle of Nausea Book of Vile Darkness
Cloak of Bravery Spell Compendium (Draconomicon)
Conjure Ice Beast III Frostburn
Contagion 3.5 Player's Handbook
Contagion Ward 3E Spells file
Continual Flame 3.5 Player's Handbook
Control Sand Sandstorm
Control Snow and Ice Frostburn
Conviction, Mass Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook
[Conviction, Legion's])
Corona of Cold Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Create Food&Water 3.5 Player's Handbook
Crown of the Grave Player's Handbook II
Crown of Might Player's Handbook II
Crown of Protection Player's Handbook II
Crown of Smiting Player's Handbook II
Cure Serious Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Curse of Arrow Protection Player's Handbook II
Curse of the Brute Defenders of the Faith
Dark Way Magic of Faerun
Darkfire Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Daylight 3.5 Player's Handbook
Deadly Spray 3E Spells file
Deeper Darkness 3.5 Player's Handbook
Deific Bastion Complete Champion
Demon Dirge Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Detect Heresy 3E Spells file
Detect Metal and Minerals Races of Faerun
Devil Blight Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Devil's Eye Fiendish Codex II
Dispel Magic 3.5 Player's Handbook
Divine Retaliation Player's Handbook II
Dominate Vermin (drow only) Drow of the Underdark
Downdraft Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Earthen Shield Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Eilistraee's Grace Spell Compendium [Grace] (3E Spells file)
Energize Potion Book of Exalted Deeds
Energized Shield Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Energy Aegis Player's Handbook II
Energy Vortex Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Energy Vulnerability Player's Handbook II
Entropic Shield, Mass Shining South
Faith Healing Wand Champions of Valor
Favor of Yathaghera 3E Spells file
Favorable Sacrifice Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Fell the Greatest Foe Spell Compendium (Draconomicon
Flame of Faith Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Footsteps of the Divine Complete Champion
Girallon's Blessing Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Glyph of Warding 3.5 Player's Handbook
Guardian Spirit Magic of Incarnum
Haboob Sandstorm
Hamatula Barbs Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Handfang Serpent Kingdoms
Heart's Ease Book of Exalted Deeds
Helping Hand 3.5 Player's Handbook
Hesitate Player's Handbook II
Holy Storm Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Humanoid Essence, Lesser Races of Eberron
Ice Axe Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Ice Shape Frostburn
Inflict Serious Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Insignia of Blessing Races of Destiny
Insignia of Healing Races of Destiny
Insignia of Warding Races of Destiny
Inspired Aim Book of Exalted Deeds
Interplanar Message Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes)
Invest Moderate Protection Player's Handbook II
Invisibility Purge 3.5 Player's Handbook
Invoke the Cerulean Sign Lords of Madness
Irian's [Lathander's] Light (Lathander) Races of Eberron
Knight's Move (Red Knight) Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Know Bloodline Lost Empires of Faerun
Know Opponent Spell Compendium (3E Spells file [Analyze
Know Vulnerabilities Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Laogzed's Breath Spell Compendium [Nauseating Breath] (Serpent
Light of Venya Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Light of Wisdom Complete Champion
Locate Node Champions of Ruin
Locate Object 3.5 Player's Handbook
Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil 3.5 Player's Handbook
Magic Vestment 3.5 Player's Handbook
Mantle of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Mark of Doom Player's Handbook II
Meld into Ice Frostburn
Meld into Stone 3.5 Player's Handbook
Misrepresent Alignment Races of Eberron
Moonbridge 3E Spells file
Obscure Object 3.5 Player's Handbook
Phantom Plow Lords of Darkness
Plague Carrier Races of Faerun
Planar Familiar 3E Spells file
Prayer 3.5 Player's Handbook
Protection from Dessication Sandstorm
Protection from Energy 3.5 Player's Handbook
Rain of Terror 3E Spells file
Redirect Spell Shining South
Refreshment Book of Exalted Deeds
Remove Nausea Book of Exalted Deeds
Rejuvenative Corpse Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Remove Blindness/Deafness 3.5 Player's Handbook
Remove Curse 3.5 Player's Handbook
Remove Disease 3.5 Player's Handbook
Rend Shadow Weave Champions of Valor
Resist Energy, Mass Spell Compendium (Complete Arcane)
Resist Taint Heroes of Horror
Return to the Saddle 3E Spells file
Revelation Dragons of Faerun
Ring of Blades Spell Compendium (Complete Arcane)
Rockburst Shining South
Safety Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes)
Screen of Heat 3E Spells file
Searing Light 3.5 Player's Handbook
Sever Ties of the Moon 3E Spells file
Share Animal's Mind Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Shield of Warding Spell Compendium (Draconomicon)
Shivering Touch Frostburn
Sink Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Skeletal Hand 3E Spells file
Skull Watch Spell Compendium (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Slashing Darkness Spell Compendium (Champions of Ruin)
Snake Shield 3E Spells file
Snowshoes, Mass Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Soldiers of Sanctity The Forge of War
Sonorous Hum Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Soul Boon Magic of Incarnum
Soul Charge 3E Spells file
Soul of Light Dragon Magic
Soul of Shadow Dragon Magic
Soul of the Waste Sandstorm
Spark of Life Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Speak with Dead 3.5 Player's Handbook
Spiderbind Champions of Valor
Spikes Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Spiritual Charger Heroes of Battle
Stand Firm The Forge of War
Sticks and Stones Shining South
Sticks to Snakes 3E Spells file
Stiffen Exemplars of Evil
Stone Shape 3.5 Player's Handbook
Storm Shield Lost Empires of Faerun
Subdue Aura Complete Champion
Summon Monster III 3.5 Player's Handbook
Suppress Glyph Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Sweet Water Defenders of the Faith
Sword Stream Defenders of the Faith
Touch of Blipdoolpoolp (Blipdoolpoolp) 3E Spells file
Tremor Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Venomfire Serpent Kingdoms
Venomous Vapor 3E Spells file
Vigor Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Vigor, Mass Lesser Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Visage of the Deity, Lesser Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Vision of Fear 3E Spells file
Vision of the Omniscient Eye Dragon Magic
Wall of Light Spell Compendium (3E Spells file [Lightwall])
Water Breathing 3.5 Player's Handbook
Water Walk 3.5 Player's Handbook
Weapon of Energy
Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Weapon of Impact Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Weapon of the Deity Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Weather Eye Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Wind Wall 3.5 Player's Handbook
Accept Affliction Champions of Purity
Aggravate Affliction Pathfinder #82
Agonize Ultimate Magic
Agonizing Rebuke Advanced Race Guide
Align Weapon, Communal Advanced Class Guide
Appearance of Life Horror Adventures
Archon’s Aura Ultimate Magic
Aura of Cannibalism Monster Codex
Aura of Inviolate Ownership Melee Tactics Toolbox
Aura Sight Advanced Class Guide
Badger’s Ferocity Ultimate Magic
Beacon of Luck (Tymora) Inner Sea Gods
Bestow Insight Advanced Race Guide
Black Sword of War Pathfinder AP #71
Blessing of the Mole Ultimate Magic
Blood Biography Advanced Player's Guide
Blood Rage Orcs of Golarion
Blood Scent Advanced Race Guide
Blot Goblins of Golarion
Borrow Fortune (Oracle only) Advanced Player's Guide
Calculated Luck Occult Mysteries
Catatonia Occult Adventures
Chain of Perdition Ultimate Combat
Champion's Bout Inner Sea Races
Channel the Gift (Mystra) Inner Sea Gods
Channel Vigor (Auppenser) Inner Sea Gods
Charitable Impulse Chronicles of the Righteous
Collaborative Thaumaturgy Pathfinder Society Primer
Contact Entity II Horror Adventures
Contagious Zeal Occult Adventures
Contest of Skill Adventurer's Guide
Control Vermin Monster Codex
Create Soul Gem Book of the Damned
Curative Distillation Healer's Handbook
Curse of Befouled Fortune Blood of the Beasts
Cursed Treasure Villain Codex
Daggermark's Exchange Inner Sea Intrigue
Damnation Horror Adventures
Dark-Light Kobolds of Golarion
Daybreak Arrow Ultimate Combat
Deadly Juggernaut Ultimate Combat
Delay Poison, Communal Ultimate Combat
Detect Anxieties Ultimate Intrigue
Detect Desires Ultimate Intrigue
Detoxify Adventurer's Guide
Discovery Torch Ultimate Combat
Draconic Malice Legacy of Dragons
Drain Poison Dirty Tactics Toolbox
Dragon Turtle Shell Dragonslayer's Handbook
Elemental Speech Advanced Player's Guide
Enter Image Advanced Player's Guide
Fair is Foul Blood of the Coven
False Alibi (Cyric) Inner Sea Gods
Final Sacrifice Monster Summoner's Handbook
Find Fault (Oracle only) Arcane Anthology
Flesh Puppet Horror Adventures
Fractions of Heal and Harm (Mystra) Inner Sea Gods
Free Spirit Inner Sea Temples
Free Swim Aquatic Adventures
Frosthammer Pathfinder AP #69
Guarding Knowledge Monster Hunter's Handbook
Guiding Star Advanced Player's Guide
Holy Javelin Horror Adventures
Horrifying Visage Haunted Heroes
Hydrophobia Magical Marketplace
Infernal Challenger Adventurer's Guide
Iron Stake Ultimate Wilderness
Irregular Size Magic Tactics Toolbox
Kalistocrat's Nightmare Magic Tactics Toolbox
Ki Leech Ultimate Magic
Life Current Aquatic Adventures
Life Shield Undead Slayer's Handbook
Light of Iomadae (Lathander) Inner Sea Magic
Lightning Lash Pathfinder AP #74
Lissalan Snake Sigil Pathfinder AP #65
Lover's Vengeance Inner Sea Guide
Mantle of Calm Advanced Class Guide
Mark of Obvious Ethics Advanced Class Guide
Martyr's Last Blessing Pathfinder AP #68
Mathematical Curse Occult Mysteries
Mind Maze Inner Sea Monster Codex
Monstrous Extremeties (Malar) Inner Sea Gods
Nap Stack Advanced Player's Guide
Oath of Justice (Berronar Truesilver) Dwarves of Golarion
Numerological Resistance Occult Mysteries
Paragon Surge (half-elf only) Advanced Race Guide
Planar Inquiry Adventurer's Guide
Planned Assault (Helm) Dwarves of Golarion
Plant Voice Cohorts and Companions
Pressure Adaptation Aquatic Adventures
Project Weakness (vampire) Blood of Night
Raging Rubble Advanced Race Guide
Reaper's Coterie Melee Tactics Toolbox
Resist Energy, Communal Ultimate Combat
Reveal Mirage Osirion: Legacy of Pharoahs
Revelation Seeker of Secrets
Returning Weapon, Communal Ultimate Combat
Riversight People of the River
Sacred Bond Advanced Player's Guide
Sadomasochism (Loviatar) Inner Sea Gods
Sand Whirlwind Taldor: Echoes of Glory
Sands of Time Ultimate Magic
Screaming Flames Horror Adventures
Sebaceous Twin Pathfinder AP #119
Second Wind Elemental Master's Handbook
See Beyond (Meditative) Divine Anthology
Shadowmind Blood of Shadows
Share Language, Communal Ultimate Combat
Sharesister Society Field Guide
Shield of Darkness Blood of Shadows
Shield of Wings Paths of Righteousness
Silverlight Guide to River Kingdoms
Skeleton Crew Pirates of the Inner Sea
Skyshroud Heroes of the Darklands
Sky Swim (Umberlee) Inner Sea Gods
Soul Vault Inner Sea Temples
Spellcurse Magic Tactics Toolbox
Spiral Ascent Inner Sea Temples
Spirit Bonds (Meditative) Divine Anthology
Spotlight Blood of Shadows
Steal Years Blood of Night
Storm of Blades People of the Sands
Stunning Barrier, Greater Advanced Class Guide
Summon Ancestral Guardian (Dumathoin) Dwarves of Golarion
Symbol of Exsanguination Horror Adventures
Symbol of Healing Ultimate Magic
Tactical Formation (Red Knight) Dwarves of Golarion
Titanic Anchoring Pathfinder AP #91
Trial by Fire Spymaster's Handbook
Unlife Current Aquatic Adventures
Vampiric Hunger Faiths of Corruption
Vision of Hell Ultimate Magic
Voluminous Vocabulary Ultimate Intrigue
Wall of Split Illumination Blood of Shadows
Waters of Lamashtu (Cyric) Inner Sea Guide
Wrathful Mantle Advanced Player's Guide
4th Level
Abate Dracorage Dragons of Faerun
Aerial Summoning Dance Races of Faerun
Aggravate Dracorage Dragons of Faerun
Aid, Legion's Miniature's Handbook
Air Walk 3.5 Player's Handbook
Align Weapon, Legion's Miniature's Handbook
Aligned Aura Complete Champion
Alliance Undone Exemplars of Evil
Assay Resistance Complete Arcane
Astral Hospice Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Aura of the Sun Lost Empires of Faerun
Bane Weapon 3E Spells file
Battlearms (Garagos or Bane) 3E Spells file
Battlefield Illumination Heroes of Battle
Blessing of the Righteous Player's Handbook II
Blindsight, Greater Spell Compendium (Savage Species [Blindsight,
Blood of the Martyr Book of Exalted Deeds
Camel's Tenacity 3E Spells file
Castigate Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Celestial Brilliance Book of Exalted Deeds
Channeled Divine Health Player's Handbook II
Confound Complete Champion
Conjure Ice Beast IV Frostburn
Contingent Energy Resistance Spell Compendium (Draconomicon)
Control Water 3.5 Player's Handbook
Cure Critical Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Dampen Magic Complete Champion
Death Ward 3.5 Player's Handbook
Delay Death Spell Compendium (Races of Destiny)
Dimensional Anchor 3.5 Player's Handbook
Discern Lies 3.5 Player's Handbook
Divination 3.5 Player's Handbook
Divine Power 3.5 Player's Handbook
Dragon Blight Dragons of Faerun
Dust to Dust Races of the Wild
Dweomer of Transference Expanded Psionics Handbook
Early Twilight Heroes of Battle
Embrace of Endless Day Faiths of Eberron
Essentia Lock Magic of Incarnum
Ether Blast Manual of the Planes
Expel from Lair 3E Spells file
Fang Blade 3E Spells file
Fang Trap Serpent Kingdoms
Focus Touchstone Energy Planar Handbook
Freedom of Movement 3.5 Player's Handbook
Freeze Armor Frostburn
Frostburn Frostburn
Ghost Touch Weapon Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Giant Vermin 3.5 Player's Handbook
Glacial Globe of Invulnerability Frostburn
Greater Status Book of Exalted Deeds
Harrier Defenders of the Faith
Healing Spirit Player's Handbook II
Healing Surf 3E Spells file
Holy Transformation, Lesser Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Hypothermia Spell Compendium (3E Spells file [Frostbite])
Ice Cloud 3E Spells file
Identify Transgressor Book of Vile Darkness
Identify with Flame 3E Spells file
Imbue with Spell Ability 3.5 Player's Handbook
Inflict Critical Wounds 3.5 Player's Handbook
Infuse with Element 3E Spells file
Iron Bones Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Life Ward Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes [Positive Energy
Light of Purity Complete Champion
Lower Spell Resistance Draconomicon
Magic Weapon, Greater 3.5 Player's Handbook
Make Manifest Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes)
Mark of the Enlightened Soul Dragon Magic
Moon Bolt Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Moral Facade Complete Champion
Mystic Aegis Player's Handbook II
Nchaser's Glowing Orb Spell Compendium [Glowing Orb] (Player's Guide
to Faerun)
Negative Energy Aura Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Neutralize Poison 3.5 Player's Handbook
Night's Mantle Lords of Darkness
Open Least Chakra Magic of Incarnum
Panacea Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Planar Ally, Lesser 3.5 Player's Handbook
Planar Exchange, Lesser Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Planar Tolerance Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Poison 3.5 Player's Handbook
Positive Energy Aura Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Primal Lightning 3E Spells file
Pronouncement of Fate Heroes of Horror
Recitation Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Remove Fatigue Book of Exalted Deeds
Repel Vermin 3.5 Player's Handbook
Resistance, Greater Spell Compendium (Savage Species [Major Resistance])
Restoration 3.5 Player's Handbook
Resurgence, Mass Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Revenance Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Rogue Wave 3E Spells file
Rolling Cloud 3E Spells file
Runic Marker Champions of Valor
Sacred Item Complete Champion
Seed of Life Complete Champion
Sending 3.5 Player's Handbook
Shadowblast Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes)
Shape Metal Races of Faerun
Shark Bolt 3E Spells file
Sheltered Vitality Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Shield of Faith, Mass Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook [Shield of Faith,
Sound Lance Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Spark Shield Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Spell Immunity 3.5 Player's Handbook
Spell Vulnerability Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Spiritual Advisor Complete Champion
Stars of Arvandor Champions of Valor
Stars of Mystra Champions of Valor
Stars of Selune Champions of Valor
Stifle Spell Player's Handbook II
Stone Metamorphosis Underdark
Summon Hound Archon Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Summon Monster IV 3.5 Player's Handbook
Summon Pest Swarm Cityscape
Sustain Book of Exalted Deeds
Sword of Conscience Book of Exalted Deeds
Tongues 3.5 Player's Handbook
Tree Healing, Lesser 3E Spells file
True Prayer of the Chosen (T) Tome of Magic
Undead Bane Weapon Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Unfailing Endurance Defenders of the Faith
Unshape Soulmeld Magic of Incarnum
Valiant Spirit Magic of Incarnum
Venom Bolt Serpent Kingdoms
Wall of Good/Law Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Wall of Sand Spell Compendium (Sandstorm)
Wall of Salt Sandstorm
Watchful Ancestors Magic of Eberron
Winter's Embrace Frostburn
Absolution Ultimate Intrigue
Absorb Rune I Adventurer's Guide
Abyssal Vermin Pathfinder AP #78
Alter River People of the River
Ancestral Gift (Clangeddin Silverbeard) Dwarves of Golarion
Anti-Incorporeal Shell Advanced Class Guide
Ardor's Onslaught Champions of Balance
Aura of Doom Ultimate Magic
Baphomet's Blessing Inner Sea Gods
Battle Trance Advanced Race Guide
Bereave Inner Sea Temples
Bit of Luck Blood of the Beasts
Black Spot Pirates of the Inner Sea
Blade of Light Adventurer Guide
Blessing of Fervor Advanced Player's Guide
Bloatbomb Advanced Class Guide
Blood Crow Strike Ultimate Magic
Borrow Corruption Horror Adventures
Bountiful Banquet Ultimate Intrigue
Brightest Light Adventurer's Guide
Burst With Light Demon Hunter's Handbook
Calamitous Falling Blood of the Coven
Celestial Healing , Greater Arcane Anthology
Charon's Dispensation Book of the Damned
Concealed Breath Heroes of the Darklands
Conditional Curse Ultimate Intrigue
Control Summoned Creature [different than Ultimate Magic
WotC's steal summoning]
Crusader's Edge Inner Sea Magic
Curse Terrain Horror Adventures
Curse of Unexpected Death Pathfinder AP #89
Daemon (Yugoloth) Ward Book of the Damned Volume 3
Deadman's Contingency Ultimate Intrigue
Death Knell Aura Book of the Damned Volume 3
Debilitating Portent Ultimate Combat
Devil Snare (Fiend Snare) Agents of Evil
Enchantment Foil Advanced Class Guide
False Future Ultimate Intrigue
Film of Filth Pathfinder AP #74
Firewalker's Meditation (Meditative) Divine Anthology
Flaming Aura Pathfinder AP #91
Flesh Puppet, Horde Horror Adventures
Fleshworm Infestation Ultimate Magic
Forceful Strike Inner Sea Magic
Foretell Failure (Oracle only) Arcane Anthology
Frigid Souls Haunted Heroes
Frosty Aura Pathfinder AP #91
Gift of the Deep Monster Codex
Gilded Whispers Society Field Guide
Glimpse of Truth Ultimate Intrigue
Globe of Tranquil Water Heroes of the Wild
Guardian of Faith Advanced Class Guide
Hallucinogenic Smoke Faiths&Philosophies
Healing Flames Healer's Handbook
Healing Warmth Advanced Race Guide
Heavy Water Magical Marketplace
Hunger for Flesh Horror Adventures
Infernal Healing, Greater Inner Sea Guide
Instant Restoration Monster Summoner's Handbook
Iron Spine Legacy of the First World
Janni's Jaunt Planes of Power
Majestic Image Ultimate Intrigue
Malediction Book of the Damned
Mark of the Reptile God (Serpent Deity) Monster Codex
Master's Escape Monster Summoner's Handbook
Mighty Strength (Torm) Dwarves of Golarion
Nature's Ravages Dungeoneer's Handbook
Oracle’s Vessel (Oracle only) Ultimate Magic
Path of Glory, Greater Advanced Class Guide
Persistent Vigor Advanced Class Guide
Plague Carrier Ultimate Magic
Planar Adaptation [similiar to WotC's Advanced Player's Guide
Attune Form but weaker]
Planetary Adaptation People of the Stars
Poisonous Balm Ultimate Intrigue
Probe History Inner Sea Races
Protection from Energy, Communal Ultimate Combat
Purify Body Healer's Handbook
Quieting Weapons Ultimate Intrigue
Rags to Riches Arcane Anthology
Red Hand of the Killer Ultimate Intrigue
Replenish Ki (Ilmater) Inner Sea Gods
Rest Eternal Advanced Player's Guide
Revenant Armor Armor Master's Handbook
Ride the Waves Ultimate Magic
Rigor Mortis Horror Adventures
Sacrifice Book of the Damned
Shadow Barbs Inner Sea Magic
Shield of the Dawnflower Inner Sea Guide
Shield of Fortification, Greater Advanced Class Guide
Shield Speech, Greater Taldor: Echoes of Glory
Soothe Construct Ultimate Magic
Speak with Haunt Advanced Class Guide
Spellcrash, Lesser Advanced Class Guide
Spindrift Spritz, Mass Elemental Master's Handbook
Spiritual Ally Advanced Player's Guide
Spit Venom Ultimate Magic
Summon Accuser Rival Guide
Summon Cacoloth, Greater Book of the Damned 3
Summon Genie, Lesser People of the Sands
Summoner Conduit Ultimate Combat
Sword to Snake Dirty Tactics Toolbox
Symbol of Revelation Ultimate Magic
Symbol of Slowing Ultimate Magic
Tail Current Ultimate Wilderness
Tailwind Ultimate Wilderness
Terrible Remorse Ultimate Magic
Thaumaturgic Circle Occult Adventures
Torpid Reanimation Horror Adventures
Transplant Visage Inner Sea Gods
Traveling Dream (Oneiromancy)
Umbral Infusion Blood of Shadows
Undeath Inversion Undead Slayer's Handbook
Unholy Ward Agents of Evil
Virulence Pathfinder AP #81
Wall of Bone Magic Tactics Toolbox
Ward of the Season Advanced Race Guide
Ward Shield Knights of the Inner Sea
Warp Metal Magic Tactics Toolbox
Water Shield Pathfinder AP #24
Water Walk, Communal Ultimate Combat
Wave Form Aquatic Adventures
Wrathful Weapon Advanced Class Origins
5th Level
Atonement 3.5 Player's Handbook
Aura of Evasion Spell Compendium (Draconomicon)
Azuth's Exalted Triad Spell Compendium [Triadspell] (Magic of Faerun)
Bane's Fiery Eyes (Bane) 3E Spells file
Bear's Heart Defenders of the Faith
Bebilith Blessing Drow of the Underdark
Bewildering Mischance Complete Champion
Bind to Hell (Levistus) Fiendish Codex II
Bleed Complete Champion
Blight Masters of the Wild
Blistering Radiance Spell Compendium (Complete Arcane)
Boreal Wind Frostburn
Break Enchantment 3.5 Player's Handbook
Breath of Contagion 3E Spells file
Call Zelekhut Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Chaav's Laugh Book of Exalted Deeds
Channel the Void 3E Spells file
Charnel Fire Book of Vile Darkness
Choking Sands Sandstorm
Chromatic Ray Dragons of Faerun
Command, Greater 3.5 Player's Handbook
Commune 3.5 Player's Handbook
Commune with Earth Races of Faerun
Condemnation Player's Handbook II
Conjure Ice Beast V Frostburn
Contagion, Mass Spell Compendium (Races of Faerun)
Convert Wand Champions of Valor
Crawling Darkness Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Crown of Courage The Forge of War
Crown of Flame Book of Exalted Deeds
Cure Light Wounds, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook [Curse
of Petty Failing, Legion's])
Dance of the Unicorn Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Dancing Web Book of Exalted Deeds
Darts of Life Complete Champion
Dawnshroud Champions of Valor
Death Throes Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Disanimate 3E Spells file
Disk of Concordant Opposition 3E Spells file
Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law 3.5 Player's Handbook
Dispel Cold Frostburn
Dispel Fire Frostburn
Dispel Water Sandstorm
Disrupting Weapon 3.5 Player's Handbook
Divine Agility Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Divine Retribution Complete Champion
Doomtide Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Door of Decay Complete Champion
Dragon Breath Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Earth Hammer Races of Stone
Earth Reaver Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Easy March 3E Spells file
Elemental Guardian 3E Spells file
Energetic Healing Book of Exalted Deeds
Etherealness, Swift Player's Handbook II
Extract Gift Fiendish Codex I
Fallen Soul 3E Spells file
False Sending Book of Vile Darkness
Fire in the Blood Heroes of Horror
Flame Strike 3.5 Player's Handbook
Flaywind Burst Sandstorm
Fracturing Weapon The Forge of War
Frostbite Frostburn
Garagos's Slaughter (Garagos) 3E Spells file
Ghost Storm 3E Spells file
Globe of Radiant Invulnerability, Lesser 3E Spells file
Hallow 3.5 Player's Handbook
Hasten Recovery 3E Spells file
Haunt Shift Libris Mortis
Heartclutch Book of Vile Darkness
Healing Circle Complete Champion
Hibernal Healing Frostburn
Hibernate Frostburn
Humanoid Essence Races of Eberron
Incarnation of Evil 3E Spells file
Incarnation of Set 3E Spells file
Incarnum Weapon Magic of Incarnum
Incorporeal Nova Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Inflict Light Wounds, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Insect Plague 3.5 Player's Handbook
Invest Heavy Protection Player's Handbook II
Investiture of the Narzugon Fiendish Codex II
Investiture of the Orthon Fiendish Codex II
Kelemvor's Grace (Kelemvor) Spell Compendium [Life's Grace] (3E Spells file)
Lava Splash Serpent Kingdoms
Light of Xymor Dragons of Faerun
Magic Covalescence Player's Handbook II
Mana Flux Player's Handbook II
Manifest Death The Forge of War
Manifest Life The Forge of War
Mark of Justice 3.5 Player's Handbook
Mark of Sin Complete Champion
Meteoric Strike Player's Handbook II
Monstrous Regeneration Magic of Faerun
Morality Undone Fiendish Codex I
Nails of Luthic (Luthic) 3E Spells file
Necrotic Burst Libris Mortis
Necrotic Skull Bomb Champions of Ruin
Oath of Blood Heroes of Horror
Oghma's Carapace (Oghma) 3E Spells file
Orb of Dancing Death Magic of Eberron
Pacification Dragons of Faerun
Parboil Sandstorm
Pass through Ice Frostburn
Plane Shift 3.5 Player's Handbook
Platinum Ray Dragons of Faerun
Psychic Turmoil Expanded Psionics Handbook
Radiance Player's Handbook II
Raise Dead 3.5 Player's Handbook
Renewed Vigor Player's Handbook II
Resonating Resistance Book of Vile Darkness
Revivify Spell Compendium (Miniature's Handbook)
Righteous Might 3.5 Player's Handbook
Righteous Wrath of the Faithful Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Sacred Circle 3ESpells file
Sacred Guardian Book of Exalted Deeds
Sanctuary, Mass Spell Compendium (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Scry Location Complete Scoundrel
Scry Trap Magic of Eberron
Scrying 3.5 Player's Handbook
Shadow of the Dark Queen Dragons of Faerun
Slay Living 3.5 Player's Handbook
Spell Resistance 3.5 Player's Handbook
Spiritual Cavalry Heroes of Battle
Spit Poison 3E Spells file
Spurn the Supernatural (T) Tome of Magic
Soul Scour Unapproachable East
Stalwart Pact Spell Compendium (Races of Destiny)
Status, Greater Heroes of Battle
Stonefire Shining South
Stone Shape, Greater Spell Compendium (Underdark)
Stone Storm Secrets of Sarlona
Streamers Shining South
Subvert Planar Essence Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Summon Bearded Devil Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Summon Blood Elemental 3E Spells file
Summon Bralani Eladrin Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Summon Monster V 3.5 Player's Handbook
Summon Undead V Spell Compendium (Heroes of Horror)
Sunlight 3E Spells file
Surge of Fortune Complete Champion
Symbol of Pain 3.5 Player's Handbook
Symbol of Sleep 3.5 Player's Handbook
Symbol of Spell Loss Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Telepathy Block Book of Exalted Deeds
Touch of the Pharaoh 3E Spells file
True Seeing 3.5 Player's Handbook
Undying Aura Magic of Eberron
Unhallow 3.5 Player's Handbook
Unholy Storm Planar Handbook
Vigor, Greater Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Vulnerability Spell Compendium (Draconomicon)
Wall of Dispel Magic Spell Compendium (Underdark)
Wall of Magma Sandstorm
Wall of Stone 3.5 Player's Handbook
Warding Gems Book of Exalted Deeds
Zone of Peace Cityscape
Zone of Respite Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes)
Zone of Revelation Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes)
Air Walk, Communal Ultimate Combat
Ancestral Memory Inner Sea World Guide
Angelic Aspect Champions of Purity
Appearance of Life, Greater Villain Codex
Army Across Time Legacy of the First World
Astral Projection, Lesser Ultimate Magic
Awaken the Devoured Book of the Damned
Ban Corruption Horror Adventures
Besmara's (Umberlee's) Grasping Depths Haunted Heroes
Blood Tentacles Agents of Evil
Blood Ties Horror Adventures
Boneshatter Osirion
Breath of Life Pathfinder RPG
Burst of Glory (Torm) Inner Sea Gods
Call Spirit Occult Mysteries and Adventures?
Caustic Blood Inner Sea Gods
Charnel House Horror Adventures
Cleanse Advanced Player's Guide
Cleansing Fire Adventurer Guide
Cold Iron Fetters Legacy of the First World
Compel Tongue, Mass Black Markets
Compelling Rant Horror Adventures
Constricting Coils (Varae) Pathfinder #42
Contact Entity III Horror Adventures
Contagion, Greater Ultimate Magic
Curse of Magic Negation Ultimate Magic
Curse, Major Ultimate Magic
Darkvault Blood of Shadows
Daywalker Cohorts and Companions
Decollate Horror Adventures
Dispel Balance Champions of Balance
Dungeonsight Dragonslayer's Handbook
Fickle Winds Ultimate Magic
Flexile Curse Magic Tactics Toolbox
Forbid Action, Greater Ultimate Magic
Freedom's Toast (Lliira) Inner Sea Gods
Geniekind Inner Sea Magic
Ghostbane Dirge, Mass Advanced Player's Guide
Half-Blood Extraction Advanced Race Guide
Heretic's Tongue Pathfinder AP #107
Holy Ice ltimate Magic
Hunter's Blessing (Malar) Inner Sea Gods
Hymn of Mercy Champions of Purity
Invigorating Repose Dwarves of Golarion
Jungle Mind (Oracle only) Faiths&Philosophies
Khain's Army Inner Sea Magic
Life Bubble Advanced Player's Guide
Lighten Object, Mass (Gond) Inner Sea Gods
Locate Gate Horror Adventures
Magic Siege Engine, Greater Ultimate Combat
Pillar of Life Advanced Player's Guide
Planeslayer's Call Advanced Class Guide
Profane Nimbus Horror Adventures
Rapid Repair Ultimate Magic
Reboot People of the Stars
Reprobation Ultimate Magic
Respectful Quiet Inner Sea Races
Sacred Nimbus Horror Adventures
Sand Whirlwind, Greater Taldor: Echoes of Glory
Sanctify Weapons Chronicles of the Righteous
Sawtooth Terrain Adventurer's Guide
Seek Shelter Inner Sea Intrigue
Serenity Ultimate Magic
Sessile Spirit Occult Adventures
Shroud of Darkness Inner Sea Temples
Siphon Magic Inner Sea Magic
Slough Horror Adventures
Smite Abomination (Kelemvor) Inner Sea Gods
Soulswitch Familiar Folio
Spawn Ward Advanced Race Guide
Spellcasting Contract, Lesser (Asmodeus) Pathfinder AP #29
Spell Immunity, Communal Ultimate Combat
Spellsteal Monster Codex
Sphere of Warding Undead Slayer's Handbook
Steal Years, Greater Blood of Night
Summon Infernal Host Rival Guide
Summon Ceustoloth Book of the Damned 3
Summon Genie People of the Sands
Summon Lesser Demon Pathfinder AP #74
Summon Lesser Psychopomp Pathfinder #80
Sun's Disdain, Mass Adventurer's Guide
Symbol of Scrying Ultimate Magic
Symbol of Striking Ultimate Combat
Tongues, Communal Ultimate Combat
Touch of Slumber Magic Tactics Toolbox
Treasure Stitching Advanced Player's Guide
Undeath Ward Dungeons of Golarion
Unholy Ice Ultimate Magic
Unleash Pandemonium Pathfinder AP #74
Vile Dog Transformation Horror Adventures
Village Veil Advanced Race Guide
Waft Ultimate Wilderness
Wall of Blindness/Deafness Advanced Class Guide
Wall of Clockwork Heroes of the Streets
Wall of Ectoplasm Occult Adventures
6th Level
Adept Spirit, Mass Magic of Incarnum
Algid Enhancement Frostburn
Animate Objects 3.5 Player's Handbook
Antilife Shell 3.5 Player's Handbook
Aura of Power 3E Spells file
Auril's Flowers Spell Compendium [Ice Flowers] (3E Spells file)
Awaken from Afar 3E Spells file
Banishment 3.5 Player's Handbook
Barghest's Feast Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Bear's Endurance, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Blade Barrier 3.5 Player's Handbook
Bolt of Glory Spell Compendium
Brain Slave of Ilsensine (Ilsensine) 3E Spells file
Bull's Strength, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Call Faithful Servants Book of Exalted Deeds
Celestial Blood Book of Exalted Deeds
Chasing Perfection Player's Handbook II
Cloak of Hate Heroes of Horror
Cloud of the Achaierai Book of Vile Darkness
Cold Snap Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Cometfall Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Conjure Ice Beast VI Frostburn
Consecrate Battlefield Heroes of Battle
Corpsebond 3E Spells file
Create Undead 3.5 Player's Handbook
Crown of Brillance Book of Exalted Deeds
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Demonic Blood Infusion 3E Spells file
Desecrate Battlefield Heroes of Battle
Dessicate, Mass Sandstorm
Disjoin Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Dispel Magic, Greater 3.5 Player's Handbook
Eagle's Splendor, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Energy Immunity Spell Compendium (Complete Arcane)
Eyes of the Oracle Dragon Magic
Fiendish Quickening Book of Vile Darkness
Fiery Vision Shining South
Find the Path 3.5 Player's Handbook
Fleshbound Secrets of Sarlona
Forbiddance 3.5 Player's Handbook
Frostburn, Mass Frostburn
Gate Seal Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Geas/Quest 3.5 Player's Handbook
Ghost Trap Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Glyph of Warding, Greater 3.5 Player's Handbook
Harm 3.5 Player's Handbook
Heal 3.5 Player's Handbook
Heroes' Feast 3.5 Player's Handbook
Hidden Truename (T) Tome of Magic
Hide the Path Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Ice Rift Frostburn
Incarnum Vigor Magic of Incarnum
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Investiture of the Barbed Devil Fiendish Codex II
Investiture of the Malebranche Fiendish Codex II
Light of Courage Complete Champion
Lucent Lance Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Magic Weapon, Greater Legion's Magic of Eberron
Mantle of the Icy Soul Spell Compendium (Frostburn)
Make Manifest, Mass Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes [Manifest,
Mummify Sandstorm
Necrotic Eruption Libris Mortis
Opalescent Glare Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Owl's Wisdom, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Planar Ally 3.5 Player's Handbook
Planar Exchange Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Quickshift Book of Exalted Deeds
Rainbow 3E Spells file
Ravage Champions of Ruin
Rejection Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Remorseless Charm Champions of Ruin
Resistance, Superior Spell Compendium (Savage Species [Superior
Revive Outsider Spell Compendium (Manual of the Planes)
Sarcophagus of Stone (Set) Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Secure Corpse Book of Exalted Deeds
Semblance of Life Magic of Eberron
Serpent Storm 3E Spells file
Snare Astral Traveler Book of Vile Darkness
Spell Resistance, Greater 3E Spells file
Spider Plague Spell Compendium (Savage Species)
Spirit Walk Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Spiritual Guardian Complete Champion
Stone Body Spell Compendium (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Stone Metamorphosis, Greater Underdark
Storm Slave 3E Spells file
Summon Babau Demon Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Summon Monster VI 3.5 Player's Handbook
Sun Scepter Lost Empires of Faerun
Symbol of Fear 3.5 Player's Handbook
Symbol of Persuasion 3.5 Player's Handbook
Symbol of Thirst Sandstorm
Thousand Needles Book of Vile Darkness
Torm's Skin (Torm) 3E Spells file
Touch of Adamantine Book of Exalted Deeds
Undeath to Death 3.5 Player's Handbook
Vengeance Halo Book of Exalted Deeds
Vigorous Circle Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Visage of the Deity Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Wall of Tentacles (Lolth) 3ESpells file
Weight of Sin Complete Champion
Whirl of Fangs Serpent Kingdoms
Wind Walk 3.5 Player's Handbook
Word of Recall 3.5 Player's Handbook
Zealot Pact Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Absorb Rune II Adventurer's Guide
Alaznist's Jinx Magic Tactics Toolbox
Alleviate Corruption Horror Adventures
Balance of Suffering Healer's Handbook
Betraying Sting Inner Sea Temples
Bless Army Quests and Campaigns
Blessing of Luck and Resolve, Mass Advanced Race Guide
Bloodsworn Retribution (Hoar) Dwarves of Golarion
Chains of Light Champions of Purity
Cold Ice Strike Ultimate Magic
Commune with Texts Inner Sea Intrigue
Contact Nalfeshnee Demons Revisited
Cruel Jaunt Horror Adventures
Curse of the Outcast Ultimate Intrigue
Curse Terrain, Greater Horror Adventures
Death Knell Aura, Greater Book of the Damned Volume 3
Dream Reality Inner Sea Intrigue
Dust Form Ultimate Combat
Dust Ward Monster Codex
Eaglesoul Inner Sea Magic
Elemental Assessor Chronicles of the Righteous
Emblem of Greed Arcane Anthology
Enlightened Step (Meditative) Divine Anthology
Epidemic [different than WotC's epidemic] Ultimate Magic
Flesh Wall Horror Adventures
Genius Avaricious (Greed deities) Pathfinder AP #30
Hammer of Mending (Gond) Inner Sea Gods
Hellfire Ray Book of the Damned
Impart Mind Inner Sea Magic
Inspiring Recovery Healer's Handbook
Joyful Rapture Ultimate Magic
Knock, Mass Inner Sea Temples
Lash of the Astraloth (Astradaemon) Book of the Damned
Mage's Decree Ultimate Intrigue
Metabolic Molting Blood of the Beasts
Music of the Spheres Inner Sea Magic
Neutralize Poison, Greater Dirty Tactics Toolbox
Oasis Heroes of the Wild
Overwhelming Poison Ultimate Intrigue
Perceive Betrayal Heroes of the High Court
Plague Bearer (Talona) Inner Sea Gods
Plague Storm Ultimate Magic
Planar Adaptation, Mass [as WotC's Advanced Player's Guide
Attune Form except weaker]
Planetary Adaptation, Mass People of the Stars
Prognostication Ultimate Intrigue
Roaming Pit Magic Tactics Toolbox
Seer's Bane Pathfinder AP #102
Shield of the Dawnflower, Greater (Lathander)Inner Sea Gods
Sign of Wrath Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
Source Severance Faiths&Philosophies
Spellcrash Advanced Class Guide
Summon Genie, Greater People of the Sands
Summon Laborers Monster Summoner's Handbook
Summon Stampede Chronicles of the Righteous
Summon Vanth Pathfinder AP #80
Sustaining Legend Mythic Origins
Symbol of Distraction Magic Tactics Toolbox
Symbol of Sealing Ultimate Magic
Truespeak Advanced Race Guide
Vengeful Stinger (Talona) Inner Sea Gods
Vermicious Assumption Pathfinder AP #74
Wall of Silver Adventurer's Guide
Wither Limb Horror Adventures
7th Level
Animalistic Power, Mass Player's Handbook II
Animate Siege Weapon Heroes of Battle
Aura of Cold, Greater Frostburn
Azuth's Spell Shield Magic of Faerun
Bastion of Good Book of Exalted Deeds
Bestow Curse, Greater Spell Compendium (Races of Destiny)
Blasphemy 3.5 Player's Handbook
Blood to Water Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Brain Spider Spell Compendium (Lords of Madness)
Brilliant Blade Spell Compendium (Complete Arcane)
Call Kolyarut Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Call Upon Celestial Heritage 3E Spells file
Calm Earth 3E Spells file
Conjure Ice Beast VII Frostburn
Consumptive Field, Greater Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Control Weather 3.5 Player's Handbook
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Death Dragon Spell Compendium (Draconomicon)
Destruction 3.5 Player's Handbook
Dictum 3.5 Player's Handbook
Energy Ebb Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Ethereal Jaunt 3.5 Player's Handbook
Evil Glare Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Fey Ring 3E Spells file
Fiendish Clarity Fiendish Codex I
Fortunate Fate Spell Compendium (Magic of Faerun)
Globe of Radiant Invulnerability, Greater 3E Spells file
Guardian Spirit, Mass Magic of Incarnum
Harm, Greater Heroes of Horror
Harm, Mass 3E Spells file
Heaven's Trumpet Book of Exalted Deeds
Holy Transformation Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Holy Word 3.5 Player's Handbook
Humanoid Essence, Greater Races of Eberron
Imprison Soul Book of Vile Darkness
Infernal Transformation Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Investiture of the Ice Devil Fiendish Codex II
Leech Undeath Magic of Eberron
Lifebound Secrets of Sarlona
Mark of the Unfaithful Champions of Ruin
Minor Servitor Savage Species
Nar Fiendbond Lost Empires of Faerun
Necrotic Curse Complete Mag
Necrotic Tumor Libris Mortis
Open Lesser Chakra Magic of Incarnum
Pact of Return Heroes of Horror
Plague Player's Handbook II
Planar Bubble Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Plane Shift, Greater Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Psychic Turmoil, Greater Expanded Psionics Handbook
Pulse of Hate Player's Handbook II
Radiant Assault Spell Compendium (3E Spells file)
Ravenous Darkness Complete Champion
Refuge 3.5 Player's Handbook
Regenerate 3.5 Player's Handbook
Rejuvenating Light Complete Champion
Renewal Pact Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Repulsion 3.5 Player's Handbook
Restoration, Greater 3.5 Player's Handbook
Restoration, Mass Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Resurrection 3.5 Player's Handbook
Righteous Burst Player's Handbook II
Righteous Glare Book of Exalted Deeds
Righteous Smite Book of Exalted Deeds
Scrying, Greater 3.5 Player's Handbook
Seed of Undeath, Greater Complete Mage
Shadow Trap Champions of Ruin
Shield of the Archons Book of Exalted Deeds
Slime Wave Fiendish Codex I (Complete Divine---Spell Compendium)
Spell Resistance, Mass Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Stone Trap Shining South
Summon Aspect of Bahamut Races of the Dragon
Summon Monster VII 3.5 Player's Handbook
Symbol of Stunning 3.5 Player's Handbook
Symbol of Weakness 3.5 Player's Handbook
Symphonic Nightmare Spell Compendium (Champions of Ruin)
Tomb of Light Book of Exalted Deeds
Undead Mask Savage Species
Withering Palm Spell Compendium (Complete Arcane)
Word of Chaos 3.5 Player's Handbook
Wretched Blight Book of Vile Darkness
Arbitrament Champions of Balance
Archon's Trumpet Champions of Purity
Artificer's Curse Arcane Anthology
Bestow Grace of the Champion Ultimate Magic
Circle of Clarity Ultimate Magic
Contact Entity IV Horror Adventures
Create Demiplane, Lesser Ultimate Magic
Create Variant Mummy Pathfinder AP #81
False Resurrection Ultimate Intrigue
Frost Mammoth People of the North
Grim Stalker Haunted Heroes
Hunger for Flesh, Mass Horror Adventures
Hymn of Peace Champions of Purity
Jolting Portent Ultimate Combat
Lost Legacy Magic Tactics Toolbox
Lunar Veil Ultimate Magic
Maddening Oubliette (Loviatar) Inner Sea Gods
Magnetic Field People of the River
Particulate Form Magic Tactics Toolbox
Planar Refuge Heroes of the Wild
Plundered Power Horror Adventures
Poison Breath Dirty Tactics Toolbox
Pox of Rumors Ultimate Intrigue
Signifer's Rally Cheliax
Soul Transfer Book of the Damned Volume 3
Spell Scourge (Azuth) Inner Sea Gods
Spellcasting Contract (Asmodeus) Pathfinder AP #29
Umbral Strike Blood of Shadows
Vision of Lamashtu Inner Sea Guide
Waves of Ecstasy Ultimate Magic
8th Level
Abyssal Frenzy Fiendish Codex I
Antidragon Aura, Greater Dragons of Faerun
Antimagic Field 3.5 Player's Handbook
Axiomatic Creature Book of Exalted Deeds
Befoul Fiendish Codex I
Bodak Birth Book of Vile Darkness
Bodak's Glare Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Brilliant Aura Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Call Upon Fiendish Heritage 3E Spells file
Chain Dispel Player's Handbook II
Chain of Chaos Defenders of the Faith
Cloak of Chaos 3.5 Player's Handbook
Conjure Ice Beast VIII Frostburn
Create Greater Undead 3.5 Player's Handbook
Cure Critical Wounds, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Death Pact Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Death Ward, Mass Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Dimensional Lock 3.5 Player's Handbook
Discern Location 3.5 Player's Handbook
Dune Tomb 3E Spells file
Earthquake 3.5 Player's Handbook
Embrace the Dark Chaos Fiendish Codex I
Expunge the Supernatural (T) Tome of Magic
Familial Geas Heroes of Horror
Fierce Pride of the Beastlands Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Fimbulwinter Frostburn
Fire Storm 3.5 Player's Handbook
Flashflood Sandstorm
General of Undeath Spell Compendium (Player's Guide to Faerun)
Golem Immunity Races of Eberron
Greater Familiarity of Place 3E Spells file
Heat Leech Spell Compendium [Heat Drain] (3E Spells file)
Holy Aura 3.5 Player's Handbook
Illusion Purge Races of Eberron
Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass 3.5 Player's Handbook
Investiture of the Horned Devil Fiendish Codex II
Last Judgement Book of Exalted Deeds
Lion's Roar Spell Compendium (Complete Warrior)
Necrotic Empowerment Libris Mortis
Pestilence Book of Vile Darkness
Planar Ally, Greater 3.5 Player's Handbook
Planar Exchange, Greater Spell Compendium (Planar Handbook)
Ritual of Renaming (T) Tome of Magic
Shield of Law 3.5 Player's Handbook
Shun the Dark Chaos Fiendish Codex I
Spell Immunity, Greater 3.5 Player's Handbook
Spread of Contentment Book of Exalted Deeds
Stormrage Spell Compendium (Complete Divine)
Summon Avatar of Elemental Evil 3E Spells file
Summon Monster VIII 3.5 Player's Handbook
Summoning Pact 3E Spells file
Symbol, Death Symbol of Bane Magic of Faerun
Symbol of Death 3.5 Player's Handbook
Symbol of Insanity
3.5 Player's Handbook
Transmute Rock to Sickstone 3E Spells file
True Banishment (T) Tome of Magic
Truename Dispel (T) Tome of Magic
Unholy Aura 3.5 Player's Handbook
Valiant Spirit, Mass Magic of Incarnum
Veil of Undeath Spell Compendium (Libris Mortis)
Visions of the Future Player's Handbook II
Wall of Dispel Magic, Greater Spell Compendium (Underdark)
Angelic Aspect, Greater Champions of Purity
Call Construct Ultimate Magic
Counterbalancing Aura Champions of Balance
Create Demiplane Ultimate Magic
Curse of Night Horror Adventures
Curse Terrain, Supreme Horror Adventures
Deathclutch Horror Adventures
Divine Vessel (Oracle only) Advanced Player's Guide
Euphoric Tranquility Advanced Player's Guide
Fey Gate Ultimate Wilderness
Frightful Aspect Ultimate Combat
Heart of the Mammoth Dragonslayer's Handbook
Maw of Chaos Pathfinder AP #74
Nature's Ravages, Greater Dungeoneer's Handbook
Nine Lives Advanced Race Guide
Orb of the Void Ultimate Magic
Phasic Challenge Magic Tactics Toolbox
Rift of Ruin Book of the Damned
Rotting Alliance Inner Sea Intrigue
Sacramental Seal Horror Adventures
Soulreaver Mythic Origins
Spellcrash, Greater Advanced Class Guide
Stormbolts Advanced Player's Guide
Summon Eroloth Book of the Damned 3
Summon Melaloth Book of the Damned 3
Symbol of Debauchery Inner Sea Gods
Symbol of Dispelling Inner Sea Gods
Tomb Legion Faction Guide
True Prognostication Ultimate Intrigue
Umbral Infusion, Mass Blood of Shadows
Vinetrap Chronicles of the Righteous
Wandering Weather Ultimate Wilderness