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2.6.01 - HSSE Plan

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HSSE Guidelines Page 1 of 137

Current version  
Document Title HSSE Plan
Document Version  Original
Version Date 26/3/2017
Owning Organization Cushman & Wakefield
Reviewed by Kisinger N, Senior Manager-HSE, Hyderabad
Reviewed Date 26/3/2017
Approved by Mohammed Sikandar Ali, HSSE Head, India
Approved Date 27/3/2017
Next Review Date 25/9/2017

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1. SECTION 1: GENERAL………………………………….................................... 5
3. SECTION 3: SAFETY AUDITS…………………………………………………… 24
6. SECTION 6: SAFETY ORGANIZATION………………………………………… 28
7. SECTION 7: SAFETY COMMITTEE…………………………………………….. 31
10. SECTION 10: FIRE PREVENTION……………………………………………… 34
11. SECTION 11: PERSONNEL PROTECTION…………………………………… 35
13. SECTION 13; LADDERS………………………………………………………… 43
14. SECTION 14: SCAFFOLDING………………………………………………….. 43
16. SECTION 16: MOTOR VEHICLES…………………………………………….. 52
17. SECTION 17: BARRICADES…………………………………………………… 52
19. SECTION 19: EXCAVATION AND SHORING……………………………….. 57
20. SECTION 20: CONTROL BLASTING……………………………………….. 58
22. SECTION 22: MASONARY WORKS.……………………………………….. 61
28. SECTION 28: RESPONSIBILITY…………………………………………….. 72
29. SECTION 29: COMMUNICATION..…………………………………………….. 72
30. SECTION 30: INFORMATION…………………………………………………. 73
31. SECTION 31: JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS……………………………………. 73
32. SECTION 32: ENVIRONMENT……………………………………………. 74
34. SECTION 34: REPORTING…………………………………………………..... 78
35. HSSE DECLARATION………..…………………………………………………… 79
36. WORK PERMIT FORMATS……………………………………………………… 80
GENERAL WORK PERMIT……………………………………………………………..81
PERMIT FOR WORK AT HEIGHT……….………………………………………….. 83
HOT WORK PERMIT……………………………………………………………… 85
PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION………………………………………………………. 87

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CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT ………………………………………….. ….. 96
NIGHT WORK PERMIT………………………………………………………………… 101
37. GENERAL FORMATS………………………………………………..……………. 103
TOOL BOX TALK REPORT…………………………………………………………… 106
MONTHLY HSSE REPORT ……………………………………………………………108
INFRACTION NOTICE FORM…………………………………………………………. 112
38. SAFETY INSPECTION CHECKLISTS…………………………………………… 114
39. JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS FORMAT……………………………………………...133

Note: Time to time this document can be changed / modified as per site

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The primary objective of our organization is to ensure and enforce effective safety
management to eliminate accident in all job sites, and to maintain a conducive
environment and infrastructural facilities at work places with due consideration for
occupational health and safety legislation.

An awareness of safety culture will be developed for building and maintaining an

effective accident prevention program by pertaining on the job safety training and
following safe operating procedure of all activities involved in this project. It is our
firm belief that if the procedure and code of practices are rigorously followed, we
can reach our objective of achieving “ZERO INJURIES”.

Project HSSE Objectives

Project HSSE objective is to achieve best HSSE performance through:

 Apply a “zero philosophy” as the standard for health, safety and the
 Continuously develop an HSSE culture to reduce human error and focus
on individual commitment, responsibility and accountabilities.
 Encourage open communication and employee participation in all
activities related to improvement and fulfilment of all Health, Safety and
Environmental issues.
 Seek continuous improvement to achieve “best practice”.
 Identify and analyse all hazards to personnel, working environment,
external environment and company assets, initiate corrective actions and
verify that corrective actions are effective.
 Maintain a Management System in compliance with statutory
 Ensure that a process of continual improvement is achieved through
periodic objective setting, auditing and performance reviews.

Activity specific HSSE Objectives can be established after reviewing the

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Identify the areas where there
is a scope for improvement and establish HSSE Objectives &
Management programs.

Use following guideword to establish HSSE Objectives & Management program

 Eliminate: Eliminate the hazards altogether or combat the risk at source,

(Eliminate all hazardous events, usage of hazardous substances,
unsuitable equipment).
 Provision of Substitution: Use of safe substances or defining the
method statements defining alternative ways of carrying out field tasks to
ensure safety

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 Provision of Engineering Controls: Machine guarding, proper
platforms, acoustic enclosures, automation instead of manual operations
 Increase / Improvement: Near miss reporting, awareness through
training, use of personal protective equipment, compliments /awards
incentives, appoint safety stewards across all the activities
 Sustain / Continue: Work place inspections, Cross functional audits,
Vendor audits. Periodic Campaigns and Safety Patrols
 Reduce: Hazardous conditions, (e.g. Relating to slips/trips and falls),
Exposure to hazardous substances. (Specify quantitative target with
defined time frame).
 Introduce: Risk Assessments, Emergency Plan, Active Monitoring
system, Work Permit system for specified tasks. Training etc. (Specify a
date for achievement).

HSSE Targets and Goals

Zero recordable injuries

Zero Fatalities

Zero Environmental incidents

C&W is committed to:

 Working on the basis that all injuries, incidents and industrial related diseases
are preventable;
 Eliminating or reducing hazards and risks by applying control measures that
prevent injury or damage;
 Consulting with our employees, subcontractors and third parties impacted by
our business;
 Establishing and achieving measurable objectives and targets, with
continuous improvement in safety and health performance;
 Integrating safety and health management into every aspect of our operations
as a priority business function;
 Verifying that our activities comply with performance requirements and
 Maintaining a safety and health management system as per applicable laws,
regulations and standards;
 Developing safety and health programs that enhance the effectiveness of our
leadership, work methods and safe work behaviour within our organization;
 Providing safety and health training to all employees;
 Disseminating safety and health information to all employees, contractors,
labour hire employees and visitors to the workplace.

Scope of procedures and relationship with the owner:

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The Contractor’s Safety & Health Procedures applies to all contractor and its
subcontractor employees and to all construction and maintenance activities on the
job site. A close relationship and continuous interaction must be maintained with the
Owner and the C&W Project Manager by the Project Manager / construction
manager of the contractor. The Owner does have specific safety and health
requirements to be observed and co-operation with its representative, Architects,
Project manager and other contractors at site, throughout the contract is essential.

Selection of Contractor:
The main contractor shall select works contractors, using the same criteria of
practical safety policy. Again, it must be ensured that the terms of contract include
adequate provision for safe working practices & for specified safety and health items.

Pre-Selection Procedure

A Statement of Work shall be prepared that shall include the description of the Work
that is required to be outsourced to the vendor, HSSE requirements required to follow
and complied by during the Work and the list of attachments that is needed to be
annexed with the offer letter.

Selection Procedure

Contractor shall be selected for their competence to perform work at Site:

Selection Criteria shall at a minimum include:
 A review of the contractor ability to execute the work in time and with
 A review of the Contractor’s HSSE performance for the current year and
prior two years.
 A review of the Contractor’s written HSSE programs if available else
Client/C&W program will deemed to be effective.
 An analysis of the Contractor’s capability to complete the project, tasks,
and services in a safe manner consistent with contractor safety
management requirements. All the Contractor and Sub-Contractor
Company shall be evaluated for the HSSE Capabilities.

Contract Issue Procedure

Contract shall be issued against the issue of Contract letter in triplicate. One copy of
the Contract letter shall be kept with the contract vendor, and two copy shall be
returned back after acceptance.

Contract Letter shall include a minimum of:

 Description of Work
 Terms and Conditions of the Work
 HSSE Requirements to be complied with
 Legal Requirements
 Copy of Code of Conduct Policy
 Property Damage and Work Delay Clause

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The prime contractor and all subcontractors are to comply with the Client specific
rules and procedures, the national legislation and codes and in particular the
following standards;

IS: 3696 (Part I) -1966 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders: Part I Scaffolds

IS: 3696 (Part II)-1966 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders: Part II Ladders

IS: 3764-1966 Safety code for excavation work

IS: 4082-1977 Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction materials

at site (first revision)

IS: 4130-1976 Safety code for demolition of building (first revision)

IS: 4912-1978 Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe
boards (first revision)

IS: 5121-1969 Safety code for piling and other deep foundations

IS: 5916-1970 Safety code constructions involving use of hot bituminous materials

IS: 7205-1974 Safety code for erection of structural steel work

IS: 7969-1975 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials

IS: 8989-1978 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures

IS: 7293-1974 Safety code for working with construction machinery

IS: 10291-1982 Code of dress in Civil Engineering works, safety

IS: 875-1964 Code of practice for structural safety of buildings and loading standards

IS: 1905-1980 Code of practice for structural safety of buildings, masonry walls

IS: 10386-1983 General aspects Part 1 – 1983, Part 2 – 1982, Part 6 – 1983, Part 10
– 1983 Amenities, protective clothing and equipment, construction, storage, handling,
detection and safety measures for gases, chemicals and flammable liquids

IS: 2925-1984 Safety helmet tests

IS: 5983-1980 Testing for Eye protectors

IS: 7524 (Part I)-1979 Safety goggles

IS:1179-1967 Welding helmets

IS: 5914-1970 Safety shoes

IS: 4770-1991 Safety gloves

IS: 12254-1993 Rubber/ PVC knee boots/ gum boots

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Safety, Welfare and Occupational Health requirements as per The Building and
Other Construction Workers Act (BOCWA) 1996 and Rules 1998.

(This list has been prepared in chronological order with primary importance to
Section of Act and secondary importance to Rules)
S - Refers relevant Sections in Building and Other Construction Workers Act
R - Refers relevant Rules in Building and Other Construction Workers Rules
C - Refers relevant Chapter No. in BOCWR

Relevant Sections / Rules in

S.NO Items BOCWA and BOCWR and State

1. Registration of establishment S – 7, R – 23 to 27

Display of registration certification

2. R – 26 (5)
at workplace

3. Hours of work S – 28 R – 234 to 237

4. Register of overtime S – 28; S – 29 R – 241(1) Form XXII

5. Weekly rest and payment at rest R – 235

6. Night shift R – 236

Maintenance of workers registers

7. S – 30 R – 238
and records

Notice of commencement and

8. S – 46 R – 239

Register of persons employed as

9. R – 240
building workers

10. Muster roll and wages register R – 241(1) (a); Form XVI and XVII

11. Payment of wages R – 248

12. Display of notice of wages

R – 249

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13. Register of damage or loss R – 241(1)(a); Form XIX, XX, XXI

14. Issue of wages book R – 241(2)(a); Form XXIII

15. Service certificate for each workers R – 241(2)(b); Form XXIV

Display an abstract of BOCWA and

16. R – 241(5)

17. Annual return R – 242; Form XXV

18. Drinking water S – 32

19. Latrines and Urinals S – 33 R - 243

20. Accommodation S – 34

21. Creche S – 35

22. First-aid boxes S – 36 R – 231 and Schedule III

23. Canteens S – 37 R – 244

Food stuff and other items served in

24. R – 245
the canteens

Supply of tea and snacks in work

25. R – 246

Food charges on no loss no profit

26. R - 247

27. State BOCW welfare Board Rules

28. Safety committee S – 38 R – 208

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29. Safety officer S – 38 R – 209 and Schedule VII

Reporting of accidents and

30. S – 39 R – 210
dangerous occurrences

Procedure for inquiry in to the

31. R – 211
causes of accidents

32. Responsibility of employer S - 44 R – 5

Responsibility of Architects, Project

33. R–6
engineer and Designers

34. Responsibility of workmen R–8

Responsibility for payment of wages

35. S – 45
and compensation

36. Penalties and Procedures S – 47; S – 55

37. Excessive noise, vibration etc R – 34

38. Fire Protection R – 35

39. Emergency action plan R – 36

40. Fencing of motors R – 37

Lifting of carrying of excessive

41. R – 38

Health, Safety and Environmental

42. R – 39

Dangerous and Harmful

43. R – 40

44. Overhead protection R – 41

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Slipping, Tripping, Cutting,
45. R – 42
Drowning and Falling Hazards

46. Dust, Gases, Fumes, etc R – 43

47. Corrosive substance R – 49

48. Eye Protection R – 45

Head Protection and other

49. R – 46; R – 54
protection apparel

50. Electrical Hazards R – 47

51. Vehicular traffic R – 48

52. Stability of structure R – 49

53. Illumination R – 50; R – 124

54. Stacking of materials R – 51

55. Disposal of debris R – 52

56. Numbering and marking of floors R – 53

57. Lifting appliances and gears C – VII; R – 55 to 81

58. Runways and Ramps C – VIII; R – 82 to 85

59. Working on or adjacent to water C – IX; R – 86 & 87

Transport and earthmoving

60. C – X; R – 88 to 95

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Concrete work C – XI; R – 96 to 107

62. Demolition C – XII; R – 108 to 118

63. Excavation and Tunneling works C – XIII; R – 119 to 168

64. Ventilation R – 153

Construction, repair and

65. C – XIV; R – 169 to 171
maintenance of step roof

66. Ladders and Step ladders C – XV; R – 172 to 174

Catch platform and hoardings,

67. C – XVI; R – 175 to 180
chutes, safety belts and nets

68. Structural frame and formworks C – XVII; R – 181 to 185

69. Stacking and unstacking C – XVIII; R – 186 & 187

70. Scaffold C – XIX; R – 188 to 205

71. Cofferdams and Caissons C – XX; R – 206 to 211

72. Explosives C – XXI; R – 212 & 213

73. Piling C – XXII; R – 214 to 222

Medical Examination for building

and other construction worker, R – 81; R – 223(a)(iii) and Schedule
Crane operator an Transport XII
vehicle drivers

Medical examination for

75. R – 223(a)(iv)
occupational health hazards

Charging of workers for Medical

R – 223(b)
76. Examination

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Occupational health centres and
77. R – 225 and Schedule X &XI
Medical officers

78. Ambulance van & room R – 226 & 227 and Schedule IV & V

79. Stretchers R – 228

Occupational health service for

80. R – 229
building workers

Medical examination for

81. R – 223(a)(iv)
occupational health hazards

Emergency care services and

82. R – 232
emergency treatment

83. Panel of experts and agencies Central Rule 250

84. Power of inspectors Central rule 251

Client specific requirements for compliance with OSHA standards

General HSSE Rules and Regulations

The following summarizes the basic rules of conduct for all Project personnel while
on the job site; all contractor/subcontractor management and employees must be
familiar with the site safety standards and adhere to all requirements:

Site Access/ID card - prior to issuing a site access card all Contractor/Subcontractor
personnel must attend a safety orientation before they are allowed to work on the

Orientation - All job site personnel must attend an initial safety orientation before
beginning work on the project. Attendance at the safety orientation shall be
documented. At the end of the safety orientation, the workers will be provided with
safety helmets which are labeled as “New Worker

Reporting Hazards - Employees must report any unsafe conditions to their

supervisor and/or the Safety Engineer/supervisor, without fear of reprisal.

Injuries - Employees must report all injuries to their supervisor. All cases must be
reported and treated at the First Aid Office. All injuries shall be reported immediately.

Smoking - Smoking is PROHIBITED on the site.

Hard Hats - the contractor/subcontractor shall provide - and their employees must
wear an –IS: 2925-1984 Safety helmet or approved equally rated hard hats at all
times in the work site. The employee’s site ID number and company name must be

HSSE Guidelines Page 14 of 137

displayed above the brim. Additional identification tape may be added with the
approval of the Site Safety Representative. Employees may not modify Safety hats in
any way, such as drilling additional ventilation holes. All the contractors should follow
the below color codes for Hard Hats at site.
 Staff/ visitors – white
 Workers – yellow
 Contractors – blue
 Electrician – red
 Safety stewards – green

Safety Shoes – All employees must wear – IS: 5914-1970 Safety shoes or Hard-toe
safety shoes or boots are required at site. Sandals, slippers, opened - toed shoes,
and high heels are not permitted at any time.

Hand Protection - Gloves must be worn when working with materials or equipment
with the potential for hand injury due to sharp edges, corrosive, flammable or irritating
materials, extreme temperatures, splinters, etc. IS 4770-1991 Rubber Gloves must
be worn during – Concrete works, Electrical works. IS 6994(Part I)-1973 Leather
Gloves must be worn during- Hot works, Steel works, Mechanical works.

Hand & Power Tools

Hand and power tools must be maintained in a safe condition, whether furnished by
the contractor or by the employee. When power-operated tools are designed to
accommodate guards, they must be equipped with appropriate guards when in use.
Belts, gears, shafts, pulleys, sprockets, spindles, drums, flywheels, chains and other
moving parts of equipment must be guarded if the parts are exposed to contact by

All hand-held power tools must be equipped with a constant pressure switch that
shuts off when the pressure is released. Electric power-operated tools shall be of the
approved double insulated type, or grounded in accordance with good electrical
practice. Pneumatic power tools must be secured to the hose or whip by positive
means. Safety clips or retainers must be maintained on pneumatic impact
(percussion) tools to prevent attachments from being accidentally expelled.

All fuel-powered tools must be stopped while being refueled, serviced or maintained.

Only trained employees must be allowed to operate powder-actuated tool. Such tools
must be tested each day before loading to see that the safety devices are in proper
working condition, in accordance with manufacturer’s recommended test procedure.
Fasteners shall not be driven into very hard or brittle materials such as cast iron,
glass block, and face brick, hardened steel or hollow tile. For driving into materials
that are easily penetrated, appropriate backing must be available to prevent the pin
fastener from passing completely through.

All employees using abrasive wheels must have eye protection and other tools must
be operated using personal safety equipment.

Contractors to maintain a record of the regular inspections of these tools, which will
be reviewed during the weekly safety tours.

Hand Made Tools - Handmade or job made tools shall not be used. In the event a
special tool is needed for a specific task for which no such manufactured tool exists,

HSSE Guidelines Page 15 of 137

proper engineering design, specifications, and approval shall be obtained prior to
construction of such a tool.

Eye Protection - The contractor/subcontractor shall provide - and their employees

must wear - IS: 7524(Part I)-1979 Safety goggles or approved equal rated safety
glasses with hard side shields; additional approved eye/face protection such as face
shields and welding masks will be required when performing hazardous tasks such
as welding, burning, chipping, or grinding. Corrective lens manufactured to IS: 5983-
1980 eye protectors (or approved equal) may be worn with hard side shields; other
lenses require “over glasses” and/or the use of goggles. Electrical workers are not
permitted to wear metal framed safety glasses.

Contact Lens – While the site does not prohibit the wearing of contact lens, does
not recommend their use.

Hearing Conservation Program - Protective hearing equipment is to be provided

and used in areas where the noise levels exceed 85 dba. The subcontractor where
needed must provide - and their employees must wear - approved disposable or
multi-use earplugs. Additional hearing protection may be required for specific
activities and/or in designated areas. The safety Department shall publish a list of
known tools and work operations that normally exceed the 85dba level.

Jewelry - Loose necklaces, dangling earrings and bracelets shall not be worn when
working on the.

Hair - Anyone working on site property with scalp hair longer than the top of his/her
shoulders must tie-up and restrains the hair within the hard hat or coveralls, shirt or
jacket collar.

Respiratory Protection - Respiratory equipment must be worn in areas where

health hazards exist due to accumulations of dust, fumes, mists, or vapors.

General Respiratory Protection Program - the safety representative will provide

the procedures for proper selection, use, and care of respiratory equipment. This
program must not be used as a substitute for generally accepted engineering control
measures for air contaminants.

The Project/Construction safety representative can provide information concerning

respirator approval. Approved respirators shall only be used for the purpose for
which they were originally intended and must not be modified in any way. All
respirators purchased must be Indian Standards and all personnel must be properly
fit tested and trained prior to using respiratory protective equipment.

Clothing - A minimum requirement for all male and female persons working on the
site includes the wearing of a half/long sleeved shirt and long pants (No loose cloths

Truck Transport of Employees - Project personnel are forbidden to ride on loads,

fenders, running boards, sideboards, tailgates, or with legs or feet hanging over sides
of trucks. Transportation of passengers shall only be permitted in the passenger
compartment of vehicles. Drivers must not start trucks until they and all internal
passengers have seat belts secured and all riders comply with these rules and are
properly seated.

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Mobile Equipment - Personnel are forbidden to ride on any mobile equipment where
proper seating is not provided. Drivers must wear their seat belts. No mobile
equipment shall back up without the assistance of a spotter/flagman. Other people
are forbidden to take the mobile equipment except drivers, such as shoves and lift
trucks, etc.

Speed Limit - Vehicular traffic shall not exceed the posted speed limit. The speed
limit in the site is 15 km/h.

Entering/Exiting Plant Property – Security Personnel will be utilized to

direct/control employee vehicle traffic entering and/or exiting plant property. Failure
to follow their instructions will result in disciplinary action up to possible removal from
the project.

Personal Fall Arrest Systems – Positive fall protection is required for all elevated
work areas in excess of 2 meters. This can be provided through the use of a safety
harnesses, guardrails, scaffolds, safety nets, etc. Where this is not feasible or the
hazards of their erection are greater than the protection provided then an alternate
work method must be developed and approved by the Project/Construction safety

All employees shall wear a full body safety harnesses when they are more than 2
meters above ground level, within 2 meters of an exposed edge without complete fall
protection, or when exposed to a lesser fall potential directly above dangerous
equipment. All safety harnesses shall be to Indian Standards or equally approved
shall be equipped with two shock-absorbing lanyards.

Scaffolds, Ladders and Work Platforms- Scaffolds must be assembled and used
according to the manufacturer’s guidelines or recommendations. Non-standard or
“job made” scaffolds, ladders or work platforms must be assembled and used per a
“registered Engineer’s approval”. Non-standard job made scaffolds, ladders or work
platforms must be approved in advance by the Safety representatives.

Hoisting Equipment - Project personnel are forbidden to ride on any hook, load, or
headache ball. Equipment operators must be qualified / certified before operating
equipment, with certification on their person. Equipment operator certifications shall
be submitted to the Project/Construction safety representative prior to operator
beginning work on this project.

Lifts - Unauthorized lifts are not permitted. The safety representative must be notified
prior to any critical lift (a critical lift is any lift that exceeds 80% of the design capacity
of the lifting device) being carried out. All lifting equipment and devices shall be
maintained to manufacturer specifications.

Electrical Equipment - All personnel, except qualified, authorized and licensed

electricians, must keep clear of electrical gear and wiring at all times. Only qualified,
authorized and licensed personnel will be authorized to work on electrical equipment.

Compressed Air - Personnel must never use compressed air to blow dirt from
hands, hair, or clothing. They must not misuse compressed air or release it at
another person.

Emergency Equipment - Personnel must not use emergency equipment for other
than its intended use during an emergency, such as fire alarm equipment, fire
extinguisher etc.

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Sanitary Facilities – All contractor personnel shall use sanitary facilities available at
site. Each contractor/subcontractor is held fully responsible for seeing that his
personnel should use sanitary facilities properly. Defacing or damaging of these
facilities is forbidden.

Housekeeping - Good housekeeping on the site is mandatory. The contractor has

to adhere to general neatness of working areas, daily disposal of waste and trash,
maintenance of clear passageways and walkways, providing adequate temporary
lighting and ventilation (both natural as well as artificial) to perform the project related
works, removal of projecting nails, removal of oil and grease, removal of loose
unused construction material, provision for waste containers, and maintaining
adequate sanitary facilities for the work force. The contractor and in turn its sub-
contractors shall be responsible for cleaning behind them on daily basis. The
contractor shall make necessary arrangements for a disposal tank for collection of
waste materials generated during construction activities. The container shall be made
on a concrete bed of size 3X3X3 m with three separate enclosures for collection of
construction debris, wooden pieces and steel scrap. These enclosures shall be
constructed with block work at the designated location as indicated by site safety
representative. The construction materials/ debris from the site activities shall be
accumulated and dumped at the designated disposal area on a daily basis. This
collection bin shall be cleared once a week from the site. The plastic and unused
electrical material generated from site should be collected in dustbins and disposed
daily basis. All employees must daily do their part on a daily basis to keep jobsites
clean to ensure safety and efficiency. Simple habits, such as keeping work areas
clean, will prevent hundreds of accidents involving material damages, lost work time,
and possible death. Each person is responsible for keeping their immediate work
area free of trash, excess scrap material, and tools not in use.

Unsafe Acts - Any deviation from safety rules/procedures, safe practices by an

individual is known as Unsafe Act. Unsafe acts will not be tolerated. It is everyone's
responsibility to watch for unsafe work and halt it until the work can be done safely.

Fighting - Fighting anywhere on the site, including in parking areas, is strictly

forbidden; violators will be barred from site and possibly subjected to legal action by
local authorities.

Horseplay - Running, pushing, practical jokes, and other horseplay are forbidden on
the site, including in parking areas.

Gambling - Gambling on the site is not permitted.

Alcohol & Drugs - Intoxication, or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs is strictly


Weapons - Possession of weapons on the site is strictly forbidden.

This includes parking lot areas

Tool Box Meetings - Contractors and Subcontractors shall hold daily formal
TOOLBOX safety meetings with their personnel to reinforce safe working
procedures. These meeting shall be documented and copies of the minutes shall be
forwarded to the Project/Construction Safety Representatives shall periodically
attend such meetings for auditing and information sharing purposes.
Contractors/Subcontractors shall conduct daily meetings between the

HSSE Guidelines Page 18 of 137

supervisor/foreman and workers to discuss the job to be done, review safe work
practices, potential hazards and come to agreement on the safe way to complete the

Task Instruction–Task instructions shall be provided to the workers daily at all

locations and for each individual work task. This is a mandatory safety process and
failure to utilize will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from
the job site.

Medical Fitness for employees–A building worker who is employed for a work
involving risk or hazards, inherent in such work is medically examined by medical
officer as per BOCWA, Chapter XXIV, 223.


Detailed planning should take the following matters in to account;

 Obtaining work specific permits like;

o Permit for work at Height
o Hot work permit
o Excavation permit
o Night work permit
o Confined space Entry permit
o Permit for Lifting Operation
o Permit to work – Risers and Lift Shafts
o General Work Permit
o Electrical Work Permit
 Know hazardous operations eg. Use of cranes and site transport, structural
erection, excavation and false work, scaffolding, roof work, demolition etc.
 Requirement for plant and equipment to ensure safe working or ease of
 Sequence of work and its phasing between contractors to minimize the
possibility of one contractor placing another contractor’s men at risk, where
appropriate the segregation of contractors should be considered
 Need to provide information, instruction and appropriate training, both on
general site safety and hazardous specific in the site. The latter could range
from restricted zones, Permit-to-work systems, lifting operation to the wearing
of Personal protective equipment
 Need for fire precautions and emergency procedures
 Need for environmental monitoring and health surveillance
 Site security and foreseeable risks to the public, including the need for
directional and warning signs
 Safe access across the site for persons, vehicles and equipment. Thought
should be given to arrangements for keeping the site tidy, accommodation for
site staff, safety welfare, first aid and other facilities
 Provision of safe places of work at different stages of the job including the
provision of scaffolding, ladders for a number of sub-contractors

Sub and works contractors shall be briefed about the safety policy and site including
site specific safety procedures of the prime contractor at the pre-bid meeting itself

HSSE Guidelines Page 19 of 137

and further reiterated during the kick-off meeting. Responsibilities of all parties shall
be clearly defined before contractors start work at site. Such matters should include:

 Appropriate precautions and methods for identified hazards or hazardous work

 Necessary plant, equipment and arrangements for its provision, maintenance use
and inspection
 Question of trade union or other workforce safety representation and the need for
a joint safety committee
 A formal joint safety committee must be appointed to review results and to initiate
further actions (should be done either during kick-off meeting or subsequently)
 Arrangement for initiation of introduction training for new states on site
 Arrangements for any specialized training
 Arrangements for promulgating safety and health information e.g. On-site notice

It is important that such safety and health arrangements are reviewed at the Kick-off
meeting as well as first project and first Safety meeting, where the site management
can set the tone for the conduct of work by resolving at an early stage the difficulties
which may arise at a later date. It is expected that each subcontractor will provide
employees adequately licensed (if required for specific works), trained and capable of
doing the specialty work.

The Site In-charge appointed by the prime contractor shall be totally responsible for
compliance with this health and safety code. The contractor must appoint a Chief
Safety Officer and form a “contractor safety committee” along with safety
representatives from its sub-contractors. This committee will be chaired by the Site
In-charge and meet at least once a week to review status on HSSE issues. It is
expected that each contractor and sub-contractor will participate in Daily “Tool Box
Talks” and other safety meeting to co-ordinate project work for the day across trades.
The site in-charge must make suitable arrangements to ensure the effective co-
ordination of the work of all its sub-contractors on site. Clear lines of communication
should be set up between each sub-contractor’s Safety Officer and Safety officer of
the prime Contractor. Effective co-ordination will be enhanced by ensuring that
‘Safety and Health’ figures prominently on the agenda of regular project meetings, as
well as Safety meetings. For better coordination on project related HSSE issues, the
safety meeting participants shall include Project Manager, Project Manager’s Safety
representative, all contractor’s safety representatives along with Owner’s safety rep.
Project Manager’s Safety officer shall convene this meeting and participants from all
contractor’s safety representatives will be mandatory. Minutes of this meting shall be
circulated to all concerned.

Arrangements must be made for safety and health monitoring of the site on a regular
basis. This will include, not only ensuring the safety issues associated with working
at heights, excavations, working with energy sources, etc. but also environmental
matters such as hazardous dust, fumes, noise etc. In all cases, the contractor’s Site-
In-charge shall ensure that daily site inspections are carried out by the contractor’s
Safety Officer, more in depth inspection being done periodically by visiting safety
advisor. It may be necessary for arrangements to be made for specialist
occupational health and hygiene advice. The checklist for daily inspection is provided
which must be included in the Behavior Observation Process (BOP).

HSSE Guidelines Page 20 of 137

The prime contractor should ensure that all statutory notification, examinations and
inspections are carried out. Except for equipment used exclusively by individual
contractors, all records should be kept & updated by the contractor’s Site In-charge.
This individual shall also keep track of all Safety statistics and send report to Project
Manager on periodic basis, as determined by Project Manager.

Non Compliance with Safety and Health Provisions:

The compliance with Environmental Health and Safety provisions is of utmost
importance to the Owner. The contractors must note that the Owner will take a
serious view of any Safety non-compliance notices. The Owner has a right to order
stoppage of work till rectification is carried out to the satisfaction of the safety
committee or safe arrangements are made for the execution of work and all
stoppages on this account will be at the entire risk, costs and consequences of the
contractor. The non-conformances will be issued a safety inspection report, and Non-
Conformity Notice will be issued upon failure to comply safety inspection report. And
Penalty will be imposed upon failure to close NCN as per timeline given on NCN.

Disciplinary action:
Noncompliance of the Safety and Health Provisions will result in disciplinary action as
per the procedure below:

1st time violation: Written warning

2nd time violation: Imposition of penalty as deemed fit by Project Manager
3rd time violation: Removal from site

In the event of the offender bringing itself or others in direct life threatening situation
or where he/she creates a large material damage, will result in immediate removal
from site. Repeated violations by a contracting company shall lead to termination of
contract and removal of contracting firm from the job site. Any losses incurred by the
contracting company, whatsoever, shall be the responsibility of contracting company.

Imposition of penalties for non-compliance with HSSE guidelines:

The contractor will be required to comply with all the requirements laid down in these
HSSE guidelines, Special safety conditions, General conditions of contract and any
other safety requirements as a matter of general prudence. Upon failure to comply
with any of these, Project Manager & C&W HSSE Representative is authorized to
impose penalty on the contractor as per the details below;

Degree of Activities covered Penalty amount

Penalty (each activity
each violation)
1st Degree a) Safety material and notices not posted
b) General neatness not maintained in work
areas, projecting nails, Oil & grease, unused
material, material not stacked properly at the
work area
c) Inadequate lighting (natural/ artificial)
d) Waste containers not provided
e) Inadequate and unclean sanitary facilities
f) Movement paths not defined
g) Cluttered passageways and walkways
h) Clear access to Fire hydrants

HSSE Guidelines Page 21 of 137

i) Usage of proper PPE (compliance level Rs.1000 each
>75% but <100%)
j) Electrical dangers posted
k) Bad condition of ladders
l) Improper usage of ladders
m) Incorrect material handling
n) Materials not protected from heat and
o) Inappropriate material storage
p) Site safety records not maintained
q) Task being done without submission of Pre
task plan, which is otherwise required
r) Workers working without having gone
through safety induction
s) Pregnant women workers on site
t) Handicapped workers at site
u) Workers working without ID cards
v) No back horn for earth moving equipment
w) Using temporary electrical connections
without plug stops
x) Using single insulated cable, unless
otherwise have permission from HSSE
manager in special cases
y) Temporary electrical connection from other
vendor’s DB without prior permission from
that vendor
z) Chewing pan-parag or other similar stuff and
spitting on walls and floors
aa) Carrying out dismantling of scaffold
members/ stripping/ demolition work in the
absence of supervisor or competent person
bb) Toilets are not clean properly
cc) Absence of water facilities for toilets and
washing places
dd) Unauthorized use of first aid box
ee) Smoking inside the construction site
2nd Degree a) Non-Availability of first aid kit
b) Emergency numbers not posted
c) Fire extinguishers of correct type, no. and
fully charged not in place
d) Non-availability of fire extinguishers
e) Usage of proper PPE (compliance level
>50% but <75%)
f) Frayed electrical wiring
g) Fuses and GFI not provided
h) Splicing of wire without usage of connectors
i) Equipment safeguards not in use
j) Scaffolding erected does not conform to the
scaffolding checklist
k) Proper grounding of equipments not done
l) Barricading of open trenches/shafts/floor
openings(planked or barricaded) not done
m) No Edge protection for terrace works or
open sides floors (Floor plates without

HSSE Guidelines Page 22 of 137

exterior wall/ skin and not edge protection) Rs.5000 each
n) Inadequate/ no shoring of adjacent structure
during excavation
o) Excavation material too close to the edge of
p) Excavation equipment too close to the edge
q) Required number of exit points not provided
in the excavation
r) Proper shoring and strutting not carried out
for the trenches below specified depth or
alternately proper slope not provided to soil
s) Vehicle movement paths not defined on
construction sites
t) Shuttering for concrete work not properly
supported and not resting on firm ground
u) Slab cutouts and shafts not protected.
v) Absence of emergency vehicle at site during
night work
w) Grinding FRP ducts (producing fiber dust),
cutting/ grinding of tiles/ granite (producing
fine dust particles and impulse noise),
cutting acrylic sheets (producing fine plastic
dust) – inside closed rooms and restricted
areas and/ or without proper protection
x) Cables running on ground
y) PPE not wearing or using and kept it
elsewhere or using damaged one
z) Delay in informing about any incident/near

3rd Degree a) Hot work being carried out without permit These are all
b) Working at heights without proper safety serious violations
devices like full body harness, safe platform and will not be
arrangement, life line arrangement permitted at all.
c) Passenger & material hoist operation without Non-compliance
availing Third party inspection certificate. of these will lead
d) Tower crane operations without signalman to the penalty of
e) Hoisting equipment checklist not filled prior Rs.10000/- for
to performing hoisting operations each incident/
f) Usage of proper PPE (compliance level < violation in
50%) addition to
g) Working at heights without permit possible job site
h) Excavation work without permit dismissal of the
i) Working in confined space without permit affected
j) Working without permit in restricted areas employee and/ or
like Server room, AHU room, UPS room, contractor
Electrical room, Plant rooms after the
equipment has been installed there, Walk-in
fume hoods, Labs

Upon observing any of the above non-compliances, C&W Project Manager/ C&W
Safety representative shall serve a written notice listing the non-compliance,
estimated penalty and corrective action due date. The penalty shall be deducted from

HSSE Guidelines Page 23 of 137

Contractor’s next running bill. Should the Contractor not completely rectify the
situation by the due date, Contractor risks dismissal from the site. Without limiting to
the unsafe acts and or conditions mentioned above. The Project Manager’s Safety
officer shall have the right to impose heavy penalty for any other life threating safety
violations / unsafe acts / deviations depending upon the gravity of the situation on a
case-to-case basis.


1) It is essential to conduct formal periodic safety audits using Cushman & Wakefield
Standard Audit System to prevent deviations from safety standards.

2) The audit should take the form of a full survey covering all aspects of safety
throughout the project site. Reports should be submitted to the Safety Committee.
Copies of the results of a survey should be sent to the persons in charge of the
respective areas so that corrective measures can be taken. A copy of the Audit
report should also be sent to the HSSE Head, India and Vertical Heads.

3) Audit team should cover the following aspects:

 Organization
 Accident control
 Hygiene facilities
 Electrical systems
 Fire prevention
 Demarcated areas
 Mechanical equipment
 Safe work practices
 Storage areas
 Material stacking
 Housekeeping
 Safety statistics
 Display of emergency numbers
 MSDS sheets
 Personal Protective Equipment
 Safety training
 Safety meetings
 First aid facilities
 Traffic control, Signage, etc.

4) Findings of the safety audits shall be sent to Safety committee and also be
discussed in the Safety committee meetings.

5) Work place audits should also be carried out at job site frequently (at least every
week) conducted by representatives of respective contractors to make sure that all
Safety provisions are getting complied with. These should primarily focus on Safe
working systems, Housekeeping, Machine guarding and use of PPE. Results of
these audits shall be reported to the Safety committee.

HSSE Guidelines Page 24 of 137


An accident is commonly defined as: “An unplanned event which may or may not
result in injury or damage”.

As is clear from the definition, an accident need not necessarily involve either injury
or damage to person or property. A “near miss” is by definition an accident and
should be regarded as a warning that a problem exists and that some action is
required to avoid a possible accident/ incident in future.

Causes of Accidents:
88% of all accidents are caused by human error, 10% are caused by mechanical
failures and the other 2% are considered outside human control eg. Earth quakes.
The likely causes of accidents should be identified in advance and the appropriate
action taken to ensure that the accident never actually takes place. The most
important and effective accident prevention technique is training the actions and
attitudes of all personnel.

Accident Recording and Investigation

It is essential to have an effective management system for recording accidents. All
accidents should be thoroughly investigated. A near miss or incident should be
investigated as though an accident had occurred. The prime objective of all
investigations of this type is to identify the causes in order to eliminate the risk. Such
aspects as systems training and guarding should all be considered in addition to
what actually happened and why.

The accidents record should include accidents to employees and non employees on
company premises i.e. Contractors, construction workers, maintenance workers,
visitors etc. and to those using company vehicles.

Supervisory staff and, when possible, department personnel should be involved in

any investigation relating to their area of control and should be delegated in writing to
conduct a detailed analysis of the causes. They should determine how best to
prevent a recurrence and this should be taken into account in the report. The depth of
the investigation and the effectiveness of the follow up action should be monitored.

Records of all accidents must be kept to enable statistics to be analyzed and root
causes determined.

Incident Control System

Unsafe acts & conditions and “near misses”, if they are not dealt with appropriately,
can turn into accidents. It is essential that companies operate an incident control
system to ensure that these potential hazards are reported and eliminated. The
system should;
 Ensure that whenever possible safety representatives and other employees
are involved
 Encourage any person to register an unsafe action or conditions
 Ensure that reports are recorded and acted upon
 Identify the responsibility for investigation and for carrying out corrective
 Specify the time within which the corrective action should be completed or
progress reported

HSSE Guidelines Page 25 of 137

 Ensure that a report is made to management and to the originator when
corrective action has been completed

Levels of Accident Investigation:

The type or level of accident investigation depends on the nature and seriousness of
the incident. In most cases, an “Accident and Incident investigation panel” wil be
formed which will determine the appropriate level of investigation.

Types of Investigation:
 A full investigation which requires a panel including a Project Manager, Safety
Officer and Contractor’s Safety representative and Owner’s Safety
representative or a panel as determined by Owner/ Project Manager
 A departmental investigation involving the departmental manager(s) the
safety officers and the appropriate supervisor
 An investigation by the supervisor involving, where appropriate, the
employees concerned

Lost Time Accidents (LTA):

This refers to the total number of accidents of all types which result in lost man hours.
Lost man hours occur if the person involved is unable to return to normal duties
immediately after any treatment.

Reportable Accidents:
When an employee, as a result of a lost time accident, is absent from work for more
than one day (48 hour), then this will be recorded not only as a lost time accident but
also a reportable accident. Brief details of each reportable accident and the steps
taken to avoid repetition should be given in the Project Mangers monthly Report.

Serious Accident:
This is an accident which causes death or serious injury e.g. a broken limb,
amputation serious burns etc., or hospitalization for one or more nights.

In addition any escape of gases/toxics substances, which affect the environment and
the surrounding area / community even if it does not cause injury to people, is
considered a serious accident.

This definition applies to employees and non employees, the yardstick that defines
whether it is a serious accident in site terms is whether the victim was on company
premises on company business, or using company equipment or transport. Thus if
an operating company is in any way involved in a serious accident then it must be
fully investigated and reported to company management.

Incident / Near Miss:

This can be described as an undesired event which, under slightly different
circumstances, could have resulted in an accident.

Reporting Accidents/ Incidents/ Near Misses:

All Accidents/ Near misses must be reported to Project managers of the company
immediately, with brief details. A preliminary report will then be submitted by the
Project Manager to the Zonal Associate Director and Executive Director, as per the
procedure outlined in Project Management firm’s Standard Operating Procedures. A
full and final report will subsequently need to be prepared and submitted. The
contractor shall submit the report in the standardized format attached with these
HSSE guidelines.

HSSE Guidelines Page 26 of 137

Reporting Accident Statistics:

Accident statistics reported to company should be based on employees at job site.

Accidents to non-employees (vendors or sub-vendors) should be reported as
separate statistics.

Statistical formulae:
Lost time Accidents: This is the total number of accidents including all reportable and
serious accidents

Reportable Accident: This is the number of accidents where an employee is absent

from work for more than 48 hours consecutively (excluding the day of accident).

Percentage man hours lost: This is the total number of hours lost expressed as a
percentage of total man hours worked.

Total Man hours lost X 100%

Total man hours worked

The lost time accidents, reportable accidents and percentage man hours lost should
be adjusted monthly as part of the Project Manager’s review. The figures given in
each category should be for the month under review, the year to date and the
previous year to date.

Accident Frequency rate:

This is the total number of lost time accidents per 1 million man hours worked by
permanent and temporary employees
Total number of lost time accidents X 1,000,000
Total number of man hours worked

Accident incident rate:

This is the total number of any accidents per 1000 employees.

Total number of lost time accident X 1000

Average number of persons employed

For this calculation the total number of employees should be averaged out over the
year. Part time employees should be included in proportion to the time worked.

The accident frequency rate and accident incidence rate should be calculated
annually and reported in the year end results.

In addition to the statistics referred to above, all data pertaining to incidents must also
be kept at site.


Management has both moral and legal responsibility to ensure that a well developed
Safety program is in place. The contractors are obligated to provide;

 Safe place of work, which includes safe means of access and exit during
normal daily work routine as well as in emergencies
 Safe plant and equipment including the maintenance of it

HSSE Guidelines Page 27 of 137

 Safe systems of work. This includes safe working practices and work
instructions for all jobs taking particular account of hazardous situations
 Safe working environment and proper arrangements for employee welfare.
This responsibility includes proper lighting, ventilation, fume and dust
extraction, noise control, housekeeping, seating, drinking water, sanitary
facilities and a wide range of other factors
 Safe methods for storing, handling and transporting goods and substances
 Such information instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to
ensure efficient and safe working practices, which comply with national
legislation and company rules
 Basic and job related safety training for all its and as well its Sub contractor’s
temporary and permanent employees
 Consultation with employee with a view to making and maintaining adequate
and effective arrangements for health safety and welfare
 A written statement with respect to the health, safety and welfare of the
employees containing details of procedures which will put the policy into
effect and define individual responsibilities for safety
 Where accommodation provided by the company, this must conform to the
same safety and hygiene standards as other company premises, in respect of
the premises itself and the working of any staff.


Each Contractor shall provide one competent full time safety officer, in addition when
staffing reaches 100 regular or lower tier workers, including office staff 3 Safety
steward shall be added, when staffing reaches 200 regular or lower tier worker 2
more safety steward shall be added. Beyond staffing 200 workers the contractor shall
be added at a rate of 1 per every 100 workers. Depending on the size and manpower
requirements at various stages for the project Safety Manager shall be deployed in
case staffing more than 500 workers. Dedicate Safety Officer shall be deployed for
nigh works with required safety stewards based on the manpower. The Safety
Manager should have at least 8-10 year experience in construction industry, and
should have a Degree or diploma in engineering or Graduates with professional
construction safety qualification. The Safety Officer should have at least 6-7 year
experience in construction industry, and Degree or diploma in engineering or
Graduates with professional construction safety qualification. The Safety Stewards
should have at least 3-4 year experience in construction industry, and Degree or
diploma in engineering or Graduates with professional construction safety

Roles and Responsibilities

HSSE management is a line responsibility requiring active participation of all levels of

management and supervision. Individual HSSE roles and responsibilities, along with
task and target shall be distributed to the individuals for action, as described below.

Project Manager / Site In-charge

The project manager shall be the leading force in progressively promoting and
improving safety and health in all areas. He shall:

HSSE Guidelines Page 28 of 137

 Comply with Client’s requirements, HSSE-Policy of the company and relevant
statutory requirements that are applicable to the relevant work.
 Ensure HSSE Action Plan and other operating instructions are available at
site and copies abstracts are issued to all concerned including sub-
contractors and that special instructions issued by clients are passed on to all
 Ensures the competency of project personnel and to provide training where
 Ascertain that all plants and machinery utilized at the project site meets the
safety standard and are safe for use.
 Pre-plan and prepare work procedures layouts in accordance with Health,
Safety & Environment Management Plan.
 Ascertain potential hazards or processes before commencement of work and
inform all site staff accordingly.
 Ensure that all sub-contractors meet their obligations under current
legislation, codes of practice, and condition of contract in accordance with
HSSE, and complied with the same.
 Ensure that safe system of work are implemented and maintained by the
project Engineers / Supervisors / Foreman and employees at the worksite.
 Coordinate with HSSE - Officer on Health, Safety & Environment related
 Hold HSSE meeting at least once a month to discuss various aspects on
Health, Safety & Environment with sub-contractors and clients and minute the

Site Safety Manager / Site Safety In-charge

 Carry out safety inspection of Work Area, Work Method, men, Machine &
material, P&M and other tools and tackles.
 Facilitate inclusion of safety elements into work Method Statement.
 Highlight the requirement of safety through Tool-Box / other meetings.
 Conduct investigation of all accident/dangerous occurrences and recommend
appropriate safety measures.
 Advice & co-ordinate for implementation of operational control procedures etc.
 Convene safety meeting & minute the proceeding for circulation & follow-up
 Plan procurement of PPEs and safety devices and inspect their healthiness.
 Report to PM/RO on all matters pertaining to status of safety and promotional
program at site level.
 Facilitate administration of FIRST – AID.
 Facilitate screening of workman and safety induction.
 Conduct fire dill and facilitate emergency preparedness.
 Design campaigns, competitions and other special emphasis programs to
promote safety in the work place.
 Notify site personnel non-conformance to safety norms observed during site
visits / site inspections.
 Recommended to Site In-charge, immediate discontinuance of work until
rectification, of such situations warranting immediate action in view of imminent
danger to life or property or environment.

HSSE Guidelines Page 29 of 137

 To decline acceptance of such PPE / safety equipment that do not conform to
specified requirements.
 Encourage raising Near Miss Report, along with improvement initiatives on

Site Engineers / Supervisors

 All supervisory staffs are responsible to the line management for the safety of
personnel under their control.

 The Supervisor is responsible for the employees under his supervision and
accountable for the effective enforcement for protection of Health, Safety &
Environment related issues within his area of responsibility. This includes:

1) Maintain safe working conditions and good housekeeping in all areas

under his supervision.
2) Enforce use of PPE as requested by Project Specific Rules and
3) Take action on any safety violations that are observed and liaise with the
HSSE Department on area of concerned.
4) Immediately Inform & report to the HSSE-Officer while any accident, near
misses, dangerous occurrence, occupational poisoning or diseases shall
be noticed within the project sites.
5) Continuously monitoring the work area for conditions, which are likely to
cause personal injury or property damage. When any unsafe condition is
found to correct them immediately.
6) Plan safety in accordance with the approved work methodology for daily
work activities.
7) Ensure that job hazards and safety procedures are explained to each
employee before begins work.
8) Work in close cooperation with the HSSE-Officer to eliminate and correct
all unsafe practices and hazardous conditions found.

Safety Officer / Safety Supervisors

 Carryout daily inspection of their assigned area.

 Maintain a daily log of activities
 Recommended to Site In-charge, immediate discontinuance of work until
rectification, of such situations warranting immediate action in view of
imminent danger to life or property or environment.
 Hold HSSE meeting at least once a month to discuss various aspects on
Health, Safety & Environment with sub-contractors and clients and minute
the meetings.
 Take action on any safety violations that are observed and liaise with the
HSSE Department on area of concerned
 Maintain safe working conditions and good housekeeping in all areas
under his supervision

HSSE Guidelines Page 30 of 137


A safety committee is one of the best methods of obtaining employee involvement in

safety. The committee should have formal status and its members shall include;

 Project Manager’s Safety representative

 Owner’s Safety representative
 Contractor’s safety representative
 Subcontractor’s safety representatives
 Head – Site security
 Fire officer
 Any other members the management may decide to include

Objectives of Safety Committees:

The prime objective of a safety committee is to promote co-operation between
employers and employees in order to investigate, develop and carry out measures
designed to ensure the health and safety at work of the company’s employees, non-
employees and other project participants on job site.

Functions of Department Safety Committees:

The key functions of a departmental safety committee shall include;
 To study the accident statistics and trends within their area
 To report on unsafe or unhealthy conditions together with recommendations
which can then be made to management and the safety group
 Examining safety audits relating to their area
 Considering reports comments and suggestions of safety representatives
 Giving assistance in the development of safety rules/ systems of work
 Commenting on the effectiveness of the safety content of staff training
 Commenting on the adequacy of health and safety
 Communications in the workplace including on-the-job safety meetings
 Co-operating with management in carrying out regular safety inspection of
departmental areas and reporting the results of these inspections to the main
safety committee.

The safety committees can only assist Management in taking decisions; they cannot
substitute for Management.

Management must still take overall responsibility for executive action with a view to
ensuring that health and safety arrangements are checked regularly and that the
health and safety policy as a whole is being implemented properly.


Trained First Aid Person

A contractor shall provide, or ensure that required number of suitable persons as
adequate and appropriate are provided in the circumstances for rendering first aid to
people deployed at site if they are injured or become ill at work. The trained first aid
person should have undergone:

HSSE Guidelines Page 31 of 137

a) Such training and has qualifications as the Health and Safety Executive may
approve for the time being in respect of that case or the class of case, and
b) Such additional training, if any, as may be appropriate in the circumstances of
that case.

In practice, (a) refers to a trained first aider and (b) to an occupational first aider. In
addition, a person who holds a current first aid certificate issued by registered
medical association or Indian Red Cross Society will be classed as a “Suitable
Person” for the purposes of regulation.
The contractors shall ensure that sufficient first aides are appointed to provide
adequate coverage for each shift. Provisions for medical care must be made
available by the contractor for every employee covered by the regulations. In the
absence of dispensaries, clinics, or hospitals in proximity to the work site, properly
trained and certified first aid personnel must be available, and first aid supplies must
be provided by the contractor. Appropriate equipment for transportation of injured
personnel to a physician or hospital must be provided for. An emergency plan,
medical care, firefighting and evacuation plan must be developed by the main

First Aid Kit:

Regardless of the number of people there must be at least one first-aid box on site.
Every first aide and occupational first aider should have easy access to first-aid
equipment, and provision should be made for every person to have reasonably rapid
access to first aid. Each box should be placed in a clearly identified and readily
accessible location, and contain a sufficient quantity of suitable first-aid materials and
nothing else. Boxes and kits should be checked frequently to ensure they are fully
stocked and all items are in a usable condition. Sufficient quantities of each item
should always be available in every first aid box or cabinet.

Sl.No Item Numbers of People working at Site

1-5 6-10 11-50 100 150
1 Guidance card individually wrapped 1 1 1 1 1
2 Sterile adhesive dressings 10 20 40 40 40
3 Sterile eye pads with attachment 1 2 4 6 8
4 Triangular bandages 1 2 4 5 8
5 Sterile coverings for serious wounds 1 2 4 5 8
6 Safety pins 6 6 12 12 12
7 Medium sized sterile un-medicated 3 6 8 10 12
8 large sterile un-medicated dressings 1 2 4 6 8
9 X-large sterile un-medicated dressing 1 2 4 6 8
10 Sterile water in 300 ml disposable 1 1 3 6 6
containers, where tap water unavailable

The first-aid box or cupboard should protect the content from dampness and dust
and be clearly marked with a white cross on green background

First Aid Rooms:

Where there are 250 or more persons at work on site, a suitably staffed and
equipped first-aid room should be provided. In addition, where there is a large (over
150) number of employees divided into several dispersed working groups, or the
location of the site makes access to places of treatment outside difficult, the
contractor should consider whether a centralized first-aid room may be needed.

A First aid room should:

HSSE Guidelines Page 32 of 137

 Be under the charge of an occupational first aider in most circumstances:
names and locations of all first aiders should be displayed
 Be readily available and used only for the rendering of first aid
 Be clearly identified and of sufficient size to allow access for a stretcher,
wheelchair, etc. And hold a couch with space for people to work around it
 Contain in addition to the previously mentioned first aid materials: a sink with
hot and cold running water, drinking water, paper towels, impermeable work
surfaces, clean garments for use by first aiders and occupational first aider’s
clinical thermometer a couch with pillow and blankets frequently cleaned
 Be heated, lighted, ventilated and cleaned regularly
 Be designed so that immediate contact can be made with the person on call,
e.g radio, siren, and a telephone link if feasible. It should be stressed that a
sufficient number of first-aid boxes must be provided for any work area, which
is not within easy reach of the first aid room.

Emergency Phone # Posted

Project name Project No.

The following are the business telephone numbers where project key personnel can
be reached at all times. In addition, the emergency telephone numbers of other vital
agencies are listed:

Project Manager
Owner Project Manager
Contractor Safety Officer
PMC Safety Officer
Fire/ Security officer


Fire :
Ambulance :
Doctor :
Hospital :
Police :
Gas Company :
Electric Company :
Water Company :
Telephone Company :
Insurance Carrier :


At the work site, an adequate supply of potable water must be provided, as well as
clean drinking water dispensers. Potable water for clean up must be provided. Where
non potable water is used for industrial or fire fighting purpose it must be identified by
appropriate signs.

Apart from the above, the contractor has to adhere to general neatness of working
areas, daily disposal of waste and trash, maintenance of clear passageways and
walkways, providing adequate temporary lighting and ventilation (both natural as well

HSSE Guidelines Page 33 of 137

as artificial) to perform the project related works, removal of projecting nails, removal
of oil and grease, removal of loose unused construction material, provision for waste
containers, and maintaining adequate sanitary facilities for the work force. The
contractor and in turn its sub-contractors shall be responsible for cleaning behind
them on daily basis. The accumulation of construction materials/ debris shall not be
permitted at any location.


An emerging plan for firefighting and evacuation must be made. A training plan must
be developed.

Electrical wiring equipment for heating, light or power purposes must be installed in
compliance with the statutory requirements. Internal combustion engine-powered
equipment must be located with exhausts well away from combustible materials.
Smoking is to be prohibited in the vicinity of fire hazards, and such areas must be
conspicuously posted. Care shall be taken properly to ground nozzles, hoses or
steam lines used in hazardous tanks or vessels.

In location of temporary buildings and yard storage, appropriate care shall be taken
for proper separation to allow an accumulation of fire potential. The contractor is
responsible for maintaining the entire area, but particularly storage areas, free from
accumulation of unnecessary combustible materials. Sufficient fire extinguishes must
be installed in all temporary buildings and storerooms.

The contractor must identify and maintain proper escape routes at the project site in
the event of a fire emergency. The escape routes should be sufficient in number and
free from any encumbrances. All the workers as well as others working at job site
should be made aware of them through training, mock drills and posting of exit signs.
The contractor, consultation with the Project Manager must identify a “Mustering
point” where all the workers would be required to gather in the event of fire. The
contractor must generate an “Evacuation Procedure” in the event of fire and post it at
multiple locations on the project site. The procedure should include what should be
done to the ongoing activity when such a situation arises, which escape routes to
follow, safe location to gather, who to call (with telephone numbers), how to inform
the site security, etc.

Site Fire Check List

 Are safe ashtrays provided where smoking is permitted? And are fire
extinguishers installed?
 Are heaters properly guarded?
 Are wet clothes kept clear of heaters?
 Are portable heaters secure from being knocked over?
 Is all temporary wiring well supported and protected?
 Are any circuits overloaded?
 Are all flammable liquids, gas cylinders and flammable materials separately and
properly stored?
 Are all gas appliances fitted with control taps?
 No burning of rubbish is permitted outside
 Is all flame cutting and welding taking place with proper precautions?
 Are all blow lamps and blow torches being used correctly and all the hoses
 Do all night watchmen and security patrols know the fire routines?

HSSE Guidelines Page 34 of 137

Preventing the spread of fire:
 Is waste accumulating in hoist shafts, under buts, in odd corners?
 Are separate metal waste containers supplied for each of the following : oily rags,
paint rags, paint scrapings, waste flammable liquids, wood shavings and offcuts?
 Is all waste regularly cleared?
 Are all huts safely located?

Means of escape:
 Are all gangways, stair and platforms free from obstruction?
 Does everyone know what to do in an emergency?
 Is fire drill practiced, and is there a system to ensure that all persons have
evacuated the area?

Fire Fighting:
 Have all extinguishers been checked and / or recharged?
 Are they clearly identified and easily accessible?
 Are operatives trained in their use?


The required personnel protective equipment (PPE) should be worn at all times. The
contractor is encouraged to supply comfortable personnel protective equipment to
the site workers. All necessary personnel safety equipment as considered adequate
by the Engineer-in-charge shall be available for use of persons employed on the site
and maintained in a condition suitable for immediate use, and the contractor shall
take adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipment by those concerned.

Irrespective of the type of work being performed, contractor will have 100%
compliance with Safety hard hats, safety glasses and safety shoes. In addition for
specific works described below though not limited to these only, additional safety
precautions as stated will be taken by the contractor.

Safety Helmet

 Safety helmets shall be certified to IS 2925 - 1984 or DGMS or shall have

internationally recognized certification such as CE, UL Mark.
 Helmet shall be compatible with other ancillary equipment such as
earmuffs, welder's shields, face shield, Miners Cap Lamp etc.
 Suspension shall be “Nape Type” or Ratchet Type”.
 Chin Strap 15 mm width and 55 cm long with buckle for adjustability.
 Shell shall be hard & smoothly finished HDPE/PVC material.
 Sweat Band – Optional

Full Body Harness

 General Safety Belt / Full Body Harness shall be certified to IS 3521 –

1999 (Third Revision) or shall have DGMS certification or any
internationally recognized certification such as CE, UL mark.
 The webbing shall be made of polypropylene.
 Buckles shall be of friction type and no slip type design.

HSSE Guidelines Page 35 of 137

 It shall be corrosion resistant, electroplated & forged.
 Lanyard shall be of 12mm polypropylene rope and of length not more than
2 m.
 The ends shall be spliced and covered with transparent sleeve &the
curved portion protected with thimble.
 The hook shall be non-separable from the lanyard.
 Shall be single or double lanyard, based on the requirement.
 Hooks shall be of self-closing type. The hooks should not disengage if the
pressure is exerted accidentally on the tongue or latch.
 The opening in the hook shall be minimum 18 mm.
 Approved Classes: Class A & Class L
 Only Class L harness shall be used in conjunction with rope grab fall
 Minimum 20mm diameter polypropylene rope or Minimum 8 mm wire rope
shall be used as a lifeline.

Rope Grab Fall Arrester

Rope grab type fall arrestors shall be certified to EN 353 – 2 standards.


The respirator shall be certified to any of the Indian Standard given below or
DGMS certification or any internationally recognized certification like CE, UL
IS 6194: 1971 Specification for Intermittent Positive Pressure Respirator, Bag
Type, Manually Operated
IS 8522: 1977 Respirators, chemical cartridge
IS 8523: 1977 Respirators, canister type (gas masks)
IS 9473: 2002 Respiratory Protective Devices - Filtering Half Masks to Protect
Against Particles – Specification
IS 10245: Part 1: 1996 Breathing apparatus Part 1 Closed circuit breathing
apparatus (compressed oxygen cylinder) - Specification
IS 10245: Part 2: 1994 Respiratory protective devices - breathing apparatus Part
2 Open circuit breathing apparatus
ARE 10245: Part 3: 1999 Breathing Apparatus - Part 3: Fresh Air Hose and
Compressed Air Line Breathing Apparatus - Specification
IS 10245: Part 4: 1982 Specification for breathing apparatus Part 4 Escape
breathing apparatus (short duration self-contained type)
IS 14138: Part 1: 1994 Respiratory protective devices: threads for face pieces -
Part 1 Standard thread connection - Specification

HSSE Guidelines Page 36 of 137

IS 14138: Part 2: 1994 Respiratory Protective devices: Threads for face pieces
Part 2 Centre thread connection - Specification
IS 14166: 1994 Respiratory protective devices: Full face masks - Specification
IS 14170: 1994 Respiratory protective devices: Mouthpiece assemblies -
IS 14746: 1999 Respiratory Protective Devices - Half Masks and Quarter Masks
- Specification
IS 15322: 2003 Particle Filters Used in Respiratory Protective Equipment -
IS 15323: 2003 Gas Filters and Combined Filters Used in Respiratory Protective
Equipment – Specification

Safety Shoes

The safety shoe used shall be certified to any one of the Indian Standard given
below or DGMS Certification or any internationally recognized certification like
CE, UL mark.

IS 1989: Part 1: 1986 Specification for Leather Safety Boots and Shoes - Part 1:
For Miners.
IS 1989: Part 2: 1986 Specification for Leather Safety Boots and Shoes - Part 2:
For Heavy Metal Industries.
IS 11226: 1993 - Leather safety footwear having direct moulded rubber sole –
IS 14544: 1998 Leather safety footwear with direct moulded PVC soles –
IS 15298: Part 1: 2002 Safety, Protective and Occupational Footwear for
Professional Use - Part 1: Requirements and Test Methods.
IS 15298: Part 2: 2002 Safety, Protective and Occupational Footwear for
Professional use - Part 2 to Part 10: Specification for Safety Footwear.

Optional Requirements
Shock-proof Safety Shoes -Shock proof shoes shall be used wherever hazard of
electric shock exist. Non-conductive hard toe is used instead of steel toe.
Safety Shoes with Puncture Resistance - Where ever hazard of puncture exist
safety shoes with steel mid sole can be used to protect against the objects like
nails etc.
Safety Shoes with antiskid characteristics

Safety Nets

HSSE Guidelines Page 37 of 137

As per specified above. The size of the net shall be as per site requirement. Unit
of measurement for Safety Net shall be Sq. m (square meters) and not less then
12 mm peripheral rope & 4 mm mesh cord.

Ear Muff/Plug

Ear Muff / Ear Pug shall confirm to IS: 9167-1979 or shall have the certification
from DGMS or any other international certification such as CE or UL Mark.

Eye Protection

Goggles, Safety Spectacles, Face Shield shall confirm to IS: 5983 – 1980or shall
have the certification from DGMS or any other international certification such as
CE or UL Mark.

Hand Gloves

The fit of gloves should be such that the fingers should have ample room.
CANVAS Gloves canvas – stitching with nylon thread – conforming to IS: 6994-
(part-I) 1973.
CROME LEATHER gloves – 14” stitching with nylon thread - conforming to IS:
6994-(part-I) 1973.
RUBBER Gloves – 18”(380/450mm long) electrical grade, tested to 15000 volts -
conforming to IS: 4770-1991.
COTTON Gloves and cut resistance for sharp steel handlers (for material
handling) Leather cum canvas-304mm long, double leather for five finger type,
double stitching spaced at 1mm. - conforming to IS: 6994-(part-I) 1973.

Fire extinguishers

CO2 Type Fire extinguishers (IS: 2878-1986)

Shall be certified to IS 2878: 2004 (Fire Extinguisher, Carbon Dioxide Type
(Portable and Trolley Mounted) – Specification)
Internal discharge tube with 1m discharge hose (2m in case of more than 6.8kg
Wheel type valve with lock pin (conforming to IS: 3224).

Mechanical Foam Type

Shall be certified to IS 10204:2001 (Specification for portable fire extinguishers
mechanical foam type)
Foam used shall confirm to IS 4989: 1974 (Specification for foam compound for
producing mechanical foam for fire fighting)
CO2 cartridge shall conform to IS 4947: 1985(Specification for gas cartridges for
use in fire extinguishers)

HSSE Guidelines Page 38 of 137

Dry Chemical powder (Cartridge type)
Shall be certified to IS 2171: 1999 Specification for portable fire extinguishers, dry
powder (cartridge type)
Refill of dry chemical powder shall conform to IS 4308: 1982(Specification for dry
powder for fire fighting)
CO2 cartridge (120 Gms for 5 kg cap., 180 Gms for 10 kg cap.) shall conform to
IS 4947: 1985(Specification for gas cartridges for use in fire extinguishers)

Dry Chemical Powder for ABC Fires:

Shall be certified to IS 13849: 1993(Specification for portable fire extinguishers
dry powder type (constant pressure)
The powder used shall confirm to IS 14609: 1999 (Dry chemical powder for
fighting A, B and C class fires – Specification)


Electricity is our friend without which we cannot proceed towards any development.
But it may become dangerous foe while we neglect or forget to take care of it.
Following safe practices must be observed / ensured while executing electrical work
and ensure compliance to prevent injury and damage to property due to fire &

 Ensure to follow Electrical Safety Code of Practices while installation, operation &
 Display ‘DANGER’ notice near medium, high & extra high voltage installations.
 Electrical cables and tools shall be regularly inspected. Any defective tool or
damaged cables shall be replaced or rectified.
 Provision of body earthing is mandatory for all machines.
 Only use three core double insulated cables for portable tools.
 All electrical connections, fittings, appliances shall comply with National Electrical
standard. Only industrial standard plugs and sockets shall be used at the
 Ensure effective connection of both Neutral & Body earthing to every generator
 Maintain good housekeeping in the generator rooms
 Connection of all low voltage installations shall be taken through sound ELCB of
30 mA sensitivity. Record of their periodic testing shall be ensured.
 Earth-pits and the earthing connections shall be periodically maintained to have
effective earthing system on all electrical equipment & installations. All non-
current carrying metal parts of high & extra high voltage installations should be
 Ensure use of rubber-mat on the floor around each & every electrical installation
and use of insulated tools only while working with electricity.

HSSE Guidelines Page 39 of 137

 Ensure effective earthing and insulation at the joints if any in the cables
connected with concrete vibrators, hand lamps and any other Electrical power
driven mobile - equipment.
 Provide cable-marker on the ground to identify underground cables at site.
Cables are not allowed to lie on ground. All the temporary electrical cables shall
be laid on posts as overhead or underground.
 Layout of the cables shall be done considering isolation & segregation from
dangerous locations.
 Electrical powered equipment under repair / refueled shall have the power source
 Treat everything as live and ensure use of job specific PPE regarding electrical
 Ensure use of Full body Safety Harness and use of Non - metallic Ladder while
working at height.
 Provide proper illumination at each work front.
 Danger tags such as ‘DO NOT OPERATE’ shall be placed on defective electrical
equipments/ panels.
 When passing or working under high voltage power line, no part of any plant or
equipment shall come closer than 6 m to the power line.
 Appropriate protection such as Lightning-Arrestor shall be provided against
 Fire buckets filled with clean, dry sand and portable fire extinguishers (Carbon di-
Oxide & DCP) should be provided for extinguishing electrical fire.
 Conduct periodic training and mock drill regarding electrical fire fighting technique
and restoration of persons suffering from electric shock.
 Procedure for restoration of persons suffering from electrical shock should be
displayed in local language at conspicuous places.
 Create awareness of the workmen through tool-box-talk & other HSSE-
promotional training to avoid sleeping in the generator room and not to wear
loose clothing while in work.
 Electric wires strung for temporary lighting shall have clear overhead clearance.

1) Permissible approach distances

Voltage (Volt ) 150 - 750 - 50,000 - Over250,000
750 50,000 250,000
Minimum Distance
2.0 3.0 4.5 6.0
2) Erection of over-head barriers (goal posts) painted in two contrasting warning
colours to caution the driver / operator of transport & earth moving equipment to
be operated in dangerous proximity of the power lines. Clearance of overhead
power lines from ground for earth moving equipment and vehicles shall be as
follows :

Voltage of Power Lines 11& below 33& below 132 & below 175 & below 400&
(KV) below
Clearance (m) 1.4 3.6 4.7 5.7 6.5

HSSE Guidelines Page 40 of 137

Electrical Equipments

 Turn off the main switch of all electrical circuits when the equipment is not in use
and more particularly while leaving the site.
 Avoid temporary electrical connections. Use them only in situations where fixed
wiring not feasible. If their use is necessary, ensure that they are not run through
such locations where they could be damaged particularly due to the vehicle
 Don’t overload circuits. Install additional circuit if necessary.
 Ensure that portable electric tools are effectively earthed.
 Keep use of portable lamps to minimum.
 Disconnect electrical equipment if it malfunctions or gives off a strange smell. Call
the maintenance personnel.
 Follow correct specifications when replacing fuses in equipment.
 Always prefer standard equipment bearing ISI mark.
 All temporary electrical panel should be IP-55 (Weather proof panels) equipped
with 30mA ELCB / RCCB. Use of only single length and three core double
insulation cables of required rating permitted.

Lock Out/Tag-Out System (LOTO)


This procedure established for the minimum requirements for lockout of energy
sources that could cause injury to personnel. All employees shall comply with the


The responsibility for seeing that this procedure is followed is binding upon all
employees. All employees shall be instructed in the safety significance of the lockout
procedure by (designated individual). Each new or transferred affected employee
shall be instructed by (designated individuals) in the purpose and use of the lockout

Preparation for Lockout

Employees authorized to perform lockout shall be certain as to which switch, valve,

or other energy isolating devices apply to the equipment being locked out. More than
one energy source (electrical, mechanical, or others) may be involved. Any
questionable identification of sources shall be cleared by the employees with their
supervisors. Before lockout commences, job authorization should be obtained.

Sequence of Lockout Procedure

 Notify all affected employees that a lockout is required and the reason
 If the equipment is operating, shut it down by the normal stopping procedure
(such as: depress stop button, open toggle switch).

HSSE Guidelines Page 41 of 137

 Operate the switch, valve, or other energy isolating devices so that the energy
source(s) (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, and other) is disconnected or
isolated from the equipment.
 Lockout energy isolating devices with an assigned individual lock.
 Stored energy, such as that in capacitors, springs, elevated machine
members, rotating fl y wheels, hydraulic systems, and air, gas, steam or water
pressure, must also be dissipated or restrained by methods such as
grounding, repositioning, blocking, and bleeding down.
 After ensuring that no personnel are exposed and as a check on having
disconnected the energy sources, operate the push button or other normal
operating controls to make certain the equipment will not operate. CAUTION:
Return operating controls to neutral position after the test.
 The equipment is now locked out.

Restoring Equipment to Service

 When the job is complete and equipment is ready for testing or normal
service, check the equipment area to see that no one is exposed.
 When equipment is clear, remove all locks. The energy isolating devices may
be operated to restore energy to equipment.

Procedure Involving More Than One Person

In the preceding steps, if more than one individual is required to lock out equipment,
each shall place his/her own personal lock on the energy isolating device(s). One
designated individual of a work crew or a supervisor, with the knowledge of the crew,
may lock out equipment for the whole crew. In such cases, it may be the
responsibility of the individual to carry out all steps of the lockout procedure and
inform the crew when it is safe to work on the equipment. Additionally, the designated
individual shall not remove a crew lock until it has been verified that all individuals are

Rules for Using Lockout Procedure

All equipment shall be locked out to protect against accidental or inadvertent

operation when such operation could cause injury to personnel. Do not attempt to
operate any switch, valve, or other energy isolating device bearing a lock.

Portable Electrical Hand Tools

The portable electrical hand tools & inspection lamp in underground or confined
space at excavation or tunneling work shall be of 24 volt. The risk of severe
shock is very low with 24 volts circuits. Low voltage appliances are therefore
suggested to minimize the risk of shock in these areas.

 Employment of licensed electricians

 Use of low voltage or insulated portable electric tools wherever possible.
 Daily checks on earthing of metallic bodies of portable electric tools and
keeping inspection & maintenance record.
 Periodical watering of earth-pits, measurement of earth-pit resistance and
maintenance of record.
 Implementation of Lock-out & Tag-out system

HSSE Guidelines Page 42 of 137

 Tool Box Talk to workmen on safety while handling long objects in the
vicinity of overhead electric wires, supported by supervision.
 Continuous on the job supervision and correction in case of trailing cables
on the ground and improper tapping of power.

Power Tools

 Only trained & experienced personnel shall be authorized to operate

power tools energized by electricity, compressed air, pneumatically, fuel,
hydraulic, cartridge or combustible gas.
 Manufacture's safety guidelines and maintenance schedules shall be
strictly observed.
 Check electrical tools before starting work for the day and ensure that the
cables are not damaged & the tools are properly grounded.
 Provision of Inspection tagging system for all power tolls & equipments
 Powered tools, which are damaged, shall not be used until reported or
 Powered tools shall be stored in stable position.
 Approved and properly grounded electrical tools with three - pin plugs
shall be used.
 Tools shall be used for the intended task and shall be maintained in good
 Grinding disc shall be inspected for correct size and speed prior to
 Guards shall not be removed except for service or maintenance purpose
 Personnel must wear appropriate personal protective equipments (Safety
Shoe, Helmet, goggles, Gloves, Apron etc.) while using tools.


Accidents are caused due to carelessness, misuse or defects in the ladder structure
while using it. Following safety precautions / measures shall be observed to avoid
accident while working with a ladder.
 Carry a ladder with the front end high enough to clear anyone ahead of you.
 Wooden ladder are strictly prohibited on site
Ladders shall be of good construction, made of sound materials (steel,
aluminum etc.) with rungs made of angles / rounds at interval of 25 to 30 cm.
 Before use a ladder, inspect all rungs, fittings, braces, cleats and rails for
possible defects. Defective ladders shall not be allowed to use.
 Correct ladder shall be used for the job. Never use a ladder too short or too
narrow for the job.
 Horizontal distance from the top support to the foot of the ladder should be
maintained ¼ the length of the ladder while in use i.e. 75 0 to the horizontal.

HSSE Guidelines Page 43 of 137

 Ladders will rise at least 1.0 m above landing level and secured at both
 Stairs with more than 15 steps will have landings at every 15 steps.
 Ladder feet must rest on a solid foundation and be secured against slipping.
 Lash or tie-off the ladder securely at the top and someone should hold the
ladder while in use.
 Ensure not to use makeshift block, brick or drum for raising the height of a
 Always face the ladder, use both hands when climbing or descending.
 Ladder shall not be allowed to use as a walkway.
 When using metal / wet ladder, there should be no current carrying cable at
a distance of 5 m or below it.
 Use of safety harness, helmet with chin strap, safety shoes & gloves should
be ensured while working from ladders at a height.
 Do not paint the ladder, as this will cover the defects.
 The ladder will be used by only one person at a time.
 Care should be taken to prevent ladders to slip & fall from height.


Work activities above 2.5m from the ground level:

Precautions shall be made to avoid workers from falling down. For work above 2.5m
above a floor level proper scaffolds need to be erected. Ladders properly secured
can be used, but only for light work which can be done with one hand.

Supervision of work and inspection of material:

Scaffolds must be erected, altered or dismantled only under competent supervision
and as far as possible, by experienced persons. All scaffolding materials must be
inspected before use to check that they are up to standard. All inspected scaffolds
must bear a sign “ready for use”.

Construction and material:

Sufficient sound material must be provided for a scaffold to be strong and stable
enough for the job. Wherever timber is used for any kind of scaffolding purpose, it
must be of the right type for the job and must not be painted so that any defects are
hidden. Scaffold tubes and fittings must not be bent, distorted or unduly rusty.

Defective material:
Scaffold tubes, couples or fittings that are bent unduly rusty or distorted should be
rejected. Timber with dangerous splits and knots should always be rejected. Ropes
and lashings showing signs of chafing through wear, or of being corroded, should be
rejected. All scaffold components must be properly stored when not in use and kept
separately from all other building materials

Maintenance of scaffolds:
Scaffolding must be kept in good order and every effort made to prevent the
accidental displacement of any part.

Partly erected or dismantled scaffolds:

HSSE Guidelines Page 44 of 137

If any scaffold is either partly erected (or partly dismantled), but nevertheless is still
capable of being used to some extent, it must have a bold warning notice fixed, or all
access blocked off or barred, at the point beyond which it cannot be safely used.

Standards or Uprights, Ledgers and Putlogs:

Scaffold standards should be vertical and spaced closely enough for the intended
use of the scaffold.

Base plates must be used. Timber sole plates should also be used to distribute the
load from the standard over a wide area, as well as to offset possible local

Ledgers must be level and fixed to standards with right-angle couplers.

Putlogs and transoms must be firmly fixed to ledgers or standards.

The flattened end of the putlog must be pushed right into the wall to provide
maximum support.

Putlogs and transoms should be spaced according to the expected load and the
thickness of the boards to be used in the platform.

In normal use, putlogs and transoms should be spaced so that the spans of scaffold
boards should not be greater than :

32mm boards: 1m
38mm boards: 1.50 m
50mm boards: 4.60 m

Ladders used in Scaffolds:

Ladders used as uprights must be:

 Strong enough to carry the load of both the work and the workers.
 Equally supported on each side.
 Secured to prevent slipping.

Ladders to be placed under an angle of 70  with the vertical and shall extend 1m
above the railing. Ladders are only to be used to support a scaffold platform when
the work is light, e.g., painting.

Stability of Scaffolds:
All scaffolds must be:
 On a solid, even base ; or suspended from a sound structure

 Braced to prevent failure, and

 Tied to the building or structure unless specially designed to be completely


Any building or structure which supports a scaffold must be strong enough to carry
the scaffold and its load

HSSE Guidelines Page 45 of 137

A scaffold only used as a working platform for workers when a scaffold also used to
store material etc, a calculation is needed to check if that scaffold is safe to carry the
total load.

Mobile scaffolds must:

 Be stable, weighted at the base if necessary

 Be used only on a flat, level surface.
 Have the wheels locked to prevent movement whilst being used for
 Be pushed, or pulled only at the base when being moved.

Scaffolds must not be built on loose bricks, drain pipes, chimney pots, etc. Bricks or
blocks can be used to support a platform no higher than 600mm from the ground or

Slung Scaffolds
 Be strong enough
 Be properly secured to be overhead anchor-ages and to be platform
 Be spaced so as to keep the platform stable,
 Be vertical, and
 Be kept straight
 No rope other than wire rope may be used for suspension
 Packing must be used to prevent damage to suspension ropes or chains at
any point where sharp or rough-edged protrusions could cause chafing.
 The platform must be secured to prevent swaying whilst in use.

Cantilever, Jib figure and Bracket scaffolds:

Cantilever or jib scaffolds must be anchored to a structure which is strong enough to
carry the total load Outriggers must be long enough and strong enough and the
scaffold must be braced to ensure stability.

Figure or bracket scaffolds supported by dogs or spikes must not be used if there is
any danger of these pulling out of the brickwork or stone-work.

Support for Scaffolds:

No part of the building may be used to support scaffolding unless it is strong enough
to do so. Unless gutters have been designed as walkways and are strong enough to
bear the weight, they must not be used to support scaffolding or ladders.

Suspended Scaffolds (Not Power Operated)

The ropes, winches, block and tackle must be strong enough and correctly rigged. A
safe anchorage for the suspension must be provided.

Winches or similar lifting devices must:

a. have brakes which apply when the operating lever is released, and
b. be protected from the weather, falling dirt, etc.

Outriggers must:
a. be long enough and strong enough,
b. be horizontal (light cradles are excepted)
c. have stops at their outer ends (light cradles excepted)

HSSE Guidelines Page 46 of 137

d. be tied down or properly counter-weighted at the tail, and
e. be close enough together to support the rails and scaffolds properly .

Counterweight Must
a. be bolted or securely attached to the outriggers, and

Runways must:
be strong enough and in good condition,
have stops at each, and
be bolted or tied securely to their supports

Platforms of suspended scaffolds must:

be closely boarded
be at least 430mm wide on light weight cradles and
be at least 600mm wide on all other types, if used only for workmen, or
be at least 800mm wide, if used for workmen and materials
Never be used to carry higher platform

Platforms should be as close as possible to the face of the building but where
persons sit on the edge of the platform to carry out their work then the distance
between platform and building can be upto 300mm

Winches must:
Have at least two full turns of rope on the drum when the platform is in its lowest
position and

Be marked with the length of rope on the drum

Suspended scaffolds and associated equipment must be maintained in good

conditions. Platforms must be prevented from tipping or swaying whilst in use.

Steel wire rope must be used for the suspension for all platforms other than light
weight cradles

Light cradles may be suspended by fibre ropes and pulley blocks which should not
be more than 3.20m apart. (Only ropes recommended by manufacturers for this
purpose should be used)

Boatswain’s Chair’s Cages, Skips etc. (Not Power Operated)

Hand-operated boatswain’s chairs, skip etc. must:

 Be well constructed, strong enough, and properly maintained

 Have outriggers strong enough and firmly anchored,
 Have chains, ropes and lifting gear firmly secured to the outriggers above
and to the chair, skip etc. The construction (lifting operations) regulations
apply to the lifting gear,
 Be designed so that the occupant cannot fall out
 Carry no loose materials which could interfere with the safety of occupant
 Have means of preventing spinning and tipping (a swivel connection at the
suspension points is strongly advised)
 In the case of skips, be at least 910 mm deep
 Be under the supervision of a competent person during installation and
use, and

HSSE Guidelines Page 47 of 137

 A boatswain’s chair may only be used as a workplace when the work
would not take long enough to make the use of a suspended (or standard)
scaffold reasonably practicable.
 Persons working in these must wear fall protection harnesses connected
to a rope or chain separate from the chair or skip suspension rope or


Mechanical Handling of Material by using Lifting Appliances & Gears

Testing & Examination

Certificates of test and examinations must be obtained for the lifting appliances &
gears such as

 Winches, Derricks and accessory gear

 Cranes / Hoists and their accessory gear
 Loose gear
 Wire Rope


 All lifting appliances shall be test, examine & certified by a

competent person before being used for the first time and subsequently
examined by him once in every 6 (six) months.
 All lifting gears shall be tested initially (before being used) and
also after undergoing any major alterations – tested on behalf of the
manufacturer. Subsequently re-tested every 5 (Five) years by a competent
 The lifting gear should also be thoroughly examined by a
competent person in every 12 (Twelve) months whereas a chain is to be
examined at least once in every month by a responsible person.
 Ropes shall be tested & examined by a competent person. A
responsible person inspects every wire rope once in every 3 (three ) months

Controlling Hazards

 Make sure (before use) that all the lifting appliances & gear are
tested, examined & certified by a competent person and they are in sound
 Every lifting appliances and loose gear shall be marked (in plain
figures or letters) with its Safe Working Load and identified clearly by means
of stamping or other suitable means.
 Lifting appliances & gears shall not be loaded beyond its Safe
Working Load while in use.

HSSE Guidelines Page 48 of 137

 Care should be taken not to dragging or pulling under the load.
 Deployment of trained operator & signaler and their safe method of
 All the operators, riggers, signalers of lifting appliances shall be
above 21 years of age, sufficiently competent & reliable, possess the
knowledge of the inherent risks involved in the operation of lifting appliances
also competency test to be taken & certified by P&M in-charge..
 Ensure precaution to prevent persons passing under suspended
load. Preferably barricade the working place and also instruct the gang to
move to a safe away from the place where operations are carried out before
the loading sling is hoisted.
 All slings should have a thimble for increasing their life.
 Use guide rope or tag line for handling long objects.
 Specify area of providing safe means of access to every part of
lifting appliances.
 Lift the load when in plumb and bring it to the plumb of the hook.
Make sure that the horizontal movement does not take place simultaneously
with the vertical movement.
 Sling the load properly and signal only when loading of the sling is

Colour Coding for Slings

Colour Coding of Slings shall be done periodically to ensure that only safe
slings are being used at site. (Where applicable as per contract requirements)

 All slings in use will be checked by the mechanical Engineer & Safety Officer.
 All damaged slings (10% wires broken in one lay, 4 wires broken in one
strand) shall be segregated and removed from site. Visually damaged slings
having thinned diameter, bird caging, flattening will be rejected.
 During the subsequent month slings marked with Green Colour will be used
till they are once again checked on the fixed day of the month.

Safety Precaution for Electrical & Mechanical lifting Appliances

Tower Crane

 No person other than the operator trained and capable to works at heights is
employed to operate tower cranes.
 The ground on which a tower crane stands should have adequate bearing
 Bases for tower cranes and trucks for rail-mounted tower cranes should be
firm and leveled and such cranes are erected at a reasonably safe distance
from excavations and are operated within gradient limits as specified by the
manufacturer of such cranes.
 Tower cranes to be installed where there is a clear space available for
erection, operation and dismantling of such cranes.

HSSE Guidelines Page 49 of 137

 Tower cranes are sited in such a way that the loads on such cranes are not
handled over any occupied premises, public thoroughfares, and railways or
near power cables, other than construction works for which such cranes are
 Where two or more tower cranes are sited and operated, every care is taken
to ensure positive and proper communication between operators of such
cranes to avoid any danger or dangerous occurrences.
 Manufacturer’s instruction for erection and extension of cranes should be
 Wedges for fixed tower cranes should be properly secured.
 The working load of the jibe should be marked and painted on it to avoid
 Electric control should be fitted on crane for safe lifting, swinging and turning
of the load.
 Operator should be familiar with the signal system.
 The tower crane should be periodically maintained for efficient functioning &
records maintained.
 Provision of limit switch to be made.
 Provision of emergency brakes should be made.
 Trained signalman to give signals to operator.
 Separate and alternate DG line should be catered.
 Weekly checking of nuts and bolts tightening should be carried out.
 Any overhead wire shall be considered to be an energized line unless and
until person owning such line or the electrical utility authorities indicate that
this is not an energized line and it has been visibly grounded.
 Railing to be provided for upper level.
 Landing point given in every 10 steps to climb upstairs.

Crane Operators & Banks men

Crane signaling procedures should be well laid down and need to be

meticulously followed by both the crane operator and banks men. Regular
training to crane operators and their banks men is therefore of immense
importance to avoid any accidents that might take place due to the wrong
methodology being followed.

 One person is nominated by name to function as banks men with each crane.
This person as far as possible should not be changed and should work with
the particular crane operator so as to develop an understanding between
 Crane Operator will only look at his nominated banks-men and act on his give
 Site supervisor to ensure himself that any instructions to be passed on to the
crane operator only through the nominated banks men for a specific crane

HSSE Guidelines Page 50 of 137

 All other persons working in the area are firmly told not to signal to the crane
operator. In fact personnel other than the nominated banks men should move
out of the radius of operation of crane.


 The operator should be trained and competent.

 There should be substantial enclosure to prevent someone from being struck
by any moving part of the hoist or falling down the hoist way.
 Hoist should be inspected weekly and thoroughly examined once in 6 months
and its record maintained.
 Gates to be provided at all landing including ground level.
 Controls to be arranged in such a way that hoist can be operated from one
position only.
 Safe working load should be clearly marked and excess weight should not be
 A warning notice to be placed at the platform to stop people to ride it if it is
exclusively for materials only.
 A cage is fitted on each of its opening should be only on one wide towards
landing place with a gate. Such cage should not be moved up or down as the
case may be from the landing place until such gate is closed. This must have
efficient interlocking or other devices to secure so that gate cannot be opened
when such cage is not at a landing place.

Passenger Hoist

 Manufacturer’s recommendations shall be followed.

 Hoist shall be erected by competent persons under the supervision of P & M
 Hoist shall be anchored to the building.
 Hoist shall be protected by a substantial enclosure to prevent someone from
being struck by moving part of the hoist or falling down the hoist way.
 The cage shall reach the nearest landing place so that the persons can get out
of the cage in the event of power failure.
 The controls shall be arranged so that the hoist can be operated from on
position only.
 Hoist operator shall be trained and competent.
 Safe working load of the hoist shall be clearly marked in the cage.
 Hoist shall be inspected weekly by P & M and thoroughly examined every six
months by a competent person.
 Upper and Lower Limit Switches shall always be kept operation.
 Emergency Switch, Emergency Alarm and Emergency Lamp shall be provided
on the platform.
 Illumination shall be provided on the platform.
 Communication system, like telephone shall be provided which can be used in
case of emergency.

HSSE Guidelines Page 51 of 137

 Emergency brake system, like centrifugal force brake, shall be incorporated in
the hoist.


A site traffic plan must be developed at the beginning of the project to control all
traffic on site and movement of materials, parking etc.

Motor equipment left unattended at night near areas where work is in progress must
have appropriate lights, reflectors or barricades to identify the locations of the
equipment. A safety tie rack, cage, or equivalent protection must be used when a
worker is inflating, mounting, tires installed on split rims or rims equipped with locking
rings. Heavy machinery that is suspended or held aloft by the use of slings, hoists, or
jacks must be blocked or cribbed to prevent falling or shifting before employees are
permitted to work under them. Bulldozer and scraper blades and similar equipment
shall be either fully lowered or blocked when being repaired or when not in use. All
controls must be in the neutral position and the motor stopped and brakes set, unless
work being performed requires otherwise. Parked equipment must be checked and
parking brakes set. All cab glass shall be safety glass. All vehicles must have a
service brake system, an emergency brake system, and a parking brake system.
Vehicles that require additional light shall have at least two headlights, as well as
brake lights. The vehicles must also be equipped with back horn which automatically
sets off as and when the vehicle is in reverse gear.

Other standard vehicles equipment such as seat belts, rear-view mirrors and safety
latches on operating levers shall be in accordance with standard vehicle codes, and
state-inspected where appropriate.

The authorized individuals with valid driving license only shall be allowed to drive.


(i) Contractor shall erect and maintain barricades required in connection with its
operation to guard or protect,

a) Hoisting areas.
b) Areas adjudged hazardous by contractor’s safety management and/ or
Project Manager’s Inspectors
c) Owner’s existing property subject to damage by the contractor’s operations

(ii) Contractor’s employees and those of his subcontractors shall become

acquainted with Project Managers barricading practice and shall respect the
provisions thereof.

Guarding of floor opening and floor holes:

Every temporary floor opening shall have railings, or shall be constantly attended by
Supervisors appointed by Contractor’s safety officer / Manager.

Every floor hole into which persons can accidentally fall shall be guarded by either:

a) A railing with toe board on all exposed sides, or

HSSE Guidelines Page 52 of 137

b) A floor hole cover of adequate strength and it should be hinged in place.
When the cover is not in place, the place the floor hole shall be constantly
attended by some one or shall be protected by a removable railing.

Barricades must be strong enough to carry the weight of people.

Every stairway floor opening shall be guarded by a railing on all exposed sides,
except at entrance to stairway. Every ladder way floor opening or platform shall be
guarded by a guard railing with toe board on all exposed sides (except at entrance to
opening) with the passage through the railing either provided with a swinging gate or
so offset that a person can not directly into the opening.

Guarding if open-side floors and platform

Every open-sided floor or platform 120cm or more above adjacent floor or ground
level shall be guarded by a railing (or the equivalent) or all open sides except where
there is entrance to ramp, stairway or fixed ladder. The railing shall be provided with
a toe board beneath the open sides wherever,

(a) Persons may pass,

(b) there is moving machinery and
(c) there is equipment with which failing materials could create a hazard

Protection of all Shafts; ducts; cutouts/voids; floor & wall opening etc….

Based on floor plan identify & list out all vertical & horizontal openings with specific
dimensions & accordingly fabricate the protection barricading made of MS material
as per below specification. This should be ready before casting of floor/slab.

 Height of Mesh = 1.20 m - 1.50 m (Approx.)

 Width of Mesh = as per the lift shaft, maintain 4”-6” more at either side for
 Size of Steel Bar = 16 mm steel bar or 35mmx35mm MS angle for outside
frame and 8 to 10 mm for mesh with spacing 4" to 6", properly welded to take
100kg lateral load.

Use of binding wire observed not useful as mesh will lose its strength and may
not be useful further, there for welding is suggested. Fixed by anchor fasteners
(Tie rod holes if available uses the same for fixing).

Safety Nets

 In addition to hard barricading, where ever required or in case of hard

barricading is not practically possible, vertical safety nets should be effectively
used to envelope the critical work fronts to ensure to restrict fall of material and
person from building (Rule 41&179: Chapter XVI of BOCW Central rules)
 Safety nets to be erected as close as possible to the working level and if on the
outside of the structure should be higher at the outer edge than at the inner.
 Personnel safety nets shall be IS standard but not less than 12 mm and 4 mm
mesh cord.

HSSE Guidelines Page 53 of 137

 Erection of nets and their supporting framework should be carried out under the
direction of experienced person.
 Safety Nets to be positioned at or below work areas where persons are liable to
fall more than 6 meters.
 Nets should be securely attached / anchored to the supporting framework with
tie cords, hook, rings and thimble along each side.
 Nets should be made of polyethylene ropes and cord or manmade fiber ropes.
 Safety net should be of adequate strength, made of sound material and is
suitable for use and conforms to the relevant national standard and confirm
following aspect.


Storage and stacking: Cement shall be stored at the work site in a building or a shed
which is dry, leak proof and moisture proof. The building or shed for storage should
have minimum number of windows and close fitting doors and these should be kept

Cement received in bags shall be kept in such a way that the bags are kept free from
the possibility of any dampness or moisture coming in contact with them. Cement
bags shall be stacked off the floor on wooden planks in such a way as to keep them
150 to 200mm clear from the floor and space of 450mm minimum shall be left all
round between the exterior walls and in the stacks. In the stacks the cement shall be
kept close together to reduce circulation of air as much as possible. Owing to
pressure on bottom layer of bags sometimes ‘warehouse pack’ is developed in these
bags. This can be removed easily by rolling the bags when cement is taken out for

The height of stack shall not be more than 15 bags to prevent the possibility of
lumping up under pressure. The width of the stack shall be not more than four bags
length or 3m. In stacks more than eight bags high, the cement bags shall be
arranged alternately lengthwise and crosswise so as to tie the stacks together and
minimize the danger of toppling over.

For extra safety during monsoon or when it is expected to store for an unusually long
period, the stack shall be completely enclosed by a water proofing membrane such
as polyethylene, which shall close on the top of the stack. Care shall be taken to see
that the waterproofing membrane is not damaged any time during the use.

Drums or other heavy containers of cement shall not be stacked more than two
layers high.

The manner of storage shall facilitate the requirement that lots of cement received
are removed and used more or less in the order in which they are received.

Handling – Hooks shall not be used for handling cement bags unless specifically
permitted by the engineer-in-charge.

Polyethylene pipes

HSSE Guidelines Page 54 of 137

(a) Storage & stacking:

Black polyethylene pipes may, be stored either under cover or in the open.
Natural polyethylene pipes however, should be stored under cover and
protected from direct sunlight.

Coils may be stored either on edge or stacked flat one on top of the other, but
in either case they should not be allowed to come into contact with hot water
or steam pipes and should be kept away from hot surface.

Straight lengths should be stored on horizontal racks giving continuous

support to prevent the pipe taking on a permanent set.

Storage of pipes in heated areas exceeding 270 C should be avoided.

(b) Handling: Removal of pipe from a pile shall be accomplished by working from
the ends of the pipe.

Pipes of conducting materials:

(a) Storage and stacking: Pipes shall be stacked on solid level sills and contained
in a manner to prevent spreading or rolling of the pipe. Where quantity
storage is necessary suitable packing shall be placed between succeeding
layers to reduce the pressure and resulting spreading of the pile.

In stacking and handing of pipes and other conducting materials the following
minimum safety distances shall be ensured from the overhead power line:

11KV and below 40m

Above 11and below 33KV 60m
Above 33 and below 132KV 70m
Above 132 and below 275KV 70m
Above 275and below 400KV 50m

(b) Handling: Removal of pipes from a pile shall be accomplished by working

from the ends of the pipe. During transportation, the pipes shall be so secured
as to ensure against displacement.

Paints, Varnishes and Thinners:

(a) Storage and stacking: Paints, varnishes lacquers, thinners and other
flammable materials shall be kept in properly sealed or closed containers.
The containers shall be kept in a well ventilated location, free from excessive
heat, smoke, sparks or flame. The floor of the paint stores shall be made up
of 10cm thick loose sand and stored in a collection drip pan to prevent
leakage’s to the ground and/or the soil.

Paint materials in quantities other than required for daily use shall be kept
stocked under regular storage place.

Where the paint is likely to deteriorate with age the manner of storage shall
facilitate removal and use if lots in the same order in which they are received.

Temporary electrical wiring / fittings shall not be installed in the paint store.
When electric lights, switches or electrical equipment are necessary, they
shall be of explosion proof design.

HSSE Guidelines Page 55 of 137

(b) Handling: Ventilation shall be adequate to prevent the accumulation of
flammable vapors to hazardous levels of concentration shall be provided in all
areas where painting is done.

When painting is done in confined spaces where flammable or explosive

vapors may develop any necessary heat shall be provided through duct work
remote from the source of flame.

Sources of ignition such as open flame and exposed heating elements shall
not be permitted in area or rooms where spray painting is done nor shall
smoking be allowed there.

Care should be taken not to use any naked flame inside the paint store.
Buckets containing sand shall be kept ready for use in case of fire. Fire
extinguisher when required shall be of foam type confirming to accepted

Bitumen, Road Tar, Asphalt etc.:

(a) Storage and stacking: Drums or containers containing all types of bitumen,
road tar, asphalt etc. shall be stacked vertically on their bottoms in upto 3
tiers. Leaky drums shall be segregated and either their contents shall be
emptied into intact drums or contained in larger containers. All spillages or
leakages onto natural soil shall be immediately cleaned up and placed in a
contained area. Empty drums shall be stored in pyramidal stacks neatly in

(b) Handling: Bitumen / Tar – Bitumen / tar shall not be heated beyond the
temperature recommended by the manufacturer of the product. While
discharging heated binder from the boiler, workers shall not stand opposite to
the jet so as to avoid the possibility of hot binder falling on them. The
container shall be handled only after closing the control valve. While handling
hot bitumen / tar, workers shall exercise scrupulous care to prevent accidental
spillage thereof. The buckets and cans in which the hot material is carried
from boiler shall be checked before use to ensure that they are intact and
safe. Mops and other applicators contaminated with bituminous materials
shall not be stored inside buildings

Bituminous roofing felts:

(a) Storage and stacking: Bituminous roofing felts shall be stored away from
other combustible, flammable materials. For long storage it shall be kept
under shade.

(b) Handling: Bituminous roofing felts should be handled in a manner to prevent

cracking and other damages

Flammable materials:
(a) Storage and stacking: In addition the following provisions shall also apply:
Outdoor storage of drums required some care to avoid contamination
because moisture and dirt in hydraulic brake and transmission fluid, gasoline
or lubricants may cause malfunction of failure or equipment with possible
danger to personnel. The storage area should be free of accumulations of
spilled products, debris and other hazards and Compressed gases and
petroleum products shall not be stored in the same building or close to each

HSSE Guidelines Page 56 of 137

(b) Handling: Petroleum products delivered to the job site and stored there in
drums shall be protected during handling to prevent loss of identification
through damage to drum markings, tag, etc. Unidentifiable petroleum
products may result in improper use with possible fire hazard damage to
equipment or operating failure.

Workmen shall be required to guard carefully against any part their clothing
becoming contaminated with flammable fluids. They shall not be allowed to
continue work when their clothing becomes so contaminated. All flammable
and toxic liquids shall be stored in suitable collecting drip pans to avoid spill
contamination into the ground/soil.

All workers shall be provided training as part of the induction as to how to correctly
handle and lift materials and the maximum load they can lift or handle at any point.


Excavation and Trenching: All trenches, 1.5m or more in depth, shall at all times be
supplied with at least one ladder for each 30m in length or fraction thereof. Ladder
shall be extended from bottom of trench to at least 1meter above surface of the
ground. Sides of a trench which is 1.5m or more in depth shall be stepped back to
give suitable slope or securely held by timber bracing so as to avoid the danger of
sides collapsing. Excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5m of edge of
trench of half of depth of trench, whichever is more cutting undermining or
undercutting be done.

Safety procedures for the operation of the excavation and grading equipment (such
as the safe distance from excavations) should be developed.

 Locate the underground cable/ HT lines after consulting with concerned

department and take required precautions.
Excavate as per the angle of repose of the particular soil.
Provide shoring wherever required.
 The excavated soil shall be kept at the distance of more than 5 feet or half of the
depth of the trench whichever is more from edge. Proper slope must be given.
Vehicle movement shall not be allowed near by the edge of the trench.
Cutting should be done from top to bottom. Under cutting shall not be allowed.
 While providing steps for access/egress, slippery must be avoided. Proper ramp
must be given.
Dewatering to be done before allowing workmen in or around the pit.
Provide proper sign / warning board.
 Use proper means of access. Ladders to be provided which should be extended
more than 3 feet from the ground level.
Barricade the excavated area. Height of barricading shall be 3 feet.
Provide proper illumination.
 In deep excavation (more than 4 feet), persons working at slope or bench of the
pit should wear safety belt / one ladder should be place at all the times.
Store the material away from the edge of the excavation.
Provide edge preparation.

HSSE Guidelines Page 57 of 137

Vehicle shall not be allowed to move nearby the pit.
Water shall be sprayed over the fly ash to suppress the dust.
Nose / dust musk shall be provided.
Safety shoes with ankle must be provided.
Eye protection shall be adhered.


Statutory Requirements

 Form 22 License / agreement with Form 22 License holder to conduct

blasting operations
 Shot Firer with valid shot firing permit (Form 30) duly issued by Department of
 Blasting permission from Police Commissioner

 Drilling & blasting operations shall be carried out only with permission of the
concerned Project In-charge
 The drilling and blasting operations shall be carried out by the competent and
experienced shot firer and work men who are thoroughly acquainted with
handling of explosives
 The shot firer/blaster shall be competent and qualified by reason of training,
knowledge or experience in the field of drilling parameters, transporting,
storing, handling and using of explosives and having a working knowledge
Rules and Regulations pertaining to explosives. He shall be in good physical
condition and not be under intoxication of any nature.
 No drilling shall be started until the face of the rock is carefully examined to
determine the possible presence of unfired explosives
 The position of holes to be drilled shall be marked by the shot firer/engineer
 As and when required split holes shall be required to drill to control vibrations
and achieve a smooth surface

Explosive Loading
 Only approved like explosives, tools and equipments shall be used for
blasting operations
 The bore holes shall be carefully checked for length, presence of water etc.,
before loading of explosives
 Watery/wet holes shall be stemmed with sand for better confinement
 All the electrical lines/mobile phones in the vicinity shall be switched off
before loading of explosives
 Open flames, smoking shall be prohibited at site
 No holes shall be loaded except those to be fired immediately
 The entire operations of handling, loading of explosives, stemming and
connecting the electrical firing circuit shall be supervised by a competed shot
fired who has adequate knowledge of electrical / shock tube delay shot firing

HSSE Guidelines Page 58 of 137

 Enough consideration shall be given to the maximum charge/delay while
loading of explosives and connecting the loaded holes to keep the ground
vibrations, air blast and fly rock under control
 The remaining explosives and detonators shall be returned to the magazine
before sunset
Rig Blasting
 Marking must be done by the shot firer/engineer before commencement of
 All the rigs must have level indicators for achieving vertical holes. The tripod
drills must have sprit levels for horizontal leveling
 No rig blasting should be done for holes less than 3 meters
 Ensure that all the holes at vertical
 The toe burden should not be less than 1.8 to 2 meters
 Tyre mats is good condition should only use for muffling

Muffling of the blast holes

 After testing the circuit for continuity, the blast holes shall be covered
adequately by sand bags and tyre mats to prevent flyrock
 No loose rock/tool shall be left on the site to be blasted
 Care shall be taken to avoid breakage in the circuit during placement of
muffling materials
 The peripheral holes shall be covered at least 0.7 times the burden/spacing
beyond to avoid splinters from the back break

Before Blasting
 No loose rock/tools etc shall be left on the muffling materials
 Sufficient warning shall be sounded to enable the people in the vicinity to get
off the danger zone
 The blaster / shot firer shall be the last person to leave the danger zone
 The danger zone shall be suitably cordoned off by posting red flag men at
strategic points
 The firing of holes shall be done only when clearance signal was received by
all the flag men and sufficient shelter was taken by the shot firer
 As and when required the ground vibration must be monitored at the strategic
locations to assess the safety and stability of the adjoining structures.

Post Blast Observations

 After the blasting, the blaster shall examine to ensure that all the shots are
 In the event of misfire(s) the unfired explosives are ejected out by use of
water jet/compressed air or a fresh charge is placed in contact with the old
charge and duly detonated by following the precautions as followed for any
round of blast,
 Check out for any residual explosives left out at the end of the day

Account / Records:
 Vibrations Reports

HSSE Guidelines Page 59 of 137

 Sound Reports
 Blast report for each report

Blasting Log:
In typical blasting log information relative to:
 Depth
 Diameter
 Burden
 Stemming
 Explosive distribution in the blast holes
 Delay sequence
 Sketch of delay pattern
 Distance to nearest structure
 Seismographic data for ground vibration
 Air blast are recorded


Handling of plant
Mixers: All gears, chains and rollers of mixers shall be properly guarded. If the mixer
has a charging skip the operator shall ensure that the workmen are out of danger
before the skip is lowered. Railings shall be provided on the ground to prevent
anyone walking under the skip while it is being lowered.

All cables, clamps, hooks, wire ropes, gears and clutches etc. of the mixer, shall be
checked and cleaned, oiled and greased and service once a week. A trial run of the
mixer shall be made and defects shall be removed before operating a mixer.

When workmen are cleaning the inside of the drums and operating power of the
mixer shall be locked in the off position and all fuses shall be removed and a suitable
notice hung at the place.

When trucks are being used on the site, traffic problems shall be taken care of. A
reasonably smooth traffic surface shall be provided. If practicable, a loop road shall
be provided to permit continuous operation of vehicles and to eliminate their backing.
If a continuous loop is not possible a turnout shall be provided. Backing operations
shall be controlled by a signalman positioned so as to have a clear view of the area
behind the truck and to be clearly visible to the truck driver. Movement of workmen
and plant shall be routed to avoid crossing as much as possible the truck lanes.

Formwork shall be designed after taking into considering spans, setting temperature
of concrete, dead load and working load to be supported and safety factor for the
material used for formwork.

All timber formwork shall be carefully inspected before use and members having
cracks and excessive knots shall be discarded

The vertical supports shall be adequately braced or otherwise secured in position

that these do not fall when the load gets released or the supports are accidentally hit.

HSSE Guidelines Page 60 of 137

Tubular steel centering shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. When tubular steel and timber centering is to be used in combination
necessary precautions shall be taken to avoid any unequal settlement under load.

All centering shall be finally inspected to ensure that:

a) Footings or sills under every post of the centering are sound
b) All tower adjustment screws or wedges are snug against the legs of the
c) All upper adjustment screws or heads of jacks are in full contact with the
d) Panels are plumb in both directions.
e) All cross braces are in place and locking devices are in closed and secure
f) In case of chajjas and balconies the props shall be adequate to transfer the
load to the supporting point.

Ramps and gangways:

Ramps and gangways shall be of adequate strength and evenly supported. They
shall either have a sufficiently flat slope or shall have cleats fixed to the surface to
prevent slipping of workmen. Ramps and gangways shall be kept free from grease,
mud, snow or other slipping hazards or other obstructions leading to tripping and
accidental fall of workman.

Ramps and gangways meant for transporting materials shall have even surface and
be of sufficient width and provided with skirt boards on open sides.

Pre-stressed concrete:
In pre-stressing operations, operating, maintenance and replacement instructions of
the supplier of the equipment shall be strictly adhered to.

Necessary shields should be put up immediately behind the pre-stressing jacks

during stressing operations.

Wedges and other temporary anchoring devices shall be inspected before use.

The pre-stressing jacks shall be periodically examined for wear and tear.

A spreader beam shall be used wherever possible so that the cable can be as
perpendicular to the members being lifted as practical. The angle between the cable
and the members to be lifted shall not be less than 600.

Methods of assembly and erection specified by the designer, shall be strictly adhered
to at site. Immediately on erecting any unit in position, temporary connections or
supports as specified shall be provided before releasing the lifting equipment. The
permanent structural connections shall be established at the earliest opportunity.

Heated concrete:
When heaters are being used to heat aggregates and other materials and to maintain
proper curing temperatures, the heaters shall be frequently checked for functioning
and precautions shall be taken to avoid hazards in using coal, liquid, gas or any fuel.

HSSE Guidelines Page 61 of 137


General: Depending on the type of wall to be constructed the height of construction
per day shall be restricted to ensure that the newly constructed wall does not come
down due to lack of strength in the lower layers. Similarly, in long walls adequate
expansion / crumple joints shall be provided to ensure safety.

Opening in walls: Whenever making of an opening in the existing walls is

contemplated, adequate supports against the collapse or cracking of the wall portion
above or roof or adjoining walls shall be provided.

Guarding of wall openings and Holes: Wall opening barriers and screens shall be of
such construction and mounting that they are capable of withstanding the intended
loads safely. For detailed information reference may be made to good practice. Every
wall opening from which there is a drop of more than 120mm shall be one of the

Rail, roller, picket fence, half door or equivalent barrier: The guard may be removable
but should be preferable be hinged or otherwise mounted so as to be conveniently
replaceable. Where there is danger to persons working or passing below on account
of the falling materials, a removable toe board or the equivalent shall also be
provided. When the opening is not in use for handling materials the guards shall be
kept in position regardless of a door in the opening. In addition a grab handle shall be
provided on each side of the opening. The opening should have a sill that projects
above the floor level at least 2.5cm.

Extension platform into which materials may be hoisted for handling, shall be of full
length of the opening shall be of full length of the opening and shall have side rails or
equivalent guards.

Every chute wall opening from which there is a drop of more than 120mm shall be
guarded by one or more of the barriers specified in 16.2.1 or as required by the


Diesel Storage
 Full and EMPTY cylinders shall be stored separately.
 Storing of diesel above 1000 Liters of HS Diesel or 32 Liters petrol requires
licenses, as per The Petroleum ACT.
 Flammable liquids shall not be stored with other fluids.
 Flammable liquids shall be labeled suitably.
 Only authorized person shall distributed and issue flammable materials.
 Storage & use of fuel in plastic containers is prohibited.
 Provision of concrete flooring with sump for the diesel storage so that west or
leaked oil get collected in sump & can be reused.
 MSDS should be displayed in language understood by its handler.
 MSDS should be displayed for other flammable & hazardous material as well.

HSSE Guidelines Page 62 of 137

Handling of Diesel

 Care should be taken to prevent accidental ignition and explosion of the vapors.
 Electrical cables should be properly insulated to prevent spark and fire.
 Incandescent lamps (if used) shall be provided with glass cover and protective
 To take out flammable liquids from 200L drum to small containers, manually
operated hand pump with funnel shall be used. Lid of containers shall be
immediately replaced in case of worn or damage.
 Containers should be stored in upright position in an open air compound and
securely fenced and surrounded by a bund sufficient to hold the content of the
largest drum stores plus 10%.
 In case drums are stored horizontally wedges must be used.
 “Highly Inflammable Liquid” caution board should be displayed at the entrance
of storage area.
 In order to eliminate any source of ignition caution board indicating “No
Smoking” and “No Naked Light” should be displayed.
 Care must be taken to avoid spillage & leaks by maintaining screw caps and the
use of funnels, spouts or a symphonic device.
 Spillage can be soaked with dry sand, which could then be placed at least 4M
away from any possible vapor source or combustible stock of materials.
 It is vital that all waste of highly flammable liquids of materials contaminated by
them is disposed off immediately and workplace kept clean all times removing
hazards. Within the workplace, metal bins with lids are required to receive rags
and waste.
 All bins should be removed to store overnight Rubbish is to be incinerated in
small quantities in the open at least 8m from any building.
 Cleaning should be done with non-flammable solvent in well-ventilated places.
Detergent degreaser, cleanser is often satisfactory.
 Wooden, plastic or non-sparking alloy implements, never steel should be used to
clean residues from floor or other surfaces. Heat should never be applied to
normally empty vessels as they still contain explosive mixtures.
 Empty containers with the cap-removed should be disposed off as rubbish, but
not incinerated.
 The cleaning or repairing of drums on site is not recommended. They should be
returned to the suppliers if they are not to be removed.


Dealing with Compressed Gas Cylinders

Site Safety Rules & regulations have been framed under the Explosive Act with a
view to safely import, transport, use & storage of the compressed gas cylinders of
closed metal containers having a volume between 500 ml. and 1000 ltrs.

Dissolved Acetylene (D.A. – C2 H2), Oxygen (O2), LPG Industrial (Bharat 19, 24
KG/36kG), Carbon dioxide (CO2), etc. are the commonly used gas for the purpose.

HSSE Guidelines Page 63 of 137

General Precautions

 Never put an unidentified cylinder in service.

 Only cylinders approved by national code regulations are to be accepted.
 Never drop or allow gas cylinders to strike one another
 Never tamper with gas cylinders safety devices.
 Separate full cylinders from empty ones.
 Always consider cylinders as full and handle them with due
 Keep cylinders in full shady places.
 Always secure the cylinders in an upright position.
 Close cylinder-valve & replace protective valve-cap
completely after completing use.
 Gas cylinders are required to be painted as per IS: 4379
Colour Codes.
 Cylinder valve & protective caps are to be maintained and not
to use oil / Lubricants on fittings.
 Cylinders not to be exposed to hot sun or stored along with
flammables/ explosives.
 Leaking cylinders to be removed immediately.
 Ensure provision of fire extinguishing equipments

Handling and Use of Cylinders

 Cylinders should be supported and trolleys / cradles to be used during

 Cylinders should be handled carefully, avoid fall, sliding, dropping or
playing with.
 The cylinders containing liquefiable gases should be kept in upright
position and those in horizontal position should be secured to avoid rolling.
 Ignition sources should not be allowed to bring nearby.
 Ensure use of Flash-Back Arrestor & non return valves in fuel gas lines.
 Ensure Permit-To-Work for hot work
 Ensure use of the job specific PPE (Safety Shoe), while handling & use
of the cylinders.
 Use of containers to collect the hot sparks and prevent fire hazard.

Storage of Cylinders

 Cylinders should be stored in a cool, dry, ventilated, fire resistant

shed away from ignition source but easy accessible.
 Empty and filled cylinders should be segregated.
 Non-sparking & full proof electrical fittings should be provided in the store area.
 The storage premises should have proper earthing.

HSSE Guidelines Page 64 of 137


Environmental Protection Guideline

The program provides a structured means of documenting the project's efforts to

anticipate identify, evaluate and control occupational exposures to hazardous
chemicals and physical agents.

The programs include the following elements.

 Evaluation and examination of the project

 Interpretation of gathered data
 Preparation and Implementation of control measures

Respiratory Protection

Respirator use provides the first line of employee protection against airborne

Employees who, in the course of their job, may be required to use respiratory
protection will meet all the requirements outlined in Section 4. The highlights of the
standard are (1) employees must be trained in the use and limitations of the
equipment; (2) respiratory equipment must be clean, inspected and stored in a
sanitary manner; (3) employees must be medically qualified to wear the equipment
and perform the work; and (4) employees must complete an annual fit test.

It must be stressed, however, that if job conditions change and respiratory protection
is needed, employees not qualified to wear respirators will be removed from the job.
Jobs will be closely monitored to ensure that the conditions associated with the job
remain consistent.


Silica containing material will not be used as a blasting agent in the project. The
health concerns of employee exposure to airborne silica far outweigh any benefits
that silica sand possesses during sandblasting. Blasting agents such “copper slag” is
approved for use on the project.


Welding, Cutting or Heating of Metals of Toxic Significance - Welding, cutting or

heating of any the metals specified below must be protected by local exhaust
ventilation or by airline respirators.

a. Metals containing lead, other than as an impurity, or metals coated with lead-
bearing materials.

b. Metals coated with mercury-bearing metals, cadmium bearing or cadmium-

coated base metals.

c. Beryllium-containing base or filler metals. (Because of its high toxicity, work

involving beryllium shall be done with both local exhaust ventilation and airline

HSSE Guidelines Page 65 of 137

a. Welding, cutting or heating of metals of toxic significance in the open air shall
use air-line or other approved filter-type respiratory protection.

b. Remove Zinc Oxide material from hot area.

Heat Stress

Contractors/Subcontractors will establish the necessary programs to ensure that

project employees work safely in heat stress conditions. The reduction of
adverse health effects can be accomplished by engineering controls, work
practices, training, acclimatization, monitoring, water and electrolyte balance
and the recognition and treatment of heat stress emergencies.

Environmental Protection

The following safety measures are taken to control environment pollution:

Air Dust

 Through it is not possible to totally prevent/eliminate the dust at construction

site; this can be reduced in the following way.
 Watering the haulage roads, stacking the material away from the site after
studying the direction of wind
 Location mixing plants in a manner that the wind carries dust away from
workers and equipment.
 All workers and employees use nose mask and safety goggles.
 Modifying the air cleaners and diesel engines
 Constructing dust free flooring in the site office, store, canteen etc
 Good housekeeping.

Ambient Air Monitoring:

Ambient air & Noise monitoring test carried out on every six month as per State
Pollution Control Board / CPCB Standard and necessary arrangement for elimination
of pollution and or suppression of dust and noise is must (Rule 34, 40, 43, 52 of
BOCW Central Rules).

Water pollution:

Drinking water testing get it done from MOEF/Government approved lab once in
month. Drinking water tank of labor colony, staff colony as well as sites cleaning
carried out once in a week and log book is maintained.

Accumulation of rain water is not allowed at site to prevent insects from spreading

Noise pollution

 There are several steps taken on site to reduce noise:

 All vehicle and diesel engines fitted exhaust outlets with silencers/ mufflers
and do not keep machineries running unnecessarily.

HSSE Guidelines Page 66 of 137

 It is strictly prohibited to keep compressor closed with cover when they are
in running condition.
 Check that concrete breaker/plugs provided if work is nearer to a noisy
 Training provided to all employees and workers.
 Keep the hearing protection clean and in a safe place when you are not
 Moving employees from noise to quit areas at predefined intervals
 Training and information provided to employees and workers on exposure
times and control measures when working nearer to a noisy area.
 Designate and mark ear protection zone.
 Many noisy machine or hand operates tools transmit vibration to the body –
example: pneumatic rock drills or concrete breakers are common example.
In this way they can injure muscles and joints affect blood circulation
causing what is known as “white finger disease” when using-these tools you
should wear gloves, which help to engaged one by in order to reduce
exposure time to vibration.


Induction Training

Each new trade contractor employee or Sub-Contractor or Consultant (other than

vendors visiting office only) is required to attend audio visual induction session before
commencing work on site. The HSSE Officer will conduct the SAFETY INDUCTION
training. The Site new contractor orientation training Briefing shall include but not be
limited to the following: -

 Site specific information relating to the project.

 Induction to the contractor’s site team and their roles and other activities on
 Site establishment indicating site office, toilets, amenities, first aid and work
area locations.
 Emergency and evacuation procedures.
 First aid, accident procedures, emergency reporting procedures.
 Employee’s responsibilities relating to safe working practices.
 Site regulations covering such items as house rules, general behaviour,
exposure to occupied buildings and their occupants,
 Site specific items. I.e. temporary power, lift usage and goods handling.
 Site hazards and need to follow safe work methods.
 Vehicle &Truck Safety, House Keeping, Use of hazardous chemicals

PPE, FPP Programmed (Hot work, Height work, Confined space work, Work with
EEW, Etc.), JHA, Crane safety For the new comers an induction training programme
will be arranged at the site to provide them with basic idea about the project’s HSSE
aspects. Safety induction should be imparted using audio-visuals & films the
following topics shall be covered while given Induction Training and Good safety
induction room should be required checked by PMC.

HSSE Guidelines Page 67 of 137

 Project Highlights.
 Work Fronts and Major Activities.
 Job specific hazards and corresponding precautionary measures to be
 Motivation Program
 Height work safety
 House keeping
 Scaffolding Safety
 Electrical safety
 PPE usage
 PPE & Fire Extinguisher demo.
 Manual Handling of materials
 Use of lifting appliances and safe practices.
 Accident / Incident/Near miss reporting.
 Response in case of emergency.
 First-Aid facility within the project.
 Follow all the warning / caution / information / notice / quotes etc.
 Entry restriction in restricted area.
 Environment Policy.
 Site Specific Policy (Where applicable).
 Site HSSE – Rules & Regulations.

Only after the completion of Safety Induction Training, vertigo test for applicable
persons HSSE department will issue ID card for staff & workers. No one is
allowing to work without ID cards. ID card is stamp with ‘INDUCTED’ stamp.

Trade and Skill Training

Appropriate training is given to ensure that a jobholder, either supervisor or worker, is

competent to do his job safely. Trade and skill training that is required in the
construction industries are:

Lifting Supervisor Licensed Electrical Workers

Crane operator First Aid Training
Scaffold Supervisors Rescue Team Training
Scaffold Erectors Powered Tools Operator
Height Works Excavation Work
Slinging and Rigging Operator Abrasive Wheel Changing
Confined Space/Entry Practices Drivers of mobile equipments

Contractors shall ensure that such training is provided at periodic intervals. All
training information, records, and certificates will be properly documented and made
available for verification.
Tool Box Talk
Every day at least one Tool Box Talk will be conducted for workmen before starting
of the job. Topics and schedule shall be arranged by the HSSE Officer. The site
Engineer/ Supervisor will take active participation.

Visitor Safety

HSSE Guidelines Page 68 of 137

While at work site all personnel including visitors & suppliers shall wear the basic
PPE i.e. hardhat and safety footwear as minimum requirement. Appropriate and
approved personal protective equipment and protective clothing shall be used
depending upon the nature of Work performed i.e. Job specific PPE. Safety
induction and ID card data should be sending to site safety representative daily


Drinking water:
a) In every work place, there shall be provided and maintained at suitable
places, easily accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of cold water fit for
b) Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply,
each work place shall be provided with storage where such drinking water
shall be stored.
c) Every water supply or storage shall be at a distance of not less than 50 feet
from any latrine drain or any other source of pollution.

Washing facilities:
a) In every work place adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be
provided and maintained for the use of contract labour employee therein
b) Separate and adequate cleaning facilities shall be provided for the use of
male and female workers
c) Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in clean and
hygienic condition.

Latrines and Urinals

(a). Latrines shall be provided in every work place on the following scale namely:

(i) Where females are employed there shall be at least one latrine for
every 25 females.
(ii) Where males are employed there shall be at least one latrine for every
25 males.

Provided that where the number of males or females exceeds 100, it shall be
sufficient if there is one latrine for 25males or females as the case may be upto first
100 and one for every 50 thereafter.

(b). Every latrine shall be under cover and so partitioned off as to secure privacy
and shall have proper door and fastenings.

(c) Construction of latrines: The inside walls shall be constructed of masonry or

some suitable heat-resisting non-absorbent materials and shall be cement
washed inside and outside at least once a year, latrines shall not be of
standard lower than borehole system.

(d) (i) Where workers of both sexes are employed, there shall be displayed
out side each block of latrine and urinal a notice in the language understood
by the majority of the workers “for men only” or for” women only” as the case
may be.

HSSE Guidelines Page 69 of 137

(ii) The notice shall also bear the figure of man or woman as the case
may be.

(e) There shall be at least one urinal for male workers upto 50 and for female
workers upto 50 employed at a time, provided that where the number of male
or female workers as the case may exceed 500 it shall be sufficient if there is
one urinal for every 50 males or females upto the first 500 and one for every
100 or part thereafter.

(f) (i) The latrines and urinals shall be adequately lighted and shall be
maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times
(ii) Latrines and urinals other than those connected with flush sewage
system shall comply with the requirements of Public Health Authorities.

(g) Water shall be provided by means of tap or otherwise so as to conveniently

accessible in or near the latrines and urinals.

(h) Disposal of excreta: Unless otherwise arranged by the local sanitary authority,
arrangements for proper disposal of excreta by incineration at the work place
shall be made by means of a suitable incinerator. Alternately excreta may be
disposed of by putting a layer of night soil at the bottom of pucca tank
prepared for the purpose and covering it with 15cm layer of waste or refuse
and then covering it with a layer of earth for a fortnight (then it will turn to

(i) The contractor shall at his own expense, carry out all instructions issued to
him by the Engineer-in-charge to effect proper disposal of night soil and other
conservancy work in respect of the contractor’s workmen or employees of the
site. The contractor shall be responsible for payment of any charges which
may be levied by the municipal or cantonment authority for execution of such
on behalf.

Provision of shelter during rest:

At every place there shall be provided free of cost, for suitable sheds two for meals
and other two for rest separately for the use of men and women labour. The height of
each shelter shall not be less than 3m from the floor level to the lowest part of the of
the shed roof. These shall be kept clean and the space provided shall be on the
basis of 0.6sqm per head.

Provided that the engineer-in-charge may permit subject to its satisfaction, a portion
of building under construction or other alternative accommodation to be used for the

a. In every work place where the work regarding the employment of contract
labour is likely to continue for six months and where in contract labour
numbering 100 or more are ordinarily employed an adequate canteen shall be
provided by the contractor for the use of such labour.

b. The canteen shall be maintained by the contractor in an efficient manner.

c. The canteen shall consist of at least a dining hall, kitchen, store room, pantry
and washing places separately for workers and utensils.

HSSE Guidelines Page 70 of 137

d. The floor shall be made of smooth and impervious materials and inside walls
shall be lime washed or colour washed at least once a year. Provided that the
inside walls of the kitchen shall be lime washed every four months.

e. The premises of the canteen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary


f. Suitable arrangements shall be made for the collection of disposal of


g. Waste water shall be carried away in suitable covered drains and shall not be
allowed to accumulate so as to cause nuisance.

h. The dining hall shall accommodate at a time 30% of the contract labour
working at a time.

i. The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by the service
counter and any furniture except tables and chairs shall not to be less than
1sqm per diner to be accommodated as prescribed in sub-rule (i)

j. a) There shall be provided and maintained sufficient utensils crockery,

furniture and any other equipment necessary for efficient running of canteen
b) The furniture, utensils and other equipment shall be maintained in a
clean and hygienic condition.
c) Suitable clean clothes for the employees serving in the canteen shall
be provided and maintained.
d) A service counter, if provided shall have top of smooth and impervious
e) Suitable facilities including an adequate supply of hot water shall be
provided for the cleaning of utensils and equipment.

k. A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned off and
reserved for women workers in proportion to their number.

l. Sufficient tables stools or benches shall be available for the number of diners
to be accommodated as prescribed in subrule (i)

m. The food stuff and other items to be served in the canteen shall be in
conformity with the normal habits of the contract labour.

n. The charges of food stuffs, beverages and other items served in the canteen
shall be based on ‘No profit no loss’ and shall be conspicuously displayed in
the canteen.

o. In arriving at the price of the foodstuffs and other article served in the
canteen, the following items shall not be taken in to consideration as
expenditure namely:

i. The rent of land and building

ii. The depreciation and maintenance charges for the building and
equipment provided for the canteen.

iii. The purchase, repairs and replacement of equipment including

furniture, crockery, cutlery and utensils.

HSSE Guidelines Page 71 of 137

iv. The water charges and other charges incurred for lighting and

v. The interest and amount spend on the provision and maintenance of

equipment provided for the canteen.

p. The accounts pertaining to the canteen shall be audited once every 12months
by registered accountants and auditors.

Anti-malarial precautions:
The contractor shall at its own expense, conform to all anti-malarial instructions given
to him by Engineer-in-charge including the filing up of any borrow pits which may
have been dug by him.


S&H –coordinators:
In connection with (Indian Regulations and standards) the tasks and responsibilities
of the S&H coordinator(s) as well as the design- as the construction phase, are as

Design phase:
 Co-ordination of the general aspects with respect to Safety, Health and Welfare.
 Taking care of the set-up of a S&H-plan ‘in draft’.
 Putting together the S&H-file.
 Keep up and actualize the S&H-plan ‘in draft’ -and file.
 Hand-over the S&H-plan ‘in draft’ -and file to the S&H-coordinator(s) for the
construction phase.

Construction phase:
 Organizing and coordinating the cooperation between employers.
 Coordinating the Safety, Health and Welfare measures by the employers.
 Coordinating supervision to meet the joint facilities.
 Give indications to the Owner.
 Coordinating the information to the employees.
 Take measures to assure that only persons which are entitled to can come in at
the works.
 Keep up and actualize the S&H-plan ‘in draft’ -and file.
 Handover the S&H-file to the principal.


Kick-off meeting
The kick-off meeting should be seen as a start up meeting, preliminary to the general
or project oriented activities. In the kick-off meeting, besides technical relevant
information, pay attention to the aspects of safety and health in general sense.

HSSE Guidelines Page 72 of 137

The Contractor will be required to provide their job site safety program either at kick-
off meeting or within a time period as determined by Project Manager after the kick-
off meeting along with other pre-start documentation.

Pre-job meeting
The Pre-job meeting is meant for consultation before the activities may start. A part
of this meeting is reserved to make detail appointments for specific Plant or Location
directed safety- and health matters and ‘actual’ deviations of the normal situation.
This meeting is meant as a supplement to the general information which already has
been handed over during the kick-off meeting. At this meeting the Pre-job Checklist
should be handled and worked out with all persons involved.
Progress Meeting:
The progress meeting is meant to get an update from contractors on project progress
and resolve any construction/ coordination issues. It is normally held on weekly
basis. This meeting will have HSSE component and following items shall be
discussed under this head.
Major safety issues at site
Actions being taken to resolve them

Toolbox meeting:
Toolbox meetings are company (contractor) internal matters. With this kind of
meeting, employees supposed to execute the job are informed about the most actual
state of the activities. This information can be appointments, instructions which are
the result of above mentioned meetings. A toolbox meeting is a medium to inform
‘executing employees’. Copies of these toolbox meetings (incl. registration forms)
should be attached to this chapter.

Safety Meeting:
Safety meetings shall be held on weekly basis to be attended by Project Manager’s
Safety representative and safety officer from all contractors as well as their sub-
contractors. The meeting shall be chaired by Project Manager’s safety representative
and Project Manager may also like to attend the meetings randomly. The topics to be
covered shall broadly include:
a) Safety issues at job site
b) Review pre task plans
c) Discuss safety statistics
d) Review safety committee reports/ recommendations
e) Discuss safety training initiatives
f) Review overall job site safety


General S&H-instructions
Everyone, who is doing activities at the Client site, should be registered at the job
site. After registration, everyone get a Contractor Safety Instruction (video-
presentation). This presentation shows an explanation on the S&H policy, the most
important emergency measures (Fire and Gas alarms) and shows general behavior
rules and procedures.

Site Specific S&H-instructions

These instructions can be given when the common interest is served (equal for all
facilities and departments) and the necessity exists.
Examples are: LOTO, shutdown, etc.

HSSE Guidelines Page 73 of 137


JHA is the process of systematic investigation of a task and its subtasks, ascertaining
the risks associated with carrying out activities associated with those tasks, listing
preventive measures to avoid potential hazards associated with executing that
activity and developing contingency plan in case of emergencies. The Standard
Operating Procedure of the Project Manager will serve as reference guidelines for
the tasks which require development of JHA. However, the list is not all inclusive and
if the Project Manager/ Project Manager’s safety representative/ Owner’s safety
representative determine that the JHA is required for some other tasks too, the
contractor will be obligated to provide that as per the procedure and in the format as
indicated by Project Manager (copy of format attached with these guidelines.

Subsequent to the kick-off meeting, within the specified time period, the contractor
will also provide the list of tasks against which JHA shall be submitted along with the
expected time, when it would be submitted. This listing shall be done on the format
shown below;


Contractor: Trade Package:




Waste Disposal
Waste originated from activities at the project site should be dumped at the
designated location in the designated manner as indicated by Owner/ PM.

Chemical waste (air-sprays, oil, paint etc.) should be collected separately and, if
property of client, shall be offered to the facility / department. This in conjunction with
the waste-coordinator of the department concerned, or the In & out Clean
department. In case the waste coordinator does not require the chemical waste for
re-usage, the contractor will dispose it off at its own expense at the designated
location in the designated manner as directed by Project Manager and in accordance
with all Indian Environmental Laws.

Chemical waste which originates from Contractor’s works should be collected and
carried away by Contractor according to the legal regulations. The In & Out Clean
department should be informed before carrying away the waste.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

The Contractor is obligated to inform about the risks and dangers associated with
handling of chemical and hazardous substances at site. Therefore, the information
transfer in the form of Material Safety Data Sheets is necessary. The contractor shall
list all materials to be used at project site that require submission of MSDS and
submit those. The material shall be brought to the site only after obtaining prior
approval from Owner’s representatives on the MSDS.

HSSE Guidelines Page 74 of 137

Contractor is required to provide Material Safety Data sheets (MSDSs) for any
chemical brought on site. An index of MSDSs for all products proposed to be used on
site must be provided. In so far as possible, “environmentally friendly” products
should be used (e.g. detergent or citrus based cleaners rather than solvent based
cleaners). Low-Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) products should be used at all
times. Chlorinated solvents should not be brought on site except on a pre-approved
case-by-case basis. No chemicals or substances which may require health
monitoring under US OSHA rules (29 CFR 1910) will be allowed to be brought on site
(e.g. Asbestos contained in any product-roof coatings, tile, caulk; Benzene,
Beryllium, Cadmium, Formaldehyde, Lead of any kind in any product- e.g. lead paint,
lead solder, Methylenedianiline, Chloride, Vinyl chloride). (Delete the yellow
highlighted para in case Client is not stringent for complying with OSHA guidelines)
The Client/ Owner reserves the right to reject any chemical proposed to be brought
on site.

Any regulated wastes generated on site (e.g. hazardous, residual or special waste,
including regulated wastewaters, waste oil, waste paint), in must be disposed of by
Contractor in strict accordance with federal, provincial and municipal or and local
standards. No wastes may be disposed of down the drain or in the Client installed
dumpster without prior written consent.

Contractor must have appropriate training for the work to be done. Training records
must be produced upon demand. Contractors must bring appropriate tools,
equipment, safety devices and clothing to the job site. No tools or equipment may be
borrowed from the Client without prior written consent.


Material MSDS sheet to be submitted by


The main objectives of the emergency response plan are:

 Preserving the life, property and environment from the consequence of

emergencies arising within the site.
 Systematic coordination of emergency control action to arrest escalation
of emergency, to evacuate personnel within or outside the site wherever
necessary and to rehabilitate them.
 Restoring normalcy in site operation with minimum loss of time.

List of Emergency

 Fire and explosion

 Falling from height
 Medical emergency
 Collapse of lifting appliances and transport equipment

HSSE Guidelines Page 75 of 137

 Collapse of buildings, slab, Sheds or structures etc.
 Gas leakage or spillage of dangerous goods or chemicals
 Bomb threat, Criminal or Terrorist attack
 Drowning of workers
 Landslides getting workers buried, floor and other natural calamities.

Site emergency response team will be structured as follows

ERT Chief

 Evacuation Team
 Fire Fighting Team
 First Aid Team
 Admin Team

ERT Chief – Project Manager is the ERT chief, as he is responsible for

activation the emergency plan assuming overall command during the
emergency situation.

Evacuation Team – Mechanical in-charge is the head of evacuation team

and other team members from safety & other staff & contractor’s key person
will be involved.

Fire Fighting Team – Competent Fireman or security in-charge is the head

of fire team and other team members from site security and contractor safety

First Aid Team – First aider is the head of First Aid Team and other team
members are site ambulance driver, store staff & contractor’ safety steward.

Admin Team – Site admin in-charge is the head of Admin Team and other
team members will from admin/store department.

Roles & Responsibility of ERT Team

ERT Team Roles & Responsibility

HSSE Guidelines Page 76 of 137

- As the project head, he is responsible for activation the
emergency plan assuming overall command during the
emergency situation.
- Immediately arrange for an informal on spot meeting of
the members preferably at site to take stock of the
situation and initiate necessary measures
- Take on spot decision on the procedure to be adopted
based on the type and extent of the emergency
- Inform onsite Safety representative about the incident.
- Analyze the situation and determine if rescue services
from relevant government departments are necessary
- Conduct a review of the accident site with onsite Safety
representative after resolving the accident and
determine if it is safe to resume the construction work.

- Instruct team member to release the accident site to

allow staff to go back to the construction site under a
safe situation.
- After getting site evacuation instructions from ERT Chief
they will ensure entire site evacuation in safe manner.
- Assist in evacuating all workers and staff to assembly
EVACUATION - Ensure evacuation path is clear for exit.
TEAM - Conduct head-count in the Emergency Assembly Point
- Report any missing person to the Safety
Representative/ERT Chief
- Time to time reporting to ERT chief.
- Identify fire intensity and communicate with external fire
rescue team if necessary.
- Make available all required fire fighting equipments for
extinguish fire.
FIRE FIGHTING - Assist in evacuating all workers & staff from site.
TEAM - Lead external rescue team to the scene, to assist Fire
Services Department personnel to rescue trapped
people if required

- Notify relevant government departments / organisations

ADMIN TEAM if necessary
- Report the incident to relevant parties if required
- Communication with media, if required
- Insurance & claim settlement, if applicable
- Communication with near by hospital for further medical
- Assist in checking casualty, provide first aid treatment
FIRST AID TEAM and accompany to hospital, if required
- Make available sufficient Nos. of ambulance.
- Reporting of all injured persons details to safety
representative & ERT chief.

HSSE Guidelines Page 77 of 137

Emergency Communication system

A standard emergency communication procedure in case of emergency shall

be developed and communicated to all concerned in the site. The procedure
shall give clear guidelines on how to communicate in the following cases to

i. Alert the worker

ii. Evacuate or take other action
iii. Report
 The emergency communication system shall be through Siren, Public
Address System or any other system sailable as per the site conditions.

Fire fighting Facilities

 Water bucket, Sand bucket, Portable fire extinguisher of different type (to
be decided as per site requirement)
 These fire fighting devises shall be kept as close to the location as
possible but not close enough get engulfed in the fire or heat Zone from
where retrieving and using the devices may be difficult.

Training for Emergency Management

Training of employees related to emergency response shall consist of and address

the following.

 Function and elements of emergency action plan

 Type of potential emergency
 Notification, warning, and communications procedures
 Evacuation , Shelter,
 Location and use of common emergency equipment

The contractor will submit the Monthly man-hour & safety report on the format
enclosed in HSSE guidelines. The report will be submitted by _____ hrs. on ____
day of every month. In addition, should the Project Manager require any interim man-
hour reports on weekly basis or any other frequency determined by Project Manager,
those will also be submitted by the contractor. Safety reports submitted are in no way
linked with the requirement for submission of Daily report on the part of contractor.


A Permit for night work is required for all trades regardless of risk level, workforce
size, etc. for works to be carried out between 06:00pm and 08:00am the following
day. Application for Permit for Night Work shall be separately submitted for each
Individual/specific task. Application of Permit for Out of Hours Work must be
submitted at least 4 hours in advance prior to the end of shift unless approved
otherwise by the C&W representative. Applicant is fully responsible to ensure that the
work areas are kept clean and safe after works completion. Dedicate Safety Officer
and Safety Stewards should be available along with execution engineers during
working at night and at least 1 hour break shall be given during night works.
Emergency vehicle shall be available at site. Adequate arrangement shall be done
for general area and task lighting.

HSSE Guidelines Page 78 of 137


Name of the Contractor
Name of the organization

Project Manager
Cushman & Wakefield
Location – Pin code

Subject: HSSE Declaration

I/ we hereby declare to accept the responsibility to carry out the work safely.

I/ we have understood the hazards associated with site activity and developed the relevant safety
procedures, trained the man power and provided required PPE and equipment.

I/ we or the workers working under my/our control will adhere to the site safety rules and HSSE
guidelines as stated in this document.

The following are the safety practices that will be followed in addition to any other requirements as
recommended by Project Manager’s HSSE Manager/ Site safety officer to work safely at site.

1. Wear safety helmet, safety shoes, reflective jackets, eye protection with side shields.
2. Wear full body safety harness and hooking to the life line rope.
3. Wear appropriate hand gloves like cotton, leather, PVC, rubber or surgical hand gloves.
4. Proper tools will be used and checked for defects and replaced whenever required.
5. Welding torch with ring guard, welding shield, leather hand gloves required.
6. No steel rod will be used as earthing on to the welding machine.
7. Proper working platform with hand rail will be used while working at heights.
8. a) House keeping will be done on daily basis and dedicate housekeeping personnel shall be
deployed and the debris, sand, concrete materials and mortar will be removed and stored at
identified place.
b) Papers, plastic sheets, rubber materials and wooden pieces have to be put in recycle bin
from the work place and this will be sent outside the site.
9. I/ we will be appointing Safety Team as per the HSSE guidelines.
10. My/ our workmen and I/ we will not create any problem, quarreling with other agents.
11. I/ we will be providing fire extinguishers, fire buckets with water and sand in work place.
12. First aid facility and hospital facility will be provided to my/ our workman.
13. I/ we will be conducting the safety training programs for my/ our workmen, like first aid, fire
fighting and safety.
14. I/ we will obtain work permits to work for hazardous area.
15. As per the contract document and HSSE Plan we agree with imposition of penalty on us should
we violate any safety norms/ practices at the project site, which can be deducted from our
invoices. deem
16. I/ we will submit all the required insurance policies as per the contract documents.

Signature of the contractor

HSSE Guidelines Page 79 of 137


HSSE Guidelines Page 80 of 137

General Permit to Work (PTW) Permit No.:

Important Instructions:
1. A Permit to Work (PTW) is required daily for all other general trades including the following works as listed in Part A.
2. Application of PTW must be done at least one day in advance prior to work commencement. Applicants MUST satisfy
themselves that provision of all safety control measures comply with Legislative Requirements and C&W Minimum
Requirements prior to submission for approval.
3. This PTW is valid for the date of issuance from 08:00am to 06:00pm only unless stated otherwise.
4. For any form of hot works, application of a separate in-house HOT WORK PERMIT shall be completed and approved by
C&W prior to work commencement.
5. For works in confined/constrained areas, application of a separate CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT shall be
completed and approved by C&W prior to work commencement.
6. Applicant MUST ensure that a due diligence check and specific task training are conducted prior to application of PTW.
7. The approved PTW must be prominently and clearly displayed at the specific place of work for which it is applied.
8. Applicant MUST ensure the provision of full-time supervision for the works for which the PTW is applied.
9. C&W MUST be informed once works have been completed. The PTW is to be returned to C&W for sign-off and filed for
10. Applicant is fully responsible to ensure that the work areas are kept clean and safe after works completion.

Part A: Documents to be Submitted and Approved Prior to Work Commencement

Documents: Remarks: Date:

 Works that generate dust or noise

 Hoisting/Lifting operations (using tower / mobile crane, etc)
 Working in confined/constraint areas (AHU, basement, etc)
 Working at height exceeding 2.0 m
 Demolition work
 Working with hazardous or flammable materials (paint,
glue, solvent, etc)
Note: Attach Register of Hazardous
Substances/Chemicals, MSDS etc.
 Hot works (welding, gas cutting etc)
 Works involving Alteration/Removal of barricade or any fall
protection measures, etc.
 Excavation works (please attach excavation checklist)
Note: Excavation/Shoring/Confined Space Permit will
automatically expire after rain or in cases where the
work area is deemed unsafe. Re-assessment on the
site condition shall be carried out immediately and
approval shall be granted before any work re-
 Others (please

HSSE Guidelines Page 81 of 137

Part B: Application by Contractor

Name of Company: No. of Workers:

Location of Work: SWMS Approval Yes / No

Nature of Work: Task Training/Induction: Yes / No

Work Commencement Date: Work Completion Date:

Work Commencement Time: Work Completion Time:

Name/Signature/Designation of Applicant: Contact No.:


Name/Signature of Applicant Safety Contact No.:


We hereby confirm that:

 We have made all necessary checks to ensure that all safety controls/measures have been provided accordingly.
 All workers have been trained and inducted to the specific works including all associated risks.
 We will provide trained/competent full-time supervisory personnel for the above works.

Part C: Approval by C&W

Name/Signature of C&W Contact No.:

Safety Personnel-in-Charge:

Approval Status:  Approved  Not Approved  Pending


Name/Signature of C&W Contact No.:

Project or Construction
Manager: Date:

Approval Status:  Approved  Not Approved  Pending


Part D: Work Completion Sign-off

Name/Signature of Applicant Representative: Contact No.:


Name/Signature of C&W Representative: Contact No.:


HSSE Guidelines Page 82 of 137

Permit for Work at Height Permit No:
Section 1: Application
Contractor: Tel: Date:

Contractors Supervisor: Tel: Work Location:

Permit valid from: Date Time Permit valid until Date Time

A Safe Work Method Statement & JSA for the works must be attached to this permit. Should conditions of this permit, or the worksite, alter during the course
of the works, the permit and associated safe work method statement must be revised to accommodate the changes.

Brief description of the works:

Section 2: Safety Precaution Checklist. (by applicant)

Safety Precautions Safety Precautions
1. Scaffolding good construction, adequate strength with 50 cm Yes N/A 7 Ladder of sufficient height used, on top tied down and man Yes N/A
clear walk ways toe boards with wide screens. positioned at the foot at ladder.

2. Scaffold well secured with stair ways, hand rails. Should be Yes N/A 8. Yes N/A
Safety Footwear provided
wide enough to pass two persons at a time.
3 Maintained good Housekeeping at work location / site Yes N/A 9. Ladder placed at an angle of 70 to 75 degrees Yes N/A

4 Required clearance available from all overhead electrical Yes N/A 10 Area of work barricaded so no person can walk under the Yes N/A
cables ladder.

5 Strong material, well maintained ladders Yes N/A 11 Safety harness provided and worn Yes N/A

6. Ladder not placed against loose boxes materials, sound Yes N/A 12. Safety helmet, safety shoes and any other PPE required to Yes N/A
objects, near electrical installation. perform the job at hand is provided and worn properly
Circle Precautions above Yes = Applicable or N/A = Not Applicable
Other special precautions:

Section 3: Endorsement , Approval , Suspension & Completion of the Works

APPLICATION (to be completed by Contractor):

The works described and precautions outlined in the SWMS and this permit are (in my opinion) a safe condition for the work to be done, provided they are fully observed.

Contractor Construction Manager Signed: Date: Time:

Contractor Safety Officer Signed: Date: Time:

HSSE Guidelines Page 83 of 137

REVIEW HOLD POINT (to be completed by C&W ):

This permit has been reviewed by Cushman & Wakefield and the works may proceed based on compliance with the requirements outlined in this permit and the
respective Safe Work Method Statements, EH&S legislation, Codes and Specifications.

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

WORK SUSPENDED (to be completed by C&W )

All persons and equipment have been removed from the immediate work area and the task has been suspended. The following observations of unsatisfactory
compliance are noted for attention prior to undertaking further work:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

WORKS RECOMMENCED (to be completed by C&W ):

The observations noted in the panel above as unsatisfactory have been attended too and works may re-commence.:

C&W Construction Manager: Signed: Date: Time:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

WORK COMPLETED Contractor Notification & C&W acknowledgement.

All persons and equipment have been removed and work has been completed. The work area, and any plant or machinery * is / is not * fit for use (delete as appropriate).

Contractor Safety Officer: Signed: Date: Time:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

Hot Work Permit Permit no.:

1. Application must be submitted at least one day in advance prior to work commencement.
HSSE Guidelines Page 84 of 137
2. This permit is valid for the date of issuance from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm only. Unless stated and approved otherwise.

Part 1: Application – To Be Completed By Contractor

Name of Contractor

Name of Supervisor in Charge: Contact No.:

Location of work: (Sketch Attached)

Date of Hot Work: From: To: No. of workers:

Time of Hot Work: From: To:

Safety Requirements to be complied with Prior Application of hot work permit:

 Cordon off or barricade work area.  No incompatible work is allowed e.g. flushing of chemicals.
 Provide warning signs.  Provide fire blanket to protect equipment and 'live' chemical pipe.
 Improve lighting.  Attach sketch of hot work area to permit.
 Provide ventilation.  Mount gas cylinders on trolley.
 Standby fire watchman.  Area free from combustible materials and gases.
 Install flashback arrestors.  Fire extinguisher / fire hose standby.
 Clear away all combustible materials  Prevent sparks from burning materials nearby / below
 Hot Work Equipment & Fitting Checklist

Description of Work:

Requested by Contractor Project Manager / Construction Manager Requested by Contractor Safety Officer

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:

Date/Time: Date/Time:

Part 4: Approval By C&W Project or Construction

Part 2: Endorsement By C&W Project Engineer

 Acknowledge work to be done The above mentioned work is

 Checked and confirmed location of intended work APPROVED / NOT APPROVED

Name / Signature Date / Time Name / Signature Date / Time

Part 3: Checking By C&W Safety Representative

Other safety requirements:

Name: Signature: Date / Time:

Part 4: Notification Of Completion Of Work By Contractor

HSSE Guidelines Page 85 of 137

Name: Signature: Completion Time:

 Original copy to be displayed at work location near hot work / return to C&W Project Office at task completion.

All the appropriate signatures must be obtained before work starts.

HSSE Guidelines Page 86 of 137

Permit for Excavation Permit no.:

1. Application must be submitted at least one day in advance prior to work commencement.

2. This permit is valid for the date of issuance from 08:00 am to 06:00 pm only. Unless specified otherwise by the approver.

Part 1: Application – To Be Completed By Contractor

Work Performed by: (name of Contractor)

Name of Supervisor in Charge: Contact No.:

Location of work: (Sketch Attached)

Date of Excavation: From: To: No. of workers:

Time of Excavation From: To:

Safety Requirements to be complied with prior to application of Excavation permit:

 Copies of latest cable detection plan available & checked.  Shoring or slope to be provided for excavation
>1.5meter deep.
 Cable detection equipment required for the job.
 Railing barricade & signage to be provided for
 Checked for underground services prior to excavation.
excavation area.
 Trial holes done before excavation.
 P.E designs available for excavation>4meter.
 Workers have proper P.P.E /tools for the job.
 Attach sketch of excavated area to permit.
 Workers briefed on the RA/SWM.
 Certified excavator operator performing the job.
 Proper access/egress to be provided for excavation area.
 Banksman/watchman to be provided for excavator.

 Excavation Checklist

Description of Work:

Requested by Contractor Project Manager / Construction Manager Requested by Contractor Safety Officer

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:

Date/Time: Date/Time:

Part 4: Approval By C&W Project/Construction

Part 2: Endorsement By C&W Project Engineer

 Acknowledge work to be done The above mentioned work is

 Checked and confirmed location of intended work APPROVED / NOT APPROVED

Name / Signature Date / Time Name / Signature Date / Time

Part 3: Compliance Inspection By C&W Safety or Supervisory Personnel

HSSE Guidelines Page 87 of 137

Other safety requirements:

Date /
Name: Signature:

 Original copy to be displayed at work location for which this Permit is applied / return to C&W Project Office after work.

All the appropriate signatures must be obtained before work starts.

HSSE Guidelines Page 88 of 137

Permit for Lifting Operation(s) Permit No.: Form 2.5

1. Applicable to all lifting load which exceed more than 100 kg

2. Permit must be applied one day in advance.

Stage 1: Application by Foreman/Supervisor of Main/Sub-contractor undertaking the job

Project Name:

Location of Work:

Nature of Work:

Work Duration: Commencement Date/Time: Completion Date/Time:

Name of Contractor: Contact No:

Type of Crane:

Crane Reg. No.:

Lifting Supervisor:

Crane Operator:

Signalman/Rigger 1:

Signalman/Rigger 2:

Stage 2: Checklist Verification

S/No. Description Yes No

1. Does the crane have a valid test certificate? (submit a duplicate copy)

2. Does the crane operator have a valid lifting certificate/license?

3. Are two way radios to be utilized?

4. Is the ground condition sound for lifting?

5. If the answer for above is NO, then is steel plate of the right size provided? And other precaution?

6. Is the crane being parked properly with all outriggers fully extended, with wheel off the ground?

7. Is proper foot padding provided?

8. Is all lifting gear/slings required of sufficient capacity and shall be checked for wear & tear prior to

9. Is all lifting gear/slings tagged for use with current certificates available to be viewed onsite if

HSSE Guidelines Page 89 of 137

10. Have all D-shackle been checked for the required rating, wear and tear?

11. Are test certificates available to be viewed onsite for all D-shackles required to perform the lift?

12. Will the lifting area been barricaded?

13. Is it necessary and will the slew area of the crane be barricaded?

13. Have everyone on site affected by the lifting operation been informed?

Stage 3: Verification of Safety Provision by Site Supervisor (Subcontractor or crane company)

 *Plant & Lifting Gear Certification/Licenses checked by the  Daily Crane Plant & Equipment ) Checks
competent person supervising the lift? Completed

 Load radius and capacity checked for the operation? (To  Lifting Supervisor, riggers / signalmen appointed
attached layout plan) and briefed on permitted operations.

 Delivery vehicle loading / unloading position safe and stable?  Activities within the lift zone & path to be halted
(To indicate loading / unloading point in plan) or excluded during the lift operation

 Other safety provisions:

(): Precaution Required *Delete when not applicable

I, the Lifting Supervisor of this operation certify that all the above conditions have been checked and are ready for
lifting. I will ensure that all safety measures be observed and taken into consideration throughout the whole

Name & Signature of Contractor Construction Manager/Site Engineer Date

Name & Signature of Contractor Safety Officer Date

Stage 3: Approval to commence lifting operation by C&W Project Team

Name & Signature of C&W Construction Manager Date

Name & Signature of C&W Safety In-charge Date

HSSE Guidelines Page 90 of 137

Approval granted subject to above additional conditions Date

Part 5: Notification Of Completion Of Work By Contractor

Name: Signature: Completion Time:

 Original copy to be displayed at work location return to C&W Project Office at task completion.

HSSE Guidelines Page 91 of 137

Permit No.:
Permit to Erect/Alter/Dismantle Scaffold
1. This permit is applicable to all types and forms of scaffold or temporary structures.
2. Separate Permits are required for erection, modification or dismantling of scaffold of height > 2.0 m.
3. Each set of scaffold is required to have 2 copies of Permits - one for erection and one for dismantling.
4. All Permits are to be prominently displayed throughout the entire process of erection, modification or dismantling.
5. It is an offence to erect, modify or dismantle any scaffold on site without an approved Permit.

Part 1: Application by Person Undertaking the Job

Name of Contractor: Date of Erection / Dismantling:

Location of Scaffold: Height of Work Platform:

Type of Scaffold: *Stationary Tower Scaffold / Mobile Tower Scaffold / External Scaffold / Common
Platform / Falsework for Formwork or Table Form / Others (please specify):

Nature of Work: *Repair / Painting / Plastering / Roof Installation / Dismantling of Structure / Others
(please specify):

Commencement Date: Completion Date:

Person-in-Charge: Contact No.:

Part 2: Verification by User

I have checked and confirm that the following safety provisions are in place:

 Workers are provided with *full-body safety harnesses / anchorage points / lifelines / safety nets and that they are required
to use them at heights where they may fall more than 2.0 m.

 Proper safety access is in place and secured and that no one will fall more than 2.0 m when using the access.

 Metal scaffold > 30.0 metres or other scaffold > 15 metres in height is constructed in accordance to the design and drawing
of a Professional Engineer.

 Erected scaffold will be inspected by an approved scaffold supervisor within the immediate preceding 7 days and all
necessary rectification will be carried out promptly. *Warning notices / signboards stating maximum permissible weight &
maximum no. of persons permissible on each bay are prominently displayed.

 Working platforms are *secured / closely boarded / with sufficient width (500 mm) / with toe-boards / with top and mid rails.

Requested by Contractor Project Manager / Construction Manager Requested by Contractor Safety Officer

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:

Date/Time: Date/Time:

Part 2: Endorsement By C&W Project Engineer / Manager Part 4: Approval By C&W Safety Representative

HSSE Guidelines Page 92 of 137

I approve the above application based on the
 Acknowledge work to be done recommendation and precaution taken by the Scaffold
 Checked and confirmed location of intended work Foreman/Engineer

Name / Signature Date / Time Name / Signature Date / Time

HSSE Guidelines Page 93 of 137

Permit to Work – Risers & Lift Shafts Permit No:
Section 1: Application
Contractor: Tel: Date:

Contractors Supervisor: Tel: Work Location:

Permit valid
Date Time Permit valid until Date Time

A JSA for the works must be attached to this permit. Should conditions of this permit, or the worksite, alter during the course of the works, the
permit and associated safe work method statement must be revised to accommodate the changes.

Brief description of the works:

Plant & Equipment involved: Serviced/maintained (records available)

Yes  No 

Section 2: Safety Precaution Checklist. (by applicant)

Safety Precautions Safety Precautions
Approvals to enter shaft. 11. Emergency procedures developed with workers inducted.
1. Property/Facilities Management. Yes N/A  Emergency contact details posted at work Yes N/A
2. Shaft Access System applies Yes N/A locations Yes N/A
 Minimum of 2 persons on job site Yes N/A
Manufacturers / suppliers installation, operation, Yes N/A
and maintenance instructions & manuals  Rescue and recovery procedures for people
available on site. supported by a safety harness

Safe means of access / egress from each place Yes N/A 12. Communication:
of work.  Emergency numbers posted at working location Yes N/A
Safe working area established - prevent ingress by Yes N/A and communication location (i.e. intercom/call point)
persons or materials (barriers, signs, exclusion  Communication device(s) suitable for site Yes N/A
zones, spotter etc.) conditions and tested prior to permit issue
Yes N/A
Protective decking installed for works on more Yes N/A  Agreed means of transmitting and receiving
than one levels/floor
 Appropriate audible device that operates when Yes N/A
Equipment constructed to an approved design. Yes N/A the lift is moving.
Equipment is available on site for the works to be
Adequate lighting for safe access/egress and Yes N/A 13. Has all appropriate PPE been checked and made available.
safe working conditions (inc. emergency lighting)  Full body harness, lanyards Yes N/A
Adequate ventilation provided (natural / forced) Yes N/A  Rated anchor point Yes N/A
or controls implemented to prevent against  Respiratory protection Yes N/A
hazardous atmosphere (e.g. dust, mist, vapors,
fumes etc)  Noise / Hearing Yes N/A
 Others as required by SWMS: Yes N/A
Openings appropriately enclosed (inc. Full height Yes N/A
gates or fixed covers at all landings.

Where required workers hold relevant tickets e.g. Yes N/A 14. Safe method of work reviewed and workers inducted. Yes N/A
fitters, riggers, lifting supervisors etc Shaft Access Systems (if applicable) –workers inducted. Yes N/A
Circle Precautions above Yes = Applicable or N/A = Not Applicable
Other special precautions:

HSSE Guidelines Page 94 of 137

Section 3: Endorsement , Approval , Suspension & Completion of the Works

APPLICATION (to be completed by Contractor):

The works described and precautions outlined in the SWMS and this permit is (in my opinion) a safe condition for the work to be done, provided they are fully

Contractor Construction Manager: Signed: Date: Time:

Contractor Safety Officer: Signed: Date: Time:

WORKS RECOMMENCED (to be completed by C&W ):

The observations noted in the panel above as unsatisfactory have been attended too and works may re-commence.:

C&W Construction Manager: Signed: Date: Time:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date; Time:

WORK SUSPENDED (to be completed by C&W )

All persons and equipment have been removed from the immediate work area and the task has been suspended. The following observations of unsatisfactory
compliance are noted for attention prior to undertaking further work:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

WORK COMPLETED contractor Notification & C&W acknowledgement.

All persons and equipment have been removed and work has been completed. The work area, and any plant or machinery * is / is not * fit for use (delete as

Contractor Safety officer Signed: Date: Time:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

Confined Space Entry Work Permit Permit No:

HSSE Guidelines Page 95 of 137

Section 1: Application
Contractor: Tel: Date:

Contractors Supervisor: Tel: Work Location:

Permit valid from: Date Time Permit valid until Date Time

A Safe Work Method Statement & JSA for the works must be attached to this permit. Should conditions of this permit, or the worksite, alter during the course
of the works, the permit and associated safe work method statement must be revised to accommodate the changes.
Brief description of the works:

Plant & Equipment involved:

Serviced/maintained (records available)
Yes  No 

Section 2: Safety Precaution Checklist (by applicant)

Safety Precautions Safety Precautions
1 Supervision, permit application, and works are undertaken by Yes N/A 7. Rescue Emergency procedures in place, designated person, Yes N/A
. competent persons (ticketed where required). BA equipment, people trained on standby
2 Process where personnel working or entering the space can Yes N/A 8. Workers understand emergency procedures and are provided Yes N/A
. be accounted for. with appropriate means of communication.
3 The below have been checked & isolated where required: 9. For hot works (further hot works permit will be required) Yes N/A
.  Pipelines (water, steam, gas, fuel, etc) Yes N/A  Area clean and free of combustible materials (within Yes N/A
 Electrical Services identified, isolated and danger tagged Yes N/A 15m).
 Mechanical plant or equipment Yes N/A  Drains, pits & depressions checked, isolated and sealed Yes N/A
 Harmful materials (dusts / fumes / gases / chemicals) Yes N/A  Measures to control sparks/slag implemented Yes N/A
 Isolation/danger/lock-out tags in place on any plant Yes N/A  Appropriate fire fighting equipment checked and provided Yes N/A
 Flash back arrestors fitted, power leads and hoses off the Yes N/A
ground, no sharp edges, bottles restrained
4 Atmospheric gas checked and verified safe prior to entry / 10. Has all appropriate PPE been checked and made available.
. works (oxygen rich or deficient & other contaminants listed  Supplied-air respirators Yes N/A
Yes N/A  Safety belt, harness, safety line or lifeline / rescue line Yes N/A
 (Oxygen) ………………………………………………..
Yes N/A  Air purifying respiratory protective device Yes N/A
 ( ) …..…………………….…..
Yes N/A  Others as required by SWMS:……………………………. Yes N/A
 ( ) ……..……………………...
Yes N/A
 ( ) …….……………..………..
5 Confined space properly ventilated at all times Yes N/A 11. Materials, equipment used for work in the confined space Yes N/A
. checked and verified for use.

6 Works reviewed for compatibility with confined space. Yes N/A 12. Intrinsically safe plant and equipment checked and verified Yes N/A

Circle Precautions above Yes = Applicable or N/A = Not Applicable

Other special precautions:

Section 3: Endorsement , Approval , Suspension & Completion of the Works

HSSE Guidelines Page 96 of 137

APPLICATION (to be completed by Subcontractor):

The works described and precautions outlined in the SWMS and this permit is (in my opinion) a safe condition for the work to be done, provided they are fully observed.

Contractor Construction Manager/Engineer Signed: Date: Time:

Contractor Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

REVIEW HOLD POINT (to be completed by C&W ):

This permit has been reviewed by Cushman & Wakefield and the works may proceed based on compliance with the requirements outlined in this permit and the respective Safe
Work Method Statements, EH&S legislation, Codes and Specifications.

C&W Construction Manager Signed: Date: Time:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

WORK SUSPENDED (to be completed by C&W )

WORK SUSPENDED (to be completed by C&W)

All persons and equipment have been removed from the immediate work area/confined and the task has been suspended. The following observations of unsatisfactory compliance
are noted for attention prior to undertaking further work:

C&W construction Manager / Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

WORKS RECOMMENCED (to be completed by C&W ):

The observations noted in the panel above as unsatisfactory have been attended too and works may re-commence.:

C&W construction Manager / Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

WORK COMPLETED Subcontractor Notification & C&W acknowledgement.

All persons and equipment have been removed and work has been completed.

Contractor Safety Officer Signed: Date: Time:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

Permit to Work On or Adjacent to Energized Systems Permit No:

HSSE Guidelines Page 97 of 137

Section 1A: Category of Work pertaining to this Permit: (tick box to select which category of work)
Category 1: Live Work. Work directly on exposed live
parts in/on energized fittings, equipment and electrical Written approval from the Project Manager is required for this category of work prior to
boards. issue of Permit. Project Manager issues Permit.

This PTW is not required for testing and commissioning tasks using test instruments and
Category 2: Work near (<500mm,) but not directly on, exposed insulated probes (these works are subject to normal PtW approvals)
live parts in/on energized fittings, equipment
and electrical boards All other works in this category is subject to sign off by the C&W Project or Construction

Category 3: Equipment to be ISOLATED at external

Normal PtW approval process applies. THIS PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED.
source of supply.

Justification for Category 1 “LIVE “Works Contractors Justification.

Note: For Category 1 works the contractor must include a
justification for the necessity to carry out the works” live”. The
case for live work must justify that the safety risk to those
persons, processes, or services affected by a supply
interruption is higher than the risk to the electricians carrying
out the work live (e.g. equipment is supplied via a UPS and is
connected to a stand-by generator source).

Section 1B: Application

Contractor: Tel: Date:

Contractors Supervisor: Tel: Work Location:

Permit valid from: Date Time Permit valid until Date Time

A JSA and SWMS for the works must be attached to this permit. Should conditions of this permit, or the worksite, alter during the course of the works, the
permit and associated safe work method statement must be revised to accommodate the changes
SWMS must include:

Category 1 works: Work crew details incl., license requirements and training; Rescue and Resuscitation, and fire fighting provisions; screening/ shrouding arrangements; long
sleeved shirts, long trousers, rubber soled safety footwear, anti-flash safety glasses or shield, safety helmet; removal of all jewellery; 600V insulated tools in good condition;
elbow length 600V rubber gloves; list of Test Equipment required; step by step work procedure;

Category 2 works: LOTO arrangement for isolation points; and information as for Category 1 works;

Category 3 works: Standard LOTO Arrangements and isolation procedures.

Section 2: Safety Precautions On-site Checklist: To be completed at work location immediately prior to commencement of work.
Category 1 Works
Safety Precautions Safety Precautions
1 SWMS Approved and copy at work location 4 Isolations and LOTO complete.

2 Tool Box Talk and Work Party sign off complete as per 5 Testing for isolation complete. ( Test on known live source
SWMS –Test for effective isolation of equipment – Retest testing
instrument on known live source.)
3 All PPE and Equipment listed on SWMS present and correct. 6 Free and clear access and working Space

Other special precautions:

HSSE Guidelines Page 98 of 137

Section 3: Endorsement , Approval , Suspension & Completion of the Works

APPLICATION (to be completed by Subcontractor):

The works described and precautions outlined in the SWMS and this permit are (in my opinion) a safe condition for the work to be done, provided they are fully observed.

Contractor Electrical Engineer Signed: Date: Time:

Contractor Safety officer Signed: Date: Time:

REVIEW HOLD POINT (to be completed by C&W ):


This permit has been reviewed by Cushman & Wakefield and the works may proceed based on compliance with the requirements outlined in this permit and the respective Safe
Work Method Statements, EH&S legislation, Codes and Specifications.

C&W Services Manager Signed: Date: Time:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

WORK SUSPENDED (to be completed by C&W )

All persons and equipment have been removed from the immediate work area and the task has been suspended. The following observations of unsatisfactory compliance are
noted for attention prior to undertaking further work:

C&W Services Manager Signed: Date: Time:

WORKS RECOMMENCED (to be completed by C&W ):

The observations noted in the panel above as unsatisfactory have been attended too and works may re-commence.:

C&W Services Manager Signed: Date: Time:

WORK COMPLETED Subcontractor Notification & C&W acknowledgement.

All persons and equipment have been removed and work has been completed. The work area, and any plant or machinery * is / is not * fit for use (delete as appropriate).

Contractor Safety Officer Signed: Date: Time:

C&W Safety Representative Signed: Date: Time:

Permit for Night Work Permit no.:

1. A Permit for Out of Normal Hours Work is required for all trades regardless of risk level, workforce size, etc. for
works to be carried out between 06:00pm and 08:00am the following day.

HSSE Guidelines Page 99 of 137

2. Application for Permit for Out of Hours Work shall be separately submitted for each individual/specific task.
3. Application of Permit for Out of Hours Work must be submitted at least 4 hours in advance prior to the end of shift
unless approved otherwise by the C&W representative.
4. The approved Permit for Out of Hours Work must be held for inspection by the holder at the task location.
5. This permit does not replace any other permit required to execute the task.
6. Applicant is fully responsible to ensure that the work areas are kept clean and safe after works completion.

Part A: Application Details

Name of Contractor

Trade Description: No. of Workers:

Work Duration: Commencement Date/Time: Completion Date/Time:

Contractor Construction Contact No.:

manager / Engineer Name /
Signature Date:

Contractor Safety Officer Contact No.:


Nature / Type of work (please be specific):

Location of work (please attach drawings):

What are the risks / hazards involved in your work (please be specific)?

Plant, equipment, tools, chemicals, materials, etc. used for the work (please be specific):

Does the task require Noisy Works:

Is full time supervision provided : State name of supervisor at the workface

Other permits required for the works:

HSSE Guidelines Page 100 of 137

Part B: Approval by C&W Representative

Endorsement By C&W Project Engineer Approval By C&W Safety Lead

 Acknowledge work to be done The above mentioned work is

 Checked and confirmed location of intended work APPROVED / NOT APPROVED

Name / Signature Date / Time Name / Signature Date / Time

Part C: Additional Permit Conditions or Instructions by C&W Representative

Emergency vehicle available: Yes / No

Electrician available: Yes / No

Sl.No Category of Workforce No. of workforce

Part D: Notification Of Completion Of Work By Contractor

Name: Signature: Completion Time:

 Original copy to be displayed at work location return to C&W Project Office at task completion.

HSSE Guidelines Page 101 of 137



Project: _________________________________ Location: ______________________

Name of Contractor: _____________________________________________________
Name of Contractor Employee: ______________ Age: _________ Sex: ____________
HSSE Guidelines Page 102 of 137
Incident Date: __________ Incident Time: _________ Incident Location: ____________
Injuries: _______________________________________________________________
Treated by: ________________________ Treated at: ___________________________
Type of Incident (First aid/ Recordable/ Lost Work day/ Fatal/ Near Miss): ___________
Task assigned to person at the time of incident: ________________________________

Description of the Incident: ________________________________________________


Primary Root cause for the Incident: _________________________________________


Contributory factors: _____________________________________________________


Date when latest safety training was given to employee: _________________________

Subject of training: ____________________ Given by: __________________________
Was a JHA required/ submitted for this task: ___________________________
Is there a standard procedure developed to perform this task? ____________________
If yes, was it reviewed with the worker and when? ______________________________

Preventive measures proposed to avoid recurrence in future: _____________________


Contractor Site In-Charge Contractor Safety In-Charge


Project Name :
Date :
Name of the Contractors / Sub-contractor :

HSSE Guidelines Page 103 of 137

No. of Engineers :
No. of Supervisors :
Skilled workers :
Unskilled workers :
Safety orientation given by :

Following points have been detailed and understood by us.

General Safety Rule Electrical Safety
Personal Protective Equipment Hot work and Gas cutting
Housekeeping and Waste disposal Lifting Practices
Working at height Fire Prevention and Protection
Scaffolding and ladders First aid and accident reporting, assemble point.

Sl.No. Name Age / Sex Designation Signature Id Card No.

Name & Signature of the Safety Officer


Project Name Date of tool box talk

HSSE Guidelines Page 104 of 137

Contractor Name Tool Box talk given by

Topic of the tool box talk:

No. of workmen participated:

Sl.No. Name Designation Id Card No. Signature

Training given by Witnessed by

Signature Signature


(To be filled and submitted by contractor)

Project: _______________________________ Report No: ______ Date: ___________

Name of Contractor: _____________________ Trade: __________________________

HSSE Guidelines Page 105 of 137

Sl# Description Status
1 No. of Man-hours worked over last month
2 Cumulative Man-hours worked till date
3 No. of Reportable Accidents on project
4 No. of Near Misses
5 No. of Lost Work Day (LWD) cases
6 No. of Safety Pep talks conducted
7 Infraction Notices/ Safety Inspection Reports received
8 Infraction Notices/ Safety Inspection Reports closed
9 No. of Fire extinguishers available at site (all types)
a Foam Type (Last serviced on ________)
b CO2 Type (Last refilled on __________)
c Others
10 No. of Training sessions conducted
a Fire fighting training
b First Aid training
c PPE Usage training
d Others
11 Safety Permits Issued
12 No. of Safety sign boards displayed at site
13 Housekeeping practices (Excellent/ V Good/ Good/ Average/ Poor)
14 No. of times Equipment, Machinery and Tools inspected
15 Physical condition of the PPE in usage (Good/ Average/ Poor)
16 License and vehicle documents available (if applicable)
17 Percentage compliance on the usage of PPE by workers

Submitted by:
Contractor Safety Representative/ Site In-Charge

C&W Safety Representative Comments (if any):


Reviewed by:
C&W Safety Representative

Copy to: C&W Project Manager



Sl# Contractor Up to Last Man-hours Cumulative Man-

report this report hours

HSSE Guidelines Page 106 of 137

Grand Total:


Sl# Description Up to Last This Cumulative Remarks

report report
1 Near Misses
2 Recordable Incidents
3 Lost Work Day cases


Sl# Safety inspection No. of non- No. of Open non- Remarks

conducted on conformances conformances


Sl# Safety Audit Conducted on Safety Rating/ Score

Average Safety Score:


C&W HSSE representative to indicate whether Excellent/ V Good/ Good/ Average/ Poor, as the
over job site safety and compliance with HSSE Standards and also provide comments (if any).

Attachments: Monthly HSSE statistics report


Project: _______________________Location: ______________Date: ____________

HSSE Guidelines Page 107 of 137

Penalty notice issued to: ________________________________________________

Contractor Site In-charge: _______________________________________________

Contractor Safety representative: _________________________________________

Description of Non-compliance: __________________________________________




Location of non-compliance: _____________________________________________

Have there been similar non-compliances in the past? ________________________

Have any Safety Infraction Notices been issued in the past? If yes, provide details



S. Degree of Type of violation Penalty for No. of Penalty

No. violation violation violations Amount

Total Penalty Amount

Signature of the C&W Safety Officer/ representative generating this notice

Billing department to proceed with deduction of INR __________ as penalty amount from
contractor’s next running bill, for non-compliance with HSSE guidelines, duly accepted by
contractor as part of tender document as well as through acceptance on HSSE Declaration form.

Signatures of C&W Project Manager

CC to: Client Project Manager


Project: ____________________________Report No.: ________ Date: ___________

HSSE Guidelines Page 108 of 137

Name of Contractor: ____________________________________________________

Number of non-conformities observed (as per details below): ____________________

Details of Non-Conformities observed:

The following non-conformances with reference to project HSSE guidelines were observed during
routine HSSE round of the project site;

Sl. # Description of non-conformity Target date


Please take serious note of the above listed non-conformities and initiate corrective action
immediately, so as to remove the non-conformity by the Target dates indicated above, failing which
C&W shall proceed with imposition of penalty for the observed non-conformities.

C&W Safety Representative

Contractor’s Corrective Action Response (To be filled by contractor):

All the above listed non-conformities have been rectified. The work is now being executed in
compliance with HSSE guidelines and applicable Safety Standards. The disposition of the non-
conformances is listed as under;

Sl# Disposition Description Status


Contractor’s Site In-Charge Contractor’s Safety Representative

Dated: ___________



HSSE Guidelines Page 109 of 137

Sl. No………………… Date…………………
General information ( To be Completed by Safety officer )
Contractor Name :

Project Name :

On site contractor Representative / Supervisor / Safety

Location of Infraction :

Description of Infraction:

Observed By : Date : Time :

Status of Project : Project Stopped until correction

Project Continuing W/infraction

Corrective Actions Required by ( Date/time)

CORRECTIVE ACTION ( To be Completed by the Contractor )

Corrective Action :

Corrective Action Performed by :

Date / time :
Name : Signature :
Return to M/s Cushman & Wakefield
CORRECTIVE ACTION FOLLOW UP ( To be completed by Cushman & Wakefield )

Received / Certified By : C & W

Date :

Remarks :

Form XI
[See rule 223(c)]

HSSE Guidelines Page 110 of 137


Name: Age: Sex: Male/Female

Father’s Name: Date of Birth:
Address: Identification Marks:

Past Medical /Surgical/Hospitalization History:

DM, HT, BA, TB, IHD, Epilepsy, Psychiatry, illness:

H-O Allergies
General Examination:
Random CBG
External deformity if any:
Systemic examination

I hereby certify that I have personally examined (name)----------------------------------------- Son/

daughter/ Wife of………………………………………. residing at
……………………………………………… who is desirous of being employed in building and
construction work and that his/ her age as nearly as can be ascertained from my examination.

Signature/ Left hand thumb Signature with

Impression of Building Worker Date: Medical Officer

HSSE Guidelines Page 111 of 137




Project Name Date of Inspection

HSSE Guidelines Page 112 of 137

Contractor Name Scaffolding No.
Location Name of Inspector

Sl# Description Observation Remarks

Yes/No/ NA
1 Does the site has a practice of providing suitable and
sufficient scaffolds so that the work could be safely done at
a height?
2 Is site engaging suitable/ properly trained/ experienced
workmen for constructing / dismantling / shifting scaffolding
3 Are scaffold platforms designed / constructed with a
minimum safety factor of four?
4 Is there a safe means of access to the working platform?
5 Are scaffold structures on a solid base avoiding pavements&
manhole covers?
6 Is the scaffolding structure free from excavation pit / proper
distance is maintained?
7 Is verticality of the structure being properly maintained?
8 Are ties for scaffold structure properly maintained (vertical
as well as horizontal position)?
9 Is there a provision of toe boards/guard rails and are they
10 Whether planks used for working platforms are wooden
11 If wooden plank, whether thickness is maintained as per
standard or not, viz.
a. For 1.5 M span -1.5” thick
b. For 2.6 M span -2.0” thick
12 Is there a system of inspecting scaffolds by a competent
person at least once a week and also after every prolonged
interruption in the work?
13 Is there a system of inspecting materials of scaffolds on
each occasion before erection?
14 Is there a system of inspecting scaffolds at every spell of
bad weather/ heavy wind condition?
15 Is over hang of the working platform restricted to less than
50 mm/ four times the thickness of the board?
16 Is their awareness among workmen on the importance of
load distribution on a given working platform?
17 Is there a check for the condition and correct usage of
fittings for scaffolds?
18 Is the width of a working platform properly maintained
according to usage, viz.
a) Minimum 600 mm for footing and not for deposit of
b) Minimum 800 mm for footing and deposit of materials.
c) Minimum 1050 mm when used for heavier loads or to
HSSE Guidelines Page 113 of 137
support higher platforms.
19 Are all the materials stored on the platforms properly
secured or not?
20 Whether planks are tied using proper binding wires?
21 Are openings in working platform kept safely covered /
22 Are the scaffolds being erected on firm and level surface?
23 Does the height of mobile scaffolds exceed four times the
smaller base dimension?
24 Are all materials stacked on platform properly secured while
in motion?
25 Is the safety rule:
Not to ride on a scaffold while in motion, violated.
26 Is there a system of checking for obstructions before the
tower is moved?
27 Are suitable / correct lifting tackles (wire rope/ chains/
shackles) selected for suspension & used?
28 Are all the suspension gears correctly spaced and
29 Is there a system of using manila rope/coir rope for
suspension at any place where such rope would be liable to
damage by heat/flames/sharp edges etc.
30 Are all precautionary measures taken to prevent contact
between arc welding apparatus and suspension ropes?
31 Is there a provision of guardrails and toe boards?
32 Is hanging platform secured?
33 Is there a provision of anchoring safety belts-lanyards to be
tied to guy ropes?

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature


CHECKLIST "cid:image001.png@01D
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*

HSSE Guidelines Page 114 of 137

17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Type of ladder
Identification No. Location

HSSE Guidelines Page 115 of 137


1 Are ladders the right means of access for the job?        

2 Are all ladders in good condition?        

Are the secured to prevent them slipping sideways
3 or outwards?        
Do ladders rise to a sufficient height? Above their
4 landing place? If not there hand hold available?        
Are the ladder positioned so that used don't have
5 over step or climb over obstacles to work?        

Does the ladder rest against a solid surface and not

on fragile or insecure materials?

Whether the position at an angel 1:4?


Whether it is adequately secured?

Is the space between the rungs are even and
9 uniform?        
Whether any bamboo ladders are used by
Whether the metal ladders are painted by any
11 subcontractor?        

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature


INSPECTION CHECKLIST "cid:image001.png@01D
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
HSSE Guidelines Page 116 of 137
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*
17871.C7308B60" \*

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Location

Sl.No. Check Points Status

Yes No N/A
1 Is a stock register for gas cylinders being maintained?
2 Do the gas cylinders follow the colour codes?
Are the gas cylinders inspected by stores person while
3 taking into the plant?
4 Are they stored in proper manner? (With Identification)
HSSE Guidelines Page 117 of 137
5 Are cylinders fitted with caps?
6 Are Full & Empty gas cylinders stored separately?
7 Are all gas cylinders stored in vertical condition?
8 All gas cylinders stored in a proper ventilated area?
9 Are non-compatible cylinders stored separately?
10 Are gas cylinders in damaged condition?
Are proper railings was provided for all types of gas
11 cylinders?
Are gas cylinders are secured with the chain sling to avoid
12 to fall?
Sinage’s provided for EMPTY & FULL gas cylinder storage
13 area?
No smoking sign & No naked flame sign provided near the
14 storage area?
15 Are they transported on trolleys?
16 Are cylinders storage area access free from obstacles?
Oil or lubricant is not used on valve or other fittings of the
17 compressed gas cylinder?
18 Provision of the fire extinguisher near gas storage area?

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature



Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Type of electrical board
Location Identification No.

Sl. Description Yes No Action Required

A. Electrical Engineer / Supervisor available at site
B. Licensed Electrician at site
C. Power Panel
1. Check operation of each feeder
2. Fuses of proper rating present
HSSE Guidelines Page 118 of 137
3. Tightening of Bass Bar made
4. Tightening of earth connection checked
5. Cleaning of panel
6. Spare holes / opening closed
7. DCP / CO2 fire extinguisher installed / checked
D. Distribution panel
1. Fuse rating of incoming & out going feeder
checked / recorded ok
2. Operation of each feeder switch checked /
recorded ok
3. Tightening of earth connection to DB and all
switches checked.
4. Tightening of power cable of incoming and
outgoing feeders checked
5. Operation of ELCB checked and recorded
6. Spare holes / opening closed
7. Proper outgoing of DBs.
E. Cables
1. All flexible cables and cables joints are above
ground levels.
2. Cable markers are in proper position.
3. Tightening of cable connection at panel and
equipment checked.
4. Safety tags placed for underground cables.
5. Cables used are corrected ratted
F. Ear thing
1. Ear thing connection with all electrical equipments
2. Tightening of ear thing checked.
3. Ear thing resistance value checked and recorded.
G. Lighting
1. Power connection to fixtures with 3 core flexible
wire made.
2. Condition of protective glass covers for halogens in
place / in good condition.
3. Rigid frame work of lighting fixture pole at site.
4. Protective insulation of cables is ok.
H. Miscellaneous
1. Rain protection for power panel / DBs / plug
sockets, welding machine and DG set arranged.
2. Ease access to all electrical power panels, DBs,
welding machines and DG sets at site.
3. Switch operation for welding machine in right order.
HSSE Guidelines Page 119 of 137
4. Welding cables and electrical cables are separately
5. Danger board / caution notice displayed.
6. Use of good and insulated tools checked and

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature



Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Type of electrical board
Location Identification No.

S. Description OK/ Remarks

No Not OK
1 Condition of steel tubes
2 Condition of the Base
3 Bracing (diagonal/horizontal)
4 Anchorage with structure
5 Any obstructions to the movement of rope?
1 Condition of brakes and accessories
HSSE Guidelines Page 120 of 137
2 Functioning of brake with load
3 Oil level and condition
4 Gear box and motor
5 Coupling bolts and nuts
6 Condition of wire rope
7 Anchorage of drum and wire rope
8 Pawl arrangement for locking
9 Condition of diversion pulleys, idlers pulleys and fleet angle
10 Limit Switches
11 Electrical connection, earthing and insulation
1 Area Barricaded
2 Stability
3 Sagging
4 Any Over loading
5 Hand railing
6 Staging
1 Is the person authorized/experienced to Operate?
2 Does the person at unloading point use Safety belt?
3 Is the bucket overloaded?
4 Is the Signaling Man present?
5 Is the work permit Obtained?

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature

Client Logo

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Month
Obstruction Free
Servicing Labels

Pressure gauge

Missing / not in place

Seal (Broken?)

Hose \ Horn


Sl Identification
.No No:

HSSE Guidelines Page 121 of 137

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature

Client Logo

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Month


01 The Condition of Diesel Generator is good
02 Safety guards to provide for all movable parts?
03 Are removed all flammable materials from D.G.
04 Is any oil leakage in D.G. Set?
05 Is well ventilation in D.G. room?
06 Is clear approach to D.G. room?
07 Are provided rain protected shelter?
08 Are displayed caution boards?
09 Sufficient number of fire extinguishers
HSSE Guidelines Page 122 of 137
10 Are provided fire buckets?
11 Are provided ear muff to operator?
12 Are pollution tested?
13 Is any gas storage near D.G. room?
14 Is any oil storage near D.G. room?
15 Is all power cables in good condition?
16 Is all power cables laid above 10” height?
17 Is provide suitable MCB in D.G. room?
18 Is provide earthing to D.G.set?

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature

Client Logo

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Machine’s Model / Type
Identification No. Type of Tool

Sl.No. DESCRIPTION Yes No Remarks

Are grinders, saws and similar equipment provided with
1 appropriate safety guards?      
Are power tools used with the correct shield, guard, or
2 Attachment, recommended by the manufacturer?      
Are portable circular saws equipped with guards above
and below the base shoe? Are circular saw guards
checked to assure they are not wedged up, thus leaving
3 the lower portion of the blade unguarded?      
Are rotating or moving parts of equipment guarded to prevent
4 physical contact?      
5 Are all cord-connected, electrically operated tools and      
equipment effectively grounded or of the approved

HSSE Guidelines Page 123 of 137

double insulated type?
Are effective guards in place over belts, pulleys,
chains, sprockets, on equipment such as concrete
6 mixers, and air compressors?      
Are portable fans provided with full guards or screens having
7 openings ½ inch or less?      
Is hoisting equipment available and used for lifting
heavy objects, and are hoist ratings and characteristics
8 appropriate for the task?      
Are ground-fault circuit interrupters provided on all
temporary electrical 15 and 20 ampere circuits, used
9 during periods of construction?      
Are pneumatic and hydraulic hoses on power
operated tools checked regularly for
10 deterioration or damage?      

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature


Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Type of Crane
Crane Operator Make
1.1 Paint
1.2 Cab
1.3 Windscreen
1.4 Wiper
1.5 Engine Instruments Functioning
2.0 BOOM
2.1 Extent Boom (Telescoping booms)
2.2 Boom Up
2.3 Swing
2.4 Hook Condition

HSSE Guidelines Page 124 of 137

2.5 Safety Latch
3.1 Angle Indicator
3.2 Load Indicator
3.3 Radius Chart
4.1 Brake Lights
4.2 Brake Fluid
4.3 Parking Brake
4.4 Hoists brakes
5.1 Shifting
5.2 Slipping
5.3 Noisy
5.4 Oil Level Condition
6.1 R.F
6.2 L.F
6.3 Front Axle Right (Inner, Outer) Tyre
6.4 Front Axle Left (Inner, Outer) Tyre
6.5 Rear Axle Right (Inner, Outer) Tyre
6.6 Rear Axle Left (Inner, Outer) Tyre
7.1 R.F
7.2 L.F
7.3 R.R
7.4 L.R
8.1 Greased
8.2 Checked For Wear
Ropes Lying On Sheaves And correctly
On Drums
9.1 Level and Condition
10.1 Head lights
10.2 Signal lights
12.1 Tested and Functioning
HSSE Guidelines Page 125 of 137
13.1 Load Cell working
13.2 Limit Switches
13.3 Emergency Stop Tested
14.1 Serviced
14.2 Any Leaks
15.1 Slack Wear On Track Shoes
15.2 Excessive Wear On Track Shoes
15.3 Condition Of Retaining Bolts
15.4 Condition Of Track Cogs
Checked By Reviewed By

Contractor Representative C&W Representative


Client Logo INSPECTION CHECKLIST "cid:image001.png@01D17871.C7
308B60" \*
308B60" \*
308B60" \*
308B60" \*
308B60" \*
308B60" \*
308B60" \*

HSSE Guidelines Page 126 of 137

308B60" \*
308B60" \*
308B60" \*
308B60" \*

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Identification No.
Location Month

Sl.No. Check Points Yes No N/A
1 Are only authorized and trained personnel permitted to use
welding, cutting, or brazing equipment?
2 Barricading to working area with Safety sign.
3 Employees must wear personnel protective equipment
according to PPE matrix.
(Eye protection helmets, hand shields, and goggles worn
during all arc welding or cutting operations)
4 Is ELCB protection provided?
5 Power cable good in condition without joint.
6 Proper lugs available
7 Electrical distribution panel is located in dry area.
8 Is a separate disconnecting switch or controller provided at or
near each welding machine?
9 Ear thing clamp provided.
10 Is the welding machine effectively grounded and the grounding
11 Is welding cable and other equipment kept clear of
passageways, ladders, and stairways?
12 Are combustible floors kept wet, covered by damp sand, or
protected by fire-resistant shields?
13 Is suitable fire extinguishing equipment available for immediate
HSSE Guidelines Page 127 of 137
14 Are work and electrode lead cables frequently inspected for
wear and damage and replaced when needed?
15 When the object to be welded cannot be moved and fire
hazards cannot be removed, are shields used to confine heat,
sparks, and slag? ( Fire blanket / metal sheet)
16 Identified Tag of OK or NOT OK from Electrician put.

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature

Client Logo

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Type of Scaffold
Location Scaffolding No.

Sl. No. Description of Check Point Yes No NA Remarks

1 Are all the heights protected with proper barricades and
2 Has proper walkway or foot board provided on top?

3 Are workers using fall protection belts / full body harness

where it is not possible to provide railing?
4 Is ladder being provided for proper access?

5 Is ladder being secured from top and bottom and protrude

at least 1 mtr. From the point of landing?
6 Is everyone instructed for using the ladders one at a
7 Is the ladder provided and placed at safe angle (in the
ratio of 1:4)?
8 Are the platform, ladders and landings strong enough

HSSE Guidelines Page 128 of 137

9 Is the platform / landing made with factor of safety, of
sound materials and good design, clean and well kept
tied up?

Inspected By Reviewed By
Contractor Name PMC
Signature Signature

Client Logo

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Type of Scaffold
Location Scaffolding No.

Sl Description Observation Remarks

# Yes/No/ NA
1 Vertical members of the frames are secured by lateral
2 Bracing squares and aligns the frames
3 All brace connections are secured
4 The scaffold has the correct tube and clamp or frame for its
specific type
5 Casters are locked during use
6 Force is applied as close to the bottom as possible when
manually moving the scaffold
7 Casters are pinned into the frames and provided with
adjustment screws
8 Scaffold is stabilized to prevent tipping during movement
9 Employees are prohibited from riding on rolling towers when
they are being moved or moving them from the top of the

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature

HSSE Guidelines Page 129 of 137

Client Logo INSPECTION CHECKLIST "cid:image001.png@01D17871.C7308

HSSE Guidelines Page 130 of 137

Project Name Date of Inspection
Contractor Name Vehicle Number
Location Type of Vehicle


01 Vehicle History
1. Is valid fitness certificate available?
2. Is valid insurance available?
3. Is registration certificate available with
02 License number of driver and validity
03 Is horn in working condition?
04 Is reverse horn in working condition?
05 Are all lights in working condition?
06 Are all indicators in working condition?
07 Condition of tyres pressure
08 Are provided the Door Locks?
09 Are provided the Seat belt?
10 Are lighting available in driver cabin?
11 Is Fire extinguisher available in cabin?
12 Is first aid kit available in cabin?
13 Are all drivers attended the safety induction

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature


Client Logo EXCVATION "cid:image001.png@01D17871.C7308

HSSE Guidelines Page 131 of 137


Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Vehicle Number
Location Type of Vehicle

Sl. No. Description of Check Point Yes No NA Remarks

1 Is an adequate supply of timber, trench sheets props of the
supporting material made available before excavation work
2 Is this material strong enough to support the sides?

3 Is a safe method used for putting the support i.e. one that
does not rely on people working within an unsupported
4 If the sides of the excavation are sloped back or battered. Is
the angle of batter sufficient to prevent collapse?
5 Id there safe access to the excavation?

HSSE Guidelines Page 132 of 137

6 Are there guard rails or other equivalent protection to stop
people falling in?
7 Are properly secured stop blocks provide to prevent tripping
vehicles falling in?
8 Does the excavation affect the stability of neighboring
9 Are materials, soil or plant stored away from the edge of the
excavating or order reducing the likelihood of a collapse of
the side?
10 Is the excavation inspected by a competent person at start
of every shift?
11 Has the risk of manual handling injuries been assessed

12 Are hoists, wheel barrow and other plant or equipment used

so that manual lifting and handling of heavy objects is kept
to a minimum?
13 Can the handling of heavy blocks be avoided?

14 Whether the verification for the underground electrical cable

15 Avoid traffic movement, piling work in the vicinity

16 Are the dewatering facilities are adequate?

17 Are the barricade / fencing / displaying of dangers sign,

warning sign byway of red flag/tape/light etc.
18 Whether the provisions for ladders for deep trench?

Checked By Reviewed By

Contractor Representative C&W Representative

HSSE Guidelines Page 133 of 137



Client Logo CHECKLIST "cid:image001.png@01D17871.C7308
HSSE Guidelines Page 134 of 137

Project Name Date of Inspection

Contractor Name Location


1 Do the Workers Wear Helmet in such a way to protect their head?

Are they wearing hand gloves, Rubber gloves ( IS 4770 for electrical
2 purpose ),Leather hand gloves of required quality for the job

3 Do the workers using appropriate Footwear?

Is there any need for Safety harness (IS 3521-1965 ) use ? If so, are
4 they hooked property?

Is there any need for Ear protection? If so, are they using the device
5 external or internal type?

Are the workers wearing Safety glasses / Safety screens /Safety

goggles for the work being done? If so, are they using appropriate
6 equipment?

7 Do the Workers have respirator/ protection from inhalation hazards?

8 Are the helpers also using proper PPE or not?

Have the Workers been briefed about the Hazards associated with the
job and the emergency action to be followed whenever there is
9 requirement ?

Inspected By Reviewed By
Signature Signature

HSSE Guidelines Page 135 of 137

Safe Work Method Statement Worksheet (Job Hazard Analysis)
Project Name: Project No.
Work Activity / Task: Contractor Name:
Date:` Prepared By:
Contractor In-charge: Signature: Signature:

Item Job Step Potential Hazards Safety Control Measures Responsibility

Prepared By Vendor Reviewed & Approved By C&W Explained to Site Engineer Signature
Project Manager Name &
Safety Officer Name &

HSSE Guidelines Page 136 of 137

HSSE Guidelines Page 137 of 137

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