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IOT Asset Tracking System: Indira R, Bhavya G, Dheva Dharshini S, Devaraj R Assistant Professor, Student

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SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ( SSRG - IJCSE ) - Special Issue ICFTESH Feb 2019

International Conference on Future Technologies in Engineering, Science and Humanities


IOT Asset Tracking System

Indira R*, Bhavya G**, Dheva Dharshini S**, Devaraj R**
Assistant Professor*, Student**
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Adhiyamaan College of Engineering
Hosur (TN), India
indicse@gmail.com, dhevasundar1998@gmail.com

Abstract guardian of the asset. The transmitter and receiver

Today, the growth of technology is rapid and communicate with each other through RF signal.
provides all necessary and effective solutions for the GSM is used to alert the person who is monitoring
requirements. One of the most important areas of the asset with a message and call when the transmitter
concern is security. In this scenario, IOT Asset is unable to communicate and transmit serial data to
tracking system is developed to increase the safety of the receiver due to decrease of signal strength as it
women, children, people with mental disorder and moves far away from the receiver. Once the asset
any valuable items through the technology of Radio goes out of frequency range the location of the object
Frequency along with IOT. Radio Frequency module can be tracked using GPS. The system is also
consists of transmitter and receiver. The transmitter embedded with sound and vibration sensor to sense
is placed with the object to be tracked which sends human behavior in case of emergency.
radio waves to the receiver. If the object being IOT plays a vital role in the development of the
tracked moves out of frequency range, an alert system which allows devices to connect, interact and
message and call will be sent to specified guardians exchange data over the internet and can be remotely
through Global System for Mobile communication. controlled and monitored. There are many IOT
Further the location of the object can be tracked platforms. One such platform is ThingSpeak which is
whenever required through Global Positioning an open-source Internet of Things application to store
System. In addition, sound and vibration sensors are and retrieve data from things using the HTTP
used to sense human behavior like loud voice and protocol over the internet or through Local Area
movement of human body. If the sensor reading Network. Here, IOT ThingSpeak displays all the
exceeds threshold value, messages are sent to sensor data and location information via widget on
specified mobile numbers. The frequency range smart phone.
between transmitter and receiver and location of
1.2 Objective
assets are displayed in ThingSpeak which is an open-
source IOT platform. The Main objective of IOT Asset Tracking
System is to track the location of assets and send
Keywords: Asset Tracking, Radio Frequency (RF), quick messages via Short Message Service and call
Internet of Things (IOT), Global System for Mobile when it moves out of bound. The major goal is to
communication (GSM), Global Positioning System ensure maximum security and enable tracking by
(GPS) providing current location.

Nowadays, safety is one of the major issues
as crime is rapidly growing across the world. IOT 2.1 Child Safety and Tracking Management
Asset Tracking System is focused with the safety and System
security of women, children, people with mental The Child Safety Application was proposed by
disorder and any valuable things. This system is Aditi Gupta, Vibhor Harit to ensure maximum
going to help people to monitor and track the location security and live tracking for kids because parents’
of assets. worries are genuine. This application proposed a
model for child safety through smart phones that
1.1 Overview provides the option to track the location of the
The system uses RF technology which refers to children and the child can send SMS in case of
communicating through wireless electromagnetic emergency through GPS technology.
signal with radio frequency that ranges from 3 kHz to
300 GHz. RF modules comprises of RF transmitter 2.2 Vehicle Tracking Device
and RF receiver. The transmitter is placed within the Vehicle Tracking Device (VTD) developed by
asset to be tracked and the receiver is with the owner/ Fatin Balkis Binti Alzahri, Maziani Sabudin will give
information of location coordinate to mobile phone
ISSN: 2348 - 8387 www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 45
SSRG International Journal ofConference
International Computer Science andTechnologies
on Future Engineeringin( SSRG - IJCSE
Engineering, ) - Special
Science Issue ICFTESH Feb 2019
and Humanities

whenever there is a request for it through the SMS.

VTD is an integration of hardware and software.

2.3 Human tracking in certain indoor and outdoor

area by combining the use of RFID and GPS
Daniel Patricko, Hendry Hendry, Jonathan Adiel
Pranoto, Adi kurniawan proposed this application to
track the human position for both indoor and outdoor
using RFID tag and GPS. An RFID tag was carried
by a user and continuously read whenever he/she
accesses a room while GPS was used mainly when Fig.2. Receiver Block
the user was staying outdoors. GPS will be activated
automatically whenever the user leaves the room 3.1.1 Micro controller
3 meters away. The Nano micro controller (MEGA328-p) is the
brain of the entire system. It is breadboard friendly
2.4 RFID for personal asset tracking and can be powered via the mini-B USB connection.
The required power supply is 6V to 20V. The power
Steven Chan, Adam Connell, Eribel Madrid, source of higher voltage is automatically selected.
Dongkuk Park, Ridha Kamoua used Radio Frequency The nano micro controller accepts input from Sound
Identification (RFID) that keeps track of registered sensor, Vibration sensor, Transmitter module and
objects that are within range of the user. The goal is Receiver module. Both the transmitter block and
to provide a new security for keeping belongings that receiver block contains nano micro controller that is
are carried around like keys, wallets, passports, applicable for controlling all operations.
jewelry, watches, glasses, medicine, cell phone,
laptops, etc,. If the object was lost and not stolen, 3.1.2 Sound Sensor
RFID reader and GPS receiver gives the user Sound sensor detects the sound intensity of the
information on where the object was last detected. environment. LM393 sound detection sensor is used
to detect whether sound has exceeded a threshold
3 SYSTEM SPECIFICATION value (greater than 70dB) via microphone. The power
supply required for sound sensor is 3.3V to 5V. When
IOT Asset Tracking System has two devices, one
the sound level exceeds 70dB, an alert message is
at the transmitter side and the other at the receiver
sent to mobile phone.
side with the combination of hardware and software
components. The hardware components employed are
3.1.3 Vibration sensor
nano micro controller, battery, vibration sensor,
Vibration sensor LM393 is used to detect if there
sound sensor, LCD display, RF modules, GSM
is any vibration beyond the threshold range. The
module with inbuilt GPS technology and WIFI
required power supply is 3.3V to 5V. The average
module. The software specification is development of
frequency of vibration of human body is 62 to 68Hz.
widget on mobile phone to know strength and website
When the sensor recognizes movement or vibration
to determine the location of assets.
greater than 68Hz, it sends alert message to mobile
3.1 Hardware Specifications phone.

3.1.4 RF
RF module is a small electronic device used to
transmit and receive radio signals between two
devices wirelessly. It operates at radio frequency and
has a wide operating voltage range i.e. 3V to 12V.
The RF module comprises of transmitter module and
receiver module. Transmitter and receiver modules
are duly interfaced to two nano micro controller for
data transfer. The data is sent serially from the
transmitter through an antenna which is received by
the tuned receiver.
RF modules are used for transmitting and
receiving data because of its high volume of
application than IR. RF signals travel between
transmitter and receiver despite any obstruction. It
Fig.1. Transmitter Block operates at a specific frequency of 433MHz. when the
frequency range between transmitter module and


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SSRG International Journal of
International Computeron
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Technologies in(Engineering,
SSRG - IJCSE ) - Special
Science Issue ICFTESH Feb 2019
and Humanities

receiver module increases above 433MHz (i.e. when 3.1.10 Buzzer

transmitter moves far away from receiver), the Buzzer or beeper is a device that emits short, high
receiver is alerted with a buzzer sound and an alert pitched sound as a signal. In the proposed system,
message. buzzer is placed at the receiver side device to alert
when the asset goes out of specific range.
3.1.5 GSM
3.2 Software Specifications
GSM SIM800C (Global System for Mobile
communication) is a mobile communication modem 3.2.1 Embedded C
that digitizes and reduces the data, then send it down The Nano micro controller which is the brain of
through a channel with two different streams of client the entire system is most frequently programmed with
data, each in its own particular time slot. embedded C language. It is an extension of C
SIM800C is a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS programming language with some additional header
solution in a SMT type with a SIM card holder. It files that provides support for developing efficient
supports Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900MHz and can programs for embedded devices. Each controller has
transmit voice, SMS and data information with low specific header files which may vary from the other.
power consumption. It smoothly fit into slim and Embedded software is the soul that governs the
compact design. The major benefit of using SIM800C functioning of embedded system. These programs
is that it comes with inbuilt GPRS technology. monitor and control external devices by directly
In the proposed system, when the nano micro operating and using the internal architecture of the
controller requests the GSM to send alert message, micro controller. Features of embedded programming
the modem fitted with SIM card sends text message are code speed and code size.
and call to specified mobile numbers. Any number of
mobile numbers can be specified. After performing 3.2.2 ThingSpeak
the assigned task, GSM respond to the request of ThingSpeak is an open-source IOT platform and
nano micro controller by sending acknowledgement. API to store and retrieve data. ThingSpeak enables
developers to store the data and information like
3.1.6 GPS sensor values, location of an asset with periodic status
Global Positioning System (GPS) allows to obtain updates. The number of fields to be displayed can be
the location of asset from anywhere in the world. specified by the user. ThingSpeak widget allows
State of reception of GPS depends upon the strength creating custom visualization for each channel.
of GPS signal. In the proposed system, location In the proposed system, a channel has been
information is displayed on map at ThingSpeak created named “IOT Asset Tracking System” which
website. provides information about the asset condition
through frequency range and also locates the asset on
3.1.7 WIFI map.
The ESP8266 WIFI module is a self contained
SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that gives
micro controller access to WIFI network. It is capable
of hosting applications and has a powerful onboard IOT Asset Tracking System is implemented at two
processing and storage capability that allows it to phases, namely, Tracking phase and Monitoring
interface with sensors. In the proposed system, WIFI phase.
module provides facilities to view the frequency and
location of assets from anywhere at any time. 4.1 Tracking Phase
The transmitter kit is placed with the asset to be
3.1.8 LCD Display tracked. The central nano micro controller is
A 16*2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen is connected with LCD display, sound sensor, vibration
used which is an electronic display module. It sensor, WIFI module, GSM module and RF
displays 16 characters per line and there are 2 such transmitter. LCD screen displays the proper
lines. LCD has two registers, namely, command and functioning of device when the system is ON.
data. The command register stores the instructions Further, it also displays condition of asset. The sound
given the LCD. The data register stores the data sensor and vibration sensor continuously read the
(ASCII) to be displayed on the LCD. LCDs are sensors data. If the sensed value exceeds threshold
economical and easily programmable. value, call and alert messages indicating that the asset
is in trouble are sent to the specified mobile numbers
3.1.9 Battery through GSM.
Batteries are electrical devices that provide power The RF transmitter modules at transmitter phase
supply to the hardware components of the system. communicate with the RF receiver module at receiver
Each component of the system has a specific voltage phase continuously by transmitting radio signals. The
range. maximum threshold frequency range is 433MHz.
When the transmitter moves away from the receiver,


ISSN: 2348 - 8387 www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 47
SSRG International JournalConference
International of Computer
Future and Engineering
Technologies ( SSRG - IJCSE
in Engineering, ) - Special
Science Issue ICFTESH Feb 2019
and Humanities

the signal strength between them decreases and call

and alert messages are sent to specified mobile
numbers indicating that the asset is lost. Further, alert
message are also sent when the kit has been

4.2 Monitoring phase

The receiver kit is with the person monitoring
the asset. The central nano micro controller is
connected with LCD display, RF receiver module and
LCD screen displays an alert message stating
that the asset is lost when the distance between the
transmitter and receiver exceeds the maximum
threshold frequency range and also when the
transmitter kit is disconnected. Further, buzzer sound
is emitted to indicate an alert under such situation.


The sound sensor and vibration sensor reads the

input data continuously. When the value greater than
threshold value (70dB), alert message is sent to the
specified mobile number via GSM.

Fig.4. Alert message when vibration is detected

Widget is created using ThingSpeak which

is an open-source IOT platform. Widget displays the
frequency range between the transmitter and receiver.

Fig.3. Alert message when more noise is detected

Fig.5. ThingSpeak widget displaying object



ISSN: 2348 - 8387 www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 48
SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ( SSRG - IJCSE ) - Special Issue ICFTESH Feb 2019
International Conference on Future Technologies in Engineering, Science and Humanities

When the transmitter moves away from the children and any valuable objects. The major
receiver or when the transmitter device is advantage is the use of sensors like sound sensor and
disconnected, the buzzer at the receiver device emits vibration sensor that sense and alert. IOT Asset
sound along with the alert message on the LCD Tracking System can be used for both personal and
screen. business purpose. In future, IOT Asset Tracking
System is going to play a major role in our day to day
EEPROM can be used to store the previous
navigation position up to 256 locations by increasing
its memory. The accuracy of GPS receiver can be
increased by increasing its cost. The size of the kit
can be reduced by employing GPS and GSM in the
same module. The system can be extended to track
vehicle and with the help of high sensitivity vibration
sensors accidents can be detected and send the
location to the owner, hospital and police.

Fig.6. LCD screen displaying signal lost message
[1] Steven Chan, Adam Connell, Eribel Madrid,
Dongkuk Park, Ridha Kamoua, “RFID for
The website created at ThingSpeak displays personal asset tracking”.
the sensors values and the frequency range between [2] Fatin Balkis Binti Alzahri, Maziani Sabudin,
the transmitter and receiver along with the location of “Vehicle Tracking Device”.
the asset. [3] Aditi Gupta, Vibhor Harit, “Child Safety and
Tracking Management System”.
[4] Daniel Patricko, Hendry Hendry, Jonathan
Adiel Pranoto, Adi kurniawan, “Human
tracking in certain indoor and outdoor area by
combining the use of RFID and GPS”.
[5] Mohammad A. Al-Khedher, "Hybrid GPS-
GSM Localization of Automobile Tracking
[6] A.T. Hapsari, E.Y. Syamsudin, I. Pramana,
"Design of Automobile Position Tracking
System Using Short Message Services And Its
Implementation on FPGA"
[7] G.S. Prasanth, Ganesh, B. Balaji, T.A.
Fig.7. Creation ThingSpeak website Srinivasa Varadhan, "Anti-Theft Tracking
System for Automobiles (AutoGSM)"
[8] Patel Krishna Harshadbhai, "Design of GPS
and GSM Based Vehicle Location and
Tracking System"
[9] Prawat Chaiprapa, Supaporn Kiattisin,
Adisorn Leelasantitham, "A Real-Time GPS
Vehicle Tracking System Displayed on a
Google-Map-Based Website”
[10] Muruganandham, P.R. Mukesh, "Real Time
Web based Vehicle Tracking using GPS"
[11] Alison Brown, Jacob Griesbach, Bruce
Bockius, "GPS traking location based service
usingwrist watch GeoZigBee Sensors"
Fig.8. Display of location and frequency fields [12] Khaled Shaaban, Abdelmoula Bekkali, Elyes
Ben Hamida, Abdullah Kadri, "Smart
Tracking System for School Buses Using
6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE Passive RFID Technology to Enhance Child
The proposed IOT Asset Tracking System has Safety"
been developed to ensure safety and security of assets
like people with psychological disorder, women,


ISSN: 2348 - 8387 www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 49
SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ( SSRG - IJCSE ) - Special Issue ICFTESH Feb 2019
International Conference on Future Technologies in Engineering, Science and Humanities

[13] Maryam Said Al-Ismaili, Ali Al-Mahruqi,

Jayavrinda Vrindavanam, "Bus Safety System
for School Children Using RFID and SIM900
[14] R. Tesoriero, R. Tebar, J.A. Gallud, M.D.
Lozano, V.M.R. Penichet, "Improving
Location Awareness in Indoor Spaces using
RFID Technology"
[15] Da Zhang, Feng Xia, Zhuo Yang, Lin Yao,
Wenhong Zhao, "Localization Technologies
for Indoor Human Tracking"
[16] Geo-Fencing, available at:

ISSN: 2348 - 8387 www.internationaljournalssrg.org

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