Online Student Registration System
Online Student Registration System
Online Student Registration System
Student Online admissions are a vital part of any university’s running because students are what
keep a University alive. The Student admission is one of the most important activities within a
university as one cannot survive without students. A poor admissions system can mean fever
students being admitted into a university because of mistakes or an overly slow response time.
Online Student Registration is the software which is helpful for students as well as the
department In this project, the student is facilitated by the online system for registering students,
add subjects and fee structure Our Student Management System deals with the various activities
related to the students. `In the Software we can register as a user and user has of two types,
student and administrator. Administrator has the power to add new user and delete a user.
Through this online system we overcome many Problems, Time and Money is saved. The
purpose of this SRS document is to allow the registration of students in particular course. It is
intended to be complete specifications of what functionality the admission provides. It will also
facilitate keeping all the Online Student Registration records of students, such as their id, name,
address etc. So all the information about a student will be available in a few seconds. Overall, it
will make Student Online Registration System an easier job for the administrator and the student
of any organization.
The growing number of students seeking admission to Academic Institutes (Schools, Colleges,
Universities) is putting tremendous strain on the institutes' administrative bodies to manage
and arrange the admission process manually. It is now difficult to carry out the process
accurately and on time. As a result, online admission is unavoidable.
A manual system takes time and requires a large amount of manpower, whereas an online
admission system ensures accurate and very fast computerized information. Using the
'Online Admission System,' it is also very simple to keep a backup. The 'Online Admission
System' aims to automate the Academic Institute's admission structure, as well as its related
operations and functionality. The initiative's goal is to help the administration and candidates
for admission by providing a faster, more transparent, and simple way to keep records for
reference and further proceedings.
Without an Online Student Registration System, managing and maintaining the details of the
student is a tedious job for any organization. Student online registration system will store all the
details of the students including their background information, educational qualifications,
personal details and all the information related to their resume.
Login Module: Login module will help in authentication of user accounts. User who have valid
login id and password can only login into respective accounts.
Update/Delete Module: Suppose there are hundreds of students and from this we have to
update/search a particular student and we know the name of the student in manual system it is a
tedious task though we know the name student, but using this module we can easily
update/delete student by specifying the name of the student in the search criteria
User Management This module will help the administrator in enabling /disabling a user account
and updating user information as required.