Active Learning Strategies in Physics
Active Learning Strategies in Physics
Active Learning Strategies in Physics
Strategies in Physics
Options to incorporate more active
learning strategies into your pedagogy
Sentiments about Physics
• Were you excited about your first physics class?
• Do you think your students would learn physics if they just listened
carefully to lectures?
Table of Contents
• Why do we need active learning?
• What can we learn from Physics education research?
• What are active learning strategies?
– Interactive Demonstrations
– Ranking Tasks
– SDI & ADI Labs
– Tutorials
– Two-stage Cooperative Assessments
• Students:
– Predict the outcome of the
demonstration. Individually then pair up
and share.
– Experience the demonstration. Make
observations or analyze data to confirm
their prediction (or not).
– Reflect on the results. Consider why they
made their prediction and which way
the demonstration confirmed or
contradicted their thinking.
Give it a Shot
• Predict – will the ball hit the
monkey if it is released at the
same time the ball is fired?
Will it go too high? Too low?
– Discuss your reasoning with your
partner. Make sure you have a
reason, not just a guess.
Helpful Resources for Interactive
• SERC Pedagogic Service Project
• Tutorials in Physics
Two-Stage Cooperative Assessments
• Two stage exam where students do first part individually and
then a second stage as a group
• Second stage should be weighed less than individual part and
should be more conceptual
– Provides more immediate feedback to students
– Turns assessments into a learning opportunity
– Decreases stress levels
Give it a Shot
• Look at the problem shown to An airplane is flying 1200 m above
the right. Consider how you
could modify the problem to the ground at a speed of 200 m/s. It
elicit more discussion and be
drops a practice bomb, how far does
more conceptual.
the bomb travel horizontally?
Helpful Resources for Two-Stage
Cooperative Assessments
• Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative