Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology
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- Portfolio -
6. Behaviorism and Social Cognitive Theory.
7. Cognitive Views of Learning.
8. Constructing Understanding.
9. Complex Cognitive Processes.
- Education is raising the standards for teachers and are asking teachers to become
professionals who know and can do more.
Characteristics of Professionalism
Commitment to Learners
- In your home and family: Encourage reading as a regular part of your child's day. This
may include you reading to him or her or reading together, ...
- In your neighborhood and community: Set an example, ...
- In your school or youth program: Invite people who have achieved their dreams.
Decision Making
- Teaching as Decision Making Teachers are continually choosing strategies to help students
learn, develop, and achieve Wise decisions rely on good research decisions can influence
students’ learning, development, and long-term.
Reflective Practice
- Reflective practice is learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights
of self and practice. Reflection is a systematic reviewing process for all teachers which
allows you to make links from one experience to the next, making sure your students make
maximum progress.
- Reflective practice can help teachers become more sensitive to individual student
differences and can make them more aware of the impact of their instruction on learning.
The teacher’s ability to improve their practice through reflection depend on both their
experience and professional knowledge.
Professional Knowledge
- Knowledge of content.
- Pedagogical content knowledge.
- General pedegogical knowledge.
- Knowledge of learners and learning.
Knowledge of Content
- Knowledge about a particular content area, such as a math teacher who has content
knowledge about math. Cognition is learning, or the processes of increasing knowledge
through senses, experience, and thinking.
- Often described as the act of teaching. The pedagogy adopted by teachers shapes their
actions, judgments, and other teaching strategies by taking into consideration theories of
learning, understandings of students and their needs, and the backgrounds and interests of
individual students.
Instructional Strategies
- Are techniques teachers use to help students become independent, strategic learners. These
strategies become learning strategies when students independently select the appropriate
ones and use them effectively to accomplish tasks or meet goals.
Classroom Management
- The process by which teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behavior of
students in classroom settings. ... Establishes and sustains an orderly environment in the
classroom. Increases meaningful academic learning and facilitates social and emotional
- The concept of development, which refers to the changes that occur in human beings as we
grow from infancy to adulthood. Physical development describes changes in the size,
shape, and functioning of our bodies.
Principles of Development
- Development depends on both heredity and the environment: Maturation, genetically
controlled, age-related changes in individuals, plays an important role. High school
students are more cognitively mature than elementary or middle school students, which
helps us understand why we don't teach calculus or physics, for ex ample, to younger
students. While genetics are largely fixed, learners' experiences also influence their
development. Genetics set an upper limit on what may be achieved, but the environment
determines where individuals fall within the range.
- Development proceeds in relatively orderly and predictable patterns: We babble before
we talk, crawl before we walk, and learn concrete concepts such as mammal and car
before we learn abstract ones such as density and democracy.
- People develop at different rates: While progression from childhood to adolescence and
ultimately to adulthood is generally orderly, the rate at which we progress varies
- It helps them grow self-esteem, confidence, insight to set perspective and gradually
develops the personality. It is more of learning mainstream academics instead; it teaches
through insight and imagination. Education at this level develops cognitive psychological
- To Piaget, cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of mental processes as
a result of biological maturation and environmental experience. Children construct an
understanding of the world around them, then experience discrepancies between what they
already know and what they discover in their environment.
For exmple: children start to understand the use of basic metaphors based on very concrete ideas,
such as the saying "hard as a rock". They also begin to tailor their speech to the social situation;
for example, children will talk more maturely to adults than to same-age peers.
o Behavioral Theory.
o Nativistic Theory.
o Semantic-Cognitive Theory.
o Nativistic Theory.
o Social-Pragmatic Theory.
o Dialects.
- Vygotsky had a groundbreaking theory that language was the basis of learning. His points
included the argument that language supports other activities such as reading and writing.
In addition, he claimed that logic, reasoning, and reflective thinking were all possible as a
result of language. There are four basic aspects of language that have been studied:
phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Language development occurs in a fairly
predictable fashion. Most typically developing children acquire the skills in each of the
four areas by the end of their ninth year of life.
- The role of the teacher is one of a mediator for the child's cognitive development. In
Vygotsky's theory of constructivism, learning, instruction and development are the only
positive forms of instruction. The most important application of Vygotsky's theory to
education is in his concept of a zone of proximal development. This concept is important
because teachers can use it as a guide to a child's development. Through play, and
imagination a child's conceptual abilities are stretched.
- Teachers are the main emotional leaders of their students, and the foundation for
promoting emotional balance within their groups is their ability to recognize, understand,
and manage their emotions. ... Teachers reported improvements in student behavior, in the
relationships between them and in the classroom environment.
The Main Areas of Focus for Personal, Social, and Emotional Development
- Personal, social and emotional development includes three aspects of children's learning
and development:
o Making relationships.
o Managing feelings and behavior.
o Self-confidence and self-awareness.
- Students have different levels of motivation, attitudes, and responses to specific classroom
environments and instructional practices. The more thoroughly educators understand
these difference among the students that they are teaching, the better the chance students
have in learning what is being taught. Some of the most prominent are academic ability
(or intelligence), achievement level, gender, learning style, and ethnicity and culture. In
general, there are three different approaches for dealing with individual differences
among students.
o Differentiate instruction.
o Capitalize on learning styles.
o Incorporate multiple intelligences into curriculum.
o Capitalize on student interests.
o Involve students in educational goals.
o Use computerized instruction.
o Group students effectively.
o Consider outside placement options.
- Individual differences must be kept in mind by the teacher if the needs of the individual
pupil are to be met. It should be remembered that physical and emotional differences must
be met, as well as intellectual differences.
- Causes may include but are not limited to: open or closed head injuries, cerebrovascular
accidents (e.g., stroke, aneurysm), infections, kidney or heart failure, electric shock,
anoxia, tumors, metabolic disorders, toxic substances, or medical or surgical treatments.
Classical Conditioning
- Teachers are able to apply classical conditioning in the class by creating a positive
classroom environment to help students overcome anxiety or fear. Pairing an anxiety-
provoking situation, such as performing in front of a group, with pleasant surroundings
helps the student learn new associations.
- In the area of classroom learning, classical conditioning primarily influences emotional
behavior. Things that make us happy, sad, angry, etc. become associated with neutral
stimuli that gain our attention.
- Classical conditioning is a type of learning that happens unconsciously. When you learn
through classical conditioning, an automatic conditioned response is paired with a specific
stimulus. This creates a behavior. ... We're all exposed to classical conditioning in one
way or another throughout our lives.
- Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) describes the influence of individual experiences, the
actions of others, and environmental factors on individual health behaviors. ...
Observational learning: Watching and observing outcomes of others performing or
modeling the desired behavior.
o They agree that experience is an important cause of learning (as do other cognitive
descriptions, e.g., those found in Piaget's and Vygotsky's work).
o They include the concepts of reinforcement and punishment in their explanations of
o They agree that feedback is important in promoting learning.
- Social cognitive theory has a wide range of classroom applications. The following guidelines
can help you apply the theory with your students:
2. Place students in modeling roles, and use cognitive modeling to share their strategies.
- Cognitive modeling involves verbalizing your thinking as you demonstrate skills. Use
cognitive modeling in your instruction, and act as a role model for your students.
- Effective modeling requires attending to a behavior, retaining it in memory, and then
reproducing it. To capitalize on these processes, provide group practice by walking
students through examples before having them practice on their own.
- When learners observe a classmate being reinforced, they are vicariously reinforced. Use
vicarious reinforcement to improve behavior and increase learning.
- Self-regulation is the process of students taking responsibility for their own learning.
Teach self-regulation by systematically working on its components.
o It cannot explain why learners attend to some modeled behaviors but not others.
o It can't explain why learners can reproduce some behaviors they observe but can't
reproduce others.
o It doesn't account for the acquisition of complex abilities, such as learning to write
(beyond mere mechanics).
o It cannot explain the role of context and social interaction in complex learning
environments. The processes involved in these set tings extend beyond simple modeling
and imitation.
I wasted 321 hours/ month for sufing on Facebook and I think myself could improve it
successfully more in the nearest future.
- Allow the student to connect their generated abstractions to the actual built environment
through critical acts of making.
- In an age of increasing focus on digital technologies and virtual architecture, these
developing students also need to be introduced first hand to the physical consequences of
the lines they draw on paper. By introducing acts of making into the curriculum alongside
their digital counterparts, students are given the capacity to achieve a deeper
understanding of their projects and of the architecture they will come to design in the
- Allows the developing architecture student to begin to cultivate understanding between
the sketch, the drawing, and construction throughout the design process.
- Encourages these students to have a more intimate relationship with the materials of
design and construction both from a technical view of construction and a poetic
understanding of architecture as an assembly.
- provide a tangible basis of knowledge that has the potential to inject the unseasoned
architecture student with a valuable, but often forgotten, connection to materiality and the
sensory potential of our built world.
- Perception taps into old stored information and new information to enable the brain to
process, make sense of, respond to and perceive different situations. Perception involves
touch, smell, sight and hearing to optimally function. All of this information is then
transformed into outputs such as conversation, flavor detection and new ideas.
- After learners attend to and perceive information, and organize it in working memory, it is
ready for encoding, which is the process of representing information in long-term
memory. This information can be represented either visually, such as Juan’s forming an
image of Pluto with a different orbital plane, or verbally, when students construct schemas
that relate ideas to each other.
- Maintenance rehearsal, which is the process we use to re train information in working
memory until it is used or forgotten. However, this is the strategy learners often use to
remember factual information, such as specific dates and math facts. Teachers commonly
use rehearsal, such as practicing with flash cards, to help their students learn math facts.
- Assess students’ prior knowledge and perceptions by asking them what they already know
about a topic.
- Supplement students’ prior experiences with rich examples.
- Use students’ experiences to augment the backgrounds of those lacking the experiences.
X. Theories of Motivation
- Each of the major theoretical approaches in behavioral learning theory posits a primary
factor in motivation. Classical conditioning states that biological responses to associated
stimuli energize and direct behavior. Operant learning states the primary factor is
consequences: the application of reinforcers provides incentives to increase behavior; the
application of punishers provides disincentives that result in a decrease in behavior.
- In term of the cognitive approaches, notice the relationship between William James'
formula for self-esteem (Self-esteem = Success / Pretensions) and the attribution and
expectancy theories of motivation. If a person has an external attribution of success, self-
concept is not likely to change as a result of success or failure because the person will
attribute it to external factors. Likewise, if the person has an Internal/Ability explanation,
his or her self-concept will be tied to learning to do a new activity quickly and easily (I do
well because I am naturally good at it). If failure or difficulty occurs, the person must
quickly lower expectations in order to maintain self-esteem. However, if the person has a
Internal/Effort explanation and high expectations for success, the person will persevere
(i.e., stay motivated) in spite of temporary setbacks because one's self-esteem is not tied
to immediate success.
- On the other hand, cognitive dissonance theory suggests that individuals will seek balance
or dynamic homeostasis in one's life and will resist influences or expectations to change.
How, then, does change or growth occur. One source, according to Piaget, is biological
development. As human beings mature cognitively, thinking processes and organizations
of knowledge (e.g., schemas, paradigms, explanations) are reworked to more accurately
reflect one's understanding of the world. One of those organizations involves
explanations or attributions of success or failure. After puberty, when biological change
slows down considerably, it is very difficult to change these attributions. It requires a
long-term program where constant feedback is provided about how one's behavior is
responsible for one's success.
- A motivated teacher has a different outlook that one who is simply 'going through the
motions'. Motivation is what energies, directs and sustains positive behavior in the
classroom. It means creating challenging goals alongside activities and tasks that help a
student or class reach these dizzying heights.
o Ensure Fear Free Classroom.
o Encourage Their Thoughts And Choices.
o Clarify The Objective.
o Improve The Classroom Environment.
o Be a Great Listener.
o Share Their Experience.
o Positive Competition.
o Know Your Student Well.
Extrinsic Motivation
- Refers to the behavior of individuals to perform tasks and learn new skills because of
external rewards or avoidance of punishment.
Intrinsic Motivation
- Refers to the act of doing something that does not have any obvious external rewards.
You do it because it’s enjoyable and is performing an activity for its own sake rather than
the desire for some external reward or out of some external pressure. Essentially, the
behavior itself is its own reward.
For example: - Investing money because you want to become financially independent.
- Productive Learning Environment – a classroom that is safe and orderly and focused on
o Central to effective classroom management
o Students are well behaved, emotional climate – relaxed & inviting
o Learning – Highest priority
- Classroom management – all the actions teachers take to create an environment that
supports academic & social-emotional learning.
o Important – suggest that schools & teachers are in charge & know what they’re doing.
Contributes to learning and development
Students – more motivated to learn
o Learn more – well managed
o Emphasize – respect & responsibility
o Avoid – criticizing
Classroom Management
- Communicating Caring
- Teaching Effectively
- Organizing Your Classroom
- Preventing Problems through Planning
Assessment as Learning.
o Formative assessments
o Summative assessments
o Ipsative assessments
o Norm-referenced assessments
o Criterion-referenced assessments
- The main purpose of standardized tests in schools is to give educators an objective,
unbiased perspective of how effective their instruction is. Standardized testing helps
identify the natural aptitudes of individual students. Identifying skill development and
progress is made possible by the use of standardized tests.
- Proponents argue that standardized tests offer an objective measurement of education and
a good metric to gauge areas for improvement, as well as offer meaningful data to help
students in marginalized groups, and that the scores are good indicators of college and job
- Standardized tests don't show intelligence. The only thing they show is how well a student
can memorize or cram information in which they all probably forgot as fast as they
learned it.
- In addition to comparing students against one another or identifying problematic schools
or districts, standardized tests can also illustrate student progress over time. Taking the
same or similar tests over the years can allow students to indicate measurable
- Standardized testing is not an effective way to test the skills and abilities of today's
students. Standardized tests do not reveal what a student actually understands and learns,
but instead only prove how well a student can do on a generic test.
- The toxic environment of standardized testing is causing teachers to consider leaving the
profession because of the increase in pressure, wasted time, and negative impact on the
classroom. Standardized testing has eroded student learning time, while doing nothing to
shed light on the achievement gaps between schools.